Rocket Mortgage ‘Aggressive Telemarketing Campaign’ Leads to Class Action Lawsuit (2024)

Lauren Silva|&nbspJanuary 6, 2022

Category: Legal News
Rocket Mortgage ‘Aggressive Telemarketing Campaign’ Leads to Class Action Lawsuit (2)

Rocket Mortgage Telemarketing Class Action Lawsuit Overview:

  • Why: The mortgage company allegedly won’t stop calling and texting the plaintiff even though he is on the National Do Not Call Registry and has asked the company to stop.
  • Who: A Texas resident sued Rocket Mortgage.
  • Where: The class action lawsuit was filed in Michigan federal court.

A Texas resident filed a class action lawsuit against Rocket Mortgage for failing to cease its marketing calls and texts to his cell phone after repeated requests to stop.

Plaintiff Dustin Shirley began receiving calls and text messages from the mortgage lender with marketing promotions. However, Shirley says his phone number has been registered with the National Do Not Call Registry since 2013, which should have prevented these communications. Even after Shirley responded “stop” to Rocket Mortgage’s texts and further requested that the company cease their calls and texts, the communications kept coming through.

Shirley seeks to represent a nationwide “Do Not Call Registry” class which includes all persons whose telephone numbers have been listed on the National Do Not Call Registry for at least 30 days and received promotional marketing calls or text messages by or on behalf of Rocket Mortgage more than once within any 12-month period within the past four years. Further, Rocket Mortgage must not have obtained prior express written consent to call class members or class members previously advised Rocket Mortgage to “STOP” contacting them.

Rocket Mortgage Allegedly Defies National Do Not Call Registry

By placing a phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry, consumers indicate that they do not want to receive telephone solicitations to that number. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and other regulations prohibit calling subscribers of the registry. This registration “must be honored indefinitely or until the registration is canceled by the consumer or the telephone number is removed by the database administrator,” according to court documents.

The class action complaint claims that Rocket Mortgage “operates an aggressive telemarketing campaign” in order to “make more mortgage loans.” As part of this campaign, the company repeatedly sends text messages and places calls to phone numbers that are on the National Do Not Call Registry. Therefore, the class action lawsuit brings claims of TCPA violations against Rocket Mortgage.

The complaint claims that Shirley was damaged by the repeated text messages and calls, which used his residential cellular data, phone storage and battery life. Further, his privacy was invaded and his time and attention was forced away from his work and other activities.

Shirley seeks the prohibition of Rocket Mortgage from violating the TCPA in the future, statutory damages of $500 for each and every call in violation of the TCPA, treble damages of up to $1,500 for each and every call in violation of the TCPA and attorneys’ costs.

Have you received calls from Rocket Mortgage or other companies despite being on the National Do Not Call Registry? Share your experience in the comments section below!

The plaintiff is represented by Sergei Lemberg of Lemberg Law, L.L.C.

The Rocket Mortgage Telemarketing Class Action Lawsuit is Shirley v. Rocket Mortgage, LLC, Case No. 2:21-cv-13007-SFC-KGA, in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.

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  1. Pat says:

    Told them two months ago to stop calling and put me on their do not call list. I am on the national registry as well. 25 calls in the last seven days. I block and report them as spam, and they keep calling.


  2. Jeannie Wolverton says:

    Rocket Mortgage calls multiple times a day, despite being told not to call and remove number from list, We have never given them our information and we dont need a mortgage.


  3. John says:

    I received over 12 calls from them in 3 days. I even block thier number but still popson my saying they called. I have no mortgage with them and not even looking for a house. This needs to stop.


  4. AquaMamaX says:

    They call my husband multiple times a day. Blocked as spam so they’ll use another, and another, and another. It’s RIDICULOUS! Let’s pick this lawsuit mach l back up and broaden it and let us join in!


  5. Kelsey Reich says:

    I am also receiving 3-10 calls a day. I’ve told them numerous times that they cannot match my existing interest rate that I received just before the market took a turn, and they’re positively relentless. I had to install a paid call blocker app just to prevent them from ringing through my phone and interrupting me throughout my work day. Please count me in on this law suit, this company needs to be held accountable.


  6. James Hartman says:

    I’m dealing with the same nonsense here. It started last week, and every weekday I receive 1-3 calls claiming I won a review of my current mortgage. I finally answered yesterday and kindly told the representative I am not interested. Later that afternoon, I received a voicemail AND an email. I unsubscribed and opted out. Just minutes ago, they called again.


  7. Philip Yorio says:

    This is crazy!!! They don’t stop calling it’s borderline harassment at this point I blocked the number. I did listen to their pitch just to hear out it works. It’s been daily more than 2 times a day for over a week now.


  8. Michaael says:

    This is EXACTLY what is happening to me.
    Count me in the class action suit.


  9. Marie says:

    Non stop driving me insane. I block them I say stop t messages. But they won’t stop if you block them they continue to call on another number. I messaged them told them to stop. I got a call and it was them again. I talked to someone today. They said I’ve been opted out. I said really because I have hundreds of calls with your company s name calling me Non stop n also messaging me still Non stop from different numbers. And I I block u guys keep calling with different numbers. I won’t even pick up my phone because it’s them. My voice-mail is full of them.. This is not right. Billing on a whole different level.


