Make money with languages (2024)

Make money with languages (1)

Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages. – Dave Barry

I speak a few languages, among them English, French and Spanish to a level of fluency that allows me to make money with it. This website is one fine example of how I make money because I speak English. I will go into more details below, it is sufficient to say that over the years, being trilingual has made me a lot of money being monolingual wouldn’t have. How can you make money thanks to your language skills?

Ask for more money at your day job

I was hired at my last job because I spoke three languages well, and another two they could use too. They didn’t care about my Master in Business or my previous work experience, or that I didn’t know much about computer languages and it was a job that required coding skills. They said learning HTML is like learning another language so you can do it. It was true, computer languages are simpler than learning the pluperfect.

Once I was trained, I could support foreign customers, and my colleagues could not, so I was more valuable than they were. I got a big raise. If your language skills are going to be needed at work, you can ask for more money than a person who just speaks English. You open your company to new markets, can reach new customers, can translate their website, and so on.

Learning languages is not that expensive, you can borrow books at the library or learn online, and you can also finance a language course with companies like Credit Noble. Just figure out the return on investment to see if it is worth it. For me, it was a 30% raise over the course of a year, so the answer is a big yes.

Make money teaching languages

Another way I made quite a bit of money with my language skills was teaching French and Spanish to English speakers. I worked for myself and gave private lessons at night and on weekends on top of my day job. I also worked on behalf of a few language companies for their corporate clients about to be relocated by their firm to France or Switzerland, and I gave them crash courses before they moved.

My usual rate was $50 per hour, although I got up to $90 per hour. With transportation, it took about an hour and a half of my time to give a one hour lesson, but the money was much better than baby-sitting or tutoring kids for homework.

A friend of mine is teaching languages via Skype, with much lower rates, but in the comfort of his own home, and this is a location independent job, so he can be on the beach in Honolulu and still make money.

Make an app or a language program

This one requires that you have computer skills on top of your language skills, although you can hire out most of the tech process. Many people are looking to improve their language skills, and if you know how to position your product properly, you may be able to sell it to them.

It can be a language app like duolingo, a small conversation book for your smartphone, or those funny programs that will listen to you talk and then talk back, saying what you just said in another language.

More and more people are traveling internationally each year. The world is getting smaller, and the need to communicate bigger. I can’t help you with the details of how to start making such apps, but I am confident that with proper marketing, there is money to be made.

Freelance translation gigs

Another way I made money with my language skills was translating documents and websites for people. Most of my jobs I got from word of mouth. It is a tough world online to get translation jobs, as many people highly bilingual from lower cost of living countries will be at 10% of what you bid for.

But if you know people who may be expanding internationally or looking for a translation of their manual, work documents, etc. it is a great way to make extra money.

I mostly translated websites, sometimes within the software, sometimes they would send me a Word document with the content of the website and I would translate in Word. I also translated my own writing when I wrote for travel websites and they launched the same site in a new country I spoke the language of. It took way less time as I knew what I had written before in another language.

Usual rates are around $0.10 per word, then you can ask extra if the text is technical, if you have to upload it online or perform another complicated action.

Companies such as1st Transnational marketing translations can hire you as well, rates are generally lower but they will do all the work of finding clients, following up etc. which means your hourly rate will only be spent translating, not doing back office work.

Enjoy new niches

This is where this website pops up again. If I had started my personal finance website in France, I would have had a readership limited to residents of the Hexagon. Actually, there are a couple of websites who tried to take over the PF niche, one is a Ramit Sethi copycat, and the worst is he admits it, the other one tried to tackle the coupon/frugal niche and is pretty painful to read as well.

France is a nation of thrifty people. Our grandparents lived through the war, our parents grew up with rationed food still, they mend and make do, they are not in debt except for a mortgage that will be long paid by the time they retire, they have a cushy pension courtesy of the French government. There may be things to talk about, but people who would listen are far and few. So thanks to my English skills, I was able to start two blogs which generate a nice little side income, and to showcase my reading to any English speaker in the world. RFI has readers on the five continents, it would be a miracle if the same had happened with my French blog.

One step further, I was once hired as a business developer for a company. Their point was “you have lived and traveled all over the world, you may know business concepts that are not being developed here but could be successful, give us ideas and we will fund the projects”. Thanks to a multilingual background, I was able to get several jobs that were otherwise out of reach, but people were ready to gamble on me because I spoke several languages.

Have you ever got a job thanks to your language skills? What would you add to my list?

This post was featured on the Yakezie Carnival, Mo Money Mo Houses, Control Your Cash, thank you!


Make money with languages (2024)


What language can make you money? ›

Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin, however, is a challenging language to master in contrast to other languages such as Spanish. The ability to speak Mandarin Chinese makes you very marketable and makes you stand out in the competitive employment market.

