Is Swing Trading Profitable? Top 3 Factors Making a Living as Swing Trader (Does it work?) (2024)

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Last Updated on 20 April, 2023 by Samuelsson

When enquiring about whether swing trading is for you, one of the most sensible things to ask is if you can make a lot of money. So, is swing trading profitable?

Yes, swing trading is profitable, and you certainly can beat the market over long periods of time. However, this requires a good trading strategy, and enough discipline to stay with it throughout its ups and downs.

In this article, we’ll have a look at what determines how much money you can make as a swing trader, and what you should focus on to make more money.

Let’s start

How Much Money Can You Make From Swing Trading?

There are a lot of factors that determine how much money you can make, but these three are the most significant ones:

  • The trading strategy
  • Opportunity
  • Position size

Let’s take them one by one.

The swing trading strategy

One of the main determinants of how much money you can make is the swing trading strategy you use. Quite logically, a good strategy is more likely to make a lot of money than a bad one.

However, most people who want to start trading don’t even have a working trading strategy, even if they believe they do. To be sure that you have something that works, you must first have verified the strategy on historical data. This is something we cover more in-depth in our article on how to build a trading strategy.


The second important aspect is the opportunity, which simply is how often your strategy gives a signal to buy. The number of signals you get is not only decided by the strategy itself, but also on how many markets you trade that strategy on. For instance, a mean reversion strategy that trades nearly all the stocks in the S&P 500 will provide a lot of signals for you to choose from, which leads to higher returns as your capital doesn’t sit idle for long periods of time.

Don’t miss: How to start swing trading

Position Size

This one is quite obvious. The more money you risk, the more money you’ll make or lose on each trade.

However, the size of your trades shouldn’t be determined by how much you want to make, but by how much you can risk. Trading is a marathon that should be done long term. Thus, it’s paramount that you preserve your capital to be able to trade not only today, but also tomorrow.

Generally, you should try to never risk more than 2% of your account balance on one trade! This ensures that you’ll be able to continue trading, even if you’re hit by a streak of losing trades!

So How Much Money Can You Make?

Having covered the three factors that determine how much money you’ll make, we’ll now discuss what types of returns that are reasonable.

In general, we would say that any return from 10 to 30% is reasonable to expect in the long run, provided that you have a strategy that works, and manage to carry out the signals in a correct manner.

As with the stock market in general, these gains won’t be evenly distributed over all years. It’s not uncommon to experience drawdowns that may persist for as long as a year. Conversely, you’ll have great periods when everything seems to go your way as you achieve outstanding yearly returns!

This is the reason why a long term outlook is important in trading. Profits tend to come in bug chunks now and then, and many new traders stop trading during a prolonged drawdown, just to see their trading strategy take off shortly thereafter.

Don’t miss: Is Swing Trading Hard?

Related reading: Is Swing Trading More Profitable (better) Than Long-Term Investing?

But Can’t I Make More?

We know that there are a lot of traders and vendors that claim that you can make a lot more, and we won’t say they’re lying.

However, what is 100% certain, is that most traders won’t get much higher returns long term than these. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t come as a disappointment for those who are into trading long term. Achieving a 20% average annual return will take you extremely far in the long run.

In fact, with a 20% annual return after taxes, you’ll have more than 6 times the original sum after 10 years.

And after 20 years, that will be 38 times the original sum.

Remember that there are many get-rich-quick schemes that promise quick and easy riches. These are nothing but scams and should be avoided at all costs. The quickest way to become rich is through long-term planning and consistency. If you understand this, you have come further than most other people, and actually stand a real chance to become rich one day!

How to Maximize Your Swing Trading Returns

Is Swing Trading Profitable? Top 3 Factors Making a Living as Swing Trader (Does it work?) (2)

Okay, so now we’ll get directly to the most interesting part of this article, which is how you can maximize and improve your swing trading returns.

Just before we go on, I want to encourage everybody who yet hasn’t started swing trading to read our complete guide to swing trading. There you’ll learn a lot of valuable know-how that certainly will fast track your learning curve!

