Richest Countries in the World 2023 (2024)

* Data sourced from United Nations, data year 2021.

Developing countries often have deficient infrastructures and immature economies, which can put their citizens and corporations at a substantial disadvantage when competing in a global market. Larger disruptions such as war, hunger, disease, and political unrest can also have a tremendous negative impact on a country's GDP (along with nearly every other aspect of life). Factors such as these are why developing nations are more likely to appear on the list of poorest countries in the world, at least for now.

The weakness of GDP: tax shelters and Gross National Income (GNI)

GDP values can sometimes be warped by international business practices. For example, some countries (such as Ireland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland) are regarded as "tax havens" thanks to government tax rules that favor foreign businesses. A significant amount of what registers as GDP in these countries may actually be money that international companies are funneling through that country, as opposed to income that is wholly generated by domestic economic activity.

In an attempt to compensate for these tax havens' effect on national GDPs, many economists also track each country's Gross National Income, or GNI. This metric is very similar to GDP in that it measures the total value of all the goods and services produced in a country—however, it also adds or subtracts the money coming into or out of the country through foreign businesses. This helps account for tax haven activity and gives an arguably more accurate measure of an economy's health and wealth.

The Top 10 Richest Countries in the World (by GNI per Capita, Atlas Method, current US$ - World Bank)**:

  1. Liechtenstein — $116,440
  2. Switzerland — 90,600
  3. Luxembourg — $73,500
  4. Norway — $83,880
  5. Ireland — $76,110
  6. United States — $70,930
  7. Denmark — $68,300
  8. Singapore — $64,010
  9. Iceland — $63,460
  10. Qatar — 62,310

_** Note: Data year 2021. World Bank does not track GNI data from Monaco, which ranks as the world's richest country by GDP per capita.

It's important to note that GNI does not completely filter out all international financial interactions. It just helps to right-size the profits. For example, although their numerical values have changed, notable tax avoidance destinations Ireland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland are all still in the top 10. Additionally, if the list included non-sovereign territories as well as sovereign countries, several of the British Overseas Territories would rank extremely high, with Bermuda ($122,470), Isle of Man ($84,580 in 2019), the Channel Islands ($66,840), and the Cayman Islands ($61,880) all ranking in the top 15. All four are well-known tax havens with tiny populations, and as such the profit from even just a few multi-billion-dollar financial maneuvers can significantly elevate per-capita GNI. The US territory Guam ($84,580) would also rank highly.

That said, even known tax havens have a nearly infinite range of possible additional sources of national income. For example, most of the British Overseas Territories are also world-famous vacation destinations with massive tourism sectors. Note also that the absence of Monaco on the above list is not an indication that it is a tax haven (rich in GDP but low in GNI). Rather, up-to-date GNI data for Monaco was unavailable.

What is the richest country on each continent?

As illuminating and arguably inspiring as it is to peruse the list of richest countries in the world, it's also worthwhile to examine the data when broken down by continent. For example, a list of the very richest countries on each of the six inhabited continents (by GDP per capita, as above) would look like this:

  • Richest European Countries: Monaco (if data present), Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Luxembourg
  • Richest Asian Countries: Singapore, Qatar, Israel
  • Richest Countries in North America: United States of America, Canada, Puerto Rico
  • Richest Countries in Australia/Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, Palau
  • Richest Countries in South America: Uruguay, Chile, Argentina
  • Richest African Countries: Seychelles, Mauritius, Equatorial Guinea

Click on the links to visit the individual pages and learn more.

Profiles of Prosperity: Seven of the Richest Countries in the World***

*** Four of which rank among the top tax haven countries in the world.


In terms of sheer GDP per capita, Monaco's value of $234,317 USD for the year 2021 stands far above that of any other country. Like Liechtenstein, Monaco is a microstate, the smallest country in Europe other than Vatican City. Located on the coast of France along the Mediterranean Sea, Monaco has fewer than 40,000 residents and is known for its luxurious lifestyle and the wealth of its populace, more than 30% of whom are millionaires. Monaco is classified by some sources as a tax haven country, thanks in large part to the fact that it levies zero income tax and very low business taxes.


Another of the smallest countries in the world (particularly if islands are excluded), Liechtenstein nestles in between Austria and Switzerland and is geographically dominated by the Alps mountains, making the country a popular winter sports destination. While once considered a tax haven, the country has reformed its financial practices and falled off of most lists of tax havens. However, it retains its very high degree of wealth: The UN calculated Liechtenstein's 2021 GDP per capita as $169,260 USD (second-highest in the world) and World Bank computed the country's 2021 GNI per capita at $116,600 USD.


