Quiet Title Action – Pennsylvania (2024)

Quiet Title Alternative for Tax Deed Investors in Pennsylvania

Tax Deed investors save nearly $3k on average when they use Tax Title Services as opposed to seeking a quiet title judgment.

Get a FREE Consultation for your Tax Deed Property

On the surface, Pennsylvania tax sale properties seem like a great investment.

Outside of Philadelphia, there is no true “redemption” period for both Judicial and Upset tax sales. Although there is no redemption period, most title companies will not insure tax sale properties for a minimum of 2-3 yrs after the tax sale without a quiet title action being completed.

This places burdensome limitations on what you can actually do with your tax sale property because you cannot obtain title insurance.

Historically, an action to quiet title through the court systemhas been the only way to obtain title insurance for tax sale properties directly after a Pennsylvania tax sale.

With the average cost of a quiet title action being in excess of $4,500 and taking a minimum of 6 months to complete, a quiet title action may not be the best strategy for your investing.

Tax Title Services can qualify your tax deed property for title insurance in 30-40 days and at a fraction of the cost of a quiet title action.

Our Certification process is accepted by many title companies in lieu of a quiet title actioninPennsylvania.

We have been in business for over 20 years and certified 40,000+ tax sale properties for title insurance nationwide.

To learn more about our quiet title action alternative, please fill out the form to schedule a free consultation.

Submit the form and a tax deed expert will reach out

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Quiet Title Action – Pennsylvania (2024)


Quiet Title Action – Pennsylvania? ›

Quiet title actions are a kind of civil lawsuit. They're filed solely to settle any issues about the true ownership and rights to a piece of property. When successful, they remove other claims that may potentially exist to that property and “quiet” any adverse claims.

How much does a quiet title action cost in PA? ›

With the average cost of a quiet title action being in excess of $4,500 and taking a minimum of 6 months to complete, a quiet title action may not be the best strategy for your investing.

What is quiet title adverse possession in Pennsylvania? ›

Litigating an Adverse Possession Claim

To initiate a case, an adverse possessor must commence an action to quiet title and provide notice of the action to the record owner. The action to quiet title must be filed in the county in which the disputed property is located[liii] in the Court of Common Pleas.

How do you become successful in quiet title action? ›

§761.020], a quiet title action must be well-supported. To file a successful quiet title action claim, you will need to provide a detailed description of the property at issue in the title dispute. Beyond that, you also should gather and organize all relevant property records.

When would a suit to quiet title typically be filed? ›

It is used when there is a dispute over the title for a piece of property; it is designed to “quiet” claims to the property in question and decide who has ownership. You can also file for a quiet title action when there are breaks in the chain of ownership, such as when you purchase property in an estate sale.

What is an example of a quiet title action? ›

Quiet title actions are common, for example, after the death of a title owner, especially when the property is left unoccupied for a long time. Squatters may try to claim adverse possession, or competing mortgage lenders may claim ownership interests.

What happens after quiet title? ›

Following the quiet title action, the plaintiff will be in full possession of the property in perpetuity, as will be the plaintiff's heirs, and they will also be protected from any further claims of ownership made against the property by other outside entities.

Can a neighbor claim my land by mowing it in Pennsylvania? ›

Is it possible for a neighbor to claim my land by mowing it? No. No law allows ownership of land via only mowing the land.

How many years is adverse possession in PA? ›

(a) Adverse possession. --Title to real property may be acquired after no less than 10 years of actual, continuous, exclusive, visible, notorious, distinct and hostile possession of the real property.

What are the squatter laws in PA? ›

In Pennsylvania, a squatter will need to have occupied the property for at least 21 years (20 years in Maryland) to file a claim. This entire period must also be uninterrupted. The squatter must not have abandoned the property during those 21 years.

What is the process of quiet title? ›

The quiet title process involves four main steps. First, research property ownership and title issues. Second, draft a quiet title complaint or petition. Third, file and serve all quiet title pleadings.

Why would a property owner file a quiet title suit quizlet? ›

Why would a property owner file a quiet title suit? A buyer has signed a contract to purchase a property but is uncertain of the condition of the title.

What can buyers do to protect themselves from title issues when purchasing property? ›

An owner's title insurance policy is what protects you after you buy the property. It protects you in case any liens or claims are filed or discovered after the property becomes yours. Title insurance is a one-time fee often included with closing costs when you buy your home.

What's the purpose of a suit to quiet title? ›

A quiet title action is a special legal proceeding to determine ownership of real property. A party with a claim of ownership to land can file an action to quiet title, which serves as a sort of lawsuit against anyone and everyone else who has a claim to the land.

