RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (2024)

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WithReuben Goossens

MaritimeHistorian, Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer & Author


: All ssMaritime and other related maritime/cruise sites are 100%non-commercial and privately owned. Be assured that I am NOT associated withany shipping or cruise companies or any travel/cruise agencies or any otherorganisations! Although the author has been in the passenger shipping industrysince 1960, although is now retired but having completed over 700 Classic Liners and Cargo-Passengers Shipsfeatures I trust these will continue to provide classic ship enthusiaststhe information the are seeking, but above all a great deal of pleasure!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (2)

PLEASENOTE: Photographs & images on this feature are fromthe author’s private collection - Unless stated otherwise.

Page One


Cunard Line WhiteStar Line had a history of many great and wonderful Atlantic liners in the pastand usually they would operate at least three ships on the service, but whenthey commenced planning of what would become the 81,237 GRT RMS Queen Mary in1928, they were looking towards a two ship operation!She was laid down on December 27, 1930, but she was not completed until April15, 1936. The main reason for the delay was that Cunard was in financialdifficulties that were in due course sorted out!

On the very day that the RMS Queen Mary setsail on her maiden voyage on May 27, 1936, Cunard’s chairman, Sir PercyBates, informed his ship designers to commence designing the second ship, butin order to compete with the ever competing European market, especially theFrench liners, such as the magnificent SS Liberty with is grandiose lounges,that this new Cunard liner had to be larger and more modern than even the QueenMary!

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Thegreat RMS Queen Mary seen departing from New York


Hull 552:

But before thisnew liner could even become a reality, considering what occurred during thetime the Queen Mary was built, there had to be extended negotiations betweenSir Percy Bates and the Government to formulate a formal contract andassistance with finance. Thankfully the Treasury agreed to advance £5 millionPounds to Cunard, and tenders were quickly called out for.The contract was won, not surprisingly, by John Brown & Co, being the verysame builders of the Queen Mary and her order was officially signed on October6, 1936. The next big event was just under two months later, being the officiallaying of her keel that took place in Yard 552 on December 4, and the buildingof hull 552 was underway!

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Herewe see her keel laid and her frame well on the way

JohnBrown Image

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Wesee a close up of her completed hull

JohnBrown Image

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Afine view of the new ship from a distance showing her grandeur over the localhomes!

JohnBrown Image

However, as the building ofthis mighty new ship was well underway, it becameobvious that the German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler and his new ideology of aThird Reich was becoming more and more dangerous. England was by now well awareof the possibility of a great conflict was about to explode, for there were alreadysome terrible things happening in Europe as reports had reached London of manyJews being murdered and later on November 9-10 1938 there was the horrors of Kristallnacht, that saw so many dead and synagogues burned,full of men, women and children locked inside! Thus the situation certainlylooked like it was becoming a serious threat to the rest of Europe, if not the world. But, building of Hull552 was at a point where it was ready to be launched.


The Launching of a Queen:

HM King George VI was to launchthe ship that was going to be named after his wife, however for some reason, hewas unable to do so, and thus her Majesty Queen Elizabeth arrived at the JohnBrown shipyards to launch the new Queen Elizabeth on September 27, 1938.

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Sceneson the main podium prior the launching, the two Princesses are notable,especially Princess Elizabeth,our future Queen!

JohnBrown Image

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Thequeen is greeted by Sir Percy Bates of Cunard

JohnBrown Image

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The front cover ofthe official launching booklet for the “Queen Elizabeth”

Even though a great war seemed tobe inevitable, but before doing the honours and letting the bottle smashagainst the bow and sending the new ship into the water, Her Royal Highnesschose to speak of peace instead of war. She said:

“The King has asked me to assure you ofthe deep regret he feels at finding himself compelled, at the last moment, tocancel his journey to Clydebankfor the launching of the new liner. This ceremony, to which many thousands havelooked forward so eagerly, must now take place under circ*mstances fardifferent from those for which they had hoped.

I have, however, a message for you from theKing. He bids the people of this country to be of good cheer in spite of thedark clouds hanging over them and indeed over the whole world. He knows, too,that they will place entire confidence in their leaders, who, under God’sprovidence, are striving their utmost to find a justand peaceful solution of the grave problems that confront them.

The very sight of this great ship brings hometo us how very necessary it is for the welfare of man thatthe arts of peaceful industry should continue, arts in the promotion of which Scotlandhas long held a leading place. The city of Glasgow has been for Scotlandthe principle doorway opening upon the world. The narrow waters of the Clyde havebeen the cradle of a large part of Britain's mercantile marine, so it is rightthat from here should go our foremost achievement in that she is the greatestship that plies to and fro across the Atlantic, like a shuttle in a mighty loomweaving a fabric of friendship and understanding between the people of Britainand the peoples of the United States.

It is fitting that the noblest vessel everbuilt in Britainand built with the help of her Government and people, should be dedicated tothis service. I am happy to think that our two nations are today more closelylinked than ever before by a common tradition of freedom and a common faith.

While thoughts like these are passing throughour minds we do not forget the men who brought this great ship into being. Forthem she must ever be a source of pride and, I am sure, of affection. Icongratulate them warmly on the fruits of their labour. The launch of a ship islike the inception of all great human enterprises, an act of faith. We cannotforetell the future, but in preparing for it we must show our trust in a divineprovidence and in ourselves. We proclaim our belief that by the grace of Godand by man's patience and goodwill order may yet be brought out of confusion,and peace out of turmoil. With that hope and prayer in our hearts, we sendforth upon her mission this noble ship.”

After the speech there was a pause, whilst shewas presented with an album of photographs of the ship in seen being built sofar. However, just then the microphone went dead, yet Her Royal Highness tookthe pair of gold scissors, the very same one that HRH Queen Mary had used toperform the naming ceremony of her namesake the Queen Mary, and she cut thered, white and blue ribbon and sent the bottle of Empire wine crashing to breakjust in time against the liners already moving bow. With great presence of mindshe said with a strong voice, “I name this ship Queen Elizabeth and wishsuccess to her and all who sail in her,” as the ship continued her wayinto the Clyde!

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TheQueen slips down the slipway

JohnBrown Image

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (11)

Finallyshe is finally in the water and ready to be completed

JohnBrown Image

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Thetug Flying Eagle and other tugs tow the giant Queen to her fit-out berth

JohnBrown Image

There was nodoubt, but the launch was a great success, and as the now officially namedQueen Elizabeth was in the water, she was towed to her fit-out berth on theRiver Clyde. But work had to be suspended frequently, due to the oncoming waras many of the nation's Navy and other ships now required refurbishments foractive duties.

