Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (2024) promotes themselves as “the world’s largest investing community powered by the wisdom and diversity of crowdsourcing.”

Since their launch in 2004 they have become one of the most popular stock research sites with over 20 million visits per month.

Like most sites, some of their information is available for free; but the valuable information is only available to paid or Premium users.They currently have 2 paid products:

  1. Seeking Alpha Premium — This service allows you full access to all of their features, including the “Quant Rating” on any stock you choose. This service is for those investors who want to do their own research.
  2. Alpha Picks — This service is their stock recommendation service and makes picking stocks easy. It is for people that don’t want to do their own research on stocks and would rather just be told what stocks to buy each month. Twice a month they release a stock recommendation that has one of their highest “Quant Ratings.”

So what is so special about this “Quant Rating”? It is their secret sauce!

Here’s all you need to know: Since 2010, stocks that have had their highest “Quant Rating” have outperform the market by 5x.

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (1)

Do you see that? Investing in Seeking Alpha’s Strong Buy stocks would give you a $185,853 return compared to the S&P500’s $37,930. That is a factor of 5x; and an average annualized return of 27%.

So, Is Seeking Alpha Worth It?

Based on the fact that their “Strong Buy” rated stocks have drastically outperformed the market by 5x, and with their current price promotion of $99 for a year (normally $239)–the answer is absolutely YES!

Price Drop: For the month of February, try either service for just $99!

If you want to buy stocks that are mostly likely to outperform the market and avoid those stocks that are likely to underperform, then YES, it is definitely worth it.

To be clear, Seeking Alpha offers 2 paid subscription products:

  • Seeking Alpha Premium–This service is for investors who want to research their own stocks, check on the rating of their stocks, and have access to ALL of research and reports on the Seeking Alpha platform. This review focuses on this Seeking Alpha Premium product.
  • Alpha Picks–This service is for investor who just want to be told what to buy. If you just want a list of their 2 highest rated stocks each month, then you should consider their Alpha Picks service.
    • March 3, 2023 Alpha Picks Update: I’ve been a paid subscriber to Seeking Alpha’s Picks since their launch in July, 2022. After the first 8 months, they are delivering EXACTLY WHAT THE PROMISE. Their picks are up 30% vs SP’s 8%. They are performing better than the Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers picks. Seeking Alpha’s Picks include NUE (up 59%), MHO (up 61%) and AMR (up 28%).
    • Most significantly, one of their August 2022 picks was just acquired and that resulted in a 57% gain in just 6 months!
    • See our ALPHA PICKS REVIEW to get more information about this $99 service.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you everything you need to know about Seeking Alpha Premium.

A Quick Intro To

The Seeking Alpha platform is powered by information, ideas, research, analysis, and opinions crowdsourced from its users.

This means that their users submit their thoughts and research on U.S. stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, commodities and cryptocurrencies. But this is no simple “message board.” Their posts are more like well thought-out research reports that are then reviewed by the Seeking Alpha editorial staff to make sure the content passes a quality review.

They have over 7,000 writers and publish 10,000 stock opinions per month.But don’t worry, the Seeking Alpha team scrutinizes its authors carefully to make sure that they are credible and don’t have any conflicts of interest with the stocks they’re discussing.

In addition to all their contributed stock research, Seeking Alpha also provides a variety of stock ratings. These ratings include a Quantitative Analysis Rating, a Seeking Alpha Author Rating, and a Wall Street Rating. These ratings have proven to be valuable at predicting future performance. But here’s the catch. The Wall Street Ratings are available to free members; and the Quant and the Author Ratings are only available to Premium members.

Power of the Seeking Alpha Quant Rating

This one chart says it all. This is a backtest of investing $10,000 in the “Strong Buy” Quant-rated stocks on January 1, 2010 through the first half of 2022. That $10,000 would have grown by $185,853 compared to only $37,930 if $10,000 had been invested in the S&P 500 in 2010.

STRONG BUY Stock’s Performance

That chart speaks for itself! $185k vs $37k is a huge difference over a 12 year period. And the AVERAGE ANNUALIZED RETURN of 27% is also awesome over a 12 year period.