  10. Mary says:

    Calling me sometimes 5-10 times a day but EVERY day for the last 2 to 2 1/2 months. I’ve asked them to stop. I’m on the “Do not call” registry for many years. I blocked the calls and they started calling with other numbers. Total harrassment to me and my family. I want them to STOP. We are not even looking for a mortgage and we did not contact them but they got our phone number when I inquired online about something else.


  11. Michael Kamin says:

    I’ve been receiving non-stopped, aggressive calls from this company, despite blocking them and tell them to stop calling me. They lie and relentlessly call, hoping to catch people when they’re looking for a loan and waiting for a response. It’s clearly predatory behavior and illegal given the clear requests to cease and desist, and they’ve even become aggressive on the phone when I requested they stop.


  12. Paul G says:

    They have called my cell phone 25 times in the last 4 days, starting 10/27/22 (including 14 times during the weekend)! They’ve woken up my family members, disturbed me at church and caused tremendous aggravation for my family. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve considered refinancing my mortgage. I certainly never reached out to them and asked for anything. Please, tell everyone you know to never use Rocket Mortgage. I’ve been on the registry since 2012.


  13. Joseph huber says:

    Called me 9 times a day and had to get RoboKiller to block the numbers since I told them that what they are doing is illegal and to stop calling me put me on do not call list I even seen they ran a soft inquiry on my credit without permission.


  14. Michelle says:

    None stop calls and they never leave a message


  15. Dustin Overbey says:

    Rocket Mortgage calls me 4 to 6 times per hour, at this point is just harassment, a good lawyer could get me more money from a lawsuit than I would get from a loan.


  16. Kristin Whitaker says:

    Yep me too! They call me many times a day starting early until late. I’m blocking now and hoping that works.


    1. Jmac says:

      Yep Me three…Even though I’ve blocked them, they still keep call once or twice a day 36 times since Oct 6.
      Now they have changed their number so I keep blocking.


  17. Jimmy Roberts says:

    They call me daily multiple times a day. Even waking me up in the mornings. I block their number on my cell phone. But somehow they have found my 3CX work number and I’m not able to block their numbers on my work phone. So I’m still getting calls incessantly. It’s driving me nuts. I tell them to stop calling. But it’s a different person who calls each time. They claim I requested to be contacted, although I did no such thing.


  18. Tammy d says:

    They have been calling me 4 to 5 times daily for WEEKS after telling them repeatedly I am not interested. The sneaky thing they do block their number and they call from a number one digit different, then you block that number and the same thing happens again! Its despicable and even if I had a need in the future I would NEVER USE THEM AND WILL TELL EVERYONE I KNOW. This is harrassment.


    1. Caroline says:

      I signed up to see what I could be offered and was declined. I logged off one hrs latter texted started, so I block them, they used a northern new number to start again this time text and calls, I ask them to stop, I had to hunt down a opt out site, even tho I never opted in , the site claims I have to wait 24hrs, what? I would like to join in!


  19. George says:

    I’ve been on the Do Not Call Registry for 15 years. I’ve suddenly begun getting up to 5 calls per day from Rocket Mortgage. An agent sometimes leaves a message, calling me by name, requesting a return call about refinancing opportunities (marketing). I’ve never contacted this company nor ever had any dealings with them. Not sure what list they bought my name and number from.

    I would like to join the class action lawsuit, please, if possible.


  20. Dawn says:

    Like others I made the mistake of filling out a form on the website because I wanted to research a specific loan product I had read about elsewhere. What a MISTAKE! They will NOT stop calling!!! Obviously they’ve given my information to loads of lenders so it is impossible to report all of the numbers.


    1. Deidre Guarnotta says:

      Same thing happened to me! It’s still happening! I thought it was a joke! Why would anyone work with them after so many harassing calls?


  21. Dennis Cook says:

    I never answer calls from Rocket Mortgage. I add their number to my call block list.


  22. Kristy J says:

    I have tried to block my phone number, repeatedly asking to be removed from their list, and even told them that they are harassing me to no avail.
    I NEVER applied for a mortgage or refinance as I do not own a home yet they call and text me several times a day, every day for the last month +, and my husband (who is the home owner) as well. They show utter disregard to the DNC list and are aggressive and rude.


  23. Fred Price says:

    Rocket has been pestering me for the past year or so. We are now up to 2-3 times a week on my phone, and then my wife’s when I hang up or don’t answer.

    I would love to join the suit. Both our phones have been on the Do Not Call list for 18 years or so.


  24. Donald says:

    I used to work for Rocket. I do not agree with their strategy of gaining clients. As a new loan officer at Rocket, we go through foundation while our state licenses are approved for the first 2 months after passing the SAFE exam. This involves literally calling 1000 numbers a day. The goal is to transfer anyone who answers to a licensed loan officer. We get people all the time that are not interested. But that does not matter. We are to get that client to a loan officer. If you are getting transfers you get rewarded. If you are getting no transfers you will get remedial training. Noone likes that so we will do and say whats needed to transfer. Once you are licensed and on the other side, your goal is to convince the client to let us pull credit and get a refinance going for them. However, most people are not interested, were just looking at a stimulus program, or want opted out. I do opt out everyone that asks, but maybe that opt out button really does nothing? I dont know… Im not on the IT side of things. The main goal of Rocket is just to sell you a loan. And they want to sell it to you today. Does not matter if you are in a 2.99% fixed rate, they want to sell you a loan. I do not condone their actions and I refused to call people 3 times a day. I dont believe that is an effective way to get someone on the phone and I have since left the company. After working there and seeing the dark side of the company I would not advise anyone to use them for your mortgage needs.


