Most Dangerous States 2023 - Wisevoter (2024)


When it comes to determining the most dangerous states in the US, various factors need to be taken into account, such as crime rates, poverty levels, drug use, and gang activity. The number of homicides is also often used as a key indicator of whether a state is considered dangerous or not. California tops the list as the most dangerous state in the US, with 3,498 homicides reported in a year. Texas and Florida follow with 2,993 and 2,087 homicides respectively. It is important to note that some states are more dangerous than others, with certain regions having higher rates of violent crime than others.

One trend that emerges from the data is that the southern states of the US, including Louisiana, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, all have relatively high rates of homicide. In contrast, the northeastern states of the US, such as Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire, have some of the lowest rates of homicide. There are exceptions to this trend, such as Illinois, which ranks fifth on the list with 1,137 homicides, and Missouri, which ranks sixth with 1,108 homicides.

Looking at the overall picture, the southern and western regions of the US have the highest rates of violent crime, while the northeast and midwestern regions have lower rates. It is also worth noting that crime rates can vary significantly within states, with urban areas typically having higher crime rates than rural areas. It is essential to understand that the data only tells part of the story and that there are many factors that contribute to the overall safety of a state, such as poverty, education, and drug addiction rates.

Most Dangerous States in the US

#StateNumber of HomicidesHomicide RateCrime RateGun Death Rate
1California3,4988.8 per 100k8.5 per 100k
2Texas2,99310.3 per 100k3,999.3 per 100k14.2 per 100k
3Florida2,0879.7 per 100k13.7 per 100k
4North Carolina1,19211.4 per 100k4,408.5 per 100k16 per 100k
5Illinois1,1378.9 per 100k97.2 per 100k14.1 per 100k
6Missouri1,10818 per 100k3,393.7 per 100k23.9 per 100k
7Ohio1,0899.2 per 100k3,449.6 per 100k15.2 per 100k
8New York1,0875.4 per 100k201.7 per 100k5.3 per 100k
9Michigan1,06710.6 per 100k3,854.6 per 100k14.6 per 100k
10Louisiana1,06522.9 per 100k1,469.9 per 100k26.3 per 100k
11Tennessee97014 per 100k5,926.1 per 100k21.3 per 100k
12South Carolina89117.4 per 100k6,006.6 per 100k22 per 100k
13Virginia86310 per 100k3,922 per 100k13.4 per 100k
14Georgia8347.8 per 100k2,856.6 per 100k17.7 per 100k
15Arizona80511.3 per 100k956.2 per 100k16.7 per 100k
16Maryland73811.9 per 100k732.4 per 100k13.5 per 100k
17Indiana6569.7 per 100k2,598.8 per 100k17.3 per 100k
18Wisconsin4998.5 per 100k3,030.9 per 100k12.2 per 100k
19New Jersey4975.4 per 100k5 per 100k
20Colorado4888.5 per 100k5,179.8 per 100k15.4 per 100k
21Arkansas48416.1 per 100k6,405.1 per 100k22.6 per 100k
22Washington4726.1 per 100k5,132.1 per 100k10.9 per 100k
23Oklahoma47111.9 per 100k3,462 per 100k20.7 per 100k
24Kentucky46410.3 per 100k3,659.6 per 100k20.1 per 100k
25Pennsylvania4333.3 per 100k8.3 per 100k13.6 per 100k
26Mississippi35011.8 per 100k2,055.9 per 100k28.6 per 100k
27District of Columbia33949.2 per 100k317.7 per 100k
28Alabama3256.5 per 100k257.8 per 100k23.6 per 100k
29Minnesota3235.7 per 100k2,771.3 per 100k8.9 per 100k
30Nevada3089.9 per 100k2,226.2 per 100k17 per 100k
31Massachusetts2303.3 per 100k3,075.4 per 100k3.7 per 100k
32Connecticut2206.1 per 100k2,801.4 per 100k6 per 100k
33New Mexico1939.1 per 100k3,815.1 per 100k22.7 per 100k
34Oregon1884.4 per 100k4,712.3 per 100k13 per 100k
35Iowa1725.4 per 100k3,712.4 per 100k11.2 per 100k
36West Virginia1629 per 100k2,897.8 per 100k18.1 per 100k
37Utah1474.5 per 100k4,498.4 per 100k13.6 per 100k
38Kansas1434.9 per 100k4,521.3 per 100k16.9 per 100k
39Nebraska1276.5 per 100k10.1 per 100k
40Delaware989.9 per 100k5,146.8 per 100k14.4 per 100k
41Montana968.9 per 100k4,289.2 per 100k20.9 per 100k
42Alaska9012.3 per 100k23.5 per 100k
43Idaho683.7 per 100k3,159.4 per 100k17.6 per 100k
44Hawaii654.5 per 100k2,941.8 per 100k3.4 per 100k
45South Dakota627 per 100k4,928.1 per 100k13.6 per 100k
46North Dakota597.6 per 100k5,105.7 per 100k13.8 per 100k
47Rhode Island464.2 per 100k3,154.5 per 100k5.1 per 100k
48Maine392.9 per 100k1,856.4 per 100k10.4 per 100k
49Wyoming274.7 per 100k566.9 per 100k25.9 per 100k
50Vermont243.7 per 100k2,541.4 per 100k11.6 per 100k
51New Hampshire201.5 per 100k3,390.7 per 100k8.9 per 100k

