Are ADT Prices Negotiable? IT'S EASY! Lowered My ADT FAST! ([year]) - INFOGRAPHIC - Frugal Living - Personal Finance Blog (2024)

I annually call and renegotiate a lower AT&T Uverse cable bill.Surprisingly, I’ve never thought of calling to negotiate ADT price per month or any other utility bill in the past. I asked myself, “Are ADT prices negotiable?” because I’ve never heard anyone talk about it.

Here’s how it started thinking about lowering my ADT bill.

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Are ADT Prices Negotiable? IT'S EASY! Lowered My ADT FAST! ([year]) - INFOGRAPHIC - Frugal Living - Personal Finance Blog (1)

Table of Contents

Company Description

ADT Inc. started as the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company via the invention of a stock ticker by Edward Calahanin in 1867. It’s now recognized as the leading security provider in America.

This stock ticker was used to provide minute-by-minute information directly from the stock exchange floor. Along with this, a messenger system was developed that sent instructions to and from the stock exchange floor.

ADT Inc. now offers a full range of business and residential security monitoring services, from fire detectors, fire suppressors, and video surveillance to residential and commercial control systems.

The automation solutions offered by the company are designed in such a way that it detects intrusion and is capable of sensing smoke, fire, and even movement. These monitoring services include flooding and other environmental hazards, along with personal emergencies and injuries.

Their smart home solutions enable the consumers to use phones and tablets to arm or disarm their home security system and watch real-time monitoring of their premises. ADT adds to this list of smart living and offers functions that allow adjusting, scheduling, and managing lights, thermostats, garage doors, and other connected devices.

Are ADT Prices Negotiable? IT'S EASY! Lowered My ADT FAST! ([year]) - INFOGRAPHIC - Frugal Living - Personal Finance Blog (2)

Hassle-Free Negotiation with No Money Down

We also have a way for you to lower your utility bills. If reading our steps to negotiate a lower ADT bill is uncomfortable for you, then here’s a fix. Consider hiring BillFixers who will negotiate your ADT bill, cable bill, mobile phone, and much more. Their experienced professionals only get paid if they save you money! See more details below or click their logo to see their bill negotiation services.

Are ADT Prices Negotiable? IT'S EASY! Lowered My ADT FAST! ([year]) - INFOGRAPHIC - Frugal Living - Personal Finance Blog (3)

How Much Does ADT Cost per Month?

After being an ADT customer for about 15 years, they’ve slowly and randomly raised my monthly bill, by mail notices, every few years. I was finally pushed over the edge when I got a letter saying they were raising my ADT monthly cost again by a couple more dollars.I pulled up my credit card statement to see how much does ADT cost per month.

My alarm bill went from sub-$50 to over $50 ADT cost per month for monitoring.

All these monthly subscriptions are adding up—cellphone…cable bill…Netflix…broadband…and more.

Here are 9 Steps ForLower ADT Rates in an Infographic

Are ADT Prices Negotiable? IT'S EASY! Lowered My ADT FAST! ([year]) - INFOGRAPHIC - Frugal Living - Personal Finance Blog (4)

Is ADT Worth the Price?

Then I started thinking about the last time I “used” or spoke with someone at ADT.It’s been a long time.

Ultimately, not talking with ADT customer service is a good thing. It’s like having insurance; it seems like an unnecessary cost until you have an accident. Is ADT worth the price for over $50 a month?

A few months ago, I purchased three Nest smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. ADT wanted to charge me $100 for a smoke detector and $100 for a carbon monoxide detector on each floor.

It’s been over ten years since my detectors have been updated. I read that smoke detector sensors need to be replaced every ten years.It was much cheaper for me to buy the Nest combination smoke and carbon monoxide detector vs. ADT. I strategically placed the detectors on each floor and linked them to my smartphone for alerts.I was shocked at how easy they were to set up.

I was feeling dissatisfied and felt like ADT was charging a premium for their equipment to be replaced on top of the $600 per year I’m paying for monthly home security monitoring.

Why does startup SimpliSafe cost only $14.99 – $24.99 per month for monitoring while I’m paying over $50?

