Pros and Cons of Money Market Funds (2024)

There are a number of pros and cons investors should be aware of when it comes to money market funds. In this article, we'll take a look at these ups and downs.

Key Takeaways

  • Money market investing can be very advantageous, especially if you need a short-term, relatively safe place to park cash.
  • Some disadvantages are low returns, a loss of purchasing power, and that some money market investments are not FDIC insured.
  • Like any investment, the above pros and cons make a money market fund ideal in some situations and potentially harmful in others.
  • If you're in your 20s or 30s and holding most of your retirement savings in a money market fund, for example, you're probably doing it wrong.

Money Market Funds: An Overview

Money market investing carries a low single-digit return. When compared to stocks or corporate debt issues, the risk to principal is generally quite low. However, investors need to weigh a number of pros and cons. The downs can greatly outweigh the ups.

Advantages of Money Market Funds

First, let's consider the advantages of putting your moneyin a money market account.

Great Placeto Park Money

When the stock market is extremely volatile and investors aren't sure where to invest their money, the money market can be a terrific safe haven. Why? As stated above, money market accounts and funds are often considered to have less risk than their stock and bond counterparts. That is because these types of funds typically invest in low-risk vehicles such as certificates of deposit (CDs), Treasury bills (T-bills) and short-term commercial paper. In addition, the money market often generates a low single-digit return for investors, which in a down market can still be quite attractive.

Liquidity Isn't Usually an Issue

Money market funds don't generally invest in securities that trade minuscule volumes or tend to have little following. Rather, they mostly trade in entities and/or securities that are in fairly high demand (such as T-bills). This meansthey tend to be more liquid; investors can buyand sell them with comparative ease. Contrast this to, say, shares of a small-cap Chinesebiotech company. In some cases, those shares may be highly liquid, but for most the audience is probably very limited. This means that getting into and out of such an investment could be difficult if the market were in a tailspin.

Over time, money market investing can actually make a person poorer in the sense that the dollars they earn may not keep pace with the rising cost of living.

Disadvantages of Money Market Funds

Nowlet's talk about the disadvantages of having your funds in a money market account.

Purchasing Power Can Suffer

If an investor is generating a 3% return in their money market account, but inflation is humming along at 4%, the investor is essentially losing purchasing power each year.

Expenses Can Take a Toll

When investors are earning 2% or 3% in a money market account, even small annual fees can eat up a substantial chunk of the profit. This may make it even more difficult for money market investors to keep pace with inflation. Depending on the account or fund, fees can vary in their negative impact on returns. If, for example, an individual maintains $5,000 in a money market account that yields 3% annually, and the individual is charged $30 in fees, the total return can be impacted quite dramatically.

  • $5,000 x 3% = $150 total yield
  • $150 - $30 in fees = $120 profit

The $30 in fees represents 20% of the total yield, a large deduction that considerably reduces the final profit. The above amount also does not factor in any tax liabilities that may be generated if the transaction were to take place outside of a retirement account.

FDIC SafetyNet May Not Be There

Money funds purchased at a bank are typically insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for up to $250,000 per depositor. However, money market mutual funds are not usually government-insured. This means although money market mutual funds may still be considered a comparatively safe place to invest money, there is still an element of risk that all investors should be aware of. If an investor were to maintain a $20,000 money market account with a bank and the bank were to go belly up, the investor would likely be made whole again through this insurance coverage. Conversely, if a fund were to do the same thing, the investor might not be made whole again—at least not by the federal government.

The 2008 financial crisis took a lot of the shine off the stellar reputation money market funds had enjoyed. A large money market fund broke the buck—the shares fell below $1.00—triggering a run on the whole money market industry. Since then, the industry has worked with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to introduce stress tests and other measures to increase resiliency and repair some of the reputational damage.

Returns May Vary

While money market funds generally invest in government securities and other vehicles that are considered comparatively safe, they may also take some risks to obtain higher yields for their investors. For example,to try to capture another tenth of a percentage point of return, the fundmay invest in bonds or commercial paper that carry additional risk. The point is that investing in the highest-yielding money market fund may not always be the smartest idea given the additional risk. Remember, the return a fund has posted in a previous year is not necessarily an indication of what it may generate in a future year.

It's also important to note thealternative to the money market may not be desirable in some market situations either. For example, having dividends or proceeds from a stock sale sent directly to you (the investor) may not allow you to capture the same rate of return. In addition, reinvesting dividends in equities may only exacerbate return problems in a down market.