Most Dangerous States In America

The most dangerous state in America is California with 3,498 homicides. Coming in the second position is Texas with 2,993 homicides. The third most dangerous state in the US. is Florida with 2,087 homicides. Ranking fourth in the country is North Carolina with 1,192 homicides. With 1,137 homicides, Illinois is the fifth most dangerous state in the US. Missouri ranks sixth in the country with 1,108 homicides. Ohio is the seventh most dangerous state in the US with 1,089 homicides. New York ranks eighth and Michigan ninth with 1,087 and 1,067 homicides respectively. Louisiana is the tenth most dangerous state in America with 1,065 homicides.

The top 10 most dangerous states in the US are:

1. California – 3,498 homicides
2. Texas – 2,993 homicides
3. Florida – 2,087 homicides
4. North Carolina– 1,192 homicides
5. Illinois – 1,137 homicides
6. Missouri – 1,108 homicides
7. Ohio – 1,089 homicides
8. New York – 1,087 homicides
9. Michigan – 1,067 homicides
10. Louisiana – 1,065 homicides

Most Dangerous State in the US

California is currently the most dangerous state in the US with an average of 3,498 homicide incidents. Poverty is one of the main drivers of crime in California; 4.5 million Californians live below the poverty line and about 3 million people lack access to basic healthcare. Additionally, gang activity and drug use have been identified as major contributors to high homicide rates in California cities such as Oakland and Los Angeles. Gang-related violence accounts for a significant portion of homicides in California and has been linked to increases in drug trafficking and the sale of illegal firearms. In addition to these factors, California’s gun laws are relatively lax compared to other states which contributes to higher homicide rates within the state. To make California safer, the state has taken various initiatives such as implementing a $500 million investment plan aimed at reducing poverty among its population. This program seeks to increase access to financial assistance and job training opportunities so that people have a better chance at finding meaningful employment that pays a living wage.

Most Violent States in America


See less


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


6.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


257.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


23.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Alabama is the twenty-eighth most dangerous state in the US with 325 homicides. Moreover, Alabama has a homicide rate of 6.5 per 100,000 people. Crime has been rising steadily in Alabama since 2014, with homicides increasing by 59% while violent crimes increased by 16%. This increase in criminality paints a grim picture for Alabamans who must now face an unprecedented level of insecurity on their streets and in their homes every day.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


12.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


23.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


11.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


956.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


16.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


16.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


6,405.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


22.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


8.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


8.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


California is the most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 3,498. The state's high population and urbanization contribute to its high crime rate, with a concentration of violent crimes in areas such as Los Angeles and Oakland.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


8.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


5,179.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


15.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


6.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,801.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


9.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


5,146.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


14.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

District of Columbia

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


49.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


317.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


9.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Florida is the third most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 2,087. The state's high crime rate is partly due to its large population and high number of tourists, which can attract criminal activity, especially in areas like Miami and Orlando.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


7.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,856.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


17.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


4.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,941.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


3.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


3.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,159.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


17.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Illinois is the fifth most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 1,137 and a reported crime rate of 97.2 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is mainly due to the concentration of violent crimes in Chicago, which has one of the highest murder rates in the country.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


9.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,598.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


17.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


5.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,712.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


11.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


4.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


4,521.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


16.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


10.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,659.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


20.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


22.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


1,469.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


26.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Louisiana is the tenth most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 1,065 and a reported crime rate of 1,469.9 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is largely driven by its high number of property crimes, such as theft and burglary, as well as its high rate of gun violence.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


2.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


1,856.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


10.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


11.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


732.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


3.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,075.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


3.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


10.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,854.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


14.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Michigan is the ninth most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 1,067 and a reported crime rate of 3,854.6 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is partly due to its large population and high number of urban areas, which can attract criminal activity.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


5.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,771.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


8.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


11.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,055.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


28.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Mississippi is the twenty-sixth most dangerous state in the US with 350 homicides. Mississippi had also one of the highest homicide rates in the nation at 11.8 per 100,000 people. Moreover, several cities within Mississippi have been identified as some of the most dangerous cities in the United States; including Jackson and Gulfport which rank on this list due to their disproportionately high levels of crime.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


18 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,393.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Ranked in the US


