Palladium vs. Gold: Which Is Better? | Goldco (2024)

Palladium vs. Gold: Which Is Better? | Goldco (1)

While gold may be the best known and most popular precious metal for investors, some investors may be looking for something more. Gold’s performance is almost boringly stable over the long term, which is great for investors looking to maintain the value of their investments over a period of time. But sometimes precious metals investors want to make significant short-term gains too. That’s where other precious metals can play an important role in diversifying investors’ portfolios and helping them grow their wealth.

Most precious metals investors are aware of silver as an alternative to gold, and the fact that silver often makes greater gains percentage-wise than gold does. But few investors branch away from silver and gold and look to other precious metals such as palladium. By failing to think outside the box, they could be costing themselves significant amounts of potential gains. Investors who haven’t looked at the palladium price vs. gold price may be shocked to find out that palladium is now more expensive than gold.

What Is Palladium?

Palladium belongs to what is known as the platinum group of metals: platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium. Palladium was only discovered in 1803, and it is a relatively rare silver-colored metal that is about 15% denser than silver.

Palladium ore deposits are very rare, with only a handful of mines around the world containing palladium, including in South Africa, the United States, Canada, and Russia. Russia produces about 40% of the world’s supply of palladium.

Palladium has numerous industrial uses, most importantly in automobile catalytic converters. But it’s also used in electronics, jewelry, and dental applications. Because of palladium’s tremendous rise in price in recent years, it’s getting a lot of attention from investors who otherwise would only think about investing in gold.

How Does Palladium Compare to Gold?

Gold is significantly denser than palladium and has been used by consumers and trusted by investors for thousands of years before palladium was even discovered. For much of that time, gold was also far more valuable than palladium. But things have changed.

Thinking about investing in palladium vs. gold used to not even be a consideration. But changing market conditions have driven the palladium price significantly higher than the gold price this year, with palladium reaching nearly $1800 per ounce last month. That’s a significant gain over the palladium price at the beginning of the year, which was just under $1260 per ounce.

Gold’s price has risen this year too, but not nearly as much as palladium has. That might make investing in palladium a tempting thing for many investors. But the use cases for palladium vs. gold are far different.

Gold is a good fit for investors who want consistent value and growth over time but who also want stability. Palladium has seen tremendous growth, but it has also seen some tremendous falls in price. Historically it has been far less valuable than both gold and platinum, and future trends in industrial use of palladium could send its price back down again.

What Drives the Price of Palladium?

The major factor that drives the price of palladium is its use in automobile catalytic converters. With ever more stringent automotive emissions standards, catalytic converters have to become ever more efficient.

For years platinum was the dominant metal used in catalytic converters, but it was expensive, as expensive as or more expensive than gold. Palladium was comparatively cheaper, so many companies began to make the switch to palladium in catalytic converters instead of platinum.

But that increased demand for palladium caused the price to rise, and now palladium is more than twice as expensive as platinum, and even more expensive than gold. Since it can take years for car manufacturer supply lines to switch from palladium to platinum and vice versa, most companies are sticking with palladium despite the high price, which should keep the palladium price elevated for years to come.

Palladium is also the preferred metal used in gasoline engines, while platinum is still used in diesel engines. With the Dieselgate scandal in the US and Europe dampening demand for diesel engines, demand for gasoline engines has risen, providing a further impetus for the palladium price to rise.

What Affects the Price of Gold?

Unlike most other metals, the primary demand for gold comes from jewelry and investment demand. The most recent data for gold shows that jewelry demand made up about 40% of global gold demand. Much of that jewelry ends up in countries like India and China, where individuals have traditionally purchased gold jewelry, and not coins and bars, as their primary source of gold investment. The Indian wedding season, in particular, sees a dramatic boost in gold demand each year.

Demand for non-jewelry gold as an investment, whether in the form of coins or bars, makes up another 35-40% of global gold demand. Industrial use in technology products forms about 8-10% of demand, and the remainder of demand comes from central bank gold purchases, which in recent years have reached record levels.

Investment demand is largely driven by concerns about the economy and the state of the financial system. Anything that might affect the economy negatively, weaken the dollar, or result in more inflation generally results in an increase in the current gold price. Given the numerous economic and geopolitical factors governing safe-haven investment demand, it’s safe to say that investor demand for gold will increase in the coming years, as will the gold price.

Palladium vs. Gold: Which Works for You?

Even when the gold price increases, however, it’s not as volatile as palladium. Its increases are more measured and steadier, and it increases for longer stretches of time. The palladium price, on the other hand, is driven by speculative demand from investors and industrial users, with some companies stockpiling huge amounts of palladium to try to protect against future price increases. So when it comes to deciding between palladium vs. gold, investors have to do some thinking.

