Russia, Ukraine, and the Impact on the World's Food Supply | GLG (2024)

The conflict raging between Russia and Ukraine has helped drive grain and food-oil prices to historic highs. More price increases are on the horizon if the war continues, especially when it comes to wheat, oilseeds, and corn. But it’s not all about Ukraine.

The outlook for grain and food oil was already challenging. Since the invasion, prices have increased sharply. How much higher they go depends much, but not completely, on what happens over the next few weeks in Ukraine. A quick resolution could help solve at least some of the price increase issues.

So far problems related to Russia’s aggression haven’t affected balance sheets. No one is yet talking about food shortages. But a long-term war could lead to deficits in a few food categories, which would push prices incredibly high.

Grain and Food Oil

To say Russia and Ukraine are critical to the world’s food supply chain is an understatement. Together they export about 30% of the world’s wheat, 60% of the world’s sunflower oil (the third-most-traded seed oil behind palm and soy), and about 20% of the world’s corn. Concerns about these countries’ ability to fulfill demand come at a time when inflation, poor weather forecasts, and soaring energy prices have already raised the stakes for agriculture markets.

The worst of the trouble is still a few months away, and the wheat market is not yet at the panic point, at least not on wheat futures. If the conflict in Ukraine lingers into June or July, that’s when all these markets could see significant price hikes because the effects of the war would start to impact 2022 crop planning.

Before the conflict, wheat was trading at roughly $8. Now it’s nearing $11 on the KC contract. Yes, these markets are unbelievable, but expect to add another 20% if these issues are not resolved within the next two months. That’s because right now the market is in something of a lull on wheat with Russia and Ukraine coming to the end of an export period for 2021’s old crop. This year’s crop is already in the ground, which alleviates some short-term concern but not all of it because of issues that still threaten wheat’s reproductive cycle.

Corn, which already has serious yield concerns because of dry weather in the U.S. and South America, was trading at about $6.50 per bushel before things got really excited. It’s moving closer to $7.40 right now. If the conflict continues and this becomes a three-month story, expect prices to go to $8.40 or $8.60.

Soybean oil prices moved from roughly 65 cents to about 77 cents per pound after the conflict started. If the conflict lingers, that could push up to about 86 cents. Palm oil is already in short supply, and there are even concerns that some of our competitors are limiting palm oil exports. It could easily move up to $6,900 a ton.

To get a sense of why the prices are set to go up, it’s important to know about the life cycle of a plant, like corn or wheat. Planting phase requires a lot of prep work: crop planning, trips to a local dealer for supplies, parts for machines, budgeting, etc. Once the seeds are in the ground, they germinate, sprout, grow, and reproduce by flowering and fruiting. The plants require water throughout their life cycle, and fertilizer is critical for the reproductive phases.

Fertilizer Shortages

Since last fall, Russia and China have been restricting fertilizer exports, and now supply is short and prices are high. That’s put stress on planning for crop acreage, as well as yield estimates for what’s already growing. The amount of fertilizer and its effect on yield are especially tricky to predict. Predicting how much rain a crop will need is more of an exact science. Farmers have thrown away fertilizer overage in the past.

It’s still unclear if the Russian production decline will be exaggerated by the war. Ukraine’s production may also be impacted, which makes the fertilizer predicament not just about pricing but also availability.

Brazil, specifically, has a large corn crop that goes into reproductive phase mid-March through April, and there is a concern about getting them a last fertilizer push just before reduction.

United States corn and soybeans enter their reproductive phase in July into early August, and those crops will need fertilizer too. Farmers may be hesitating to make plans to ramp up planting now because the fertilizer market is going to be so difficult.

In order to blunt the impact, fertilizer production numbers must rebound in the next month to month and a half, not just for Northern Hemisphere corn and soybean plantings but also for the Southern Hemisphere. In Argentina and Brazil, both of which already planted their soybeans, the crops have gone past reproductive phase. The damage is done.

When it comes to winter wheat that’s in the ground in Russia and Ukraine — which is the same in the U.S. — there’s probably about two to three weeks to fix on the fertilizer side.

If not, the trade might be happy about keeping a premium in grain prices until they see yield developments later on this year.

About Rich Nelson

Rich Nelson is Chief Strategist for Allendale Inc., a nationwide research and brokerage firm that specializes in agricultural markets. He is a regular guest with Fox Business News, This Week in Agribusiness, U.S. Farm Report, and AgDay. He is heard on up to six separate nationwide farm radio networks and is interviewed by the main newswires daily.