Please Note: Onthis page you will discover many photographs of her exteriors in her variousguises, be they pre war, as a troop ship and as a liner, as well after her aftdecks were extended, etc. However, on Page Two you will find all he interiorimages, as well as a few other photographs. The link to that page is located atthe bottom of this page, and when you have read fascinating history then youwill want to see what she looked like, first in her early days, and then afterher later refits. Enjoy!


World War Two:

On September 1,1939, was officially day one of World War Two, for Hitler marched into Poland, and thus he madeenemies of Britainand all her allies. As the discord grew, sadly the Queen Elizabeth remainedunfinished and Cunard waited for a decision to be made about workers tocomplete her. OnSeptember 16, 1939 the ship was paid a secret visit by HM King George VI andQueen Elizabeth at her fitting out berth in Glasgow.

But some action needed to be taken for shecould be of great use during the war and she could be converted into atroopship. However, this work could not be done in the Britainmostly due to the possible threat of German bombers as well as, who knows,saboteurs? Obviously being the grand liner she had been promoted previously asthe largest that was to be built, the Queen Elizabeth would a target for GermanLuftwaffe, for if any of their pilots could drop a bomb on this huge ship andsink her would have a double effect, one it would be a massive hit against theBritish, but secondly, it would give great pride to the Nazi and they wouldcommence a huge propaganda campaign! But, Englandhad other plans in hand! With her engines alreadyinstalled, on February 26, 1940 the almost completed liner left her berth underher own power and she sailed from the Clydeto an anchorage just off Gourock.

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TheQueen Elizabeth leaves the Clydefor her anchorage off Gourock

Then on March 3,1940 she left her anchorage without notice and sailed out to sea. To confuseagents and spies, the story had been circulated that this was QueenElizabeth’s positioning voyage to Southampton, but the truth is that onlythe very few ashore in the hierarchy of the Admiralty knew of her truedestination, but not even the captain on the Queen Elizabeth knew anything aswell!


The Great Escape:

Only once she wasout at sea out at sea, Captain John Townley wasallowed to open his safe and he took out the sealed orders, which told him tohead directly at full speed for New York, which he did with a crew of just 400personnel on board. Not surprisingly, later that day, a squadron of Nazibombers were spotted over the Solent, where the Queen Elizabeth would have beenberthing at that time, had she been heading for Southampton, thus the deception had workedrather well.

What could be called her first maiden voyageof sorts, but amazingly she did not even had herofficial deep sea speed trials as yet, but her voyage did prove that herengines were working beautifully! The rather dull looking Queen Elizabeth,considering she had been painted in wartime grey, arrived in New Yorkharbour on March 7, 1940.

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QueenElizabeth passes the Statue of Liberty at New Yorkon March 7

ACoast Guard cutter escorts the Queen in the Hudsonand to her berth

As no one wasexpecting her, with this being very much a secret voyage, she caused quite asurprise some excitement amongst the maritime community and ship lovers! Manylover her modern look, such as the ship not having a well deck, and her cleanercut bridge that that of the Queen Mary, then there were those two majesticlarge funnels, rather than three. It all meant a new and a more refined packageto the American Maritime community, even though she was in her rather dulllooking livery!

Amazingly, during March of 1940 there werefour of the world's finest liners, such as the Mauretania, Normandie, QueenElizabeth and Queen Mary, were all berthed alongside each other, includingthree of the world’s largest Ocean Liners!

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New YorkMarch 1940, L to R: SS Normandie, RMS Queen Mary andQueen Elizabeth

On March 21, theQueen Mary departed New Yorkas she was bound for Sydney, Australia,where she would be transformed into a full scale troopship, capable of accommodating up to 5,000 soldiers. She became known in Australiaand by others as the “Grey Ghost!”

However, Queen Elizabeth remained in New Yorkand for a considerable length of time as she needed to have some further workto be carried out whilst there, such as additional electric wiring and lightfittings. In addition they still had to remove her launch gear that was stillattached to her hull and some other work needed.

The Queen Elizabeth departed New York on November 13, 1940 and sailed for Singapore, via Cape Town.There she received the first part of her refit into becoming a troop ship thatwas done in graving dock at Singapore.Suitable defensive armament was fitted, such as anti aircraft guns, etc.Internally it was fitted out to carry troops as it had now been requisitionedby the Ministry of War Transport.


Queen Elizabeth the Trooper:

On February 11,1941 she departed Singaporefor Sydney, where shearrived on February 21. Once the fitting out into a troop ship was completed,she the Queen Elizabeth joined the Queen Mary, and made her first voyagetransporting Australian troops to the Middle East and spent the next fivemonths carrying troops from Sydneyto Suez, whilst returningwith German POW's. After the US entered the war andsailed to Esquimalt in Canada, and carried troopsto Sydney.

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Postcardof the Queen Elizabeth after having been fully fitted out as a troop ship andis now in service

However, one majorproblem was that sailing in this region was very much warmer, if not very hotat times, than what these ships were actually constructed for.They had no air-conditioning and worse still there was hardly any ventilationinside, for that was just not needed on the Atlantic! Thus, the so-called luxury Queenswere far from being comfortable, and they did not provide the soldiers a greatway to be shipped, for these were extreme and harsh conditions! All toofrequently fights would brake out among the troops and they could get veryrough, for the men were sick of the hot and harsh conditions, yet they had noidea what awaited them, which would be much worse, for sadlymost would not come home, and we could not provide them with a decentcool bed there?

But thankfully the Admiralty saw some reasonat last, and by the end of 1941, for finally something occurred that would putboth the Queen’s back on the North Atlantic and that is where they shouldhave been all the time!

Unbelievably, there were even some plans in1942 by the Admiralty who had plans drawn up to convert both the Queens intoaircraft carriers, but thankfully this stupid idea was later abandoned, andthat was only because it was considered that their current role as troopers wassimply far too important as they were able to move huge numbers per ship!

It was in April 1942 that the Queen Elizabethwas relocated from Sydneyto New York. It wasthere where the troop accommodation was altered to make its capacity to amammoth 10,000 soldiers. In June 1942 it began to make voyages from New York to GourockScotlandand then to Suez,sailing via Cape Town.

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Afine aerial view of her stern and the over crowding is rather obvious!

In August it begana shuttle service between New Yorkto Gourock and that is regardless the relentlessthreat of U-boats, but somehow the great Queen somehow continued her serviceand remained untouched. However, there was a loose report in the German pressat one stage that the English liner Queen Elizabeth had been hit by a torpedofrom one of their U-boats.



