Question Of The Week - IRR And NPV - CFA Level 1 - 300Hours (2024)

I will let you change it in my book!

Correct Answer: B

IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV of the project is zero. If the IRR is less than the cost of capital, the project’s NPV will be negative, even though IRR is positive. Thus, both statements 3 and 4 are correct.

If the NPV and IRR methods give conflicting decisions for mutually exclusive projects, the project with greatest positive NPV should be selected. A project cannot have positive NPV if its IRR is less than the cost of capital. Thus, statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.

Question Of The Week - IRR And NPV - CFA Level 1 - 300Hours (2024)


What is the IRR in CFA Level 1? ›

IRR is a discount rate at which NPV equals 0. So, IRR is a discount rate at which the present value of cash inflows equals the present value of cash outflows.

What is the relationship between IRR and NPV? ›

What Are NPV and IRR? Net present value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time. By contrast, the internal rate of return (IRR) is a calculation used to estimate the profitability of potential investments.

When a project's NPV is greater than zero then its IRR must be less than zero? ›

If a project's NPV is less than zero, then its IRR must be less than the cost of capital. If a project's NPV is greater than zero, then its IRR must be less than zero. The NPV of a relatively low-risk project should be found using a relatively high cost of capital.

What is IRR when NPV is positive? ›

If the NPV of a project is positive, the IRR is c. greater than the cost of capital. The NPV is calculated as NPV = PV of future cash flows - Initial cost. The IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV of a project is zero since the current value of future cash flows is equal to the initial cost.

What is the hardest CFA Level 1? ›

Level 1 Hardest Topics

Financial Statement Analysis - The most challenging aspect of Financial Reporting and Analysis is likely not the content itself but rather the abundance of information. To begin with, there are numerous differences and similarities in learning.

Is passing CFA Level 1 a big deal? ›

There's only significant 28% increase in total compensation for CFA candidates who just pass Level 1 in 2022, a big jump from 2021's data of just 16%. This could mean that the payback for going through the CFA program comes earlier.

How do you resolve conflict between NPV and IRR? ›

Sometimes the NPV and IRR can favor conflicting project choices. Such conflicts may be dealt with by considering the mutuality of the project, value additivity principle ,multiple rates of return and reinvestment rate assumption.

Should IRR be higher or lower than NPV? ›

If the IRR is above the discount rate, the project is feasible. If it is below, the project is not. If a discount rate is not known, there is no benchmark to compare the project return against. In cases like this, the NPV method is superior as projects with a positive NPV are considered financially worthwhile.

Is there a conflict between NPV and IRR? ›

When analyzing a typical project, it is important to distinguish between the figures returned by NPV vs IRR, as conflicting results arise when comparing two different projects using the two indicators. Typically, one project may provide a larger IRR, while a rival project may show a higher NPV.

Can a project have a positive IRR even if it has a negative NPV? ›

If your IRR less than Cost of Capital, you still have positive IRR but negative NPV. However, if your cost of capital is 15%, then your IRR will be 10% but NPV shall be negative. So, you can have positive IRR in spite of negative NPV.

Why should NPV be zero for IRR? ›

However, when NPV, is zero it means that the investment earns a rate of return equal to the discount rate. This makes understanding IRR much easier because an investment that uses a 10% discount rate that returns an NPV of zero indicates the investment would yield a 10% return.

Does higher IRR always mean higher NPV? ›

When you are analyzing a single conventional project, both NPV and IRR will provide you the same indicator about whether to accept the project or not. However, when comparing two projects, the NPV and IRR may provide conflicting results. It may be so that one project has higher NPV while the other has a higher IRR.

What is NPV and IRR for dummies? ›

Net present value – the difference between what an investment costs you and its present value. You can use it to assess an investment's return over time. Internal rate of return – measures the rate of return on a project or investment, excluding external factors such as inflation (hence it's known as "internal").

What does a 15% IRR mean? ›

For example, if an investor has an IRR of 15% after holding a property for 1 year, that means an investor has 15% more of something than he or she did a year ago. Because real estate investments are usually held for longer than 1 year, IRR is often expressed as an annualized return.

Which NPV is better higher or lower? ›

When comparing similar investments, a higher NPV is better than a lower one. When comparing investments of different amounts or over different periods, the size of the NPV is less important since NPV is expressed as a dollar amount and the more you invest or the longer, the higher the NPV is likely to be.

How to pass CFA Level 1 easily? ›

Here are 8 tips to enhance your likelihood of passing the Level I exam:
  1. #1. Focus on the most-tested material. ...
  2. #2. Don't waste time. ...
  3. #3. Develop a study plan six months before you take the exam. ...
  4. #4. Take a prep course. ...
  5. #5. Focus on concepts more than math. ...
  6. #6. Practice...a lot! ...
  7. #7. ...
  8. #8.

How many people fail CFA Level 1? ›

Falling Pass Rates

The Level I pass rate fell to as low as 22% in July of that year, down from 49% in 2020. Level II and Level III pass rates fell to 40% and 42%, respectively, from 55% and 56% the previous year.

