Overview (2024)

Vietnam has been a development success story. Economic reforms since the launch of Đổi Mới in 1986, coupled with beneficial global trends, have helped propel Vietnam from being one of the world’s poorest nations to a middle-income economy in one generation. Between 2002 and 2021, GDP per capita increased 3.6 times, reaching almost US$3,700. Poverty rates (US$3.65/day, 2017 PPP) declined from 14 in 2010 to 3.8 percent in 2020.

Thanks to its solid foundations, the economy has proven resilient through different crises. GDP growth is projected to ease to 6.3 percent in 2023, down from 8% in 2022, due to the moderation of domestic demand and exports. Vietnam's economic growth is expected to rebound to 6.5 percent in 2024 as domestic inflation could subside from 2024 onward. This will be further supported by the accelerating recovery of its main export markets (U.S., Eurozone, and China).

Growing at 2.5 to 3.5 percent per year over the past three decades, the agriculture sector has supported economic growth and ensured food security. It contributed 14 percent of GDP and 38 percent of employment in 2020 while earning more than US$48 billion in export revenues in 2021 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Health outcomes have improved along with rising living standards. Infant mortality rates fell from 32.6 per 1,000 live births in 1993 to 16.7 in 2020. Life expectancy rose from 70.5 to 75.5 years between 1990 and 2020. Vietnam’s universal health coverage index is at 73—higher than regional and global averages—with 87 percent of the population covered by the national health insurance scheme.

Vietnam’s average duration of (learning-adjusted)schooling is 10.2 years, second only to Singapore among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries. Its human capital index is 0.69 out of a maximum of one, the highest among lower middle-income economies.

Access to infrastructure services has increased dramatically. As of 2019, 99.4 percent of the population used electricity as their main source of lighting, up from just 14 percent in 1993. Access to clean water in rural areas has also improved—up from 17 percent in 1993 to 51 percent in 2020.

Vietnam has grown bolder in its development aspirations, aiming to become a high-income country by 2045. To achieve this goal, the economy would have to grow at an annual average rate of 5.9% per capitafor the next 25 years. Vietnam also aims to grow in a greener, more inclusive way, and has committed to reducing methane emissions by 30 percent and halting deforestation by 2030 while achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

A few megatrends are shaping the future of Vietnam. The country’s population is rapidly aging and global trade is declining. Environmental degradation, climate change, and the rise of automation are growing. The COVID-19 crisis presented unprecedented challenges that might undermine progress towards development goals.

To rise to these challenges, Vietnam needs to dramatically improve its performance to implement policiesparticularly in finance, environment, digital transformation, poverty/social protection, and infrastructure, according to the World Bank’s latest Systematic Country Diagnostic Update.

Last Updated:Apr 14, 2023

Overview (2024)


What is an overview of a question? ›

An overview should have some basic facts and be in clear enough language for you to understand. It should answer the questions; "who", "what", "when" and "where", and only briefly some of the "why" and "how" questions.

How to pass a multiple-choice test without knowing anything? ›

Here are a few of Poundstone's tactics for outsmarting any multiple-choice test:
  1. Ignore conventional wisdom. ...
  2. Look at the surrounding answers. ...
  3. Choose the longest answer. ...
  4. Eliminate the outliers.
Jun 26, 2015

How do you answer a question you don't know the answer to? ›

How to respond when you don't know the answer to a question
  1. Stay calm. ...
  2. Ask clarifying questions. ...
  3. Share what you do know. ...
  4. Be honest. ...
  5. Express your desire to learn. ...
  6. Be punctual. ...
  7. Prepare copies of your resume and cover letter. ...
  8. Make a list of questions to ask the interviewer.
Sep 30, 2022

How can I get answers to my questions? ›

  • Answers.com. User-powered question and answer platform. ...
  • Ask a Librarian. Online reference desk service from the Library of Congress. ...
  • Brainly. Post questions to a community of millions of students and teachers. ...
  • Chegg Study. ...
  • Dummies. ...
  • eHow. ...
  • PolitiFact. ...
  • Quora.

