Is the US economic system fair? Republicans, Democrats divided (2024)

Around six-in-ten U.S. adults (63%) say the nation’s economic system unfairly favors powerful interests, compared with a third (33%) who say it is generally fair to most Americans, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. While overall views on this question are little changed in recent years, the partisan divide has grown.

For the first time since the Center first asked the question in 2014, a clear majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (57%) now say the economic system is generally fair to most Americans. As recently as the spring of 2016, a 54% majority of Republicans took the view that the economic system unfairly favors powerful interests.

And while wide majorities of Democrats and Democratic leaners have long said that the U.S. economic system unfairly favors powerful interests, the share who say this has increased since 2016 – from 76% then to 84% today.

Is the US economic system fair? Republicans, Democrats divided (1)

Partisan differences extend to beliefs about why people are poor or rich.

Democrats and Democratic leaners are more likely to say the reason someone is poor generally has more to do with circ*mstances beyond their control (69%) than with a lack of effort (18%). Among Republicans and Republican leaners, a larger share says a person is poor more because of a lack of effort (48%) than because of circ*mstances beyond an individual’s control (31%).

Among U.S. adults overall, 52% point to circ*mstances beyond a person’s control, while 31% say it is a lack of effort on his or her part; 12% volunteer both are equal contributors.

Is the US economic system fair? Republicans, Democrats divided (2)

When it comes to why a person is rich, the public overall is divided: 43% of U.S. adults say it is more because they worked harder than most other people, while 42% say it is more because they had greater advantages in life than most other people. Again, the two partisan coalitions have strikingly different views on this question.

About seven-in-ten Republicans (71%) say a person is generally more likely to be rich because they worked harder than others, and just 18% say a person’s wealth is more likely to be the result of having more advantages in life. By contrast, just 22% of Democrats say wealth is generally more likely to be the result of working harder, while 62% say it generally has more to do with advantages others did not have.

Among Republicans, there is a substantial ideological divide on this question: Nearly eight-in-ten conservative Republicans and Republican leaners (79%) say a person is more likely to be rich because they worked harder, compared with 49% among moderate and liberal Republicans. There is a more modest ideological gap among Democrats.

Is the US economic system fair? Republicans, Democrats divided (3)

While Republicans have long been more likely than Democrats to attribute someone’s wealth to hard work, the partisan gap on this question has roughly doubled (from 25 to 49 percentage points) in the last four years.

The share of Republicans who attribute wealth more to hard work has steadily increased since 2014, from 54% to 71%. In the same time frame, there has been a more modest 7-percentage-point shift in the other direction among Democrats.

Views of why some people are rich and poor also vary by family income. Those with annual family incomes of $75,000 or more are more likely than those with incomes of less than $30,000 (49% vs. 36%) to say being wealthy is more attributable to hard work than to a person’s advantages. Those with lower incomes, in turn, are more likely than those with higher incomes to say a person is poor more because of circ*mstances beyond their control than because of a lack of effort.

Is the US economic system fair? Republicans, Democrats divided (4)

Correction: An earlier version of this blog post incorrectly cited the time span in which the partisan gap on views of the reasons why a person is rich roughly doubled.

Is the US economic system fair? Republicans, Democrats divided (5)

Amina Dunn is a research analyst focusing on U.S. politics and policy at Pew Research Center.

Is the US economic system fair? Republicans, Democrats divided (2024)


Is the economic system fair in the US? ›

Around six-in-ten U.S. adults (63%) say the nation's economic system unfairly favors powerful interests, compared with a third (33%) who say it is generally fair to most Americans, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

What type of economic system does the US have? ›

Since the U.S. uses a capitalistic system, it stresses the use of markets for allocating goods and the effective use of resources. However, not all markets are competitive and the government does interfere in many instances.

What is the Republican Party's view on the economy? ›

To this end, they advocate in favor of laissez-faire economics, limited government, free markets and free trade, tax cuts, reduced government spending, privatization, and the reduction of government run welfare programs in favor of private-sector nonprofits and encouraging personal responsibility.

What is the Democratic Party's view on the economy? ›

Democrats support a more progressive tax structure to provide more services and reduce economic inequality by making sure that the wealthiest Americans pay the highest tax rate. They also support more government spending on social services while spending less on the military.

Is the US economy good or bad? ›

The newest data suggests the U.S. economy is slowing down. Consumers are still spending, and companies are still hiring and investing, but not at the same pace as last year. At the same time, the economy continues to defy predictions of an imminent recession.

Is the US economy still good? ›

The size of the U.S economy is now over 5 percent above its 2019 level. Core inflation in the United States is now lower than in many major advanced economies. The U.S. labor market recovery has been exceptionally strong.

Which economic system is best and why? ›

Capitalism is the greatest economic system because it has numerous benefits and creates multiple opportunities for individuals in society. Some of these benefits include producing wealth and innovation, improving the lives of individuals, and giving power to the people.

Who controls the US economy? ›

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.