When looking to improve our trading performance, there are three areas we should focus on, namely:

  • The trading strategy
  • opportunity
  • Transactional Costs

The Trading Strategy

As we went through earlier, the trading strategy is the tool that will give you an advantage in the markets, which means that your returns are very dependent on the quality of that strategy. This is something we’ve already covered, so we wanted to shed some light on another important factor, which is diversification across several types of strategies.

By trading more than one trading strategy, you’re becoming less dependant on one type of market behavior. For example. mean reversion strategies that enter once a stock has fallen too much are going to issue most of their signals once the market has fallen a lot. And since most stocks are very correlated, you’ll find that you sometimes have way more signals than you can take, while there will be some other periods when the strategy is flat, since most stocks are making new highs.

Due to this reason, it’s good to rely on several trading strategies that don’t use the exact same logic. Preferably, you should have strategies that work by the exact opposite logics, such as trend following and mean reversion. That way you’ll experience less flat periods, since your trend following system will kick in as most stocks go higher, while your mean reversion strategy will kick in as soon as the market has become oversold.


As we discussed earlier, having a lot of signals to choose from is crucial when it comes to trading performance. We want to have our capital in the markets, not lying around in cash.

Now, in addition to trading more trading strategies, you may also decide to enter into new markets on other exchanges or even foreign countries. There are several brokers that let you trade foreign markets in a cost-effective and cheap way. Interactive brokers are the perhaps most used and trusted alternative.

Beware of Transactional Costs!

Keeping costs low is absolutely crucial in order to have your account grow as fast as possible. Even though a couple of dollars in commission might not sound that much, it quickly adds up over time. Especially if you trade a system that has many trades and a relatively low average trade.

Today there are many brokers who have started to offer free commission on trades, which makes it much easier for new traders – especially for those with small accounts – to start trading.

Another useful tip is to try to trade markets and stocks with high volume. Doing so, you’ll incur less slippage, which otherwise could have a quite significant impact on your trading performance!

Swing Trading VS Day trading: Which One Is More Profitable?

Is Swing Trading Profitable? Top 3 Factors Making a Living as Swing Trader (Does it work?) (4)

Many new traders want to learn day trading since they believe that it’s the way to quick and easy profits. Often times they have watched the videos and material of many fake trading gurus, who promise that everybody can day trade with ease and that profits will accrue if you just follow their secret trading strategy.

Well, if anybody tells you this, run as fast as you can, because you’re getting scammed!

Day trading is of the hardest trading forms to master, both from a psychological and technical perspective. Daytrading strategies are much harder to find than swing trading strategies, and operating them requires another level of stamina. A swing trading strategy can be operated with as little as 15 minutes spent every day, which cannot be compared to the constant monitoring that’s required to run a day trading strategy.

Because of these reasons, swing trading is a much more feasible trading style for most investors.

In addition, day trading strategies are much more sensible to slippage and other transactional costs, since they generally have a quite small average trade.

So, for most people, the short answer is that swing trading is the more profitable option!

Related reading: Does Swing Trading Work?


  1. Can swing trading be a lucrative investment strategy?

It is possible for swing trading to be a lucrative investment strategy, but it is not guaranteed. Like any investment approach, swing trading carries risks and it is important for traders to thoroughly research and understand the market before making trades.

  1. Is it possible to make money through swing trading?

Yes, it is possible to make money through swing trading. However, there are no guarantees in the stock market and swing trading carries risks like any other investment approach.

  1. What are the potential

    returns of swing trading?

The potential returns of swing trading can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the trader’s level of experience, risk tolerance, and the overall performance of the market. It is important for traders to carefully consider their investment goals and risk appetite before engaging in swing trading.

  1. Can swing trading be a reliable source of income?

Swing trading can potentially be a reliable source of income, but it is not guaranteed. As with any investment approach, swing trading carries risks and it is important for traders to thoroughly research and understand the market before making trades.