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (2)

VERY BEARISH Stock’s Performance

Conversely, this next chart shows what investing in the “Very Bearish” stocks would have resulted from 2010 to 2021. These stocks would have only returned 120% versus the S&P 500’s 426%.

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (3)

So the answer is to only buy “STRONG BUY” stocks and avoid stocks rated “VERY BEARISH.”

It is that simple and takes the stress out of managing your own portfolio.

So How Do You Get the Seeking Alpha Quant Rating?

When you are NOT a member and you get a quote, it will look like this:

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (4)

However, when you are a PREMIUM Seeking Alpha member and you get a quote, you will see the Ratings Summary and Factor Grades in the right column. I picked this stock because it is a STRONG BUY:

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (5)

As a member, when I create “my portfolio” of stocks to monitor, I can then see the ratings of all my stocks in one summary view. Take a look at this view:

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (6)

It is that simple. Nothing to download. Nothing to install. Just become a member and you have access to so much more. You can even link “my portfolio” to your real stock portfolio so that they stay in sync.

Membership Levels

You can become a “Basic” user with Seeking Alpha for free, but they also offer a “Premium” subscription for users who want to make the most of the tools and graphics featured on the platform.

The pricing is a bit confusing: Premium is $29.99 a month if you sign up to pay month-to-month. If you prepay the year, which is refundable, you will pay $239.88 a year (so that brings your monthly cost down to $19.99 per month). You can also prepay 3 years at $540 to bring your monthly cost down to $14.99 a month).

So prepay at least one year to save $120 per year, and if you want to cancel they will refund your pro-rata amount. If you have portfolio of more than $24,000, it is absolutely worth it. With a $24k portfolio, the annual fee of $240 is just 1% and it will indicate which stocks you should think about selling, and which stocks to may want to buy more of. It might be the best investment you ever make.

Usually the offer is this…

So, the question we’re here to answer today is…

…Is Seeking Alpha Premium worth the money?

Here is the quick answer:Stocks rated “STRONG BUY” by Seeking Alpha’s “Quant Rating” are up 1,754% compared to the S&P 500’s 385% over the last 10 years.

Bottom line:Only buy stocks that are rated STRONG BUY and don’t own any stocks rated VERY BEARISH!

CLICK HERE to try it for a year for only $119, a savings of $120.

Keep reading for more details…

What Is Seeking Alpha Premium?

Seeking Alpha Premium is essentially the “upgraded” version of the platform’s Basic membership.

You get access to lots of features you don’t get with a basic plan, plus extra capabilities on other features.

Let’s go ahead and talk about some of the differences between the Basic membership and the Premium subscription.

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What You Get:
  • Over 10,000 Stock Research Articles per Month
  • Professional Stock Ratings
  • Listen to Earnings Calls and Read Transcripts
VERIFIED Performance History:
  • STRONG BUY ranked stocks have beaten the S&P 500 by almost 1400%
  • VERY BEARISH ranked stocks have underperformed the S&P 500 by over 300%
Seeking Alpha Pricing:
  • The Basic Plan is Free

Click Here To Get 50% off of Seeking Alpha Premium!

Here are the features included with the Basic plan:

  • Follow authors and get new articles from them
  • Receive up to 15 newsletters by email
  • Read and post Blogs
  • Read, post, and track comments
  • See some Quant Ratings and underlying metrics
  • Review 5 years of financial statements
  • Compare 5 stocks at once
  • Sync your stock broker portfolio
  • Build and manage a portfolio of stocks or ETFs
  • Receive stock news and analysis email alerts
  • Receive earnings and transcripts email alerts
  • Read personalized news and articles
  • See the earnings calendar to know when your stocks report

The Basic plan is absolutely free. All you have to do is sign up for an account!

