Mrs. Philips (2024)

Mrs. Philips (1)Spoiler Warning: Plot details, ending details, or both are in the text which follows.

Mrs. Philips (2)

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For the mission, see Mrs. Philips (mission).

I don't want your Goddamn money! Is that what you think I am? A prostitute? Still? You're sick!

— Mrs. Philips to Trevor Philips in Mrs. Philips

Mrs. Philips is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series, appearing as a stranger/freak in Grand Theft Auto V.

She is the mother of Trevor Philips and appears in a Strangers and Freaks side mission.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Background
    • 1.2 Events of Grand Theft Auto V
  • 2 Character
    • 2.1 Appearance
  • 3 Mission Appearances
    • 3.1 Grand Theft Auto V
  • 4 Gallery
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 References
  • 7 Navigation



Mrs. Philips is the mother of Trevor and Ryan Philips, the latter of whom died at some point before 2013. She was once a prostitute and stripper. It is implied in the game that Mrs. Philips was both abusive and neglectful towards Trevor, rarely paying attention to him and verbally chastising and demeaning him on the rare occasions when she did.

Mrs. Philips was sentenced to jail for an unknown amount of time. It also remains unknown of what she was sentenced for, but it could possibly be drugs, as Mrs. Philips appears to be addicted.

She mentions that Trevor never wrote or visited her during her stay in prison, much to her disappointment.

Events of Grand Theft Auto V

The only appearance she makes is during the Strangers and Freaks mission Mrs. Philips after completing the storyline, if Trevor is kept alive. When Trevor arrives at his trailer, Ron Jakowski is on the balcony with his radio. As soon as Trevor enters the trailer he encounters an older woman, much to his shock. When asking her what she's doing in his trailer, she turns around and faces him, asking Trevor, "Is this how you greet your mother, Trevor?" Trevor indicates he was unaware she had been released from prison. She's disappointed in her son because he never wrote to or visited her, and asks him if he found a woman yet. Not letting him answer the question, she asks if he's gay, which she would have no problem with, as she states she would've always wanted a gay son; a son that wouldn't forget about his mother.

After Trevor deeply apologizes to her, she states she is in great pain and requires a drug called Deludamol, a whole truckload of it. When Trevor is about to walk outside, Mrs. Philips mentions to bring her a gentleman as well if he finds one, stating Trevor could really use a father figure. Ron is missing from outside but immediately posts on Trevor's Lifeinvader page "Ain't you gonna introduce me to your mom?" indicating he was aware she was inside. If Trevor lingers around the trailer or returns, it will be locked and Mrs. Philips will continue to berate him from inside, claiming he cannot do anything right and that was the reason his father left them.

To complete the second part of the mission, Trevor must find a Deludamol Rumpo (which, despite Mrs. Philips' request for a truckload of the medication, is actually a van). Once the van has been found and brought back to the trailer, it appears Mrs. Philips has disappeared, and is nowhere to be found, which leads to Trevor crying on the floor. Following this, Mrs. Philips makes no further appearances.



Mrs. Philips looks like she could be in her late 60s-70s and has short red hair. She wears a leopard printed shirt with a big black belt around her belly and pink leggings. She also wears multiple accessories like a chain, earrings and bracelets. She bears a noticeable resemblance to Peggy Bundy from Married With Children, as both wear similar clothing and have red hair.

Mission Appearances

Grand Theft Auto V

  • Mrs. Philips (Strangers and Freaks Missions, Option B or C ending)


Mrs. Philips (3)

Mrs Philips as she appears in the Strangers and Freaks Mission.

Mrs. Philips (4)

Mrs. Philips criticizing Trevor.

Mrs. Philips (5)

Trevor crying at his mother.