Okay, sure, my house came with a decked out home security system. Every door and window is wired; it has some smart-tech and ADT Cellguard alarm monitoring. But the equipment is paid for and not worth over $50 per month!

From my experience, ADT has a professional staff with excellent equipment. Safety does have a price and it’s worth paying a premium if I could stay with ADT.

Click here to get a quote from ADT.

How Much Does Alarm Monitoring Cost?

The average cost for a home security monitoring service ranges from $15 to $50+ per month.

Alarm monitoring costs vary tremendously between companies.In some cases, you are paying for a large marketing budget that has convinced you that paying well over $50 is a standard. I believed it for years!

The alarm monitoring cost is negotiable, especially for the larger national providers.

What are some factors that affect monthly alarm monitoring costs?

  • Promotional rate and new customer rate
  • Phone line monitoring only
  • Cellular monitoring
  • Security mobile app capabilities
  • Cameras
  • Glass shattering sensor
  • Smart home automation
  • Contract period
  • Equipment coverage and maintenance
  • Equipment fees or subsidies

Does ADT have a Crime Map?

Yes, the ADT crime map provides crime statistics by town.It provides a crime lookup by neighborhood using your zip code.It’s free for anyone to use.

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Can I Still Use ADT Equipment After Cancellation?

Yes, you can continue to use the ADT equipment after cancellation.

When my wife and I moved into our house almost 20 years ago, the house came with an ADT monitoring system all wired up. Before having kids, we were using the ADT equipment after cancellation from the prior owner. It automatically converts ADT to self-monitoring, so we armed the alarm but didn’t pay for monitoring.

If a criminal broke into our house, the door, window, and motion sensor would have sounded the alarm. Most criminals will run-off immediately, thinking the police will be coming shortly. A criminal wouldn’t know we were using ADT equipment after cancellation.

But, after having kids, for added safety, we started paying for home security monitoring. It protects us from criminals, and a single button calls an ambulance while also actively monitoring for fires.

How to get ADT to reduce your rate?

Then I Googled “security monitoring” and my zip code.I started to research if I can use another alarm company to monitor the alarm equipment I already purchased.

I have never dealt with the ADT billing department and wasn’t sure if they would even consider lowering my monthly monitoring bill.Although, I was comfortable leaving ADT if they refused to lower my bill and value me as a longtime customer. You must always be willing to talk away and have a place B.

My ADT monitoring was so expensive every month! Of course, it’s always easier and preferable to stay with the same service vs. switching. The same goes for my mobile phone company and cable company; it’s easier not switching services.

Finally, I was armed with enough information and needed to find out, “Are ADT prices negotiable?” Unlike lower AT&T Uverse deals for existing customers, ADT didn’t have a designated customer retention representative.Instead, they transferred me to billing.

When I call my cable company retention representative, I always ask, “If I’m still under contract or free to cancel?” The very friendly ADT representative confirmed I was on a month-by-month contract and free to cancel.

I explained how I’m considering another monitoring company, and ADT is getting too expensive, especially after another price increase.The representative could not have been more accommodating and understanding.He thanked me for my ADT customer loyalty for 15 years and with good payment history. I’m set up with automatic monthly billing, so I’ve never been late with a payment.

The representative pointed out that I own the best equipment package with all the bells and whistles.With minimal negotiation, he quickly lowered my bill by over $20 per month for an annual savings of around $250.

Since they were so interested in retaining me as a loyal customer, I asked if they can replace my smoke detectors for free.Without hesitation, he said yes, and booked a technician for installation.

As a side note, I mentioned to the installer that my main ADT keypad buttons weren’t working and were sticking. After 15 years, he replaced my keypad for free too.

Is my new ADT bill as cheap as a new security service like SimpliSafe?No.But, with ADT, I get to use my cellular alarm equipment if my phone line fails. I also can use the ADT app, which integrates with my Chamberlain garage door opener.

Click here to get a quote from ADT.

Steps to Negotiate Lower Rates with ADT

Step 1
Research your local competition.