What is the difference between a suit to quiet title and a trespass to try title in Texas? ›

Put simply, a trespass to try title claim is a legal procedure for challenging the ownership of property, while an action to quiet title is an equitable remedy for establishing one's right to ownership of real property against other adverse claimants. (3) the claim, although facially valid, is invalid or unenforceable.

What document shows legal alienation of a property? ›

Voluntary alienation, either as a sale or a gift, must be executed by the use of a deed to transfer title. The deed is a written document that conveys transfer of title in real estate.

Which of these actions would cause a property to become an reo? ›

Properties become REO when owners default and the bank repossesses them and tries to sell them. The lender, which is often a bank, takes ownership of a foreclosed property when it fails to sell at the amount sought to cover the loan. These properties generally come at a steep discount but may require extensive repairs.

Which party at closing requires the property to be free and clear of encumbrances and requires title insurance and hazard insurance? ›

The lender requires the property to be free and clear of encumbrances, and will require title insurance and hazard insurance to protect the lender's investment (the loan).

What is a granting clause? ›

Granting Clause:

The clause in the deed that lists the grantor and the grantee and states that the property is being transferred between the parties.

What's the term for a notice given directly to and received by a person? ›

Actual notice is a notice that is given directly to a party or is personally received by a party informing them of a case that could affect their interests.

How much does a quiet title action cost in SC? ›

The standard attorney fee for an uncontested Quite Title Action is $1500, plus the court costs, service of process, publication and other costs related to the lawsuit.

What criterion must be met before a document is eligible for recording? ›

To be eligible for recording, a document pertaining to real estate must be drawn and executed in accordance with the requirements of the recording acts of the state in which the property is located.

Can property be land locked in PA? ›

Access to Landlocked Property

For a property owner whose property does not adjoin a public road and does not have access either through an express access easem*nt or by legal implication, Pennsylvania's Private Road Act (the “Act”) offered the landlocked property owner a remedy.

What is the nuisance neighbor law in PA? ›

Public nuisances. Whoever erects, sets up, establishes, maintains, keeps or continues, or causes to be erected, set up, established, maintained, kept or continued, any public or common nuisance is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Is the grass next to the sidewalk private property? ›

The land is often public property, with maintenance usually being a municipal responsibility. Some municipal authorities, however, require that abutting property owners maintain their respective verge areas, as well as the adjunct footpaths or sidewalks.

How do I claim abandoned land in PA? ›

To receive assistance from a claims representative, call 1.800.222.2046 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday, or e-mail tupmail@patreasury.gov.

What is a quit claim deed in PA? ›

A Pennsylvania quit claim deed is a basic form that allows for the quick transfer of an interest or claim on property from one party to another. This document will define such items as the Consideration Paid, the Grantor, Grantee, and the Property in combination with the required language for this document.

How do I get around adverse possession? ›

Requirements of adverse possession include exclusive use, continuous use and open takeover of the land. You can prevent adverse possession by marking boundary lines and providing written permission of use.

Can police remove squatters in PA? ›

Suppose the individual claiming control of the residence is deemed a squatter, not a trespasser. In that case, the Sheriff's office may not be able to remove them from the premises because squatting is not considered a criminal offense in Pennsylvania.

Can you turn off utilities on a squatter in PA? ›

Additionally, you should not change the locks, turn off the utilities, or otherwise try to force the squatters to leave by making the property uninhabitable for them. Just as it is illegal to use these tactics to force a tenant to leave your property, it's also illegal to use them on squatters.

Can you evict a squatter in PA? ›

Serve the Squatters Proper Notice

If the squatter still refuses to leave, you can serve them with a notice to vacate the premises or pay back rent. In most cases, you can serve them with a 10-day notice to quit, especially if you suspect illegal activity on the premises.

Which of the following would be a serious cloud on title? ›

Examples of clouds on title include a property's address being misspelled in a deed conveying title, a mortgage lien whose repayment hasn't been officially recorded, a deed which has been signed but hasn't been properly recorded, an easem*nt that has not been properly recorded, unpaid property taxes, a failure to ...

Which of the following statements about adverse possession is true? ›

The adverse possessor must share possession with the true owner. Which of the following statements regarding adverse possession is TRUE? Government-owned land cannot be adversely possessed. An adverse possessor who enters property with permission of the owner can constructively possess a portion of the land.

Which of the following persons would file a quiet title action in order to obtain official record title to a property? ›

Typically, an attorney will file an action to quiet the title. You are the plaintiff in this case, since you are the person filing the lawsuit to claim property ownership. The defendants are other persons or parties asserting an ownership claim.

