Navigating Passive Income Taxation in Canada: The Role of Consultants (2024)

Businesses have the potential to earn revenue through diverse channels, typically categorized into two main types — active income and passive income. Active income is the result of physical participation and material contribution to business pursuits. On the other hand, passive income pertains to earnings derived from owning capital assets that generate income without requiring substantial effort from the owner. It’s important to note that passive income is often subject to taxation in Canada.

Here are some things you need to know about the tax implications associated with passive income earned within a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC).

Understanding Passive Income Tax in Canada

Navigating Passive Income Taxation in Canada: The Role of Consultants (1)

The term “passive income” has recently been used very loosely. It has been used informally to describe recurring income requiring little to no work from the recipient. It includes self-charged interest, rental properties, and businesses where the recipient of income isn’t actively involved.

There are several ways for a corporation to earn passive income, such as:

  • Investment

Investments can be low risk, like Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and savings accounts, which yield passive income in small amounts as interest. They can also be a bit riskier, like owning shares in another company. In Canada, all passive incomes you earn by investment are subject to taxes.

However, registered plans like Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) and Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) can offer some tax advantages. TFSAs allow investors to earn without paying taxes as long as they don’t exceed their contribution limit. On the other hand, RRSPs generate taxable passive income, but the money you contribute to your RRSP can be deducted from your taxable income for the year. The contributions and the interest they’ve earned are taxed at the regular income tax rate when withdrawn.

  • Rental Properties

In Canada, the income you make from renting is subject to taxes, but you can reduce the amount you owe by deducting various expenses related to earning that rental income. These deductions may cover most repair costs, energy expenses, and even the interest part of your mortgage payment.

  • Non-material Participation in a Business

Suppose you invest $500,000 in a candy store under an arrangement where the owners agree to pay you a portion of the profits. This income falls under the category of passive income, provided you refrain from actively engaging in the business’s day-to-day operations beyond your initial investment. However, if you actively assist in managing the company alongside the owners, your income may be classified as active, as your involvement constitutes “material participation.

The Complexity of Passive Income Taxation in Canada

In the past, the Small Business Deduction (SBD) applied mainly to active incomes, and the eligibility criteria were less restrictive, allowing more Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) to benefit from it. However, the government grew concerned about multiple claims for this tax break.

Previously, CCPCs generating passive income were not seen as exceeding the small business income limits. This meant that an owner of one CCPC who started two additional branch companies could save taxes on three income sources, costing the federal government a significant amount in lost tax revenue. This concern prompted the introduction of stricter regulations.

  • Corporate Taxation

In Canada, when a CCPC (Canadian Controlled Private Corporation) earns passive income, it’s typically taxed at a rate of about 50% nationwide. Here’s how it works:

(a) The first $500,000 of business income is subject to a lower small business tax rate.

(b) Any income over $500,000 is subject to a higher general tax rate.

Starting in 2019, if the CCPC and any connected corporations make more than $15 million, they can’t claim the Small Business Deduction. It’s essential to note that any investment income earned in a connected holding company will be considered when calculating passive income. In fact, if you make more than $50,000 from these sources, you might have to pay a higher tax rate, up to 26% on your income.

  • Investment Income Taxation

When a corporation pays taxes on its investment earnings and later distributes those earnings to shareholders as dividends, it can get some of its taxes back. For example, if you pay $2.61 in taxable dividends, the corporation can get a $1 refund of its taxes. This is often referred to as Refundable Dividends Tax on Hand (RDTOH).

  • Refundable Dividends Tax on Hand

RDTOH is a theoretical account that grows when a CCPC pays corporate tax on its investment earnings, like taxable capital gains, interest, rents, and dividends from unrelated Canadian corporations. Specifically, 30.67% of the investment income and the Part IV tax owed by the corporation receiving dividend income are added to this RDTOH account. Since 2019, RDTOH is divided into eligible and non-eligible portions and is refundable depending on the type of dividends distributed by the CCPC.

Essentially, RDTOH is an advance payment of an estimated personal tax amount at the corporate level. It’s designed to prevent tax deferral opportunities for investment income and to ensure that when the money is eventually received by the shareholder personally, the tax system remains integrated.

  • Capital Dividend Account (CDA)

When a corporation earns money from selling investments (capital gains), only half of that money is subject to tax. The other half, which is not taxed, is added to a special account called the CDA (Capital Dividend Account), which keeps track of non-taxable earnings.