  1. How profitable is swing trading compared to other investment approaches?

It is difficult to compare the profitability of swing trading to other investment approaches, as the potential returns can vary widely depending on a number of factors such as the trader’s level of experience, risk tolerance, and the overall performance of the market. It is important for traders to carefully consider their investment goals and risk appetite before deciding on an investment strategy.

  1. Is it common for swing traders to see profit?

It is not uncommon for swing traders to see profit, but it is not guaranteed. As with any investment approach, swing trading carries risks and it is important for traders to thoroughly research and understand the market before making trades.

  1. How successful can swing traders be in the long run?

The success of swing traders in the long run can vary widely depending on a number of factors, such as the trader’s level of experience, risk tolerance, and the overall performance of the market. It is important for traders to carefully consider their investment goals and risk appetite before engaging in swing trading.

  1. Are the profits from swing trading consistent or sporadic?

The profits from swing trading can be either consistent or sporadic, depending on a number of factors such as the trader’s level of experience, risk tolerance, and the overall performance of the market. It is important for traders to carefully consider their investment goals and risk appetite before deciding on an investment strategy.

  1. How much money can be made through swing trading on average?

It is difficult to determine how much money can be made through swing trading on average, as the potential returns can vary widely depending on a number of factors such as the trader’s level of experience, risk tolerance, and the overall performance of the market. It is important for traders to carefully consider their investment goals and risk appetite before deciding on an investment strategy.

  1. Is swing trading a high-risk or low-risk investment strategy?

Swing trading can be either a high-risk or low-risk investment strategy depending on the trader’s level of risk tolerance and the specific trades they make. It is important for traders to carefully consider their investment goals and risk appetite before deciding on an investment strategy.

Ending Words

As a swing trader, your profit is determined by your position size, opportunity, and trading strategy. And if you get all these right, you could easily outperform the market by a quite substantial margin, which will make a huge difference long term!

If you want to learn more about swing trading, we once again recommend that you have a look at our complete swing trading guide.

Here you can find our archive with all our swing trading articles.

Is Swing Trading Profitable? Top 3 Factors Making a Living as Swing Trader (Does it work?) (2024)


Is swing trading profitable? ›

The best time frame for swing trading can also extend to a few weeks, depending on the market. Usually, traders who hold for a longer duration expect to make 20-25% profits on their stocks. However, the profit goal for swing trade stocks is in the range of 5-10%.

What are the factors of swing trading? ›

There's two key variables to consider when choosing the stocks to swing trade: liquidity and volatility. The best candidates are large-cap stocks, which are among the most actively traded stocks on the major exchanges. In an active market, these stocks will high transaction volume.

What is the most profitable swing trading strategy? ›

Wait for the price to break below Support. If the price breaks below Support, then wait for a strong price rejection (a close above Support) If there's a strong price rejection, then go long on the next candle open. Set your stop loss 1 ATR below the candle low and take profits before Resistance.

Why is swing trading more profitable? ›

Swing traders will often look for opportunities on the daily charts and may watch one-hour or 15-minute charts to find precise entry, stop-loss, and take-profit levels. Swing trading requires less time to trade than day trading. It maximizes short-term profit potential by capturing the bulk of market swings.

Can I do swing trading for living? ›

One of the reasons swing trading is so profitable is because the expenses associated with this type of market action are low and do not add up as quickly as they do with other types of trading. Remember, it takes money to make money and also costs money to make money in the live markets.

Is swing trading a good strategy? ›

Swing trading is often considered better for beginners compared to scalp trading or day trading. Swing trading requires less skill and trading expertise. In addition, swing trading usually requires less time as it does not demand a trader be actively involved in scanning positions.

What is the golden rule of swing trading? ›

Golden Rules

Sell out if you think you are wrong. Buy back when you believe you are right. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER listen to anyone else's opinion! Only YOU know when your trade isn't working.

Why do people fail swing trading? ›

The main reason 90% of swing traders don't make a profit from their efforts is that they don't take it seriously enough. They open an account, read a few articles, and try and dive right in. Learning swing trading is an ongoing process that should never stop.

