Iron ore facts (2024)

Iron ore facts (1)

Iron ore is a combination of minerals from which metallic iron can be extracted on an economic basis.

Key facts

  • In 2021, Canada was the seventh-largest producer of iron ore in the world.
  • Canada’s iron ore is mined in Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavut.
  • The top three iron ore-producing countries (Australia, Brazil and China) accounted for 63% of global production.
  • The primary use of iron ore is to make steel, which is 100% recyclable.

Learn more about iron ore



International context




Iron ore facts (8) Uses

The primary use of iron ore (98%) is to make steel. The remaining 2% is used in a various other applications, such as powdered iron for certain types of steel, auto parts and catalysts; radioactive iron for medicine; and iron blue in paints, inks, cosmetics and plastics.

Iron ore, global uses, 2021

Iron ore facts (9)

Other: powdered iron, iron 59, iron blue, black iron oxide

Text version

This pie chart shows the major global uses of iron ore. Steel represents 98%, while other mixed uses (i.e. powdered iron, radioactive iron [iron 59], iron blue, and black iron oxide) represent the remaining 2%.

Iron ore facts (10) Production

Canadian mine production of iron ore in concentrate and pellets was 57.5 million tonnes in 2021, a 2% decrease compared to 2020.

Canada's estimated crude steel production for 2021 was 13 million tonnes, which is 18% higher than for 2020.

Canadian mine production of iron ore, 2012–2021(p)

Iron ore facts (11)
Text version

This bar graph shows Canada's annual mine production of iron ore from 2012 to 2021. Production in 2012 was 38.9 million tonnes, the lowest in the 10-year period. Annual production increased steadily up to 58.6 million tonnes in 2020. Production declined slightly to 57.5 million tonnes in 2021.

Most of Canada's iron ore comes from the Labrador Trough region bordering Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador. A substantial amount is also produced in Nunavut.

Canadian mine production (shipments) of iron ore, by province and territory, 2021(p)

Iron ore facts (12)
Text version

This map shows Canadian production of iron ore by province and territory for 2021. Quebec accounted for 52.4% of the total production with 30.1 million tonnes and Newfoundland and Labrador and Nunavut accounted for 47.6% with 27.4 million tonnes.

Consult a map of producing Canadian mines

Iron ore facts (13) International context

Global production of iron ore is estimated to have been 2,537 million tonnes in 2021, slightly higher than the 2,472 million tonnes produced in 2020. Australia is the leading global producer of iron ore, accounting for 35% of the total production. The top three iron ore-producing countries accounted for 65% of global production.

In 2021, Canada ranked as the ninth-leading producer of iron ore and sixth for reserves, accounting for 2% of global production and 3% of reserves.

World mine production of iron ore, by country, 2021(p)
RankingCountryMillion tonnesPercentage of total
8South Africa612.4%
-Other countries2449.6%

World mine production of iron ore, 2012–2021(p)

Iron ore facts (14)
Text version

This bar graph displays the annual global mine production of iron ore from 2012 to 2021. Production in 2012 was 2,070 million tonnes and increased to 2,369 million tonnes by 2014. Production subsequently decreased to 2,365 million tonnes in 2015, before gradually increasing annually to 2,470 million tonnes in 2018. Iron ore production declined in 2019 to 2,450 million tonnes but rebounded to reach 2,472 million tonnes in 2020 and a decade high of 2,537 tonnes in 2021.

World reserves

World reserves of crude iron ore, by country, 2021(p)
RankingCountryMillion tonnesPercentage of total
8United States3,0001.7%
-Other countries22,93012.8%

Iron ore facts (15) Trade


Canada exported 53.8 million tonnes of iron ore valued at $10.1 billion in 2021 compared to 55.1 million tonnes valued at $7.6 billion in 2020. Lower export volumes but higher export value reflect higher prices in 2021. Iron ore pellets accounted for 28% of the volume, whereas concentrates accounted for the remaining 72%.


Canada imported 8.0 million tonnes of iron ore valued at $1.0 billion in 2021, an increase from 2020, which was 7.1 million tonnes valued at $0.8 billion. Pellets represented 98% of the imported volume, whereas concentrates represented 2%. The import of pellets came almost exclusively from the United States. Imports of concentrates came primarily from Brazil (44%), Australia (24%) and Sweden (20%). Concentrates are unfinished products used in the production of blast furnace pellets and pellets used for metallization.

In 2021, Canada was a net importer of semi-finished steel products, with imports of 10.0 million tonnes and exports of 6.8 million tonnes.

Iron ore facts (16) Prices

Iron ore prices have fluctuated significantly over the past decade, reaching a high of US$214 per tonne in June 2021 and a low of US$41 per tonne in December 2015.

