Quiet Title Action Florida: What it is & Attorney Lawsuit Help (2024)

Quiet Title Action Florida: What it is & Attorney Lawsuit Help (1)

Quiet title action in Florida is a legal process that can be used to determine the true owner of a property. However, the process can be challenging, and in some cases, it is not possible to determine who the rightful owner of a piece of property is without the help of a quiet title attorney.

Table of Contents

What is Quiet Title Action in Real Estate? Our Definition

The standard quiet title action definition in Florida courts states that it is a legal procedure used to determine the genuine owner of a piece of real estate. It is most often used when multiple people have claims to the same property, such as a tenancy in common arrangement.

However, a suit to quiet title refers to a specific legal process in real estate that can be used to determine the true owner of a property in the cases of competing claims. This is particularly useful in situations where multiple people claim the same property, especially if they have all been added to the title because of a foreclosure.

In some cases, a quiet title action can also be used to determine the true owner of real estate that is under dispute; such could be the case in competing claims by construction lien holders or in situations where the tenant has failed to meet their financial obligations on the property, such as paying their mortgage or property taxes.

The quiet title meaning can be rather complex, and if a lawsuit is necessary, it's crucial to reach out to a real estate attorney, such as the team at Cueto Law Group, who can help guide you through the process.

What Does a Suit to Quiet Title Do?

The purpose of a suit to quiet title is to determine the true owner of a piece of real estate. If multiple people have claims to the same property or several different unresolved claims, a quiet title lawsuit can be used to determine the property owner.

Who Can File a Quiet Title Action?

In some cases, a quiet title action can be filed by a current owner of a property to determine whether they are the true owner of the property. However, a quiet title suit can be filed by a party with a competing claim to the property’s title.

This can occur, for example, if a buyer attempts to purchase a property, but is informed that it is already under contract to another buyer. In this situation, the buyer may file a quiet title suit in an attempt to determine the true owner of the property so that they can negotiate directly with that owner.

How to File a Quiet Title Lawsuit in Florida

A quiet title lawsuit is a way to establish a legal right to a piece of real estate or property. It's often used when a property is in dispute, but it can also be used if an owner isn't sure if they have a right to the property.

If you're looking for tips on how to be successful in quiet title action, you'll want to be aware of each step of the process.

Below are the 6 basic steps for filing a quiet title lawsuit in Florida with the help of a quiet title action attorney:

1. Provide the Tax Deed to Your Quiet Title Action Attorney

When you're filing a quiet title lawsuit, the first thing that you'll need to do is provide your quiet title action attorney with a copy of the property tax record, also referred to as the deed.

This document will provide your attorney with the detailed information they need to be able to determine the current owner of the property. They will also need this document to effectively draft the necessary legal documents, such as a motion and supporting documents, which will be used to support their claim that they are the true owner of the property.

2. Quite Title Action Lawyer Reviews the Title Search

An experienced quiet title action lawyer will then take the necessary time to review the title search. This is a document that is prepared by the title company, which provides the attorney with critical information about the property, such as:

  • The name of the current owner
  • The date that the property was purchased
  • The amount that the property was purchased for

The title search will also contain a detailed description of the property, which will be very helpful in the drafting of the necessary legal documents.

Required documents will include:

  • A title search report
  • Title policy
  • The deed

3. The Quiet Title Complaint is Prepared

The quiet title complaint is the document used to provide detailed information about the claim made by the plaintiff and the type of relief they are requesting.

This document is prepared by the quiet title action attorney and will include specific details about the property that the plaintiff is claiming. It will also have a detailed description of the plaintiff and a short summary of their legal argument as to why they should be considered the property's true owner.

In some cases, the quiet title complaint will also include a description of their current understanding of the property and a summary of any conversations they've had with the current owner.

4. The Quiet Title Action Will Be Filed & Both Parties Will Have a Chance to Respond

In the state of Florida, a quiet title action is filed by filing a motion with the court. The motion will be filed by the quiet title lawyer on behalf of the plaintiff and will be served on the property’s current owner. The current owner will then have an opportunity to file a response to the motion, which will be filed with the court.

All parties involved will have 20 days from the day they are served to respond. If they fail to respond within the allotted time, then the quiet title lawsuit will be able to move forward without any further interference.

5. Quiet Title Action Proceedings Begin

If all parties respond and participate in the quiet title action proceedings, the court will schedule a hearing, allowing both parties to present their arguments in person.

The quiet title action attorney will be responsible for presenting the arguments in favor of the plaintiff. At the same time, the property’s current owner will be allowed to present their arguments in support of their claim that they are the valid owner of the property.