  • Mrs. Philips appears to be addicted to the drug Deludamol, since she asks Trevor to steal an entire truck full of it.
  • Mrs. Philips was a prostitute when Trevor was younger, when she asks "Is that what you think I am, a prostitute? Still?" and when he is having a Private Dance, he affirms that his mother was once a stripper.
  • Mrs. Philips has a faint English accent (becoming more apparent as her conversation with Trevor goes on), possibly suggesting she was born in England and migrated over to Canada before her children were born.
    • Her English accent may very likely be a reference to Steven Ogg's (voice and motion capture performer of Trevor) mother, who is English.
  • Trevor is very sensitive about his mother and will usually get angry very easily if either he or his mother is insulted. This is shown by the fact that one of the main causes of his anger is being called a "motherf*cker".
  • When she asks Trevor to collect a Deludamol van, if the player attempts to return to the trailer after the cutscene, the door will be locked and Mrs. Philips's voice can be heard yelling at Trevor from inside. If the player starts throwing explosives at the trailer, such as RPGs, Sticky Bombs, etc, in order to kill Mrs. Philips inside, the door will unlock itself. Mrs. Philips' body is nowhere to be seen and there will also be a maid standing in the living area, probably used as a source for the voice of Mrs. Philips when she is heard yelling from inside the locked trailer.
  • Theoretically, Mrs. Philips is one of the few people that Trevor genuinely loves and cares about. This is shown when Trevor mutters and even cries to her in shame and guilt when she reveals her disappointment in him.
    • Another reason is, if Trevor finds the Deludamol van and brings it to her, he runs into his trailer, ecstatic and proud that he has done a good deed for his mother since he was never well behaved as a child. However, he then curls up and cries uncontrollably on the ground when he realizes that she has left the trailer and will probably never come back. This may also explain his strange feelings towards Patricia Madrazo, but Patricia also fell in love with him later on after he had kidnapped her (but Trevor showed clear feelings when he first met her, which could mean that Patricia just has Stockholm Syndrome) to the point of secretly texting/phoning him after she is back with her husband.
  • In an interview for Playboy Magazine[2], Sam Houser revealed that his mother (who is also the mother of Dan Houser and wife of Walter Houser), the British actress Geraldine Moffat, made a performance for the game. However, she was uncredited. It is suspected that she portrayed Mrs. Philips. This would explain her English accent.
  • If the player manages to enter Michael's house as Trevor and speaks to Amanda, she may sarcastically ask "How's your mother, Trevor? I miss her.".
  • If the player switches to Trevor after Damaged Goods, he can be seen smoking meth and crying about his mother.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Trevor's Bodhi license plate, "BETTY32", is believed to be a reference to Mrs. Philips, BETTY being her possible name and 32 (1932) being her possible date of birth
  2. Sam Houser Interview for Playboy Magazine



Grand Theft Auto V characters
† denotes deceased • italics denotes a status determined by the player's choice
Central characters
Main characters
Supporting & minor characters





Radio station characters

Radio hosts

Radio guests

Talk Show hosts
(& assistants)

Talk Show guests

TV Show characters

TV Show hosts
(& assistants)

TV Show guests

Movie characters


Named Pedestrians
Internet characters

Lifeinvader users

Bleeter users

Mentioned characters
Deleted characters

Dale | Estate Agent | Mrs. A | Mrs. B | Zimbor

* - Anachronistic appearance. Appears in GTA V as part of a radio station ported from GTA Online.
Mrs. Philips (2024)


Was Mrs Phillips a hallucination? ›

Many fans believe that Mrs. Philips in the cutscene is just Trevor's hallucination. It's based on Trevor's guilt, who was accused by many of killing his own mother since he often loses control of his temper.

What drugs do you give Trevor's mom? ›

Trevor asks how he can make it up to his mother, and she states that she is in a lot of pain. In fact, Mrs. Philips tells Trevor to bring her Deludamol, about a literal truck load of the drug.

What happens after Mrs. Philips mission? ›

After the encounter ends, Trevor will stomp out of the trailer upset, and the mission Mrs. Philips will end, allowing the player to search for the van passively. A Deludamol Rumpo (which is a van, despite Mrs. Philips wanting a truck load) can always be found parked out front of every hospital and pharmacy.

How do you complete Mr Phillips? ›

In order to complete the mission, the player must:
  1. Drive to Grapeseed.
  2. Confront Terry, Clay, and the other Lost MC Members.
  3. Follow the van to their hideout.
  4. Kill every last Lost MC member.
  5. Go to Ortega's trailer.
  6. Push Ortega's trailer into the river.
  7. Choose Ortega's fate.
  8. Go to Trevor's Trailer.

