Morocco Fuels Imports by country 2020 (2024)

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in US$ Thousand 2020

In 2020, the top partner countries from which Morocco Imports Fuels include Spain, Russian Federation, United States, Saudi Arabia and Algeria.

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Morocco Fuels Imports by country 2020 (2024)


Morocco Fuels Imports by country 2020? ›

A portion of the Maghreb-Europe Pipeline (also known as the Pedro Duran Farell pipeline), which transports natural gas between Algeria and Spain, passes through Morocco. Instead of transit fees, Morocco receives natural gas from the pipeline.

Where does Morocco get its fuel from? ›

A portion of the Maghreb-Europe Pipeline (also known as the Pedro Duran Farell pipeline), which transports natural gas between Algeria and Spain, passes through Morocco. Instead of transit fees, Morocco receives natural gas from the pipeline.

Where does Morocco import oil from? ›

Morocco imports Refined Petroleum primarily from: Spain ($1.5B), Saudi Arabia ($1.19B), Italy ($534M), Russia ($477M), and Netherlands ($243M). The fastest growing import markets in Refined Petroleum for Morocco between 2020 and 2021 were Saudi Arabia ($827M), Spain ($699M), and Russia ($363M).

How much gas does Morocco import? ›

Morocco Natural Gas: Imports was reported at 878.000 Cub m mn in Dec 2021 See the table below for more data.

What are Morocco's top 5 imports? ›

Imports The top imports of Morocco are Refined Petroleum ($5.02B), Cars ($2.12B), Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($1.92B), Petroleum Gas ($1.68B), and Wheat ($1.36B), importing mostly from Spain ($11.1B), China ($6.43B), France ($5.42B), Turkey ($3.14B), and United States ($3.01B).

Who supplies gas to Morocco? ›

The Maghreb–Europe Gas Pipeline (MEG; also known as the Pere Duran Farell pipeline or Gazoduc Maghreb Europe – GME) is a natural gas pipeline, which links the Hassi R'Mel gas field in Algeria through Morocco with Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, where it is connected with the Spanish and Portuguese gas grids.

Who gives gas to Morocco? ›

Reverse Flows

Morocco consumes around 1 billion cubic meters of gas each year. Around 60%-80% of that was supplied via the Algerian pipeline to two Moroccan power stations.

What does Morocco import from USA? ›

United States-Morocco In 2021, United States exported $3.01B to Morocco. The main products that United States exported to Morocco are Petroleum Gas ($641M), Coal Briquettes ($335M), and Aircraft Parts ($230M).

Does Morocco import almost all of its energy from other countries? ›

As Morocco imports almost 90% of its energy needs, it is especially vulnerable to fluctuating energy prices on the international market. The value of Morocco's energy imports reached a record level of more than 153 billion Moroccan dirhams ($41.7bn) in 2022 – a 102% increase on the year before.

How much of Morocco's energy is imported? ›

Overview. Morocco's energy sector depends heavily on imported hydrocarbons. Currently, the country imports approximately 90 percent of its energy needs.

What is Morocco's biggest import? ›

The three leading exports are agricultural produce (citrus fruits and market vegetables), semiprocessed goods and consumer goods (including textiles), and phosphates and phosphate products. Major imports are semimanufactures and industrial equipment, crude oil, and food commodities.

Does Morocco have gas reserves? ›

"Morocco has a wealth of natural gas reserves, and this will help it achieve self-sufficiency and even move to exporting gas to international markets," noted Graham Lyon.

Where does Morocco import gas? ›

Morocco Begins LNG Imports Via Spain | MEES.

Who is Morocco's biggest trading partner? ›

France is Morocco's largest trading partner for both imports and exports, controlling more than 60% of foreign direct investment in Morocco.

What sells the most in Morocco? ›

eCommerce market in Morocco

Like in Morocco, global eCommerce sales are expected to increase over the next years. Five markets are considered by ecommerceDB within the Moroccan eCommerce market. Electronics & Media is the largest market and accounts for 47.9% of the Moroccan eCommerce revenue.

What is the biggest industry in Morocco? ›

The main industries in Morocco are renewable energy, aeronautics and the automotive industry and electronics which have made significant strides over the past decade, in addition to the offshoring sector, textile, food processing, pharmaceutical industry and mining.

Does Morocco export natural gas? ›

Morocco is a leading exporter of natural gas on the African continent. This is because the country has invested heavily in infrastructure to extract and process natural gas.

Does Morocco have oil refinery? ›

Following years of "glory" during which SAMIR was under the control of the Moroccan state, the second project to expand the refinery was completed in 1978, as it enabled the provision of 4 million tons of additional refining capacity annually, and a unit for refining base oil was built in 1984 with an annual production ...