What is the best language to earn money? ›

Chinese Language Salary in India – The Chinese (Mandarin) is the highest paid foreign language in India. Chinese speakers usually receive as much as Rs Million-plus annually. Chinese language jobs salary in India is Rs11,89,234 per year on average in December.

What languages are the most profitable? ›

If you mean most profitable as in which language is associated with the highest GDP it would be English, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic. If you mean most profitable to an individual that is even harder.

What language pays the most translation? ›

10 high-paying languages for translators
  1. German. German translators who are interested in international business have plenty of opportunities to secure a job. ...
  2. Mandarin. ...
  3. Arabic. ...
  4. French. ...
  5. 5. Japanese. ...
  6. Hindi. ...
  7. Spanish. ...
  8. Italian.
Feb 16, 2023

What is the highest paying language jobs? ›

High Paying Language Interpreter Jobs
  • Portuguese Translator. ...
  • Freelance Translator. ...
  • Hindi Translator. ...
  • Korean Translator. ...
  • German Translator. ...
  • Italian Translator. Salary range: $44,000-$57,500 per year. ...
  • Spanish Interpreter. Salary range: $37,500-$57,000 per year. ...
  • Arabic Translator. Salary range: $38,500-$47,000 per year.

Which 3 languages would enable you to get paid the most per year? ›

According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Clojure is the highest-paid language to know, with Erlang and F# coming next. In our list, Clojure is only third. It is a quite niche technology which has fewer jobs - a trade off between niche specialization and salary.

Which language has best demand? ›

5 useful languages to learn for your career
  1. English. Congratulations, if you are reading this, you already possess the nearly undisputed #1 most useful language for getting hired, English. ...
  2. Mandarin Chinese. ...
  3. German. ...
  4. French. ...
  5. Spanish.

Which foreign language is in demand? ›

Apart from Hindi and English the top four foreign languages with the most speakers in India are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and French. Since Germany and Japan's economy has highly developed and is giving a lot of career opportunities to Indians the demand for German and Japanese languages is also high in India.

Which foreign language is in demand in USA? ›

Spanish ranks second with 9,321 job vacancies. It's a different story in the US, where demand for Spanish speakers is 7x greater than second place – 200,590 job vacancies compared to 26,168 for German speakers. Some cities offer six-figure salaries for certain languages.

What's the easiest language to learn? ›

Top 10 Easiest Languages for English Speakers to Learn
  1. Afrikaans. 🕐 Approximate time to learn: 24 weeks (600 hours) ...
  2. Dutch. 🕐 Approximate time to learn: 24 weeks (575-600 hours) ...
  3. Norwegian. 🕐 Approximate time to learn: 23-24 weeks (575-600 hours) ...
  4. Spanish. ...
  5. Italian. ...
  6. Portuguese. ...
  7. French. ...
  8. Romanian.
Jan 9, 2024

What is the most luckiest language? ›

These are the world's happiest languages!
  • The ranking. ​Recently, the University of Vermont conducted a study and revealed the most positive and happy languages in the world, using scientific methods. ...
  • The study. ...
  • Spanish. ...
  • Portuguese. ...
  • English. ...
  • Indonesian. ...
  • French. ...
  • German.
Jun 19, 2023

Which language is booming now? ›

JavaScript and Python, two of the most popular languages in the startup industry, are in high demand. Most startups use Python-based backend frameworks such as Django (Python), Flask (Python), and NodeJS (JavaScript). These languages are also considered to be the best programming languages to learn for beginners.

Which language is growing fast? ›

That works out as growth of 297% in speaker numbers over the past century. Considered by this metric, Portuguese has grown faster than English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, Modern Arabic, Bengali and Russian.

Can I make money from learning languages? ›

Teaching languages online is a fantastic way to make money using your language skills. Here are some straightforward and effective methods: Online Tutoring Platforms: Sign up on platforms like iTalki or Preply. These websites connect language learners with tutors.

Is there a job where you get paid to learn languages? ›

Get Paid to Learn Languages

As a Foreign Service Officer (FSO) of the United States, you will spend a great portion of your career learning multiple languages in hands-on courses. While there are quick crash-course options, most studies are conducted in intensive classes that run for months or years.

Do you get paid more if you know 2 languages? ›

Yes! People who speak more than one language earn 5% to 20% more on average than those who don't. Because bilingual skills are in high demand, but not many have them, employers offer higher salaries to compete with other companies seeking the same bilingual employees.

Do people who speak multiple languages get paid more? ›

But here is one reason for learning a foreign language: bilingual employees can earn between 5% and 20% more money per hour than those who speak only one language.

How much money do polyglots make? ›

A Polyglot in your area makes on average $66 per hour, or $1.93 (30.144%) more than the national average hourly salary of $63.95. ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Polyglot salaries.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.