Investment regulation - South Korea (2024)

Investor Registration Certificate (IRC)

Before investing in securities in Korea, a foreign investor will need to obtain an IRC issued by the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS). This is because the IRC is required for opening:

  • A cash account, for securities investments, with a local custodian bank;
  • A securities safekeeping account with a local custodian bank;and
  • A securities trading account with a broker.

Each holder of an IRC is recognised as a separate independent beneficial owner.

The IRCcan be used simultaneously at any local custodian bank and/or securities company in Korea. It contains a unique identification number for each foreign investor, including the investor’s name, date of birth or establishment, nationality and type of entity (that is, individual, bank, mutual fund, etc.).This IRC number must be quoted whenever a foreign investor places a purchase or sell order via a broker, and the securities safekeeping account number, linked to it, must be quoted whenever a foreign investor conducts settlement at a local custodian bank.

Foreign direct investments

Under the Foreign Investment Promotion Law (FIPL), foreign investors, including foreign companies, foreign funds, etc., can acquire stakes in any listed or unlisted Korean company.

This type of investment is considered as a long-term investment. Usually, the deal is conducted directly between the foreign investor and the local company, under the guidance of a lawyer in accordance with the FIPL.

An IRC is not required for this type of investment.


With regards to the shares obtained under the FIPL:

  • Under the “Regulations on Financial Investment Business”, foreign investors are required to keep such shares, provided that they are KSD-eligible, with a local custodian at the KSD.
  • Physical non KSD-eligible shares can be held in safekeeping in the vaults of a local custodian bank.
  • A delivery of such shares outside Korea is not allowed. Exceptions to this are when the Financial Services Commission approves the delivery and the shares are bearer shares.

Disclosure rules

Foreign investors are obliged to file a disclosure report with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) on any shares, whether listed or unlisted, obtained under the FIPL. In addition to that, the same disclosure rules as for IRC investments, also applyon listed shares obtained under the FIPL (see “Disclosure requirements - South Korea”).

IPO and Lock-up period

After an IPO, shareholders of pre-IPO shares under the FIPL can trade newly listed shares on the exchange or off-market.

A lock-up period is applied to prevent the largest shareholders and affiliated persons from making unfair capital gains once the shares are listed. The lock-up period lasts, as follows:

KOSDAQ Market:

Six months from the first listing date

KOSPI Market:

Six months from the first listing date

Holding restrictions

Foreign investors are allowed to invest in the Korean equity securities market without any restrictions. The only exceptions are a small number of companies of national importance and some industries (such as aviation, communication and broadcasting) where limits ranging from zero to 49.99% apply.

For KRX KOSPI listed stocks, see:

For KRX KOSDAQ listed stocks, see:

The Korean government and the FSC establish and monitor the aggregate and individual limits of equity securities owned by foreign investors through the Foreign Investment Management System.

Foreign Investment Management System (FIMS)

A foreign investor trading in shares subject to ownership limits must report trades in the above-listed securities to the FSS via the FIMS. The FIMS is a computer system connecting the FSS with licensed securities companies. Such trades are automatically reported via the FIMS by the securities companies on behalf of the foreign investor.

The main functions of the FIMS are:

  • Reporting all trades placed by foreign investors to the FSS;
  • Pre-monitoring trade orders of shares with foreign ownership limits.

Purchase orders in listed shares that are subject to foreign ownership limits and cause the aggregated and individual foreign ownership limits to be exceeded will be blocked automatically by the FIMS. Sales orders of shares that were not reported to the FSS when purchased will be blocked and cannot be placed in the market.

Exceptions to foreign ownership limits

Foreign investors are, as exceptions, allowed to acquire shares exceeding the aggregate foreign ownership limit when:

  • The acquisition is a direct foreign investment;
  • The acquisition is through the conversion of foreign depository receipts into ordinary shares;
  • A Korean investor changes nationality to a foreign nationality;
  • A foreign investor treated as a Korean national for investment purposes is no longer treated as a Korean national;
  • Such shares are acquired:
    • Through the exercise of rights from securities issued overseas;
    • Through the exercise of rights from convertible bonds, bonds with warrants and exchangeable bonds;
    • Through the exercise of rights as a shareholder;
    • As a gift or inheritance;
  • A foreign legal entity acquires the shares due to a merger;
  • The acquisition is allowed by the FSC.

