Pros and Cons of Leasing a Semi-Truck (2024)

Last updated on March 27th, 2023

Are you in the transportation industry and thinking about leasing a commercial truck instead of buying one? Weigh the pros and cons of leasing instead of buying before you decide what is right for you, personally. Perhaps, you would also like to invest in a ELD Device, you can check out The 10 Best ELD Devices – Reviewing 2019’s Top E-Logs, which will help you decide the best one to get after reading this guide! This guide to leasing a semi truck will be dependent on your personal financial situation, your future plans as a trucker and many other variables, but the general pros and cons are definitely worth considering before making your final decision.

“Should I Lease a Truck?” – The Pros

Pro: Lower upfront cost

Obviously buying a truck is expensive, but if you lease you might be able to put little to no money down. This means you could have your truck sooner than having to save your money for months or trying to qualify for a loan. If you have less than perfect credit, you might not even be able to get a loan at all, so leasing can be a better option. This is also the case when considering leasing a car for business use, so you might find a site like Intelligent Car Leasing useful in providing you with more information.

Pro: Shorter commitment

If you decide to lease your semi truck, it’s far less of a commitment than purchasing a truck, just like if you were to lease a car from somewhere like Conklin GMC. If you’re new to the trucking industry, it might be a better option to lease in case you end up wanting to switch career paths. If you purchase, you have to go through the challenge of selling a truck rather than just terminating your lease if you decide that trucking isn’t for you.

Pro: Less risky

Leasing a semi truck instead of buying your own is financially less of a risk. You’ll know the set amount every month you’re expected to pay when you lease and it offers you more flexibility in years to come rather than purchasing and owning a truck. If you’re slightly unsure about owning your own truck, leasing might be right for you.

Pro: Less maintenance

If you decide to lease a truck, it might be newer than the truck you would be able to afford if you purchased your own, so there should be fewer and less frequent payments for maintenance purposes with a leased commercial vehicle.

Pro: Can upgrade easily

Who doesn’t want the latest and greatest technology? If you lease your commercial vehicle, you’ll be able to upgrade your truck to include features you might not be able to implement into your truck if you own one.

“Why Shouldn’t I Lease a Truck?” – The Cons

Con: It’s technically not yours

Remember how much you loved your first car, even if it was embarrassingly old or ugly? Some drivers love their trucks just as much as they love their pets, kids or spouse (maybe even more!). If you purchase your own, you might not be able to upgrade the technological features as often, but it’s yours to make your own. You can’t really modify a leased truck like you could if it were your own.

Con: You might end up paying more

Although the amount you need initially to purchase a truck is a lot upfront, if you don’t end up buying a truck at the end of your lease, it might end up costing you more than it would have if you just bought one from the start.

Con: Lease agreements can be tricky

If you lease your semi truck, make sure you carefully read and examine the lease agreement before you sign. If you lease from the company you work for (if you aren’t an owner-operator), you might not be eligible for health benefits. They might even deduct the cost of the leased truck right from your paycheck, which isn’t necessarily horrible as long as you know what you’re getting yourself into.

In addition, some contracts will make you set aside specific amounts of money for different types of repairs, but the money set aside might not even be used for those repairs. As Truckers Report explains it, “If your tire escrow account has $1,000 in it, but the carrier requires a tire repair expense to be at least $500 before you can tap into it, you will be forced to pay most tire-related expenses yourself.” This might be frustrating if the situation arises.

So, should you buy or lease?

One of the biggest factors to consider when deciding whether you should be buying or leasing a semi truck deals solely with your financial status. If you’re an established trucking company, freight factoring can help you access the cash you’ve earned to buy or lease a truck. Contact us today to start factoring your freight bills and to make sure you’re getting the best rate in the trucking and transportation industry.

Learn more about starting a trucking business.

Pros and Cons of Leasing a Semi-Truck (2024)


Pros and Cons of Leasing a Semi-Truck? ›

Leasing is a lot like renting trucks. Therefore, you won't have the freedom to do whatever you want. This means you can make any modifications to the trucks because you don't own them. The only thing you should do is keep the trucks in good condition so that they may be returned to the truck owner in good shape.

What are the cons of leasing a truck? ›

Leasing is a lot like renting trucks. Therefore, you won't have the freedom to do whatever you want. This means you can make any modifications to the trucks because you don't own them. The only thing you should do is keep the trucks in good condition so that they may be returned to the truck owner in good shape.

