Ownership Rights in Real Property | NYC Bar (2024)

When you own real property, you have certain rights that go along with that ownership, including:

  • Right to possession
  • Right to control
  • Right to use andquietenjoyment
  • Right toallow others a right to use (licenses and leases)
  • Right to privacy and to exclude others
  • Right to disposition or to transfer the property to someone else by selling, gifting or inheritance
  • Right to use property as collateral through a mortgage

Your ownership rights to real property include the right to use the surface of the land, called “surface rights.” You also have a right to use what is under the surface, such as oil, gas, and minerals. These are called “subsurface rights.”Your ownership rights include “water rights” or “riparian rights” which are the rights to any water on your property, and the right to make reasonable use of flowing water that passes through or by your property.

In addition, you have a right to use the space above the land,including the right not to have the air directly over your property blocked by buildings on adjacent properties. When you acquire property, you must be careful to determine if any of these rights, such as air rights, have been sold or pledged.

Your ownershiprights to real propertyalso includea right to make improvements to your property, such as erecting buildings. In most jurisdictions the right of a property owner to make improvements is subject to limitations under local restrictions regarding the size, configuration and use of real property (“zoning laws”), andordinances whichcontrolboth theway the construction is to performed and the minimum standardsthebuildings must comply with (“building codes”).

Zoning lawswhich are enacted incities frequently create a system of tradeable limits on developmentknown as “developmentrights.”These rights permit the owner of a property which is not fully developed under the zoning law to sell the property’s unused development potential to the owners of neighboring properties who want to construct buildings that are larger than the zoning law would otherwise permit.

Legal Editors: William P. Walzer and Terrence M. Dunn, October 2017

Changes may occur in this area of law. The information provided is brought to you as a public service with the help and assistance of volunteer legal editors, and is intended to help you better understand the law in general. It is not intended to be legal advice regarding your particular problem or to substitute for the advice of a lawyer.

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Ownership Rights in Real Property | NYC Bar (2024)


What are the ownership rights of real property described as? ›

The term “bundle of rights” describes the set of legal rights associated with ownership of real property. The “bundle” is made up of five different rights: the right of possession, the right of control, the right of exclusion, the right of enjoyment and the right of disposition.

What is the most common and complete form of ownership right in real property? ›

This is the most common type of interest. It is outright ownership. Even if you still owe money on your mortgage, as long as you have the right to sell the house, leave it to your heirs, and make alterations, your ownership is fee simple. A fee simple interest may be owned by one person or by several people jointly.

What are the four basic rights typically associated with property rights? ›

There are four main types of intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

What is Section 335 of the New York Real Property Law? ›

Shared driveways in New York are governed by statutory law, case/decisional law and local municipal zoning requirements. Section 335-a of the New York Real Property Law provides an easem*nt of necessity for landlocked parcels without public access.

What is property rights examples? ›

We define property rights as a right to specific property, whether intangible or tangible. In many cases, property rights are clear. If you own a car and have a title to that car in your name, then the property rights to drive, sell, lend, lease, or scrap that car belong to you.

What are the 3 property rights? ›

Thus, the three basic elements of private property are (1) exclusivity of rights to choose the use of a resource, (2) exclusivity of rights to the services of a resource, and (3) rights to exchange the resource at mutually agreeable terms.

What is the easiest form of ownership of real property? ›

Sole ownership or tenancy of severalty. By far the most simple, this occurs when a single person owns the property. A sole owner is free to sell, gift, or bequeath the property to anyone without needing permission of any kind.

What does common ownership of property mean? ›

Ownership in common refers to the right of ownership shared by two or more people whose interests are divisible. Upon the death of one owner, their interest in the property passes to the dead owner's heirs. This means that if A and B have ownership in common of property (E) , and A dies, A's share does not go to B.

What is ownership right of use? ›

Ownership is the legal right to use, possess, and give away a thing. Ownership can be tangible such as personal property and land, or it can be of intangible things such as intellectual property rights.

What are the two most important rights to property? ›

The two public powers most often at issue in the property rights context are the police power — the power of government mainly to secure rights — and the power of eminent domain — the power to take property for public use upon payment of just compensation, as set forth, by implication, in the Fifth Amendment's Takings ...

What are the two important right to property? ›

(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property.

Which would not be considered real property? ›

Land and all the things that are attached to it. Anything that is not real property is personal property and personal property is anything that isn't nailed down, dug into or built onto the land. A house is real property, but a dining room set is not.

What is Section 254 of the New York real property law? ›

Any excess of said insurance money over the amount so payable to the mortgagor shall be applied in reduction of the principal of the mortgage.

What is Section 227 of the New York real property law? ›


What is 235 F New York real property law? ›

It shall be unlawful for a landlord to restrict occupancy of residential premises, by express lease terms or otherwise, to a tenant or tenants or to such tenants and immediate family.