Foreign investors that acquire shares and exceed the aggregate foreign ownership limits are required to sell the excess shares within three months of their acquisition and will be restricted in exercising their voting rights. Any other entitlements, such as dividend payments, corporate actions, bonus issues etc., remain valid.

Foreign investors that acquire shares and exceed the foreign ownership limit will be punished by a forced sale of the share, withdrawal of the IRC approval, or any other measure deemed appropriate by the FSS.

Conversion into shares with foreign ownership limits

The following instruments can be converted into shares with foreign ownership limits:

  • Depository receipts (DRs)
    DRs are included in the foreign ownership calculation and the foreign ownership level will not change if conversion to original shares occurs. No restriction is applied to the conversion of DRs to ordinary shares.
    Upon conversion of the DRs into shares and settlement of the conversion, the foreign investor is able to place a sell order for the shares. It is not possible to place the sell order before final settlement of the conversion as the FIMS blocks trades that would cause a breach of the foreign ownership limit.
  • Overseas convertible bonds, exchangeable bonds and bonds with warrants
    Foreign investors will only be allowed to exercise their rights to convert such provided that the conversion does not exceed the foreign ownership level.


Shares include:

  • Voting shares;
  • Certificates representing the right to subscribe for new voting shares;
  • Bonds convertible in voting shares;
  • Bonds with warrants with respect to voting shares;
  • Preference shares are normally excluded unless they have been connected with voting rights;
  • Exchangeable bonds;
  • Derivative instruments.

A holding of shares is defined as shares held on the investor's account and any rights to take delivery of such shares (that is, under the terms of a sale and purchase agreement, options, etc.).

Cooling-off period in relation to the obligation to report threshold crossings

The first time that an investment is reported as being for the purpose of exercising influence over themanagement, there is a cooling-off period that starts from the trade date and runsuntil five business days after the report date, during which the investor will be suspended temporarily from exercising voting rights and from acquiring further shares. The cooling-off period also applies tosubsequent reports (for example, for changes of 1% or more to the holding) that are reported for the purpose of exercising influence over the management.

Neither initial reporting nor subsequent reporting that states the purpose as a simple portfolio investment is subject to the cooling off period. In light of the above, when an investor changes the purpose of the investment from exercising influence over the management to a simple portfolio investment and then back to exercising influence over the management, reporting the latter would result in a further five-day cooling-off period.

Overall, the cooling-off period excludes the day the investor files a report and non-business days in South Korea, which include public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Failure to comply with the cooling-off period requirements may result in the suspension of the voting rights of the equity securities and an order for the disposition of the non-complying equity securities.

Disclosure requirements

For details of the local domestic disclosure requirements, please refer to the Disclosure requirements - South Korea.

Investment regulation - South Korea (2024)


Does South Korea allow foreign investment? ›

A fast registration process is available for foreign direct investment (FDI) under the FIPA. To apply, an FDI needs to: invest at least KRW 100 million; acquire at least 10% of voting shares of a Korean company, or own shares of a Korean company and dispatch or appoint an executive officer to or at such Korean company.

What is an IRC in Korea? ›

Investor Registration Certificate (IRC)

Before investing in securities in Korea, a foreign investor will need to obtain an IRC issued by the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS).

What is FDI in Korea? ›

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is defined as an investment with an investment threshold contributed by foreigners amounting to at least KRW 100 million and being 10% or more of the total amount. Foreigners are able to do business in Korea without restraint, except as otherwise prescribed by regulations.

What is FDI regulation? ›

Foreign investment is freely permitted in almost all sectors. Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) can be made under two routes—Automatic Route and Government Route. Under the Automatic Route, the foreign investor or the Indian company does not require any approval from RBI or Government of India for the investment.

Can Americans own property in South Korea? ›

Foreigners are permitted to purchase real estate in South Korea. Foreign residents wishing to buy are subject to the Foreigner's Land Acquisition Act and the Registration of Real Estate Act.

Is South Korea a free trade zone? ›

Is South Korea a free trade country? Yes, South Korea is a country with established FTZs, called Free Economic Zones, where goods can be transported in and out the country without typical barriers such as tariffs.