Those investors who intend to hold onto their precious metals investments for 10-20 years or longer are probably going to be more interested in investing in gold. Over the past 20 years, gold has been the second-best performing asset around, more than doubling the annualized gains of stocks over that time period. For long-term asset protection, gold can’t be beaten.

Investors with a more short-term focus, or those who don’t mind switching up the allocation of their investments and moving from gold to palladium or vice versa, might be more interested in investing in palladium. Short-term price increases in palladium can provide rapid amounts of wealth appreciation in a short period of time. Just this year palladium has increased over 40% in price, a phenomenal result. Investors can always decide to invest in palladium for short-term gains, then convert their holdings into gold later on.

That’s made easier by investing in a precious metals IRA, which allows investors to hold precious metals in an IRA and make gains tax-free until they decide to take a distribution. Investors can even perform a gold 401(k) rollover, rolling over existing assets from a 401(k), 403(b), TSP, or similar account into an IRA that can invest in precious metals. That means that instead of having to choose palladium vs. gold, investors can easily invest in both.

Make Investments With Expert Advice From Goldco

If you think you’re ready to begin investing in precious metals, whether it’s gold, silver, palladium, or something else, give the experts at Goldco a call today. Their years of experience in helping investors just like you protect and grow their investments through purchasing precious metals can help you navigate the process with quickness and ease.

Don’t miss out on any more potential gains by sitting on the sidelines and wondering what if. Put the power of gold and palladium to work today to help your investment portfolio grow to its maximum potential.

Palladium vs. Gold: Which Is Better? | Goldco (2)

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Palladium vs. Gold: Which Is Better? | Goldco (2024)


Is it better to buy palladium or gold? ›

Relatively hard: Palladium is considered to be a softer metal, but it is still much harder and more durable than gold, which lends more protection against impact and a greater resistance to denting. Compared to gold's knoop hardness of 200, Palladium has a knoop hardness of 400.

Which is more valuable gold or palladium? ›

Gold has many uses and is thought to be the standard for precious metals, trading at $1,654 per ounce. Most investors overlook Palladium, which is even more valuable at $1,954 per ounce, respectively. Here's why Palladium is more valuable than gold: Key part for emission reducing autos.

Why are people buying palladium? ›

It Provides Protection against Inflation

In fact, there are times when palladium holds its value better than silver and gold. And if you've already invested in gold or silver as a hedge against inflation, palladium is an excellent complementary metal.

Is it smart to buy palladium? ›

Palladium's relative rarity makes it a valuable investment option when used to strategically diversify a Precious Metals portfolio.

What are the disadvantages of palladium? ›

Some people don't like the 'light' feel of palladium compared with platinum. Because it's a relative newcomer to the jewellery market, it's too soon to say whether palladium will keep its value so it's probably not the best metal to choose if you're looking to make a long-term investment.

What is better than palladium? ›

Of the two metals, platinum is stronger than palladium, but again both metals are strong enough to be used for engagement rings or wedding rings that are worn daily.

Is palladium a good investment 2023? ›

Palladium is expected to be a profitable investment in 2023 due to a combination of macroeconomic and fundamental drivers.

Do palladium rings have better resale value? ›

Palladium Is More Valuable than Gold & Silver

It also tops platinum when it comes to current market value. On average, prices for palladium rings today are around $2,000, according to

Is it better to invest in gold or platinum? ›

Ultimately, both gold and platinum have their unique advantages as investment options. While gold is a traditional safe haven asset with a long history of stability, platinum offers exposure to unique industries and potentially greater returns due to its volatility.

What is a better investment than gold? ›

A good S&P 500 index fund will do you better than gold in the long run, but this can be a good countercyclical asset if you want to ensure liquidity in the event of a recession.

What is the safest precious metal to invest in? ›

Gold is the most well-known and investable precious metal. It's unique for its durability (it doesn't corrode), shaping capability, and ability to conduct heat and electricity. While it has some industrial uses in dentistry and electronics, it's primarily used to make jewelry or as a form of currency.

Who is the biggest buyer of palladium? ›

The top palladium consuming regions are China, North America, and Europe. The United States and China are also the two individual countries with the largest global market shares of auto production.

What is worth more than palladium? ›

Rhenium, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, osmium, gold, palladium and silver are the order this comes in. The most valuable of all precious metals is rhodium.

Who owns the most palladium? ›

South Africa

South Africa is the world's top platinum-mining country and a major producer of palladium. It holds the largest-known reserves of PGMs globally at 63 million kilograms.