What are the pros and cons of leasing a truck? ›

Read on for some of the top pros and cons of leasing a truck.
  • Lower Payments. Many consumers like leasing trucks because the payments are typically lower than automobile loan payments. ...
  • Get New Cars Frequently. ...
  • The Car Isn't Yours. ...
  • You Might Have to Pay the Price. ...
  • For All of Your Truck Needs.
Jan 20, 2017

Is leasing a big rig worth it? ›

Leasing a semi truck instead of buying your own is financially less of a risk. You'll know the set amount every month you're expected to pay when you lease and it offers you more flexibility in years to come rather than purchasing and owning a truck.

What is the advantage of leasing a truck? ›

Leasing reduces maintenance and repair expenses.

The longer you own a truck, the higher maintenance and repair costs will be. This includes givens like tires, oil changes and routine inspections. A full-service lease will cover maintenance and repairs at predictable monthly costs.

What is the main disadvantage of leasing? ›

The main disadvantage of leasing a car is that you never own it. You don't build equity in the vehicle as you make lease payments. Lease terms can be anywhere from two to five years. A lease can be ended early, though early termination typically involves a cancellation fee.

What are three disadvantages of leasing? ›

Cons of Leasing a Car
  • You Don't Own the Car. The obvious downside to leasing a car is that you don't own the car at the end of the lease. ...
  • It Might Not Save You Money. ...
  • Leasing Can Be More Complicated than Buying. ...
  • Leased Cars Are Restricted to a Limited Number of Miles. ...
  • Increased Insurance Premiums.

Why shouldn't you put money down on a lease? ›

In the case of an auto lease, a large down payment will not save you a ton of money on your monthly payment and a low money factor means lower interest charges. Plus, car leases generally come with GAP insurance that will pay for the unpaid balance if the car is totaled or stolen.

What are at least 3 advantages of leasing a vehicle? ›

What are the benefits of leasing a car?
  • Lower monthly payments. ...
  • Less cash required at drive off. ...
  • Lower repair costs. ...
  • You don't have to worry about reselling it. ...
  • You can get a new car every few years hassle-free. ...
  • More vehicles to choose from. ...
  • You may have the option to buy the car at the end of the lease.

Is it better to lease or finance? ›

The monthly payments on a lease are usually lower than monthly finance payments if you bought the same car. With a lease, you're paying to drive the car, not to buy it. That means you're paying for the car's expected depreciation — or loss of value — during the lease period, plus a rent charge, taxes, and fees.

Does leasing hurt your credit? ›

A car lease interacts with your credit history much like a car loan would. The lease adds a hard inquiry and a new credit account which often lowers a borrower's credit score at first. But making regular lease payments should add positive data to your credit history, potentially increasing your credit score.

What credit score is needed to buy a big rig? ›

Credit Score Needed To Buy A Semi Truck

Typically, the credit score needed to buy semi trucks is around 650. Any lender will likely approve your commercial truck loan if your score is 650 or above. But, what if your credit score is lower? In this case, you'll be considered a high-risk borrower.

Is it better to own your own semi truck? ›

Owner operators generally earn higher per-mile rates than company drivers or a percent-of-load rate. Although they make more income per load, they also must pay all the expenses of operating a truck and business.

Should you ever lease a truck? ›

If you do a lot of time-restricted projects, or if your business is seasonal, it makes sense to lease a truck instead of having to buy a vehicle that can mean making expensive maintenance costs. Leasing is usually the best choice if you're not sure you'll be driving your commercial truck for at least three years.

Why are truck leases so expensive? ›

New car leases are more expensive due to a significant change in market conditions. An inventory shortage is making it harder to find popular vehicles, and manufacturer incentives are down. In some cases, automakers aren't even bothering to advertise lease deals because cars are so hard to find at dealers.

What is the major advantage of leasing? ›

Conserves Cash: Leasing provides 100% financing. Capital can be conserved and used to finance other projects or activities. Access to Capital: Leasing does not impact existing credit lines – e.g. an existing bank operating line, thereby providing another source of capital.