What is the most difficult CFA exam? ›

Many CFA charterholders consider the Level 3 CFA Exam the most difficult because of the time and thought needed to answer the constructed responses successfully. While the typical Level 3 CFA Exam pass rates are the highest of the CFA Exams, only around 56% of CFA candidates pass the exam.

Can you pass CFA 1 by guessing? ›

If you need to correctly answer 135 questions to pass the exam, you don't have to know the answer to 135 questions. That should give you confidence. It's OK to guess on some questions. A passing score is within your grasp!

Can I pass CFA Level 1 with 65%? ›

CFA Level 1 Passing Score

The CFA Institute Board of Governors sets the MPS for each level, and that changes with each cycle of new candidates. Some years test takers will receive a 65% overall score and fail, while in other years candidates have received a 62% score and passed.

Is the CFA harder than the bar? ›

The test to become a Chartered Financial Analyst is one of the most challenging credentialing exams. With a pass rate of less than 11% for all three levels, the CFA passage rate is lower than most state bar exams.

What are the decision rules for NPV and IRR? ›

Choosing Between Projects
  • If two projects are independent and have conventional cash flows, then NPV and IRR will lead to the same accept/reject decision, i.e. NPV⇔Iℝ
  • However, if you must rank projects – and projects are either mutually exclusive or cash flows are not conventional – then use NPV.

What is the IRR rule? ›

What is the IRR rule? The IRR rule is a decision criterion that states that a project should be accepted if its IRR is greater than or equal to the hurdle rate, and rejected otherwise. The IRR is the discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of a project's cash flows equal to zero.

Do NPV and IRR lead to the same accept reject decision for projects that are? ›

The decision rule for NPV is to accept the project if the NPV is positive and reject the project if the NPV is NPV is negative. The decision rule for IRR is to accept the project if the IRR equals or is greater than the required rate of return and reject the project if the IRR is less than the required rate of return.

What is a good IRR rate? ›

The internal rate of return (IRR) is a metric used to measure the return on a real estate investment considering the time value of money. It factors in cash inflows and outflows, and it is important when comparing real estate investment opportunities. A good IRR in real estate is around 18-20%.

Is a higher IRR always better? ›

Generally, the higher the IRR, the better. However, a company may prefer a project with a lower IRR because it has other intangible benefits, such as contributing to a bigger strategic plan or impeding competition.

How do you interpret IRR results? ›

The IRR rule states that if the IRR on a project or investment is greater than the minimum RRR—typically the cost of capital, then the project or investment can be pursued. Conversely, if the IRR on a project or investment is lower than the cost of capital, then the best course of action may be to reject it.

What is the main reason for conflict between NPV and IRR in capital budgeting decisions? ›

The reason behind the conflict is that Project C has more cash flows in the 1st year, resulting in longer reinvestment assumptions, so it has a high IRR. Note: a. NPV is calculated by deducting the present value of cash outflow from the Present value of cash inflow.

What are the disadvantages of IRR? ›

One of the main problems with IRR is that it can be misleading or inconsistent in some situations. For instance, if a project has multiple cash flows with different signs, such as positive and negative cash flows, it may have more than one IRR, which can create confusion and ambiguity.

Can you have an IRR with all negative cash flows? ›

Even if net cashflows are negative, Excel can produce a positive IRR. If cashflows don't occur in the 'correct' order, i.e. negative followed by positive, then the IRR produced can be false.

Can you have negative cash flows for IRR? ›

Negative IRR occurs when the aggregate amount of cash flows caused by an investment is less than the amount of the initial investment. In this case, the investing entity will experience a negative return on its investment.

What if a project has an NPV above zero? ›

If a project's NPV is positive (> 0), the company can expect a profit and should consider moving forward with the investment. If a project's NPV is neutral (= 0), the project is not expected to result in any significant gain or loss for the company.

What if the IRR is greater than 0? ›

An IRR greater than 0 means your investment is earning money, even after the future cash inflows are discounted to reflect the fact that $1 earned today is worth more than $1 earned in the future.

What causes IRR to increase? ›

IRR is a property's rate of return on each dollar invested, for each time period it is invested in. Because of its reliance on the timing of cash flows, IRR can be manipulated to appear to be higher by shifting the timing of cash inflows or shortening the period over which they occur.

Do IRR and NPV always yield the same? ›

Both NPV and IRR will yield the same investment decisions when dealing with independent projects. By independent, we mean that deciding to invest in one project does not rule out or affect investment in another project.

What does an IRR greater than 100% mean? ›

A high IRR would mean a high return. In other words, the return rate exceeds the cost of capital by far and creates future profit. But, to determine what a good IRR is, it's important to get more details about the project.

What is an example of IRR? ›

As such, IRR gives the yield rate, or the expected return on investment, shown as a percentage of the investment. For example, a $10,000 investment with a 20% IRR would generate $2,000 in profit.

