10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (2024)

Last Updated on May 10, 2021 by NandiNN

How do bloggers make a full-time income?

If you are here wondering how to make full-time income blogging, you have come to the right place.

Blogging full-time requires a lot of commitment from you if you plan on being successful.

We are currently making a full-time income with our blog and it’s has been amazing for the most part.

It takes a lot of effort, errors and trials to finally become a full-time blogger.

Don’t worry, we enjoy teaching others the exact steps we took to make a full-time income blogging.

If your goal is to monetize your blog then this post is absolutely for you.

Let me start by saying that blogging is not a get-rich-fast kind of gig, but you can absolutely make money blogging if you put your mind to it.

With the right strategies, a great goal and some work, you can start earning a full-time income blogging sooner than you think.

When I first started blogging, I had a whole lot of questions as most of you did.

  • How do I make money blogging?

  • How much money can you make from a blog?

  • How many views do you need to make money blogging?

  • And how long does it take to make money blogging?

All of these questions are extremely legitimate and I hoping to answer most of them today.

This post is for you if you are struggling to make more than $50, more than $100 and even more than $1000 a month with their blog.

Inconsistent income is no fun for anyone.

Use the tips below to start making money with your blog this year.

You can also grab my 90-day Marketing Income Planner, to help you craft a 90-day sales and promotion plan to sell your own products, promote your affiliate income or sell more of your services!

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (1)

So how do full-time bloggers make money?

We are so glad that you are here today and before I get back on the topic at hand which is our best tips for making a full-time income blogging, we would love for you to join our growing Facebook group right here!Be sure to give us a quickfollow on Instagramas well!

We also wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that we use Affiliate links on some of our blog posts. This means that we could make a commission if you click on an affiliate link and purchase something. Please check out ourfull disclaimer and policypage here.

This blog post is not a guaranteethat you will start to make thousands of dollars on your blog tomorrow or the next day.

It will take a lot more than that and that means working hard.

You can read my full story on how I became a full-time blogger right here.

I explained exactly how I started to earn over $5000 a month with my blog a few years ago.

It took a lot of trial and error but we made it.

Once you find your own formula, things will start to click, but you definitely need a plan and a streamlined strategy.

Blogging full-time is a lot of work, especially at the beginning.

We hope that you can put in the work, create a solid plan and set some actionable and achievable goals for your own online business.

The harder you work, the more money you can make with your blog.

Bloggers that are making thousands of dollars per month are working extremely hard and it was definitely not an overnight success.

In fact, if you told me a few years ago that I would be making money blogging, I would have laughed you off.

I mean, what do I know about blogging?

And to be honest, you don’t need to have previous experience to start a blog.

If you do not have a blog, you shouldconsider starting one today for as low as $3.95 per month at Siteground.

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (2)

Don’t forget to sign up for the How to start and launch a successful blog course here.

We walk you through the step-by-step guide to setting up a blog and monetizing it so you can make a full-time income blogging.

You can take a look at a few blog income reports here to help better understand how bloggers make money online.

If you want to start earning a full-time income blogging, be sure to grab my eBook -“Blog Income Strategies Simplified” to quickly get results.

It’s perfect for those that want to kickstart their full-time blogging career.

Here Are 10 Tips For Blogging Full-Time:

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (3)

1. Becoming a full-time blogger requires patience and time

You need to have patience and time to become a full-time blogger.

You can go ahead and read this post where I share patient strategies for growing your blog to a full-time income.

It won’t happen overnight and definitely won’t happen within 3-4 months of starting a blog unless you have prior experience.

And just because you write 20 to 25 blog posts doesn’t mean you will instantly start making money.

On average it could take you 9 to 12 months to start making money and a little longer for it to become your full-time gig.

This is provided you know what you are doing.

I started making money with my blog from day 1, but I did invest in courses and programs at least 3 months prior to starting.

So that was definitely an exception to the rule.

No, it wasn’t luck.

I occasionally still invest in courses as I want to stay fresh and relevant.

When I say be patient, it means that you already have the steps in place to make money blogging.

