Is Economics a Good Major? (2024)

Is Economics a Good Major? (1)

If you’re asking yourself: Is economics a good major, you can rest assured that it can very well be. In fact, a recent Forbes article named economics degrees as #10 in their list of best master’s degrees. An economics major can offer a great deal of value and a solid base for a variety of professions. Let’s take a look at what makes economics a valuable field of study.

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Is An Economics Degree a Good Degree to Get?

Strong Foundation With an Economics Degree

Like a business major or degree in political science, an economics degree can provide the foundation for many career options. The subject material in an economics course of study will give you a broad understanding of finance, markets, consumption, and resource allocation. Such knowledge is useful for positions in business management, nonprofits, or government. An economics degree can lead your career down any number of paths. Graduate study in the field can take you even further.

The Versatility of an Economics Major

Many people aren’t aware of the kinds of jobs a person with an economics major can pursue. You may be surprised to learn of the versatility this degree can offer. As we mentioned, you may find yourself in various work settings with your understanding of economics and your ability to analyze data.That’s because an economicsdegree can prepare you for a broad range of positions. The most obvious position for economics majors is, of course, economist.

Economists are employed in business, academic, government, and private industry settings. The level of degree you will need depends on the specifications of the position. However, most economists require undergraduate majors. Advanced positions will require a master’s, and teaching positions at the higher education level oftencall for a PhD.

The versatile economics degree can lead to a range of careers. Some of these occupations include public policy analyst, research assistant, investment analyst, consultant, financial analyst, data scientist, and market analyst. Some management consultants may have also studied economics in their MBA programs. An understanding of general economic growth and financial solutions, how markets work, supply and demand, the effects of fiscal policy on society, and other theoretical perspectives make you a valuable commodity to employers.

Challenge of Pursuing an Economics Degree

The economics major is not an easy degree choice. It requires a great deal of critical thinking and analysis on the part of economics students. As you advance in your coursework, the subject matter covered in economics degrees become even more thought-provoking and challenging. This is not meant to deter you from an economics major. It’s actually a very good thing. That’s because you will graduate with a sense of self-worth knowing that you rose to the challenge. Plus, employers will see that you were able to complete a very tough major, leading them to believe you follow through on things and can bring that determination to their company. You’ll be able to give concrete examples of how you problem solve or make financial decisions. This is particularly true if you completed a thesis or gained real world experiences through an internship during your program. Your hands-on research and challenges you’ve overcome in your course of study could land you a lucrative and worthwhile job offer.

These are just a few examples of how the study of economics can provide students with benefits in their life and future career path. The field is diverse. There are opportunities for economics majors that go beyond the scope of this article. Overall, an economics degree is a good value that will provide you with a strong foundation throughout your future.

Many people take microeconomics and macroeconomics in college and then retire from their studies without a better understanding of the field. These people might consider themselves experts because they can read a simple demand curve to chart economic growth. However, economics majors know that this field birthed by Adam Smith contains multitudes more than this. Serious economics students also know that the discipline touches every aspect of our lives, from the current economic picture of the world to a simple household budget. If you have an interest in pursuing this highly relevant field, consider the following common questions and answers about economics majors.

Is Economics a Good Major? (2)

Frequently-Asked Questions

What can you do with an economics degree?

The field of economics focuses on how to make the best decisions when allocating limited resources. And who doesn’t want to make better decisions? Who wouldn’t benefit from this kind of study? Also, there are many facets of economics studied in an economics degree program, whether pursuing an undergraduate degree or graduate degree. Health care economics degrees, for instance, deals with life and death decisions when allocating limited resources if a global pandemic breaks out. Maybe you don’t want that kind of pressure. Perhaps, entry level positions in infrastructure would suit you better. Such a role requires making decisions on how to plan civic projects and in what order. Regional economic experts dig down into the economic impacts of geography and culture. Behavioral economics is fascinating stuff. Additionally, the importance of personal finance needs no explanation. Like accounting majors, economic experts are vital in just about every field you can think of. Thus, finding a match between your work and your interests is not only possible but likely. Economics majors train you to think outside the box. You may even end up questioning the necessity of the box as an aid to thinking in the first place.

