Landlord Retaliation Against Tenants | Texas Law Help (2024)

What is retaliation?

Retaliation is when your landlord wrongfully acts against you for doing something that you had the right to do. If a landlord ends your lease after you complain about something, for example, this could be retaliation. It is important to know your rights because retaliation is often illegal.

What type of actions are protected from retaliation?

According to Texas Property Code 92.331, a landlord may not retaliate against you for any of the following actions:

  • Doing anything that is allowed by your lease or by law.
  • Asking that your landlord repair or fix something.
  • Filing a complaint with a government agency.
  • Taking part in any tenant group.

Note: Actions you take as a tenant must be in good faith. This means that you must be honest. Do not make up a false violation just to get your landlord in trouble.

What can't the landlord do?

After you perform any protected action, such as asking for repairs, Texas Property Code 92.331 kicks in. This statute protects you for six months. During these six months, there is a presumption that the landlord cannot do any of the following:

  • Evict you.
  • Deny you use of the premises.
  • Decrease any services to you.
  • Increase your rent.
  • End your lease.
  • Interfere with any other rights you may have under the lease.

Presumption: The "presumption" means that a court will assume the law prohibits the landlord from taking these actionsunlessthe landlord shows otherwise.

Are there any exceptions to the six-month protection period?

Yes. If your landlord can prove that they did not retaliate against you, your landlord will not be liable for violating the six-month protection period. Generally, if your landlord is acting according to the terms of the contract, they will not be liable. If your landlord is treating other tenants similarly, your landlord will likely not be liable either.

For example: Your landlord sends out a notice to the entire apartment complex that rent will increase by $25 next year. This would not be retaliation because your landlord is treating each person the same way.

When does the protection period start?

The protection period starts when you take the action that your landlord does not like. The protection period does not affect anything your landlord has done prior to your action.

For example: Your landlord notified you one month ago that your lease was not going to be renewed. Two weeks after you received that notice, you file a request for repairs. In this situation, you would not be protected against the landlord ending your lease. This is because your landlord ended your lease before you asked for repairs.

Can I be evicted during the six-month protection period?

Yes. Your landlord can still evict you under certain conditions, including for any reason set out in law or in your lease. For example, your landlord can still evict you for nonpayment of rent, illegal activity, or damaging the property.

Could you give an example of how I could be evicted during the protection period?

Yes. Here is an example: You spot mold in your apartment. You notify your landlord that you want it taken care of. This begins a period of six-months where your landlord cannot retaliate against you. One month later you get a dog, which violates your lease. Your landlord then evicts you for violating your lease.

In this situation, your landlord could prove that they did not retaliate against you. Instead, your behavior violated the terms of your lease. This lease violation would be a valid reason for your landlord to evict you.

What can I do if my landlord retaliates against me?

Tell them to stop.

If your landlord retaliates against you, first try talking to them. Talking may solve the problem without any further issues. You can also use this letter from the Texas Low-Income Housing Information Service to demand that your landlord cease retaliation. This form asks that your landlord stop any further retaliation.

File a lawsuit. If talking does not work, you can consider filing a lawsuit in Justice Court. You can use this form from the Texas Low-Income Housing Information Service to file a lawsuit against retaliation. The form comes with instructions.

Can I get damages if my landlord retaliates illegally?

Yes. If a court decides your landlord has retaliated against you, there may be a penalty. You may be entitled to the following:

  • One month’s rent plus $500.
  • Reasonable costs to move to another place.
  • Attorney’s fees and court costs.
  • Injunctive relief (this prevents a landlord from doing some action, such as increasing rent).

Can I get in trouble for false complaints against my landlord?

Yes. You should be careful not to file a lawsuit based on something that you know is false. Under Texas Property Code 92.334, if you knowingly file a false lawsuit based on a housing code violation, your landlord might be entitled to:

  • Evict you.
  • One month’s rent plus $500.
  • Attorney’s fees and court costs.

If an inspector comes to your home and does not find the problem you mentioned in your lawsuit, that can be evidence that you acted in bad faith.

The bottom line: Never file a lawsuit based on something that you know is false. If there is no housing code violation, do not claim that there is one.