If you are doing it wrong, you will be surprised to learn that after 1 year, you are still not making money.

If you are not making money after 1 year, you need my guide.

Ishare 12 great tips to do if your blog is not making any money.

Once you have your plan in place on how to properly monetize a blog, do everything to you can boost your blog income.

It will only grow year after year with a solid blog income plan.

2. Use a self-hosted platform if you want to become a full-time blogger

The next step for making a full-time income blogging is to consider paying for a self-hosted platform to host your blog.

I believe if you are on a free platform you might not be able to monetize your blog.

And if you want to work and collaborate with larger brands, they often require you to be self-hosted.

Personally, when I first started blogging, I knew I wanted to make money and so I decided to treat my blog as a business right away which meant self-hosting and investing in what mattered to make me successful.

I hosted with Bluehost when I first started which at the time worked for me perfectly.

They had hosting fees for as low as $3.95 per month.

I have a full tutorial for you on howto start your own blogusing Bluehost!

I then switched my blog over to Siteground.

Now I am with and lovingBigScoots as it’s much cheaper for me to host my 5 blogs + Shopify shop.

Do your research and go with something as long as it is self-hosted.

3. Treat your blog as a business to make money

Blogging for money requires that you actually treat your blog as a business.

This means making a solid plan to monetizing your blog, writing content that relates to your audience and creating products or recommending affiliates that your readers can relate to and then take action.

You can’t decide to blog today and then skip blogging for the next 3-4 months.

This is especially not ideal if you are just starting out or you are not currently making money.

Full-time income blogging requires some commitment from you.

If you want your readers to take you more seriously, be sure to set a schedule that works for you.

Whether you will be blogging once a week (every Monday) or twice a week, just set a schedule so your readers know when to come back for more.

This goes for everything else you do surrounding your blog, such as posting on social media or sending out marketing material via email.

Just be consistent.

Create ablog content calendarto help you stay organized.

A full-time blogger schedule will vary from blogger to blogger, but definitely create something that works best for you.

I have adaily bloggingschedule plan that I follow but it doesn’t mean I blog every day. I do other things to ensure my blog makes money throughout the month even without a new blog post.

Blog plannersare also great for staying organized and planning out your content and marketing efforts.

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (5)

4. Collaborate with other bloggers

I found that once I started working and collaborating with other bloggers, my blog income quickly grew.

You can’t do it all on your own.

The blogging world is constantly changing and sometimes keeping up can get really confusing and at times, frustrating.

I am part of a few masterminds blogging Facebook groups which really helps in staying current with what’s happening.

My favourite mastermind group is Carly from Mommy On Purpose.

If you are not part of herMastermind Pinterest group,you might want to join today.

She talks all things Pinterest and keeps her group extremely up-to-date.

If you want to make money blogging, you need to start building relationships and working with other bloggers.

These bloggers will link to you where appropriate, they will be the first to recommend your services, products and blogs.

From here, you can expect your numbers to grow quickly and in no time, you could be making a full-time income blogging!

Start by checking out Facebook groups for bloggers to find potential bloggers you can collaborate with.

In other words, put yourself out there and introduce people to your brand and blog.

5. Invest in yourself if you want to become a full-time blogger

If you want to become a successful blogger, you’re going to need training and tools to get you there.

The one thing that quickly grew my blog income was the investments I decided to make along the way.

A few courses were not worth it, not because they were useless -I will never bash a blogger!

But mostly because I was too advanced.

Now I focus on premium courses as I am a lot more advanced in my blogging career than where I was a couple of years ago.

You absolutely do not need a formal degree to become a full-time blogger, but there are great blogging training resources and courses out there to help you go from hobby to professional blogger in no time.

Here is a list of blogging courses and books about blogging I recommend. I suggest you invest in a few if you want to grow your blog to a full-time income.

And here are the best Pinterest courses for bloggers to boost blog traffic.

The quickest way to a full-time income is to take the money you make and put them back into growing your blog until you reach your profit goals.

My “Blog Income Strategies Simplified” eBook is packed with over 65 strategies, tips and helpful information that I have used to build multiple profitable blogs.