6. A Motion for Final Judgement is Filed

Once all parties involved have had a chance to present their case, a motion for final judgment will be filed. This motion will be used to request that the court make a final decision in the quiet title action and will be supported by the necessary legal documents.

The final decision in the quiet title action will then be made based on the evidence that has been presented during the proceedings.

How Long Does a Quiet Title Action Take?

The length of time it takes for a quiet title action to be completed depends largely on the case’s complexity and whether all parties involved are cooperative. If all parties are cooperative, a quiet title action may be able to be completed within a matter of months.

However, in cases where the parties cannot reach an agreement, the quiet title proceedings may be extended for several months.

How Much Does a Quiet Title Action Cost in Florida?

Again, the cost of quiet title actions in Florida will vary greatly depending on the complexity of the case and the amount of research that needs to be done. The cost of a quiet title action will also depend on the current owner of the property and their legal representation.

Can I Do a Quiet Title Myself?

Technically, yes, you can perform a quiet title action without a lawyer. While attempting to do a quiet title yourself can seem like a good idea, it's recommended that you seek the help of a quiet title attorney near you to help you navigate the complexities involved in these cases.

Doing a quiet title action yourself can be time-consuming and complicated, so you will need to invest a significant amount of time and money in completing the process.

Instead of doing a quiet title action yourself, it's generally recommended that you seek the assistance of a quiet title Florida attorney who can help you navigate the process. This will help you ensure that you can complete the process within a timely manner and at the lowest possible cost.

Get Help from an Expert Quiet Title Action Florida Attorney

Need advice from a quiet title lawyer in Florida? Contact our skilled team of quiet title attorneys and get your questions answered. Contact Cueto Law Group today.

Contact us now!

Our Final Thoughts on Quiet Title Action in Florida

Quiet title actions are complex legal proceedings that require the assistance of an experienced attorney. If you need legal assistance with a quiet title action in Florida, please feel free to contact our law firm. Our team is committed to providing the best attorney-client relationship possible, and we're eager to help you navigate the complex legal system.


Still have a few questions regarding the real estate law in Florida and quiet title actions? Below are a few of our real estate lawyers’ frequently asked questions about quiet title action in Florida:

Can Tax Title Services Be Used as a Quiet Title Alternative?

If you are filing a quiet title action on your own, then tax title services could help. However, tax title services shouldn't be used as a quiet title alternative entirely because they don't provide the same legal protections and benefits as a quiet title action.

Instead, tax title services will often provide the user with all of the necessary legal documents and background information regarding the property they need to complete a quiet title action, such as the legal title, claims of ownership, and all public records associated with the Florida property.

Do Quiet Title Actions Clear Up All Title Issues?

Not always. For example, in cases of liquidated damages in Florida or other title defects, a quiet title action is sometimes not the best course of action. Also, a quiet title action will not always result in a clear title. For example, if a prior owner failed to record a deed, a quiet title action would not resolve this issue.


Quiet Title Action Florida: What it is & Attorney Lawsuit Help (2024)


How do I respond to a quiet title action in Florida? ›

How To Respond To A Quiet Title Action In Florida – Understanding The Process
  1. Identify his or her right to the property.
  2. Draft a counter-petition against the action.
  3. File a response.
  4. Send notice to all interested parties.
Jul 28, 2022

What is the final Judgement of quiet title in Florida? ›

A successful quiet title action removes all adverse legal claims and interest on the property in question. This results in a Florida judge signing a judgment that renders the property as quieted, and as a result the recorded chain of title if free from encumbrances and/or liens.

How do you become successful in quiet title action? ›

§761.020], a quiet title action must be well-supported. To file a successful quiet title action claim, you will need to provide a detailed description of the property at issue in the title dispute. Beyond that, you also should gather and organize all relevant property records.

What is the average cost of a quiet title action in Florida? ›

The costs involved in filing a quiet title action in Florida include such things as the Court required case filing fee which ranges between $300 and $450, depending on the county in which the case is filed. There are also title search charges of approximately $125 and Publication charges of approximately $150.

What is remedy in quieting of title? ›

Quiet Title Actions are Equitable in Nature

In many civil cases, the remedy available is monetary relief. For example, in a real property purchase and sale non-disclosure case, or a breach of contract case, an aggrieved party often recovers a sum of money as their damages. These are considered “legal remedies”.

What is the statute of limitations on a quiet title in Florida? ›

When the real property is adversely possessed by any person, no action shall be brought by the tax deed holder unless the action is begun within 4 years from the date of the deed.

What is the final judgment rule in Florida? ›

A final judgment issued by a court establishes that the court has determined one party to be the winner and usually entitled to some amount of money. While the judgment itself does not require payment of money it allows the holder of the judgment to use the court's power to get money or property.