Lost Opportunity

Over time, common stocks have returned about 8% to 10% on average, including recessionary periods. By investing in a money market mutual fund, which may often yield just 2% or 3%, the investor may be missing out on an opportunity for a better rate of return. This can have a tremendous impact on an individual's ability to build wealth.

Investopedia does not provide tax, investment, or financial services and advice. The information is presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circ*mstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. Investors should consider engaging a qualified financial professional to determine a suitable investment strategy.

Pros and Cons of Money Market Funds (2024)


Pros and Cons of Money Market Funds? ›

Money market accounts are savings accounts that often offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts and often incorporate checking account features, like easy access to cash. Yet they can also have downsides: Many have minimum balance requirements and excessive fees.

What are the pros and cons of a money market funds? ›

Money market accounts are savings accounts that often offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts and often incorporate checking account features, like easy access to cash. Yet they can also have downsides: Many have minimum balance requirements and excessive fees.

What are the pros of money market? ›

Easy access: Money market accounts can offer you immediate access to your funds, almost whenever you may need it. MMAs often offer the ability to write checks or access cash via debit card. And know you can typically withdraw without paying a fee as you might with a certificate of deposit (CD).

What is one of the biggest disadvantages of money market answer? ›

One of the biggest disadvantages of a money market account is that some financial institutions may put a cap on how many convenient withdrawals you can make each month. The Federal Reserve once limited consumers to six per month, though this rule was phased out in 2020.

What are the advantages of investing in money market funds? ›

Preserve your cash until you decide how to use it
  • Minimize market risk. Money market mutual funds offer you a place to store your cash and potentially earn income—without as much risk to your investment as stock or bond funds.
  • Park your money temporarily. ...
  • Get easy access to your cash. ...
  • Settle brokerage trades.

What are 3 cons of a money market account? ›

Some disadvantages are low returns, a loss of purchasing power, and that some money market investments are not FDIC insured.

What are the risks of money market funds? ›

Because they invest in fixed income securities, money market funds and ultra-short duration funds are subject to three main risks: interest rate risk, liquidity risk and credit risk.

What are 3 advantages of money? ›

Having money makes it possible for you to start a business, build a dream home, pay the costs associated with having a family, or accomplish other goals you believe will help you live a better life. Money gives you security.

What are three main features of money market funds? ›

Money market funds are special for three reasons:
  • Safety. The securities in which these funds invest are stable and generally safe investments. ...
  • Low Initial Investment. ...
  • Accessibility.

Is a money market a good choice? ›

If you want to earn a higher APY and you can meet a higher account minimum, a money market account is a good choice. It's also a smart option if you need easy access to your money. If you know that you won't need the money for a while and want to earn an even higher APY, a CD works well.

Why is money market better than savings? ›

Money market accounts often have a minimum deposit or balance requirement that is higher than regular savings accounts. But they tend to offer higher returns, which are more on par with money market funds.

What does money market not deal with? ›

Money market deals are not carried out in money / cash, but other instruments like trade bills, government papers, promissory notes, etc. Also, money market transactions cannot be done via brokers but have to be carried out via mediums like formal documentation, oral or written communication.

Why do most people lose money in the market? ›

People often lose money in the markets because they don't understand economic and investment market cycles. Business and economic cycles expand and decline. The boom cycles are fueled by a growing economy, expanding job market, and other economic factors.

Is money market fund good for long term investment? ›

Money market fund investments aren't ideal for long-term investing, as the returns tend to be much lower than stocks and bonds. (See “Growth of $10,000.”) The stability is what makes them appealing for the short term, but over time, the returns have not even kept pace with inflation.

Why do people invest in money market accounts? ›

Depositors tend to choose money market accounts because they offer higher interest rates than savings accounts. While the difference in earned interest can be small, it might be enough to offset liquidity constraints if depositors are unlikely to need quick access to their cash.

What are 2 pros and 2 cons of a savings account? ›

Three advantages of savings accounts are the potential to earn interest, it's easy to open and access, and FDIC insurance and security. Three disadvantages of savings accounts are minimum balance requirements, lower interest rates than other accounts/investments, and federal limits on saving withdrawal.

Is a money market account safer than a checking account? ›

Money market accounts and savings accounts are equally safe places for consumers to keep their savings. However, it's important to open accounts at banks that are covered by FDIC insurance.