This eBook is full of simple tips that are broken down and explained so that anyone will be able to follow along to start their very first profitable blog.

Here are some highlights of what to expect from my blogging guide:

  • Easy monetization tips to follow
  • Social Media strategy packs for Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Email Marketing – how to get started, create freebies, grow your list, and nurture your subscribers
  • How to develop a killer content generation strategy
  • What steps I take to make serious money with the blog
  • SEO Hacks and much much more

Find out more by going here.

6. Earn full-time blogging with epic content

If you want your blog to take off, the number one job you need to do is to write great, interesting content and post it regularly.

Not sure what epic content is…

Read this!

Start creating quality posts that resonate well with your readers.

Content is king and creating frequent and quality content for your readers will ensure the readers keep coming back for more.

I already talked about my blogging schedule earlier but I really want to address the type of content that you write.

For the first two years, I picked the wrong keywords which delayed my blog growth by a lot.

And even though my Pinterest traffic was great, my SEO traffic was extremely bad.

I didn’t find out until 2 whole years later.

SEO traffic takes a lot longer to come but once you get it and maintain it, it will boost your blog income consistently.

I personally prefer SEO traffic to any type of traffic as this can go on for years to come.

You can watch this epic webinarto learn more abouthow to scale your traffic with SEO so you can make more money blogging.

The webinar goes into details about the real SECRETS to doing keyword research the RIGHT way, and how to scale your Google traffic so you can get into Mediavine & double your Amazon affiliate commissions.

Once you learn SEO, make a plan to stay consistent with your content.

You can do this by creating a solid content calendar and sticking to it.

This will help you in the long run in terms of making money with a blog.

I really loved reading this post that Neil Patel wrote on how to create a content calendar that will streamline your content strategy.

The content you create should be helpful for your readers as well as packed with value.

Otherwise, you will not secure return readers.

The more content you create the more you will attract readers that will turn into subscribers, it will attract potential buyers and trustworthy fans.

Only then will you be able to truly become a full-time blogger and earn a full-time income blogging.

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (8)

7. Promote and marketing your blog to increase income

Don’t spend all your time writing and writing without fully marketing your blog.

Utilize social media to reach bigger audiences so that you can get your blog in front of more readers every day.

You may want to join Facebook groupsas a way to make more connections in your niche.

Guest blogging on other bloggers’ sites to expand your reach is a crucial step to authentically growing your blog reach.

My blogging friend Eden Fried has an amazing post “How to Guest post like a total pro“.

Reaching new audiences will ensure you become a full-time blogger earning a decent living.

I wrote a full post right here where I discuss exactly how I promote my blog on social media.

Social media is not the only way to promote your blog!

You will need to:

If you want to follow all the steps I use to promote my blog,ready this epic post(I have 21 strategies I follow).

The more people that have access to read your content, the more money you can make and the faster you can make a full-time income blogging.


  • 10 Places to promote your blog after you hit the publish button
  • The Pinterest strategy that helped increase my blog traffic
  • How I got 19K Pageviews on one blog post

8. Create multiple blog income streams

Can blogging be a full-time job?


But you really need to have a plan to really make money with your blog as well as creative ways you will drive that income.

Relying on only one blog income stream is a bit silly because if that outlet ever died out, your business will quickly go out of business.

Most bloggers depend on ad income to survive and I find that completely unreliable and unrealistic.

If your traffic had to suddenly drop, you will not get paid.

That could be one portion of your income, but having at least 4-7 blog income streams is the ideal situation.

That way if one dies out completely or even stops making money for a while, you have other ways to still make money blogging.