Life insurance payouts (after subtracting the initial cost) can also be added to the CDA. These amounts can then be paid out to shareholders as tax-free capital dividends. To do this, the corporation must file a request with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Investing in capital assets is tax-efficient because the growth isn’t taxed until you sell the asset. When you sell, the profit goes into the CDA, and you can distribute it to shareholders without paying additional taxes. This makes the CDA a valuable tool for estate tax planning among shareholders of Canadian Controlled Private Corporations.

  • Personal Tax on Dividends

When a company distributes dividends to its shareholders, those shareholders are also responsible for paying personal taxes on the dividends they receive. The specific personal tax rates applied to dividends from a Canadian corporation depend on two factors: (a) the total taxable income of the shareholder and (b) whether the income originates from the corporation’s general rate income pool or other sources. The general rate income pool, or GRIP, consists of corporate business income taxed at the standard corporate rate. Dividends paid from this pool are categorized as eligible dividends. Dividends that do not come from the GRIP pool are taxed as non-eligible dividends.

Benefits of Hiring a Canadian Passive Income Taxation Consultant

  • Expertise in Passive Income Rules

A specialized consultant is well-versed in the intricate rules and regulations surrounding the corporate tax rate on passive income in Canada. They can offer invaluable insights and assistance to ensure you navigate this complex landscape effectively.

  • Tax Optimization

These consultants are skilled at optimizing your tax strategies to minimize tax liability while maximizing your passive income. They can identify opportunities for deductions, credits, and exemptions that you might overlook.

  • Customized Advice

Consultants can tailor their advice to your specific financial situation. They assess your unique passive income sources and financial goals to create a personalized tax plan that suits your needs.

  • Compliance and Reporting

Staying compliant with tax laws is crucial. A consultant ensures that your passive income reporting is accurate and adheres to all legal requirements, helping you avoid costly penalties and audits.

Passive income taxation can be time-consuming and stressful. Hiring a consultant frees up your time and reduces the stress of managing your tax affairs, allowing you to focus on your investments and other priorities.

How to Choose the Right Consultant

Navigating Passive Income Taxation in Canada: The Role of Consultants (2)

  • Define Your Needs

Before searching for a consultant, clearly define your specific needs and objectives. Whether improving a business process, enhancing your marketing strategy, or addressing a particular challenge, knowing what you require will guide your consultant selection process.

  • Expertise and Experience

Look for consultants with proficiency and track record in your industry or the specific area you need assistance with. Ask for references and case studies to gauge their experience and success in similar projects.

  • Compatibility and Communication

Effective communication and a good working relationship are crucial. Ensure that you and the consultant can collaborate effectively. They should understand your business culture, values, and goals, as this will contribute to a smoother consulting experience.

  • Cost and Value

Discuss the consultant’s fees and pricing structure upfront. Assess not only the cost but also the value they bring to your project. A more expensive consultant who delivers results may be a better investment than a cheaper one with limited capabilities.

  • Reputation and Credentials:

Research the consultant’s reputation by checking online reviews, testimonials, and any industry recognition or certifications they may have. A consultant with a solid reputation is more likely to deliver quality services.

At Smith & West, we specialize in corporate tax preparation services in Ottawa. Our experienced team is here to optimize your tax strategy, ensuring compliance and maximizing your savings. Call us today at (613) 425-8871.

FAQs About Passive Income Tax Rates in Canada

  • Is passive income taxed in Canada?

Yes, passive income is taxed in Canada. However, the tax rate on passive income can vary depending on the type of income and your overall income tax bracket.

  • What are the roles of Canadian passive income tax consultants?

Canadian passive income taxation consultants assist individuals and businesses with managing passive income taxation complexities. Their responsibilities include crafting tax-efficient strategies, ensuring compliance with tax regulations, and staying abreast of evolving tax laws. They also offer customized solutions aligned with client’s financial objectives, advise on tax-efficient investment decisions, and provide support during tax audits.

  • What to expect when working with tax consultants in Canada?
    Working with a tax consultant provides valuable guidance and peace of mind in navigating the Canadian tax system. When engaging a tax consultant in Canada, you can expect expert advice specific to your needs, ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations. They will assist in strategic tax planning, informing you about relevant updates, and optimizing your financial situation for individuals and businesses.
  • Are there penalties for not reporting passive income?

If you fail to report your passive income, you may be subject to penalties and interest. The penalties can be significant, so you must accurately report all your income on your tax return.

Hire the services of Smith & West Chartered Professional Accountants for on-time and compliant tax preparation and filing.

Navigating Passive Income Taxation in Canada: The Role of Consultants (2024)


Is passive income taxed differently in Canada? ›

In Canada, when a CCPC (Canadian Controlled Private Corporation) earns passive income, it's typically taxed at a rate of about 50% nationwide. Here's how it works: (a) The first $500,000 of business income is subject to a lower small business tax rate.