What is a good NPV? ›

What Is a Good NPV? In theory, an NPV is “good” if it is greater than zero. After all, the NPV calculation already takes into account factors such as the investor's cost of capital, opportunity cost, and risk tolerance through the discount rate.

What does a 30% IRR mean? ›

What's an IRR of 30% Mean? An IRR of 30% means that the rate of return on an investment using projected discounted cash flows will equal the initial investment amount when the net present value (NPV) is zero. In this case, when the time value of money factors are applied to the cash flows, the resulting IRR is 30%.

Is an IRR of 12% good? ›

An excellent acceptable IRR for a multifamily deal ranges from 12% to 15%. The IRR is the rate needed to convert the sum of all future uneven cash flows (cash flow, sales proceeds, and principal paydown) to equal the equity investment.

What is the rule of thumb for IRR? ›

So the rule of thumb is that, for “double your money” scenarios, you take 100%, divide by the # of years, and then estimate the IRR as about 75-80% of that value. For example, if you double your money in 3 years, 100% / 3 = 33%. 75% of 33% is about 25%, which is the approximate IRR in this case.

What factors affect NPV? ›

Several factors affect NPV, including discount rate, cash flow projections, the timing of cash flows, capital expenditures, and project risk.

How do I choose a project based on NPV and IRR? ›

Here are four steps you can follow when you want to choose between IRR and NPV for capital budgeting analysis:
  1. Determine the number of projects. ...
  2. Look at the time frame of projects. ...
  3. Consider the discount rate. ...
  4. Define profitability.
Feb 3, 2023

What drives higher NPV? ›

Investment Size

A higher NPV doesn't necessarily mean a better investment. If there are two investments or projects up for decision, and one project is larger in scale, the NPV will be higher for that project as NPV is reported in dollars and a larger outlay will result in a larger number.

What is the internal rate of return in CFA? ›

The Internal Rate of Return. The internal rate of return is the discount rate that sets the present value of all cash inflows of a project equal to the present value of all cash outflows of the same project. In other words, it is the effective rate of return that makes a project have a net present value of zero.

What is the accuracy rate of CFA Level 1? ›

Level I, II and III pass rates equaled 36%, 44%, and 48%, respectively. Since the CFA began administering the program in 1963, Level I, II, and III pass rates have averaged 41%, 46%, and 56%, respectively, with a total of 2.1 million, 963,594, and 543,322 separate exams taken at those respective levels.

What is the clear rate of CFA Level 1? ›

What is CFA Level 1 passing score? The CFA level 1 passing score in the latest August 2022 quarter was 37%.

What is a good IRR level? ›

A good IRR in real estate is around 18-20%. However, investors should also consider additional metrics like return on investment (ROI) for a more comprehensive assessment.

Is an IRR of 20 good? ›

IRR tells you how profitable an investment is; a higher IRR means a higher return on investment. In the world of commercial real estate, for example, an IRR of 20% would be considered good, but it's important to remember that it's always related to the cost of capital.

Why do you set NPV to 0 for IRR? ›

However, when NPV, is zero it means that the investment earns a rate of return equal to the discount rate. This makes understanding IRR much easier because an investment that uses a 10% discount rate that returns an NPV of zero indicates the investment would yield a 10% return.

Which CFA level is the hardest? ›

Many CFA charterholders consider the Level 3 CFA Exam the most difficult because of the time and thought needed to answer the constructed responses successfully. While the typical Level 3 CFA Exam pass rates are the highest of the CFA Exams, only around 56% of CFA candidates pass the exam.

Does CFA Level 1 look good on resume? ›

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) qualification is a big asset for an investment professional and should be highlighted on a resume.

Can you pass CFA Level 1 with 60%? ›

CFA Level 1 Passing Score

The CFA Institute Board of Governors sets the MPS for each level, and that changes with each cycle of new candidates. Some years test takers will receive a 65% overall score and fail, while in other years candidates have received a 62% score and passed.

Is CFA harder than CPA? ›

The pass rates for the CFA and CPA exams are similar, but the CFA certification typically takes candidates several years longer to obtain than the CPA certification. In that respect, the CFA certification is typically viewed as harder than the CPA because of the greater time commitment and work experience requirements.

How many times fail CFA Level 1? ›

Candidates will have a total of six maximum attempts per exam level.

What does a 12% IRR mean? ›

Internal rate of return (IRR) is a financial metric used to measure the profitability of an investment over a specific period of time and is expressed as a percentage. For example, if you have an annual IRR of 12%, that means you have 12% more of something than you did 12 months earlier.

Is a 14% IRR good? ›

An excellent acceptable IRR for a multifamily deal ranges from 12% to 15%. The IRR is the rate needed to convert the sum of all future uneven cash flows (cash flow, sales proceeds, and principal paydown) to equal the equity investment.

Is a higher IRR better than NPV? ›

IRR is useful when comparing multiple projects against each other or in situations where it is difficult to determine a discount rate. NPV is better in situations where there are varying directions of cash flow over time or multiple discount rates.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.