Is Trevor Noah's mother? ›

Where did Mrs Phillips go? ›

Mrs. Philips was sentenced to jail for an unknown amount of time. It also remains unknown of what she was sentenced for, but it could possibly be drugs, as Mrs. Philips appears to be addicted.

What is Trevor's mental illness? ›

Philips fall neatly under the category of a mental disorder known as Intermittent Explosive Disorder. The condition reveals itself in the frequent episodes of impulsive behavior that Trevor has in which he goes on a rampage with no thought spared for what or who around him might get hurt.

Who is Trevor's girlfriend in GTA? ›

There are two special girlfriends in GTA 5. Ursula can only be seen in a random event. Meanwhile, Liz Macallen only shows up in a private taxi fare. Franklin has access to both, while Trevor can only get with Ursula.

Was Trevor's mom a hallucination? ›

Trevor Philip's mom is one of the stranger parts about GTA 5, as she came and went in a single optional mission with no rhyme or reason on her whereabouts. Thus, some players theorized that the events of Mrs. Philips' mission were nothing more than a hallucination on Trevor Philips' part.

How do you complete the waste the wife quest? ›

This mission has no time limit. You only need to whittle Mrs Dawson's car health bar down, then drive away when her car catches on fire.

What is the last mission in GTA 5? ›

The last mission of GTA 5 offers you three different options - kill Trevor, kill Michael or Deathwish. Whichever option you choose will bring you to one of GTA 5's three endings, so, if you want to experience them all, save your game before making your final decision.

How do you get no survivors on Mr Philips? ›

This mission involves visiting the Lost MC's camp to kill them all. The 'No Survivors' requirement means that you need to kill any enemies that run away after the fight.

How do you get gold on Mr Phillips? ›

GOLD MEDAL REQUIREMENT: "LOST AND DAMNED" To achieve this requirement, shoot or run down Terry and Clay while following the black van. Use drive-by shooting to get them both.

How old is Mr Phillips in Anne of Green Gables? ›

Philips is a young man in his thirties with dark hair, black mustache and hazel eyes. He is tall, with a thin body type. Very strict with his students, Mr. Phillips uses tactics to humiliate and inflict corporal punishment on students he considers unruly — namely, Anne Shirley Cuthbert and Cole Mackenzie.

Is Trevor Noah half white? ›

Trevor Noah was born on 20 February 1984, in Johannesburg, Transvaal (now Gauteng), South Africa. His father, Robert, is of Swiss-German ancestry, and his mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah, is Xhosa. Under apartheid legislation, Noah's mother was classified as Black, and his father was classified as White.

Why did Abel shoot Patricia? ›

Abel explained to his youngest son that he had shot Patricia because he was very sad. Abel left Isaac with a friend and planned to kill himself. A cousin who Abel visited to say goodbye told him to face what he had done, and Abel then turned himself in to the police.

What is Trevor Noah's salary? ›

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Noah is worth a massive $100 million as of 2023, with $16 million earned each year. This number, of course, includes his eight-figure salary from The Daily Show, as well as the $14 million he's grossed on his comedy tours in recent years, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

How old is Trevor Philips? ›

Trevor Phillips was born in the Canadian border region of America on November 14, 1967, which makes him 46 years old in 2013 (The year GTA 5 is based in).

Where is dollar pills? ›

Hawick Avenue, Alta, Los Santos.

What did Ron leave by the trailer? ›

Ron messages Trevor that he dropped off something cool by his trailer. It turns out to be a special Blazer.

What is Trevor's secret ability? ›

Trevor's Special Ability, from the GTA V Manual. Trevor's special skill is Red Mist, which allows him to take less damage and inflict more damage on others, practically making him invincible.

Is Patricia in love with Trevor? ›

Despite Michael's suspicions, Patricia ends up developing genuine feelings for Trevor, as evidenced by the multiple phone calls and e-mails she sends to Trevor over the course of the remainder of the game's story.