What do you study as an economics major?

Besides microeconomics and macroeconomics, other fields you will encounter include behavioral economics, financial markets, environmental economics, public economics, personal finance, mathematical economics, labor economics, and the economics of development. You may also come across classes in data science, or conduct research on various business practices. As you progress, like in any field, you will find your niche and specialize in your course of study. Your first step on this path will be choosing between a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science (see below). Once you have made this choice, your path will become clearer, and your future will be easier to shape.

What graduate degrees are worth pursuing with a bachelor’s degree in the “dismal science?”

There are several good master’s programs for individuals with a bachelors in economics include. For instance, a master’s of public administration (MPA) is a good choice for econ majors interested in civic planning. A master’s in finance can be rewarding for aspiring financial analysts as well as those with a strong grasp of mathematics. And, of course, a law school degree is always an option for those interested in teasing out knotty legal business issues in the private and public sector. Future data scientists may also want to pursue an advanced degree in this growing field. Graduate work in economics is ideal for those who wish to specialize in their studies. It’s also perfect for those who wish to pursue the academic lifestyle through an economic education.

What is the difference between a BA and a BS degree in the field, if my program offers both?

Both degrees have their place in the field. Neither is “better” than the other. In reality, economics is a social science that requires both scientists and people from the humanities. The bachelor of arts in economics pursues the social sciences aspects of the field and takes a deeper dive into economic history, though. Many of the best universities for economics also offer a BA track in economics education for those interested in working with youth. BA students will often require a foreign language component (like most BAs), whereas the BS will not. Like other liberal arts students, the BA student will complete standard liberal arts coursework during their first two years of study. Generally speaking, these students will only earn 36 of the 120 semester hours of the typical economics degree directly studying economics. The bachelor of science in economics requires more like 54 hours in the major and pursues a more science (and math) based approach to economic study. This includes direct applications in the financial markets. Both types of economics majors have their strong points, but conventional wisdom says that a graduate in economics with a BA is ready for the job market. A similar graduate with a BS is ready for graduate school. Most economics degree programs require an internship-style experience for both tracks, so students can gain real life experience.

How much math does a typical undergraduate economics program require compared to other majors?

Economics majors do not,per se, require intense math skills. Still, the job titles with the highest salaries (i.e., statistician, actuary, etc.) are the ones that lean into the math skills. That is, a BA degree in economics will require less math than a BS economics degree, but the job prospects for a BS may be more lucrative. The math required in general economics courses will be basic 100 level university math. This is similar to what you could expect to encounter in other courses like 100 level chemistry. Advanced level electives in economics may involve skills learned from courses like multivariable calculus. Because many departments offer a BA and a BS economics degree, the 300 level general economics courses are often offered as two separate tracks (one with calculus and one without). Econometrics, or the process of turning economic analysis into economic policy, is often advised for students as a core field of study. Since the math involved in this area of economics can be complex, this course is usually not a required class. If these facts about the econ degree do not daunt you, read on. Then, prepare to conquer as you study economics at the higher education level.

Is Economics a Good Major? (3)

Where can students of economics find jobs?

With an advanced econ degree, economists can find jobs anywhere. That’s why economics is one of the most popular majors. With their focus on critical thinking and their eye towards the bottom line, economics students are like the business world’s English majors. An economics degree is versatile, and in the right hands, well compensated. Like a major in English, economics majors don’t need to directly apply their studies to the profession to see benefits from a degree in economics. The problem solving, critical thinking skills, and quantitative skills you learn will serve you in many leadership roles, not just as a professional economist.

Private sector work is the obvious draw for talent. That’s because high-tech companies are currently offering new-hires every amenity imaginable. Academic work is also a draw, though the market is not what it once was. Some more entrepreneurial economists have found a home offering hot takes on the internet, but this is not the path for a new graduate, rather something to consider once you’ve established a reputation. Some professionals trained in economics have found good results as ethics officers and policy analysts in the private and public sectors. The ability to see far-reaching and unintended effects of policy is endlessly applicable.