  25. Tammy Sharron says:

    I made the mistake of going out to their website. I started to fill out for information but stopped and cancelled it halfway through. They still managed to get my information and from that moment started bombarding me with text messages, e-mails and up to 3 phone calls a day. Plus they have sold my information so I am getting calls from other lenders as well. I have asked them over and over again to opt me out of their marketing to the point of calling them back as many times a day as they call me and requesting them to stop to no avail. I have blocked their number but i still get multiple voice mails a day. Is there anyway to get them to stop????


  26. Scott Inman says:

    I receive at least 1 or 2 calls each day. I am on the Do Not Call list. I’ve asked to be removed from their calls as well. How do I join the class action suit?


  27. David L says:

    I constantly get calls from Rocket Mortgage. I keep telling them they have the wrong number and to take me off their list. yet they keep calling, sometimes more than once per day. I have never been interested in a mortgage. I am on the Do Not Call List.


  28. Robert Richardson says:

    They call, text, and email me even though I have never contacted them or asked them to do so.


  29. Wayne Stowers says:

    I was just looking out to see what my chances would be for a home equity loan. I have excellent credit and my house is worth 5x times what I was thinking of borrowing. In any case I never contacted Rocket Mortgagge, they just started calling me 4x a day and leaving me voice mail after every call. I’m on the Do Not Call Registery, but that doesn’t make any difference to them. I’m going to answer the phone and tell them I changed my mind and I no longer want to be contacted. I’m going to keep a phone log and make a copy of their unwanted text. Then I’m going to turn all this information to my attorney so he can file a class action suit. That’s about all I know what I can do to get them to stop,


  30. Scott Zissman says:

    I’ve had a fixed 2.9% mortgage, perfect payment, etc. with them for six years. Three months ago they started calling me four times a day to tell me about their “fantastic refinancing opportunity.” I warned them to never call me again and take me off the list, which time they promised they would but they “wanted me to speak to the manager just one last time to make sure I didn’t qualify for this.” I hung up on them.

    Three days ago they started calling me again, four times a day with “urgent refinancing information.”

    I sent them a nasty email today wanting them as they didn’t take me off all of these list immediately I would bring an attorney into this for harassment.


  31. Carly says:

    I have been dealing with this issue since 2020. At that time, I did apply for a home refinance on my own will with this company. I ended up not signing the closing papers due to shady behavior on Rocket Mortgage’s part (they have you do everything via an app, which makes it extremely easy for someone who doesn’t read the fine print, unlike myself, to agree to terms they did not agree to verbally). I have repeated voiced my frustration with the agent/experience I had and have asked that they take me off of their promotional calling list as I am not interested, nor will I ever be. Every few months, I receive multiple calls in a timespan of a day or two (in the last 24 hours, I have received 6 phone calls; this is not uncommon). They continually disrespect my wishes to not be contacted. I am tired of being relentlessly harassed by this company. I will never recommend their business. They attempt to gain business by way of continued harassment through “exclusive offer” phone calls; disgraceful and disrespectful.


  32. IslandGirl says:

    At least twice if not three times a day, I get calls from Rocket Mortgage. I too am on the National Do Not Call List and have been there for years. They are incessant, I block their calls but my carrier AT&T still allows them to leave a message every time. They keep leaving a message saying they received my information, no they did NOT. I haven’t applied for anything. I refinanced my mortgage with a private lender last year. I am fed up with the calls, been non-stop for months now.


  33. Tim Stine says:

    I applied for a home mortgage loan with another bank never contacted Rocket Mortgage. After this other bank approved my home loan than the calls started coming in from Rocket Mortgage every day two to three times per day. I told each new person that I was not interested in their services but they kept calling me over and over. Today I received a letter from Rocket Mortgage stating that my loan was not approved? They also said they didn’t run my credit but they did. My credit score dropped 4 points because of the unsolicited calls from them. This is the worst company I have ever seen they are pushy and there loan officers are disrespectful when you tell them no. I did not call them to apply for a loan but they still went ahead without my approval and tried to push the loan through. Scam something needs to be done with this company!



    I’m on the national do not call list and rocket mortgage has been calling me every day for the last 2 weeks. I’ve called them back three times and told them to stop and put me on their do not call list but the calls keep coming in. I’ve blocked all their numbers and I keep getting voicemails without the phone even ringing. I have I think 10 voicemails from them saved on my phone. I would like to be a part of this class action lawsuit!


  35. Sophia says:

    They are calling me everyday even thou i blocked them and asked them to remove my name out of it. they still calling me and i have over 50 calls without a week. how can i stop them?


  36. Emily Fraccica says:

    Applied for a mortgage, got declined, they call about 5 times a day every day


  37. Natalie Burt says:

    I have asked to be removed from the call list for over a month and I get calls everyday. I was told again today that my name and phone number was added to the opt out list. That is the lie I have been told everyday for three days. I want this to stop especially since I am not longer in that home and not longer looking to purchase a home soon. They keep calling everyday during work hours and disrupting my day or evenings at home.