And if you sign up for a Premium subscription, you get access to the following:

  • Everything included in the Basic plan
  • See ALL Quant Ratings and underlying metrics
  • View Seeking Alpha author stock ratings
  • View Seeking Alpha author ratings performance
  • Get alerts on upgrades and downgrades on your portfolio
  • Less ads
  • Access all Premium investing ideas
  • Listen to earnings and conference call recordings
  • Screen for Top Rated Stocks with ratings screener
  • Access all stock earnings transcripts
  • Track each investing idea’s performance
  • View article sidebar: stock chart, key data, ratings
  • See stock dividend and earnings forecasts
  • Access Dividend Grades for each dividend stock
  • Review 10 years of financial statements
  • Compare 7 stocks at once
  • See the EPS Revisions Grade in the earnings calendar

The Premium subscription is an absolute must if you want to maximize the return of your portfolio and beat the S&P 500. It usually sells for $239 a year, but it is frequently on sale.

The Premium plan is simply the best value for your buck. Plus, you can get a two-week trial of Seeking Alpha Premium, absolutely free! CLICK HERE to secure the limited time 50% discount on Seeking Alpha Premium!

You can also get a three-year Premium subscription for $14.99 per month, or pay month-to-month for $29.99 per month.

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It?

Seeking Alpha is absolutely worth the money, if you use it the right way.Stocks rated “STRONG BUY” on their Quant Rating have outperformed the S&P 500 1,754% to 385%; and stocks rated “VERY BEARISH” have underperformed miserably.So only buy stocks rated “STRONG BUY” and avoid all “VERY BEARISH” stocks!

In order to prove to you that Premium is a worthwhile investment, we’re going to give you the top 5 reasons why we think you should go Premium.

#1: Top Rated Stocks Screener

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (9)

The Top Rated Stocks screener is a special tool for Premium users that automatically finds you the most promising stocks by applying filters for the best quant ratings, Seeking Alpha author ratings, Wall Street analyst ratings, and several factor ratings.

When you use the Top Rated Stocks screener, you’re getting evaluations of a stock from three different perspectives, all with different motives and methods.

Seeking Alpha authors are independent investors who spend hours searching through news and financial statements in order to get a good read on the fundamentals of a stock.

Wall Street analysts are financial professionals who have access to expensive tools and research that help them build thorough financial models such as discounted cash flow (DCF) models that can provide a good estimate on the valuation of a company.

The quant, or quantitative analysis, system is an objective, unemotional stock evaluation system that is executed entirely throughcomputer algorithms.

When you have a stock that is rated highly by all three of these sources, it will appear on the Top Rated Stocks screener, making it easy to know that you can be confident in the stocks on the list!

#2: Earnings Call Transcripts and Audio

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (10)

With a Premium subscription to Seeking Alpha, you can read transcripts and listen to audio recordings of earnings and conference calls for stocks that aren’t covered anywhere else.

Earnings calls help us see if there were any surprises by comparing the last quarter’s earnings to what they were expected to be.

We can also use information given in earnings forecasts to make educated guesses on whether a stock’s price will rise or fall.

#3: Dividend Grades

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (11)

Seeking Alpha has its own unique dividend grading system that helps you evaluate the strength, growth, and reliability of a stock’s dividend.

Dividend Grades give you a different score for a company’s dividend safety, growth, yield, and consistency.

If you’re looking to balance your portfolio out with a big-name, dividend producing company, or you want to pursue an income investing strategy, Seeking Alpha’s dividend grades can get you there.

#4: Quant Ratings and Metrics

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (12)

Seeking Alpha’s quant system has a stellar history of beating the market, making it a valuable tool for deciding which stocks to invest in.

The Seeking Alpha quant system gives stocks a rating based on value, growth, profitability, momentum, and EPS (earnings per share) revisions.

With a Premium subscription, you can see all quant ratings and underlying metrics that determine what quant rating stocks receive.

This level of depth is extremely useful if you have a specific investing strategy in mind and you want to get to the bottom of a stock’s quant rating.

#5: Stock Comparison

Let’s say you want to add an up-and-coming tech stock to your portfolio, but you’re stuck between a few different options.

Seeking Alpha will let you compare stocks side-by-side to help you decide which stock is the best by whatever standard is important to you.

You can compare a stock to its peers as well as a stock’s Wall Street ratings vs. its Seeking Alpha ratings.

With Seeking Alpha premium, you can compare 7 different stocks at the same time!