Government sector work is a good option to consider for anyone interested in pursuing economics as a career. After all, no one has a bigger interest in the prevailing economic picture than the people in charge of it. The government sector hires economists in almost every department and at every level. This includes municipal, county, state, and federal. Don’t overlook these steady (and well-compensated) employers in pursuit of the next big flashy tech giant or stock on the run-up.

What is an economics degree worth?

The national average salary for an economics teacher at the high school level is $61,820. Statisticians make $95,570 per year on average. Economists can bring in an average yearly salary of $105,630, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Hiring notices for economics professors report salaries in the $100-200k range. This includes seniority and publishing history, though, so your mileage may vary. Financial analysts round out our round-up of salaries, with a yearly take-home of $81,410. So you can see that this is a well-compensated field. All these positions show at least a 5% growth outlook for the next 5-10 years. As an economics aficionado with superior critical thinking skills and knowledge of economic trends, you can predict the future job market about as well as anyone.

Is Economics a Good Major? (4)


You might be wondering, “Is an economics degree worth it?” The answer is simple. Economics is a field that is definitely worth pursuit by those with the desire to do so. The monetary rewards are there as well as the potential to benefit the larger society through knowledge of economic theory. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that demand for economists will grow by 13 percent between now and 2030. The BLS goes further, stressing that job prospects in this area are best for those with experience with applied economics, data analysis, statistical analysis software, strong quantitative skills, and advanced degrees in the field. One caveat for nontraditional students is that economics is a somewhat conservative field. Still, with a data-driven field, there is always the possibility that if you can quantify the costs of any errors, you may be able to bring about real change. So, if economic theory is where your passion lies, saddle up and prepare to put in the work towards this versatile degree. Welcome aboard!

Related Resources

  • Online Economics Degree
  • Online Master’s in Economics
  • Best Online Colleges
  • What is the Difference Between a Degree in Economics and a Degree in Finance?
  • Master’s in Economics Jobs
  • Choosing the Right Business Degree Program
  • Colleges Making Permanent Changes During Covid
Is Economics a Good Major? (2024)


Is economics degree enough? ›

Strong Foundation With an Economics Degree

Such knowledge is useful for positions in business management, nonprofits, or government. An economics degree can lead your career down any number of paths. Graduate study in the field can take you even further.

Is economics major a good major? ›

Economics offers a wide range of career opportunities in both the public and private sectors, with potential for advancement and growth. With an economics degree, you can pursue careers in finance, consulting, public policy, academia, and more.

Is it hard to pass economics? ›

Even though economics is a social science, it can be as difficult and demanding as any of the more challenging academic subjects, including math, chemistry, etc. To do well in economics requires time, dedication, and good study habits.

Is economics one of the hardest degrees? ›

So why do people consider economics a difficult major? In this area, you will take a lot of math and statistics classes and do plenty of critical thinking and synthesizing of data – so it can definitely be hard!

Is economics math heavy? ›

Math and statistics are used in economics, but at the undergraduate degree level, the math and statistics are certainly not overwhelming. Economics majors are usually required to take one statistics course and one math course (usually an introductory calculus course).

Is economics major a lot of math? ›

Economics courses frequently use math techniques at a level beyond MATH 1110. Statistics and econometrics classes use material from integral calculus (MATH 1120), and core microeconomics, core macroeconomics, and many advanced electives use material from multivariable calculus (MATH 2130 or MATH 2220).

How do I know if I'll like economics? ›

It's focused on money, yes, but its primary focus is how money is used and how it can change the world, for better or for worse. If you're interested in commerce, financial systems, or even the history of Wall Street, economics might be a good major for you.

Are econ majors happy? ›

Overall, economics students rate their satisfaction with their degree a 3.3 out of 5.

Should I get a BA or BS in economics? ›

If you are more interested in the theory behind economics and its practical application, you should consider the B.A. degree since it offers more opportunities to take theory-based economic classes. If you are interested in the math behind economic decisions, the B.S. degree is a better choice for you.