I Googled “home security systems monitoring service,” followed by my zip code. It provided a long list of options with some redundancy among the large home security companies. For example, AT&T Digital Life Home Security was listed ten times out of the 18 Google results. ADT home security was listed twice, and Xfinity Store by Comcast was listed only once. But, there were several other local and regional monitoring companies.

Step 2
Call local home security monitoring companies for prices.

Some home alarm monitoring companies listed services for as low as $1 a day on their websites.Of course, you need to call and see what you get for $1 per day. In my case, are they compatible with my ADT system? Do they offer cellular monitoring? Do they have a home security system app for remote alerts and activation?Are there any initial activation fees?

Step 3
Call ADT for Retention or Billing Department.

ADT customer service number is 1-800-238-2727.

Step 4
ADT Cancellation Fee.

First, confirm you are not locked in. Ask for the details and your ADT contract end date. If your end date is only a couple of months away, you may be able to renegotiate on the phone. Tell them you will cancel your ADT service when the contract ends. The retention representative may waive the ADT early termination fee.

Step 5
State Alternatives to ADT.

Next, tell them you have been researching alternative home security monitoring in your area, and your ADT bill is too high compared to the competition. Do not tell them the cheapest competitors’ price because you want to hear their new offer to retain you as a loyal customer.Ask the representative if they can lower your ADT bill before you cancel their service.

Step 6
Counter-Offer or Ask for an Upgrade.

If the revised ADT price is still too high, then counter with an apples-to-apples price from an alternative home monitoring company in your area.If the new ADT monthly cost is within a few dollars, it’s likely worth staying. Avoiding the time and cost associated with setting up a new alarm monitoring service has some value.

Step 7
How Do I Get the Best Deal on ADT Monthly Cost.

Sometimes I ask the representative if there are any current ADT coupons, deals, or special offers. If they say no, then I’ll ask if I’d have better luck calling next month for an ADT promotion? I’ve had a retention specialist at various utility companies call me back within a week telling me about a new promotion they just launched because my file was marked.

If the price is within reason, you can still negotiate for some free ADT equipment upgrades.Do you need some updated smoke alarms?An extra wireless motion sensor in your garage or entranceway? Do you need a carbon monoxide monitor near your furnace or your bedrooms? They would prefer to give you some free ADT system upgrades vs. lower the price even more.

Step 8
Home Alarm Monitoring with No Contract.

Confirm how long is the ADT contract. You should ask for 12-months or less.As competition increases for home security monitoring, you may get a lower price in another year or two.Also, confirm how long your ADT price per month is locked-in.

Step 9
Written Confirmation.

Once you are satisfied and agree to a new ADT deal, ask for the contract in writing.The representative will likely send you a confirmation via snail mail or email. Once you receive the ADT contract, verify the monthly cost and length of the contract. Keep in mind, your monthly bill will likely be pro-rated to the new agreed-upon price from the date of the phone call instead of the entire month.

Pay a Bill Negotiation Service as an Alternative

Some people are just not meant to negotiate.We recommend using one of the best negotiation services to lower your Internet, tv, and cable bills.

We recommend BillFixers. Since 2014, their expert staff negotiates with service providers to lower monthly bills. BillFixers has a 95% success rate. They have saved customers over $3,000,000 since inception.

How much does it cost to use Billfixers?

It costs you nothing to use Billfixers unless they save you money on your monthly bills. You have nothing to lose. They split the savings 50/50 with you for only the first year as their fee. You keep the other 50% then pocket the rest each following year.

What are Billfixers benefits?

Here are the benefits of working with Billfixers:

  • Save Time – I hate sitting on hold. Somehow I always call customer services when there are “usually long wait times.” Don’t sit on hold with each customer service representative for minutes to hours at a time. They will take care of everything.
  • Save Money Fast – Billfixers saves each customer an average of $300 per year on monthly bills.
Are ADT Prices Negotiable? IT'S EASY! Lowered My ADT FAST! ([year]) - INFOGRAPHIC - Frugal Living - Personal Finance Blog (5)

BillFixers has been featured in publications like Bloomberg, NBC News, USA Today, The New York Times, and many more.