The European country of Luxembourg consistently ranks as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. These findings are based on the gross domestic product per capita values of the countries. The GDP per capita is calculated by dividing the country's total GDP by the population size, with the result being the GDP value per capita within a country. Luxembourg's GDP per capita for the year 2021 reached $131,745 USD according to the United Nations and $133,590 per World Bank calculations, good for third-highest in the world (behind Monaco and Liechtenstein).


The GDP per capita of Ireland is $101,109 USD for 2021 according to the United Nations. For reference, UN records indicate that the country's GDP per capita in 2017 was $70,492 USD, so Ireland's GDP is clearly enjoying a positive growth trend. However, Ireland is another well-known tax haven, so the average Irish citizen is unlikely to have enjoyed an equal increase in their actual income.


Switzerland was the sixth-wealthiest country in the world based on its 2021 GDP per capita, which the UN measured as a very notable $93,525 USD. Although it is widely considered one of the world's least-corrupt countries and posted the world's highest Human Development Index score in 2022, Switzerland is also considered one of the world's leading tax haven countries, thanks to the excessive secrecy of its banking industry.


With a 2021 GDP per capita of $89,242 USD, Norway ranked as the world's seventh-richest worldwide—a feat made more remarkable by the fact that it is one of very few countries in the top 10 that are not considered to be international tax havens. Like Switzerland and many other rich and/or Northern European countries, Norway has a very high standard of living. It also has very low income inequality, as shown by its low GINI coefficient.

United States of America

Considering the lengths many large US corporations go to hide their own profits in overseas tax shelters, it may be surprising to learn that the United States is itself considered a tax haven by many financial watchdog groups. Indeed, while domestic US companies often find the most beneficial terms in overseas tax shelters, many national and state-level regulations in the US enable international clients to move their money through US-based accounts while incurring minimal taxes.

Money can't buy happiness ... can it? The truth behind the saying

Many people who swear that they have discovered the secret to overall happiness claim that it has nothing to do with money. There is an incredibly high chance that you have heard the phrase, "Money cannot buy happiness." This statement is undeniably accurate, but there is also a strong counterargument—significant evidence shows that sometimes money can enable financial security that leads one to feel happier overall.

The core truth behind this counterargument is that many negative feelings and situations arise from a less-than-ideal fiscal standing. When one's credit score is low, even basic expenses such as renting an apartment, purchasing a home, or just getting a car can be difficult or impossible to finance. Similarly, people on a limited income can find it challenging to keep up with bare essentials such as electricity, water, and even groceries. In short, a lack of money can severely hinder one's ability to afford the fundamental "must-have" things human beings need to get by, let alone luxury items. This presence or lack of money can also impact one's health. Wealthy people can often afford better medical treatment than those with less money, especially in countries without universal health care. Moreover, an unfavorable financial status can be a major source of stress, anxiety, or depression.

What about the argument that money cannot buy cherished memories, which are arguably the most precious treasure of all? Absolutely true. Granted, money can buy many things that can help create those memories, such as vacations, tickets to concerts or sporting events, nights out on the town, trips to the movies or the amusem*nt park, gifts for loved ones, and so on. But creating those memories is still up to the individual. Plus, there are many other treasures that money can't enable, including love, trust, friendship, and spiritual peace.

Ultimately, the adage is true: Money cannot buy happiness. To quote another common saying, "the best things in life aren't things." However, a persistent lack of money can trigger negative effects ranging from emotional stress and unhappiness to poor physical health, so having at least enough money to easily cover one's living expenses is a worthwhile and unselfish goal.

Richest Countries in the World 2023 (2024)


Richest Countries in the World 2023? ›

Richest Country in 2050 will be United Kingdom

The United Kingdom's Gross Domestic Product in 2050 is estimated to be 3.58 trillion US dollars, with a per capita income of 49,412 US dollars. The present gap between the British economic wealth and Germany's economic wealth will contract significantly.

What is the wealthiest country in the world 2023? ›


Which will be the richest country in 2030? ›

GDP forecast 2030
  • 1 92.5 China. $ 43.879 Tn 2030.
  • 2 60.5 United States. $ 28.708 Tn 2030.
  • 3 37.8 — India. $ 17.948 Tn 2030.
  • 4 13.3 Japan. $ 6.337 Tn 2030.
  • 5 12.5 Indonesia. $ 5.951 Tn 2030.
  • 6 10.4 Russia. $ 4.973 Tn 2030.
  • 7 6.8 South Korea. $ 3.282 Tn 2030.
  • 8 +4 4.5 Pakistan. $ 2.159 Tn 2030.