What drugs does Trevor do? ›

Trevor Philips is a frequent methamphetamine user, and is the first protagonist in the entire series to smoke it at his own will. His business also distributes in meth and marijuana, among other drugs, in addition to guns.

Who betrayed Trevor? ›

Feeling betrayed, Trevor vows to kill Michael, but later comes to his and Dave's aid when they are betrayed by Steve, because he needs Michael alive for one last heist.

Who did Tanisha marry GTA? ›

Tanisha Clinton (née Jackson) is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series, appearing as a minor character in Grand Theft Auto V. In Grand Theft Auto Online, she eventually becomes Franklin Clinton's wife.

Can Franklin get a girlfriend? ›

Los Santos in GTA 5 isn't just a city built for chaos, unbridled destruction of property and murder. It is also a place where you can find a girlfriend for any of the 3 characters: Franklin, Michael and Trevor. A girlfriend in GTA 5 is more like a companion or someone your character can occasionally hang out with.

How did mother protect Trevor as a child? ›

She convinces Robert to have a child with her (Trevor) and then manages to hide him his entire childhood by keeping him inside or pretending that she is his family maid so that they can be seen together in public.

Why was Trevor's date ironic? ›

Why was Trevor's date with the beautiful Babiki so ironic? he pays careful attention to languages, yet he didn't know that she couldn't speak any of the many languages he knows until his date was almost over.

Why did Trevor's mom give birth to Trevor? ›

Trevor Noah's mom is Patricia Noah. She chose to give birth to Noah as an act of protest during apartheid and raised Noah primarily on her own. Trevor Noah's mom taught him to be assertive, creative, and independent.

What is GTA Vice City cheat codes? ›

GTA Vice City PC cheat codes
  • All Traffic Lights Green - GREENLIGHT.
  • Amphibious Cars - SEAWAYS.
  • Armed Female Pedestrians - CHICKSWITHGUNS.
  • Buy All Properties - FULLCITYPEOPLEMINES.
  • Candy Suxxx Skin - IWANTBIGtit*.
Dec 20, 2022

Is trevors mother alive? ›

Is Trevor Noah's mother still alive? Patricia is alive, and she resides in Johannesburg, South Africa, after the attempted murder by her ex-husband Abel Ngisaveni.

What is Trevor's father like? ›

Trevor's father. He is calm, serious, and very private. He does not care for the laws of apartheid and despises racism.

Can Trevor buy a house in GTA 5? ›

In single player you cannot buy different houses you must simply stay with the default houses the entire single player. However in online multiplayer you may buy apartments using the internet app on your phone then choose the real estate app.

Can you play as Trevor after killing him? ›

When Trevor dies, the player will no longer be able to play him in GTA 5. His assets will be gone, as will the side missions he's featured as the protagonist in.

What happens if Franklin kills Trevor? ›

If Franklin ends up killing Trevor, he will lose his closest friend and the hard-earned trust of his mentor. If Franklin kills Michael, he will lose his father-figure and his best friend's trust.

What is the best choice for GTA 5 ending? ›

The Deathwish ending is the best finale in GTA 5 for several reasons. Deathwish is Franklin's Option C in the finale, which triggers The Third Way mission in GTA 5. Not only is it the canon ending in GTA 5, but it's also the only ending where all three protagonists are alive.

What mission is after Mr Phillips? ›

The Merryweather Heist (Freighter)

How do you complete miscellaneous in GTA 5? ›

Miscellaneous Activities
  1. Purchase some Clothes.
  2. Purchase a Car mod.
  3. Purchase a Haircut.
  4. Purchase a Tattoo.
  5. Purchase a Weapon.
  6. Purchase any 5 Properties (this does not include properties for stored vehicles like the Marina or the hangar)
  7. Purchase a vehicle from a Website.
  8. Collect 50 Spaceship Parts.

How do you unlock Packie Mcreary in GTA 5? ›

Once you're rid of the police, Packie will tell you to bring him to a safe house in Los Santos and after doing that, he will then be a part of your crew in GTA 5.