What is the 1 rule for swing trading? ›

Risking 1% or less per trade is the standard for most professional traders. For day traders and swing traders, the 1% risk rule means you use as much capital as required to initiate a trade, but your stop loss placement protects you from losing more than 1% of your account if the trade goes against you.

What is the 5 3 1 rule in trading? ›

Intro: 5-3-1 trading strategy

The numbers five, three and one stand for: Five currency pairs to learn and trade. Three strategies to become an expert on and use with your trades. One time to trade, the same time every day.

How much can a good swing trader make? ›

Swing Trading Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$153,500$12,791
75th Percentile$100,500$8,375
25th Percentile$34,000$2,833

What is the best timeframe for swing trading? ›

Start with trades to hold the trade for a few days. This is called 'Positional Trading' or 'Swing Trading'. An active swing trader usually keeps his trading position open for a few days. The best lookback period for a swing trader is 6 months to 1 year.

Is swing trading better than long term investing? ›

Returns (Profit & Time)

You may earn less profit percentage per swing trade compared to investing – that much is true. Swing traders are content with 5-10% profits per trade, whereas long term investors can earn upwards of 25%, 50%, 200% – you get the point.

Is it better to day trade or swing trade? ›

Day trading and swing trading are two very different approaches to short-term investing. If you're more interested in an exciting, higher-risk environment that requires greater attention, day trading is better for you.

Has anyone made money swing trading? ›

When done correctly using sound trading rules, swing trading can absolutely produce big gains. Even though you're aiming for 5-10% profit in a swing trade, those gains add up quickly when you reinvest the profits in new stocks and grow the overall size of your portfolio.

How much money can I make a month swing trading? ›

For a day trader it may be $1,000/day, and for a swing trader it may be $5,000 or $12,000 or $60,000 per month. Each trader has a different level where they feel comfortable. That is not to say you can't keep compounding your returns, but as your income grows the motivation to do it becomes less and less.

How much capital do you need to swing trade full time? ›

You'll likely want to build up to and keep at least $10,000 in your account, preferably $20,000 if you're looking to draw an income from swing trading. One good rule of thumb for swing trading is to have about $1,500 to start with. This amount of capital will allow you to enter at least a few trades at once.

What are the disadvantages of swing trading? ›

The cons of swing trading
  • There is exposure to overnight and weekend price gaps. In swing trading, trades stay open overnight, and in some cases, over the weekend. ...
  • There is the possibility of missing exceptional stocks. ...
  • Market timing is difficult. ...
  • The trading cost can easily add up.

Why is swing trading so hard? ›

Swing trading can be challenging, as it involves making quick decisions based on market movements and potentially holding positions for only a few days. It also requires a solid understanding of technical analysis and the ability to monitor the markets closely.

What is the thumb rule of swing trading? ›

The general rule of thumb is to go long only if the price is up trending, and to go short only if the price is down trending. By following the existing trend in place, you will substantially improve your odds of success as a trader.

Can I start swing trading with $1000? ›

However, we see many new traders start small with just $1,000 in their accounts. This is a pretty good starting place for new traders because your risk is pretty limited.

How do you master swing trading? ›

Swing trading is a short-term trading strategy that involves holding trades for a few days to a few weeks. The steps for a successful swing trading strategy include identifying trends and chart patterns, selecting the right indicators, setting entry and exit points, and managing risk.

Why do 90% traders fail? ›

One of the biggest reasons traders lose money is a lack of knowledge and education. Many people are drawn to trading because they believe it's a way to make quick money without investing much time or effort. However, this is a dangerous misconception that often leads to losses.

What personality is swing trading? ›

Swing Trading

Swing traders almost always hold their trades overnight. So if you'd be nervous holding a trade while away from a computer, this is not the style for you. Swing trading generally requires a larger stop-loss than day trading. The ability to keep calm when a trade is against you is vital.