Remember:Stocks rated “STRONG BUY” by Seeking Alpha’s “Quant Rating” are up 1,754% compared to the S&P 500’s 385% over the last 10 years.

Bottom line:Only buy stocks that are rated “STRONG BUY” and don’t own any stocks rated “VERY BEARISH!”

CLICK HERE to try it for a year for and get 50% Seeking Alpha premium (limited time only)

Seeking Alpha Conclusion

Given the graph that shows the Seeking Alpha STRONG BUY’s crush the market and their VERY BEARISH drastically underperform the market, it is safe to conclude that their quant rating works. Plus those five reasons above also provide reason to upgrade from their free service.

Finally, given the price of $239 per year, which is occasionally on sale for $99, makes it a no brainer for anyone that wants to increase their odds of beating the SP500!

If you’re looking for more, read our full Seeking Alpha review here! Or read our comparison of Seeking Alpha vs Morningstar.

And if you are the type of investor that just wants their 2 top rated stocks each month and you don’t need all their research, then their ALPHA PICKS subscription might be better for you. See our ALPHA PICKS REVIEW to get more information about this $99 service.

Don’t Miss Out On Their Current Promotion!
Click Here to try it for just $99 for the year.

Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It. (2024)


Is Seeking Alpha Worth It? See Why You Should Pay for It.? ›

The Bottom Line: If you're interested in hand-picking individual stocks, Seeking Alpha Premium is absolutely worth the money. Our editorial team gives Seeking Alpha a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars, and Trustpilot rates it 4.4/5 based on 70+ reviews.

Is there a way to get Seeking Alpha for free? ›

If you want to keep reading past the limit, you can just go ahead and start your free two-week trial of Seeking Alpha Premium - no commitment required. Premium, apart from providing you unlimited access to analysis articles also provides you with many other powerful tools that can help you with your investing.

What is the difference between Seeking Alpha Premium and Pro? ›

PRO is Seeking Alpha's profit accelerator for high net worth individuals and the professional investing community. PRO includes all content and features available in Premium, as well as: Exclusive access to Top Ideas: Hand-picked, high-conviction investment theses.

Why do people use Seeking Alpha? ›

A Seeking Alpha Premium subscription unlocks 1 million investing ideas and valuable features such as Top Stock Screeners, market-beating 'Strong Buy' picks and the ability to optimize and manage your portfolio on our platform.

How reputable is Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha has a rating of 3.85 stars from 320 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with Seeking Alpha most frequently mention customer service, investment decisions, and stock market. Seeking Alpha ranks 2nd among Stock Trading sites.

Is it hard to cancel Seeking Alpha subscription? ›

You can easily manage your subscriptions (including canceling), directly from your subscription settings page here If your subscription was done via the app on your iPhone or iPad, you must cancel via Apple.

What is an alternative to Seeking Alpha? ›

Best Seeking Alpha Alternatives in 2023
  • TradingView Stock Widgets. TradingView. 16 Ratings. ...
  • Tickeron. Tickeron, Inc. 7 Ratings. ...
  • StockMarketEye. TransparenTech LLC. 100 Ratings. ...
  • Bloomberg. Bloomberg. $0.99 per month. ...
  • Zacks. Zacks. $59 per month. ...
  • Finviz. Finviz. $39.50 per month. ...
  • Barron's. Barron's. See Software Compare Both. ...

How much does a contributor on Seeking Alpha make? ›

Seeking Alpha Salaries in India
DesignationAverage Salary Yearly Yearly Monthly
Msbi Developer (7 yrs exp)₹9.3L/yr - ₹11.3L/yr
Digital Analyst (7 yrs exp)₹6.3L/yr - ₹7.7L/yr
Customer Success Consultant (10 yrs exp)₹16.2L/yr - ₹19.8L/yr
Senior Editor (10 yrs exp)₹30.6L/yr - ₹37.4L/yr
6 more rows

How many people subscribe to Seeking Alpha? ›

Reaching more than 6 million subscribers combined, Seeking Alpha's daily newsletters and real time email alerts cover the gamut of news and analysis to inform investing decisions.