What makes a judgment void in Florida? ›

In Florida, a “void judgment” is so defective that it is deemed never to have had legal force and effect, while a “voidable judgment” is a judgment that has been entered based upon some error in procedure that allows a party to have the judgment vacated, but the judgment has legal force and effect unless and until it ...

What are the elements to quiet title in Florida? ›

To state a cause of action to quiet title, the homeowners needed to allege that (1) they had title to the subject property; (2) a cloud on the title existed; and (3) that the cloud was invalid.

Who is most likely to use a quiet title suit? ›

Quiet title actions are common following mortgage lender disputes, the death of title owners, cases of adverse possession, and long periods of time where the property is unoccupied. A quiet title action may not give the new owner the same level of protection against the previous owner.

What are the elements of quiet title? ›

Necessary Elements of a Quiet Title Claim
  • A description of the property that is the subject of the action. ...
  • The title of the Plaintiff as to which a determination of quiet title is sought.
  • The adverse claims to the Plaintiff's title. ...
  • The date as of which the determination is sought.

What is an example of a quiet title action? ›

For example, a neighbor that lays a driveway over your property without your permission for a sufficient period of time may acquire title to the property underlying the pavement if all the other requirements of adverse possession are established.

When would a suit to quiet title typically be filed? ›

It is used when there is a dispute over the title for a piece of property; it is designed to “quiet” claims to the property in question and decide who has ownership. You can also file for a quiet title action when there are breaks in the chain of ownership, such as when you purchase property in an estate sale.

Can you claim abandoned property in Florida? ›

Florida Unclaimed Property

Until claimed, unclaimed money is deposited into the state school fund, where it is used for public education. There is, however, no statute of limitations, and citizens have the right to claim their property any time at no cost.

What is slander of title in Florida? ›

Slander of title occurs when an individual publishes a false statement that disparages another person's real property, or title to property, causing a financial loss to that individual due to the negative impact on the property's value.

What document shows legal alienation of a property? ›

Voluntary alienation, either as a sale or a gift, must be executed by the use of a deed to transfer title. The deed is a written document that conveys transfer of title in real estate.

What is the remedy of the plaintiff? ›

Plaintiffs can also receive provisional remedies when a court uses its discretionary power to prevent harm to the plaintiff while the plaintiff's rights are still being determined. Such remedies include temporary injunctions, attachment, and garnishment.

Who won Howard v Kunto? ›

Conclusion: The court reversed quieting of title in plaintiffs' favor and entered a decree which quieted title in defendants' favor because defendants were able to establish continuity of possession for purposes of a claim to title based on adverse possession.

What is a motion to quiet title in Florida? ›

The standard quiet title action definition in Florida courts states that it is a legal procedure used to determine the genuine owner of a piece of real estate. It is most often used when multiple people have claims to the same property, such as a tenancy in common arrangement.

How do I claim adverse possession in Florida? ›

In Florida, if a person continuously occupies a parcel of real property for seven consecutive years and does not possess a legal document to validate a claim to the property, the person may acquire ownership of the property via adverse possession.

What is the statute 65.021 in Florida? ›

According to Florida Statute 65.021, “Real estate; removing clouds”, the court may require extrinsic evidence to recognize a true owner of real property.

What is a rule 68 offer of judgment in Florida? ›

Primary tabs. (a) Making an Offer; Judgment on an Accepted Offer. At least 14 days before the date set for trial, a party defending against a claim may serve on an opposing party an offer to allow judgment on specified terms, with the costs then accrued.

What happens if a defendant does not pay a judgment in Florida? ›

What happens if a defendant does not pay a judgement? A creditor can enforce the judgement and use state laws to seize assets in the hands of the debtor or third parties to collect the amount owed.

What is the new Florida summary Judgement rule? ›

Talcott, 191 So. 2d 40, 43 (Fla. 1966). Florida's new summary judgment standard requires the evidence on the issue of fact be probative enough that a reasonable jury could find in favor of the nonmoving party.

What makes a judgement invalid? ›

Several reasons can render a judgment void as a matter of law including, (1) lack of subject matter jurisdiction, (2) lack of personal jurisdiction, (3) lack of or improper service of summons, (4) default improperly entered, and (5) a default judgment exceeding the amount demanded in the complaint.

What constitutes excusable neglect in Florida? ›

Excusable neglect is found where inaction results from an error or reasonable misunderstanding.

What is an invalid judgment? ›

236 (1907). Judgment is a void judgment if court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction of. the subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner inconsistent with due. process, Fed. Rules Civ.

What is a quiet title complaint in Florida? ›

A quiet title action happens when the new owner of a Florida property files a lawsuit in court to invalidate all ownership rights of any third party who previously had an interest in the property.