What is 123 rule in trading? ›

The 123-chart pattern is a three-wave formation, where every move reaches a pivot point. This is where the name of the pattern comes from, the 1-2-3 pivot points. 123 pattern works in both directions. In the first case, a bullish trend turns into a bearish one.

What is 90% rule in trading? ›

In trading, there is a popular maxim claiming that 90% of traders lose 90% of their money in the first 90 days, otherwise known as the 90/90/90 rule.

What is the 90 120 rule in trading? ›

For common stock, the holding must exceed 60 days throughout the 120-day period, which begins 60 days before the ex-dividend date. Preferred stock must have a holding period of at least 90 days during the 180-day period that begins 90 days before the stock's ex-dividend date.

How often do swing traders trade? ›

In conclusion, you can swing trade as often as you want. It all depends on how long your trades last, the number of trades your capital can carry, and how many trades you can comfortably manage at a time. On average though, many swing traders take about 20-22 trades per month.

How many positions should a swing trader have? ›

For SwingTrader performance, we use a model portfolio. To keep things simple, eight full positions of equal weight put us at 100% invested. It's a number suggested by IBD Founder William J. O'Neil in his book "How To Make Money In Stocks." That means a full position starts out at 12.5%.

Why is day trading harder than swing trading? ›

Swing traders stay active for a few hours daily and don't stay glued to the computers the whole day. Day trading requires full dedication and time. It takes less expertise to swing trade than day trading.

What is the best chart to look at for swing trading? ›

Swing charts, in their most basic form, are composed of price bars, which represent price behavior during a given time. Most technical traders have probably seen a bar chart, as it is the most common type of chart.

What's a good return on a swing trade? ›

Let's start with the basics of a swing trading strategy. Rather than targeting 20% to 25% profits for most of your stocks, the profit goal is a more modest 10%, or even just 5% in tougher markets.

How long does it take to make money swing trading? ›

It takes at least 6 to 12 months to consistently make money from day trading or swing trading, if working at it full time or with a mentor. Six months is the quickest; most take longer.

What is the most profitable way to day trade? ›

Scalping is one of the most popular strategies. It involves selling almost immediately after a trade becomes profitable. The price target is whatever figure means that you'll make money on the trade. Fading involves shorting stocks after rapid moves upward.

How much do swing traders make a year? ›

For example Java Swing Developer jobs pay as much as $68,784 (189.9%) more than the average Swing Trading salary of $36,216.

Is swing trading profitable for beginners? ›

One of the main benefits of swing trading is that while it doesn't take much time, you can earn large profits for the time invested. This trading style can be anything you want it to be. If you are willing to dedicate yourself entirely to it, you can easily earn a living through swing trading alone.

Is swing trading more profitable than investing? ›

Without a doubt, swing trading offers better returns – both in terms of profit and time. You may earn less profit percentage per swing trade compared to investing – that much is true.

What percentage of swing traders succeed? ›

That suggests that the average swing trading success rate is somewhere around 10% – meaning 10% of swing traders actually bring in profit over the course of a year.

How long does it take to become a successful swing trader? ›

You will need to be patient and be ready to work hard. For learning swing trading, it takes at least 6 months and for intraday trading, at least a year. So don't get discouraged by the time required because this is a skill that will make you money for the rest of your life.

What is the average monthly return of swing traders? ›

The average return of swing trading is said to be 10%.

Which indicator is best for swing trading? ›

Top 5 swing trading indicators
  • Moving averages.
  • Volume.
  • Ease of movement.
  • Relative strength index (RSI)
  • Stochastic oscillator.

What is the 2% rule in swing trading? ›

One popular method is the 2% Rule, which means you never put more than 2% of your account equity at risk (Table 1). For example, if you are trading a $50,000 account, and you choose a risk management stop loss of 2%, you could risk up to $1,000 on any given trade.

How many stocks should I buy for swing trading? ›

For SwingTrader performance, we use a model portfolio. To keep things simple, eight full positions of equal weight put us at 100% invested. It's a number suggested by IBD Founder William J. O'Neil in his book "How To Make Money In Stocks." That means a full position starts out at 12.5%.

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