They will lower your cable bill for AT&T Uverse, Xfinity, Comcast, DirecTV, Charter, Time Warner Cable, Dish, Aol, Optimum, and many more. BillFixers will also lower your monthly mobile phone bill and alarm services for ADT Pulse, Verizon, Frontier Communications, RCN, and Spring.

They continuously expand their roster of bill negotiation services with other utility companies.

Click here to have BillFixers lower your monthly bills for you.

Additional Tips For Effective Negotiation

Your ADT representative wants you to remain their client, and this gives you the upper hand. It all comes down to you and your negotiation skills in getting yourself a better deal by pushing the needle as far as possible in your favor.

Assess Your Needs

This includes figuring out the useful features that you undoubtedly need and eliminating those that aren’t on your priority list for the time being. You can do this by simple research about the services ADT offers via their website.

Be Confident

Act the part of a confident negotiator and don’t settle for less. Convey to the ADT representative your dissatisfaction and set the record straight from the very beginning. This also means listening and giving your representative a fair chance to convince you to choose their product.

The principle of “knowledge is power” is applicable while you negotiate with an ADT representative. You need to do your due diligence and make sure your negotiation plan doesn’t have any loophole.

Don’t Shy Away From Asking Questions

Point out the things that you’re skeptical about and wait for them to satisfy your concerns. Even if you’re dubious about the whole idea of changing your service provider, don’t let this seep into your conversation. It’s okay to be critical while weighing your best alternatives.

If their general packages include services you don’t require, ask for a customized solution that can substitute an unwanted feature with the one you actually want.

Researching Customers is as Important as Researching Local Competitors

Make sure you converse with other people about their ADT services to get a good idea of the pricing details of their packages. This will provide you with an opportunity to negotiate in a way that gets you the best offer.

Don’t Take a Whimsical Decision

This applies to long-time customers of ADT who share a good rapport with the company and can possibly receive loyalty discounts.

ADT Security FAQ’s

Why is ADT monitoring so expensive?

The cost of ADT monitoring is more expensive than most home security companies, but they offer a premium product as a package. It’s ADT Pulse app system lets users arm and disarm their system, control connected devices, set home automation schedules, receive notifications, and stream live footage from your ADT camera.

Do I own the ADT equipment in my house?

Yes, you will own the ADT equipment once your equipment has been paid in full and your contract is complete.

Can you negotiate the price with ADT?

Existing customers can negotiate a new monthly rate with ADT. You can ask for an ADT discount or promotion no matter how long or short you’ve been a customer. Long-term customers should ask for a loyalty ADT discount to lower your monthly fee on your bill.

Can I get out of my ADT contract?

Yes, you can get out of your ADT contract, but the terms and fees will vary. Call an ADT customer retention specialist at 1-800-243-1748.Speaking to an ADT specialist on the phone is the quickest way to cancel your contract or negotiate better terms.

What is the cancellation fee for ADT?

ADT can charge 75% of your monthly bill for the balance of the contract term. Cancel before your ADT contract automatically renews and extends your term.

Does ADT run your credit?

ADT requires satisfactory credit history for installation and use of the service.

Can I take my ADT system with me when I move?

ADT equipment cannot be relocated to a new residence.ADT will offer discounts and credits toward the installation of a new system.They also offer 25% savings on additional sensors, devices, and other security equipment.

Does ADT call the police?

Yes, ADT will call the police after they try reaching you. Once the ADT alarm system detects a problem, the dispatcher wants first to know if it’s a real problem or just an accident. ADT monitoring will call at least two numbers on file to verify the signal. If they cannot reach you, they will call the police.

False burglar alarms are a daily occurrence for most police departments. It has gotten so bad that many municipalities charge residents for false alarms. Though it may take an extra moment, ADT saves you money by calling you first vs. the police.

Do ADT cameras record all the time?

Yes, the ADT cameras can record all the time or just record clips when they detect motion. Recording just motion can save you a lot of time when viewing the footage. ADT Pulse cameras will store video surveillance for up to 30 days. Users can also download digital video files to your computer.

Is ADT better than Ring?

ADT is better than Ring in many aspects. ADT is an established brand that offers professional installation, additional smart home features like a high-tech keypad, cellular monitoring, premium equipment, and free ADT yard signs and window stickers. The Ring pros include a more affordable home security system, no long-term contract, and easy installation with an app instructed walk-through.

