Jett (2024)

Jett is the 10th Agent to join the VALORANT PROTOCOL. She is a South Korean Radiant with powers that allow her to control the wind.

Jett is of South Korean descent. She was the 10th Agent to join the VALORANT PROTOCOL, and is among the youngest of its members[1][2].

Jett is often regarded as having a 'toxic' attitude towards people. She prefers to do things her own way, without relying on a team, and is greatly confident in her own abilities. Jett's immense self-confidence can come across as arrogance, and feel as if she is disregarding her comrade's safety, however her voice lines indicate that she is opening up to those around her. They suggest that she does care for her friends, but doesn't know how to show it.

Jett's Radiant powers allow her to control the wind, using it to propel herself, other objects, and levitate to a degree. While she usually uses her powers in a straightforward manner (such as summoning a gust to propel herself upwards with her Updraft), we see from her select animation (in which she levitates one of her daggers in the air and twirls it around) that she can exercise much finer control over the wind when needed.

It is also implied, from her Mirrored Edge Playercard and Fade's dossier about her (see below) that she once summoned a massive storm over the city of Seoul. This hints that her abilities can be lot more powerful and destructive than we've seen as well.

Before she joined the PROTOCOL, Jett used to be a chef, working at a restaurant in Seoul. However, at some point, that restaurant got destroyed due to a severe wind storm (the same one mentioned above), assumed to be caused by Jett herself.

Omega Jett[]

Jett's Ω-Earth counterpart has played a significant role in the game's story, probably being the most featured of all the Omega Agents. She was present in the DUELISTS cinematic, acting as the primary antagonist. Her success in planting an early version of the Spike caused Venice Rising, and the formation of the maps Ascent and The Range as a by-product.

It is important to note that, while α-Jett had indeed been hired into the PROTOCOL before the DUELISTS cinematic took place[3], she and Phoenix had still not met - this was because, at the time, VALORANT operated differently, focusing on solo missions instead and with limited transparency (for more on how the VP functioned in its earlier days, see the VALORANT PROTOCOL page). Because of this, Phoenix was completely unaware of her existence, which is why he didn't hesitate in chasing her down during the mission (despite not being aware of the existence of the Mirrorverse at this point either).

This event resulted in Jett's image being plastered on the news across the world, causing α-Jett to be shunned and rejected by everyone close to her, believing that she was the one to blame. This conflict causing her to be perceived as guilty, despite being truly innocent, is one of Jett's primary character flaws (as illustrated by her Dossier, see below).

Ω-Jett has had a recurring role in multiple cinematics after DUELISTS. She was seen at the end of the DUALITY cinematic, where she antagonized Ω-Phoenix for failing his mission and letting the Spike get defused. She was also present in the RETAKE cinematic, working with Ω-Viper and Ω-Cypher to defend the Spike from being defused (which she ultimately failed at, getting killed by Yoru). It was later confirmed that this was a 'permanent' death, and that she was revived later[4][5][6]. Finally, she also made an appearance in REVELATION, first present in the plot sequence at the Korean Restaurant, and then again in the final shot as one of the Agents sent to fight against α-Harbor and α-Astra.

Jett (1)

Ω-Jett has also played a major role in Pearl, helping defend the city from the rising tide before the dome was constructed. This is shown in the Garden of Heroes: Jett playercard.

Her actions as one of the saviors of the city also earned her a statue in the Garden of Heroes, visible from Pearl's defender spawn, along with an announcement dedicated to her which plays when near there.



Vá ao memorial da guerreira do vento, no Jardim dos Heróis. Conheça a sua imparável batalha dos elementos, vento contra água, travada aqui, nas ruas da nossa cidade.

Go to the Wind Warrior's memorial in the Garden of Heroes. Discover her unstoppable battle of the elements, wind against water, fought here on the streets of our city.

— Announcement played near the Garden of Heroes[7]

Garden of Heroes: Jett
The Garden of Heroes: Jett card shows Jett's part in protecting the city of Ω-Lisbon, by summoning winds to push back the oncoming waters and making way for the citizens to escape.

Jett (2)

Jett (3)

Garden of Heroes: Jett


Garden of Heroes: Jett


Jett (4)

Jett (5)

Radiant War[]

Not much is known about Jett's actions in the Radiant War, but it is implied (from her buried Kunai in the VERSUS // KAY/O + Brimstone Card, see below) that she died there.

VERSUS // KAYO + Brimstone
The Versus // KAYO + Brimstone Card shows KAYO and Brimstone standing back to back, guns raised. Brim's beret is purple and has a different Symbol, and in general he looks older. The card is assumed to set in the Radiant War. In the foreground lies one of Jett's Kunai, lying in the dust.

Jett (6)

Jett (7)

VERSUS // KAYO + Brimstone


VERSUS // KAYO + Brimstone


Jett (8)

Jett (9)


Main article: Agent Dossiers §Jett

Fade released a dossier about Jett in Patch 4.07:

Jett (10)

Jett's dossier focuses on her abilities and the impact she has had on the world.

The blackmailer states how Jett is always on the run, even though she is innocent. She states that she was affiliated with a restaurant that was destroyed, implying that she caused the storm that did it.