What do you put in an overview? ›

A topic overview should give the reader an idea of the topic. You will clarify key terms and actors, identify the problem, outline existing measures and formulate your own solutions to the question. Under each sub-heading, you should include your self-written text and links to your sources.

What does overview contain? ›

In simple terms, an overview is a summary of what you see. In Academic Task 1 you will see a visual that you have to describe. There might be one visual (one graph), or you might get more than one visual (a chart and a graph). The overview in your response should summarise what you see in the visual diagram.

Is C the most common answer? ›

Most people (and tutors) tell students that, if they have no idea on a question, to just guess answer choice “C” — the middle answer on most multiple choice tests.

What is the most popular answer on a multiple choice test? ›

In multiple-choice questions, first, B and E are the most likely answers in 4- and 5-option questions, respectively and, second, same answer is least likely to be repeated in the next question. Outlier answers are less likely to be the correct answers.

How do you detect cheating in multiple choice? ›

If the number of identical wrong answers is sufficiently greater than the number expected by chance and if the students were seated close together, then cheating is likely.

What way should you not say thank you for the interview? ›

Don't write a note saying you're qualified unless you can back it up with some specifics. Ideally, the specifics should come directly from the interview. For example, perhaps the interviewer asked about how you perform on a team, and you gave a great answer.

What can I say instead of I don't know the answer? ›

I have no idea/I haven't a clue/ I haven't got the faintest idea/ I haven't got the foggiest idea (These expressions are the most common, and are used when you have no information and you cannot guess the answer to a question)

How do you answer a question without saying yes? ›

…instead of saying “yes,” you could say:
  1. You got it!
  2. You bet.
  3. Sure thing!
  4. Ok. / Okie Dokie.

Which app is best for finding answers? ›

Socratic by Google on the App Store.

Is there any app for scanning question and get answer of multiple choice questions? ›

QuizMe App | Interactive quiz with multiple choice questions.

How does Google answer all my questions? ›

The responses that you provide to any question are compared with responses from other users to determine the best answer. For some types of questions like "Translation", Google validates your answers by showing them anonymously to other users to evaluate.

What is an overview example? ›

a short description of something that provides general information about it, but no details: I'll give you a brief overview of what the job involves.

What's a basic overview? ›

a general outline of a subject or situation; survey or summary.

What is an overview statement? ›

An overview is simply a summary of the main or most important points in a graph, chart, process or map. It is normally 2-3 sentences long and should be the second paragraph you write in your essay.

Is an overview a summary? ›

An overview is a general summary of something. An overview gives the big picture, while leaving out the minor details.

How many sentences should an overview have? ›

You need to have substance without a lot of unnecessary extras. Most introductions should be about three to five sentences long. And you should aim for a word count between 50-80 words.

Why do we need an overview? ›

Whether this is called an Introduction , Overview , Summary — or something else — it plays a key role in conveying information quickly and effectively to the widest possible audience. Depending on the material, the length and complexity of the opening section can vary widely.

Which C is the hardest? ›

C++ C++ is considered to be one of the most powerful, fastest, and toughest programming languages.

Is C or C+ better? ›

C++ is an extension of the C language along with Object-Oriented Programming language (OOPs) that gives the advantage of security, better performance, speed, scalability, built-in library, and many more. Due to this, C++ is preferred if someone wants to work on complex projects.

Is C+ better then C? ›

Performance: Generally, C is faster than C++ due to the overhead from features like virtual function or exception handling. Compatibility: C code can be used in C++ programs, but the opposite is not always true because C++ adds additional features and syntax that are not in C.

What is the best letter to guess on a test? ›

C or H are right (and wrong) as often as any other answer choice. The only guess letter you don't want to use when you are completely guessing is E or K because they only show up on the math test.

Why is C always the answer? ›

The idea that C is the best answer to choose when guess-answering a question on a multiple choice test rests on the premise that ACT answer choices are not truly randomized. In other words, the implication is that answer choice C is correct more often than any other answer choice.