Here are 7 blog revenue streams I suggest you have running for your blog:

  • Affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize your blog. I personally took Carly’s Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers to learn all the epic strategies to make money with Affiliate marketing. It’s easy to add affiliate links to your posts, but making sure readers click on those links is another thing. Carly’s course helps with that!
  • Pinterest affiliate marketing is another epic way of monetizing your blog. Pinterest affiliate marketing is when you recommend products on the Pinterest platform for your followers to buy and interact with. Here is how to properly do affiliate marketing on Pinterest.
  • Email marketing is the next blog income stream I totally recommend for those wanting to make a full-time income blogging this year. Building an email list is crucial to taking your blog to the next level. Here is your blueprint to email success (everything you need to know about creating a profitable email list)!
  • Get paid to blog with sponsored blog posts and work with brands. Go here to learn how to score sponsored blogging & Instagram jobs, work with brands and become a high-paid brand ambassador.
  • Increase your blog traffic using this strategyto get into a premium ad network like Mediavine.
  • Make money using the Amazon associate program. I put this on its own because it is a beast. Make more money from Amazon than you thought possible using the strategies outlined on Journey to the Center of Amazon!
  • Consider creating your own digital products or services to offer clients as a way to make money blogging. This is my favourite way of monetizing our blog. You can make some serious money by offering products that you yourself have created and promoted. Here is how to create a profitable product.

Can you really make money blogging?

Yes, everything we listed above can really increase your income.

Other ways bloggers also make money (I have not tried these) :

  • Private ad sales
  • Speaking
  • And book deals

Ensure you have two to three methods going for your blog to quickly increase your chances of making a full-time income blogging.

There is absolutely no limit to how much money you could make with your blog!

The possibility is absolutely endless, you just need to work hard.

Read next:

  • 3 Networks bloggers should apply for sponsored opportunities
  • 5 sites that will pay bloggers to write for them

9. Create a full-time income by offering services

If you are looking for a way to make a full-time income blogging, you should consider offering services on the side until at least your blog starts to earn passive income.

A side hustle is a way to earn extra money outside your full-time job and even outside your blog. This way, you can pay for any blogging expenses that may come up.

I know of plenty of bloggers that got into blogging by first focusing on offering services to their clients.

There are many things you can do to make extra money while you working on building your blog to a full-time status.

Here a few things you may consider:

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (10)

10. Consider taking the six-figure blogger

As you now know, the most popular ways to earn money online and increase your income is through blogging.

And it takes a specific strategy to build a successful blog that earns real money.

This is where the Six-Figure Blogger course by Create and Go comes in.

The course is described asthe formula for earning six figures from your blog with digital products and services – without being scammy or needing to be an “expert.”

Lauren and Alex are the founders ofCreate and Go.

They built their courses and business from the ground up leveraging their experiences from past failed blogs.

The Six Figure Blogger is the ultimate formula for making six figures from your blog with digital products and services, without being scammy or spending thousands on start-up costs – guaranteed.

One of the biggest differences between a blogger that makes millions and a blog that makes $0, is visitors, this is according to Lauren and Alex.

You will learn how to get thousands of the right visitors to your blog and to your sales pages by creating sales-centered content.

This course is specificallyfor anyone who already has experience blogging.

This means you already have a blog set up and you are ready to take things to the next level growing your content and audience base.

Check out this course right here.

There you have it, different ways to make a full-time income blogging!

Now that you have everything you need to make a full-time income blogging, what will be your next move?

Tell us in the comment section below.

Plenty of people often wonder, how do bloggers make money?

The fact is, you must use different income streams to see what works for you.

Never put all your eggs in one basket and expect results.

Don’t forget to grab my “Blog Income Strategies Simplified eBook. It is packed with over 65 strategies, tips and helpful information that I have used to build multiple profitable blogs.


  • 10 Ways to make money as an entrepreneur working from home
  • 8 Best Blogging Tools For Beginners To Use For Blog Income

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (12)

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (13)

If you enjoyed our blog we would like to have you join ouremaillist andreceive weekly money-making tips, you can join now! Don’t forget to likethe Facebook group for bloggers.The page is created to share your work, pitch your services, and learn from other experienced bloggers!

***We would like to note that this post and most posts on our blog may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something that has an affiliate link, we will get a commission from it. Not all items recommended on our site are affiliate links. We only recommend items that we have used and tried. These items have brought us much success and we highly recommend them to you in order to be successful. Thank you for your trust!

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year

10 Creative Ways to Make A Full-Time Income Blogging This Year (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.