  38. Luisa says:

    I am registered in the do not call registry since 2017, and I get calls from rocket mortgage every day. I’ve asked to take me off the calling list, I ‘ve hang up, I’ve argue and they still call. It is annoying.


  39. Sean O'Malley says:

    I get a call (or voice mail) from a different Rocket Mortgage representative, at least once a day, for over two weeks, plus. I’ve asked to be put on their ‘do not call’ list, and am currently registered on the national registry. Worst part, I end up arguing with these people about my interest rate.


  40. Joel Carlotta says:

    Rocket today so far has called 4 times within the past 30 mins all from different people and calling from different phone #’s I have been getting dozens of calls from them daily for the past several weeks. blocking the #’s doesnt work since it simply sends them straight to voicemail which fills my mailbox plus trying to block the dozens of different #’s they call from is impossible


  41. Afam says:

    I’m looking to buy a house and have already chosen who I’ll use for my financing. Rocket, out of nowhere, that I haven’t at all this year calls me. Greets me, ignores my words and keeps trying to shove services down my throat. I finally just, too nicely might I add, “I don’t want your services” and then just hung up on them. Currently they are blacklisted, but still continue to call, leaving voicemails. One more time and I’ll call them back, to give yhem a reason to stop calling. I’ve never been mean to a telelmarketer, but this is ridiculous. Never give them your info and if they call you out of the blue. Stay away. They are relentless vultures who only care about their bottomline.


  42. Ivana Schmidt says:

    Oh my goodness. They keep calling and even saying that I have a mortgage with them, which I do not. It is beyond annoying!


  43. Dorah says:

    I hate to say it but I am one of thiers customers. I am not defaulted on the loan either. But yet, as many of you have said, they get it in thier mind that they can give you a better deal then the one they gave a year prior and all of a sudden, they are relentless at calling. They go from my cell, to my home phone, to me husband’s cell. 3 to 4 times EVERYDAY. I dont think they understand not interested means NOT INTERESTED. Even if I am a customer smh. They make money off of thier loans so that’s what motivates them. But it is aggrevatimg


  44. Pat says:

    Started up yesterday. So far, once a day. Driving me nuts.


  45. Anne Marcus says:

    I’m in the same boat. Has anyone gotten a response to this thread on how to stop them?


  46. Javan Sonnier says:

    How do I join they wont stop calling. I never even looked into refinancing in the last 3 years. They call and leave voicemails. When I have time to answer I politely request they take me off the call list.


  47. Frankie Rogers says:

    I can not stand the calls any longer.I have been blocking numbers for months and they keep coming from other numbers repeatedly.


  48. Ashley Cebak says:

    they call me 10-15 times a day!!! its beyond harassment!


    1. John M Zim says:

      Ditto – them and others! Such a despicable, desperate, inhumane and immoral
      act … to say the least!
      Best to
      you going forward !!!!


    2. Edith Abrams says:

      Ashley me also, these sobs calls all through the day starting early in the morning until late at night, even the weekends. I have cursed them out to no end and they just don’t get it. You cannot offend these rats, they keep my phone tied up, and my important calls cannot come through. I think we all should file a class action lawsuit, they owe us1


  49. Andrew Lake says:

    Add us. They aren’t gonna stop until punished massively.


  50. Mack Kelly says:

    12 calls today. f*ck these guys. Non CA residents suffer personal data sacrifice forever apparently. f*ck them for using other companies to get my personal information.


  51. Zachariah says:

    Ever since I got this new phone number I’ve been receiving calls non-stop despite having gone to their website and opted-out from receiving these calls and being placed on the do not call list. Still, I’ve been receiving numerous calls. It’s tedious to say the least.


  52. Jeremy says:

    This company is absolutely psychotic and immoral. After they purchased my mortgage from the previous holder they called and gave me some numbers to look over for a refinance. That was fine but then they proceeded to call and email me 3-4 times per day 7 days a week. I sent the loan “officer” an email letting him know that his sales tactics were terrible and because of this behavior I would never refinance with Rocket Mortgage. It’s like that email never happened. Different people started calling and emailing me 3-4 times per day every day and I repeatedly told them to stop calling me and stop emailing me and that they are acting like stalking psychos. Yet the calls continue to come up even after telling them to never contact me again. They keep calling and calling and calling and calling…… I’ve been in sales for over 20 years this type of boiler room selling doesn’t work and it’s disrespectful. I hope they go out of business soon.


    1. Stephanie Vitrit says:

      Same thing is happening to me. How do I take part in this class action lawsuit?


  53. Cari S. maes says:

    They need some lessons in consent culture. They DO NOT TAKE “NO” for an answer. I said in explicit terms “we are not interested” and the person was like, “oh, I’ll just go ahead and prepare the proposal and send it to you. You don’t have to do a thing.” So, at first, “Rocket Mortgage” always showed on my cell and my husband’s cell. Now, after we said “NO” and demanded to be removed from the call list, we are both getting numerous calls a day from weird area codes. So, they either sold our info or they scramble or know to call from a different number. I feel for these employees. what a sh*tty job!


  54. Tina Cooper says:

    I feel harassed by this company. I receive a minimum of 3-4 phone calls each day and at least 1-2 voicemails. I was actually searching for information on why their phone calls will not end when I found this class action lawsuit.