What is the trick for multiple choice questions? ›

How to ace multiple choice tests
  • Read very carefully. Take the time to carefully read each question and answer choice. ...
  • Come up with your own answer. ...
  • Look for common types of wrong answers. ...
  • Eliminate answers in two rounds. ...
  • Do not obsess over your choices. ...
  • Manage your time. ...
  • Answer every question.
Nov 15, 2022

What is the best predictor of cheating? ›

Low sexual and relationship satisfaction, high sexual desire, and lack of love are the most robust predictors of infidelity. The gender gap in infidelity appears to be shrinking.

How can a teacher prove you cheated? ›

Plagiarism detection software: This is the most universally-used method of monitoring students for online cheating, and is often used for in-person classes as well.

What are examples of cheating on a test? ›

Copying from another student during an examination or allowing another to copy your work. Unauthorized collaboration on a take home assignment or examination. Using notes during a closed book examination. Taking an examination for another student, or asking or allowing another student to take an examination for you.

How do you close an interview? ›

How to end an interview
  1. Ask specific and well-thought-out questions about the position and company. ...
  2. Reiterate your qualifications for the job. ...
  3. Inquire if the interviewer needs any additional information or documentation. ...
  4. Address any issues. ...
  5. Restate your interest in the position.
Feb 3, 2023

How do you say you want a job without sounding desperate? ›

Photos courtesy of the individual members.
  1. Ask For An Informational Meeting. ...
  2. Provide Insight. ...
  3. Demonstrate Commitment To The Mission. ...
  4. Share Passion And Find Ways To Contribute. ...
  5. Tell The Story Behind Your Interest. ...
  6. Be In Love With The Company. ...
  7. Ask First For Expert Advice. ...
  8. Interact With Their Content.
Apr 7, 2020

Should you apologize for being nervous in an interview? ›

Yes, it is a good idea to apologize for being nervous in an interview.

How do I professionally say I don't know? ›

Try one of these instead:
  1. I'm not sure, but I'll find out and let you know.
  2. I'll find out.
  3. I'll look into it and get back to you with what I find.
  4. That's a good question and I want to get you the right information. Let me get back to you by end-of-day.
Sep 18, 2019

How do you say no in a smart way? ›

Saying “No” to an Invitation or Offer
  1. I appreciate the offer, but I can't.
  2. I'm honored, but can't.
  3. I'd love to, but I can't.
  4. I appreciate the invitation, but I am completely booked.
  5. Thanks for thinking of me, but I can't.
  6. Regrettably, I'm not able to.
  7. You're so kind to think of me, but I can't.

How do you say yes in a cool way? ›

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English
  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I'm always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
  4. Yeah, I'd be happy to!
  5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.
Sep 20, 2017

How do you say sure professionally? ›

  1. absolutely.
  2. apparently.
  3. assuredly.
  4. clearly.
  5. easily.
  6. for sure.
  7. indisputably.
  8. no ifs ands or buts.

How do you respond to a nosy question? ›

Nosy question: What Was Your Doctor's Appointment For? How to respond: "You don't want to know" (said with a smile) or "I'm just fine -- thanks for asking." You don't have to go into any detail. A vague answer will satisfy most people. They will understand you don't want to answer and back away.

How was your day response to a girl? ›

Really good!

They didn't have to check in on you, so thank them for thinking of you. Send them a virtual smile, whether this is someone you're close with or someone you're just getting to know. You can even add an extra “How was your day?” to the end of your text to keep the conversation going.

Is there an app that helps you decide? ›

Tiny Decisions is an app that makes decision-making fun and easy! Simply input your question, add options, and spin the wheel to get a random answer. With Tiny Decisions, making quick decisions has never been easier! We know how hard it can be to make decisions.

How do you answer multiple choice questions online? ›

Multiple-Choice Test Taking Tips and Strategies
  1. Read the entire question. ...
  2. Answer it in your mind first. ...
  3. Eliminate wrong answers. ...
  4. Use the process of elimination. ...
  5. Select the best answer. ...
  6. Read every answer option. ...
  7. Answer the questions you know first. ...
  8. Make an educated guess.