Should I let Ortega live GTA 5? ›

FAQs about Ortega

Philips doesn't really matter and does not affect the game in any major way. If he is killed in Mr. Philips he will not appear in Trevor Philips Industries. If he is spared he will lead the gang of Aztecas while attacking Trevor's meth lab.

How many Trevor missions are there? ›

There are nine Trevor Contact Missions in GTA Online, and players must first achieve Rank 13 to unlock them.

How do you get Gold in the Merryweather heist? ›

For the Gold requirement, switch to Franklin and snipe guards with headshots. Keep the scope focused on the guards that are in the front near the stairways. Move the scope to the left and snipe the guards that are on the stairway and in the center mast.

What was the age gap between Anne and Gilbert? ›

Gilbert was born in 1862 in Avonlea to John Blythe and his wife. Though at thirteen he was two years older than Anne and Diana, he was in their class in school.

Why didn t Prissy marry Mr. Phillips? ›

Phillips tells Prissy he expects her to dedicate herself completely to being his wife. On Prissy's wedding day, she hears the comments of her school friends about the desire for a happy and equal partnership in marriage and realizes that Mr. Phillips does not love her.

How much older is Gilbert Blythe than Anne? ›

Anne also formed a complex relationship with Gilbert Blythe, who was two years older than Anne but studying at her level, having had his schooling interrupted when his father became ill.

Was Trevor's mother a hallucination? ›

Trevor Philip's mom is one of the stranger parts about GTA 5, as she came and went in a single optional mission with no rhyme or reason on her whereabouts. Thus, some players theorized that the events of Mrs. Philips' mission were nothing more than a hallucination on Trevor Philips' part.

Why can't Trevor go in his house? ›

The most likely explanation is Mrs.

Philips is only available after the GTA 5 story is complete. Trevor will go back inside his trailer only to find his mother.

Why did Trevor's mom disappear? ›

Trevor's Mother didn't die, she went to jail for whatever reason. Trevor: “I didn't know they let you out.” Considering that his Dad left him, his Mother was put in jail, and his brother died, he most likely lived on his own.

Did Abel shoot trevors mom? ›

Abel tried to shoot Patricia in the head, but the gun misfired. Patricia managed to get into the car, but Abel fired one last shot through the window that hit Patricia in the head. Andrew drove her to the hospital, he explained to Trevor.

Is killing Trevor the end of GTA 5? ›

The last mission of GTA 5 offers you three different options - kill Trevor, kill Michael or Deathwish. Whichever option you choose will bring you to one of GTA 5's three endings, so, if you want to experience them all, save your game before making your final decision.

Does Trevor have depression? ›

When Trevor Noah started hosting The Daily Show in 2016, he says he told his head writer early on that he might sometimes be late to work. "I'm suffering from depression and sometimes I do not see the purpose of getting out of my bed or living life," he told him.

What does killing Trevor do? ›

When Trevor dies, the player will no longer be able to play him in GTA 5. His assets will be gone, as will the side missions he's featured as the protagonist in. Moreover, Michael will no longer be able to trust Franklin.

What race is Trevor's dad? ›

Early life. Trevor Noah was born on 20 February 1984, in Johannesburg, Transvaal (now Gauteng), South Africa. His father, Robert, is of Swiss-German ancestry, and his mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah, is Xhosa. Under apartheid legislation, Noah's mother was classified as Black, and his father was classified as White.

Who is Trevor's girlfriend? ›

As host of the Daily Show (not to mention major awards shows like the Grammys), Trevor Noah is easily one of the most recognizable people in the world. He's smart, hilarious, and super successful, so it's no surprise that he surrounds himself with other very impressive people, like his girlfriend, actress, Minka Kelly.

Where is Trevor's girlfriend in GTA 5? ›

She was found on North Calafia Way near Mount Chiliad. GTA 5 players can take her back to El Gordo Drive. Alternatively, Trevor can also feed her to the Altruistic Cult.

What is Trevor's secret room? ›

As can be seen from the above video, the secret room is the character creation room from the very beginning of the game. It is supposed to be inside a police station, with a room where the mugshots are taken. A book with a profile of Trevor Philips sits on a desk, just outside the mugshot room.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.