What Is an Internet Data Center Server & How Does It Work? (2024)

While people often think of the Internet as an immaterial object, the data that makes up the Internet is actually stored at a very physical location: data servers. Businesses sometimes operate their own servers or rent out servers from data centers, enabling them to store online files -- like those that make up a website -- and make them globally accessible. Essentially, an Internet data center server is the saving location for files accessible from the Internet.

Data Server

  1. A data server is basically a computer without peripherals like monitors and keyboards. A server operates entirely as a saving location, and is connected to a network to make that data accessible to computers. In the case of an Internet server, the device is connected to the Web, so that any computer with a Web connection can access the files stored on the server. Servers store and process data just like a computer, and are connected to the Internet through wired or wireless connections.

Data Center

  1. A data center is made up of numerous data servers housed in the same complex. Like computers, servers require certain environmental conditions, such as moderate levels of heat and humidity, as well as network connections to access the Internet. Large data centers with huge amounts of hard disk storage allow the companies that operate them to capitalize on economies of scale, saving more data for similar costs on site maintenance and connectivity infrastructure. Many large Internet companies operate their own dedicated data centers, while some data centers offer storage services for multiple clients.

How It Works

  1. Just like two computers connected in a local network, Internet servers send information to Web browsers through network connections. Data stored on a server is divided into packets for transmission, and is sent through special computers called routers that determine the best path for that data to travel -- through a series of wired and wireless networks -- to reach an Internet service provider and ultimately a computer. Every time you type a Web address into a browser, you are requesting information from a server, and the process is simply reversed when you want to upload information to an Internet server.

Data and Security

  1. Like any type of computer data, server data is vulnerable to corruption, transmission errors, loss and hacking. While security protocols vary across companies and data centers, most data centers implement comprehensive security measures that include data encryption during transmission, multiple saving locations in case one server becomes disabled, simultaneous saving at two or more locations so that files can be reconciled and backed up in case they are not properly saved at one, and complete wipes of disk data when a server has exhausted its useful life.

What Is an Internet Data Center Server & How Does It Work? (2024)
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