In 2021, prices continued a salient rise to a high of US$214 per tonne by June before rapidly declining to US$116 per tonne in December. The rapid decline in prices coincides with decreased demand of iron ore from steel manufacturers in China.

Iron ore prices, monthly average, 2012–2021

Iron ore facts (17)
Text version

This line graph shows average monthly iron ore prices in US dollars per tonne from 2012 to 2021. Based on China's import of iron ore fines of 62% iron content (average spot price in US dollars per metric tonne in a given year of unloading port / freight on board at the Tianjin port), the average price was US$128.53 in 2012.

Prices decreased to US$99.47 in September 2012, before a short-lived upward momentum in late 2012 to early 2013. A downward trend resumed shortly thereafter until the end of 2015, when it reached a decade low of US$40.88. The price of iron ore moderately recovered in 2016 and 2017, reaching US$89.44 in February 2017 before falling to US$72.25 by the end of the year. In 2019, the price started at US$76.16 and rose to US$120.24 by July. Prices subsided and hovered around US$90.00 until May 2020. Prices then rose to a decade high of US$214.43 in June 2021 before rapidly declining to a low of US$96.24 per tonne in November 2021. Prices rebounded slightly to US$116.96 in December 2021.

Iron ore facts (18) Recycling

Steel is 100% recyclable, which means it can be reprocessed into material of the same quality again and again. Recycling produces significant savings in energy and raw materials. Each recycled tonne of scrap steel saves more than 1,400 kilograms of iron ore, 740 kilograms of co*king coal and 120 kilograms of limestone.

With electric arc furnaces, steel can be made from 100% scrap metal feedstock. This production method greatly reduces the energy required to make steel, compared with primary steelmaking from ore.

The increasing shift toward using electric arc furnaces in the manufacture of steel will support the global market for steel scrap, which is projected to reach 755 million tonnes by 2024.

Notes and sources

(p) preliminary

Totals may be different because of rounding.

All dollars are Canadian unless otherwise indicated.


  • Iron ore, global uses, 2021
    • Iron – Minerals Education Coalition


  • Canadian estimated crude steel production
    • World Steel Association
  • Canadian mine production (shipments) of iron ore, 2012–2021(p)
    • Natural Resources Canada; Statistics Canada
  • Canadian mine production (shipments) of iron ore, by province and territory, 2021(p)
    • Natural Resources Canada; Statistics Canada

International context

  • World mine production of iron ore, by country, 2021(p)
    • Natural Resources Canada; U.S. Geological Survey; Statistic Canada
    • An adjustment in the U.S. Geological Survey's methodology to estimate usable ore production instead of crude ore production resulted in adjusted totals from China beginning in 2015 and in lower overall world mine production.
  • World mine production of iron ore, 2012–2021(p)
    • U.S. Geological Survey
  • World reserves of crude iron ore, by country, 2021(p)
    • U.S. Geological Survey


  • Natural Resources Canada; Statistics Canada
    • Mineral trade includes ores, concentrates, and semi- and final-fabricated mineral products.
    • Steel includes stage 3 semi-fabricated products.


  • Iron ore prices, monthly average, 2012–2021
    • World Bank


  • Global Industry Analysts (GIA) Inc.
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I am an iron ore industry expert with a deep understanding of the key concepts and dynamics within this sector. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive knowledge base that spans the uses, production, international context, trade, prices, and recycling of iron ore. This extensive understanding allows me to provide valuable insights into the nuances of the industry.

Let's delve into the concepts highlighted in the provided article:

1. Uses:

Iron ore is primarily used for steel production, constituting 98% of its usage. The remaining 2% is employed in various applications, such as powdered iron for specific steel types, auto parts, catalysts, radioactive iron for medicine, and iron blue in paints, inks, cosmetics, and plastics.

2. Production:

  • Canadian mine production of iron ore in concentrate and pellets was 57.5 million tonnes in 2021, a slight decrease from 2020.
  • Canada's estimated crude steel production for 2021 was 13 million tonnes, marking an 18% increase compared to 2020.
  • The majority of Canada's iron ore comes from the Labrador Trough region, with significant contributions from Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavut.

3. International Context:

  • Global production of iron ore in 2021 reached 2,537 million tonnes, with Australia being the leading producer, accounting for 35% of the total.
  • Canada ranked as the ninth-leading producer of iron ore globally, contributing 2% to the total production and holding the sixth position in terms of reserves.

4. World Reserves:

  • World reserves of crude iron ore in 2021 indicate Australia as the largest holder with 28.5%, followed by Brazil and Russia.

5. Trade:

  • Canada exported 53.8 million tonnes of iron ore valued at $10.1 billion in 2021, reflecting a decrease in volume but an increase in value compared to 2020.
  • Iron ore pellets accounted for 28% of the volume in exports, while concentrates represented the remaining 72%.