With World War Twohaving finally concluded the Queen Mary was retained in her trooping service,keeping her and all grey livery except that her funnels were once againrepainted in Cunard’s regular Red and black top colour’s. In factshe continued in this role for one further year as she did transported returningtroops and G.I. brides to the United States,etc.

Apparently by the end of the war in Europe,the two Queenshad transported around one million troops to the fighting zones and one wondershow many of them came back? But of course, now came the next job, and that wasto repatriate the troops and redeploy them for the war against Japan.The transporting of American troops continued until October 1945 when the QueenElizabeth was officially released from USservice and re allocated to the repatriation of Canadian troops.

However on March 6, 1946 she returned toSouthampton and the world’s largest passenger liners was released fromGovernment duties as the need for troop movements had diminished. During thewar she had carried transported just 750,000 troops and sailed a 500,000 milesor 804.672 kilometres.

This great ship had never seen a single daybeing the great passenger liner since the day of completion, and now sherequired a massive overhaul and refit to make her the ship Cunard had intendedher to be an Atlantic luxury liner!

This work would be carried out on the Clyde and also at Southampton.On March 9, 1946, before she departed for the Clyde, there was a fire on the promenadedeck, but as it was spotted quickly, it was extinguished rapidly, yet it stillcaused considerable damage to the area. It was always thought that the fire wasarson, but there was never any proof.

At the end of March Queen Elizabeth departedSouthampton for the “Firth of Clyde Dry-dock” in Greenock by the John Brown Shipyards. Thereshe was repainted in the traditional Cunard livery and her machinery wascompletely overhauled. By June 17 she returned to Southampton for her extensive interiorrefurbishments.

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Thiswas taken just before Queen Elizabeth’s sea trails, having been completedand fully repainted in Cunard livery

Whilstwe see The Queen Mary still in hew war colours as she was just concluding herwar duties on this day

Thisvery special photograph was taken on September 27, 1947, and a souvenirpostcard was made from it

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (19)

Consideringthe great Queen had been for six years of heavy war service, yet, there hadnever been time to take her on an official measured speed trial, but now withthe work fully completed at the Clyde by John Brown and interiors atSouthampton, this was the opportunity to do so, and she departed under thecommand of Commodore Sir James Bisset and she sailedto the Isle of Arran and her trials were finally carried out.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (20)

Here we see her grandBridge with her Captain in command!

I have no date forthis image

However, for her trails the shipwas greatly honoured, for onboard was the ship's namesake, no less than HRHQueen Elizabeth herself, as well as her two daughters,Princess Elizabeth and Margaret. During the voyage her Majesty Queen Elizabetheven took the wheel for a short time, whilst the two Princesses recorded thetwo measured runs with their stopwatches that they had been given especiallyfor the occasion. Commodore Sir James Bisset wasunder strict instructions from Sir Percy Bates that the only thing that wasrequired from the trails was two measured runs of no more than thirtyknots and that she was not permitted to attempt to sail a higher speedthan that of the Queen Mary, even though the Queen Elizabeth was capable ofdoing a greater speed, in fact around 32 knots or more! The trails concluded atSouthampton.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (21)

Atthe conclusion of her trails she returned to Southampton to be made ready for her maidenvoyage

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (22)

Advertisingwas going ahead at full steam for Britainnow had the world’s largest passenger liner!

Andlet’s face it: “Getting there is Halfthe Fun!”


The Trans-Atlantic Liner:

Cunard had alreadyannounced that the world’s largest Passenger Liner ever built wouldfinally depart on her first ever passenger Trans-Atlantic voyage to New York from Southampton on 16 October 1946.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (23)

Theresult from all the advance media was that the Queen Elizabeth was completelybooked out as were her forthcoming voyages, in addition, if anyone looked atthe First Class passenger lists for a good number of the Atlantic voyages therewould be countless famous passengers, well known names from European Royalhouses, high society, movie stars, great actor’s from the theatre andsome the world’s finest vocalists!

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Themoment has finally arrived as RMS Queen Elizabeth departs on October 16,1946 for her official Maiden Voyage to New York

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (25)

TheQueen Elizabeth is about to arrive at New Yorkon her maiden visit as a passenger liner October 21, 1946

Theoriginal photograph was clearer and the New Yorkskyline could just be seen in the distance

Butthe copy that was passed down to me from my travel agency was badly damaged andI had to clean it up & it looks quite good now!

Photographby the Port of New York Authority

Obviously,although she had visited New Yorkand many occasions in her wartime grey livery, she was not a Royal Mail Ship(RMS), this time when she arrived she was in addition she looked like a brandnew ship! New York gave her agrand welcome with all the usual water cannons and ships blowing their horns,for she had become one of the Great War heroes, but now she was indeed theworld’s largest Trans-Atlantic Liner.

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Adelightful early postcard of the Queen arriving at New York sailing up the Hudson River

She sailed on withgreat pride, however, on April 17, 1947 she ran aground on Brambles Bank whilstapproaching Southamptonin extremely thick fog. Whilst there was no damage to the ship, in order tomove her off the bank all passengers had to be disembarkedonto boats and go ashore, as well as the bulk of the fuel being pumped outbefore the Queen could be refloated the next day. Of course then there isalways the human element, such as industrial disputes like in 1948 that leftthe great she was stranded at New Yorkfor two whole weeks.


Queen Elizabeth’s Cargo & Provisioning Procedures:

In order to provide an example, Iwill take New York on how thesystem would work, and this would much apply for both the Queen Mary and QueenElizabeth. Queen Elizabeth would usually arrive on a Tuesday and would remainthere no longer than twenty four hours. Obviouslyduring this time up to 2,283 passengers would have to disembark as well as alltheir baggage, and that includes some heavy baggage for those who have arrivedin the USon a permanent basis! All this would be completed including any cargo from hertwo forward holds on Tuesday! Both on Tuesday and early onWednesday the stewards and cleaners would be busy with house keeping andmaking sure that every inch of the passenger accommodations and all loungeareas and decks was spotless and ready for their arrival!

I happen to have a list from Cunard White StarLine and it makes interesting reading: There would be an inventory for 4,100blankets, 31,000 sheets, and the samenumber of pillow slips, 21,000 tablecloths, 92,000 linen napkins, 2,400bathmats, 2,200 afternoon tea cloths,and 7,900 aprons.

