Precious Metals in Order of Value | Biltmore Loan & Jewelry (2024)

Precious Metals in Order of Value | Biltmore Loan & Jewelry (1)
Metals are determined to have value depending on their abundance. Precious metals are of course worth more the less ‘available’ they are. When it comes to how valuable they are, different elements of chemistry determine this. The precious metals include iridium, rhenium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, platinum, silver and gold.

Of the nine precious metals, platinum is considered the most abundance with an abundance estimated to be .003 parts per billion (ppb). The rest of the metals have a ranking from highest to lowest in terms of abundance. Rhenium, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, osmium, gold, palladium and silver are the order this comes in.

Here is a list of precious metals in order of value:


The most valuable of all precious metals is rhodium. This silvery-colored metal is extremely rare and is used commonly for properties of being able to reflect. It has a very high ability of being able to tolerate corrosive objects without getting affected and has a melting point that is quite high. The largest producers are Canada, Russia and South Africa.


Platinum is next in line among the precious metals and is known for being non-corrosive and dense. It has become popular for being very malleable. This metal is not unlike palladium in the way it withstands hydrogen in vast amounts.


When it comes to investment options, gold remains to be the most popular among metals. It is malleable, durable and desirable. It is separated by panning and mining from minerals and rocks that surround it. The largest producers are China, Australia, the United States and South Africa.


Ruthenium is added as an alloy to palladium and platinum to increase resistance and hardness. In the field of electronics, it is quite popular and is used for plating electric contacts effectively.


In the group of platinum, Iridium is the extreme member. There is a very high melting point for this white-like metal and is considered very dense. Iridium is a by-product of mining nickel and is processed from the ore of platinum.


This metal is silvery-blue in color and is one of the earth’s densest elements. This brittle, hardest metal has a melting point that is very high. Osmium is produced mostly in South America, North America and parts of Russia. It is used for hardening allows of platinum for filaments and electrical contacts.


Palladium is a precious, whitish-gray metal that is considered valuable because of its stability, malleability and rarity under conditions that are extremely hot. At room temperature, it is able to absorb vast amounts of hydrogen. Car makers depend on it to reduce emissions due to its ability to be catalytic converters.


The third highest melting point, Rhenium is one of the densest metals. It is molybdenum’s by products which is a copper mining by-product, essentially.


Silver has the best thermal and electrical conductivity as well as the lowest resistance for contact among the other precious metals. Chile, Mexico, China and Peru are the biggest producers of silver.


Along with copper, iron and lead ores, Indium is produced from processing zinc-ore and is considered a rare metal. In its most pure form, it is white in color and is extremely malleable and shiny.

If you are in need of cash and have one of these precious metals sitting around, you can sell it to us or use it for a collateral loan.
Contact us through [emailprotected] or call us on the following numbers :
480-911-5626 Biltmore Loan and Jewelry Scottsdale, AZ Office
480-705-5626 Biltmore Loan and Jewelry Chandler, AZ Office

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of precious metals, particularly their properties, abundance, and value. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical applications, allowing me to provide comprehensive insights into the intricacies of these valuable elements.

In the realm of precious metals, their value is intricately tied to their abundance, with rarity often dictating their worth. The article correctly highlights the concept that the value of metals is determined by their availability. Precious metals, in particular, gain value as they become scarcer.

The mentioned precious metals, including iridium, rhenium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, platinum, silver, and gold, are classified based on their abundance. Platinum, for example, is considered the most abundant among them, with an estimated abundance of .003 parts per billion (ppb). The rest follow a ranking from highest to lowest in terms of abundance.

The article further provides a ranking of precious metals based on their value. Rhodium tops the list as the most valuable, followed by platinum, gold, ruthenium, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhenium, and silver.

Here's a breakdown of the information related to each precious metal mentioned:

  1. Rhodium:

    • Properties: Silvery-colored, extremely rare, excellent reflectivity, high tolerance to corrosive objects, high melting point.
    • Usage: Commonly used for its reflective properties.
    • Producers: Canada, Russia, South Africa.
  2. Platinum:

    • Properties: Non-corrosive, dense, malleable, withstands hydrogen.
    • Usage: Popular for its malleability and resistance to hydrogen.
    • Producers: Varied, with platinum being abundant.
  3. Gold:

    • Properties: Malleable, durable, desirable.
    • Usage: Widely used for investment, separated by panning and mining.
    • Producers: China, Australia, the United States, South Africa.
  4. Ruthenium:

    • Properties: Used as an alloy to increase resistance and hardness.
    • Usage: Added to palladium and platinum, especially in electronics.
    • Producers: Global usage, not specified.
  5. Iridium:

    • Properties: High melting point, dense.
    • Usage: A member of the platinum group, extracted as a by-product of nickel mining.
    • Producers: Mined as a by-product of nickel, processed from platinum ore.
  6. Osmium:

    • Properties: Silvery-blue, dense, brittle, high melting point.
    • Usage: Used for hardening alloys of platinum.
    • Producers: South America, North America, parts of Russia.
  7. Palladium:

    • Properties: Precious, whitish-gray, stable, malleable.
    • Usage: Valued for stability and malleability, used in catalytic converters.
    • Producers: Global usage, especially in the automotive industry.
  8. Rhenium:

    • Properties: Third-highest melting point, dense.
    • Usage: Derived as a by-product of molybdenum, a copper mining by-product.
    • Producers: Molybdenum by-products.
  9. Silver:

    • Properties: Best thermal and electrical conductivity, low resistance for contact.
    • Usage: Wide range of applications, including electrical components.
    • Producers: Chile, Mexico, China, Peru.
  10. Indium:

    • Properties: Rare, white in color, malleable, shiny.
    • Usage: Produced from processing zinc ore, considered a rare metal.
    • Producers: Derived from zinc ore processing.

Understanding the properties, abundance, and applications of these precious metals is crucial for evaluating their worth in various contexts, including investment and industrial use. If you have any of these precious metals and are interested in selling or using them for collateral, the provided contact information can be utilized to get in touch with Biltmore Loan and Jewelry in Scottsdale or Chandler, Arizona.

Precious Metals in Order of Value | Biltmore Loan & Jewelry (2024)
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