What are the risks in leasing? ›

4 Common Risk Areas Found in a Lease Portfolio: What to Know and How to Avoid Them
  • Inaccurate, unreliable lease data. ...
  • Lease misclassification. ...
  • A lengthy, expensive audit process. ...
  • Lease overpayments. ...
  • Protect your business from risks with end-to-end lease administration and lease accounting.
Jan 10, 2023

What are the risks associated with leasing? ›

Below are some of the underlying risks associated with lease transactions.
  • Rent Fluctuations. Rents can fluctuate both when a lease gets signed and during its life. ...
  • Co-tenancy Conflicts. ...
  • Inability to Renew. ...
  • Negligent or Inefficient Management. ...
  • Vacancy.
May 31, 2013

Is leasing wasting money? ›

While you don't build equity with lease payments, you still get access to a car for a monthly fee. That means leasing a car isn't a waste of money in the same way that renting a home isn't a waste of money. Just like renting a home instead of owning one, leasing a car usually has fewer costs than owning it.

What are the disadvantages of leasing a vehicle for a business? ›

Disadvantages of leasing include no deductions for depreciation, early termination charges, and additional fees for exceeding mileage. Before moving forward with a lease, there are many considerations, including what can and can't be negotiated, terms and payment, and potential tax deductions.

What is the process of leasing? ›

The leasing process begins when the lessee agrees to enter into a leasing agreement with the lessor. After gathering information and conducting thorough research, the lessee goes to the leasing company or broker (lessor) and a lease contract is roughly negotiated and finalized between them.

What are the two major classifications of leases? ›

Leases have two classifications under US GAAP . A capital lease, now known as a finance lease, resembles a financed purchase; the lease term spans most of the asset's useful life. An operating lease resembles a rental agreement in that the asset is used for a set time with useful life remaining at lease end.

What credit score is needed to lease a car? ›

For the best shot of being approved for favorable lease terms, you should have a credit score of at least 700. Some companies may be willing to lease to you with a lower credit score, depending on the cost of vehicle, down payment, and other credit or contract terms.

Can you negotiate money down on a lease? ›

Negotiate with the Dealer

While you can't change every portion of the contract, some negotiable elements include: Buyout price: You can often negotiate a reduced buyout price in your lease, so you'll pay less if you decide to purchase the car at the end of the lease period.

What if my lease payment is too high? ›

If your lease payment is too high as compared to other comparable leases in the market, just buy down the effective payment to a potential lease buyer by offering to put cash into your deal.

What is the best part of leasing a vehicle? ›

Car Leasing Pros:
  • You have lower monthly payments with a low — or no — down payment.
  • You can drive a better car for less money.
  • You have lower repair costs because you are under the vehicle's included factory warranty.
  • You can more easily transition to a new car every two or three years.

What are two advantages and 2 disadvantages of leasing a vehicle? ›

Leasing eases the monthly cost to a more manageable number. It also allows you to drive a more luxurious vehicle than you might otherwise be able to afford. But keep in mind the mileage restrictions and potential excess wear-and-tear charges that come along with leasing.

How much is a lease payment on a 45000 car? ›

How much is a lease for a $45,000 car? Using our calculator, we input a $5,000 down payment, an assumed $25,000 residual value, an interest rate of 7% and a term of 36 months (three years). It resulted in monthly payment of $606 before taxes.

Why is it better to lease than own? ›

Lease payments are almost always lower than loan payments because you're paying only for the vehicle's depreciation during the lease term, plus interest charges (called rent charges), taxes, and fees. You can sell or trade in your vehicle at any time.

What is a buyout quote on a lease? ›

What is a lease buyout? A lease buyout, sometimes referred to as a purchase option, allows you to purchase the car at the end of the lease instead of turning it in if your lease contract permits it.

Does leasing build credit history? ›

As long as the leasing company reports to all three major credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion — and you make your payment on time, your lease can build your credit.

What is a good credit score? ›

Although ranges vary depending on the credit scoring model, generally credit scores from 580 to 669 are considered fair; 670 to 739 are considered good; 740 to 799 are considered very good; and 800 and up are considered excellent.

Do you need a good credit score for a lease? ›

A score between 620 and 679 is near ideal and a score between 680 and 739 is considered ideal by most automotive dealerships. If you have a score above 680, you are likely to receive appealing lease offers. However, if your score is below 660, you still have a 22 percent chance of earning acceptance.

What is a good interest rate for a semi truck? ›

Semi truck interest rates from lenders are generally between 5% and 30% annually. Credit scores of both you and the business, the age of the business, and the type and condition of the truck will all impact interest rates.