What is the statute of limitations in Florida? ›

The statute of limitations in Florida is a law that restricts how long someone has to sue another person after a claim occurs and a legal cause of action arises. The statute of limitations is 20 years for judgment recovery and unpaid property taxes, but 5 years or less for all other causes of action.

What is a quit claim deed form Florida? ›

A Florida quit claim deed is used to transfer ownership of real estate with no guarantee or warranties. This would mean to the buyer ('Grantee') that the person selling the property ('Grantor') is not guaranteeing that they own the property.

What is the difference between a suit to quiet title and a trespass to try title in Texas? ›

Put simply, a trespass to try title claim is a legal procedure for challenging the ownership of property, while an action to quiet title is an equitable remedy for establishing one's right to ownership of real property against other adverse claimants. (3) the claim, although facially valid, is invalid or unenforceable.

Who is the party that files suit against another person? ›

plaintiff - The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.

What is the habendum clause in a deed? ›

Usually, the habendum clause states the property is transferred without restrictions. This means the new owner has absolute ownership of the property upon satisfying their conditions (usually payment in full) and has the right to sell or bequeath the property to an heir and so on.

What is a granting clause? ›

Granting Clause:

The clause in the deed that lists the grantor and the grantee and states that the property is being transferred between the parties.

Which document is used to provide a summary of the title history? ›

What Is an Abstract Of Title? Abstract of title is a record of the title history of a property or other significant asset, including transfers, liens, and legal actions that are connected to the property.

Which of the following would be used to clear a defect from the title records? ›

A quitclaim deed is often used to cure a defect (a "cloud on the title") in the recorded history of a real estate title.

What does a writ of attachment do? ›

A writ of attachment is commonly used by a plaintiff to secure a contingent lien on a defendant's property in the event that the plaintiff obtains a judgment against the defendant. There are various types of attachments including garnishment, sequestration and replevin.

Which of these actions would cause a property to become an reo? ›

Properties become REO when owners default and the bank repossesses them and tries to sell them. The lender, which is often a bank, takes ownership of a foreclosed property when it fails to sell at the amount sought to cover the loan. These properties generally come at a steep discount but may require extensive repairs.

Why would a property owner file a quiet title suit quizlet? ›

Why would a property owner file a quiet title suit? A buyer has signed a contract to purchase a property but is uncertain of the condition of the title.

What general jurisdiction is a quiet title? ›

A quiet title action must be brought in the superior court of the county in which the real property is located. This is usually in the general, unlimited civil jurisdiction department of the local superior court.

What are the two forms of owner's title insurance? ›

Two basic types of title insurance policies are available to owners of real property in California: (1) a standard coverage policy and (2) an extended coverage policy.

What is the finders keepers law in Florida? ›

The Florida Senate

(1) Whenever any person finds any lost or abandoned property, such person shall report the description and location of the property to a law enforcement officer.

How long until property is considered abandoned in Florida? ›

According to Florida Statute § 83.595 that under the circ*mstances of rent payments not being current and also if there is an absence of written notice indicating that the tenant will be away, the landlord can presume abandonment if the tenant is not present on the premises for 15 consecutive days.

How long does Florida hold unclaimed property? ›

Chapter 717, Florida Statutes, requires the unclaimed property assets be held by business or government entities (holders) for a set period of time, usually five years.

How do I prove defamation of character in Florida? ›

How to Prove Defamation of Character in Florida
  1. Publication;
  2. Falsity;
  3. The defendant acted with knowledge or reckless disregard as to the falsity of the matter concerning a public official, or at least negligently on a statement concerning a private figure;
  4. Actual damages; and.
  5. The statement must be defamatory.
Jun 6, 2023

What is an example of slander of title? ›

Alternatively, it is casting aspersion on someone else's property, business or goods, e.g., claiming a house is infested with termites (when it is not), or falsely claiming ownership of another's copyright (what allegedly occurred in the SCO v. Novell case). Slander of title is a form of jactitation.

Can you assign quiet title action? ›

A party with a claim of ownership to land can file an action to quiet title, which serves as a sort of lawsuit against anyone and everyone else who has a claim to the land. If the owner prevails in the quiet title action, no further challenges to the title can be brought.

What happens after quiet title? ›

Following the quiet title action, the plaintiff will be in full possession of the property in perpetuity, as will be the plaintiff's heirs, and they will also be protected from any further claims of ownership made against the property by other outside entities.

What are the elements of a quiet title action? ›

Necessary Elements of a Quiet Title Claim

A description of the property that is the subject of the action. For real property, the description must include a legal description as well as the street address or other common designation. The title of the Plaintiff as to which a determination of quiet title is sought.

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