Missouri is the sixth most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 1,108 and a reported crime rate of 3,393.7 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is partly due to its location as a crossroads for drug trafficking, as well as its high number of property crimes.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


8.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


4,289.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


20.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


6.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


10.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


9.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,226.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


17 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

New Hampshire

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


1.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,390.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


8.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

New Jersey

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


5.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Gun Death Rate

New Mexico

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


9.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,815.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


22.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

New York

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


5.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


201.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


5.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


New York is the eighth most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 1,087 and a reported crime rate of 201.7 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is mainly due to its concentration of violent crimes in New York City, which has one of the highest rates of homicide and robbery in the country.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

North Carolina

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


11.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


4,408.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


16 per 100k

Ranked in the US


North Carolina is the fourth most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 1,192 and a reported crime rate of 4,408.5 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is largely driven by its high number of property crimes, such as burglary and larceny, as well as its gang activity.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

North Dakota

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


7.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


5,105.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


9.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,449.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


15.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Ohio is the seventh most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 1,089 and a reported crime rate of 3,449.6 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is largely driven by its high number of property crimes, such as theft and burglary, as well as its gang activity.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


11.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,462 per 100k

Ranked in the US


20.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


4.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


4,712.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


3.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


8.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

Rhode Island

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


4.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,154.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


5.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

South Carolina

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


17.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


6,006.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


22 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

South Dakota

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


4,928.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


14 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


5,926.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


21.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


10.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,999.3 per 100k

Ranked in the US


14.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Texas is the second most dangerous state in the US, with a number of homicides of 2,993 and a reported crime rate of 3,999.3 per 100k. The state's high crime rate is partly due to its size and population, but also because of its proximity to the Mexican border, which has a high level of drug trafficking and associated violence.

Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


4.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


4,498.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


3.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,541.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


11.6 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


10 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,922 per 100k

Ranked in the US


13.4 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


6.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


5,132.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


10.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate

West Virginia

See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


2,897.8 per 100k

Ranked in the US


18.1 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


8.5 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


3,030.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


12.2 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


See more


Ranked in the US


Homicide Rate


4.7 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Crime Rate


566.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


25.9 per 100k

Ranked in the US


Number of Homicides

Homicide Rate

Crime Rate

Gun Death Rate


What is the most dangerous state in America ?

The most dangerous state is California with 3,498 homicides.

What are the top 10 most dangerous states ?

The top 10 most dangerous states in the US are:

1. California – 3,498 homicides
2. Texas – 2,993 homicides
3. Florida – 2,087 homicides
4. North Carolina– 1,192 homicides
5. Illinois – 1,137 homicides
6. Missouri – 1,108 homicides
7. Ohio – 1,089 homicides
8. New York – 1,087 homicides
9. Michigan – 1,067 homicides
10. Louisiana – 1,065 homicides

What is the safest U.S. state?

The safest state in the United States is New Hampshire with only 20 homicides.

As an expert in criminal justice and state tracking, it's evident that the provided information is derived from a comprehensive analysis of crime-related data across different states in the US. The data includes various metrics such as the number of homicides, homicide rates, overall crime rates, and gun death rates, all of which are essential in assessing the safety and security of each state.

California stands out as the most dangerous state in the US, leading in the number of homicides with 3,498 reported cases. The state's high population and urbanization contribute to its elevated crime rate, particularly in cities like Los Angeles and Oakland. Additionally, poverty, gang activity, and lax gun laws in California are identified as significant contributors to its high homicide rates.

Other states, such as Texas and Florida, follow closely in terms of the number of homicides, with 2,993 and 2,087 reported cases, respectively. The southern and western regions of the US generally exhibit higher rates of violent crime compared to the northeast and midwest.

The data also reveals exceptions to regional trends, such as Illinois ranking fifth on the list with 1,137 homicides and Missouri ranking sixth with 1,108 homicides. Urban areas consistently exhibit higher crime rates than rural areas, emphasizing the impact of population density on crime statistics.

Poverty, education, and drug addiction rates are highlighted as crucial factors contributing to the overall safety of a state. For instance, California's initiative involving a $500 million investment plan aims to reduce poverty, increase access to healthcare, and address the underlying socioeconomic factors contributing to crime.

Furthermore, specific state profiles provide detailed insights into the challenges faced by each, such as Alabama, where rising crime rates are attributed to a 59% increase in homicides since 2014. Alaska faces challenges related to drug trafficking and gun violence, contributing to its high homicide and gun death rates.

In summary, the data presented in the article offers a comprehensive overview of the most dangerous states in the US, incorporating multiple metrics to assess and compare their safety and security levels. The analysis goes beyond raw numbers, considering underlying factors that contribute to crime rates, thus providing a nuanced understanding of the complexities associated with criminal justice issues in different states.

Most Dangerous States 2023 - Wisevoter (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.