Is gas cheap in Morocco? ›

Morocco Gasoline prices, litre, 03-Apr-2023

Morocco: The price of octane-95 gasoline is 14.395 Moroccan Dirham per liter. For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world for this period is 13.49 Moroccan Dirham. The chart below shows the price of gasoline in the country relative to other countries.

Does Morocco have oil wells? ›

There are ten known oil shale deposits in Morocco.

Who pays the most for gas in the world? ›

Global Energy Prices: Gasoline

Source: As of October 31, 2022. Represents average household prices. At an average $11.10 per gallon, households in Hong Kong pay the highest for gasoline in the world—more than double the global average.

Does Morocco subsidize fossil fuel? ›

As a result of the reforms, the Government of Morocco reduced fossil fuel subsidy spending from about 42 billion dirhams ($5.2 billion) in 2011, to 56.6 billion dirhams ($6.5 billion) in 2012, to 32.7 billion dirhams ($3.68 billion) in 2014, to 12.25 billion dirhams ($1.26 billion) in 2015, to 10.7 billion dirhams ( ...

How much money does the US give Morocco? ›

Over the past 50 years, the U.S. government has invested over $2 billion in Morocco. Early USAID programs focused on infrastructure and the training of more than 4,000 Moroccan professionals. Later programs supported the improvement of social services provision.

Why is Morocco important to the US? ›

The United States designated Morocco a Major Non-NATO Ally in 2004, and the U.S. and Moroccan militaries hold joint exercises and training. Morocco is a strong partner in counterterrorism efforts and works closely with U.S. law enforcement to safeguard both countries' national security interests.

Why does the US support Morocco? ›

Morocco has also played a critical role in explaining the larger role of Arab policy to the United States. This was particularly true under the reign of King Hassan II. The United States' continued support for Morocco was further driven by the former's interest in regional stability and the latter's phosphate reserves.

Does Morocco buy oil from Russia? ›

On the African continent, Morocco once again ranks as one of the nations benefiting most from oil products from Moscow. In recent years, the Kingdom has strengthened its trade relations with Russia.

What does Morocco provide to the world? ›

Morocco is the world's third-largest producer of phosphates (after the United States and China), and the price fluctuations of phosphates on the international market greatly influence Morocco's economy. Tourism and workers' remittances have played a critical role since;independence.

Does Morocco import meat? ›

In 2021, Morocco's main importing competitors in Poultry Meat were: China $3.1B. Germany $2.08B. France $1.6B.

What is Morocco's biggest natural resource? ›

Morocco holds 75% of the phosphate reserves of the world, and is ranked third in the world in its production. Other minerals extracted with increasing rate of production are barite, clays, cobalt, copper, fluorspar, iron ore, lead, salt, silver, talc, and zinc.

What are Morocco's biggest resources? ›

In addition to phosphates, Morocco has sizeable reserves of iron, zinc, lead, copper, fluorine, silver, manganese, salt, cobalt and gold. Excluding valorisation, Morocco produced 126,000 tonnes of copper, 102,000 tonnes of zinc, 100,000 tonnes of iron and 99,000 tonnes of manganese in 2017, according to ONHYM.

Is electricity expensive in Morocco? ›

Morocco, September 2022: The price of electricity is 0.115 U.S. Dollar per kWh for households and 0.105 U.S. Dollar for businesses which includes all components of the electricity bill such as the cost of power, distribution and taxes.
Morocco electricity prices.
Morocco electricity pricesHousehold, kWhBusiness, kWh
U.S. Dollar0.1150.105
1 more row

Is Morocco considered a Third World country? ›

Yes – Morocco could generally be categorized as a third-world country. Although Morocco once suffered extreme poverty, today, the nation is making great strides forward as a developing nation.

What Morocco imports from China? ›

Morocco Imports from ChinaValueYear
Coffee, tea, mate and spices$208.66M2021
Manmade filaments$183.73M2021
Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus$182.09M2021
Furniture, lighting signs, prefabricated buildings$174.60M2021
92 more rows

Is Morocco richer than India? ›

Measuring how rich a country is not that easy (spoiler: it is not just about GDP). Measuring how rich you are depends to a large degree on how rich and poor countries are defined.
RankCountry/TerritoryGDP-PPP ($)
128Cabo Verde7,740
141 more rows
Aug 1, 2022

Who has the largest untapped gas reserves in the world? ›

Natural Gas Reserves by Country
#CountryGas Reserves (MMcf)
4United States368,704,000
95 more rows

Does Morocco have nuclear energy? ›

Thanks to the MA-R1 TRIGA reactor at the Mamara Nuclear Research Centre, the country has used nuclear and radiological technologies for medical, industrial, agricultural, research and educational purposes.

Where does Morocco get its fresh water? ›

Where does the water come from? Most drinking water comes from 7 rivers. The seven rivers from North to South are the Loukkos River, the Moulouya River, the Sebou River, the Bou Regreg River, the Oum Er-Rbia River, the Tensift River and the Souss-Massa-Drâa basin.