Who will be the richest country in 2050? ›

Richest Country in 2050 will be United Kingdom

The United Kingdom's Gross Domestic Product in 2050 is estimated to be 3.58 trillion US dollars, with a per capita income of 49,412 US dollars. The present gap between the British economic wealth and Germany's economic wealth will contract significantly.

Who is the richest Arab country in the world 2023? ›

What is the richest Arab country 2023? Qatar. Based on the Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.855, Qatar is considered one of the most highly developed economies by the UN. Additionally, Qatar is among the top 10 richest countries in the world and has an average annual income of $62,310.

How rich is usa? ›

According to the IMF, the wealthiest nation in the world 2022 for GDP per capita was Luxembourg, with a sum of $127,673. For the sake of comparison, while the US has an overall GDP of $26.19 trillion, its GDP per capita is much lower at $75,180 than tax havens like Luxembourg, with a GDP per capita of $127,673.

Will China overtake the US? ›

There is still much work to be done to propel China to the top of the world's economy, but it is certainly possible that the Chinese economy can surpass the power of the US by 2050. It may also be too early to make definitive projections of China's future.

Who are the 5 superpowers in the world? ›

China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are often referred to as great powers by academics due to "their political and economic dominance of the global arena". These five nations are the only states to have permanent seats with veto power on the UN Security Council.

What is the strongest country in 2025? ›

By 2025, the United States would still be the most powerful country of the world, but it would have a little over 18% of the global power. The US would be closely followed by China (nearly 16%), European Union (14%) and India (10%).

Who will rule the world in 2025? ›

According to a recent report by Harvard University, “From economic complexity growth estimates, India is growing at the annual list at the rate of 7.9 percent as the fastest growing country for the coming decade.

Which country has the most future? ›

15 Best Countries to Live in the Future
  • Canada. ...
  • Finland. ...
  • Australia. ...
  • Germany. ...
  • Austria. ...
  • Belgium. GDP per capita, Purchasing Power Parity in 2021: $58,930.9. ...
  • Sweden. GDP per capita, Purchasing Power Parity in 2021: $59,324.0. ...
  • Netherlands. GDP per capita, Purchasing Power Parity in 2021: $63,766.9.
Oct 16, 2022

Who will be the most powerful country in 2100? ›

The world's largest economies in 2100 – India No. 1.

Who is No 1 richest person in the world? ›

Bernard Arnault

Billionaire, businessman and the chairman and chief executive of LVMH (LVMUY), Bernard Arnault holds the crown as the richest person in the world. According to Forbes, Arnault has a fortune of $217.9 billion.

Who will be the next richest country in the world? ›

  • Apr 6, 2023. 10 Most Richest Countries in the World 2023. ...
  • Luxembourg. In terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) Luxembourg scores at the top of the richest countries. ...
  • Singapore. ...
  • Ireland. ...
  • Qatar. ...
  • Bermuda. ...
  • Norway. ...
  • United Arab Emirates.
Apr 6, 2023

Who is the richest royal family in the world? ›

The British Royal Family

As per Forbes, this royal family is worth $88 billion.

Is USA rich than China? ›

The U.S. makes up 23.93% of the total global economy, says Investopedia. The World Bank Group lists China as the second richest country in the world as of 2021, possessing a GDP of $17.734 trillion along with a GDP per capita of $12,556.3. China makes up 18.45% of the total global economy.

Why did the US get so rich? ›

The integration of far-flung settlements required new technologies — steam engines, canals and railroads — setting the country on a natural course to industrial development. In sum, slavery and conquest created the foundation upon which the U.S. economy grew.

What country has the most debt? ›

According to data published by London-based investment fintech Invezz, Japan, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and the US are the top five nations with the highest level of government debt.

Which is strongest economy in world? ›

According to the latest available data from the World Bank, the United States of America is currently the world's largest economy, with a GDP of over $23 trillion in 2021.

Which country has the best economy? ›

United States

Which country has best future in 2050? ›

Emerging markets (E7) could grow around twice as fast as advanced economies (G7) on average. As a result, six of the seven largest economies in the world are projected to be emerging economies in 2050 led by China (1st), India (2nd) and Indonesia (4th)

Does China owe the US money? ›

As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

Is China in a debt crisis? ›

China's $23 Trillion Local Debt Crisis Threatens Xi's Economy - Bloomberg.

What year will China overtake the US economy? ›

At the end of last year the bank revisited its calculations. It now thinks China's economy will not overtake America's until 2035 and at its high point will be only 14% bigger (see chart).