Obviously Wednesday it would be a completereversal to a day earlier, as new baggage would arrive as well as the newpassengers, but more so the ships massive amount of provisions required for theAtlantic voyage. The requirements were for the freezers and the massivestorerooms for the five day voyage meant some 20 tons of meat, 4,000 chickensand ducklings, 20 tons of fish, 70,000 eggs, 4,000 pounds of tea and coffee, 30tons of potatoes, 4,000 pounds of vegetables, 600 crates of apples and oranges,4,000 gallons of milk, 3 tons of butter, 2,000 pound of cheese, 10,000 poundsof sugar 60,000 bottles of mineral water, 10,000 bottles of fine wines, 40,000bottles of beer. In the Galleys there were over 800 saucepans and even anelectric stove that was 16 feet long. A breakfast menu could include 20 typesof cereal, 18 kinds of bread and rolls and 15 different jams and marmalades.Cunard was most proud about their bacon and the ever spoke of it in theirpublicity material that they had 8 different kinds of bacon available forbreakfast. Thus all this would come on board on Wednesday. Also it would be onWednesday that Queen Elizabeth would on some 7,000 tons of bunker fuel.

In relation to cargo, it is true that everymajor Cunard liner carried some cargo, be it baggage, but also mail, diplomaticitems, antique cars, famous artworks, but and alsogold bouillon.

By September 1951 the Queen Elizabeth had madeits 100th.Atlantic crossing. Despite being a huge success many asked why did she never break any of the speed records, for that wasdone by the Queen Mary. But what people did not know that Cunard White Starchairman Sir Percy Bates demanded that the Queen Elizabeth compete against theQueen Mary’s “Blue Riband” speed record of 1938 of 31.69knots, and that is why she was not permitted to go over thirty knots during herspeed trails! Of course later the great American liner, the SS United States tookthe “Blue Riband”speed record of 1952! Although the Queen Elizabeth wascapable of a good 32 knots!


Overhauls and Refits:

During January1952 she received an overhaul as well as the ship's fuel capacity beingincreased and finally air-conditioning fitted throughout the ship. However,once again several mysterious fires broke out in several of the passengercabins but thankfully were quickly extinguished and completely refurbished.Then in January 1955 came one of the more welcome additions, regardless of hersize, but to be fitted with Denny Brown stabilisers was a godsend during thosewinter months! But, times were’a’changingas slowly people were taking to the sky as planes became a status symbol withthe wealthy, and First Class traffic was the bread and butter for Cunard Line!Thus even these improvements, were not quite enough for these grand luxuriouspassenger liners to compete with air travel, and by the time of the late 1950ssadly, now there were more people crossing the Atlantic by air than by sea and not just therich!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (27)

Awonderful bow angle taken from the air of the RMS Queen Elizabeth

Things did not getbetter as on July 29, 1959 the Queen Elizabeth was involved in a collision withthe ‘American Hunter,’ being a United States Lines cargo ship. Thecollision occurred in the Ambrose Channel when both ships were outward boundfrom New York. During thick fog it was the American ship that struck the starboardbow of the Queen Elizabeth but, luckily, damage to both ships was nottoo great, but the Queen was holed just above the water line and temporaryrepairs were quickly carried out at New York.

There was no doubt that the great QueenElizabeth became the ship to sail on in the 1950s and 60s and besides Royaltyit would be the British, European and especially the American greatest artistsof their time who would book on her, and of course they would make sure thatthey were not only seen on her but photographed by the media, as we will see inthe photographs below!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (28)

Herewe see the Duke and duch*ess of Windsor ready to board the Queen Elizabeth withone of their pug dogs

Thiswould have been in the late 40s or at least before 1952

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (29)

Thetalented and sublimely beautiful Elizabeth Taylor with her dogin her arms is seen with her husband Conrad “Nicky” Hilton

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (30)

Asthe great Queen is ready to depart, we see at her railings from left to right:

Frederick Brisson, his then wife wonderful Rosalind Russell-Brisson, Gregory Peck and his wife Mrs. Peck

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (31)

Thelovely Vivien Leigh and one of the greatly talented Lawrence Olivieron board the Queen

In those daysto be invited to the Captain’s Table was a very special honour andregarded as one of the great social events. Forthose from the world of high society it was ver muchexpected to be invited one or another of these special dinners! If there wasant Royalty on board, be it from one of the European countries they would dineat this table, like other important guests, whilst should there be BritishRoyal guests, then they usually would dine with the Captain in his privatespacious Dinning Room. Thus in those days this table was only available to siximportant guests and should there be more a second event would be held.

In the photograph below we see the six fromleft to right clockwise from the ships Captain Charles Musgrave Ford are; Lady Enisdaleand Lord Enisdale, Mrs. MacDonald and Mr. IanMacDonald, Captain H. Harrison-Wallace and Mrs. Harrison-Wallace.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (32)

Here we see theCaptain’s Table with his official guests as per above list!

From 1960 onwards, she receivedprogressive improvements and modernisations to all three classes that sawlounges, cabins and general facilities improved.


Queen Elizabeth the CruiseShip:

But the decline inpassenger numbers became so great, that at times there were more crew than passengers on board the ship, in fact on one voyageconsidering there was a crew of 1,200, there were only 200 passengers on board.Considering the situation in 1962 Cunard made an announcementthat the Queen Elizabeth would commence cruising in 1963.

She departed on her very first pleasure cruisein February 1963 from New Yorkto Nassau and theseproved to be popular. Whilst on one of these cruises there was a rather unusualincident as a light aircraft crashed into the sea not that far from the sternof the ship. I am told that this occurred south-eastof Cape Hatteras.Sadly the pilot died upon impact. Obviously, the ship notified the coastguard.

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Fareand sailing schedule for February to December 1964, after which she wouldcruise in America

Then in March 1965it was announced that the Queen Elizabeth would be receiving a major overhaul.She arrived in Greenockon December 5 and the work commenced. The main chances would include extensiveredecoration of her public rooms and her accommodations, as well as enhancingthe air-conditioning system. Externally there would be the extension of the aftdeck, being the creation an extensive Lido Deck with a brand new open-airswimming pool added with glazing along the sides the two aft decks. Althoughthe work was completed by April 1966, although there was a several weeks delaydue to a seamen's strikes. Her new tonnage was listed as 82,998 GRT. Thus nowthe great RMS Queen Elizabeth would operate Trans Atlantic voyaged during thesummer months and cruises to the warmer climates during the winter.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (34)

This is a superb areal imagelooks at her new extended aft decks and her new swimming pool. I took it from a1967 Cruise brochure from my collection. Sadly these days, modern cruiseships just do not have such spacious open deck spaces, and many do not evenhave a full walk around Promenade Deck anymore! The photograph is from the author’s privatecollection.

