Make Money With Clickbank - The Ultimate Clickbank Affiliate Guide (2024)

I am an affiliate with links to an online retailer in this blog post. When you read what I have written about a particular product and click on that link and buy something from the retailer, I can earn a commission. Please note that I only recommend products that I truly believe in and use in my business. Please read my full disclaimer here


I have already covered many other ways that you can make money online but in today’s post I am going to speak about how to make money with ClickBank as a ClickBank affiliate.

If you are new to my blog and do not know what affiliate marketing is, then my recent blog post How To StartAffiliate Marketing For Beginners, will help you understand.

Update: Check out my most recent Clickbank monster article that I prepared for you guys. A lot more meat on the bones with that one.

In brief, affiliate marketing is the act of promoting other people’s products to attract a sale and earning a commission when the product is sold.

So if you promote an eBook which belongs to someone and you are an affiliate of that eBook, when the eBook is sold, you may get a 20% commission from the sale of the product.

The commission rate depends on how generous the owner of the product wants to be.

There are many companies that promote affiliate marketing but in this post I will focus on ClickBank.

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ClickBank is a website that hosts many affiliate products. To make money with ClickBank it requires you to set up a free account and select the product that you want to promote.

There are many different ways that you can promote these products. This guide will take you on a step by step journey to starting with ClickBank and you may then decide which method of promotion you want to use.

At any time you want to promote or sell a product you must remember three key things:

  • You need a place where you can promote the product. This will be a website but you do not need a huge blog or website to start.
  • You need a product which is popular and which has a high potential to convert into sales.
  • You need a lot of people to see your product in order to get sales.

This guide will teach you all of that so let’s get started.

When starting ClickBank affiliate marketing, the first thing you need to consider is the niche you would like to promote in.

Your niche can be in any subject area and to help you decide, here are four guidelines to assist you:

  • Choose three subject areas and decide which one you most enjoy and you would be happy to build a business around
  • Do you think you can genuinely help people in that subject area? If you can then consider which subject area would be the most lucrative.
  • Which subject area has the most longevity. You want to choose a subject that is evergreen. Evergreen means that you can promote the topic all year long without it losing any relevance. Seasonal items are not evergreen.
  • Do you think you can contribute to the desires of people and answer to their pain points when thinking about the subject?

If you have found a subject, don’t worry about changing direction later on. You can always choose another subject area depending on the response that you get.

Have you thought about a subject? Great. Let’s move on.

Create a free account with ClickBank here. Start by clicking the blue button Create Account.

Next you will be required to enter your Personal Information, Banking Information and Account Information.

If you already have an account with ClickBank then you can move on.

ClickBank does not support some countries so if you are unable to create an account because of your location, you will be notified once you have entered your country.

Now that you have created your account and you have chosen your niche you can select a product from the categories that are available on ClickBank.

To do this log into your account and select Marketplace from the menu at the top.

You will then be taken to this page where on the left you will see the categories you can choose from.

You can also go through Clickbank’s own guidelines “How To Find Products To Promote” as they will help you through the process as well.

Be sure to check out their Knowledge Base if you are new to affiliate marketing and want more resources to look at to help you start.

From the Categories select your niche subject area. For the purpose of this post I will select the Health And Fitness niche.

ClickBank also has sub categories to help you get very specific about your niche.

So if you select Health And Fitness be sure to choose the sub category that best represents the sub niche you would like to create your business in.

When selecting a niche, you never want to choose a broad niche. The reason for that is because there is so much competition in the marketplace that you need to stand out.

Even though there is a lot of competition it does not mean that you cannot find your place and be successful with it.

To be successful it is important to drill down the niche to a sub niche where there is still a lot of demand but not so much competition.

To find a sub niche you can go to Google and see what people are searching for.

Using the Health And Fitness example I have typed a few keywords in Google to start.

You will see that Google has given me 10 different sub categories which represents what people are searching for the most. I can add these subcategories to my list and choose one.

Next, open the Google Keyword Planner tool which will help you see how many searches are carried out for the sub niche category and how competitive it is.

