Loblolly Pine (2024)

Loblolly Pine (1)

Loblolly Pine (2)

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) is a popular tree species used in commercial tree plantations for pole wood production, particularly in the southeastern and southwestern United States. The spacing and design of loblolly pine plantations can have a significant impact on the growth and productivity of the trees.

For loblolly pine plantations, the recommebded spacing between individual trees is typically between 8 and 12 feet, although other spacing ranges may be used depending on the management goals and site conditions. A spacing of 10 feet between trees is commonly used in many commercial plantations.

In terms of row spacing, the recommended distance between rows of loblolly pine trees is typically between 12 and 16 feet, although again, other spacing ranges may be used depending on the management goals and site conditions. A row spacing of 14 feet is commonly used in many commercial plantations.

When designing a loblolly pine plantation, it's important to consider factors such as soil quality, slope, drainage, and the intended end use of the wood. For example, if the wood will be used for pole production, a higher tree density may be desired to promote straighter, more slender trees. On the other hand, if the wood will be used for saw timber, a lower tree density may be desired to promote thicker, more robust trees.

Crop Circle Tree Farms

Crop Circle Tree Farms grow loblolly pine in large spirals, with trees spaced 10 feet apart along a segmented line that forms the outline of the spiral. A drone using a proprietary mapping system, marks each spot where a tree seedling is planted creating a geometrically accurate spiral, which is essential to accelerate tree growth. The spiral shape provides ease of access for machinery and equipment harvesting pole wood and pine straw.

Loblolly Pine Seedstock

Loblolly pine seedstock (seedlings) are commonly used in reforestation and afforestation projects, as well as in commercial timber plantations. Bundled pine seedlings aged 2 years are a popular choice among growers, as they are typically more robust and have a better chance of survival than younger seedlings.

When purchasing loblolly pine seedlings, it's important to select high-quality seedstock from reputable nurseries or suppliers. The seedlings should be grown from genetically superior parent trees that exhibit desirable traits such as fast growth, straight stems, and disease resistance.

Bundled pine seedlings are typically sold in groups of 50 to 100, and are packaged in burlap or plastic containers to protect the roots during transport. Seedstock bundles should be inspected upon arrival to ensure that they are healthy and free from any signs of damage or disease.

Loblolly Plantation Costs

A Crop Circle pine plantation costs $900 per acre with an average planting of 600 trees per acre. Culling every second tree will generate revenue in year 11. Trees that remain will rapidly increase caliper having additional room to grow. On average, trunk diameter will increase two-fold after thinning. Intermittent fertilization will also increase wood volume.

Plantation Timetable

  • Drone transplant 12 inch, 2 year seedlings
  • Collect & harvest pine straw year 7
  • Cull every second tree year 11
  • Collect & harvest pine straw year 14
  • Collect & harvest pine straw year 21
  • Harvest plantation year 22

Plantation Returns

A Loblolly pine plantation earns about $1,000 per culled acre in year 11 from the sale of fence posts.

Pine straw revenue averages $200 per acre in years, 7, 14 and 21.

Harvesting mature wood in year 22 averages $3,000 an acre.

Cost & Profit (100 acres)

  • Planting costs: $90,000
  • Pine straw revenue year 7: $20,000
  • Culled tree revenue year 11: $100,000
  • Pine straw revenue year 14: $20,000
  • Pine straw revenue year 21: $20,000
  • Harvest plantation revenue year 22: $300,000

Total Cost: $180,000 ($90,000 plus harvesting costs and intermittent fertilization).

Total Revenue: $460,000

Total Profit: $280,000

Hire Us

In just 22 years, Crop Circle pine grows 40 to 50 feet tall and a 12 inch caliper a foot from the plantation floor. Loblolly Pine is the most commercially planted softwood tree in the United Sates covering more than 50 million acres mostly in the Southwest.

Hire us to build a turnkey Crop Circle Loblolly Plantation in the Southwest.

Loblolly Pine (3)

This southern pine is adaptable to many types of soil and growing conditions. It grows rapidly in sandy loam soils, which is predominant in Georgia, South Carolina and the Florida panhandle. It is grown primarily for pole wood, pulpwood and second grade lumber. Loblolly pine is also known as Oldfield Pine, North Carolina Pine, Arkansas Pine and Shortleaf Pine.

Soil & Ferilizer

One case study involving loblolly pine soils, composition, and fertilizer was conducted by researchers at Auburn University in Alabama, USA. The study aimed to investigate the effects of different fertilization treatments on soil properties and loblolly pine growth in a degraded soil site.