Is America still a superpower? ›

Currently, only the United States fulfills the criteria to be considered a superpower. However, the United States is no longer the only uncontested foremost superpower and the world's sole hyperpower to dominate in every domain (i.e. military, culture, economy, technology, diplomatic).

Who holds the world power? ›

The United States remains the most powerful country in the world, followed by China and Russia. However, the balance of power may shift in the coming years as countries like India and Brazil continue to grow economically and assert themselves on the global stage.

Who is No 1 superpower? ›

United States. The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world's most dominant economic and military power. Likewise, its cultural imprint spans the world, led in large part by its popular culture expressed in music, movies and television.

Who will rule the world in 2050? ›

China is expected to hold on to the number one spot. In 2050, the Asian giant is forecast to have the largest economy on the planet. With an ageing population and an annual GDP growth rate averaging just 4.4%, however, China isn't projected to enjoy the exceptional economic growth it experienced during the 2000s.

What is the strongest country to ever live? ›

The 6 Most Powerful Countries Throughout History
  • British Empire. Britain was the largest country in history and the biggest world power ever. ...
  • Mongol Empire. At the height of its power, the Mongol Empire occupied the most competitive territory in history. ...
  • Russian Empire. ...
  • Imperial China. ...
  • Umayyad Caliphate. ...
  • Spanish Empire.

What is the strongest country in 2026? ›

United States: USD 29.3 trillion in 2026

FocusEconomics panelists see the U.S. retaining its title as the world's largest economy over the next few years, forecasting nominal GDP of USD 29.3 trillion in 2026.

What will Earth be like in 2040? ›

The report warns that, by 2040, global temperatures are expected to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, meaning that most people alive today will see the dramatic effects of climate change within their lifetime.

How will the world be in 100 years? ›

There will be "far worse extreme weather events than those we see today. withering droughts, epic floods, deadly hurricanes, and almost inconceivably hot heatwaves; a typical summer day in midlatitude regions like the U.S. will resemble the hottest day we have thus far ever seen." Dr.

What will happen to Earth in 2050? ›

According to a US report, the sea level will increase by 2050. Due to which many cities and islands situated on the shores of the sea will get absorbed in the water. By 2050, 50% of jobs will also be lost because robots will be doing most of the work at that time. Let us tell you that 2050 will be a challenge to death.

Is USA a good country to live? ›

Pro: Americans enjoy the highest average household income in the world. If you are looking for a better lifestyle for you and your family, America is perfect. The United States boasts an impressive income per capita measure of $54,854, and has the highest average income in the world.

Which country is best to live in future? ›

The world's best country to live in is Sweden, as it ranked highest on the world report Quality of Life Index that measured attributes ranging from economic stability and progressivism to innovation and geographical attractions.

Which country has the brightest future? ›

The United Kingdom is the most forward-thinking country in the world, according to the CEOWORLD magazine Index 2021, while Japan and Germany placed second and third, respectively. The 2021 rankings placed Singapore in fourth ahead of South Korea; while the United States ranked sixth, and Australia seventh.

Who will be the next superpower? ›

India is expected to overtake Germany in terms of GDP in 2025 and Japan in 2027 to become the third largest economy after the U.S. and China. Modi has pledged to make India a developed country by 2047, when it celebrates the 100th anniversary of its independence.

Which country is most likely to become a superpower? ›

China. China is considered to be an emerging superpower or a potential superpower. Some experts argue that China will pass the United States as a global superpower in the coming decades. China's 2020 GDP was US$14.7 trillion, the second-highest in the world.

Which country will be the most powerful in 50 years? ›

While challenges remain, most experts believe that China will be the new superpower by 2050. China GDP in 2050 is expected to be around $58.5 trillion.

Who has most cash in the world? ›

The top 10 richest people in the world are:
  • Jeff Bezos.
  • Bill Gates.
  • Larry Ellison.
  • Steve Ballmer.
  • Warren Buffett.
  • Larry Page.
  • Sergey Brin.
  • Mark Zuckerberg2.

What profession has the most billionaires? ›

In broader terms, the finance and investment profession has the most millionaires. It also has the most billionaires, with 371. Here's a list of the seven best careers if you want to be a millionaire.

Are there any Trillionaires? ›

A trillion is such a huge number, followed by twelve zeros. That is one thousand times a billion (nine zeros followed by 1). Do you know that only 6 trillionaires ever lived on the face of earth? As of today, there are no trillionaires who live on earth.