This agriculture industry is adapted from the January 20, 2022, GLG teleconference “Grain Pricing Outlook, Russia & Ukraine Impact.” If you would like access to similar events or would like to speak with Rich Nelson or any of our approximately 1 million experts, please contact us.

Russia, Ukraine, and the Impact on the World's Food Supply | GLG (2024)


How does war in Ukraine affect food supply in the world? ›

The global food supply is in a "tight market" in the coming year, especially as the war continues, Glauber said. Plantings in Ukraine are down 35% to 40%, meaning that one of the major exporters in the world is going to produce far less again this year, he said.

How has Russia's invasion of Ukraine contributed to a global food crisis? ›

A leading exporter of grain, Ukraine has seen a dramatic drop in its exports, resulting in major food security concerns for millions of people around the world. Following the actions of the EU and the UN, exports have been growing and food prices have dropped.

How does the Russian Ukraine war affect the food industry? ›

Since the beginning of the war, wheat and maize prices have risen by 35%, while overall food prices have increased by 5% globally [20]. On average, in April 2022, the FFPI fell by 1.2 points (0.8%) from its all-time high in March 2022 but was still 29.8% higher than its value in April 2021.

Why is Ukraine important to the world's food supply? ›

Much of the world's wheat, corn and barley remains in Ukraine and Russia. An even larger portion of the global fertilizer supply—especially crucial for agriculture in soil-depleted countries—remains in Russia and Belarus.

Is the Ukraine war creating a food crisis? ›

Global food prices broke a record last year

The Food Price Index from the United Nations rose above its previous high in 2011 as Russia's war in Ukraine, the pandemic and extreme weather pushed up the price of agricultural products.

Is there a food shortage coming? ›

Food inflation: Cost of groceries rising at a slower rate

It was a bad year for food shortages in 2022, with categories including eggs and baby formula hit hard. Unfortunately, 2023 could see its own batches of food shortages.

How does war cause food shortages? ›

Warring parties may plunder an enemy's food supply, deliberately destroying farms, livestock, and other civilian infrastructure. Conflict can cause food shortages and the severe disruption of economic activities, threatening the means of survival of entire populations.

How does the Russian Ukraine war affect the world economy? ›

The war – while not being the key factor explaining the slower-than-anticipated economic growth in 2022 and downgraded forecasts for 2023 – weighed negatively on global economic activity, adding to inflationary pressures worldwide and impeding the post-pandemic recovery.

What is the Russia Ukraine war and its impact on supply chain? ›

This supply shortage has resulted in significant price increases. For example, in the first six months after the start of the conflict, natural gas prices rose by 120-130% and coal prices rose by 95-97%.

What impact did the Russia Ukraine war have on poverty and hunger? ›

The combined effects of the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine are expected to lead to a net increase of 75 to 95 million people in extreme poverty by the end of 2022, compared to pre-pandemic projections.

What impact did the Russian invasion of Ukraine have on agriculture? ›

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has sharply disrupted trade flows out of the Black Sea, as exports out of Ukraine ports were blocked, forcing traders in grains and other agricultural products to seek alternative (and more costly) export routes.

What food does the US import from Ukraine? ›

U.S. total imports of agricultural products from Ukraine totaled $143 million in 2019. Leading categories include: fruit & vegetable juices ($48 million), other vegetable oils ($31 million), snack foods ($12 million), other dairy products ($2 million), and processed fruit & vegetables ($918 thousand).

How does the Ukraine war affect global hunger? ›

The fallout of the war has been widespread and devastating — feeding a hike in global prices, deepening hunger in countries as far flung as Lebanon, Sudan and Venezuela, and pushing the most precarious, like Somalia and Yemen — grappling with conflicts of their own — one step closer to a hunger catastrophe.

What percentage of our food comes from Ukraine? ›

According to the European Commission, Ukraine accounts for 10% of the world wheat market, 15% of the corn market, and 13% of the barley market. With more than 50% of world trade, it is also the main player on the sunflower oil market.

What food will be short because of Ukraine? ›

Bread, pasta and cereals

Wheat is the key component of these everyday foods. Almost a third of the world's wheat is supplied by Russia and Ukraine, known as Europe's breadbasket. Ports are closed and infrastructure is in chaos, meaning different sources of this vital crop need to be found.