The study site was a former agricultural field that had been converted to a loblolly pine plantation. Soil analysis showed that the soil was low in organic matter and nutrients, with pH levels ranging from 4.3 to 5.2, indicating acidic conditions. The researchers applied different fertilization treatments, including urea, diammonium phosphate, triple superphosphate, and a control treatment with no fertilizer.

After three growing seasons, the researchers found that the fertilizer treatments had a significant impact on soil properties and loblolly pine growth. The diammonium phosphate treatment resulted in the highest soil pH, organic matter content, and nutrient availability, as well as the highest loblolly pine growth rates. The urea treatment also had positive effects on soil properties and loblolly pine growth, although to a lesser extent than the diammonium phosphate treatment.

The study concluded that fertilization can improve soil conditions and enhance loblolly pine growth in degraded soils. However, the specific type and amount of fertilizer applied should be carefully considered based on soil characteristics and management goals.

Loblolly Pine (4)

Loblolly Pine (5) Loblolly Pine (6)

Pine Straw

Pine straw, also known as pine needles or pinestraw, refers to the dead needles that fall from various species of pine trees. Pine straw can be used for a variety of purposes, such as landscaping, gardening, and erosion control.

Landscapers, garden centers and nurseries prefer to use pine straw as a mulch because it remains loose and allows air and water to infiltrate the ground below, unlike firmer mulches that tend to crust over.

Pine straw is the popular as a ground cover because of its rich auburn color and organic properties. Pine straw does not attract many common garden pests such as termites, which are prevalent in the southwest. Pine straw mulch is also high in nitrogen, so as pine needles decompose, they make a great fertilizer. Pine needles are also an excellent weed deterrent and protect bushes and trees from rot. It also retains moisture and protects soil from the drying effect of the hot sun.

Pine straw can be used to help prevent erosion on slopes and other areas with soil instability. It helps hold the soil in place and provides a protective layer against the elements.

Pine straw can be raked and delivered loose by the truckload or baled, delivered and dropped with a truck mounted Hiab.

Loblolly Pine (7)

Pole Wood

Pole wood refers to a type of timber that is harvested from small- to medium-sized trees and used for a variety of purposes, including construction, fencing, and landscaping. Pole wood is typically harvested from trees that are between 4 and 12 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH) and are straight and relatively free of defects.

Pole wood is often used for applications where a round or cylindrical shape is desired, such as fence posts, utility poles, or landscape timbers. It can also be used for construction purposes, such as framing, flooring, and decking. Pole wood is generally less expensive than larger-diameter timber and can be harvested more quickly, making it a popular choice for small-scale forestry operations.

The species of tree used for pole wood can vary depending on the location and the intended use. In some areas, hardwood species such as oak or hickory may be used, while in other areas, softwood species such as pine or cedar may be more common. The quality of the pole wood will depend on factors such as the species of tree, the age of the tree, and the growing conditions.

Overall, pole wood is a versatile and economical option for those looking for a sustainable source of timber for a variety of applications. Its small diameter and cylindrical shape make it well-suited for certain uses, and it can be harvested quickly and efficiently to meet the needs of a wide range of projects.

Loblolly pine produces the straightest pole wood, which is used for fence posts and utility poles. Cull wood is harvested entirely for fence posts in year 11. In year 22, mature trees are harvested for utility poles and construction timber and lumber.

Loblolly pine naturally grows straighter, tapers less, and produces a stronger, heavier wood than other pine trees of the South. This superior pole wood brings top dollar for utility poles, fence posts, pilings and saw grade timber.

Loblolly Pine, Pole Wood, Pine Straw Video

Loblolly Pine (8)

More Pines

White Pine | Wollemi Pine

The best time to plant loblolly pine was 20 years ago.
The second best time is now!

Loblolly Pine (2024)


What is loblolly pine also known as? ›

Loblolly Pine, classified as a yellow pine (also known as hard pine, for its resinous, hard wood), grows rapidly and is a tree primarily planted in the southern United States, where it is grown and harvested for its lumber.

What gender is loblolly pine? ›

Scientifically speaking, the loblolly pine has female parts and male parts. The male parts produce that ubiquitous yellowish-green pollen that covers cars and driveways in early spring, and the female parts release the germinated seeds contained in cones that fall to the forest floor to yield new life.