What are the three economic systems in the US? ›

There are three main types of economic systems: command, market, and mixed. We will briefly describe each of these three types.

What can Republicans do for the economy? ›

Republicans' Commitment to America can deliver an economy that's strong, where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the American dream.
  • Fight Inflation & Increase Take-Home Pay Through Pro-Growth Tax Policies.
  • Make America Energy Independent and Reduce Gas Prices:
Nov 4, 2022

What do liberals believe about the economy? ›

Economic liberals commonly adhere to a political and economic philosophy that advocates a restrained fiscal policy and a balanced budget through measures such as low taxes, reduced government spending, and minimized government debt.

Which party raises taxes the most? ›

Who Pays More Income Taxes? GOP's Rescue America: 76 million families. According to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC), the GOP tax plan raises taxes on 43% of Americans, most earning less than $54,000 annually. Biden and Congressional Democrats: 1 million families.

How do Democrats feel about taxes? ›

New Democrats believe comprehensive tax reform should: 1. Put middle class families first; 2. Support workers and enable them to invest in themselves and their jobs; 3. Simplify the tax code to enable private sector growth and small business fairness; 4.

What is the role of the government in the economy? ›

Economists, however, identify six major functions of governments in market economies. Governments provide the legal and social framework, maintain competition, provide public goods and services, redistribute income, correct for externalities, and stabilize the economy.

Who did the Democratic Republicans favor? ›

In foreign affairs, the party advocated western expansion and tended to favor France over Britain, though the party's pro-French stance faded after Napoleon took power. The Democratic-Republicans were strongest in the South and the western frontier, and weakest in New England.

Who has a better economy than the US? ›

Switzerland. Switzerland, officially called the Swiss Confederation, is a small country in Central Europe made up of 16,000 square miles of glacier-carved Alps, lakes and valleys. It's one of the world's wealthiest countries, and has been well-known for centuries for its neutrality.

Who has the best economy in US? ›

Overall, in the calendar year 2022, the United States' Nominal GDP at Current Prices totaled at $25.463 Trillion, as compared to $23.315 Trillion in 2021. The three U.S. states with the highest GDPs were California ($3.6 Trillion), Texas ($2.356 Trillion), and New York ($2.053 Trillion).

What is the strongest economy in the US? ›

Washington ranks first overall out of all state economies, but it also ranks highly in other categories, WalletHub found. Of the three key dimensions, the Evergreen State ranked second for economic activity and innovation potential but is 14th for economic health.

Who has the best economy in the world? ›

United States

Is the US economy growing or declining? ›

Gross domestic product increased 1.1 percent in the first quarter as consumer spending remained robust despite higher interest rates.

How is the economy doing right now 2023? ›

Advanced economies are expected to see an especially pronounced growth slowdown, from 2.7 percent in 2022 to 1.3 percent in 2023. In a plausible alternative scenario with further financial sector stress, global growth declines to about 2.5 percent in 2023 with advanced economy growth falling below 1 percent.

How to survive capitalism? ›

  1. 1) “There is No Wealth Like Knowledge…”
  2. 2) Use Your Time and Attention Capital Wisely.
  3. 3) Recognize the Lifestyle That's Already Been Designed for You.
  4. 4) Prioritize Social Capital.
  5. 5) Redefine Wealth.
  6. 6) Engage Less in our Harmful Capitalist Economy.
  7. 7) Participate in Ways that Bring about a New Economic Model.

What is the most effective type of economy? ›

Market economies have little government intervention, allowing private ownership to determine all business decisions concerning how a business is run. This type of economy leads to greater efficiency, productivity, and innovation. World Population Review.

What are the top 3 economic systems? ›

There are three main types of economies: free market, command, and mixed.

Why is the US economy so strong? ›

There are two things that matter to an economy in the long term: the size of its workforce and the productivity thereof. A higher fertility rate and a more open immigration system have long given America a demographic advantage over most other wealthy countries, and that continues.

How much debt is the US in? ›

In this graphic, Julie Peasley shows how many one-dollar bills it would take to stack up to the total U.S. debt of $31.4 trillion.

What made America wealthy? ›

The integration of far-flung settlements required new technologies — steam engines, canals and railroads — setting the country on a natural course to industrial development. In sum, slavery and conquest created the foundation upon which the U.S. economy grew.

What is the US economy based on? ›

The United States of America, one of the world's largest economies, operates as a free market economy in consumer goods and business services. The government imposes regulations even in those areas to protect the good of all.

What is the most common economic system today? ›

Mixed capitalist economies predominate today.

What is the basic economic system? ›

The traditional economic system is based on goods, services, and work, all of which follow certain established trends. It relies a lot on people, and there is very little division of labor or specialization. In essence, the traditional economy is very basic and the most ancient of the four types.

What do Democrats believe in? ›

From workers' rights to protecting the environment, equal pay to fighting the special interests, Democrats believe we can and should make life better for families across our nation. fairness, justice, and equality for all by standing up for all middle-class Americans and those struggling to get there.