Who is the worlds largest exporter of food? ›

The U.S. is the world's top food exporter thanks to high crop yields and extensive agricultural infrastructure. Brazil is the world's fourth-largest food producer and second-largest importer; it is heavily dependent on imports by China.

Does Ukraine supply the world with food? ›

Ukraine and Russia both play a major role in global food markets. They are net exporters of several of the leading cereal crops: wheat, maize (corn), and barley.

What food will be short in 2023? ›

5 Produce Shortages That May Happen In 2023
  • Corn. The war in Ukraine has had widespread impacts on everything from oil to fertilizers. ...
  • Lettuce. The last year hasn't been kind to many crops, but lettuce has had it particularly bad. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower. ...
  • Tomatoes.
May 4, 2023

Should we be stocking up on food? ›

Every American should have at least a three-day supply of food and water stored in their home, with at least one gallon of water per person per day. If you have the space, experts recommend a week's supply of food and water. Choose foods that don't require refrigeration and are not high in salt.

What food to stockpile for 2023? ›

These food items are packed with protein and will keep for a long period of time.
  • Peanut Butter.
  • Canned Tuna.
  • Canned Meats.
  • Beef Jerky.
  • Beans.

What are three major reasons for food shortages worldwide? ›

Conflict, economic shocks, climate extremes and soaring fertilizer prices are combining to create a food crisis of unprecedented proportions. As many as 828 million people are unsure of where their next meal is coming from.

What are three reasons we have food shortages? ›

Some of the causes of food insecurity include:
  • Poverty, unemployment, or low income.
  • Lack of affordable housing.
  • Chronic health conditions or lack of access to healthcare.
  • Systemic racism and racial discrimination.

Is Ukraine important to the world? ›

Ukraine has long played an important, yet sometimes overlooked, role in the global security order. Today, the country is on the front lines of a renewed great-power rivalry that many analysts say will dominate international relations in the decades ahead. Ukraine's Counteroffensive: Will It Retake Crimea?

What are the economic benefits of Russia invading Ukraine? ›

In April 2022, Russia supplied 45% of EU's gas imports, earning $900 million a day. In the first two months after Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia earned $66.5 billion from fossil fuel exports, and the EU accounted for 71% of that trade.

How does war affect the economy negatively? ›

War and inflation

In many circ*mstances, war can lead to inflation – which leads to loss of people's savings, rise in uncertainty and loss of confidence in the financial system.

What are the supply issues due to Ukraine conflict? ›

Among the issues identified were the disruption of key supplies, supplier failures, low inventories, the use of single or sole source suppliers, the global shortage of commodities and raw material, the transportation problems at docks and depots and of course, labor shortages.

What commodity does Russia and Ukraine export? ›

Together, the two countries accounted for about 25% of global exports of wheat and barley, about 15% of maize, and nearly 60% of sunflower seed oil in 2020. TABLE 1. Ukraine and Russia export values of grain and crop products in 2020. Source: United Nations Statistics Division (2022).

What is the impact of the war on the Ukrainian economy? ›

The war has impacted Ukraine's exports. Monthly exports fell from USD6 billion in January 2022 to USD2. 7 billion in March 2022. The impact of the grain deal and other land export routes has seen them grow to USD3.

What famine was caused by the Russia Ukraine war? ›

While scholars universally agree that the cause of the famine was man-made, whether the Holodomor constitutes a genocide remains in dispute. Some historians conclude that the famine was planned and exacerbated by Joseph Stalin in order to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement.

What is the impact of the Russia Ukraine war on wheat? ›

From analysis of potential impacts of the conflict on global wheat market under the general equilibrium trade model, we have found that the conflict would lead to a trade drop (60%), soaring wheat prices (50%), and severe food insecurity with decreased purchasing power for wheat (above 30%) in the most severe scenario, ...

How did the Russian war affect agriculture? ›

The war led to reduced access to ports, especially at the Sea of Azov, and an increase in export restrictions for key agricultural products, including cereals and sugar, and for certain nitrogen fertilisers.

Why is the Ukraine important to farming? ›

Ukraine is normally the world's top producer of sunflower meal, oil, and seed and the world's top exporter of sunflower meal and oil. Sunflowers are sown in April and May, with harvest typically beginning in September.

Where does the US get most of its wheat? ›

The primary origin for US Wheat imports is Canada, representing ~ 81% of all US Wheat imports since 18, with 802 kmt.