What is killing loblolly pines? ›

The Southern Pine bark beetle has been a relentless killer of Loblolly Pines in the midsouth. Every year we remove more and more trees that have been killed by this pest.

Is loblolly pine edible? ›

Tiny pine seedlings can be plucked then added to salads. Making tea but the needles need to be chopped up into much smaller pieces. Fresh pine sap ready to be made into Native American glue.

What is interesting about loblolly pine trees? ›

Loblolly pine is one of the fastest growing pine trees 13 and can live to over 200 years 4, with the oldest known tree being 241 years old in South Carolina 5. Loblolly pine seeds were taken to space aboard Apollo 14 and later planted at the White House ³. Loblolly pine is an important tree for Bald Eagles ².

Why is loblolly pine important? ›

IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE : Loblolly pine seeds are an important food source for birds and small mammals. More than 20 songbirds feed on loblolly pine seeds, and the seeds make up more than half the diet of the red crossbill.

Why is it called loblolly pine? ›

The name loblolly comes from an Old English word meaning a thick gruel or porridge and was used in reference to wet, boggy, and muddy places. When European settlers first encountered loblolly pines in the New World, they tended to find them growing in low, wet areas.

What is the lifespan of a loblolly pine tree? ›

Cones, which contain the tree's seeds, mature by the second October after flowering begins. Loblolly pines can live as long as 275 years.

Is loblolly pine strong? ›

Comments: Loblolly Pine is considered to be in the group of southern yellow pines, and shares many characteristics with other species of this group (Longleaf, Shortleaf, and Slash Pine) such as being: hard, dense, and possessing an excellent strength-to-weight ratio.

Is loblolly pine hardwood or softwood? ›

Loblolly pine as well as several of the most important upland hardwood species such as hickories, yellow-poplar, white oak, southern red oak, and black oak occur most frequently in Georgia on soil series from the Ultisol order.

Is loblolly pine a good tree? ›

Loblolly pine requires relatively little maintenance, since it self-prunes its lower branches as it grows taller. Adaptability to many soil conditions, including the occasional flooding, and a fast growth rate make loblolly pine a great tree for yards with room for the height and spread of a large species.

How much are loblolly pines worth? ›

Type of TreeSize of TreeAverage Value of Tree
2. Loblolly Pine TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$1,320
3. Birch TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$1,560
4. Douglas Fir TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$2,250
5. Beech TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$2,544
1 more row
May 2, 2023

Is loblolly pine native? ›

Pinus taeda, commonly known as loblolly pine, is one of several subtropical pines native to the Southeastern United States, from East Texas to Florida, and north to southern New Jersey. The wood industry classifies the species as a southern yellow pine.

What is the rarest pine tree? ›

The Torrey pine is the rarest native pine in the United States and, possibly, the rarest pine in the world. It only grows naturally in two places. One is here on Santa Rosa Island and the other is near San Diego.

What is the oldest pine tree in the world? ›

The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) has been deemed the oldest tree in existence, reaching an age of over 5,000 years old. The bristlecone pine's success in living a long life can be attributed to the harsh conditions it lives in.

How old is the oldest pine tree in the world? ›

The story: In eastern California, a Great Basin bristlecone pine known as Methuselah has long been considered Earth's oldest living thing. According to tree-ring data, it is 4,853 years old — meaning that Methuselah was well established by time ancient Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza.

What does loblolly pine smell like? ›

Distinguishing characteristics: Needles often smell like citrus fruit. It has a larger cone than shortleaf pine.

Can you burn loblolly pine? ›

Consider using a backfire and burning during the dormant season when ambient temperature is less than 60 degrees F. Good atmospheric lift and moderate wind speeds (>10-15 mph) also favor dissipation of heat from the canopy. Even larger pines can be damaged by crown scorch if atmospheric conditions do not favor lift.

How big can a loblolly pine get? ›

Mature Size: The loblolly pine grows to a height of 60-90' and a spread of 25-35' at maturity. Growth Rate:This tree grows at a fast rate, with height increases of more than 24" per year.

Do loblolly pines produce pine cones? ›

Loblolly pines are native to lowlands and swampy areas, and are named after the mudholes and mires they can be found in. As you might guess for a pine tree, the loblolly pine features both pine needles and pine cones.

Where is loblolly pine native? ›

The native range of loblolly pine extends through 14 States from southern New Jersey south to central Florida and west to eastern Texas.