I own a manufactured home but I rent the land it sits on. Do I get any protections?


Texas Property Code 94.251 through 94.255 gives you the same protections against retaliation that you would have if you lived in a traditional rental home. This means that you have the same six-month protection period. You also are entitled to the same compensation if your landlord violates the law. Everything in this article applies to you.

Note: Recreational vehicles are generally not considered homes and may not have the same protections.

Is there anything else I can do to protect myself from landlord retaliation?

Yes. Document and date any actions that you take. Document and date any actions that your landlord takes as well. This can be extremely helpful later on. Being able to point to a specific date when something actually took place will save you a headache in the future. Always make copies for your records and make sure that you date every document as well.

Am I allowed to retaliate against my landlord?

No, even if your landlord is being unreasonable. Never try to take matters into your own hands. At best, it could worsen the situation between you and your landlord. It could also end up with you being evicted and owing fines.

Try to talk with your landlord first. If that doesn’t work, consider involving the court system by filing a lawsuit.

Can I withhold rent even if my landlord retaliates against me?

No. Withholding rent is almost always a bad idea. Withholding rent is only allowed in certain, very specific situations, and usually only after getting a court's permission. Just as with any other type of self-help remedy, you might end up facing eviction or having to pay fines.

I have COVID-19 or might have it, and my landlord is treating me unfairly. Is this considered retaliation?

No. This would not be retaliation. However, a landlord cannot discriminate against you due to COVID-19. A landlord cannot evict you or force you to move out because you have COVID-19. Read Rights for Tenants with Health Issues for more information on tenant rights relating to COVID-19 and other health problems.

More Information and Forms



  • Letter toLandlord: Form letter that demands your landlord stop any retaliation.
  • Petition - Lawsuit for Landlord Retaliation: Form to file a lawsuit against landlord retaliation.
Landlord Retaliation Against Tenants | Texas Law Help (2024)


How to deal with building manager retaliation against a tenant in Texas? ›

File a lawsuit.

If talking does not work, you can consider filing a lawsuit in Justice Court. You can use this form from the Texas Low-Income Housing Information Service to file a lawsuit against retaliation. The form comes with instructions.

How do I prove my landlord is retaliating in Texas? ›

Depriving the tenant of use of the premises; Decreasing services to the tenant; Raising the rent or ending the lease; or. "[E]ngaging, in bad faith, in a course of conduct that materially interferes with the tenant's rights under the tenant's lease."

Where can I file a complaint against my landlord in Texas? ›

The Texas Workforce Commission ("TWC") is the entity responsible for enforcing the Fair Housing Act in the State of Texas. You have one year after an alleged violation to file a complaint, but you should file it as soon as possible. The following information will be requested: Your name and address.

What is Section 92.331 of the Texas Property Code? ›

Section 92.331 - Retaliation By Landlord (a) A landlord may not retaliate against a tenant by taking an action described by Subsection (b) because the tenant: (1) in good faith exercises or attempts to exercise against a landlord a right or remedy granted to the tenant by lease, municipal ordinance, or federal or state ...

What to do when a manager retaliates? ›

If you believe your employer has retaliated against you, you can file a retaliation complaint with the Labor Commissioner's Office.

What is considered harassment by landlord in Texas? ›

Lying or intimidating a tenant. Giving a “three-day notice” or other eviction notice that is based on false charges. Using fighting words or threatening bodily harm. Refusing to do repairs that are required by law.

What are the retaliation laws in Texas? ›

The state law prohibiting retaliation is Chapter 21 of the Texas Labor Code. Federal laws prohibiting retaliation include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. These laws contain strong protections against retaliation.

Can I sue my landlord for negligence in Texas? ›

If a tenant followed the correct procedure and the landlord failed to make the repairs, the tenant can sue. Section 92.0563 of the Texas Property Code allows a judge to order the landlord to do any of the following: Take reasonable action to repair the problem.

Is retaliation a form of discrimination? ›

Retaliation is the most frequently alleged basis of discrimination in the federal sector and the most common discrimination finding in federal sector cases. As EEOC works to address this issue, you can help. Learn more about what constitutes retaliation, why it happens, and how to prevent it.

