Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (2024)

During one of our first Christmas Eves I had a meltdown.Husband waited until the very last second to purchase and wrap gifts because wewere waiting on payday (we run a cash only house with the exception of ourmortgage and car payments.)

We stayed up until the wee hours of the nightwrapping gifts. Wrapping gifts less than 24 hours before the paper is rippedoff seems pointless. Not to mention, I try to keep Christmas Eve lowkey and chill time to gear up for the happy Christmas frenzy the following day.

Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (1)

I knew things had to change unless I wanted to ruin everysingle holiday for the rest of our lives with an annual argument.

I learned if I started doing a little bit here and therethroughout the year I have enough things done or know what needs tobe done that my sanity and budget are saved when Christmas time rollsaround. No more Christmas meltdowns in this house!

This also helps me combat Cabin Fever or, as I like to callit Boring Winter Months Where I Am Looking for Low Coast Stuff to Do So I Don’t GoCrazy When We are Snowed In Projects.

There are things I do in various combinations and some not atall if it doesn’t fit that year that save me from reliving that last minutegift buying and wrapping meltdown every Christmas.

9 Things You Need to Do Now to Save Money and Sanity Next Christmas

1. Start a ChristmasClub. If there is only one tip you follow on this list starting aChristmas Club should be it. A Christmas Club is a separate savings accountwhere you deposit money throughout the year. The total amount is automaticallytransferred into your checking/debit card account before the holidays. Theregenerally isn’t a minimum or maximum you can deposit into your account so evendepositing something small like $10 a week from your paycheck will give you $520 of your own money to spendon Christmas when the money becomes available in October!

2. Start or add to aBox of Gift Boxes and/or Gift Bags. My mother and my grandmother always had abox of gift boxes stored with the Christmas decorations. I thought it was normal to have one until I mentioned it to my sister in law and she looked at me like I had three heads when I said, "isn's it in your box of boxes?"

My box of gift boxesand bags saves precious time and sanity than a mega money saver. I can blowthrough wrapping gifts for birthdays weddings, and Christmas in record speed because I have all of the boxes and giftbags I need at my fingertips.

Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (3)

I buyclear storage tubs because it is easier to identify the bin I need. Plastic bins saved my stuff from a burst water pipe that's why I use them over cardboard boxes.

3. Start or add to a giftwrapping paper and bow box. Just like the box of gift boxes, I grew upthinking everyone had a gift wrapping box full of gift tags, wrapping paper,and ribbon like my mother and grandmother. I try to save bows and ribbon when Ican and add little bits and bobs that may make a pretty gift topper such asfake flowers (I try to keep it eco on the the flower front but sometimes stuff still comes my way.)

I eventually decided to buy a special wrapping paper storage tubwhen I found a large stash of discounted Christmas wrapping paper I bought andlost in our old apartment. I didn’t have to buy new wrapping paper or reuse oldwrapping paper for the first six years we had our new home because I didn’thave one spot for everything. Now I do.

Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (4)

I bought the Honey Do Gift Wrap and Storage Box (really that's the name) because it stores gift wrap, ribbon, and bows together and fits under our bed.

4. Shop afterChristmas sales with care and caution. Sometimes you can get the things youneed now like Husband’s wool winter coat I got at an even bigger discount because I had to sew on a button or for later like the perfect family gift Ibought for someone for 2013. Just don’t go crazy buying super mega discountedstuff you’re only buying because it is a deal. Buying discounted stuff you neveruse doesn’t save anyone money.

Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (5)

5. Make reusablecloth gift bags. Get the directions here.As much as I enjoy wrapping a pretty gift, in recent years Iended up missing my favorite Christmas activities because I was stuck inSanta’s Little Sweatshop wrapping gifts. I didn’t have time to make cloth giftbags during the Christmas season when I first saw the idea. I made them afterthe holiday for the following year. This tip Changed. My. Life! I havegifts wrapped and under the tree 10 minutes after they hit the door to the house. I didn’tmiss any of my favorite activities this year and my sister in law ooh’ed and ah’ed overmy gift wrap because I usedvelvetsand brocades I had in my costumingstash. For me this life saver was a freebie.

Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (6)

This tip may not work for you if you have a gift peeker inyour house. Fortunately, we do not.

6. Buy holiday food(turkey, ham, cranberries, etc.) at a discount and freeze for later.Husband and I grocery shop after every major holiday to buy Thanksgivingturkeys, Easter hams, St Patrick’s Day corned beef, etc. at a significantdiscount because the stores are trying to get rid of their holiday stock afterthe holiday. I have a discounted duck in my freezer right now!

7. Make or print nextyear’s gift tags. I hate buying gift tags because I lazy, cheap, and hatetossing/recycling one use items. I make gift tags using scrapbook stencils andpunches to cut circles, ovals, squares (whatever the design allows) from oldChristmas cards. Sometimes I make gifttags from old business cards. This year I just printed and cut out a bunch offree printable gift tags I pinned to my Pinterest Gift Wrapping board. I stickthem in my gift wrapping paper and bowbox for the following year.

Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (7)

Learn how to make my Put a Bird on It Portlandia gift tag here.

8. Start an idea list.If I am not Christmas shopping for gift year round I am shopping for giftideas. Read my tips here.This is a time, money, and sanity saver! I can use cash to buy gifts as I see them(sometimes on sale), have time to make them before the holiday rush, and havesome of my shopping done by the time Black Friday rolls around where in perfectyears I’ve finished my shopping – with cash because I used my Christmas Clubsavings.

Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (8)

9 Make all thoseChristmas crafts you pinned on Pinterest and didn’t have time to make for thisyear now during a boring snow day for next year. I pin. You pin. How many of us actually DOthe projects and recipes we pin? Do them now while you have the time! MyChristmas Winter Holiday Pinterest board has a bunch of ideas.Follow me on Pinterest and I’ll follow you back!

What do you do to for a stress free holiday?

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Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too) (2024)


Nine Christmas Time and Money Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sanity (and Money Too)? ›

Shop in advance for your Christmas dinner

Some retailers put up prices in the count-down to Christmas, so shopping in advance and planning early for Christmas can save you paying these higher prices. Also, by doing the food shopping in advance you can spread the costs of your purchases over a couple of months.

How can I save an insane amount of money? ›

8 ways to save money quickly
  1. Change bank accounts. ...
  2. Be strategic with your eating habits. ...
  3. Change up your insurance. ...
  4. Ask for a raise—or start job hunting. ...
  5. Consider a side hustle. ...
  6. Take advantage of a credit card that offers rewards. ...
  7. Switch up your transportation habits. ...
  8. Cancel subscriptions you don't really need or use.

How can I save money on Christmas food? ›

Shop in advance for your Christmas dinner

Some retailers put up prices in the count-down to Christmas, so shopping in advance and planning early for Christmas can save you paying these higher prices. Also, by doing the food shopping in advance you can spread the costs of your purchases over a couple of months.

When should I start saving money for Christmas? ›

The best way to do it? Start saving in January, put aside a little money each month, and you'll be golden come December! But if you're just now starting to save money for Christmas, don't worry. There's still plenty of time to save up a stash of cash between now and then.

How can I save $1000? ›

Financial expert Dave Ramsey has a lot of ideas on the subject, and here are some of the most practical ways to save your first $1,000 quickly.
  1. Cancel Subscriptions. ...
  2. Bring Your Own Lunch. ...
  3. Avoid Coffee Out. ...
  4. Re-Sell Old Items. ...
  5. Shop at Cheaper Grocery Stores With Rewards Programs. ...
  6. Buy Generic. ...
  7. Join a Carpool.
Dec 28, 2023

How to save for Christmas 2024? ›

The best way to start saving for Christmas next year is to look at your finances and track how much you can realistically save each month. Review your bank statements and assess where your money is spent. Plus, if you can find any miscellaneous direct debits that you don't need anymore and can delete - bonus points!

How to save up $1,000,000? ›

How To Save a Million Dollars
  1. Make a budget and track your expenses. Budgeting and tracking your spending can help you identify areas where you can cut back and direct more income to savings.
  2. Increase your income. ...
  3. Maximize your retirement savings. ...
  4. Invest wisely. ...
  5. Use a millionaire calculator.
Nov 9, 2023

How to save up $100,000 fast? ›

7 tips for getting your first $100,000
  1. Figure out how much money you can safely save each month. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Maximize your employer-sponsored savings and investment accounts. ...
  4. Save your tax refunds and work bonuses. ...
  5. Pay off existing debt. ...
  6. Seek a raise or some other way to increase your income.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What food do I need over Christmas? ›

  • Turkey.
  • Gammon.
  • Beef.
  • Duck.
  • Fish.
  • Vegan roast alternatives.
  • Vegetarian roast alternatives.

What should your Christmas budget be? ›

How about 1.5% of your annual salary. Clearpoint, the credit-counseling nonprofit, suggests a simple target for holiday budgeting: Plan to spend 1.5% of your annual income.

What do food banks need most at Christmas? ›

What Should You Give During Food Drives?
  • jars of peanut butter.
  • canned chili.
  • canned tuna.
  • canned vegetables.
  • soup.
  • macaroni and cheese.
  • condiments.
  • gluten-free, nut-free and other low allergen foods for those with food allergies.
Dec 17, 2018

Is it OK to ask for money for Christmas? ›

While traditional presents are wonderful, money really can be the most practical and appreciated option. We all hate the idea of waste, so it makes sense to get comfortable asking for what you really want, in a way that makes people feel good.

How does Christmas savings work? ›

A Christmas club, or holiday club, account is a type of savings account designed to help people save for their holiday shopping. The account may allow for regular direct deposits from your paycheck, which are then saved and distributed to them before the holiday shopping season.

Is it OK to just give money for Christmas? ›

It's fine. So if there's a wedding, graduation, rite of passage, or holiday on the horizon, and cash is what you want or need, please know that—as a bona fide expert in gift-giving etiquette! —I am telling you it's fine just to say so.

How much money should I save for Christmas? ›

However, a common guideline is to allocate around 1-2% of your annual income for gifts. Again, it's super important to set a budget that aligns with your financial health and priorities, which ensures a joyful holiday season with minimal financial stress.

How much money should you have for Christmas? ›

Before you start buying gifts, it's important to set a budget. Financial experts often recommend allocating 1% of your annual income for holiday spending. This includes not just gifts, but also decorations, food, and other festivities. This recommendation could be a good starting point for your holiday budgeting.

How to afford Christmas on a tight budget? ›

Here are some top tips to help you shop smart and save money this Christmas.
  1. Plan ahead before you hit the shops. Don't go into the crowds without a clear budget in mind. ...
  2. Agree on price limits for gifts. ...
  3. Be honest. ...
  4. Watch TV for free. ...
  5. Save on postage. ...
  6. Ask for advice. ...
  7. Loyalty cards. ...
  8. Give an experience.
Dec 10, 2023

How much money should I set aside for Christmas? ›

Clearpoint, the credit-counseling nonprofit, suggests a simple target for holiday budgeting: Plan to spend 1.5% of your annual income. For a family that earns $75,000 a year, that works out to $1,125. Sliding buttons allow you to allocate shares of the total to gifts, parties, travel, donations and food.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.