What happens when property rights are not clearly defined? ›

Externalities occur when property rights are not defined or are not effectively enforceable. “Negative externalities” exist when the costs of producing a good spill over onto (are borne by) people other than those who decide how much or whether to produce that good.

When property rights are not well established? ›

When property rights are not clearly defined or adequately protected, market failure can occur. That is, no solution that meets the needs of all parties involved can be achieved. Traffic congestion might be an example of an externality without a solution.

What is the exception to property rights? ›

In property law, the phrase exception in deed refers to a statement in a deed of real estate which reserves certain rights to the transferor (for example, easem*nts, mineral rights, or a life estate).

What are the two basic types of property? ›

There are two basic categories of property: real and personal.

What type of right is property? ›

Proprietary rights, also known as property rights, are the theoretical or legal rights that an entity has to own property, whether tangible or intangible. Property rights are some of the most basic rights in a free society.

Why are property rights and the rule of law important? ›

Defending and enforcing property rights is crucial. If the rule of law is effective, property ownership acts as an incentive for investment and a catalyst for the creation of capital and wealth.

Which is the most absolute ownership of real property? ›

Simply put, an owner with a fee simple absolute has control of the ENTIRE bundle of sticks. It is the strongest form of ownership and nobody can possess more than a fee simple absolute interest in the land.

What is a simple ownership? ›

What Is Fee Simple Ownership? The real estate term fee simple describes a landowner's complete and total ownership of a piece of land and all properties on it. The fee simple owner may do anything they wish on the land, as long as it falls within established easem*nts and zoning laws.

What is the highest form of property ownership? ›

1. Sole ownership. Type of owner: individualsAs the name implies, sole ownership is when an individual is the only property owner. Since they are the only owner, they don't require anyone's consent to sell, lease or transfer the property to another person.

What is proof of common ownership? ›

Proof of joint ownership definition

In order to do so you can present the following documents: mortgage statements, bank statements, credit card statements, residential leasing agreements or property tax statements with both parties' names as co-owners.

What is an example of ownership? ›

If you have ownership of something it means that you are the owner; it belongs to you. The term does not only refer to people, but also to other entities. For example, the government is the owner of a state company. Also, a holding company owns its subsidiary businesses.

What is the common ownership rule? ›

What is Common Ownership? Common ownership is a term used to describe a company in which five or fewer people own 80% or more of each company under consideration.

What is rights of first ownership? ›

Key Takeaways. A right of first offer says that a rights holder can buy or bid on an asset before the owner tries to sell it to a third party. These rights are common with real estate and business sales and are often written into the lease agreement or business partnership.

What is right to use without ownership? ›

Fair use is the right to use a copyrighted work under certain conditions without permission of the copyright owner.

Why is it important to identify ownership or possession? ›

It can help them keep connected to the past whilst providing a link to the generations to come by providing something unique that distinguishes the family. Ownership also creates a sense of respect, limitation of its use from others, possession of authenticity and in many ways creates power.

What are the limits of property rights? ›

Nonetheless, laws may limit property by regulating when and how a person can use her property. In general, owners are prohibited from using their resources in ways that harm or injure others. The Federal Government limits the use of property through its power to regulate interstate commerce.

How are property rights protected? ›

The Fifth Amendment protects the right to private property in two ways. First, it states that a person may not be deprived of property by the government without “due process of law,” or fair procedures.

What is an example of the right of possession? ›

Examples. Several examples have been given of the right of possession: A business buys a vehicle and obtains financing. The entity purchasing the vehicle becomes the registered owner and has both possession and right of possession.

Why is right to ownership important? ›

Secure property rights allow landowners to travel from their land for employment, and to let their land work for them. Property rights formalization is, appropriately, often linked with economic prosperity.

What makes a property private? ›

Private property refers to the ownership of property by private parties - essentially anyone or anything other than the government. Private property may consist of real estate, buildings, objects, intellectual property (copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secrets).

What are 5 examples of real property? ›

Examples of real property are buildings, canals, crops, fences, land, landscaping, machinery, minerals, ponds, railroad tracks, and roads. Real property is generally taxed at the local level, not the federal level.

What assets are considered real property? ›

Real property in California refers to any type of real estate, including land and buildings permanently attached to the land. This type of property is typically considered to have a longer duration of ownership than business personal property.

What is the difference between real property and personal property? ›

Essentially, personal property is anything you can move and is subject to ownership (except land). Real property cannot be moved and is anything that is attached to land. Generally, determining the clarification for a property is simple since the differences are straightforward.

What is 12 A of the NYS real property law? ›

No person shall be entitled to a license as a real estate broker or real estate salesman under this article who has been convicted in this state or elsewhere of a felony, of a sex offense, as defined in subdivision two of section one hundred sixty-eight-a of the correction law or any offense committed outside of this ...

