Mitesh Patel: The angry young man of options trading (2024)

Mitesh Patel: The angry young man of options trading (1)

Mitesh Patel is one of the most visible twitter handle in the options trading in India. Not one to shy away from a confrontation, he is as aggressive on social media as he is with his trading.

A man with humble roots, Patel is by-and-large a self-trained trader who does not mince words to protect his territory. Having paid the market a part of his salary as tuition fees for nearly a decade before he could find his mojo, it is no surprise thatPatel is possessive about his achievement.

Behind the aggressive mask is a shrewd and calculative trader who has discovered the secrets of making money. Patel is among those traders who post and discusses his trades, wins and losses with much fervour.

A soft-spoken person in real life, Mitesh Patel, in an interview with Moneycontrol, takes us through his struggles and strategy.

Q: Can you take us through your journey from a village to one of the most visible traders in the twitter world.

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A: I was born and brought up in a village in Mahisagar District in Gujarat, some 120 km from Vadodara, which is where I completed my schooling.After completingmy degree Chemical Engineering, I joined GSFC, Vadodara, and later Saurashtra Chemicals in Surat.

From here onwards, my professional career and journey as a trader moved hand in hand. It was in Surat, in 2005, that I was first introduced to the stock markets. Some of my colleagues were dabbling in the markets and being around them, I started developing an interest in it. My initial trades were all delivery trades. The first stock that I ever bought was ITC, based on a friend’s recommendation.

Like any first-timer, I had no idea about fundamentals or technical analysis, no clue of what the indices Sensex or Nifty represented. But still, there was something about the market that kept me trading on it and providence kept opening bigger doors for me.

I later got a job in Reliance Industries' Vadodara unit, erstwhile the public sector undertaking IPCL. Here, the old employees of the company were even bigger and more proficient players in the market. They traded in derivatives such as futures and options. I had no clue of what these instruments were back then, but still, I tried my hand in the futures market.

In those days, the contract sizewould be between Rs 1.5-2 lakh and the margin money was Rs 30,000. I would take two-three months to save enough money to pay the margin for one lot, and managed to blow my account in the next 2-3 months.

We were in the midst of the 2007 bull market, and all I used to do was buy any stock in the morning and wait for it to turn profitable. If the trade did not make money by the end of the day, I would carry forward the position.

Since my initiation in the market, I had only witnessed a bull market. The year 2008 introduced me to a bear market. But I continued to trade in the same way – by buying in the morning and waiting for the stock to close in profit or carry it forward. Thankfully I was trading with an online broker who would automatically cut my position if there was a margin shortfall.

This saved me from the carnage in the market, though I lost nearly 50 percent of my capital. I saw some fellow traders who had to borrow money or request their family to bail them out.

In2009, I was still trading as though we were in a bear phase when the market turned and my loss-making days continued. I remember shorting Reliance at Rs 1,200 and covering it at Rs 1,600. Jindal Steel was the other stock where I incurred huge losses by trading on the opposite side of the move.

It was during this period that I started pondering over my trades and why I was always on the losing side. Apart from a bit of soul searching, I also searched the internet and came across an e-book titled New Day-Trading Tips. This book and reading some blogs helped build my foundation of how to read the markets.

The main lesson that I learnt from the book was not to sell short when the market is in an uptrend or to buy when the market is in a downtrend.

The e-book had a link to yahoo charts, which in those days were operating with a lag of 15 minutes. Using the charts and the learnings from the book I understood where stop losses are to be kept. In a rising market, the stop loss was kept below the previous low while in a falling market it was above the previous high.

Along with the improvement in my understanding of the market, my career was also progressing. I got a job in SABIC, Saudi Arabia. For me, this meant more money at the end of the month to put in the market. To this date, I have never traded on borrowed money.

The market then entered a choppy phase where I understood consolidation and how stocks correct and move in a range. By now, Google Finance charts, which were almost live, were available. That helped me in learning and sharpening my skills in making the correct support and resistance levels.

During the first phase of my trading career, my losses were on account of my ignorance. Till 2011, I lost consistently. But after that, I had developed some skills and entered the phase where I was breaking even. Nearly 50 percent of my trades were working well during the 2011-14 period. Since the day I took the first ITC trade to 2015, I lost around Rs 30 lakh in the market. That was the fees I paid to the market. I managed to survive because I had a well-paying job and the obstinacy of being a successful trader.