Are pine trees good for anything? ›

In providing shelter and food for local wildlife, pine trees are extremely important to keeping the ecosystem balanced and in-check. The dense foliage works to provide protection from sun, inclement weather and predators that pose a threat to local wildlife populations.

What is the description of a loblolly pine? ›

Loblolly Pine is an evergreen gymnosperm tree that may grow 60 to 90 feet tall. It is loosely pyramidal in youth and develops a dense oval crown at maturity as it loses its lower branches. The straight trunk can grow 2-3 feet thick. The tree has 5- to 8-inch slender needles in clusters of 3, rarely 2 or 4.

Do loblolly pines have deep roots? ›

Loblolly pine has a tap root 4-5 feet in length during the early part of its development but eventually utilizes a network of lateral roots reaching 35 inches below the surface. This feature makes mature specimens wind throw resistant despite their height.

Do loblolly pines go dormant in winter? ›

Unlike many other plants, the Loblolly pine does not enter full dormancy in winter, which means that it will continue growing, during the coldest months.

How much water does a loblolly pine need? ›

When the loblolly pine is planted, you should water it often at 1 to 2 inches per week. A mature tree does well with moist soil but not in standing water. Occasional, short-lasting flooding won't damage the tree, but excessive exposure will have a negative impact.

What is the hardest pine tree? ›

Of all the pine boards found in the lumber yard, the southern yellow pine may be the hardest. The longleaf variety is rated on the Janka hardness scale at 870, which compares to the hardest of woods, the black walnut, at a Janka rating of 1010.

What is the most resilient pine tree? ›

Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis)

Aleppo pine, sometimes known as Jeruselum pine, is an extremely drought-resistant specimen that is a valuable landscape tree in hot climates, such as that of southern California. This pine tree is identified by its needles, which are a light yellowish-green.

What is the strongest smelling pine tree? ›

1. Balsam Fir. The Balsam fir is the most fragrant of the trees, making it the most popular Christmas tree variety.

Is loblolly pine drought tolerant? ›

Loblolly pine should be grown in full sun on well-drained, acid soil. It is drought-tolerant once established.

What is the wood density of a loblolly pine tree? ›

For loblolly pine grown in North Carolina, USA, Antony et al. (2012) reported that 0.480 g cm3 is a suitable value.

How long does it take for a loblolly pine to mature? ›

Unmanaged loblolly pine stands can take up to 50 years to mature into sawtimber-size trees. Managed stands can generate sawtimber-size trees much faster, often within 25 to 40 years depending on the manage- ment regime.

Is loblolly pine invasive? ›

In fact, the loblolly pine often grows in areas where other trees cannot survive. It propagates easily from seed and can become invasive, especially in open or recently disturbed fields.

What is the fastest growing pine tree for lumber? ›

LOBLOLLY PINE | fast growing pole wood.

How much can you make off an acre of pine trees? ›

First thin trees will typically go for pulp. The revenue varies depending on market conditions, but as an example, if pine pulp prices are around $8 per ton, the landowner should receive around $400-$500 per acre depending on how heavy the thinning.

Are pine trees native to Canada? ›

There are over 175 different types of pine trees. Several are native to Canada, but many more can be found within our borders as well.

How old are loblolly pines? ›

Loblolly pine is a medium-lived tree. Maximum recorded age of one tree in a small stand of 20 trees in North Carolina was 245 years, with the group averaging 240 years.

How fast does loblolly grow? ›

Growing at a rate of up to two feet per year, the Loblolly Pine is popular among gardeners and landscapers for quick privacy.

Are loblolly pines strong? ›

Comments: Loblolly Pine is considered to be in the group of southern yellow pines, and shares many characteristics with other species of this group (Longleaf, Shortleaf, and Slash Pine) such as being: hard, dense, and possessing an excellent strength-to-weight ratio.

How much is a loblolly pine tree worth? ›

Type of TreeSize of TreeAverage Value of Tree
2. Loblolly Pine TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$1,320
3. Birch TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$1,560
4. Douglas Fir TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$2,250
5. Beech TreeCircumference: 40 inches Height: 60 feet$2,544
1 more row
May 2, 2023

Where is loblolly pine native to? ›

GENERAL DISTRIBUTION : Loblolly pine is widely distributed in the southeastern United States from southern New Jersey to central Florida and west through the Gulf States to eastern Texas. It also occurs in southeastern Oklahoma, central Arkansas, and southern Tennessee.

What is the most valuable pine tree? ›

Longleaf pine also produces poles, which is the highest valued timber product.

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