What food does the US import from Russia? ›

U.S. total imports of agricultural products from Russia totaled $69 million in 2019. Leading categories include: snack foods ($8 million), tree nuts ($6 million), other vegetable oils ($3 million), essential oils ($3 million), and other dairy products ($2 million).

What is Ukraine biggest export to us? ›

The top goods of Ukrainian exports to the USA in 2021 were: ferrous metals (56.2%) and articles (8.7%); ore, slag and ash (4.6%); fats and oils of animal origin (3.8%); electrical machinery (3.7%).

Will Ukraine's growing fuel crisis cause global hunger and worsen inflation? ›

If Ukraine's farmers miss this planting season, too, already sky high prices for food will rise enough globally to trigger hunger in vulnerable populations all over the world and even more than the 8% inflation U.S. consumers are already facing.

How much of our food do we get from Russia? ›

To say Russia and Ukraine are critical to the world's food supply chain is an understatement. Together they export about 30% of the world's wheat, 60% of the world's sunflower oil (the third-most-traded seed oil behind palm and soy), and about 20% of the world's corn.

Does US buy wheat from Ukraine? ›

The United States is stepping up to buy about 150,000 metric tons of grain from Ukraine in the next few weeks for an upcoming shipment of food aid from ports no longer blockaded by war, the World Food Program chief has told The Associated Press.

How much of world's food supply comes from Russia? ›

That's why trade plays an important role to balance global supply and demand. In the 2020/21 season, Russia provided 52.32 million tons (7.8 percent) and Ukraine 69.82 million tons (11.3 percent) of cereals to the world.

How much of the world's food supply comes from Ukraine? ›

Ukraine is one of the world's major grain producers. The country mainly grows and exports wheat, corn and barley. According to the European Commission, Ukraine accounts for 10% of the world wheat market, 15% of the corn market, and 13% of the barley market.

How does war affect the food supply? ›

Warring parties may plunder an enemy's food supply, deliberately destroying farms, livestock, and other civilian infrastructure. Conflict can cause food shortages and the severe disruption of economic activities, threatening the means of survival of entire populations.

How does the Ukraine war affect agriculture? ›

The war has also substantially limited the ability of Ukrainian farmers to grow and ship their crops. The same source estimates the war has imposed an additional $36.2 billion in indirect costs to agriculture, mainly in the form of foregone production and higher logistics costs for continuing agricultural exports.

Does the US get food from Ukraine? ›

U.S. total imports of agricultural products from Ukraine totaled $143 million in 2019. Leading categories include: fruit & vegetable juices ($48 million), other vegetable oils ($31 million), snack foods ($12 million), other dairy products ($2 million), and processed fruit & vegetables ($918 thousand).

What food products do we get from Ukraine? ›

Ukraine is normally the world's top producer of sunflower meal, oil, and seed and the world's top exporter of sunflower meal and oil.

What food does Ukraine export? ›

Ukraine is a major exporter of sunflower, maize, wheat and barley.

What food is affected by the Ukraine war? ›

Actually wheat is the primary commodity affected by the war. Russia is the world's largest exporter of wheat, accounting for about 18%, nearly 20% of global exports in 2021. And Ukraine accounts for another 10%.

Did World War 2 cause food shortages? ›

Even though thousands of items became scarce during the war, only those most critical to the war effort were rationed. Key goods such as sugar, tires, gasoline, meat, coffee, butter, canned goods and shoes came under rationing regulations. Some important items escaped rationing, including fresh fruit and vegetables.

Is Ukraine still exporting food? ›

What has been exported so far? As of May 2023, over 30 million tonnes of grain and other foodstuffs have been exported via the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

How does the Russian and Ukraine war affect agriculture? ›

Export of grains and oilseeds from Ukraine since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, by mode of transportation. Due to these problems, export costs surged from the pre-war $30-$40 per ton to $150-$200 per ton, and thus severely depressed domestic grain prices (Figure 2).

Will the war in Ukraine affect wheat production? ›

Satellite observations have showed signs of wheat production reduction in Ukraine in the season 2021–2022. Considering the uncertainty of the conflict duration, we have designed three scenarios (i.e., slight, medium, and severe) depending on how the war would significantly impact the wheat harvest and trade disruption.

What agriculture product comes from Ukraine? ›

Ukraine's food processing industry comprises over 40 different sectors. However, the majority of agricultural exports, with the exception of vegetable oils, are raw goods such as corn, wheat, rapeseeds, and soybeans.

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