What is the richest continent in the world? ›

List by the International Monetary Fund (2023 estimate)
RankContinentGDP (billions of current Int$)
3North America33,728
4 more rows

What is the poorest county in the world? ›

The Poorest Countries in the World
  • Somalia: GDP per capita of USD 303 in 2026. ...
  • South Sudan: GDP per capita of USD 441 in 2026. ...
  • Sierra Leone: GDP per capita of USD 532 in 2026. ...
  • Malawi: GDP per capita of USD 606 in 2026. ...
  • Central African Republic: GDP per capita of USD 624 in 2026.
May 25, 2023

Is Dubai the richest country in the world? ›

The UAE is the third-richest country in the world, below Luxembourg at number two and Qatar at number one, with a GDP per capita of $57,744. The bulk of its money comes from the production of goods and provision of services related to petroleum, petrochemicals, aluminium and cement.

Who are the six trillionaires? ›

Let us take a look at the people who held unprecedented wealth in trillions.
  • Mansa Musa. 1280-1337. King of the Mali empire and Timbuktu. ...
  • Genghis Khan. 1206-1227. King of Mongol Empire. ...
  • Zhao Xu. 1048-1085. ...
  • Akbar. 1542-1605. ...
  • Augustus Caesar. 63 BC-14 AD. ...
  • Amenhotep III. 1388–1351 BC. ...
  • King Solomon. 970 – 931 BCE.
Apr 25, 2019

Who is the richest woman in the world? ›

There are 337 women on the 2023 World's Billionaires list, including a familiar face as the world's wealthiest. T he reign of Françoise Bettencourt Meyers continues.

Who is the richest king in history? ›

Mansa Musa is renowned for his wealth and generosity. Online articles in the 21st century have claimed that Mansa Musa was the richest person of all time. This claim is often sourced to an article in CelebrityNetWorth, which claims that Musa's wealth was the equivalent of US$400 billion.

Which country will be rich in future? ›

It's expected that China will soon integrate the Hong Kong and Macao regions into its economy, bringing its GDP to a massive $25.33 trillion by 2050, which is more than the double of the $11.93 trillion of today, making China the world's most powerful economy in the next decades.

What is the richest state in USA 2023? ›

1. California

California, the nation's most populous state, has the largest state GDP of $3,599,103,000,000. California's median household income is $78,672, the seventh-highest in the U.S.

What is the poorest country in the world 2023? ›

South Sudan

The very poorest of the world's poorest countries, South Sudan has been wracked by violence since its creation in 2011.

Which is the best country to live in 2025? ›

  • Sweden. #1 in Quality of Life. #5 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Denmark. #2 in Quality of Life. #10 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Canada. #3 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Switzerland. #4 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Norway. #5 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Finland. #6 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Germany. #7 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Netherlands. #8 in Quality of Life.

Will China overtake US? ›

There is still much work to be done to propel China to the top of the world's economy, but it is certainly possible that the Chinese economy can surpass the power of the US by 2050. It may also be too early to make definitive projections of China's future.

What country has most billionaires? ›

The country with the highest number of billionaires is, unsurprisingly, the US. The United States of America has 735 billionaires – same as last year, according to Forbes.

What is the poorest state in the US 2023? ›

Mississippi tops the list as the poorest state in the US, with an alarming poverty rate of 18.70%. Despite its rich history and cultural heritage, the state faces numerous economic challenges, including limited job opportunities, low wages, and a high percentage of residents living below the poverty line.

What is the richest county in America? ›

The five richest counties in the U.S. (No. 1 being richest), based on our combination of factors, are: Falls Church, Virginia. Loudoun County, Virginia.

Which state is the strongest financially? ›

2022 GDP by State Rankings
RankState2021 GDP
3New York$1,901,296.5
47 more rows
Feb 8, 2023

Which country has zero poverty? ›

Iceland stands at the top of countries with the lowest poverty rates with a poverty rate of 4.9% in 2021.

Which country is no 1 poorest country? ›

The Briefing
  • Global GDP per capita continues to grow every year, and is projected to sit at $13,920 for 2023 (current prices)
  • There are as many as 123 countries whose per capita GDP is below the global average.
  • Burundi is the poorest country in the world with a per capita GDP of about $308.
Mar 29, 2023

What is the richest continent? ›

Europe: The Winner in GDP-Per-Capita Wealth

The continent is home to the majority of the richest countries in the world. Europe is rich, largely due to the European Union.

What's the cheapest country to live in? ›

Cheapest Countries to Live In
  • Vietnam.
  • South Africa.
  • Ecuador.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Malaysia.
  • Mexico.
  • Indonesia.
  • Bulgaria.

What country has highest quality of life? ›

1. Sweden. Sweden is the top country in 2022 best quality of life rankings. The country stands out in the ranking of quality of life for health systems and well-developed public education, security, economic stability, and politics.

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