Is economics hard if you're bad at math? ›

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), four important qualities economists should have are analytical skills, critical-thinking skills, speaking skills and writing skills. You cultivate strong skills in all of these areas even if you are “bad” at math.

Is college econ hard? ›

A college-level economics class can be challenging because you need to grasp new concepts like supply and demand, scarcity, diminishing returns, and opportunity costs. It requires you learn new vocabulary and to use critical thinking skills.

How do you get an A * in economics? ›

Contents: The 10 Tips to achieve an A or A*
  1. Time management.
  2. Do lots of practice questions.
  3. Conclusions should give a decision.
  4. Know essay structures.
  5. Know your real-world examples.
  6. Master evaluation.
  7. Get your work marked and view sample answers.
  8. Make revision notes as you go along.
Apr 8, 2022

Which major has the highest dropout rate? ›

Students who major in computer science tend to have the highest dropout rate, followed by advertising and agriculture majors. College is a significant investment, and selecting the right major can aid in your success.

What's the easiest major in college? ›

As the most popular college major since 1980, business encompasses a variety of sub-disciplines, such as finance, accounting, and marketing. It's also considered to be one of the easiest college majors. With a business degree, you could also work in fields like healthcare, human resources, or public administration.

Is economics a lot of calculus? ›

Although economics graduate programs have varying admissions requirements, graduate training in economics is highly mathematical. Most economics PhD programs expect applicants to have had advanced calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and basic probability theory.

Is there calculus in economics? ›

Calculus is widely used in economics and has the ability to solve many problems that algebra cannot. In economics, calculus is used to study and record complex information - commonly on graphs and curves.

Do econ majors need calculus? ›

Because the study of economics involves a substantial amount of quantitative analysis, Economics majors are required to complete a course in calculus prior to beginning the courses of the major.

Should I major in economics if I don't like math? ›

Most universities with economics majors will require at least a basic level of mathematics. This, however, should not discourage anyone from pursuing an undergraduate degree in economics. With that said there are options for those who's strong-suit is not math but would still like to dive into the world of economics.

Is economics a competitive major? ›

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there is a lot of competition for economics-related positions at the graduate level, and many graduates decide to apply their learning in other fields.

What math is most used in economics? ›

Calculus. Calculus is the most common type of math found in economics. Calculus includes the use of various formulas to measure limits, functions and derivatives. Many economists use differential calculus when measuring economic information.

Is economics hard to find a job? ›

It is not hard to become an economist.

A person with an economics degree will find that they are employable in many areas, regardless of the specific industry that they may work in. There is strong demand for graduates with knowledge of economics throughout the global labor market.

Who should study economics? ›

Much more than finance, banking, business and government, a degree in economics is useful to all individuals and can lead to many interesting career choices. In the video, below, learn how four diverse individuals offer their insights on how a background in economics can be a tool for solving very human problems.

How many hours do economists work? ›

Normally work over 40 hours per week to meet deadlines and complete special projects. Often travel to attend meetings and conferences. Generally work a set schedule.

Is economics a good major for introverts? ›

Social scientists or research-based careers such as political scientist, anthropologist, economist, and urban planner are a good fit for academic-minded introverts. These careers may work independently or with teams, but they tend to offer a balance of both self-guided research and collaboration.

Are econ majors employable? ›

More Career Opportunities and Job Titles

"Individuals with a bachelor's degree in economics can obtain various entry-level jobs in banks, financial institutions and government agencies as a financial analyst, credit analyst, market research analyst, research associate and so on," he says.

Is economics a stable career? ›

Yes, being an economist is a good career.

There is strong demand for graduates with knowledge of economics throughout the global labor market.

Is ECON a better major than business? ›

The main difference in the two degrees is that the business degree provides a broader general education, meaning graduates can work in a number of fields. Economics degree holders are a bit more limited when it comes to the scope of suitable workplaces.

Who makes more finance or economics majors? ›

The earning potential and salaries are comparable between the finance and economics fields. While the professions are related to one another, they're also very diverse, and salary can range based on the type and level of the job. As candidates gain more experience, they can typically negotiate for higher salaries.