What is r1 in South Korea? ›

1 ZAR = 70.797963 KRW Jan 30, 2023 15:00 UTC.

What is AA in Korea? ›

Brief History of A.A. in South Korea

Alcoholics Anonymous and its recovery program was first introduced to Korea by the Irish catholic Father Arthur M. (widely known as 'An shinbu' to Korean members) in the 1970s. In early the 1980s some A.A. groups were established in Seoul and Kwang-Ju city.

What is OECD South Korea? ›

OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) The OECD is an international organization of developed countries that accept the principles of democracy and a free market economy.

What is the trend of FDI in South Korea? ›

South Korea foreign direct investment for 2021 was $16.82B, a 91.9% increase from 2020. South Korea foreign direct investment for 2020 was $8.76B, a 9.02% decline from 2019. South Korea foreign direct investment for 2019 was $9.63B, a 20.92% decline from 2018.

Why are foreign financial firms pulling out of South Korea? ›

Deteriorating profits have led to a number of foreign banks ― including Goldman Sachs, Barclays, UBS and the Royal Bank of Scotland ― to pull out of the local market in recent years. Foreign financial firms that remain in Seoul are seeking to reduce costs by scaling down branch numbers and cutting their workforces.

What are the 3 types of foreign direct investment FDI )? ›

Types of FDI
  • Here are the different types of foreign investments.
  • Vertical FDI.
  • Conglomerate FDI.
  • Platform FDI.

What is the difference between FDI and FDI? ›

FDI implies investment by foreign investors directly in the productive assets of another nation. FPI means investing in financial assets, such as stocks and bonds of entities located in another country.

What is FEMA regulation 16? ›

Under regulation 16 of FEMA 20R, 100% foreign direct investment is allowed for the development of Greenfield projects in the pharmaceutical sector. This is allowed through the automatic route. Whereas for Brownfield projects, 100% of foreign direct investment is allowed.

Which is the most restrictive FDI in the world? ›

“The Philippines is among the world's most restrictive countries to foreign direct investment (FDI) according to the 2018 OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) FDI's stimulus index,” Salceda said.

Can you be a dual citizen of South Korea and US? ›

A: Yes. Multiple citizenship status (that is, the acquisition of Korean citizenship in addition to some other citizenship) is acquired regardless of the registration of birth. Therefore, you acquired both Korean and US citizenship at the time of birth.

How long can a US citizen live in South Korea? ›

A U.S citizen with a valid passport can visit the Republic of Korea with K-ETA for 90 days for the purpose of tourism or visitation.

How can a US citizen live in South Korea? ›

There are a few main options for getting a residency in South Korea. You can start a business, invest in a business, invest in real estate, or invest in a government fund or development project to get South Korean residency.

Does the US have a free trade agreement with Korea? ›

The United States and the Republic of Korea signed the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) on June 30, 2007. U.S. goods and services trade with Korea, South totaled an estimated $168.6 billion in 2019.

What trade barriers does South Korea have? ›

The trade restrictions include anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, safeguard actions and other cases under investigation. Korea was hit with 153 anti-dumping duties, 48 safeguards and nine countervailing duties last year.

What countries does South Korea have free trade agreements with? ›

Korea has Free Trade Agreements with ASEAN, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, India, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the European Union, and the European Free Trade Association (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein), U.S., Turkey, and Vietnam.

What is d2 Korea? ›

Student visa (D-2) can be acquired at a Korean embassy or consulate in the applicant's home country. The application for student visa (D-2) requires a number of documents like the Certificate of Admission (CoA), which will be issued by the International Education Team at Korea University.

What is g1 in Korea? ›

This visa is for individuals who do not qualify for a Diplomat (A-1) to a Marriage Migrant (F-6), Working Holiday (H-1) or Work and Visit (H-2) status. The G-1 visa is subdivided into various categories.

What is Division 11 in South Korea? ›

The 11th Maneuver Division (Korean: 11기동사단, hanja: 十一機動師團), also known as Flowering Knights Division (Korean: 화랑부대, hanja: 花郞部隊), is a military formation of the Republic of Korea Army and is unit is one of four divisions under the command of the VII Maneuver Corps.