What can you do if your landlord doesn t fix things in Texas? ›

If the landlord won't make repairs needed to protect your health, safety, or security, and you follow the procedures required by law, you may be entitled to: End the lease; Have the problem repaired and deduct the cost of the repair from your rent; or. File suit to force the landlord to make the repairs.

How often do landlords have to replace carpet in Texas? ›

IRS Publication 527 states that carpet in a residential rental property wears out after 5 years, at least for tax purposes, based on the general depreciation system.

How do I report a property manager in Texas? ›

Contact Us
  1. EMAIL:
  2. PHONE: 512.936.3000.
  3. MAIL: Texas Real Estate Commission. P.O. Box 12188. Austin, TX 78711-2188.

What is Section 24.0053 Texas property code? ›

(a) If the justice court enters judgment for the landlord in a residential eviction case based on nonpayment of rent, the court shall determine the amount of rent to be paid each rental pay period during the pendency of any appeal and shall note that amount in the judgment.

What is Section 24.004 Texas property code? ›

24.004. JURISDICTION; DISMISSAL. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a justice court in the precinct in which the real property is located has jurisdiction in eviction suits. Eviction suits include forcible entry and detainer and forcible detainer suits.

What is Section 51.006 of the Texas Property Code? ›

51.006. DEED-OF-TRUST FORECLOSURE AFTER DEED IN LIEU OF FORECLOSURE. (a) This section applies to a holder of a debt under a deed of trust who accepts from the debtor a deed conveying real property subject to the deed of trust in satisfaction of the debt.

What is retaliatory behavior? ›

Retaliatory actions are broadly defined to harassing behavior, significant changes to job duties or working conditions, and even threats to take personnel actions.

What are the three elements of retaliation? ›

Per federal case law and regulatory agency guidance, there are three essential elements in a claim of retaliation:
  • Protected activity.
  • Adverse action.
  • Causal connection.

What is an example of retaliation? ›

Some examples of retaliation would be a termination or failure to hire, a demotion, a decrease in pay, a decrease in the number of hours that you've worked. The cause will be obvious things such as a reprimand, a warning or lowering of your evaluation scores.

Can I sue my landlord for emotional distress in Texas? ›

In short - yes. Every resident of the United States has the right to file a civil lawsuit against another they believe caused them harm. Still, the right to file a suit does not mean the court will agree and award damages.

What is considered a cause of action in Texas for harassment? ›

Under Texas law, criminal harassment occurs when “an act meant to annoy, torment, embarrass, abuse, alarm, or harass another person.” On the other hand, civil harassment is any action that causes “an injury to a person based on their protected status,” such as disability, sex, or religion.

How do I sue my landlord for unsafe living conditions in Texas? ›

First, notify your landlord or property manager about the issues and request action to be taken. This can be done in writing, preferably through certified mail for proof of notice. Once the landlord or property manager is notified, they should follow up with you and give you a timeline of what to expect.

What is an example of unlawful retaliation? ›

Any of the following conduct could constitute unlawful retaliation: Denying an employee a promotion. Denying an employee a reasonable request for a transfer to a new position or more convenient location. Denying an employee a bonus or other benefit.

What is the penalty for retaliation in Texas? ›

Penalties for Retaliation and Obstruction

At a minimum, retaliation and obstruction are considered felonies of the third degree in Texas. A third-degree felony conviction can be penalized with two to ten years in prison and a fine that may be as high as $10,000.

How do I file a retaliation complaint in Texas? ›

You can submit your complaint online with the Employment Discrimination Complaint Form. You can also submit your complaint by email, by postal mail or in person. Submit a complaint via email at If you have questions, call: 512-463-2642 or 888-452-4778.

How much can you sue a landlord for in Texas? ›

Of course, justice court has limitations — for example, the most you can sue for is $20,000. So, if you think the landlord owes you more than $20,000 you should file in a different kind of court and consider getting an attorney if your claim is worth that much.