Update: Google Keyword Planner Tool is no longer a free tool. It is now only available to Adwords customers. If you are looking for a low budget keyword research tool, then consider Keysearch.

To use the Google Keyword Planner tool, you must have a Google account [Update: a paid Google Adwords account]. To create one start here.

Once you have logged in select Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category.

Plug in each sub niche you have found for your category into the box Enter your product or service and wait for the keyword results. Your search results will look something like this.

This tells me that the sub niche has low competition and a decent number of people are searching for these keywords every month.

I usually like the number of searches to be above 100 and it is even better if it is above 1k. Therefore a product that includes a weight loss diet meal plan or helps the reader find weight loss foods would receive a good number of hits and is a product that I would search for in ClickBank.

If there is no particular product in ClickBank that closely matches your research results you can always choose another niche. Do not be so closely attached to the niche that you thought about. Be prepared to change direction if you have to.

One thing to remember is that when you are doing affiliate marketing you are doing it with the reader in mind. So it is never about you.

Give up what you love and start serving the passions of other people. When you do this you will make more money and your marketing efforts will be easier.

When choosing a product from ClickBank there are a few metrics to look at on the product menu to help you find those products that sell well.

Pay attention to the gravity score, the avg %/sale and the avg rebill total if there is any.

|Gravity Score

ClickBank’s gravity score tells you how many sales the product had in the last 30 days. The higher the gravity score, the more likely the product converts well into sales.

In the above example the product gravity score for the 3 Week Diet is 96.14. This is an ideal product as it indicates that it may be a top performer.

Compare that to the product above it, Anti Diet Solution which has a gravity score of 31.16.

That is not to say that I would not promote this product. You can still promote this product and make sales if you know how to promote it well.

I usually look for products where the gravity score is between 50 and 100. A very high gravity score such as that over 100 means that the product converts very well but it is also competitive.

To get great results for yourself you should aim for a gravity score of between 50 and 100.

|The Avg%/Sale

This metric tells you how much you will receive if the product is sold. In the example above, the selling price is $29.32 and the average percentage that you may receive is 75% of the selling price which is $21.99.

It is entirely up to you to decide if this is a good commission for you.

Personally when I am promoting any product I choose products which have a high commission rate where I am compensated $20 or more. If you would like to see my super list of high paying affiliate products then click here.

|Avg Rebill Total

The average rebill total tells you whether the product is subscription based meaning that the purchase is a monthly recurring purchase.

Products which have an average rebill total is great for passive income opportunities. It means that you only need to do the work once by securing the sale, then the income for that sale will continue without you doing any additional work.

That’s cool right?

So using the metrics that I recommended above you will be able to select a product that you are happy with.

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Amateur marketers look for the easiest ways to promote a product but which may not be the most effective.

By not understanding marketing strategies it can be to your detriment as you can end up wasting a lot of time and money.

Therefore I want you to understand that when you are promoting a product on the internet, it is important to start building an email list.

You can build an email list in any niche that you choose and you can do anything that you want with that list later on such as promoting relevant products to it.

When you build a list, nurture it, build a relationship with it and you can always tap into your email list at any time. If you have a good responsive list this will ensure that you have long term stability in your business.

You can also use your list as a traffic source to generate more sales.

Therefore if you would like to make money with ClickBank I would strongly recommend that you create an email list.

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To promote your ClickBank product and start creating an email list you need two tools:

  • A lead capture website
  • An email autoresponder

|Lead Capture Page

Your lead capture website is a single page website which you will send people to for your product.

If you are promoting a product on the internet, of course you need a website right?!

You do not however need to set up hundreds of pages of content. You need only have one page with content on it, to attract people to your product.

To create your lead capture page you have a few options:

Clickfunnels offers you a 14 day free trial

GetResponse offers you a 30 day free trial

LeadPages offers you a 14 day free trial

When creating your lead capture pages you can follow the tutorials within each of the platforms or you may read my article 4 Awesomest Lead Capture Pages You Must Use to get a better understanding of how each lead capture page builder compares to each other and what it can do for you.

I use LeadPages for my marketing and I wrote a review of it here.