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RMSQueen Elizabeth arrives at New Yorkon April 4, 1966, but here she shows of so beautifully her new aft Lido deck and pool

Photographby the Port of New York Authority

Thus soon shesailed looking simply splendid with her new aft section and her interiors werebetter than ever before and from all reports passengers fell in love with thegreat Queen Elizabeth all over again, and bookings were doing quite well. But,costs and her rather deep draught was a big problem, for she simply could notget her anywhere near some of the most popular ports and islands, and that isjust where so many people desired to go, for they had heard of these places inadvertisem*nts in brochures from other cruise companies and other ships visitedthere on a regular basis, thus that caused a bit of a problem for Cunard, butit could have been worse, but there was big competition from Italian and otherlines from around the world, but not by other English ships!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (36)

In this rather uniquephoto we see the both the great RMS Queen Elizabeth and America’sgreatest ever liner built

the SS United States, whichThankfully remains with us today, and she will be restored in duecourse!

I would assume thatthis excellent photograph was taken sometimes in the mid sixties.

Thisphotograph was sent in by a supporter, but the photographer is unknown -*Please see photo notes at bottom of page!

Then suddenly therewas an official announcement on May 8, 1967 that the RMS Queen Mary would bewithdrawn from duties later that year and on August 18 that year she was soldto the city to Long Beach, California to be refitted as aHotel. The great liner departed Southampton on a special extended cruise packedwith ship lovers from around the world sailing for Long Beach,being her very last ever voyage. Having arrived there and after a longconversion she was laid up and became ‘Hotel Queen Mary’ and sheremains so to this day!

There was one big problemthat had been ongoing for Cunard, and it waswith great sadness that it was also announced on the very same day of the QueenMary’s announcement of her demise, on May 8, 1967 that the QueenElizabeth would also be withdrawn, but much later in 1968. Some have asked,“What in reality was the final nail in the coffin for the greatQueen?” Let me try to explain what was a huge problem of the times, forafter her massive refit in 1965 that was followed by the various seaman strikesthat was so common in those days, this cost Cunard White Star Line a mammoth£14 million Pounds, and let’s face it that kind of money is hard torecover for that is a massive loss, especially in the nineteen sixties, thussadly it would be the seaman’s union’s doing that aided in killingthe great RMS Queen Elizabeth before her time! I am all for the sailor, alwayshave been, but I am afraid there are some unions that have a great deal toanswer for, shame on them! Here in Australiathe seaman’s union have completely destroyed ourown seaman’s industry, and now we have just a few bare bones left in theindustry and frankly I am ashamed of what is left! But the British Unions areknown worldwide as being the worst in the world!

If you wish to view the R.M.S.Queen Elizabeth’s’ Deck Plan, may I suggest that you visit thefollowing excellent Website on her,

but on this one in particular youwill also discover her entire deck plan!


Please ensure that your pointer is pointed directlyon the RED letters to open each deck - I did find that “C Deck”did not open!


The Queen’s lastAtlantic voyage and at Port Everglades:

The great liner,the RMS Queen Elizabeth made her rather sad and final Atlantic crossing fromSouthampton to New Yorkon November 5, 1968, few knew that she had already been sold to a group of Philadelphiabusinessmen who had commenced the “Elizabeth Corporation” for £3.25million Pounds, but Cunard Line retained an 85% controlling interest in theCorporation. Once she arrived in New Yorkshe headed for Port Everglades, where she arrived on December 8, 1968.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (37)

Herewe see the great Queen arriving at Port Everglades on December 1968

Thisphotograph was together with the article shown below

Photo sent in byRussell L. Weaver and article found by WendyLueder when going through old newspaper clippings

The purpose of the great linerbeing in Port Everglades was become a convention centre and a major touristattraction and she was partially opened to the public in February 1969.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (38)

Page one of an article in the“Florida Profile issued in March or May 1969

Sent in by Russell L. Weaver and article found by Wendy Lueder when going through old newspaperclippings

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (39)

Herewe see the Queen Elizabeth berthed at Port Everglades in November 1969

This image was sent inby a supporter, but the photographer is unknown - *Please see photo notes atbottom of page!

However months later, on July 19she was sold to Queen Ltd of Port Everglades, and she was simply rename “Elizabeth.”They, like her previous owners also used her as a tourist attraction andintended to greatly upgrade her according to the authorities’requirements.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (40)

Above & below: this the“the Elizabeth”brochure released by Queen Ltd in 1969, I also have an ashtray from the ship

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (41)

However, just after a year of trading, inAugust 1970, Queen Ltd went into bankruptcy and soon the liquidators placed thegreat Queen up for auction!


SS Seawise University:

The great ChineseShip Owner Mr. C.Y. Tung, who over the years obtained many fine liners andoperated them all successfully, he heard late in 1970 that the great ex QueenElizabeth was up for auction thus he decided he wanted her for his new floatinguniversity! Being the successful bidder under the name of Seawise FoundationLtd, the Elizabethwas renamed SeawiseUniversityand she sailed for Hong Kongon February 10, 1971.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (42)

Elizabeth,renamed Seawise University is seen just prior to her departure from PortEverglades

Thisimage was sent in by a supporter, but the photographer is unknown - *Please seephoto notes at bottom of page!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (43)

SSSeawise University departs Port Everglades for Hong Kong on February 10, 1971

Thisis a new item found in the local new paper detailing the ship being “aflop” locally

However, duringher rather unexpected lengthy voyage the SS Seawise University encounteredongoing boiler problems, therefore she did not arrive in Hong Kong until Julyand upon arrival she was placed at anchor just off TsingYi Island near Kowloon, for it would be there where she would be converted tohr new owners needs!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (44)

TheSeawiseUniversityarrives at Hong Kongin July 1971

Mr. C.Y. Tungdesired to utilise the great ship in a dual role, as a floating university, butalso as a luxury cruise ship. With this in mind, work soon commenced with amassive £5 million Pound (for the day overhaul and refit of the ship into auniversity and cruise ship. Thousands of labourers descended upon the ex QueenElizabeth to carry out the task of converting the ship.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (45)

TheSeawise University undergoingher refit at Tsing Yi Island

Photographeris unknown - *Please see photo notes at bottom of page!

The ship wasstripped down and built back up. Modern equipment was installed to ensuresafety at sea, and certain areas of the ship were given a decidedly‘oriental’ décor. By December 1971, the work was close to beingcompleted, thus there was great happiness in the Tung family and all that hadworked so hard on board, for they had done a very good job indeed!


Tragedy Strikes the oldQueen!

From all reportsthat I have heard, the security on board was close to non existent, forlet’s be honest, the only people that came on board were the workers andstaff, visitors had to have an official pass, and there were several securitymen on board, but it was far from being a CIA operation, for the ship was atanchor and not at a berth!