Why is palladium dropping 2023? ›

On February 10th, Nornickel announced that it expects its palladium production to drop in 2023 due to planned refurbishment at its Nadezhda metallurgical plant. A report by Reuters said that the company's palladium output is likely to fall by 8%-14% than in 2022 in the range of 2,407-2,562 koz.

What is the prediction for palladium? ›

Palladium is expected to trade at 1326.90 USD/t oz. by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 1182.39 in 12 months time.

Is it better to buy platinum or palladium? ›

While platinum will hold up better against impacts that might dent your ring, palladium is more resistant to scratches. For example, the prongs holding the center stone of a platinum engagement ring are less likely to break than those of a gold engagement ring.

Does palladium turn yellow? ›

White metals such as palladium and platinum do not tend to tarnish and the metal should stay the same colour as the day you buy it.

What is an unusual fact about palladium? ›

More rare than gold or silver, palladium is found in only one location in the United States. This substance is what gives white gold its signature color and it is also found in almost all catalytic converters. The forty-sixth element of the periodic table, palladium, was discovered in 1803 and named after an asteroid.

Why is palladium declining? ›

Palladium was “badly hit” by an anemic auto sector, and demand hasn't recovered since the pandemic, says Nikos Kavalis, managing director at Metals Focus. He says substitution from palladium to platinum and a rise in battery-powered vehicles contributed to palladium's steeper decline.

What metal can replace palladium? ›

There is no substitute for rhodium. Platinum can substitute for palladium in petrol engines, but this substitution only tends to kick in when the palladium price is double that of platinum.

Is palladium toxic to humans? ›

Palladium is regarded as of low toxicity, being poorly adsorbed by the body when ingested. It may cause skin, eye or respiratory tract irritation, may cause skin sensitisation. Liquid may cause burns to skin and eyes.

Why is palladium so special? ›

Palladium is an important component in electronics, and it is used in many new technologies, such as fuel cells. As a commodity, it has drawn the attention of investors because it is not easily substituted for other metals. For example, the element is an important component of catalytic converters.

What is the best metal to buy in 2023? ›

Palladium: The Best Buy in the Precious Metals Market in 2023.

Should I buy palladium now? ›

With the market's impressive supply and demand fundamentals, and growing prospects for a potential supply squeeze in the years ahead, an investment in palladium bullion may be one of the best bets now and in the future.

Does palladium have a future? ›

Consumer demand will be key to 2023 growth

“The health of the automotive sector will remain palladium's leading barometer ⁠— after all, the sector accounts for over 80 percent of demand,” Swarts said. Metals Focus sees auto production growth being marginally positive for palladium demand in 2023.

Which jewelry is best investment? ›

While diamonds are often considered a good investment, they aren't the only precious stones worth investing in. Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires often fetch high prices. Natural saltwater pearls can also go for a few thousand dollars, depending on the type of jewelry.

Can you shower with palladium jewelry? ›

If your jewelry is gold, silver, platinum, palladium, stainless steel, or titanium, you're safe to shower with it. Other metals like copper, brass, bronze, or other base metals shouldn't go in the shower as they can turn your skin green.

What jewelry does not lose value? ›

The most valuable type of jewelry is rare and old jewelry that hasn't been damaged in any way. If you're looking to invest in jewelry, gold, diamonds, silver, and other precious gemstones are the best options.

Why do people prefer platinum over gold? ›

Platinum is generally valued higher than gold. This is because platinum is rarer than gold, has a higher density and is purer. Platinum rings require more platinum than gold rings require gold, which can increase the overall cost.

Why do people choose platinum over gold? ›

While both precious metals are strong, platinum is more durable than gold. Its high density and chemical composition make it less likely to break than gold, so it lasts longer. The chemical structure also means that the metal displaces on the surface when it is hit so you don't lose any of the precious metal.

Why choose platinum over gold? ›

More Durable Than Other Metals: Platinum is an incredibly durable metal, ranking 20% denser than white gold and 60% denser than yellow gold. While not immune to the damages of everyday wear and tear, platinum's durability is a big appeal for engagement ring shoppers with active lifestyles.

What is the next best thing to gold? ›

Best Alternatives To Gold Investment
  • Invest in silver. If you're looking to invest in a physical asset, you may want to consider investing in silver. ...
  • Invest in cryptocurrency. ...
  • Investing in Real Estate. ...
  • Investing in Electric Vehicle Metals.
Feb 2, 2023

How many ounces of gold should you own? ›

However, many experts warn that you should be wary of how much gold to include in your portfolio. One rule of thumb is to limit gold to no more than 5% to 10% of your portfolio. Depending on your situation and your risk tolerance, you might be more comfortable with a bigger or smaller share of gold in your portfolio.