In reference to the events of DUELISTS, Fade mentions the blame of the Rise of Venice fell on α-Jett, as people were unaware of the existence of Ω-Earth. Her face was on the news worldwide, she was labeled a "dangerous radiant", and those close to her were afraid and disappointed.


Jett's armor has multiple symbols associated with wind, such as the swirl on her right shoulder pad. Her jacket features a stylized depiction of a Tailwind through some clouds. The icons on the backs of her gloves are the same as the one on the lip of her hoodie and bottom edge of her crop top. A sash and two Kunai can be seen along her right hip belt. Jett's shoes have a triangular whirl on the outer side of the heel and a smooth "V" stamped on the back heel.

When using her Radiant powers to manipulate the wind, glowing blue swirls wrap around Jett's arms, as seen in game and in the cinematics. The RETAKE cinematic depicts Jett with long sleeves, however this is currently not a feature in-game.

One of Jett's most distinguishing Features is that she is canonically the second shortest Agent[8][9][10], with only Neon being shorter than her. This cannot, however, be clearly noticed in game, since all the player models have been altered to be the same size for gameplay balance reasons.


Jett (11)


Sage comments, on killing Jett, how she lived a "Brief, Tragic Life". It is very possible that this line hints at a dark, sad past that Jett may have had to struggle through, but at the same time it is also likely that it is simply Sage's nature as someone who is caring and empathetic, and would see anyone's untimely death as tragic[11].

Jett (12)


Jett and Phoenix build each other's confidence and have a friendly relationship in game. These two encourage each other to do their best through their banter and joking nature. Through various voice lines (such as complimenting clothes and physical appearance) it is implied there is a more romantic relationship between the two.

Jett (13)


Jett and Raze have a very amiable relationship. They share similar personalities and aggressive fighting styles, and they frequently compliment each other.

Jett (14)


Neon and Jett have a friendly rivalry, as they both are Agents whose abilities and fighting style designed around speed and maneuverability.

Jett (15)


Jett, assumedly along with most other members, is dissatisfied with being asked to work with Fade, since she had recently doxxed and blackmailed the entire PROTOCOL. She voiced her concerns about this to Brimstone in an Email, visible in Brimstone's Office in Patch 4.07.


The VALORANT Jett card is a generic portrait of Jett.

Jett (16)

Jett (17)





Jett (18)

Jett (19)

Mirrored Edge
The Mirrored Edge card displays a massive hurricane running over the City of Seoul, shown in a reflection on a kitchen knife.

Looking For Group
The Looking For Group card shows Breach, Cypher, Omen, Raze and Jett facing a teleporter.

Jett (24)

Jett (25)

Looking For Group


Looking For Group


Jett (26)

Jett (27)

VERSUS // Phoenix + Jett
The VERSUS // Phoenix + Jett card references the DUELISTS cinematic, with Phoenix on the left using Blaze and Jett on the right wielding her Blade Storm.

Jett (28)

Jett (29)

VERSUS // Phoenix + Jett


VERSUS // Phoenix + Jett


Jett (30)

Jett (31)

Showdown Watch
The Showdown Watch card advertised the VALORANT x AfreecaTV live streaming of a tournament.

Jett (32)

Jett (33)

Showdown Watch


Showdown Watch


Jett (34)

Jett (35)

Knife Fight
The Knife Fight card shows Raze and Jett, with their knives out, dueling each other on the Ziplines above Icebox, A Site.

Jett (36)

Jett (37)

Knife Fight


Knife Fight


Jett (38)

Jett (39)

Mementos pt. 1
The Mementos pt. 1 card shows Phoenix, Killjoy, Sova, Brimstone, Jett and Raze gathered in informal clothes outside a shop in Ascent.

Jett (40)

Jett (41)

Mementos pt. 1


Mementos pt. 1


Jett (42)

Jett (43)

Year One
The Year One card shows Jett with a kitchen knife and a partially cut Birthday Cake. The card was given as part of the celebration of VALORANT's 1st Birthday (as evidenced by the candle). In the foreground are several other dishes.

The DUALITY card celebrates the release of the DUALITY cinematic, and was released during the VCT 2021: Reykjavik Grand Finals. It shows Ω-Yoru, Ω-Jett, Ω-Viper, Ω-Phoenix and Ω-Cypher passing through a Rift.

Jett (48)

Jett (49)





Jett (50)

Jett (51)

Skin Bait
The Skin Bait card shows Jett crouching down to pick up a Prime Vandal, which has been placed in a Bear Trap. The card is viewed through a sniper scope, with the crosshairs set on Jett's hand.

Jett (52)

Jett (53)

Skin Bait


Skin Bait


Jett (54)

Jett (55)

The Escalation card shows Jett, Phoenix, Viper and Yoru, all armed with Raze's Showstopper. This card was meant to promote the Escalation gamemode. One the right and left walls are plastered advertisem*nts for the VALORANT Go! Vol. 1 skinline and the Spike Rush energy drink respectively.