Who typically uses money market accounts? ›

For the most part, money markets provide those with funds—banks, money managers, and retail investors—a means for safe, liquid, short-term investments, and they offer borrowers—banks, broker-dealers, hedge funds, and nonfinancial corporations—access to low-cost funds.

How much money should you keep in a money market account? ›

Six to 12 months of living expenses are typically recommended for the amount of money that should be kept in cash in these types of accounts for unforeseen emergencies and life events.

Is money market safer than mutual funds? ›

Risk. Both money market accounts and money market mutual funds are considered low-risk investment options. Of the two, the money market account is the lower risk, because it is simply a savings account with a high interest rate.

Are money market funds aggressive? ›

A money market fund is essentially a type of mutual fund that holds other securities, such as U.S. Treasurys and corporate bonds. The nature of these securities is usually short-term and the focus is conservative growth, rather than aggressive growth.

What are the 5 advantages of money? ›

The role of cash
  • It ensures your freedom and autonomy. Banknotes and coins are the only form of money that people can keep without involving a third party. ...
  • It's legal tender. ...
  • It ensures your privacy. ...
  • It's inclusive. ...
  • It helps you keep track of your expenses. ...
  • It's fast. ...
  • It's secure. ...
  • It's a store of value.

What are 4 advantages of saving money? ›

First and foremost, saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency. Additionally, saving money can help you pay for large purchases, avoid debt, reduce your financial stress, leave a financial legacy, and provide you with a greater sense of financial freedom.

What are 4 types of money? ›

The 4 different types of money as classified by the economists are commercial money, fiduciary money, fiat money, commodity money. Money whose value comes from a commodity of which it is made is known as commodity money.

What is the strategy of a money market fund? ›

The primary purpose of a money market fund is to provide investors a safe avenue for investing in secure and highly liquid, cash-equivalent, debt-based assets using smaller investment amounts. In the realm of mutual-fund-like investments, money market funds are characterized as a low-risk, low-return investment.

What is an example of a money market fund? ›

Types of money market funds

Investments can include short-term U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency notes, Eurodollar deposits, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit, corporate commercial paper, and obligations of states, cities, or other types of municipal agencies—depending on the focus of the fund.

How does money market funds work? ›

Money market funds invest in high quality, short-term debt securities and pay dividends that generally reflect short-term interest rates. Many investors use money market funds to store cash or as an alternative to investing in the stock market.

What is better than a money market? ›

CD rates are typically higher than money market account rates. Banks have an incentive to give you better rates for CDs because you promise to give up access to your money until the end of the CD term. What's the difference between a CD and a mutual fund? Which is safer: CDs or MMAs?

When should you use a money market? ›

Money market accounts are best for those saving for short-term goals. For example, if you're building an emergency fund, a money market account could be a good place to store that cash. But if you're saving for retirement, then a CD or retirement account would be a better fit.

Who should invest in money market? ›

Money market investments are ideal for investors who are looking for short-term placements that will give better yield than a regular savings account. Money market investments are relatively safe and used as parking for excess funds that you might use in a year or less.

Should I use money market instead of savings? ›

While withdrawing and spending the funds is often easier with a money market than a savings account, savers who want to make it more difficult to spend their money may be better off with a savings account.

Why is money market safer? ›

Are Money Market Funds Safe? The money market fund invests the capital in relatively safe vehicles that mature in a short period of time—usually within 13 months. They try to minimize the risk by investing in these low-risk assets for a short period of time, meaning you're guaranteed a return.

Can money market funds lose value? ›

While money market accounts typically offer higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts, those may not be high enough to keep up with inflation. This means that the purchasing power of your money will decline over time, even if the account balance remains the same.

What are 4 characteristics of money markets? ›

Both types of money market account share many characteristics, including: easy access to your money; invested in very safe holdings; higher rates of return than regular savings accounts; check-writing and money-transferring privileges; and minimum balance amounts are usually required.

What is the highest yielding money market fund? ›

On Crane's list for the top-yielding government money fund is Vanguard Federal Money Market (VMFXX), at 4.75%. For Treasury funds, it's Vanguard Treasury Money Market (VUSXX), 4.7%. And prime funds: JPMorgan Liquid Assets Money Market (CJLXX), sponsored by the bank's asset management arm, 4.98%.