What kind of jobs do economics majors get? ›

Common career paths for economics graduates include:
  • Economist.
  • Financial risk analyst.
  • Data analyst.
  • Financial planner.
  • Accountant.
  • Economic researcher.
  • Financial consultant.
  • Investment analyst.

Is economics basically math? ›

Economics is not math, but rather math is a tool for presenting and manipulating/exploring/using economic models. Many economic models use math to explain cause and effect. Don't worry, though, we're going to cover all the math you need to solve the problems in this course.

Why is economics so difficult? ›

The problem: why is economics so confusing? Economics is confusing to a lot of people because it deals with abstract concepts that are difficult to wrap your head around. In addition, the field of economics is constantly changing and evolving, which makes it hard to keep up with the latest thinking.

Is finance or economics more math heavy? ›

On the economics side, calculus also comes into play which is more difficult than the math that you get into on the finance side which is mainly just algebraic equations at the undergrad level. You can check out a video about the difference between finance and economics below.

Why do people major in economics? ›

A great benefit of majoring in economics is that it opens doors to a wealth of diverse career options. Many economics majors pursue careers in finance and consulting, however, the tools you learn are applicable in any industry.

Why do people like economics? ›

The study of economics helps people understand the world around them. It enables people to understand people, businesses, markets and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change.

Is economics harder than accounting? ›

I can safely say that they both are the hardest degrees which are taught in business schools however, the economics degree usually requires more advanced mathematics, statistics and quantitative skill than In accounting degree. It depends on the individual's talents and interest's. That also varies over a lifetime.

What is the GPA for economics? ›

Science majors tend to have lower GPAs on average, with chemistry being the major with the lowest average GPA. Meanwhile, education majors earn the highest GPAs on average.
GPAs by Major.
MajorAverage GPA
14 more rows
Oct 15, 2022

What is the average grade in economics? ›

The GPA for economics majors is only slightly below the average at 3.16. GPAs for all majors are in a compressed range of 3.10 to 3.43, but eliminating the outliers of general studies (3.10) and education (3.43), reduces it to 3.13 to 3.38.

What does Y * mean in economics? ›

The first piece of the aggregate demand equation is Y. This represents output or income. Because Y is the total amount of goods and services purchased by consumers, businesses, and the government, taking into account foreign trade, it is necessarily the output for the economy.

What is the least regretted college major? ›

Engineering majors have the fewest regrets: Just 24 percent wish they'd chosen something different, according to a Federal Reserve survey.

What majors are dropped the most? ›

Computer science, unfortunately, is also the major with the highest dropout rate among undergraduate students — about 1 out of 10 computer science majors leave college before getting their degree.
This undergraduate program is considered to have the highest dropout rate.
7 more rows

What is the least popular degree? ›

Top 10 Least Popular Majors in the USA
  • Library Science. ...
  • Educational Psychology. ...
  • Drama and Theater Arts. ...
  • Human Services and Community Organization. ...
  • Clinical Psychology. ...
  • Composition and Speech. ...
  • Visual and Performing Arts. ...
  • Miscellaneous Fine Arts.

What is the most regretted major? ›

Regret is heavily influenced by salary.

The top three regretted majors, according to ZipRecruiter, are journalism (87%), sociology (72%), and liberal arts and general studies (72%). The top three regret-free majors, all above 70%, are computer and information sciences, criminology, and engineering.

What majors are hard to get a job with? ›

The 10 Worst Majors for Finding a Good Job
  • The best majors for landing a good job tend to be engineering, computer science and other rigorous fields that prepare students for specific work in booming industries. ...
  • Criminal justice. ...
  • Drama / theater arts. ...
  • Anthropology. ...
  • Liberal arts and sciences. ...
  • History. ...
  • Psychology.
Jun 18, 2013

What is the hardest bachelor degree in the world? ›

What are the hardest degrees in the world? Ranked by Experts
  • Chartered Accountancy.
  • Astrophysics.
  • Quantum Mechanics.
  • Law.
  • Aerospace/ Aeronautical Studies, Engineering.
  • Biomedical Studies, Neurosciences, Biochemistry.
  • Nursing.
  • Dentistry, Medicine.
Dec 16, 2022

What is the most popular major? ›

The most popular college majors in the United States are business, health, and social sciences, according to data from the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES). Of the 2 million bachelor's degrees conferred in the US during the 2019-2020 school year, these three majors made up almost 40 percent.