Which is better Seeking Alpha or Simply Wall Street? ›

Seeking Alpha is Better for:

While long-term investors will likely appreciate the more professional styling of Seeking Alpha, newer investors will likely love the simplicity that Simply Wall St offers.

How do I get rid of Seeking Alpha? ›

Step 2: Under Account, you will see "Privacy" click on it. The Delete button will appear at the bottom as shown below. Note: Contributors or Subscribers with a paid Seeking Alpha subscription cannot delete their account.

Which is better TipRanks vs Seeking Alpha? ›

TipRanks and Seeking Alpha are leading investment research platforms offering investors valuable insights and analysis. However, TipRanks provides more advanced features, making it a more comprehensive and user-friendly platform than Seeking Alpha.

Can I share my Seeking Alpha account? ›

No. Subscriptions are allocated to specific email addresses and cannot be shared with other users or across other email addresses.

Can I get a refund from Seeking Alpha? ›

If you decide to cancel the annual subscription within the first 30 days, you will receive a refund for the remaining 11 months at the end of the first month. The monthly subscriptions are not covered under this plan and are not refundable.

Is Seeking Alpha an Israeli company? ›

Most of those visitors would probably be surprised to discover that Seeking Alpha is headquartered not in New York City but in the upscale Tel Aviv suburb of Ra'anana (“fresh,” in Hebrew).

Where does Seeking Alpha get its data from? ›

Real time and delayed quotes on Seeking Alpha are provided by Xignite and IEX Cloud. Real time quotes are sourced from CBOE BZX Exchange (formerly BATS) or IEX Group. Delayed data is sourced from Nasdaq UTP delayed feed.

What percent of people forget to cancel subscription? ›

A survey found that 42% of consumers forgot they are still paying for a subscription they no longer use. Many of those happen after you get enticed by a free trial for an online streaming service or a monthly subscription service for clothes or personal items, and then you forget to cancel it after that trial is over.

Who owns Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha
Type of businessPrivate
OwnerSeeking Alpha Ltd.
Founder(s)David Jackson
Key peopleDavid Jackson (CEO)
IndustryFinancial publications
8 more rows

Is it illegal to cancel a subscription? ›

The law states that customers who accept an automatic renewal or continuous service offer online must be able to cancel the service online. That could include a pre-written "termination email" provided by the company that can be sent by the consumer without the need for more information.

What is the difference between Morningstar and Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha and Morningstar both produce their own analyses and reports, but they're produced in a different way. Seeking Alpha's content is produced by contributors who may or may not be paid, while Morningstar's reports are produced by a smaller roster of hand-picked analysts.

Is Seeking Alpha better than MarketWatch? ›

Seeking Alpha is Better for:

MarketWatch will provide you with unlimited access to their service for a fraction of the cost of a Seeking Alpha Premium membership. On the other hand, Seeking Alpha has a better reputation and offers more services, making it the preferred option for advanced investors.

What is the difference between Seeking Alpha and beta? ›

Alpha and beta are measures used by investors to evaluate the performance and risk of an investment security or portfolio. Beta is a measure of market risk, and alpha tells an investor if the returns of an investment exceed the returns that its beta would predict.

Who has the most followers on Seeking Alpha? ›

Contributors with the most/new followers in 2022
  • Brad Thomas: 17,438.
  • Rida Morwa: 15,556.
  • Dividend Sensei: 13,810.
Feb 16, 2023

Can anyone publish on Seeking Alpha? ›

These include individual and institutional investors, fund managers, analysts, college students, retirees, and all those who enjoy sharing investment insights and ideas with our community. For any assistance or questions, please contact

Can you pay for Seeking Alpha monthly? ›

Premium plan ($29.99/month or $19.99/year): all basic features + access to premium content, Seeking Alpha author ratings & performance, stock quant ratings, stock dividend grades.

How much is Alpha a month? ›

Seeking Alpha Premium Review
Seeking Alpha Details
Investing Newsletters12+
Membership TypesBasic (Free), Premium, and Pro
Premium PricingMonthly: $29.99 1 Year: $239 (save $120) 3 Years: $540 (save 50%)
Pro PricingMonthly: $299.99 1 Year: $2,400 (save $1,200)
3 more rows
May 22, 2023

What is best alpha for stocks? ›

An alpha of zero suggests that an asset has earned a return commensurate with the risk. Alpha of greater than zero means an investment outperformed, after adjusting for volatility. When hedge fund managers talk about high alpha, they're usually saying that their managers are good enough to outperform the market.