6. Prices:

  • Iron ore prices experienced significant fluctuations over the past decade, reaching a high of US$214 per tonne in June 2021 and a low of US$41 per tonne in December 2015.
  • In 2021, prices rose to a high of US$214 per tonne in June before declining to US$116 per tonne in December, influenced by decreased demand from Chinese steel manufacturers.

7. Recycling:

  • Steel, produced from iron ore, is 100% recyclable, leading to substantial energy and raw material savings.
  • Recycling one tonne of scrap steel saves more than 1,400 kilograms of iron ore, 740 kilograms of co*king coal, and 120 kilograms of limestone.
  • The use of electric arc furnaces in steel production further reduces energy consumption.

In conclusion, my in-depth knowledge of the iron ore industry allows me to provide a thorough understanding of the concepts outlined in the article, covering various aspects from production and trade to global context and recycling.

Iron ore facts (2024)


What are the facts about iron ore? ›

Almost all (98%) iron ore is used in steelmaking. Iron ore is mined in about 50 countries. The seven largest of these producing countries account for about three-quarters of total world production. Australia and Brazil together dominate the world's iron ore exports, each having about one-third of total exports.

What are the 4 types of iron ore? ›

There are four main types of iron ore deposit: massive hematite, which is the most commonly mined, magnetite, titanomagnetite, and pisolitic ironstone.

How pure is iron ore? ›

Hematite and magnetite are by far the most common types of ore. Pure magnetite contains 72.4 percent iron, hematite 69.9 percent, limonite 59.8 percent, and siderite 48.2 percent, but, since these minerals never occur alone, the metal content of real ores is lower.

What is iron ore mainly used for? ›

Iron ore is the raw material used to make pig iron, which is one of the main raw materials to make steel—98% of the mined iron ore is used to make steel.

What are 4 facts about iron? ›

Iron fun facts
  • Iron is the second most abundant metal on Earth.
  • Iron composes about 80% of the Earth's inner and outer cores.
  • Iron is the main component of meteorites.
  • You cannot make steel without iron.
  • Around 70% of the iron in the human body is found in the hemoglobin of red blood cells.
Nov 4, 2023

What color is iron ore? ›

Iron Ore is a very dark, charcoal black with a lot of depth. It will appear black until you get it right next to something pure black like Tricorn. Then you can see it's not the richest of blacks. It's a lovely, softer black paint.

What is iron ore made of? ›

Iron ore forms when iron ions in water are combined with oxygen and other elements to form iron oxide minerals, such as hematite, magnetite, and goethite.

How does iron ore look like? ›

Iron ore, or iron ores, are types of rock and minerals from which we can extract metallic iron. These rocks and minerals vary in color, ranging from rusty red, deep purple, a striking yellow, and dark grey. Iron itself is one of the most abundant elements in the universe that we know of.

How rare is iron ore? ›

Although elemental iron is ranked fourth in abundance in the Earths crust, metallic iron is virtually unknown on the surface of the Earth except as iron-nickel alloys from meteorites and very rare forms of deep mantle xenoliths.

Is iron ore Infinite? ›

The miner can extract an infinite amount of iron ores from one infinite iron block, whereas the player can obtain a maximum of one iron ore from one infinite iron block.

How old is iron ore? ›

Nearly all the earth's iron comes from ore deposits in rocks formed more than 1.8 billion years ago. These began forming when the first organisms capable of photosynthesis began releasing oxygen into the world's oceans, which combined with dissolved iron to produce haematite or magnetite.

How deep is iron ore? ›

Iron ore reserves are normally found within a few meters from the ground surface, and most of the major mines of the world are operating an opencut system, which requires little sophistication, except in terms of the equipment used and the quantities needed to be mined for operations to be cost-effective.

Is iron ore a rock? ›

Iron ores are rocks from which metallic iron can be economically extracted. Most deposits of iron ore in the world are found in rocks known as banded iron formations (BIFs). These are sedimentary rocks that have alternating layers of iron-rich minerals and a fine-grained silica rock called chert.

How deep is iron in Earth? ›

A small, central part of the core, however, below a depth of about 5,100 km (3,200 miles), is solid iron. This inner core is itself divided into two layers known only by the polarity differences of the iron crystals found within them.

What are 5 interesting facts about iron? ›

20 interesting facts about iron
  • Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe, which comes from the Latin word 'ferrum'.
  • It is the fourth most abundant element in the Earth's crust.
  • Iron is an essential nutrient for many living organisms, including humans.
Nov 8, 2023

What are 4 properties of iron ore? ›

Chemical symbolFe, comes from the Latin word for iron ferrum
Relative density7.87 g/cm3
Hardness4 on Mohs scale
3 more rows
6 days ago

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