  55. Mary says:

    Add me to list


  56. Mary says:

    Add me


  57. Stephen Rusov says:

    I have received 17 calls in the last 5 days. I blocked them, but they still call.


  58. Chris Bostic says:

    Four calls today alone, at least ten in past year. Please add me.


  59. Courtney says:

    Just got one on Monday. Both me and my husband! Add us!


  60. Allison Mullen says:

    ADD ME! I get atleast 2 calls per day and emails too. They WILL NOT TAKE NO FOR AND ANSWER! Its to the point now I do not answer numbers that I do not know because they have and use so many.
    Thank you.


  61. Pamela Solis says:

    Add me


  62. Heidi Humphreys says:

    add me


    1. Amber Howard says:

      I’ve been on the national registry for over a decade and I’ve opted out on their website, and I STILL get called, every morning. I have called them to ask them to stop. If anything it’s only made it worse.

      I get calls as early as 7am, which is violating the policies in place.

      Can anyone help me make it stop?!


  63. Laura J Collins says:

    I have received at least 1-2 calls AND messages from Rocket Mortage for the past week. My phone numbers have been registered on the National Do Not Call list for over a decade. I have them documented. I block every call/number, yet the persist! I am looking forward to seeing these people pay for their contemptuous attitudes and harassment.


  64. Jacqueline Burns says:

    Add me


  65. Heather says:

    Add me


  66. Sara Verma says:

    pls add me


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73 thoughts onRocket Mortgage ‘Aggressive Telemarketing Campaign’ Leads to Class Action Lawsuit

  1. Pat says:

    Told them two months ago to stop calling and put me on their do not call list. I am on the national registry as well. 25 calls in the last seven days. I block and report them as spam, and they keep calling.


  2. Jeannie Wolverton says:

    Rocket Mortgage calls multiple times a day, despite being told not to call and remove number from list, We have never given them our information and we dont need a mortgage.


  3. John says:

    I received over 12 calls from them in 3 days. I even block thier number but still popson my saying they called. I have no mortgage with them and not even looking for a house. This needs to stop.


  4. AquaMamaX says:

    They call my husband multiple times a day. Blocked as spam so they’ll use another, and another, and another. It’s RIDICULOUS! Let’s pick this lawsuit mach l back up and broaden it and let us join in!


  5. Kelsey Reich says:

    I am also receiving 3-10 calls a day. I’ve told them numerous times that they cannot match my existing interest rate that I received just before the market took a turn, and they’re positively relentless. I had to install a paid call blocker app just to prevent them from ringing through my phone and interrupting me throughout my work day. Please count me in on this law suit, this company needs to be held accountable.


  6. James Hartman says:

    I’m dealing with the same nonsense here. It started last week, and every weekday I receive 1-3 calls claiming I won a review of my current mortgage. I finally answered yesterday and kindly told the representative I am not interested. Later that afternoon, I received a voicemail AND an email. I unsubscribed and opted out. Just minutes ago, they called again.


  7. Philip Yorio says:

    This is crazy!!! They don’t stop calling it’s borderline harassment at this point I blocked the number. I did listen to their pitch just to hear out it works. It’s been daily more than 2 times a day for over a week now.


  8. Michaael says:

    This is EXACTLY what is happening to me.
    Count me in the class action suit.


  9. Marie says:

    Non stop driving me insane. I block them I say stop t messages. But they won’t stop if you block them they continue to call on another number. I messaged them told them to stop. I got a call and it was them again. I talked to someone today. They said I’ve been opted out. I said really because I have hundreds of calls with your company s name calling me Non stop n also messaging me still Non stop from different numbers. And I I block u guys keep calling with different numbers. I won’t even pick up my phone because it’s them. My voice-mail is full of them.. This is not right. Billing on a whole different level.


  10. Mary says:

    Calling me sometimes 5-10 times a day but EVERY day for the last 2 to 2 1/2 months. I’ve asked them to stop. I’m on the “Do not call” registry for many years. I blocked the calls and they started calling with other numbers. Total harrassment to me and my family. I want them to STOP. We are not even looking for a mortgage and we did not contact them but they got our phone number when I inquired online about something else.


  11. Michael Kamin says:

    I’ve been receiving non-stopped, aggressive calls from this company, despite blocking them and tell them to stop calling me. They lie and relentlessly call, hoping to catch people when they’re looking for a loan and waiting for a response. It’s clearly predatory behavior and illegal given the clear requests to cease and desist, and they’ve even become aggressive on the phone when I requested they stop.


  12. Paul G says:

    They have called my cell phone 25 times in the last 4 days, starting 10/27/22 (including 14 times during the weekend)! They’ve woken up my family members, disturbed me at church and caused tremendous aggravation for my family. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve considered refinancing my mortgage. I certainly never reached out to them and asked for anything. Please, tell everyone you know to never use Rocket Mortgage. I’ve been on the registry since 2012.


  13. Joseph huber says:

    Called me 9 times a day and had to get RoboKiller to block the numbers since I told them that what they are doing is illegal and to stop calling me put me on do not call list I even seen they ran a soft inquiry on my credit without permission.


  14. Michelle says:

    None stop calls and they never leave a message


  15. Dustin Overbey says:

    Rocket Mortgage calls me 4 to 6 times per hour, at this point is just harassment, a good lawyer could get me more money from a lawsuit than I would get from a loan.