You will also need an email autoresponder so that you can create your email list.

GetResponseandAweber are great ones, however they are paid platforms.

GetResponse starts from $15 for up to 1000 email contacts. Aweber starts from $19 for up to 500 email contacts.

MailChimp starts from free for up to 2000 email contacts.

If you decide to use Clickfunnels this program must be used with a separate autoresponder if you are not selecting their Etison Suite plan. If you are selecting their basic plan then it can be integrated with either GetResponse, Aweber or MailChimp.

What content do you want to write?

You want to write content that provides solutions to people.

So using the Weight Loss example and looking at the results that I got from Google and the products that I found on ClickBank, I can select key pieces of content from there and transfer it to my own lead capture page.

Let’s take a look at how this is done.

I selected the Three Week Diet product.

When I clicked on that product I was taken to a sales page. View the sales page here.

I will take certain key phrases and testimonials from that page and include it on mine. I also see that the creators of the page have their own lead capture page pop up which gives me more ideas.

What I will therefore do is use the content from this lead capture page, a bit of content from the sales page and create my own unique lead capture page content.

The biggest tip I can give you, when you are promoting ClickBank offers, do not be tempted to use the tools provided by the creator.

You want to create unique content so you can stand out from everybody.

Using the information I sourced from the 3 week diet plan my content could include:

“Download a free copy of the 3 week diet plan and discover how you can easily lose up to 23 lbs of body fat in 21 days”

I will also include some of their pitch from their sales page.

Now that you have an idea of what I would include you can shape the content for your own landing page.

Here’s an example of what your lead capture page may look like if you are promoting a ClickBank weight loss offer.

Notice how the lead capture page offers something for free. Doing that acts as bait for the viewer and is a great way of getting their email address in exchange for your free offer.

What do you do with the email addresses that you are collecting? Well for starters you need to email the persons who provided you with their email address.

This is called building a relationship and is all part of the sales process.

This may be a burdensome way of making money but it is the most effective way… so do not worry.

When you build a relationship with your email subscribers it creates trust and they will be more inclined to buy products from you.

The creator of the Clickbank product may provide email scripts for you to use.

However you want to be careful about using the exact same script as everyone else. Your goal in any marketing is to stand out.

And you stand out by creating unique content.

Of course you can model after the email scripts and write it in your own words if you choose. The reason why you should create unique content is because email accounts like Hotmail or Yahoo can recognise content as spam when many people are including the same words in their emails.

If this happens too often they identify your email as spam and send your message to the user’s junk mail. You do not want that to happen as your efforts will be in vain. You always want your messages to land in the inbox!

Therefore take some time to vary the wording of each email script and write it in your own way.

Lead capture page ready? Check!

Autoresponder ready? Check!

Let’s now work on getting people to your website so they can see your product or offer.

This is hardest part for most marketers and it is all about trial and error.

There are two ways in which you can get people to your website – the free way and the paid way.

|Paid Methods

Paying for people to come to your website is called paid advertising. Those people who arrive at your website is called traffic in the internet marketing world.

There are many places that you can go to, to pay for traffic.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads are some of the top places that you can go to, to get large amounts of people to see your offer.

Of course in order to master these traffic sources it is best to learn how to use them before throwing money at them. You may utilise Udemy’s courses to help you. I would recommend the following for Google and Bing:

If you would like to use Facebook ads which is the best traffic platform then I would recommend the Social Traffic Blueprint Facebook Ads courseby Jon Penberthy and Jubril Agoro. Facebook has over a billion users and you can leverage it to send people to your website.

|Free Methods

If you decide to use free methods then you must understand that doing so takes a lot of time. With paid methods you will invest money to achieve a desired result.

With free methods you will invest time to achieve a desired outcome. Time varies but it can take anywhere from months to years to see results.

If you want fast results, paid traffic methods are the absolute best as you can see results within days and even minutes.

Free methods that you can try include:

  • Posting in Facebook Groups
  • Google SEO with blog posts
  • Forum Posting
  • Pinterest Group Boards

|Posting in Facebook Groups

If you use Facebook, find groups related to your niche where they allow advertising. You can then post your link to your lead capture page with a short post telling users why they should visit your website.