Jett (56)

Jett (57)





Jett (58)

Jett (59)

Wishing You Happiness
The Wishing You Happiness card, part of the Lunar Celebration Event, shows Sage, Neon, and Jett dining together at a restaurant, celebrating the Lunar New Year. The card is reminiscent of Sage's Agent Takeover.

Jett (60)

Jett (61)

Wishing You Happiness


Wishing You Happiness


Jett (62)

Jett (63)

Be Mine: Jett
The Be Mine: Jett card shows a stylized Jett sitting on a cloudburst, with text that translates to 'Take This' (implying 'Take my Heart').

Jett (64)

Jett (65)

Be Mine: Jett


Be Mine: Jett


Jett (66)

Jett (67)

Distracted Duelist
The Distracted Duelist card shows Jett, armed with a Phantom, staring longingly at a Vandal in someone else's hand. The image is taken from Split, Defender Spawn.

Jett (68)

Jett (69)

Distracted Duelist


Distracted Duelist


Jett (70)

Jett (71)

Operation: Fracture
The Operation: Fracture card shows the Yoru, Phoenix, Viper, Cypher, and Jett, standing before the Everett-Linde Facility.

Jett (72)

Operation: Fracture


Jett (73)

Home Again // Jett
The Home Again // Jett' card shows Jett enjoying some downtime, eating at a Korean restaurant.

Jett (74)

Jett (75)

Home Again // Jett


Home Again // Jett


Jett (76)

Jett (77)

WARM UP // Maxbot
The WARM UP // Maxbot card shows the promotional poster for the WARM UP cinematic as an in-game playercard. It includes all of the Agents who were present in the cinematic (with the sole exception of Brimstone), one of whom was Jett.

Jett (78)

Jett (79)

WARM UP // Maxbot


WARM UP // Maxbot


Jett (80)

Jett (81)

Operation: Vacation
The Operation: Vacation card shows Raze, Jett, Sage, Killjoy, Neon, and Brimstone all driving on a vacation.

Jett (82)

Jett (83)

Operation: Vacation


Operation: Vacation


Jett (84)

Jett (85)

The UNSTOPPABLE // Jett card shows Jett at the height of her power, casting her Blade Storm and Tailwind. It is reminiscent of the retconned Jett card from the game's Beta.

Jett (86)

Jett (87)





Jett (88)

Jett (89)

Enter the Duelists
The Enter the Duelists card shows all the Duelists (except for Reyna) collectively rushing into A Site on Ascent.

Jett (90)

Jett (91)

Enter the Duelists


Enter the Duelists


Jett (92)

Jett (93)


Find all of Jett's voicelines here


  • Jett is the only Agent to have three different dev codenames, which are 'Woosh', 'Wushu', and 'Hawk'.
  • Jett's VA, Shannon Williams, has claimed on Twitter that Jett is Korean-American[12]. However, Riot ParmCheesy confirmed on December 12th, 2022 in a small QnA on the VALORANT Lore // Art server that Jett is fully Korean, not Korean-American.[13]
  • Shannon has also said in a Twitch stream highlight that Jett's voice was supposed to be Korean-British, but that didn't "sound beautiful" according to the directors, causing a change to her current Korean-American voice.
  • In a scrapped voice line, Jett says she wishes that people would stop thinking that 'what happened to Venice' was her fault. This would later line up with the reveal of Omega Earth.
  • In a removed voiceline, Raze referred to Jett as 'Joon-Hee'. This has been retconned, with her real name being Han Sunwoo (Sunwoo Han, when Anglicized) according to her dossier.
  • As with every other Agent, Jett has a Spotify playlist:


  • Jett's Agent page Go
  • Jett's Voicelines Go
  • Jett's Voice Actor (Shannon Williams) Go
  • The DUELISTS cinematic Go
  • The DUALITY cinematic Go
  • The RETAKE cinematic Go


  1. Riot KingKut on Agent Ages - Discord QnA Go
  2. Riot KingKut on Agent Ages, among other topics - Reddit AmA Go
  3. Phoenix and Jett did not meet before DUELISTS - Discord QnA with Riot KingKut Go
  4. Ω-Sage and Ω-Skye revitalized the fallen Omega Agents after they died in RETAKE - Reddit AMA with Narrative Lead, Riot ParmCheesy Go
  5. Narrative Lead Riot ParmCheesy on how the team intends to portray death in the cinematics - Discord QnA Go
  6. An explicit confirmation that Jett wasn't canonically killed in RETAKE - Twitter post by Creative Director, Riot KingKut Go
  7. An archive of all the announcements that play at Pearl can be found at Kingdom Archives Go
  8. The VALORANT Height Chart - Riot KingKut Go
  9. Riot KingKut confirming Height Chart order is canon Go
  10. The VALORANT Height Chart, updated with new Agents (up till Harbor) Go
  11. The logic behind Sage's 'Brief, tragic life' voiceline - Discord QnA with Senior Narrative Writer Riot ParmCheesy Go
  12. Shannon Williams' now retconned statement that Jett was Korean-AmericanGo
  13. ParmCheesy confirms that Jett is fully Korean rather than Korean-AmericanGo (must join VALORANT Lore // Art discord server to view)
Jett (2024)
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