On analyzing my trades, I found that my loss-making trades were mostly those that I bought near the resistance level. Simply by avoiding these trades did my overall performance started improving.

During my SABIC days, I also learnt to trade options. A friend, who after looking at my trading efforts, said that if I was so sure of my trades, I should start trading options. Most of the losses that I incurred during my formative years was on account of buying options. I made money in one trade and lost them and some more in the next three trades.

The broker through whom I traded told me that his boss always said that money is made by selling options, that got me looking for opportunities in options selling.

This was also the time I quit SABIC and came back to India, where I worked for a short tenure before moving on to Samsung, South Korea with a a salary that was keeping pace with the increasing margin requirement in the market.

Since I was exploring selling options, I started looking at the Nifty option chain. In one particular month in 2013-14, I noticed that the Nifty moved in a range of 100 points and that the options around the strike price all lost value slowly and came to zero.

I thought of trying it out in the next series and started shorting out-of-the-money (OTM) call and put options, essentially creating a Short Strangle. But as luck would have it this expiry was when the market decided to trend. While one leg of my short strangles was profitable the other one incurred big losses.

My next step was to mix technical analysis with options selling. I used the support and resistance points to initiate a trade. If the market moved higher after testing the support levels, I would sell the puts, and if it fell after testing the resistance levels, I sold calls. Only if it lingered between the support and resistance line would I create a short strangle trade.

I started trading this way on a very small quantity. I sold options in both the indices – Nifty and Bank Nifty in those days. I do not like selling stock options since premium deterioration is very slow.

I also do not watch the option greeks. My call is based on technical analysis. It’s the movement of the underlying that will decide the greek’s value and I prefer tracking the underlying instrument.

It was option selling that helped me become a full-time trader from December 2016 onwards. Between November 2016 to August 2017, I converted my Rs 20,000 account to Rs 26 lakh, but then greed got the better of me and I bought options. My account came all the way down to Rs 1 lakh.

From that day I decided to stay away from option buying as much as possible. However, there are times when the urge to buy options is too much based on the setup. During these times I keep my exposure at a maximum of 5 percent of my capital.

This was also the time when I sold a house that I had bought as an investment and raised Rs 55 lakh from it, which added to my trading capital.

By now I was confident of my strategy and ability to make money, so I decided to quit my job in November 2017 and become a full-time trader.

Q: How do you trade presently?

A: Since the time I have been a full-time trader, I have earned 90 percent of my profits by selling options. Most of my trades are in the weekly Bank Nifty options.

The strategy of entry and exits are more or less the same that I was trading earlier. I identify support and resistance levels and closely observe intra-day movements of the Bank Nifty.

I sell options to benefit from the direction of the market. Thus if the market moves higher after testing the support, I will sell Put options and the reverse is true when the market falls after testing resistance level, I sell Call options.

Suppose the Bank Nifty reverses from a support level at 26,500, I will sell a 26,200 Put. The strike on which I trade has to be 1 percent away from the support or resistance level.

If the Bank Nifty is breaking the previous trend, I will cut my position irrespective of the profit or loss.

Along with the strategy what has helped my trading is position sizing.

One the first day of trading a new expiry, I will only trade with 30 percent of my capital. If the trade is in my favour, I will add to the position on the second day.

In the above example, the first trade would be selling a Put at 26,200 and the second would be selling a Put of 26,300 as the Bank Nifty moves higher.

Even while deploying 30 percent of the capital on the first day, I will not be taking the position at one go. My first entry will be of 10 percent, which will be scaled up to 30 percent. After allocating 60 percent of my capital, I will keep 40 percent for contingencies.

Since I am trading the weekly Bank Nifty, the benefit from time decay is also high apart from benefiting from the directional movement.

If the market breaks through the support level, I will square off my Puts with a marginal loss as time decay has would have helped in deterioration of the premium.

Meanwhile, the remaining 40 percent cash is put to good use by writing calls. As the support is broken the new trend is clear – the Bank Nifty will fall. I then place my trades to benefit from the downward direction.