To be successful at this make sure that you join 30 to 50 Facebook groups and post in them everyday.

|Google SEO with blog posts

If you decided to create a blog, then optimising it for search engine optimisation (SEO) is a great way to get a lot of free traffic from Google for people who are searching for a solution to their problem.

The key to making this work is to write blog posts that are about 2000 to 3000 words and contain keywords that users may be searching for on Google.

To find relevant keywords use the Google Keyword Planner tool to help you.

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|Forum Posting

You can join forums like Quora or Warrior Forum and answer other people’s questions on there.

Once you have answered a question ensure that your link to your website is contained within the answer or a signature if it is permitted by the forum hosts.

To make this work you should answer questions which have high views or high followings. That way you will get maximum exposure to those people who are following or viewing the question.

|Pinterest Group Boards

Pinterest is a huge way to get traffic back to your offer link however it works best if you have a blog.

Most people do not realise that Pinterest is a search engine and people go there to look for solutions to their problems.

To start with Pinterest create a Pinterest business account. With a business account you will be able to access analytics to see how your pins are performing and what’s working and what’s not.

Apply for Rich Pins. Pinterest works better with an established blog or website so before applying for Rich Pins ensure that you have some content on your website.

When you apply for rich pins it allows your pins to show up more in the Pinterest search engines thereby driving more traffic to your website.

Create 10 to 15 boards related to your niche. You want to ensure that your boards are named after keywords that people will search for.

If you are promoting the weight loss diet plan, your board should be named Weight Loss Diet Plan.

Join as many group boards related to your niche. Search within Pinterest for group boards related to your niche and request an invite to join the board.

Usually the owner of the board will state how you can receive an invite. Simply follow the instructions to get your invite.

Once you have enough blog posts (you can start at five) start pinning to your own boards and the group boards you joined and remain consistent. Aim for on average 50 pins a day.

This may seem a lot and an overwhelming task but with Pinterest’s recommended scheduler Tailwind, it is possible to schedule your pins so that it is done automatically on your behalf.

If you are serious about using Pinterest as a free traffic method then I would recommend the Pinterest Avalanche Courseby Create And Go to help you understand how to get as much traffic as possible for free to your website.

What To Do When You Are Not Getting Sales

The biggest task that you may encounter as you try to make money with Clickbank is getting sales.

There is a right and wrong way to do everything and if you take my advice and do it the right way you can get massive results.

The one advice I can give to you, is to not do what every marketer is doing.

Every marketer is trying to get sales before they build a relationship with their prospects.

By building email lists and following an email follow up sequence where you provide valuable information to help your prospect, you will see better conversions.

Therefore focus on building relationships.

If you want to do affiliate marketing as a business, focus on long term results.

Therefore master the art, build a solid home for yourself on the internet by creating a blog and content that will help other people.

Once you have set yourself up properly you will be able to dominate the marketplace.

If you have decided that affiliate marketing is a great opportunity to build your presence online then I would like to introduce you to the Four Percent Group Affiliate Marketing web class suiteby Vick StrizheusUPDATE: I no longer promote the Four Percent Group Affiliate program. Instead here’s a suitable alternative where you will learn everything that you can about how to sell products on the internet.

If you have any questions about affiliate marketing or feel that you may need some direction leave a comment below or perhaps you may want some personal coaching, then I’d be glad to work with you one on one.



Make Money With Clickbank - The Ultimate Clickbank Affiliate Guide (2024)


Can you really make money as a ClickBank affiliate? ›

One of the best ways to make money with Clickbank is to start as an affiliate, promoting pages that have already been optimized, in order to build your sales funnels. Much like keyword research for SEO, picking the right product to promote on ClickBank is extremely important.

How much can you realistically make with ClickBank? ›

Top ClickBank affiliates easily make 5-6 figures per month. With some consistent effort, you can realistically make $500 to $2,000+ per month. Some of the highest-earning ClickBank affiliates make over $100,000 per month by scaling their traffic sources and honing their conversion rates over time.