What are title disputes over real estate interests which are resolved by a quiet title action? ›

Other grounds for a quiet title action include to settle tax issues with a property; errors in surveying; fraudulent conveyance of the property by coercion or forged deed; treaty disputes between nations; or competing claims by lien holders, reverters, missing heirs, or remainders.

How do I stop someone from stealing my house title? ›

How To Prevent Home Title Theft
  1. Keep Track Of All Bills And Homeowner Mail. ...
  2. Check Your Credit Report Routinely. ...
  3. Get Title Insurance. ...
  4. Stay Educated On Common Scams.
6 days ago

How do hackers steal home titles? ›

As the FBI explains, home title theft happens when someone transfers your property to them. Using fake IDs and forged signatures or other nefarious techniques, scammers can actually get the title of your home changed so they become the new legal owners.

Does home title lock really work? ›

Home Title Lock is a scam,” San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu said in announcing plans to seek records from the company on Monday.

Is quiet title equitable relief? ›

Quiet Title Actions are Equitable in Nature

These are considered “legal remedies”. However, quiet title actions are “equitable” in nature. (Aguayo v. Amaro, (2013) 213 Cal.

What is the significance of the title trespass? ›

A trespass to try title action is the method of determining title to lands. It is typically used to clear problems in the chain of title or to recover land unlawfully held from a rightful owner.

What is an example of alienation of title? ›

For example, your lender provides you a loan in exchange for the title, which the lender then uses as collateral while you repay the loan. Similarly, your lender uses the alienation clause to ensure that they make back the money you borrowed even when you sell or transfer ownership of your home.

What is an example of involuntary alienation? ›

The most common occurrence of involuntary alienation is when a bank evicts the residents because of unpaid loan balances. In other words, foreclosure is a circ*mstance where one loses their property due to unpaid debts.

Can you assign quiet title action? ›

A party with a claim of ownership to land can file an action to quiet title, which serves as a sort of lawsuit against anyone and everyone else who has a claim to the land. If the owner prevails in the quiet title action, no further challenges to the title can be brought.

What are the requirements for adverse possession in Pennsylvania? ›

(a) Adverse possession. --Title to real property may be acquired after no less than 10 years of actual, continuous, exclusive, visible, notorious, distinct and hostile possession of the real property.

What are the defenses to ejectment in PA? ›

The defendant may assert various defenses to the ejectment action such as the deed is fraudulent, existence of a landlord-tenant relationship, and/or adverse possession. Following successful disposition of the case the plaintiff must file a writ of possession.

What does a writ of attachment do? ›

A writ of attachment is commonly used by a plaintiff to secure a contingent lien on a defendant's property in the event that the plaintiff obtains a judgment against the defendant. There are various types of attachments including garnishment, sequestration and replevin.

What are the disadvantages of a quit claim deed? ›

What are the Disadvantages of a Quit Claim Deed? No Protections For The Transaction: Unlike warranty deeds, a quitclaim deeds does not offer protections for the new property owner. There is no way to guarantee that the property is owned free and clear, and that there are no easem*nts or restrictions.

Are quitclaim deeds legal in PA? ›

As with any kind of deed transfer, a quitclaim deed is a legal instrument used to transfer real property from a grantor to a grantee.

How long is a quitclaim deed good for in Pennsylvania? ›

1-Year Subscription. Transfer property in Pennsylvania quickly and easily using this simple legal form. You can use a quitclaim deed to: transfer property to or from a revocable living trust.

What are squatters rights in PA? ›

In Pennsylvania, a squatter will need to have occupied the property for at least 21 years (20 years in Maryland) to file a claim. This entire period must also be uninterrupted. The squatter must not have abandoned the property during those 21 years.

What is the shortest time for adverse possession? ›

The statutory period for adverse possession may be as short as three years or as long as twenty years. Many jurisdictions allow an adverse possessor to "tack on" his or her period of adverse possession to a previous possessor's period, so long as there is no lapse in time between the two occupations.

What is the Castle Doctrine in PA? ›

The Castle Doctrine

This law allows you to use force without first having to retreat from imminent danger if you're in your home, workplace, or in a public place where you have a right to be.

How long does an ejectment take in PA? ›

Ejectment actions are filed in the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas. To get started, the Plaintiff must file a Complaint and have it served. Depending on the actions of the Defendant, obtaining an order for Ejectment can take as little as a month to as long as a year.

What is the statute of limitations for ejectment in Pennsylvania? ›

-- (1) The record owners or their heirs, successors and assigns shall have one year in which to respond by commencing an action in ejectment against the possessor, which action disputes the claim of adverse possession.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.