Should I buy gold or silver 2023? ›

Silver could be a good option if you're considering investing a small amount of money, as it has more upside potential due to its industrial uses. On the other hand, if you plan to invest a larger sum, gold might be a better choice due to its scarcity and potential for higher gains.

Which metal is best for long term investment? ›

Platinum. Like gold and silver, platinum trades around the clock on global commodities markets. It often tends to fetch a higher price (per troy ounce) than gold during routine periods of market and political stability simply because it's much rarer.

What is the best metal to invest in inflation? ›

Many investors consider gold to be the ultimate safe-haven hedge against inflation. It's been a store of value for thousands of years, and it has real-world uses in jewelry and electronics, which provides tangible value.

Which metal has most resale value? ›

1. RHODIUM: TOP MOST VALUABLE METAL. Rhodium is the most valuable metal and exists within the platinum group of metals. It is used in jewelry for a final finish on white gold jewelry.

Is palladium overpriced? ›

Palladium is estimated to be about 15 times rarer than platinum, making it significantly more expensive per ounce. In fact, palladium is currently the most expensive among the four major precious metals (platinum, gold, and silver).

How much palladium is left in the world? ›

In 2022, the global supply of palladium was forecast to be 7.12 million ounces. In 2021, the total supply of palladium amounted to seven million ounces worldwide.

Where is palladium mined in the US? ›

Stillwater Mine in Montana is the only palladium mine in the US while the Lac Des Illes mine in Ontario is the only mine in Canada, Russia is the world's biggest producer of palladium.

What metal is 30 times rarer than gold? ›

Platinum is 30 times more rare than gold.

Does palladium rust? ›

It is resistant to rust and corrosive materials, and will not show wear and tear like other precious metals might. Palladium: Palladium is durable, but to a lesser degree than platinum. Because palladium is somewhat malleable, when you scratch the surface it does not lose any metal, but simply displaces it.

What metal is rarer than palladium? ›

In terms of abundance in the Earth's crust, the rarest metals are: gold, platinum, osmium, iridium, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, tellurium and rhenium.

Does the US have palladium? ›

The forty-sixth element of the periodic table, palladium, was discovered in 1803 and named after an asteroid. More rare than gold or silver, the silvery element is found in only one location in the United States, the Stillwater Mine in Montana, and a handful of others throughout the world.

What country mines the most palladium? ›

Palladium was predominantly supplied globally by South Africa and Russia in 2021. However, South Africa is forecast to produce slightly less palladium than Russia in 2022, at 2.63 million ounces compared to Russia's forecast supply of 2.71 million ounces that year.

What is the best way to invest in palladium? ›

Since most palladium is produced via mining, most palladium stocks are mining-related. You can invest in palladium stocks with most online brokers, and their performance will correlate with the price of palladium.

What will palladium be worth in 10 years? ›

According to the latest long-term forecast, Palladium price will hit $2,000 by the middle of 2024 and then $2,500 by the end of 2025. Palladium will rise to $3,000 within the year of 2026, $3,500 in 2027, $4,000 in 2028 and $5,000 in 2030.

Is platinum better than gold for investment? ›

Platinum. Like gold and silver, platinum trades around the clock on global commodities markets. It often tends to fetch a higher price (per troy ounce) than gold during routine periods of market and political stability simply because it's much rarer.

Should I invest in gold silver or platinum? ›

Gold prices tend to move more slowly than the price of silver and platinum, with the latter two seen as being more volatile, in part because of their wider use within industry. The best option for your own circ*mstances is likely to depend upon your attitude to risk and whether you are seeking a long-term investment.

What is the best precious metal to invest in 2023? ›

Palladium: The Best Buy in the Precious Metals Market in 2023.

Who are the biggest buyers of palladium? ›

In 2021, the top importers of Palladium unwrought or in powder form were Germany ($5.01B), United States ($4.4B), United Kingdom ($3.77B), Japan ($3.7B), and Italy ($1.85B).

How high will palladium go? ›

“With a slight reduction in demand and an increase in primary supply, the market is likely to be in surplus even if secondary supply underperforms expectations.” TD Securities spot palladium price predictions saw the metal trading at $1,879/oz in the first quarter of 2023, rising to $2,100/oz by early 2024.

What investment is better than gold? ›

Returns in Real Estate vs.

The real estate can be an attractive long-term investment option where the property value increases over time. Real estate provides better returns than gold without much volatility. Additionally, when the market improves, so does the value of your property.

Is it smarter to buy gold or silver? ›

Silver is less expensive than gold: Your money can buy more silver than gold, in part because silver is more abundant in supply. Silver has more uses: Silver is highly conductive and used in industry and commerce more than gold.

What is more profitable gold or platinum? ›

Platinum is placed below gold in the reactivity series.

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