On January 9, 1972, the ship so close tocompletion and she was scheduled to sail for Japanquite soon where she would be a dry docked and fromthere she would go on her maiden voyage. But sadly that was not to be, for thewhole of Hong Kongwas about to be awakened with a massive funeral pyre as five separate fireswere discovered around the ship. These fires spread very quickly and the shipburned throughout the night. It was immediately obvious that these fires had tobe purposely lit by an individual, or individual, yet it had never beenofficially been proved.

Then on January 10, the great lady commencedto keel over to starboard as the hulk continued to burn and smoulder for over aweek. There was just one casualty, but the Seawise Universitywas in bad shape and now only suitable for the breakers.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (46)

SeawiseQueen is seen ablaze in Hong Kong Harbour

PhotographSouth ChinaMorning Post


Below, is the text of a Letter sent fromHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to Mr. C.Y. Tung.

“Clarence House.


13th January 1972.

Dear Mr Tung,

I am to tell you how deeply distressed QueenElizabeth the Queen Mother is at the disaster which has overtaken the liner which was launched by Her Majesty and bore her name. Eversince Her Majesty learnt of the plans you had for Seawise University,Queen Elizabeth had felt a very keen interest in your enterprise and hoped fromher heart that the great liner would have many years of useful service. Alas,it seems that this is not to be and the Queen Mother asks me to send you hervery sincere sympathy in the tragedy which has anyhow temporarily dashed yourhopes.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Gilliat.
Private Secretary to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother”


An enquiry in July 1972confirmed that it had been the work of an, or arsonists, however thecriminal(s) was never found. In December 1973 it was decided to scrap the hulkand Japanese breakers would do the job. However, during this time, the wreckwas used during the filming of the 1974 James Bond movie “The Man With the Golden Gun” that portrayed the ship as theMI6s Hong Kong’s headquarters.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (47)

SeawiseUniversity seen keeled well over in Hong Kong Harbourin July 1972

Photographby & © Barry Loigman

But then there wasthe ship's final protest on November 5, 1975 when she rolled over and shespewed out several tons of oil that polluted the surrounding waters as well assome of the beaches. The official position of wreck is: 22°19.717'N 114°06.733'E? / ?22.328617°N114.112217°E, also? / the RMS Queen Elizabeth held the title of “largest passengershipwreck,” well that was until the recent MV Costa Concordia disaster in2012.

I was sent this item of interest by one ofmy readers, although I am unaware of its source:“Parker pens produced a special edition of 5,000 pens made from materialrecovered from the wreck in a presentation box and these are highly collectibleTwo of the ship's fire warning system brass plaques were recovered by a dredgerand these are now on display at The Aberdeen Boat Club in Hong Kong within adisplay area about the ship. The charred remnants of her last ensign were cutfrom the flag pole and framed in 1972, and it still adorns the wall of theofficers' mess of marine police HQ in Hong Kong.”

Although a great deal of the Grand ex RMSQueen Elizabeth was scrapped and removed, a remnant did remain and you may ask– “Where is the that part of wreckage today?” Thefollowing is from the South ChinaMorning Post – January 6, 1997.

Almost exactly a quarter of a century after amystery blaze destroyed the Queen Elizabeth in Victoria Harbour,the once-proud ocean-going liner is to find her resting place buried underContainer Terminal Nine (CT9).

Reclaimed land on which the terminal will bebuilt is to extend over the area where the wreck of the once majestic linerlies.

Arsonists who started the fire off Tsing Yi Island on January 9, 1972, have never beenidentified.

And the reason why she was set alight asshipping boss C.Y Tung, the father of Chief Executive-designate Tung Chee-Hwa, moved to turn her into a $30 million floatinguniversity has never been explained.

Early CT9 consultancy studies raised concernover the effect the wreckage might have on the project and shipping in thearea.

But now, with only months before the beforethe head of the famous shipping family takes control of the territory, themystery of his late father’s pride and joy is to be buried forever.

In the coming months the section of Tsing Yi will become reclaimed land, eventually housing thesouthern berths of CT9.

The Port Development Board’s commercialconsultant Peter Glass said: “Original studies looked at the wreckage ofthe Queen Elizabeth as a possible problem but that is no longer the case. Thereclaimed land will extend over the area where her wreckage is sited.”



Bulder: JohnBrown and Company Clydebank, Scotland.

Slipway: 4 – Hull number 552.

Laiddown: December 4, 1936.

Launched: September 27, 1938.

Port of Registry: Liverpool,United Kingdom.

Maiden Voyage 1: March 3, 1940, entering her wartime duties.

Maiden Voyage 2: October 16, 1946, being her first ever passengers service!

GrossTonnage: 83,673 GRT - 82,996 in 1965. 16,881 d.w.

Length: 300.94m - 987.4ft.

Breadth: 36.14m - 118.6ft.

Draught: 12.07m – 39.6ft.

Engines: Parsons single reductionsteam turbines, by John Brown – 160,000 SHP.

Screws: Quadruple screws.

Speed: 29 knots – Max 32knots.

Passengers: 2,283passengers.

823First Class, 662 Cabin Class and 798 Tourist Class.

Crew: 1,296.

Names: 1.Queen Elizabeth. 2. Elizabeth. 3.Seawise University.

1.1939–1969. 2. 1969–1970. 3. 1970–1972.

Owners: 1939-1949: Cunard White StarLine.
1949-1968: Cunard Line.
1968-1969: The Queen Corporation.

1969-1970:Queen Ltd.

1970-1972:C.Y. Tung - Seawise Foundation Ltd, Hong Kong.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (48)

Partof Queen Elizabeth’s engine room


The Other Queens - RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 – QE2:

The replacement for the two olderliners came in the form of a far more modern liner, being the RMS QueenElizabeth 2, or the ship that became so lovingly known worldwide as the QE2!This wonderful looking steamship was launched by HRH Queen Elizabeth II onSeptember 20, 1967, and she sailed on her maiden voyage from Southampton to NewYork on May 2, 1969, whilst the ex RMSQueen Elizabeth was still berthed in Port Everglades.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (49)

Thelong and sleek Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) seen as built

The 63,868 GRT QE2had a troubles from the start as she suffered problems during her Media andagents run in voyage, as Cunard put it mildly “teething troubles”with her steam turbines. Thus her official delivery was delayed by four months.Later she received new engines and became a motor ship, thus became a far moreeconomical ship, as well having fewer problems in the future! In additions, shehad a number of looks from her slim line tall black funnel encased by a whitesleeve that surrounded it with only the forward part showing, but this wouldaid the removal of any smoke from the decks. Her hull colour changed fromblack, shell grey and a royal (dark) blue. Her funnel also changes where thewhite received the red and black stripes, but later she was given a shorter,thicker new funnel that made her a better-balanced looking ship. In additionluxury suites with verandas were added topside and her aft decks extended.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (50)

Thefinal version of the QE2 is seen at Sydney’sInternational Passenger Terminal – Circular Quay, a great view of her aft decks!

