Multiple Choice Questions on Exchange Traded Fund ETF is a basket of securities that can be traded on a stock exchange In this re........... for UPSC Civil Services Examination (General Studies) Preparation (2024)

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      Multiple Choice Questions


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      Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is a basket of securities that can be traded on a stock exchange. In this regard, consider the following statements:

      1. The return and risk on ETF are directly related to the underlying index or asset it tracks.

      2. Bharat 22 is the fi rst ETF launched by Finance ministry to speed up its disinvestment programme.

      Which of the above statements is/are correct?

      1 only

      2 only

      Both 1 and 2

      Neither 1 nor 2


      Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) :

      • ETFs hold a portfolio of securities that replicates an index and are listed and traded on the stock exchange and its trading value is based on the net asset value of the underlying stocks that it represents.
      • The return and risk on ETF are directly related to the underlying index like the BSE Sensex or asset like gold.
      • ETFs offer low expense ratios and fewer broker commissions than buying the stocks individually.
      • ETFs also offer the individual investor a cost-effective approach to enhance portfolio diversi fi cation as it can cover indices, sectors, countries and asset classes.
      • The ETF is aimed at helping speed up the government’s disinvestment programme. Bharat 22
      • It is the second Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that will be launched by the Union Finance Ministry (1st being CPSE ETF, launched in 2014). This Index is a unique blend of shares of key CPSEs, Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and also the Government-owned shares in bluechip private companies like Larsen & Tubro (L&T), Axis Bank and ITC.
      • Compared to energy heavy CPSE ETF, Bharat 22 is a well-diversi fi ed portfolio with 6 sectors (Basic Materials, Energy, Finance, FMCG, and Industrials & Utilities).

      By: Parvesh Mehta ProfileResourcesReport error

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      Multiple Choice Questions on Exchange Traded Fund ETF is a basket of securities that can be traded on a stock exchange In this re........... for UPSC Civil Services Examination (General Studies) Preparation (11)

      Multiple Choice Questions on Exchange Traded Fund ETF is a basket of securities that can be traded on a stock exchange In this re........... for UPSC Civil Services Examination (General Studies) Preparation (12) Multiple Choice Questions on Exchange Traded Fund ETF is a basket of securities that can be traded on a stock exchange In this re........... for UPSC Civil Services Examination (General Studies) Preparation (13)

    Multiple Choice Questions on Exchange Traded Fund ETF is a basket of securities that can be traded on a stock exchange In this re........... for UPSC Civil Services Examination (General Studies) Preparation (2024)
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    Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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