What is Article 14 NY real property law? ›

Terms Used In New York Laws > Real Property > Article 14 - Property Condition Disclosure in the Sale of Residential Real Property. Answer: The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint and setting forth the grounds for defense.

What is NY Real Property Law 440? ›

No person shall be entitled to a license as a real estate broker under this article, either as an individual or as a member of a co-partnership, or as a member or manager of a limited liability company or as an officer of a corporation, unless they are twenty years of age or over.

What is New York Real Property Law 441? ›

Real Prop. Law § 441-D. The revocation or suspension of a broker's license shall operate to suspend the license of each real estate salesperson associated with such broker, pending a change of association of the salesperson or the expiration of the period of suspension of the broker's license.

What is Section 301 of New York real property law? ›

Any person authorized, by the laws of the country where the acknowledgment or proof is made, to take acknowledgments of conveyances of real estate or to administer oaths in proof of the execution thereof. FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your jurisdiction.

What is N.Y. Real Property Law 442 F? ›

No real estate broker shall pay any part of a fee, commission or other compensation received by the broker to any person for any service, help or aid rendered in any place in which this article is applicable, by such person to the broker in buying, selling, exchanging, leasing, renting or negotiating a loan upon any ...

What is N.Y. Real Property Law 228? ›

A tenancy at will or by sufferance, however created, may be terminated by a written notice of not less than thirty days given in behalf of the landlord, to the tenant, requiring him to remove from the premises; which notice must be served, either by delivering to the tenant or to a person of suitable age and discretion ...

What is Section 291 F of the Real Property Law of the state of New York? ›

As required by N.Y. Real Prop. Law § 291-f: (1) any amendment or modification to your lease will require the prior written consent of Lender; and (2) Landlord will not accept a prepayment of rent more than one month in advance.

What is N.Y. Real Property Law 265? ›

Section 265-a of the Real Property Law is intended to address instances of “home equity theft” that occur when homeowners of residential property (defined as a 1–4 family owner/occupied residence) are in default on their mortgage payments or the property is in foreclosure, including the preservation of the equity in ...

What is ownership with the most rights in land called? ›

Fee Simple Absolute: An ownership interest in real property that affords the owner the greatest possible aggregation of rights, privileges, and power. Only an individual and his or her heirs can hold a fee simple absolute.

What is property rights quizlet? ›

property rights. the rights to use, control, and obtain the benefits from a good or resource. market organization. a method of organization in which private parties make their own plans and decisions with the guidance of unregulated market prices.

What are ownership rights associated with real estate referred to quizlet? ›

Real property refers to the ownership rights associated with real estate.

Which of the following is a right included with real property quizlet? ›

A parcel of real property may include any one or all the following: "Air rights, Water rights, Solid mineral rights, oil and gas rights, support rights." EX: A landowner can transfer all of the above with the sale of the land OR choose to retain or separately sell certain appurtenances rights.

What is the most common form of property ownership? ›

A joint tenancy is one of the most common types of land ownership. One of the most important aspects of a joint tenancy agreement is the right of survivorship.

What is the strongest form of ownership? ›

Fee Simple Absolute Estate

It is the strongest form of ownership and nobody can possess more than a fee simple absolute interest in the land. [3] It is the most extensive interest an individual can possess.

What is ownership of property by one person called? ›

1. Sole ownership. Type of owner: individualsAs the name implies, sole ownership is when an individual is the only property owner. Since they are the only owner, they don't require anyone's consent to sell, lease or transfer the property to another person.

What is the purpose of property rights? ›

They give confidence to individuals and businesses to invest in land, allow private companies to borrow – using land as a collateral – to expand job opportunities, and enable governments to collect property taxes, which are necessary to finance the provision of infrastructure and services to citizens.

What is the property rights theory? ›

Property rights theory is an exploration of how providing stakeholders with ownership of any factors of production or goods, not just land, will increase the efficiency of an economy as the gains from providing the rights exceed the costs.

What is true about ownership or title to a property? ›

In real estate, that something is property. By holding a title to a home, you have legal rights, ownership control, and responsibility over that home. Titles can held by individuals or by two or more people, in the case of a married couple, for example.

Which right is the following right to own property? ›

The Fifth Amendment protects the right to private property in two ways. First, it states that a person may not be deprived of property by the government without “due process of law,” or fair procedures.

What type of property is ownership of anything that is not real estate and the rights associated with owning the item? ›

Personal property is movable property. It's anything that can be subject to ownership, except land. Real property is immovable property - it's land and anything attached to the land.

Which of the following is not included as part of real property rights? ›

The rights of ownership of real property includes the following EXCEPT: disposition, exclusivity, control, compatibility.

Which type of ownership is not concurrent ownership? ›

Concurrent ownership of property simply means that title to the same piece of property is in two or more names at the same time. This type of ownership is distinguishable from an estate in severalty, which is an estate that is held by one in one's own right only, without any other person being joined or connected.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.