Is rental income passive income in Canada? ›

Rental Income is passive income from a taxation perspective in Canada unless the requirements for Active Business Income are met. Rental income, after deducting eligible expenses, contributes to your personal income tax calculations.

Is GIC interest passive income? ›

Passive income is extremely useful, as it can help individuals and households accelerate their retirement plans and build generational wealth over time. Two low-cost ways to generate a steady and recurring income stream for life are by investing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and quality dividend stocks.

How does a Canadian working in the US pay taxes? ›

Canadian expats working or living in the US are taxed by both countries on their worldwide income, just like US expats in Canada. Depending on whether your income is derived from a business/trade in the US through a Permanent Establishment (PE) or not, you will be allowed to avail deductions on your US tax liability.

How is passive income taxed in Canada? ›

Passive income has a tax rate close to 50%. With active income, the first $500,000 (earned by Canadian Controlled Private Corporations) has a lower tax rate of 9-12% (varying by province) because it qualifies for the small business deduction. Any active income above $500,000 is taxed at 25-27%.

Do you get taxed more in Canada or USA? ›

The IRS taxes the richest Americans at 37%, whereas the top federal tax rate in Canada is 33%. Wealthy Americans have access to many tax deductions that Canada's Alternative Minimum Tax does not allow.

What is the passive income limit in Canada? ›

Consider a “buy and hold” strategy to defer capital gains if a corporation is approaching the $50,000 passive income threshold in 2023. By deferring some capital gains, the SBD Limit may be maintained in 2024. It may also be possible to stagger dispositions of investments between calendar years.

Is Airbnb income considered rental income Canada? ›

Any revenue gained from renting out your home or other property is deemed rental income by the CRA, even if it's only for a night or two every now and again. The money you earn from your Airbnb rental must be reported to the authorities as income on your personal income tax return, just like any other sort of income.

How do you pay taxes on passive income? ›

Passive income is named as such because it doesn't require any regular action on your part; once you have the stream established, it can mostly be set and forgotten. Generally speaking, passive income is taxed the same as active income.

Do you pay tax when a GIC matures in Canada? ›

When you cash out your GIC from your TFSA, you do not need to pay any further income tax. However, when you cash out your GIC from your RRSP, the full amount is taxable at your marginal tax rate. Also, when cashing out your GIC, withholding taxes may apply.

How can I avoid passive income tax? ›

Here are seven tried-and-true passive income strategies that are tax-free.
  1. Buy Tax-Free Municipal Bonds. ...
  2. Open a Roth IRA and Invest. ...
  3. Sell Your Home. ...
  4. Earn Long-Term Capital Gains. ...
  5. Collect Social Security Benefits. ...
  6. Get Disability Insurance. ...
  7. Invest In an HSA. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Nov 22, 2023

How much tax do you pay on a GIC in Canada? ›

Unlike capital gains, 100% of any GIC interest income earned is fully (i.e. 100%) taxable, so there's no tax advantages to holding GICs in non-registered accounts.

What is the 183 day rule in Canada? ›

If you sojourned in Canada for 183 days or more (the 183-day rule) in the tax year, do not have significant residential ties with Canada, and are not considered a resident of another country under the terms of a tax treaty between Canada and that country, see Deemed residents of Canada for the rules that apply to you.

How do I avoid double taxation in Canada? ›

How to avoid double taxation. Canadian taxpayers avoid double-taxation by making a claim on their return for a foreign tax credit (FTC). That is to say, you get to claim a credit on your Canadian return for an amount of tax paid to a foreign country.

Do Americans working in Canada pay US taxes? ›

Yes, if you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien living outside the United States, your worldwide income is subject to U.S. income tax, regardless of where you live. However, you may qualify for certain foreign earned income exclusions and/or foreign income tax credits.

Is passive income taxed differently? ›

Passive Income and Taxation

Generally speaking, passive income is taxed the same as active income. However, the exact tax treatment will depend on the exact source of your passive income and your financial situation as a whole.

Is passive income taxed at a different rate? ›

Passive income is often taxed at the same rate as salaries received from a job, but you'll want to work with a Tax Pro to get a full view into your entire financial picture. As with active income, it's possible to use deductions to lessen tax liability.

Do self employed pay more taxes in Canada? ›

“The CRA allows self-employed individuals to claim a host of expenses provided they are used to generate income and are reasonable,” explains Ronald Watson, chartered accountant in Fort Erie, Ontario. “Income tax rates for the self-employed individual are the same as personal tax rates for employed workers.

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