  16. Kristin Whitaker says:

    Yep me too! They call me many times a day starting early until late. I’m blocking now and hoping that works.


    1. Jmac says:

      Yep Me three…Even though I’ve blocked them, they still keep call once or twice a day 36 times since Oct 6.
      Now they have changed their number so I keep blocking.


  17. Jimmy Roberts says:

    They call me daily multiple times a day. Even waking me up in the mornings. I block their number on my cell phone. But somehow they have found my 3CX work number and I’m not able to block their numbers on my work phone. So I’m still getting calls incessantly. It’s driving me nuts. I tell them to stop calling. But it’s a different person who calls each time. They claim I requested to be contacted, although I did no such thing.


  18. Tammy d says:

    They have been calling me 4 to 5 times daily for WEEKS after telling them repeatedly I am not interested. The sneaky thing they do block their number and they call from a number one digit different, then you block that number and the same thing happens again! Its despicable and even if I had a need in the future I would NEVER USE THEM AND WILL TELL EVERYONE I KNOW. This is harrassment.


    1. Caroline says:

      I signed up to see what I could be offered and was declined. I logged off one hrs latter texted started, so I block them, they used a northern new number to start again this time text and calls, I ask them to stop, I had to hunt down a opt out site, even tho I never opted in , the site claims I have to wait 24hrs, what? I would like to join in!


  19. George says:

    I’ve been on the Do Not Call Registry for 15 years. I’ve suddenly begun getting up to 5 calls per day from Rocket Mortgage. An agent sometimes leaves a message, calling me by name, requesting a return call about refinancing opportunities (marketing). I’ve never contacted this company nor ever had any dealings with them. Not sure what list they bought my name and number from.

    I would like to join the class action lawsuit, please, if possible.


  20. Dawn says:

    Like others I made the mistake of filling out a form on the website because I wanted to research a specific loan product I had read about elsewhere. What a MISTAKE! They will NOT stop calling!!! Obviously they’ve given my information to loads of lenders so it is impossible to report all of the numbers.


    1. Deidre Guarnotta says:

      Same thing happened to me! It’s still happening! I thought it was a joke! Why would anyone work with them after so many harassing calls?


  21. Dennis Cook says:

    I never answer calls from Rocket Mortgage. I add their number to my call block list.


  22. Kristy J says:

    I have tried to block my phone number, repeatedly asking to be removed from their list, and even told them that they are harassing me to no avail.
    I NEVER applied for a mortgage or refinance as I do not own a home yet they call and text me several times a day, every day for the last month +, and my husband (who is the home owner) as well. They show utter disregard to the DNC list and are aggressive and rude.


  23. Fred Price says:

    Rocket has been pestering me for the past year or so. We are now up to 2-3 times a week on my phone, and then my wife’s when I hang up or don’t answer.

    I would love to join the suit. Both our phones have been on the Do Not Call list for 18 years or so.


  24. Donald says:

    I used to work for Rocket. I do not agree with their strategy of gaining clients. As a new loan officer at Rocket, we go through foundation while our state licenses are approved for the first 2 months after passing the SAFE exam. This involves literally calling 1000 numbers a day. The goal is to transfer anyone who answers to a licensed loan officer. We get people all the time that are not interested. But that does not matter. We are to get that client to a loan officer. If you are getting transfers you get rewarded. If you are getting no transfers you will get remedial training. Noone likes that so we will do and say whats needed to transfer. Once you are licensed and on the other side, your goal is to convince the client to let us pull credit and get a refinance going for them. However, most people are not interested, were just looking at a stimulus program, or want opted out. I do opt out everyone that asks, but maybe that opt out button really does nothing? I dont know… Im not on the IT side of things. The main goal of Rocket is just to sell you a loan. And they want to sell it to you today. Does not matter if you are in a 2.99% fixed rate, they want to sell you a loan. I do not condone their actions and I refused to call people 3 times a day. I dont believe that is an effective way to get someone on the phone and I have since left the company. After working there and seeing the dark side of the company I would not advise anyone to use them for your mortgage needs.


  25. Tammy Sharron says:

    I made the mistake of going out to their website. I started to fill out for information but stopped and cancelled it halfway through. They still managed to get my information and from that moment started bombarding me with text messages, e-mails and up to 3 phone calls a day. Plus they have sold my information so I am getting calls from other lenders as well. I have asked them over and over again to opt me out of their marketing to the point of calling them back as many times a day as they call me and requesting them to stop to no avail. I have blocked their number but i still get multiple voice mails a day. Is there anyway to get them to stop????


  26. Scott Inman says:

    I receive at least 1 or 2 calls each day. I am on the Do Not Call list. I’ve asked to be removed from their calls as well. How do I join the class action suit?


  27. David L says:

    I constantly get calls from Rocket Mortgage. I keep telling them they have the wrong number and to take me off their list. yet they keep calling, sometimes more than once per day. I have never been interested in a mortgage. I am on the Do Not Call List.


  28. Robert Richardson says:

    They call, text, and email me even though I have never contacted them or asked them to do so.