Share your ADT bill savings below

Please share how you lowered your ADT bill or negotiated a lower monthly cost. How much money did you reduce your monthly ADT monitoring bill?

Are ADT Prices Negotiable? IT'S EASY! Lowered My ADT FAST! ([year]) - INFOGRAPHIC - Frugal Living - Personal Finance Blog (2024)


Does ADT give senior discounts? ›

ADT Senior Discounts

ADT offers a 20 percent discount on installation and $2 off monthly costs for AARP members. In addition, they regularly run limited-time deals.

How can I lower my ADT security bill? ›

Negotiate with ADT

Reach out to ADT at 1 (800) 521-1734 and let them know you are considering moving services or scaling back. You can ask to be transferred to the customer loyalty department or the customer retention department where a representative will work with you to try and keep you as a customer.

What is the average monthly fee for ADT? ›

$599 to $899 upfront + $45.99/month; or. $55.97 to $60.97/month.

How can I get out of my ADT contract without fees? ›

Yes, you can cancel your ADT contract anytime by calling customer service at 800-238-2727. Whether you pay penalties or not depends on how many months you have left on your contract. You can cancel in the first six months with no penalties thanks to the company's money-back service guarantee.

Are ADT prices negotiable? ›

It's not easy to talk about ADT pricing. That's because the company prefers to work out custom deals with its customers. Equipment, installation, and monitoring are all separate costs, and they're all negotiable.

Does AARP offer discount for ADT? ›

AARP members can call or shop online 24/7. 866-231-8350 20% discount on new installation and activation of ADT® Companion Service®, plus $2 off your monthly monitoring.

Is it hard to cancel ADT? ›

ADT offers three days buyer's remorse money-back guarantee to all its customers. You can opt-out of your ADT contract within three days or 72 hours from when you signed the contract without paying any penalty. You can call the ADT helpline anytime within 72 hours, and their team will cancel your contract.

Do you keep equipment if you cancel ADT? ›

With ADT, you will own your equipment after cancellation. You can transfer the equipment to another alarm company for monitoring. Or you can go with a new company that will supply new equipment.

Is there a class action lawsuit against ADT? ›

Matthew McCartney, a partner at Fears Nachawati in Dallas, has filed a class action on behalf of Randy Doty against ADT LLC, also known as ADT Security Services, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

Do I own my ADT equipment? ›

Do I own or lease the home security system? With ADT, you lease the equipment. The price of the equipment is rolled into your monthly monitoring payment.

How long does an ADT security system last? ›

The average backup battery lasts 3-5 years. Under normal conditions the backup battery will recharge on its own.

Who is ADT's competitor? ›

ADT's competitors and similar companies include Tyco International, Vivint, Allegion, Software House, Hikvision and Resideo. ADT Security is a company that provides electronic security systems and services.

Can I use my ADT system without subscription? ›

You don't need a subscription plan. The Blue by ADT offers a video doorbell without subscription that works for you and your family.

Can I switch from ADT to another company? ›

Making the Switch from ADT

It's important to understand that you can switch home security companies. In most cases, ADT equipment can be used by other alarm companies, including Security Alarm. Let us help you save money by utilizing as much of your existing equipment as possible!

Is there a better company than ADT? ›

Vivint is the clear winner when it comes to automation and smart home integration. Their devices easily connect to Amazon Alexa and the Google Assistant and, unlike ADT, don't require an upgrade to your monthly payments.

Who is the best ADT competitor? ›

Final Thoughts on ADT Alternatives

SimpliSafe will keep you free from a lengthy contract, Vivint offers full mobile monitoring capabilities, and Frontpoint offers a range of worthy add-ons. When it comes time to shop, know that the options are out there and choose a home security system that's right for you.

Does ADT require 3 year contract? ›

ADT requires a three-year contract, except in California where ADT contracts can only be up to two years. If you're unhappy with the service you're receiving and ADT is unable to fix the problem for you, you can get a refund in the first six months. This refund covers monitoring fees and installation fees.