If you are sitting in front of the screen and your reaction time is fast, whipsaw moves may not result in you making money, but at the same time, you will not lose either.

As for exits, I am out of the trade if the option loses 80 percent of its value. If I short an option at 50-60 premium, I will exit when premium falls between 5-10.

On account of the increased volatility in the recent past, I have tweaked my strategy a bit. I do not keep too many positions open on Wednesday, one day before the expiry. On an average, around 80 percent of my capital is free on Wednesday. Further, only if volatility is high will I initiate a sell position on Tuesday.

I enter my trades with the intention of making 1 percent a week, which is why I sell options with high premiums. However, on account of adjustments, I generally end up making higher. As a full-time trader, I can now confidently say that it is possible to earn around 5 percent in a month. Consistency in return is only possible by selling options.

I normally do not take a non-directional strategy trades, since the return on capital is lower, though the probability of being profitable may be higher. But since I am a full-time trader and am sitting in front of the screen, I manage my risk aggressively.

My stop loss is placed at a total capital level. If I am losing 2 percent of my capital on a trade I will exit, no matter what.

Q: You also trade the stock futures, how do you do that?

A: Stock futures can give very high returns, but at the same time so are the losses.

In stocks I am a breakout trader – I look for stocks that are breaking out of a range on high volume. I trade only in liquid counters and trade the breakout itself rather than catching a retracement. Most of my trades are for intra-day. But to select the stock, I look for those that are near the support or resistance lines on the daily chart.

The good part about these trades is that they give immediate returns. Even if you are stopped out of the trade for oneor two times, the third move generally is a big one which will cover the losses of the first two trades and leave something on the table.

There are nearly 150 stocks in the derivative segment and we can get a one or two breakout trades every day.

One trade that has left a big impression on me and helped my journey as a trader was JSPL, which I had taken in 2015.

I had shorted the futures when it broke multi-year support levels of 140. I managed to sell it at 131 and the next day the stock fell to 122.

I got greedy and converted my overnight position to an intra-day MIS (margin intra-day square-off orders) which allowed me to take a bigger position.

I sold more quantity at 126, but rather than going down the stock moved up slowly to 130 where I was stopped out. In the next three months, the stock fell to 70 levels. I had an initial position of 30,000 shares.

By converting a positional trade to intra-day I ended up converting a winning position into a losing one. But like every wrong trade, this one taught me a big lesson. I learnt to control my greed and more importantly, I learnt position sizing and money management, which has helped me become a consistent trader.

Q: You are one of the most talked-about expiry day traders in social media, can you take us through your expiry day trades.

A: Over the last few months, the expiry day has turned too volatile. Many traders, including new ones, are playing that game. Brokers are designing products especially for expiry day trading, which is adding to the volatility.

I had made some big profits and big losses trading the expiry day. My strategy for expiry day has changed with changing times. I now trade at half the position I used to earlier.

Earlier I used to look at the open interest and traded accordingly, but the wild swings on the expiry day over the last few months have not worked well for this strategy. Earlier, the premium decay used to start in the first hour, but now it does in the second half of the day.

Now on the expiry day, I trade in more or less the same way I take the weekly trades, except my time frame is shorter. I look at the 3 and 10 minutes chart and have support and resistance lines in place. I sell options to take advantage of the direction of the market move.

I build up my position slowly by allocating 10 percent on the first position and then building it up as the market moves in my direction. I sell an option which is around 200 points away from the market. If I have initiated a trade at 50, I will add the next one as it falls to 45. I will keep on adding to it till the direction changes. Most of my selling is over by 12.30 p.m. and I do not trade after 2.30 p.m.

If the direction changes my exits will be closer to the average price. The stop-loss rules are the same at 2 percent of the entire capital.

I have seen losses of 10-11 percent of the capital in expiry day, though there were more gains of 6-8 percent. But these wild swings are not good. I have now kept a strict stop loss of 2 percent.

Q: What advice would you like to give to a new trader?

A: Apart from knowledge, what is needed is capital. It would be a long journey to financial freedom if you enter the market with limited capital.

A trader needs to learn technical analysis and understand market behaviour. Rather than copying others style, a trader needs to have his strategy and style.