What is the electricity supply in Morocco? ›

Morocco operates on a 220V supply voltage and 50Hz.

What are the energy issues in Morocco? ›

Morocco is facing major challenges in terms of its future energy supply and demand. Specifically, the country is confronted with rising electricity demand, which in turn will lead to higher fossil fuel import dependency and carbon emissions.

Does Morocco produce coal? ›

Morocco has proven reserves equivalent to 2.2 times its annual consumption. This means it has about 2 years of Coal left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

Who is Morocco's biggest ally? ›

Morocco's relationships vary greatly between African, Arab, and Western states. Morocco has had strong ties with the West in order to gain economic and political benefits. France and Spain remain the primary trade partners, as well as the primary creditors and foreign investors in Morocco.

What did the US get from Morocco in trade? ›

Bilateral Trade by Products

In 2021, Morocco exported $1.28B to United States. The main products exported from Morocco to United States were Mixed Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers ($252M), Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($130M), and Semiconductor Devices ($87.8M).

Where does Morocco rank in wealth? ›

Worldwide gross domestic product in 2021 was at about 12,204 USD per capita. GDP in Morocco, on the other hand, reached USD 3,853 per capita, or 142.87 billion USD for the whole country. Morocco is therefore currently ranked 58 of the major economies.

What makes Moroccan culture rich? ›

Morocco's cultural diversity

Its unity is forged by the convergence of its Arab-Islamist, Berber [amazigh] and Saharan-Hassanic components, nourished and enriched by its African, Andalusian, Hebraic and Mediterranean influences.

What makes Morocco so special? ›

Morocco is Known for its uniquely rich culture centered on religion and tradition and abundance of beaches, mountains, ranges, and deserts, which makes it popular as “The Arab West.” What is this? Morocco though a country in the western region of North Africa, is centered on the Islamic tradition.

What is the main ingredient eaten in Morocco? ›

The main Moroccan dish people are most familiar with is couscous; lamb is the most commonly eaten meat in Morocco, usually eaten in a tagine with a wide selection of vegetables. Chicken is also very commonly used in tagines or roasted. They also use additional ingredients such as plums, boiled eggs, and lemon.

What is the cash crop of Morocco? ›

Cereals and sugar beet are among Morocco's leading agricultural products. In 2021, the country produced over 7.5 million metric tons of wheat, around 2.8 million metric tons of barley, and 2.6 million metric tons of sugar beet.

Where does Moroccan food rank in the world? ›

According to a recent ranking published by WorldSIM Travel Blog, Morocco is at the top of the ranking of the world's gastronomic destinations. The richness of Moroccan gastronomy has earned Morocco the second place, ahead of Italy and France.

Who are Morocco's largest investors? ›

The United States and France have played a significant role in the recent development of foreign direct investment in Morocco. The United States has been a key partner of Morocco in terms of trade and investment. The two countries have a strong relationship, and the US is one of Morocco's largest trading partners.

Does Morocco produce oil and gas? ›

Morocco produces marginal amounts of oil, natural gas, and refined petroleum products, and it is a net hydrocarbon importer.

What drives the economy in Morocco? ›

The major resources of the Moroccan economy are agriculture, phosphate minerals, and tourism. Sales of fish and seafood are important as well.

What is the biggest resource in Morocco? ›

The mining industry of Morocco is important to the national economy. Morocco is the world's largest producer of phosphate, and contains about 75% of the world's estimated reserves.

Does Morocco have oil reserves? ›

The reserves of petroleum materials in Morocco amount to 1,2 million cubic meters, equal to about 31 days of national consumption.

What is Morocco's biggest export? ›

The three leading exports are agricultural produce (citrus fruits and market vegetables), semiprocessed goods and consumer goods (including textiles), and phosphates and phosphate products. Major imports are semimanufactures and industrial equipment, crude oil, and food commodities.

Why does the world depend on Morocco? ›

Morocco's centrality to global food security rests with the fact that all food crops, indeed all plant life, require the element phosphorus to grow and Morocco possesses over 70% of the world's phosphate rock reserves, from which the phosphorus used in fertilizers is derived.

What are economic problems in Morocco? ›

Agriculture and Food. Fragility, Conflict, and Violence. Debt. Food Security.

Does Morocco have rich soil? ›

It is a silt-rich alluvial soil that provides the foundation for much of Morocco's modern irrigated agriculture.

What are 3 major crops in Morocco? ›

Sugar, wheat, potatoes, and olives are the main crops produced in Morocco.

How much is a gallon of gas in Morocco? ›

Morocco Gasoline prices, litre, 10-Apr-2023
Morocco Gasoline pricesLitreGallon

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