How long do I have to sue my landlord in Texas? ›

In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years, which means that you will have two years from the date of your accident to sue a negligent landlord.

How long do you have to sue a tenant in Texas? ›

Generally, a landlord has up to 4 to 6 years to sue for damages as long as they have proof of the damage incurred by the tenant and records of the cost of repairs.

What is the burden of proof for retaliation? ›

What is a whistleblower's burden to prove retaliation under SOX? A whistleblower may meet this burden by proffering circ*mstantial evidence, such as: Direct evidence of retaliatory motive, i.e., “statements or acts that point toward a discriminatory motive for the adverse employment action.”[iii]

What is an example of aggressive retaliation? ›

It is essentially aggression to get revenge on another person. A very primal example would be a wolf who bites another wolf in its pack. The second wolf bites the first wolf as a reaction to the bite and to retaliate for being bitten.

What is subtle retaliation? ›

Subtle forms of retaliation can include: Transferring a worker to a less-desirable department. Transferring a worker to a less-desirable shift. Preventing the worker from attending meetings or events. Increasing an employee's workload.

What is Section 92.056 of the Texas Property Code? ›

Section 92.056 of the Texas Property Code requires a tenant to take several steps before the landlord is considered to be liable to them. A landlord's liability allows a tenant to to take certain actions like ending the lease or deducting the cost of repairs from the rent.

Can you withhold rent for mold in Texas? ›

Rent withholding: The tenant stops paying rent and claims the mold makes the dwelling unlivable. Landlords in Texas must abide by the "implied warranty of habitability." This legal doctrine requires the landlord to provide a property in a livable condition.

What is Texas the landlord tenant Act? ›

Texas Landlord Tenant Laws are in place to establish laws and statutes governing the rental of residential properties. The statutes are set forth primarily in the Texas Property Code Title 8, Chapter 92. Additional statutes are found in other chapters, such as in Chapter 24, which discusses eviction actions.

Do landlords have to paint between tenants in Texas? ›

No state law requires landlords to repaint a rental unit in between tenants. Some local (city or county) ordinances might require landlords to repaint under certain circ*mstances.

Who pays for carpet cleaning tenant or landlord in Texas? ›

The verdict. Based on these, it is the landlord's responsibility to clean the carpets in a rental, as long as the rug only suffers from normal wear-and-tear. However, if the damage is deemed to be the result of a tenant's negligence, the tenant must pay for the cleaning of the carpet.

How long can a landlord leave you without air conditioning Texas? ›

For most problems, landlords are required to have the problem fixed, or at least make a diligent effort toward doing so, within seven days of being notified of it. However, in situations that involve a lack of heating, air conditioning, or water, the landlord only has three days to fix the issue.

Can you sue a property management company for negligence in Texas? ›

If the property management company fails to maintain the property or respond to tenant complaints, causing damage or injury to the property or tenants, the property owner can sue a property management company for negligence.

What is an ethical violation in real estate? ›

Code of Ethics Violations. Common real estate ethics complaints can include: Not acting in the best interests of clients. Revealing private or confidential information. Advertising a listed property without disclosing their Realtor status.

What are your rights as a tenant without a lease in Texas? ›

No written lease

If there is no lease, a Texas landlord can evict a tenant without providing a reason. Simply give notice to vacate, and follow eviction proceedings if the tenant fails to leave. When there is a verbal agreement but no written lease, whatever terms specified verbally must still be honored.

What is Section 92.109 of the Texas Property Code? ›

Section 92.109 - Liability of Landlord (a) A landlord who in bad faith retains a security deposit in violation of this subchapter is liable for an amount equal to the sum of $100, three times the portion of the deposit wrongfully withheld, and the tenant's reasonable attorney's fees in a suit to recover the deposit.

What is Section 92.104 of the Texas Property Code? ›

Section 92.104 - Retention of Security Deposit; Accounting (a) Before returning a security deposit, the landlord may deduct from the deposit damages and charges for which the tenant is legally liable under the lease or as a result of breaching the lease.