  29. Wayne Stowers says:

    I was just looking out to see what my chances would be for a home equity loan. I have excellent credit and my house is worth 5x times what I was thinking of borrowing. In any case I never contacted Rocket Mortgagge, they just started calling me 4x a day and leaving me voice mail after every call. I’m on the Do Not Call Registery, but that doesn’t make any difference to them. I’m going to answer the phone and tell them I changed my mind and I no longer want to be contacted. I’m going to keep a phone log and make a copy of their unwanted text. Then I’m going to turn all this information to my attorney so he can file a class action suit. That’s about all I know what I can do to get them to stop,


  30. Scott Zissman says:

    I’ve had a fixed 2.9% mortgage, perfect payment, etc. with them for six years. Three months ago they started calling me four times a day to tell me about their “fantastic refinancing opportunity.” I warned them to never call me again and take me off the list, which time they promised they would but they “wanted me to speak to the manager just one last time to make sure I didn’t qualify for this.” I hung up on them.

    Three days ago they started calling me again, four times a day with “urgent refinancing information.”

    I sent them a nasty email today wanting them as they didn’t take me off all of these list immediately I would bring an attorney into this for harassment.


  31. Carly says:

    I have been dealing with this issue since 2020. At that time, I did apply for a home refinance on my own will with this company. I ended up not signing the closing papers due to shady behavior on Rocket Mortgage’s part (they have you do everything via an app, which makes it extremely easy for someone who doesn’t read the fine print, unlike myself, to agree to terms they did not agree to verbally). I have repeated voiced my frustration with the agent/experience I had and have asked that they take me off of their promotional calling list as I am not interested, nor will I ever be. Every few months, I receive multiple calls in a timespan of a day or two (in the last 24 hours, I have received 6 phone calls; this is not uncommon). They continually disrespect my wishes to not be contacted. I am tired of being relentlessly harassed by this company. I will never recommend their business. They attempt to gain business by way of continued harassment through “exclusive offer” phone calls; disgraceful and disrespectful.


  32. IslandGirl says:

    At least twice if not three times a day, I get calls from Rocket Mortgage. I too am on the National Do Not Call List and have been there for years. They are incessant, I block their calls but my carrier AT&T still allows them to leave a message every time. They keep leaving a message saying they received my information, no they did NOT. I haven’t applied for anything. I refinanced my mortgage with a private lender last year. I am fed up with the calls, been non-stop for months now.


  33. Tim Stine says:

    I applied for a home mortgage loan with another bank never contacted Rocket Mortgage. After this other bank approved my home loan than the calls started coming in from Rocket Mortgage every day two to three times per day. I told each new person that I was not interested in their services but they kept calling me over and over. Today I received a letter from Rocket Mortgage stating that my loan was not approved? They also said they didn’t run my credit but they did. My credit score dropped 4 points because of the unsolicited calls from them. This is the worst company I have ever seen they are pushy and there loan officers are disrespectful when you tell them no. I did not call them to apply for a loan but they still went ahead without my approval and tried to push the loan through. Scam something needs to be done with this company!



    I’m on the national do not call list and rocket mortgage has been calling me every day for the last 2 weeks. I’ve called them back three times and told them to stop and put me on their do not call list but the calls keep coming in. I’ve blocked all their numbers and I keep getting voicemails without the phone even ringing. I have I think 10 voicemails from them saved on my phone. I would like to be a part of this class action lawsuit!


  35. Sophia says:

    They are calling me everyday even thou i blocked them and asked them to remove my name out of it. they still calling me and i have over 50 calls without a week. how can i stop them?


  36. Emily Fraccica says:

    Applied for a mortgage, got declined, they call about 5 times a day every day


  37. Natalie Burt says:

    I have asked to be removed from the call list for over a month and I get calls everyday. I was told again today that my name and phone number was added to the opt out list. That is the lie I have been told everyday for three days. I want this to stop especially since I am not longer in that home and not longer looking to purchase a home soon. They keep calling everyday during work hours and disrupting my day or evenings at home.


  38. Luisa says:

    I am registered in the do not call registry since 2017, and I get calls from rocket mortgage every day. I’ve asked to take me off the calling list, I ‘ve hang up, I’ve argue and they still call. It is annoying.


  39. Sean O'Malley says:

    I get a call (or voice mail) from a different Rocket Mortgage representative, at least once a day, for over two weeks, plus. I’ve asked to be put on their ‘do not call’ list, and am currently registered on the national registry. Worst part, I end up arguing with these people about my interest rate.


  40. Joel Carlotta says:

    Rocket today so far has called 4 times within the past 30 mins all from different people and calling from different phone #’s I have been getting dozens of calls from them daily for the past several weeks. blocking the #’s doesnt work since it simply sends them straight to voicemail which fills my mailbox plus trying to block the dozens of different #’s they call from is impossible


  41. Afam says:

    I’m looking to buy a house and have already chosen who I’ll use for my financing. Rocket, out of nowhere, that I haven’t at all this year calls me. Greets me, ignores my words and keeps trying to shove services down my throat. I finally just, too nicely might I add, “I don’t want your services” and then just hung up on them. Currently they are blacklisted, but still continue to call, leaving voicemails. One more time and I’ll call them back, to give yhem a reason to stop calling. I’ve never been mean to a telelmarketer, but this is ridiculous. Never give them your info and if they call you out of the blue. Stay away. They are relentless vultures who only care about their bottomline.


