Largest and Biggest Data Centers in the World ⚡️ — (2024)


Data Center Interesting to Know

Largest and Biggest Data Centers in the World ⚡️ — (1)

Nowadays, humankind produces over 2,5 million terabytes of datum daily. And the pace and volume will grow even more in the future since the IoT (Internet of things) is on the increase daily. Special facilities called DCs (data centers) are created to store such volumes of information. And their powers and territories grow regularly.

The development of machine learning and artificial intelligence has made our world data-driven. Nowadays, the number of data centers on Earth exceeds 7 million facilities. They differ in size and computing power and are designed for processing either industrial or small operations.

So, here, let’s list the biggest server room in the world and point out their advantages.

10 Largest DCs in the World

Here are the most prominent DCs found around the world.

China Telecom Data Center

Occupying 10,763,910 square feet and being located in China, this is the world’s largest server room. The DC in Hohhon is recognized to be the greatest facility for datum storage and processing around the world. It saves 50% of the marker datum in China. The facility has over 400 subdivisions around the country; the main facility occupies a territory of 100 hectares.

The DC provides cloud computing, telecommunication, and financial services. Such giants of the world market as Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu utilize their capacities.

Note that the company participates in “green” projects implementing its provisions to decrease energy and water consumption.

China Mobile

Here’s another biggest server in the world located in China. This DC occupies an area of 7,750,015 square feet. Occupying an area of 106 hectares, the building accommodates more than 400,000 server racks. The facility provides enterprises with a wide range of services, including cloud data storage, R&D for 5D, concentrated network management, and others.

The Citadel Campus

This is the largest server room in the world, which is located in the USA. The DC is based in Las Vegas and occupies a territory of 7,750,015 square feet. Switch is the owner of the facility, which has patented over 260 technology in the sphere of network and IT development. Due to the ownership of such a reputable service provider, the facility features the following:

  • 100% clean energy index;
  • 24/7 functioning DDoS attack migration utility;
  • Tri-redundant UPS power system.

The facility stands as the most prominent one across the United States since it covers a complete range of services required by companies in the IT segment.

CWL1 Data Centre

Having been built not far from Cardiff (Western UK), this is the largest DC facility in Europe. The company has several dedicated offices across the country, which are mainly targeted at customers’ needs. The main office takes an area of 1,450,000 square feet. The facility is characterized by:

  • well-running UPI systems;
  • low PUE friendliness;
  • 400 kV SuperGrid connection;
  • Tier 3 standards satisfaction.

The company provides a wide range of services, including private data halls, cloud hosting, colocation options, and others.

Apple’s Mesa Data Center

This is the greatest data command office of Apple. Although the company was originally built by First Solar Inc., further, Apple invested $2 billion in the development of the facility and started to use it. The DC is located in Arizona and occupies a territory of 1,300,000 square feet.

The facility is engaged in diverse computing tasks and is designed to process huge massifs of data, store information, and provide other services within the network sector.

The location of the company is favorable for the creation of a green DC. For example, a 300-acre solar-power plant that generates 50 MW capacity is used to power the facility.

Lakeside Technology Center

This is another impressive data center located in the USA. Digital Reality owns it. An investment trust that owns more than 280 DC facilities around the world. This one is the most prominent. It is built on an area of 1,100,000 square feet. Nowadays, the facility offers capacities for financial institutions around the world, allows the processing of different kinds of financial data, and provides reliable storage secured by advanced certificates.

The building houses 3 electric power feeds that generate more than 100 MW of power and 4 fiber vaults. Its cooling strategy is one of the distinctive features of the company. The facility is equipped with an 8.5-million gallon tank filled with a chilled brine-like substance. A branched system of pipes allows the liquid to flow through the building cooling down server rooms and accommodating equipment.

Utah Data Center

The main purpose of the facility is to support the efforts of the Intelligence Community to develop, strengthen, protect, and improve the security of the intellectual property of the nation. The facility is located on an area of 1,000,000 square feet. Here, a data center and all the servicing units (such as energy generators, chiller plants, fire hoses, etc.) are placed.

QTS: Atlanta Metro

This DC occupies a territory of 990,000 square feet, on which not only the main unit but also all the required supplementary bodies are located. The main building consists of numerous server rooms and also accommodates 24 independent UPS systems and 46 generators.

The facility deals with a wide range of tasks, including cloud data storage, colocation, custom DCs, and others.

To improve the level of security and system smooth functioning, advanced systems of climatic control are used. Sensors are designed to monitor the level of temperature, pressure, water, humidity, and other crucial indicators.

Tulip Data Center

This data center is located in India. An advanced multi-tier facility occupies an area of 970,000 square feet. The company generates 100 MW of power to maintain performance and is large enough to accommodate up to 12,000 racks.

The main aim of the facility is to make DC services more accessible in the region, improved effectiveness, and provide customers with powerful systems that are able to process tasks of any complexity.

The plant is the “greenest” in India since it is recognized to be energy-efficient and saves over 30 MW of power when operating at full capacity.

CoreSite Reston VA3

This company is based in Northern Virginia and includes three data centers, named VA1, VA2, and VA3. The last one is the biggest and takes an area of 940,000 square feet. The facility provides capacities for all kinds of operations related to cloud and network performance. The service provider cooperates with major companies around the world.

The building is equipped with advanced systems for environmental control, integrated ventilation systems, and optical solutions for cooling. The facility guarantees secure storage of data and high standards of performance. These are the most prominent and well-known data centers scattered throughout the world. Each of them is designed to perform certain tasks and cater to different groups of consumers (financial institutions, businesses, manufacturers, etc.). The above-mentioned facilities produce a lot of capacities to satisfy the high computing demands of modern enterprises.

What is a data center?

A data center is a facility that houses computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls, and various security devices.

Can I visit the largest data center for a tour or as a customer?

While some data centers might offer tours, especially for prospective customers, it’s not guaranteed that one can visit the “largest data center” specifically. Tour policies vary depending on the data center’s security measures and the company’s policy.

How much energy does the largest data center consume?

The energy consumption of the largest data center would vary based on its size, equipment, and efficiency measures. However, the largest data centers can consume as much power as small towns, with figures reaching tens or even hundreds of megawatts.

Why is the location of a data center important?

The location of a data center is crucial due to several factors including environmental risks (like earthquakes or floods), energy costs, availability of cooling (often using outside air or nearby water sources), and latency to end users or other infrastructure.

Are there any underwater or unconventional data centers?

Yes, there are underwater data centers. For instance, Microsoft has tested submerged data centers as part of its Project Natick, aiming to leverage the cooling properties of seawater. Additionally, there are other unconventional data centers located in places like caves or old military bunkers.

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Largest and Biggest Data Centers in the World ⚡️ — (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.