How much can you withdraw from money market account? ›

Advantages of Money Market Accounts

Federal regulations that govern savings account withdrawals don't apply to ATMs. So you can make unlimited ATM withdrawals from your money market account without penalty. Many banks also let you to write a limited number of checks from your money market account.

Why are money market returns so low? ›

Money Market Account Rates

These rates are much lower because the money is lent out to other consumers in the form of loans and credit cards, which are much riskier investments.

Why do 90% of people lose money in the stock market? ›

One of the biggest reasons traders lose money is a lack of knowledge and education. Many people are drawn to trading because they believe it's a way to make quick money without investing much time or effort. However, this is a dangerous misconception that often leads to losses.

Why 95% of traders lose money? ›

Many traders don't follow their plan due to their emotions. When their trade starts going in a negative trajectory, people will place their stop-loss lower in hope that their trade will bounce back up. Traders need to know that it takes time to estimate trades before initiating them.

Are money markets good for retirement? ›

While these accounts may pay a higher rate of interest than a generic savings account, a major drawback of retirement money market accounts is that they may not earn enough interest to outpace inflation, meaning the account holder's balance effectively shrinks each year in terms of its purchasing power.

Are money market accounts good for retirement? ›

If you're nearing retirement, a retirement money market account can benefit you by providing a place to keep your cash that's both liquid and stable. As you sell investments to generate retirement income, you can store the proceeds in your retirement money market account, where they'll continue to earn interest.

Are CDs safer than money market funds? ›

Both money market funds and CDs are relatively safe, fixed income investments, delivering an income stream in the form of interest or dividends. Money market funds are generally more liquid than bank or brokered CDs.

Can you withdraw from a money market account? ›

Usually you can make unlimited withdrawals and payments by using an ATM or by making the withdrawal in person, by mail, or by telephone. A money market account might require a minimum amount to be deposited.

What is the average return on a money market account? ›

You will often find money market accounts that earn according to a balance tier. This simply means that your exact interest rate depends on your account balance, with higher balances usually earning at a higher rate. Average money market rates fall between 0.01% APY and 3.45% APY, again depending on your balance.

Is a money market fund better than a savings account? ›

While withdrawing and spending the funds is often easier with a money market than a savings account, savers who want to make it more difficult to spend their money may be better off with a savings account.

Are money markets better than mutual funds? ›

Risk. Both money market accounts and money market mutual funds are considered low-risk investment options. Of the two, the money market account is the lower risk, because it is simply a savings account with a high interest rate.

How much will $10,000 make in a money market account? ›

Money market account.

Since money market accounts were paying well over 4%, with some institutions between 1% to 1.60% in interest, you can earn between $100 to $160 per year with $10,000.

How long should you keep money in a money market account? ›

Six to 12 months of living expenses are typically recommended for the amount of money that should be kept in cash in these types of accounts for unforeseen emergencies and life events. Beyond that, the money is essentially sitting and losing its value.

How much money do you have to keep in a money market account? ›

Banks often require a minimum deposit to open the account, then a minimum balance to keep in the account. It's usually much higher than regular savings accounts. This often means $5,000, but can be up to $10,000 at some banks. As stated above, you need to pay a fee if your balance dips below the minimum requirement.

Is it smart to put money in money market account? ›

If you want to earn a higher APY and you can meet a higher account minimum, a money market account is a good choice. It's also a smart option if you need easy access to your money. If you know that you won't need the money for a while and want to earn an even higher APY, a CD works well.

Should I put all my money in a money market fund? ›

If you're saving for something you'll need the money for in less than three to five years, saving in a money market fund may make sense for you. Money market funds are ideal for short-term saving because they invest in highly liquid securities with the objective of capital preservation and income.

What is the safest type of money market fund? ›

Prime money market funds.

U.S. government money market funds are typically regarded as the safest of the three, and within that category, those with a high concentration of Treasuries—with full government backing—would be exposed to a lower likelihood of default risk.

Can I transfer money from my money market account to my checking account? ›

Money market accounts allow account holders to make withdrawals, transfers, and debit card transactions like regular checking accounts. MMAs offer higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts.

Do you get taxed for taking money out of a money market account? ›

Savings Account Taxes

But interest on savings accounts is considered to be income by the Internal Revenue Service. This is so even if you don't withdraw the interest from the account. Interest paid to almost any bank account, including savings, checking, money market accounts and certificates of deposit, is taxable.

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.