What is the highest paying affiliate niche? ›

8 Highest Paying Affiliate Niches: Boost Your Earnings Today
  • Health and Wellness Niche. ...
  • Personal Finance Niche. ...
  • Technology Niche. ...
  • Online Learning Niche. ...
  • Beauty and Fashion Niche. ...
  • Home Improvement Niche. ...
  • Travel Niche. ...
  • Pet Care Niche.
Jan 9, 2024

Should I give my SSN to ClickBank? ›

NOTE: A tax ID is either an Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS for businesses or a Social Security Number (SSN) if you are operating as an individual. You are required to provide your tax ID because ClickBank issues 1099 tax forms to affiliates who make over $600 USD.

Can you realistically make money from affiliate marketing? ›

Is affiliate marketing legit? Despite a controversial reputation among those not really in the know, affiliate marketing is a totally legit way to earn an income. At the end of the day, the majority of the world's population is internet-connected, and online sales in all categories are constantly increasing.

Is ClickBank spark worth it? ›

In my opinion, it is worth a test drive, especially for such a low price for your first month of membership. But even if you aren't ready to sign up right now, it's something to think about for the future. That's because Spark by ClickBank is still a work in progress… And it always will be!

How much can a beginner make in affiliate marketing? ›

How much do beginner affiliate marketers make? Affiliate marketing commission rates start as low as 1% of the total sale price of a product but beginner affiliate marketers can make up to 30% commission per sale.

How can I make money fast with ClickBank? ›

  1. Step 1: Sign up for a ClickBank Account and Become an Affiliate. The first step to earning commission is signing up for a ClickBank account. ...
  2. Step 2: Find and Select Product(s) to Promote. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a Customized HopLink. ...
  4. Step 4: Promote the Product. ...
  5. Step 5: Drive Sales. ...
  6. Step 6: Earn Commission. ...
  7. Step 7: Get Paid.
Aug 28, 2023

How to be successful in ClickBank? ›

If you're selling a product on Clickbank, it's a good idea to make sure that your landing page—the destination all your affiliates are sending traffic to—is user-friendly, sales-oriented, and has a clear call to action. Otherwise, visitors will simply click through and then navigate away from your website.

Can you make $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing? ›

As with any marketing strategy, it's essential to track your results, analyze data, and make adjustments accordingly to improve your ROI. In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, and with the right strategy, you can earn $10,000 per month or more.

Can I make 100k a month with affiliate marketing? ›

Revenue vs.

And how much people claim to the bank each month. Let me put it this way – anyone can earn $100,000 per month from affiliate marketing… …if you spend $99,750 making it. Okay, that's an extreme example, but there are lots of affiliates who claim to generate a 6-figure monthly income.

What is the fastest way to make money with affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketing can take time, but you'll grow faster by testing out different channels and identifying the best ways to connect with your target audience. It also helps to have a large audience, so you'll grow faster in affiliate marketing if you also spend time growing your social media following.

Does ClickBank charge you for inactivity? ›

ClickBank sales accounts with a positive balance, but no earnings for an extended period of time, are considered dormant. Dormant accounts are subject to a charge of $1 per pay period after 90 days of no earnings, $5 per pay period after 180 days of no earnings, and $50 per pay period after 365 days of no earnings.

Is ClickBank good for beginners? ›

You can sign-up for a ClickBank account within a few minutes and start trading without complicated paperwork to fill or administrative hoops to jump through. Inclusivity. Anyone can join the network for free. It's perfect for beginners who want to learn the ropes of affiliate marketing.

How often does ClickBank pay affiliates? ›

ClickBank users can select to be paid weekly or biweekly (every other week). To receive a payment you must reach the payment threshold for the pay period. Paychecks are issued on Fridays, two days after the pay period end. For more information on pay frequency, check out this article.

Does ClickBank pay daily? ›

By default, payments are issued to ClickBank users on Friday, two days after the end of the pay period. If the account has opted to be paid via direct deposit (international or US), users are eligible to receive their payment weekly, rather than biweekly (every other week).

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.