How to make money with 18 wheeler? ›

One of the most reliable ways how to make money owning a semi truck is towing. If you're in a big city, there's going to be a constant need for towing service. Cars break down or get stuck all the time. A semi truck is a great tool for towing, since it can handle much bigger loads than the weight of a single car.

Is a semi truck an asset? ›

When you finance a semi truck, you can deduct your annual interest payments on your taxes. You can make this deduction each year for the entire life of the loan. The IRS also considers your financed vehicle a business asset, which means that you can claim depreciation even though you don't fully own the truck.

How much profit does one semi truck make? ›

To ensure the costs are worth it, it is important to put a lot of mileage into goods transport. Every trucking company's profit margin is different, but the average is 6 to 8 percent profit of the annual income per truck.

Will semi truck prices go down in 2023? ›

Used Truck Prices Will Fall

Experts expect truck prices to continue falling in 2023, thanks to continued downward pressure. Data shows that the average retail price is down a few percentage points, and that trend may continue into at least the first half of 2023.

Can you write off a semi truck? ›

The IRS considers a semitruck to be a qualified non-personal-use vehicle. This means you can claim all the actual expenses of operating the vehicle, including: Depreciation.

Is it better to lease for 36 or 48 months? ›

Do not sign up for a lease beyond 48 months. Actually anything beyond 36 months is pushing the value of the lease. Don't let the car salesman get you into a longer lease just because they make your monthly payments look more attractive.

What's the difference between leasing and buying a truck? ›

When financing, the buyer pays the entire cost of the vehicle over the course of the loan. Leasing is a different—and slightly more complex—process wherein the lessee pays the difference between the sale price of the vehicle and the vehicle's depreciated value over the term of the lease.

What is the average car payment? ›

Car payment statistics

The average monthly car payment for new cars is $716. The average monthly car payment for used cars is $526. 39.5 percent of vehicles financed in the fourth quarter of 2022 were new vehicles. 60.5 of percent of vehicles financed in the fourth quarter of 2022 were used vehicles.

Do interest rates affect car leases? ›

In terms of a loan, interest rates have a major effect on the cost of lease financing. Since the outstanding principal balance is paid after the interest is calculated, higher interest rates result in higher lease payments. Think of the example of a $30,000 car lease.

What are five advantages of leasing assets over purchasing them? ›

5 Key Advantages of Leasing over Purchasing
  • Improved Cash Flow. When compared to leasing, purchasing vehicles can restrict large amounts of capital for a long period of time. ...
  • Decreased Administrative Costs. ...
  • Decreased Acquisition Costs. ...
  • Predictable Life Cycles. ...
  • Ease of Disposal.

How much is a lease on a $45000 car? ›

How much is a lease for a $45,000 car? Using our calculator, we input a $5,000 down payment, an assumed $25,000 residual value, an interest rate of 7% and a term of 36 months (three years). It resulted in monthly payment of $606 before taxes.

Am I better off buying or leasing a truck for two years? ›

If you lease one car after another, monthly payments go on forever. By contrast, the longer you keep a vehicle after the loan is paid off, the more value you get out of it. Over the long term, the cheapest way to drive is to buy a car and keep it until it's uneconomical to repair.

What are 3 pros to leasing a vehicle? ›

Pros of leasing a car
  • Lower monthly payments. A monthly lease payment may be less than a loan payment on the same car. ...
  • Fewer costly repairs. Generally, leased cars are newer and in better condition. ...
  • A safer vehicle. ...
  • Tax advantages. ...
  • Easy returns.

What is the formula for lease payment? ›

Finance Fee = ( Net Cap Cost + Residual ) × Money Factor

This is the method used by all lease companies and dealers. Also be aware that you're paying finance charges on both the depreciation and residual (the total of which is the negotiated selling price of the car).

How much should I save before leasing a car? ›

It's recommended you spend no more than about $2,000 upfront when you lease a car. In some cases, it may make sense to put nothing down and roll all of your fee costs into the monthly lease payment.

How do you calculate if a lease is worth it? ›

To accurately evaluate a lease deal, the total cost of the lease must be compared to the initial value of the vehicle — MSRP sticker price. The lower the total lease cost measured against MSRP, the better the deal.

Do you lose more money leasing or buying? ›

Buying a car typically makes more financial sense than leasing one, since you get to keep the vehicle as an economic asset and avoid higher finance charges and upfront costs. There are certain benefits that leasing has over outright buying a car, such as making high-end vehicles more affordable.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.