What is Section 92.008 of the Texas Property Code? ›

Sec. 92.008. INTERRUPTION OF UTILITIES. (a) A landlord or a landlord's agent may not interrupt or cause the interruption of utility service paid for directly to the utility company by a tenant unless the interruption results from bona fide repairs, construction, or an emergency.

What is Section 51.001 of the Texas Property Code? ›

§ 51.001. EFFECT ON OTHER LIENS. Except as provided by Chapter 59, this subtitle does not affect: (1) the right to create a lien by special contract or agreement; or (2) a lien that is not treated in this subtitle, including a lien arising under common law, in equity, or under another statute of this state.

What is Section 51.005 of the Texas Property Code? ›

(d) Any money received by a lender from a private mortgage guaranty insurer shall be credited to the account of the borrower before the lender brings an action at law for any deficiency owed by the borrower.

What is Section 93.003 of the Texas Property Code? ›

93.003. COMMERCIAL TENANT'S RIGHT OF REENTRY AFTER UNLAWFUL LOCKOUT. (a) If a landlord has locked a tenant out of leased premises in violation of Section 93.002, the tenant may recover possession of the premises as provided by this section.

What is Section 92.156 of the Texas Property Code? ›

Section 92.156 - Rekeying or Change of Security Devices (a) Except as otherwise provided by Subsection (e), a security device operated by a key, card, or combination shall be rekeyed by the landlord at the landlord's expense not later than the seventh day after each tenant turnover date.

What is Section 91.004 of the Texas Property Code? ›

91.004. LANDLORD'S BREACH OF LEASE; LIEN. (a) If the landlord of a tenant who is not in default under a lease fails to comply in any respect with the lease agreement, the landlord is liable to the tenant for damages resulting from the failure.

Can a property manager represent a landlord in court Texas? ›

In court, the attorney is the one who addresses the judge, and the property owner and property manager typically do not speak unless called upon by the judge. It's best to have an attorney available to handle evictions and legal matters related to managing a residential property.

What is the anti retaliation statute in Texas? ›

An employer may not fire, demote, harass or otherwise retaliate against an individual for submitting a complaint of discrimination, participating in a discrimination proceeding or otherwise opposing discrimination.

What are 3 examples of retaliation? ›

For example, depending on the facts, it could be retaliation if an employer acts because of the employee's EEO activity to:
  • reprimand the employee or give a performance evaluation that is lower than it should be;
  • transfer the employee to a less desirable position;
  • engage in verbal or physical abuse;

What are three actions that constitute retaliation? ›

  • Inquiring about their pay, hours of work or other rights.
  • Asserting their worker rights.
  • Filing a complaint about their worker rights.
  • Cooperating with a WHD investigation.

What can you sue a landlord for in Texas? ›

After receiving notice, in the event your Landlord 1) fails to repair a condition which materially affects your physical health and safety or 2) fails to return your security deposit within 30 days from your departure of the property AND fails to give you an itemized accounting for deductions, then the next step is to ...

Can you sue for emotional damage in Texas? ›

You can sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress if you can prove that there was intentional conduct involved. This is often the case in “road rage” cases that lead to bodily injury.

What are the renters rights in Texas? ›

Your rights as a tenant include the right to "quiet enjoyment," a legal term. This means your landlord cannot evict you without cause or otherwise disturb your right to live in peace and quiet. If other tenants in your building are disturbing you, you should complain to the landlord.

Can a landlord inspect your house in Texas? ›

Texas courts have held that a landlord may not enter your home unless you allow the entry or the lease gives the landlord specific reasons to enter.

Who oversees property management companies in Texas? ›

The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is a regulatory body in Texas that oversees, among other things, residential property management. Property managers of single-family homes in Texas are usually required to have a broker's license.

Is retaliation a form of harassment? ›

Retaliation harassment in the workplace refers to unlawful prejudice when an employment agency, employer, or labor association takes damaging action against an individual, applicant, or another involved person for engaging in a protected action.

What is considered protected activity for retaliation? ›

What activity is protected by the prohibition against retaliation? An individual engages in protected activity when they: (1) oppose a practice they consider to be discriminatory; (2) participate in an employment discrimination proceeding; or (3) engage in other protected EEO activity.

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