What is the #1 rated home security? ›

Compare the Best Home Security Systems of 2023
CompanyBase Cost
#1SimpliSafe » 4.2 U.S. News Rating Add to Compare$244.96 and Up
#2 (tie)Vivint » 4.1 U.S. News Rating Add to Compare$599.99
#2 (tie)Frontpoint » 4.1 U.S. News Rating Add to Compare$392.40 and Up
#4Link Interactive » 4.0 U.S. News Rating Add to CompareVaries
2 more rows

What is easy pay with ADT? ›

EasyPay is the automated payment option that makes paying your bill, well, automatic. You can make one-time payments for things like service visit fees on MyADT. Use Express Pay to make a one-time payment without having to log into your MyADT account.

Do AARP members get discounts? ›

Get instant access to members-only products and hundreds of discounts, a FREE second membership, and a subscription to AARP The Magazine.

Does ADT have a loyalty program? ›

A: As an active ADT customer, you are eligible to participate in our Customer Rewards Program. When you refer friends, relatives or neighbors to ADT through our referral program and they purchase an ADT security system, you will receive a $200 Visa Reward Card. * It's that easy!

Do you own your equipment with ADT? ›

Do I own or lease the home security system? With ADT, you lease the equipment. The price of the equipment is rolled into your monthly monitoring payment.

Will ADT install a security system for free? ›

Get FREE* equipment with any ADT-monitored package

SafeStreets simplifies home security by getting you started with pre-packaged equipment ($850 value) including sensors, a motion detector and more. *with $99 installation charge and new monitoring agreement. Early termination fee applies.

How do I know if MyADT salesman is legit? ›

To confirm a ADT Solutions Advisor is really affiliated with ADT, ask to see their official identification. If they don't show it, don't believe them. When in doubt whether ADT or an ADT Authorized Dealer was sent to upgrade or test your alarm system, call 800. ADT.

What are the benefits of getting ADT? ›

ADT indoor security cameras offer phone security alerts, infrared night vision, a slim design, and protected Wi-Fi. They offer a variety of different views for live and recorded feeds and come with professional installation.

How do I get rid of ADT equipment? ›

ADT customers have three methods to choose from when returning the equipment box: 1) You can drop the box off at USPS, 2) or at FedEx, 3) or you can give it to your mail carrier. The barcode included on the return shipping label is a smart code and can be read by both USPS and FedEx.

How long is an ADT contract? ›

ADT's standard contract is 36 months (24 months in California). Before signing up for a plan, be sure you can sustain the monthly payments for that length of time. Otherwise, if you run into financial issues and need to cancel, you'll still owe a cancellation fee.

What is the number 1 security system in the US? ›

Compare the best home security systems
BrandBest forSmart home compatibility
VivintBest overallAmazon, Google, Z-Wave
SimpliSafeBudget pickAmazon, Google
ADTMost experiencedAmazon, Google, Z-Wave
CoveBest customer experienceAmazon, Google
6 more rows
Apr 11, 2023

What is the number one security system in America? ›

Summary: Best Home Security Systems
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingLearn More CTA text
SimpliSafe4.4Learn More
Ring4.5View More
ADT4.5Learn More
1 more row
Mar 10, 2023

How much should I spend on home security? ›

According to HomeAdvisor, home security cost runs between $280 and $1,109, or $695 on average. These costs can vary depending on region and the level of monitoring and features a customer chooses.

Do I need wifi with ADT? ›

ADT offers Wi-Fi-enabled outdoor security cameras that you control and monitor from the ADT app on your phone. These cameras must be installed within Wi-Fi signal range, and the closer you can get them to your router, the stronger the signal will be on which they function.

Does ADT charge to replace equipment? ›

Leased - Your leased equipment is warrantied for the full term of the lease provided you remain in good standing. Any leased equipment deemed defective by Technical Support will be repaired or replaced (with new or refurbished equipment, at ADT's sole option) at no cost to you.

Does ADT install hidden cameras? ›

The expert installers can evaluate your home, determining the best location for your cameras for maximum coverage without the need of a security camera placement guide. Whether you live in a house or apartment, professional installers know how to place, conceal, and test hidden security cameras in your space.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.