Also, he should follow 1-2 patterns or indicators rather than jumping around from one to another.

Mitesh Patel: The angry young man of options trading (2024)


What is the net worth of mitesh patel option trader? ›

As per corporate shareholdings filed for March 31, 2023, mitesh kumar patel publicly holds 1 stocks with a net worth of over Rs. 4.4 L.

Has anyone gotten rich from options trading? ›

Can Options Trading Make You Wealthy? Yes, options trading can make you a lot of money — if you understand how it works, invest smart and maybe have a little luck. You can also lose money trading options, so make sure you do your research before you get started. There are two primary types of options: calls and puts.

Who is the most successful options trader? ›

1. Paul Tudor Jones (1954–Present) The founder of Tudor Investment Corporation, a $11.2 billion hedge fund, Paul Tudor Jones made his fortune shorting the 1987 stock market crash.

Who is mitesh patel? ›

Patel, MD, MBA is a Physician Executive and Behavioral Scientist. He is currently Chief Clinical Transformation Officer and National Vice President at Ascension, the largest non-profit healthcare system in the US.

Who is the richest option trader in the world? ›

Billionaire traders are the wealthiest in the world, earning more than 1.000. 000.000 dollars from trade assets. George Soros, Carl Icahn, Ray Dalio, David Tepper, and James Simons are the most famous billionaire traders.

Who is the richest person by trading? ›

Not just the richest but also the most popular investor in the world Warren Buffett started his investment journey well before he reached the age of 10. He bought his first stock at the age of 11.

How one trader made $2.4 million in 28 minutes? ›

When the stock reopened at around 3:40, the shares had jumped 28%. The stock closed at nearly $44.50. That meant the options that had been bought for $0.35 were now worth nearly $8.50, or collectively just over $2.4 million more that they were 28 minutes before. Options traders say they see shady trades all the time.

What is the most profitable option strategy? ›

A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

Why do most options traders lose money? ›

Traders lose money because they try to hold the option too close to expiry. Normally, you will find that the loss of time value becomes very rapid when the date of expiry is approaching. Hence if you are getting a good price, it is better to exit at a profit when there is still time value left in the option.

Does Warren Buffett trade in options? ›

Throughout his investing career, Buffett has capitalized on the advanced options-trading technique of selling naked put options as a hedging strategy.

Can I make a living trading options? ›

Trading options for a living is possible if you're willing to put in the effort. Traders can make anywhere from $1,000 per month up to $200,000+ per year. Many traders make more but it all depends on your trading account size.

What is the largest option seller in the world? ›

#1 – Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Established in 1973, the CBOE is an international option exchange that concentrates on options contracts for individual equities, interest rates, and other indexes. It is the world's largest options market and includes most options traded.

What is the full name of Mitesh Patel? ›

Mitesh Rameshbhai Patel| National Portal of India.

Who is the richest option seller in India? ›

Manish Dewan can be considered the all-rounder of option sellers.

Who is most successful day trader ever? ›

George Soros (born 1930) is undeniably one of the most famous traders of all time. The highlight of his career was in 1992 when he shorted $10 billion worth of British pounds and made a colossal $1 billion profit. This earned him the nickname ' The man who broke the Bank of England.

Who is king of option trading? ›

Mitesh Patel is one of the most visible twitter handle in the options trading in India. Not one to shy away from a confrontation, he is as aggressive on social media as he is with his trading. A man with humble roots, Patel is by-and-large a self-trained trader who does not mince words to protect his territory.

Who is the best trader in USA? ›

The richest stock trader in the world is considered to be Warren Buffett. He is one of the most influential investors in the whole history of trading in the stock market. As of 2022, his net worth is 107 billion dollars. He managed to reach this huge success due to his discipline while trading.

What is the most profitable trade ever? ›

Probably the greatest single trade in history occurred in the early 1990s when George Soros shorted the British Pound, making over $1 billion on the trade. Most of the greatest trades in history are highly leveraged, currency exploitation trades.

Who is the richest stock broker in the US? ›

Vanguard is the largest brokerage firm by AUM, managing $8.1 trillion in assets as of March 31, 2022, up one trillion from 2021. Vanguard not only manages the most assets of any major brokerage, the company is the only major stock brokerage firm to grow its AUM from 2021 to 2022.