Photoby & © the author

Over time shebecame one of the most popular cruise ships in the world, and operated herannual around the world cruise visiting both Australia and New Zealand,making her a regular visitor here! Amazingly it was on 5 November 2004 that theQE2 became Cunard Lines longestever serving ship, as she on that day surpassed the RMSAquitania’s record 35 years However, her dayscame to an end in 2008 after she made her farewell voyages.

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (51)

Thegreat Queen Elizabeth 2 photographed during her final visit to Liverpool on October 3, 2008

Photographby & © Alex Naughton

The QE2 left Southampton for the very last time onNovember 12, 2008, with a massive fireworks presentation, escorted by a massiveflotilla of smaller craft and a there was crowd of people along the shore thatwas estimated to be in the thousands. However, earlier that day, the QE2amazingly had run aground on a sand bank whilst coming into the port, butdiving inspections revealed no damage. It was like she demonstration, “Ido not want to leave!” But she had to as the American Carnival Corp, whoowns Cunard had already been sold for a massive US$100 million, which in truthshe was not worth, although to us ship lovers, she was worth much more! Shewent to Dubai, where her original plans came to nothing and she remains inlay-up However what did sadden me was that she was registered at Port Vila,being the capital of the small Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu, close toAustralia, but thankfully she is well maintained and looked after! But we donot know what her future holds?

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (52)

Above& below: The author took these two photographs of theQE2 at Dubai on September 21,2009

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (53)


MV Queen Elizabeth:

OK, let me behonest from the outset, I absolutely loathe this allAmerican designed VistaClass ship! Thus I cannot be more truthful that that. She departed on hermaiden voyage on October 12, 2010.

We need to understand that Cunard has alwaysbeen mostly owned by the Americans with some English ownership, but it hasalways been portrayed as being ever so frightfully British!But that has now been totally changed, for today Cunard is wholly owned by theAmerican Carnival Corp, that is a company that has, whatwe may say has no class, or style and sadly this is a company that has just asingle mind-set. You may ask, well what is that? It is simply this: How toextract or fleece every single Dollar or Pound out of theirpassengers! That is how they have designed all their new ships and they will dojust that.

Genuine ship lovers and maritime experts willall know that Vista Class ships are the most criticised ships in the world, andmy many friends who are respected maritime engineers and ship designers aroundthe world, who have built some of the finest ships, although I must say, sadlythere are dwindling, but they all say the same thing. These ships are the mosthideous vessels to hit the water and that include the RCI giants, which arejust not ships at all! Thus Cunard built that ugly and phoney Queen May 2,which is in reality an oversized Vista Class ship that has a flat stern, butthey welded on a rounded dummy stern for looks, but her real stern can be seenat the waterline! Then they even did the typical Disneyland thing and paintedin black looking deck forward of her superstructure, so that for afar she couldlook like the old Mary with her decks forward, do they think we are all mad? Itis just black paint! Then came the MV Queen Victoria which is 100% Vista andshe was followed but the almost identical MV Queen Elizabeth, also a VistaClass square box, or what is known in most circles as an apartment (Condo)block!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (54)

Above& below: The hideous looking MV Queen Elizabeth, noneed to say anything else!

TheAmericans certainly do no justice to the grand Dame RMS Queen Elizabeth and thedelightfully beautiful QE2

Personally,I believe that no further ships with the name of “Queen Elizabeth” should have been built!

Certainlynot a Vista Class ship, which is like invite Her Majesty to a ClassicalConcert, but have the “Sex Pistols” play Mozart!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (55)

DepartingSydney February 23,2011

I am not sayingthat their interiors ate not beautiful, for obviously they are, otherwisepassengers would not book! But, as you know Carnival is so good at adding somany optional extras everywhere, optional dinning, optional this and that, wewill add tipping to your account every single day, thus we will take yourmoney. Yes, you can lower the amount if you wish, but be assured that yousteward will have a list of every passenger, and he will know just what theyhave given, thus, if you think, he does not know, well guess what, they do. Itis just that the company does not tell you this, but I will! Then there aremany other features that they will push and push for you to spend on, be it theart auctions, the Spa and every day the shops will have special’s thatare never really specials!

This non Cunard styleship departed on her maiden voyage on October 12, 2010.


In Conclusion:

Although we havebriefly covered the wonderful RMS and then the cruise ship MV Queen Elizabeth2, which was without a doubt one of the last great linersbuilt and a fine ship, and she did the company proud! The QE2 gave manya wonderful ocean voyages and provided them the experience of a lifetime! Shewas the last Queen to be built that I will never sail on, not even ifCarnival/Cunard would give me a free deluxe suite on her, would I go for she isa disgrace to the great company it used to be, for it was a company with classback then. But tragically Cunard and its previous American owners completelysold out lock stock and barrel to Carnival a company that just does notunderstand what class is! Another company that sold to Carnival is HollandAmerica Line (HAL), however, they did something totally different to Cunard,P&O UK and Princess ships, etc, who just sold out! HAL, although the didsell to Carnival, but they retained their complete independence and their shipswill remain registered in Rotterdam Holland, not like the Cunard and the othercompany’s, which are all being re registered in the Bahamas! HAL willretain their Dutch staff and Indonesian and Pilipinocombination crew, which works so well! In addition, they arenot sold or marketed by Carnival, but by HollandAmericathemselves as they operate their own offices and have their own marketingteams. Now, why were they able to manage to do all that, and not Cunard?I can tell you that very simply, the Dutch have a great deal of audacity andgreat business knowledge, whereas the British, I am afraid to say, just had noguts and very little negotiations and just let the whole thing slip throughtheir hands to the Americans, Thus nu guts, no glory! I am sorry, I know therewill be those who will not like what I have just said, but, at least I amhonest and I speak my mind. You can write and complain, but do not expect ananswer, for there will be none!

The great 1939 RMS Queen Elizabeth was a true and a genuine beauty, a ship with a wonderful silhouetteand a grandiose stature. Just looking at the Queen gave you that intense desireto board her and roam her interiors, especially her wonderful lounges. She wasa true British Beauty from bow to stern!

As I have stated earlier Page Two isdedicated to her interiors and a few other images, which I know you will enjoy!

But let me close this page by remembering thisgreat liner, for I am sure she is and will be remembered for all the rightreasons, be it for her brave and admirable wartime duties, or her excellentliner services, and in her latter days as a wonderful cruise ship! Shecertainly was the finest of the old stock of great ships, and I for one, and Iam sure you the reader will never forget her!