What is Type A in Korea? ›

1. Blood Type A. According to the Korean blood type personality chart, it is said that people with blood type A are known to be diplomatic and friendly, however due to their sensitive natures, they prefer staying alone to being in a group; therefore they may feel uncomfortable in crowded areas or parties.

What is an A in Korea? ›

GradeScaleUS Grade
A90.00 - 94.99A
B+85.00 - 89.99B+
B80.00 - 84.99B
11 more rows

What is level A1 in Korean? ›

A1. I can recognise familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. I can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or in catalogues.

What rank is South Korea in OECD? ›

During that period, the highest tax-to-GDP ratio in Korea was 29.9% in 2021, with the lowest being 20.9% in 2000. Korea ranked 29th¹ out of 38 OECD countries in terms of the tax-to-GDP ratio in 2021. In 2021, Korea had a tax-to-GDP ratio of 29.9% compared with the OECD average of 34.1%.

What is the difference between OECD and non-OECD countries? ›

The countries within OECD are often called OECD countries and can be grouped together because their economic infrastructure is fundamentally more extensive than countries that don't participate directly in OECD (called non-OECD countries, also called developing economies or modernizing economies).

What is considered wealthy in Korea? ›

According to a survey conducted among male and female adults in South Korea in 2021, the net wealth required to be considered wealthy was about 4.9 trillion South Korean won, a slight increase from the previous year. The threshold above which someone is considered wealthy has risen steadily in recent years.

Is South Korea in financial crisis? ›

A variety of economic indicators in September revealed the precarious state of the South Korean economy. Foreign exchange reserves have tumbled by the biggest margin since the global financial crisis. The won has fallen to a 13-year low against the US dollar.

What is the likely return on investment South Korea? ›

The latest value from 2021 is 4.73 percent. For comparison, the world average in 2021 based on 87 countries is 32.21 percent.

What is South Korea investment rate? ›

Capital investment as percent of GDP

The latest value from 2021 is 32.09 percent. For comparison, the world average in 2021 based on 153 countries is 24.18 percent.

What is IMF Korea crisis? ›

The IMF Crisis (아이엠에프 위기/国际货币基金 危機) means the financial crisis experienced by Korean people in the late 1990s, which was caused by the severe foreign exchange shortage on the brink of default of South Korea in December 1997, and bailed out by the IMF Standby Credit Facility (IMF 대기성차관/备用信贷) and other international ...

How did Korea recover from IMF crisis? ›

After the 1997 crisis, the government implemented various restructuring measures in the financial sector to remove the structural weaknesses and restore foreign investors' confidence. The initial financial restructuring was based on an agreement with the IMF and the Korean Government signed on 3 December 1997.

When was the IMF crisis in Korea? ›

After many years of strong performance, Korea's economy entered a crisis in 1997, largely owing to structural problems in its financial and corporate sectors.

What are the 4 types of foreign investments? ›

There are four different types of foreign investment. These are Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), official flows, and commercial loans.

What are the two 2 main types of international investments? ›

There are two main categories of international investment: portfolio investment and foreign direct investment (FDI).

What are the 2 types of foreign investment? ›

Foreign investment can be broadly classified into two—Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investor (FII).

What is ODI vs FDI? ›

FDI. It is important to make a distinction between outward direct investment (ODI) and foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI occurs when a non-resident invests in the shares of a resident company. ODI occurs when a resident company invests in a non-resident country as part of a strategy to expand their business.

Does FDI count as investment? ›

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the category of international investment that reflects the objective of obtaining a lasting interest by an investor in one economy in an enterprise resident in another economy.

Why FDI is more stable than FPI? ›

In a nutshell, FDIs own controlling stake in a company by investing in its physical assets while FPIs invest only in financial assets. While FDI is a more stable long-term investment, FPI money is usually considered 'hot money'.

What is FEMA 20 R? ›

Consequent upon issuance of the aforesaid rules and regulations, FEMA (Transfer of Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2017 (Fema 20-R) and FEM (Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India) Regulations, 2018 stands repealed and substituted.