What stocks are rich people buying? ›

Here are nine of the current stocks the wealthiest people in the world are buying.
  • Alphabet (GOOG)
  • Amazon (AMZN)
  • Colgate-Palmolive (CL)
  • Constellation Energy (CEG)
  • Dollar General (DG)
  • Meta Platforms (META)
  • Microsoft (MSFT)
  • PayPal Holdings (PYPL)
Nov 16, 2022

Can you make $1000 per day on trading? ›

Intraday trading provides you with more leverage, which gives you decent returns in a day. If your question is how to earn 1000 Rs per day from the sharemarket, intraday trading might be the best option for you. Feeling a sense of contentment will take you a long way as an intraday trader.

Can you make $200 per day in day trading? ›

A common approach for new day traders is to start with a goal of $200 per day and work up to $800-$1000 over time. Small winners are better than home runs because it forces you to stay on your plan and use discipline. Sure, you'll hit a big winner every now and then, but consistency is the real key to day trading.

Is it hard to make $100 a day trading? ›

You're really probably going to need closer to 4,000 or $5,000 in order to make that $100 a day consistently. And ultimately it's going to be a couple of trades a week where you total $500 a week, so it's going to take a little bit more work.

What is better than option trading? ›

Futures have several advantages over options in the sense that they are often easier to understand and value, have greater margin use, and are often more liquid. Still, futures are themselves more complex than the underlying assets that they track. Be sure to understand all risks involved before trading futures.

What is the safest option selling? ›

Two of the safest options strategies are selling covered calls and selling cash-covered puts.

Are calls safer than puts? ›

Neither is particularly better than the other; it simply depends on the investment objective and risk tolerance for the investor. Much of the risk ultimately resides in the fluctuation in market price of the underlying asset.

What is the easiest option trading strategy? ›

Buying Calls Or “Long Call”

Buying calls is a great options trading strategy for beginners and investors who are confident in the prices of a particular stock, ETF, or index. Buying calls allows investors to take advantage of rising stock prices, as long as they sell before the options expire.

What are the best weekly options to trade? ›

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJX)
  • CBOE Volatility Index (VIX)
  • S&P 500 Index (SPX)
  • CBOE Mini S&P Index Options (XSP)
  • MSCI EAFE Index (MXEA)
  • MSCI Emerging Markets Index (MXEF)
  • Nanos S&P 500 Index Options (NANOS)
  • S&P 100 Index (American style) (OEX)
May 20, 2023

What is a butterfly trade? ›

Butterfly Spread is a trading option comprising both bull spread and bear spread, allowing investors to follow a limited profit, limited risk investment strategy. It is a neutral options strategy for traders who want a trade-off between profits and risks.

What are the four biggest mistakes in option trading? ›

4 common errors option traders must avoid
  • Remember, time is not a friend but a foe for option buyers. ...
  • Everything must not go (stop spending on premium if it does not matter to you) ...
  • Selling Call + Put without stop loss. ...
  • Strike selection mistake.
Dec 3, 2022

How do you never lose in option trading? ›

The option sellers stand a greater risk of losses when there is heavy movement in the market. So, if you have sold options, then always try to hedge your position to avoid such losses. For example, if you have sold at the money calls/puts, then try to buy far out of the money calls/puts to hedge your position.

Should you hold options overnight? ›

Overnight positions can expose an investor to the risk that new events may occur while the markets are closed. Day traders typically try to avoid holding overnight positions.

Does Robin Hood trade options? ›

Robinhood options trading levels

Robinhood has two levels of options trading: Level 2 and Level 3. New options traders will start in Level 2.

Can you trade options with $100? ›

If you're looking to get started, you could start trading options with just a few hundred dollars. However, if you make a wrong bet, you could lose your whole investment in weeks or months. A safer strategy is to become a long-term buy-and-hold investor and grow your wealth over time.