How can I find the answer to a question online? ›

  1. Answers.com. User-powered question and answer platform. ...
  2. Ask a Librarian. Online reference desk service from the Library of Congress. ...
  3. Brainly. Post questions to a community of millions of students and teachers. ...
  4. Chegg Study. ...
  5. Dummies. ...
  6. eHow. ...
  7. PolitiFact. ...
  8. Quora.

Which device is used to check multiple choice questions? ›

The correct answer is OMR. It is the input device used to scan a marked answer book of a multiple choice question paper.

Is there an app to help exam questions? ›

Best Exam Prep Apps for Students
  • 1) Evernote (free; Android, iOS, Windows, Chrome) ...
  • 2) Professional Pocket Prep (free; Android, iOS) ...
  • 3) Exam Countdown (free; Android, iOS) ...
  • 5) My Study Life (free; Android, iOS, Windows, Chrome) ...
  • 6) Quizlet (free; Android, iOS, Windows, Chrome) ...
  • 8) Forest (free; Android, iOS)
May 24, 2022

Where does Google find all the answers? ›

Crawling: Google downloads text, images, and videos from pages it found on the internet with automated programs called crawlers. Indexing: Google analyzes the text, images, and video files on the page, and stores the information in the Google index, which is a large database.

How accurate is Google Answers? ›

“It's always a balancing act in terms of quality.” A study this year by Stone Temple, a prominent analyst of the industry, showed Google's search engine answered 74.3% of 5,000 questions, and on those answers it had a 97.4% accuracy rate. Both percentages are higher than services from Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc.

Does Google have all the answers? ›

Google's strength is that it has all the answers. For the first time in recent memory, however, the tech community is looking at the company's search business and asking questions.

What does overview mean in a research paper? ›

A research overview summarizes the detailed response and highlights particular issues raised in it. Writing it might be somewhat troublesome. To write a good overview, you want to start with a structure in mind.

What is an overview in a research paper? ›

We use the term 'overview' within this paper to describe systematic summaries of systematic review evidence, in line with the most commonly used terminology. Overviews can play a role in signposting the reader to evidence, summarising existing research or highlighting the absence of evidence [7].

Does overview mean introduction? ›

Overview and introduction are both present in the beginning of written works. While overview are present in scholarly articles, an introduction is present in all types of writing. Overview or Abstracts. Overview also known as abstract informs the reader about the major content of the paper.

What is the purpose of the overview? ›

An overview is a general summary of something. An overview gives the big picture, while leaving out the minor details.

What is an overview vs summary? ›

Overview also refers to a restatement of the main points of something but has a more general connotation than summary. It tends to be used in academic contexts more than summary and has less general use in newspapers and magazines than summary does.

How do you write an overview for a paper? ›

An overview of the topic.

Start with a general overview of your topic. Narrow the overview until you address your paper's specific subject. Then, mention questions or concerns you had about the case. Note that you will address them in the publication.

What should be included in an overview essay? ›

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:
  • An opening hook to catch the reader's attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.
Feb 4, 2019

How long should an overview be in research? ›

7. Keep it short. Try to avoid an overly long introduction. A good target is 500 to 1000 words, although checking the journal's guidelines and past issues will provide the clearest guidance.

How do you start off an overview? ›

5 Ways to Write an Introduction [Summary]
  1. Start with a quotation.
  2. Open with a relevant stat or fun fact.
  3. Start with a fascinating story.
  4. Ask your readers an intriguing question.
  5. Set the scene.
Sep 8, 2017

Where does overview go in a paper? ›

The final part of the introduction is often dedicated to a brief overview of the rest of the paper.

What is another word for overview? ›

A brief summary, as of a book or a presentation. outline. summary. gist. synopsis.

What is overview and definition? ›

noun. a general outline of a subject or situation; survey or summary.

What does it mean to present an overview? ›

(oʊvəʳvjuː ) countable noun [usually singular] An overview of a situation is a general understanding or description of it as a whole.

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