What is Seeking Alpha premium? ›

Seeking Alpha Premium is a comprehensive set of features and analysis that helps take the guesswork out of your investing decisions. Get the bottom-line on any stock or ETF with our Premium tools, today!

Does Seeking Alpha have dark mode? ›

Click on the "Appearance" tab under the Account head. 3. Clicking on the "On" button will enable the Dark Mode on the website.

What is the best paid stock analysis website? ›

Summary: The Best Stock Research Websites & Tools in 2023

If you're looking for stock picks, Motley Fool Stock Advisor is the best option. If you're looking for a heavy screener, FINVIZ should be your tool. For investment research, Morningstar Premium, Seeking Alpha Premium, and Yahoo! Finance are all viable options.

Who is the best stock guru? ›

15 Most Famous Investment Gurus of All Time
  • Philip Fisher. ...
  • Peter Lynch. ...
  • John Templeton. ...
  • Benjamin Graham. ...
  • Charlie Munger. ...
  • Stanley Druckenmiller. ...
  • David Tepper. ...
  • Carl Icahn. Carl Icahn is a billionaire activist investor who is the founder of Icahn Capital.
Dec 3, 2022

What are the benefits of Seeking Alpha premium? ›

Pro members receive exclusive, real-time alerts and top investing ideas. The Top Ideas are hand-picked by Seeking Alpha's in-house experts and have the best long and short ideas from Seeking Alpha contributors. This list is sent out weekly.

Is it safe to link your brokerage account to Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha has partnered with Plaid, the leading personal financial data aggregator powering the fintech tools that tens of millions of people rely on. Plaid is 100% secure and ensures your information is fully encrypted from end to end. At no point does Seeking Alpha have access to your brokerage credentials.

Is it safe to link portfolio to Seeking Alpha? ›

Yes, linking Seeking Alpha with your favorite brokerage is completely safe. Seeking Alpha provides this service through its partnership with Plaid. This is one of the biggest and most secure data transfer networks in the world. It's important to note that Seeking Alpha will never have access to your credentials.

Who gives best stock advice for free? ›

Zacks has built a reputation as a reliable source of stock data for investors looking for a stock picking edge, Zacks' free stock screener has almost everything investors need to make well-timed and informed stock picks.

Is Simply Wall Street better than Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha is Better for:

While long-term investors will likely appreciate the more professional styling of Seeking Alpha, newer investors will likely love the simplicity that Simply Wall St offers.

Does Seeking Alpha have a student discount? ›

We do not offer a student discount but please note that if you sign up for the annual plan, paying for 12 months up-front, you will be getting the subscription for $19.99/month instead of $29.99/month. You can click here to sign up for the annual plan of Seeking Alpha Premium. Hope this helps!

What is the strong buy performance of Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha's 'Strong Buy' ratings are compared to the S&P 500 Total Return Index. The below portfolio statistics reflect the period from 31 December 2009 to 31 December 2021. Total Cumulative Return: 1734.97% Vs. 369.30%.

What company owns Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha Ltd.

What is the difference between Seeking Alpha and Beta? ›

Alpha and beta are measures used by investors to evaluate the performance and risk of an investment security or portfolio. Beta is a measure of market risk, and alpha tells an investor if the returns of an investment exceed the returns that its beta would predict.

Can I buy stocks through Seeking Alpha? ›

Seeking Alpha also offers stock research, so that can be an alternative to the research offered by brokerage platforms, and it can be more in-depth than brokerage research.

What is the $99 a year for Seeking Alpha? ›

They have a limited time promotion going on for Seeking Alpha Premium – a 58% discount ($99 for your first year). You can try it out free for 14 days. Update 5/23/2023: They've ended their $99/year promotion. It's now $239 a year although you can still get a 14 day free trial.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 6084

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.