Theperfect photograph to conclude this page!

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (56)

RMSQueen Elizabeth is seen departing on another voyage; do you not wish you couldbook a voyage on her today?

FarewellWonderful Queen, the QE2 did well to Continue theTradition in a Modern way

Butthe R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth was Special and she will Neverbe Forgotten!


Page One The History Page withImages.

PageTwo Interiors& much more!

PageThree Advertisem*ntsand Brochures.

“Blue Water Liners sailing to the distant shores.
I watched them come, I watched them go and I watchedthem die.”


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Photographs on ssmaritime and associate pages are by the author or from theauthor’s private collection. In addition there are some images that havebeen provided by Shipping Companies and private photographers or collectors.Credit is given to all contributors. However, there are some photographsprovided to me without details regarding the photographer/owner concerned. Ihereby invite if owners of these images would be so kind to make them-selvesknown to me (my email address may be found on www.ssmaritime.com only), in order that due creditmay be given.

Thisnotice covers all pages, although, and I have donemy best to ensure that all photographs are duly credited and that this noticeis displaced on each page, that is, when a page is updated!

ssMaritime is owned &© Copyright by Reuben Goossens - All Rights Reserved

RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939 (2024)


RMS Quen Elizabeth - 1939? ›

It was announced that on 23 August 1939 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth were to visit the ship and tour the engine room and that 24 April 1940 was to be the proposed date of her maiden voyage. Due to the outbreak of the Second World War, these two events were postponed and Cunard's plans were cancelled.

Where is the RMS Queen Elizabeth ship now? ›

Fifty years ago, the RMS Queen Elizabeth – the largest ocean liner in the world at that time – arrived in Hong Kong. However, no one would have expected that the final destination of this titan was the seabed of Victoria Harbour. Today, parts of the wreck are still lying at the bottom of the seabed.

Which ship was better Queen Mary or Queen Elizabeth? ›

The Queen Elizabeth was four years newer, slightly larger, more efficient, and served until two years later than the Queen Mary. Despite having comparable speed, the Queen Elizabeth had only 12 boilers instead of 24. That meant that the ship needed one less funnel and had far more space for passengers and cargo.

What happened to the Queen Elizabeth 1 ship? ›

The Queen Elizabeth was retired in 1968 and sold for conversion to a seagoing university, but it burned and sank in January 1972 during refitting at Hong Kong. Its successor, the Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2), was launched in 1967 and made its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York in 1969.

Was the Queen Elizabeth ship used in ww2? ›

Queen Elizabeth was requisitioned for wartime service on 13 November 1940. The ship sailed to Singapore where she was refurbished into the world's largest troop carrier. During the works, defensive armaments and a degaussing coil (to protect against mines) were fitted.

Is Queen Elizabeth ship bigger than Titanic? ›

While the QE2 is longer (963 verses 882 feet) and wider (105 vs 92.5 feet), the Titanic displaced more weight (52,310 vs 49,738 tons) and could carry more passengers (2,435 vs 1,777).

What does RMS mean in ships? ›

Royal Mail Ship (sometimes Steam-ship or Steamer), usually seen in its abbreviated form RMS, is the ship prefix used for seagoing vessels that carry mail under contract to the British Royal Mail. The designation dates back to 1840.

Which Queen ship sank? ›

RMS Queen Elizabeth
United Kingdom
Out of service9 January 1972
IdentificationRadio Callsign GBSS IMO number: 5287902
FateCaught fire and capsized, wreck partially dismantled between 1974–75, rest buried under land reclamation
30 more rows

Why did they stop using the Queen Mary ship? ›

The increasing popularity of air travel helped signal the end of an era for the Queen Mary. By 1965 the entire Cunard fleet was operating at a loss and they decided to retire and sell the legendary Queen Mary.

Which ship was bigger Titanic or Queen Mary? ›

Queen Mary is only about 20% larger than Titanic. She is 1,019 feet long, weighs 81,000 tons, and has a beam of 118 feet. If you're looking for 2 times larger, look at the Seawise Giant. 1,504 feet long, 225 feet wide, and over 200,000 GRT.

What ship replaced the QE2? ›

RMS Queen Mary 2 (QM2) is a British transatlantic ocean liner. She has served as the flagship of Cunard Line since succeeding Queen Elizabeth 2 in 2004.

What is the largest cruise ship in the world? ›

Royal Caribbean International – Icon of the Seas: 248,663 gross tonnes. Weighing 248,663 gross tonnes and measuring 365 metres (1,1967 feet), the Icon of the Seas is the largest cruise ship in the world.

What Queen Elizabeth ship sank in 1971? ›

It was renamed Seawise University and sent to Hong Kong Harbor for refitting. On January 8, fire broke out on the ship and virtually the entire Hong Kong firefighting force turned out to try to save it. Despite heroic efforts over two days, the old ship turned on its side and sank to the bottom of the harbor.

What did Princess Margaret suffer from? ›

Her health deteriorated in the last twenty years of her life. She was a heavy smoker for most of her adult life, and had a lung operation in 1985 and a bout of pneumonia in 1993, as well as three strokes between 1998 and 2001. Margaret died in 2002 aged 71, after suffering her fourth stroke.

How old was Queen Elizabeth in 1945? ›

Queen Elizabeth was 19 years old when World War II ended in Europe on VE Day on May 8, 1945. Then known as Princess Elizabeth, she served during the war as a truck mechanic and driver for the Auxiliary Territorial Service, a women's branch of the British army, and achieved the rank of Junior Commander.

How many strokes did Princess Margaret have? ›

But much of Margaret's earlier glamour was stripped away after she suffered three strokes between 1998 and 2001. Manville was drawn to the knottiness of portraying Margaret “in this difficult and lonely time of her life,” she said. When the character's illness also takes away her looks, her identity is shaken, too.

Was the RMS Queen Elizabeth scrapped? ›

The vessel was finally declared a shipping hazard and dismantled for scrap between December 1974 and 1975. Portions of the hull that were not salvaged were left at the bottom of the bay.

What ship replaced the QE2 today? ›

RMS Queen Mary 2 (QM2) is a British transatlantic ocean liner. She has served as the flagship of Cunard Line since succeeding Queen Elizabeth 2 in 2004. The ship was officially named Queen Mary 2 by Queen Elizabeth II in 2004 after the first RMS Queen Mary of 1936.

When did the Queen Elizabeth ship sank? ›

On January 9, 1972, the ship Seawise University (formerly the RMS Queen Elizabeth) sinks in Hong Kong Harbor despite a massive firefighting effort over two days.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.