What 4 stocks is Warren Buffett buying? ›

Buffett's Biggest Holdings
Company (Ticker)Sector% of Portfolio
American Express (AXP)Finance7.5%
Kraft Heinz (KHC)Consumer Staples4.4%
Occidental Petroleum (OXY)Energy4.1%
Moody's (MCO)Finance2.3%
6 more rows
May 22, 2023

What is the average income of an option trader? ›

Options Traders in America make an average salary of $110,139 per year or $53 per hour. The top 10 percent makes over $185,000 per year, while the bottom 10 percent under $65,000 per year.

What is the average income of an options trader? ›

The average salary for an options trader in the United States is $110,139. Options trader salaries typically range between $65,000 and $185,000 a year. The average hourly rate for options traders is $52.95 per hour. Location, education, and experience impacts how much an options trader can expect to make.

What is the salary of option trader? ›

Option Trader salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.0 Lakhs to ₹ 8.1 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 3.0 Lakhs.

Why do option sellers always make money? ›

Options traders can profit by being an option buyer or an option writer. Options allow for potential profit during both volatile times, regardless of which direction the market is moving. This is possible because options can be traded in anticipation of market appreciation or depreciation.

Who are the big players in options trading? ›

Speculators vs Hedgers
  • Market Makers. Market Makers are the biggest contributors to volume and turnover in the option markets. ...
  • Retail Traders. ...
  • Proprietary Traders. ...
  • High Frequency Traders. ...
  • Portfolio Managers.

How much money required for option selling? ›

For buying an option = quantity * premium. For selling an option = SPAN + Exposure + Additional margin required by the exchange - Premium Amount received.

What does Mitesh mean? ›

Boy. Derived from an Indian word meaning 'one who has a few desires'

Who is Mitesh Thakkar? ›

Mitesh Thakkar specialises as Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist.

Who is Mitesh Kumar? ›

Mitesh Kumar, CMT, CFTe - Senior Director - UnitedHealth Group | LinkedIn.

Can I become rich by selling options? ›

Can Options Trading Make You Wealthy? Yes, options trading can make you a lot of money — if you understand how it works, invest smart and maybe have a little luck. You can also lose money trading options, so make sure you do your research before you get started. There are two primary types of options: calls and puts.

Can you make millions trading options? ›

Learn Successful Options Trading

Can you make a million dollars trading options? Yes, but you'll need to start with an account size of ~$3 million. While it's definitely possible to turn a small amount of money into a lot by trading options, the reality is that you don't want to gamble with your money.

Who is the richest option trader in India? ›

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Rakesh, the son of a salaried officer, entered the stock market after graduating as a contractual bookkeeper. After that, he was a stock trader. He amassed over Rs 15,000 crore in assets from a small investment of Rs 5,000. "Rare Enterprises" offers the resources used by Mr. Jhunjhunwala.

Who is India's most successful option trader? ›

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, also known as "The Big Bull," is among the top 10 traders in India of Indian stock market investors who has amassed a significant fortune through intraday trading and investing. He serves as an inspiration to those seeking to succeed in the Indian stock market.

How much does an options trader make a year? ›

Options trader salaries typically range between $65,000 and $185,000 a year.

Who is the number 1 trader in India? ›

In addition to being known as "India's Warren Buffet" and "The Big Bull," Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is one of India's most renowned and helpful stock market analysts. Born to a salaried officer, Rakesh entered the stock market after graduating as a contractual bookkeeper. He now trades shares.

Who is the richest youngest trader in India? ›

Today, Abhishek Mishra has become one of India's youngest entrepreneurs in the trading business. He is not only limited to one company; Abhishek has recently established a Music Production Company, “SUKOON PRODUCTIONS”.

Who is the best option analyst in India? ›

Rajesh Satpute is one of the best Technical & Derivatives Analyst of the country and has always helped traders for money making ideas on a daily basis.

How much an average option trader earn in India? ›

Option Trader salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.0 Lakhs to ₹ 8.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 3.0 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 49 latest salaries received from Option Traders.

What is the salary of option seller? ›

Average Salary for an Options Trader

Options Traders in America make an average salary of $110,139 per year or $53 per hour.

Who loses money in option trading? ›

That means; the buyer of the option loses money on the option while the seller actually takes the premium. There could be two reasons for the same. Firstly, the option buyers are normally the smaller trades while the option sellers are normally large institutions.

What is the most successful option strategy? ›

A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

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