What is prohibited under FEMA act? ›

In terms of Section 5 of the FEMA, persons resident in India 1 are free to buy or sell foreign exchange for any current account transaction except for those transactions for which drawal of foreign exchange has been prohibited by Central Government, such as remittance out of lottery winnings; remittance of income from ...

What are the difference between FEMA and FERA? ›

FERA was an act promulgated, to regulate payments and foreign exchange in India, on the contrary FEMA is an act to promote orderly management of the foreign exchange in India.

Which country has highest FDI in USA? ›

At that time, Japan had over 690 billion U.S. dollars invested in the United States.
CharacteristicFDI in billion U.S. dollars
United Kingdom512.43
9 more rows
Sep 30, 2022

Why USA is best for FDI? ›

The country remained the world's largest recipient of FDI (followed by China), thanks to its large consumer base, a predictable and transparent justice system, a productive workforce, a highly developed infrastructure and a business environment that fosters innovation.

Where is FDI not allowed? ›

The present policy prohibits FDI in the following sectors: Gambling and Betting. Lottery business (including government/ private lottery, online lotteries etc) Activities /sectors not open to private sector investment (eg, atomic energy /railways)

Does South Korea accept American money? ›

Currency in South Korea

Foreign currency can be exchanged at banks, airports, and some hotels or tourist spots, and most major international currencies are accepted.

Can a foreigner own a business in South Korea? ›

Foreigners can start business in Korea (including the establishment of corporations) by acquiring new or existing stocks as prescribed by the Foreign Investment Promotion Act, or by establishing a domestic branch or liaison office in Korea as prescribed by the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act.

Do foreigners pay income tax in Korea? ›

Foreign expatriates and employees who will start to work in Korea no later than 31 December 2023 are able to apply for a flat income tax rate of 19% (excluding local income tax) on their employment income rather than the normal progressive income tax rates of between 6% and 45% (excluding local income tax).

Can an American have a bank account in South Korea? ›

Yes, there are many banks that allow foreign nationals to open a bank account in South Korea. These financial institutions also offer customer service in English which can be handy for those getting started.

How much usd can i carry to Korea? ›

Currency restrictions

There are no restrictions on the import or export of local or foreign currency. However, amounts exceeding US$10,000 or equivalent must be declared.

How much money can I bring from US to Korea? ›

You may bring into or take out of the country, including by mail, as much money as you wish. However, if it is more than $10,000, you will need to report it to CBP.

Can an American own a business in Korea? ›

Starting a business in South Korea as a foreigner comes with a few surprises that might trip you up. Fortunately, the South Korean government has been encouraging expats to start businesses since the 1998 Foreign Investment Promotion Act.

Can foreigners own property in Korea? ›

Foreigners generally don't have any restrictions to buy property (including land) in Korea.

Why South Korea are friendly to entrepreneurs? ›

The high level of education and investment in innovation are born in the high number of patents granted locally each year. Given that it is one of the most developed countries in terms of innovation, it is clear that South Korea supports its entrepreneurs more than other countries, even by its culture.

Is there a tax treaty between US and South Korea? ›

The US Korea Tax Treaty is a robust international tax treaty between the United States and Republic of Korea. The United States has entered into several tax treaties with different countries across the globe — including Korea.

How much is capital gains tax in Korea for foreigners? ›

Capital gains: Capital gains (or losses) generally are reflected in taxable income subject to corporate income tax. Korean- source capital gains derived by a nonresident are taxed at the lesser of 11% (including the local surtax) of the sales proceeds received or 22% (including the local surtax) of the gains realized.

Do Americans pay taxes in Korea? ›

As an American living abroad in South Korea, you will almost certainly have to file a South Korean income tax return. In addition to this, you will have to file at least one US tax form—and probably a couple more. Here are the most common tax forms US expats have to file.

What was the IMF problem in Korea? ›

Korea was one of the last countries to be affected by the Asian Financial Crisis. The won dropped in value and a large investment panic in the state led to the eventual bankruptcies of chaebols that had borrowed huge amounts for their individual projects.

What is IMF issue in Korea? ›

IMF crisis in Korea made foreign investment vulnerable to financial risks such as payment default and country moratorium. American, Japanese, and European banks had some $60 billion at stake in exposure to Korea. Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, and Japanese Sanwa bank each had more than $2 billion in Korean loans.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.