  42. Ivana Schmidt says:

    Oh my goodness. They keep calling and even saying that I have a mortgage with them, which I do not. It is beyond annoying!


  43. Dorah says:

    I hate to say it but I am one of thiers customers. I am not defaulted on the loan either. But yet, as many of you have said, they get it in thier mind that they can give you a better deal then the one they gave a year prior and all of a sudden, they are relentless at calling. They go from my cell, to my home phone, to me husband’s cell. 3 to 4 times EVERYDAY. I dont think they understand not interested means NOT INTERESTED. Even if I am a customer smh. They make money off of thier loans so that’s what motivates them. But it is aggrevatimg


  44. Pat says:

    Started up yesterday. So far, once a day. Driving me nuts.


  45. Anne Marcus says:

    I’m in the same boat. Has anyone gotten a response to this thread on how to stop them?


  46. Javan Sonnier says:

    How do I join they wont stop calling. I never even looked into refinancing in the last 3 years. They call and leave voicemails. When I have time to answer I politely request they take me off the call list.


  47. Frankie Rogers says:

    I can not stand the calls any longer.I have been blocking numbers for months and they keep coming from other numbers repeatedly.


  48. Ashley Cebak says:

    they call me 10-15 times a day!!! its beyond harassment!


    1. John M Zim says:

      Ditto – them and others! Such a despicable, desperate, inhumane and immoral
      act … to say the least!
      Best to
      you going forward !!!!


    2. Edith Abrams says:

      Ashley me also, these sobs calls all through the day starting early in the morning until late at night, even the weekends. I have cursed them out to no end and they just don’t get it. You cannot offend these rats, they keep my phone tied up, and my important calls cannot come through. I think we all should file a class action lawsuit, they owe us1


  49. Andrew Lake says:

    Add us. They aren’t gonna stop until punished massively.


  50. Mack Kelly says:

    12 calls today. f*ck these guys. Non CA residents suffer personal data sacrifice forever apparently. f*ck them for using other companies to get my personal information.


  51. Zachariah says:

    Ever since I got this new phone number I’ve been receiving calls non-stop despite having gone to their website and opted-out from receiving these calls and being placed on the do not call list. Still, I’ve been receiving numerous calls. It’s tedious to say the least.


  52. Jeremy says:

    This company is absolutely psychotic and immoral. After they purchased my mortgage from the previous holder they called and gave me some numbers to look over for a refinance. That was fine but then they proceeded to call and email me 3-4 times per day 7 days a week. I sent the loan “officer” an email letting him know that his sales tactics were terrible and because of this behavior I would never refinance with Rocket Mortgage. It’s like that email never happened. Different people started calling and emailing me 3-4 times per day every day and I repeatedly told them to stop calling me and stop emailing me and that they are acting like stalking psychos. Yet the calls continue to come up even after telling them to never contact me again. They keep calling and calling and calling and calling…… I’ve been in sales for over 20 years this type of boiler room selling doesn’t work and it’s disrespectful. I hope they go out of business soon.


    1. Stephanie Vitrit says:

      Same thing is happening to me. How do I take part in this class action lawsuit?


  53. Cari S. maes says:

    They need some lessons in consent culture. They DO NOT TAKE “NO” for an answer. I said in explicit terms “we are not interested” and the person was like, “oh, I’ll just go ahead and prepare the proposal and send it to you. You don’t have to do a thing.” So, at first, “Rocket Mortgage” always showed on my cell and my husband’s cell. Now, after we said “NO” and demanded to be removed from the call list, we are both getting numerous calls a day from weird area codes. So, they either sold our info or they scramble or know to call from a different number. I feel for these employees. what a sh*tty job!


  54. Tina Cooper says:

    I feel harassed by this company. I receive a minimum of 3-4 phone calls each day and at least 1-2 voicemails. I was actually searching for information on why their phone calls will not end when I found this class action lawsuit.


  55. Mary says:

    Add me to list


  56. Mary says:

    Add me


  57. Stephen Rusov says:

    I have received 17 calls in the last 5 days. I blocked them, but they still call.


  58. Chris Bostic says:

    Four calls today alone, at least ten in past year. Please add me.


  59. Courtney says:

    Just got one on Monday. Both me and my husband! Add us!


  60. Allison Mullen says:

    ADD ME! I get atleast 2 calls per day and emails too. They WILL NOT TAKE NO FOR AND ANSWER! Its to the point now I do not answer numbers that I do not know because they have and use so many.
    Thank you.


  61. Pamela Solis says:

    Add me


  62. Heidi Humphreys says:

    add me


    1. Amber Howard says:

      I’ve been on the national registry for over a decade and I’ve opted out on their website, and I STILL get called, every morning. I have called them to ask them to stop. If anything it’s only made it worse.

      I get calls as early as 7am, which is violating the policies in place.

      Can anyone help me make it stop?!


  63. Laura J Collins says:

    I have received at least 1-2 calls AND messages from Rocket Mortage for the past week. My phone numbers have been registered on the National Do Not Call list for over a decade. I have them documented. I block every call/number, yet the persist! I am looking forward to seeing these people pay for their contemptuous attitudes and harassment.


  64. Jacqueline Burns says:

    Add me


  65. Heather says:

    Add me


  66. Sara Verma says:

    pls add me


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.