What year of college is the toughest? ›

It can vary from person to person, but often times it is Freshman year that is the hardest year of college because of the large transition that you go through both academically and personally.

What is the hardest business major? ›

Hardest Business Majors
  • Accounting. ...
  • Management Science. ...
  • Finance. ...
  • Entrepreneurial Studies. ...
  • Human Resources. ...
  • Marketing. ...
  • Organizational Leadership. ...
  • International Business.
Sep 8, 2020

Are economics majors in demand? ›

Employment of economists is projected to grow 6 percent from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 1,400 openings for economists are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

Is economics a better degree than business? ›

The main difference in the two degrees is that the business degree provides a broader general education, meaning graduates can work in a number of fields. Economics degree holders are a bit more limited when it comes to the scope of suitable workplaces.

Is economics or finance better? ›

Students who prefer empirical research and statistical analysis are likely better suited for economics. Students who prefer applying theories hands-on, working with people, and leading teams might enjoy finance more. Of course, both require strong math, analytical, and decision-making skills.

What pairs well with a economics degree? ›

Here are 10 minors that economics majors can consider pursuing:
  • Data science. Data science minors can help students develop the skills to collect and analyze data using a variety of tools. ...
  • Mathematics. ...
  • Political science. ...
  • Behavioral science. ...
  • Statistics. ...
  • Internet technology. ...
  • Analytics. ...
  • Psychology.
Jun 24, 2022

Who hires economists? ›

Economists are hired by research institutes, universities, healthcare, and government institutions. Private companies like finance consultancies and banks also need economists. In addition, they can be hired by an Internet company like Netflix or Microsoft.

Can a BA in economics get you a good job? ›

With a background in economics it seems anything is possible. Other common economics careers and roles include auditor, stockbroker, insurer, business manager, retail merchandizer, pricing analyst, statistician, financial consultant and salesperson.

Do econ or business majors make more? ›

The job market for students graduating with an economics degree is smaller than that for those graduating with a business degree. However, while the scope of work is smaller, there is generally less competition for work and higher salaries thanks to the specialized skills possessed by economics majors.

Do economics or business majors make more money? ›

College students often do not think far ahead about the ramifications of their choice of major. But the reality is that what you study in college really does matter. And a new study, published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, puts this in very stark terms: Economics majors make a lot more money.

How much do economics majors make? ›

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $169,500 and as low as $21,000, the majority of salaries within the Economics Major jobs category currently range between $41,000 (25th percentile) to $100,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $145,000 annually across the United States.

Is economics major harder than accounting? ›

Economics is harder than accounting a lot . Actually, accounting is one of the simplest subject (for some people) to study at university. Whatever how are you good at accounting, you will never win Nobel Prize like an Economist.

What is the highest paying job in economics? ›

High Paying Economist Jobs
  • Senior Economist. Salary range: $102,000-$158,000 per year. ...
  • Labor Economist. Salary range: $46,000-$125,000 per year. ...
  • Project Economist. Salary range: $54,000-$110,500 per year. ...
  • Tax Economist. ...
  • Financial Economist. ...
  • Economic Analyst. ...
  • Economic Research Analyst. ...
  • Econometrician.

Should I major in math or economics? ›

If you thrive on theory, economics might be the approach for you. If you prefer working with equations and mathematical models to approach solutions, a mathematics program like Maryville University's Bachelor of Science in Mathematics may offer a great option.

What type of economics degree is best? ›

A Doctor of Philosophy in Economics is the most advanced program of all postgraduate studies. It's a research-based degree that focuses on microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, and quantitative analysis. Economists that pursue a teaching career often obtain a doctoral degree.

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