What does political economy deal with? ›

Political economy is an interdisciplinary branch of the social sciences. It focuses on the interrelationships among individuals, governments, and public policy. Political economists study how economic theories such as capitalism, socialism, and communism work in the real world.

What do Republicans think about foreign policy? ›

The Republican Party of the United States has held a variety of views on foreign policy and national defense over the course of its existence. Generally speaking, it has advocated for a more militaristic foreign policy (with the exception of isolationist and libertarian elements).

What are the economic values of conservatives? ›

Economic views

Fiscal conservatives typically support tax cuts, reduced government spending, free markets, deregulation, privatization, free trade, minimal government debt, and a balanced budget.

What is the difference between a liberal and a conservative economy? ›

With many conservatives believing in "trickle-down" economics, they favor a small government that collects fewer taxes and spends less. In contrast, liberals believe many citizens rely on government services for healthcare, unemployment insurance, health and safety regulations, and so on.

What do most liberals believe in? ›

The fundamental liberal ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, the right to due process and equality under the law are widely accepted as a common foundation of liberalism.

Which country has the most fair economy? ›

Norway. The country with the most egalitarian economy in the world is Norway. And it is also positively: it distributes its wealth upward, not downward. Its high rent per capita allows the Scandinavian country to implement policies aimed at redistributing wealth.

Is economic inequality fair? ›

Inequality is seen as fair when it is considered consistent with broadly shared normative rules. Disagreements arise from ambiguities in whether these normative rules have been violated. Fairness judgments are affected by information, self-interest, group-interest, and system justification.

Why is the US economy so good? ›

There are two things that matter to an economy in the long term: the size of its workforce and the productivity thereof. A higher fertility rate and a more open immigration system have long given America a demographic advantage over most other wealthy countries, and that continues.

Is the capitalist system fair? ›

Capitalism is Fair by the “Fairness as Process” Standard

Most advocates of capitalism view differences in material wealth in free market societies as an inevitable byproduct of the fact that there are differences in talent and differences in tastes as they relate to effort, investment, and risk taking.

Is the US the most economically free country? ›

The United States' economic freedom score is 70.6, making its economy the 25th freest in the 2023 Index. Its score is 1.5 points lower than last year. The U.S. is ranked 3rd out of 32 countries in the Americas region, and its overall score remains above the world and regional averages.

How is the US inequality compared to other countries? ›

The United States' Gini coefficient was forty in 2019—the same as Bulgaria's and Turkey's, and significantly higher than that of Canada, France, and Germany—according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a group of advanced economies.

Which country has most inequality? ›

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Wealth Inequality (World Bank Gini index):
  • South Africa - 63.0%
  • Namibia - 59.1%
  • Suriname - 57.9%
  • Zambia - 57.1%
  • Sao Tome and Principe - 56.3%
  • Central African Republic - 56.2%
  • Eswatini - 54.6%
  • Mozambique - 54.0%

Is there income inequality in America? ›

Americans have the highest income inequality in the rich world and over the past 20–30 years Americans have also experienced the greatest increase in income inequality among rich nations.

Why is there wealth inequality in America? ›

Those who are not wealthy are more likely to have their money in savings accounts and home ownership. This difference comprises the largest reason for the continuation of wealth inequality in America: the rich are accumulating more assets while the middle and working classes are just getting by.

What is the wealth divide in the United States? ›

Unmarried female householders of any age had a median wealth of $36,600. That was 73.0% of their unmarried male counterparts' median wealth of $50,160 and only 13.6% of their married counterparts' median wealth of $269,000. Such disparities by sex and marital status persisted over most age groups.

What is the greatest weakness in the US economy? ›

  • Low labour market participation.
  • High household debt.
  • Polarised political landscape.
  • Decrease in fertility rate.
  • Outdated infrastructure.
  • Growing income and wealth inequalities overlapping with territorial and racial inequalities.
  • Trade conflict and technological competition with China.

Who has the best economy in the US? ›

Overall, in the calendar year 2022, the United States' Nominal GDP at Current Prices totaled at $25.463 Trillion, as compared to $23.315 Trillion in 2021. The three U.S. states with the highest GDPs were California ($3.6 Trillion), Texas ($2.356 Trillion), and New York ($2.053 Trillion).

Which economic system is better for society? ›

As many in history have experienced, capitalism is the ideal economic system for people around the world. Again, capitalism produces wealth and innovation, improves the lives of individuals, and gives power to the people.

Is capitalism good or bad for the poor? ›

By assuming the autonomy of the individual, capitalism grants dignity to the poor. By affirming people's right to their own labor, regardless of their position on the economic ladder, capitalism offers the poor the means to improve their own well-being.

Why capitalism is not working well? ›

In capitalist economies, there is limited government intervention and reliance on free markets. However, market forces ignore external costs and external benefits. Therefore, we may get over-production and over-consumption of goods that cause harmful effects to third parties.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.