Investment Banking Target Schools: Full List & Guide (2024)

One topic that I’ve never fully explained on this site is the investment banking target school.

There are countless references to “target schools” in the articles and interviews, and we assume everyone understands the term.

But that’s not always the case, and it gets confusing because target schools differ by region (U.S. vs. Europe vs. Asia) and level (undergraduate vs. Master’s vs. MBA).

Also, there are “semi-target” schools sitting in between non-target and target schools, and no one ever explains the precise difference.

I will provide a few lists and guidelines here, but I want to take a slightly different angle and explain the “why” and the “what next” parts.

In other words, what do you do differently in the recruiting process if you’re not at a target school?

And why do banks focus so heavily on a few schools?

Will they continue doing this, or will recruiting change in the future?

Definitions: What are “Investment Banking Target Schools”?

Investment Banking Target Schools Definition: “Target schools” send significant numbers of their students into investment banking each year and have broad alumni networks in the industry; large banks focus their recruiting efforts on these schools and often reserve spots for a fixed number of students at each target school.

There are no exact numerical criteria because this definition is based on relative numbers and banks’ recruiting efforts more than absolute numbers.

For example, if University A has sent 500 students into investment banking roles over the past 5 years, accounting for 10% of total IB hires in the country, and University B has only sent 50, University A is a “target school,” while University B is more of a “semi-target.”

And if University C has sent 1-10 students into IB roles over this same time frame, it’s in the “non-target” category.

Banks may also visit target schools in-person to hold events and information sessions (though less frequently than they used to).

Until the late 2010s, banks also conducted first-round interviews on campus at target schools; these are now done mostly via HireVue.

People have counted the number of working bankers by school and created lists based on that; you can find one from College Transitions here.

But there are a few problems with lists based strictly on the raw numbers:

  • They don’t account for student interest and demand. For example, universities like Stanford and MIT are clearly targets in the U.S., and many students from these schools could get into IB if they wanted to. But they tend to be more interested in tech, startups, consulting, and other non-finance roles.
  • They don’t differentiate between undergraduate, Master’s, and MBA-level recruiting, and the numbers differ at each level.
  • They may not be adjusted for class size. But, on the other hand, you may not want to adjust 100% for class size because that leads to results like Washington and Lee outranking NYU in the list above.
  • They don’t account for recent vs. longer-term trends. For example, if a school hasn’t placed well in the past 2-3 years but still has thousands of alumni in the finance industry, should it be a “target”? I would say, “yes,” but some would disagree.

It’s still useful to look at the numbers, but they should only be a starting point.

And any ranking should be viewed as an approximate guideline because of all these issues.

Investment Banking Target Schools by Region and Level

Here are my rough lists for the three main regions by level:

  • United States (NY and regional offices):
    • Undergrad: The Ivy League schools (HYP and UPenn (Wharton) more than the others), NYU (Stern), U Michigan (Ross), UC Berkeley (Haas), Notre Dame (Mendoza), Georgetown (McDonough), Northwestern, Duke, UVA (McIntire), Stanford, MIT, UChicago, and arguably the top liberal arts colleges (Williams, Amherst, etc.).
    • Undergrad Semi-Targets: WashU (Olin), CMU (Tepper), UNC (Kenan-Flagler), USC (Marshall), UT Austin (McCombs), Vanderbilt, UCLA, Emory (Goizueta), Rice, IU (Kelley), Boston College (Carroll), and some liberal arts colleges like Middlebury and Claremont-McKenna.
    • Master’s in Finance: MIT, Princeton (more of a quant program), UT Austin, UVA, Vanderbilt, WashU, Notre Dame, USC, Claremont-McKenna, and maybe a few others (best to look at employment reports here).
    • MBA: The M7 schools, Yale, Stern, Haas, Ross, Tuck, Fuqua, and possibly a few others in the top ~20.
  • London / Europe (MBA recruiting is far less developed):
    • Undergrad: Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, UCL, Warwick, and Imperial (U.K.); names like HEC, ESSEC, ESCP, ICADE, ESADE, IE, Bocconi, St. Gallen, WHU, and Mannheim in the rest of Europe. See the London IB article for more.
    • Master’s in Finance: LSE, LBS, Imperial, Oxford, Cambridge, Bocconi, HEC, SSE, WHU, RSM, IE, CBS, ESCP, St. Gallen, ESADE, and a few others if you count S&T/AM recruiting (EDHEC, ESSEC, Dauphine, etc.).
    • MBA: LBS, HEC, INSEAD, Oxford, Cambridge, IESE, Imperial, IE, ESADE, Bocconi, and possibly a few others in the list above.
  • Hong Kong / Asia (MBA recruiting is far less developed):
    • Undergrad: Everything on the U.S. and European lists, plus HKU, CUHK, HKUST, and Chinese universities like Peking University, Tsinghua, Fudan, Shanghai Jiaotong, Nankai, Nanjing, and Zhejiang.
    • Master’s in Finance: Many of these names will be from the U.S. and European lists, but you can add any HK/Chinese ones from above with programs.
    • MBA: Everything on the U.S. and European lists, plus HKU, CUHK, and HKUST.

Look at the investment banking in Canada article for a discussion of schools there.

In the U.S., many schools are in the “grey zone.”

For example, where do liberal arts colleges such as Williams, Claremont McKenna, Amherst, and Bowdoin fit in?

Or what about universities like Vanderbilt and Emory that are not “the top of the top” but still in the top 20-30 nationwide?

Some of these could go in the “target” category (e.g., Williams and Amherst), but I’ve placed most of the others in the “semi-target” list.

In some cases, they are targets for locations such as Houston but not for NY-based roles (many Texas schools fall into this category).

If a school is a target for one or two locations but not the “main hub,” it is more of a semi-target because these regional offices hire many fewer Analysts and Associates.

Finally, note that there are also schools in the “non-target but still recognizable” category, such as Rutgers, Fordham, and UW Madison.

If you go to a school in this category, you won’t get “I’ve never heard of your school”-type rejections from bankers.

But you’ll still have to be more proactive and network more aggressively than students at target and semi-target schools.

We could argue endlessly about the exact lists, but the key point is that you must approach recruiting differently based on your current or planned school.

You might not know if you’re at a “lower-tier target” or “semi-target,” but you should always know if you’re at a school that is unknown to bankers or one they’ve heard of.

How Do Investment Banking Target Schools Affect Recruiting?

First, you will have a very tough time recruiting for IB roles from a non-target MBA program.

There are many fewer Associate positions, and most of these spots are reserved for students from the top MBA programs.

You can still network aggressively and win Associate roles at boutiques and smaller/regional firms, but these roles tend to pay highly variable compensation, and your daily routine might be quite different (“sales” more than “execute deals”).

It may be slightly easier from a non-target Master’s in Finance, but it’s still an uphill battle.

The bottom line is that if you cannot get into a top MSF or MBA program, it’s not worth enrolling in a lower-tier program if your main goal is investment banking.

If you’re interested in other careers, such as corporate finance at a normal company or quant finance roles, these lists differ, and “non-target” programs might be fine.

At the undergraduate level, the main differences if you’re at a non-target include:

  • GPA – To be competitive, you need perfect or near-perfect grades (3.8+ GPA). If this means taking easier classes or picking an easier major, do it!
  • Major / Classes – A student at Harvard could major in Literature, History, or Gender Studies and still win an IB role, but you cannot. You need an accounting/finance major or something very close to it – or bankers might dismiss you.
  • Work Experience – You need to have solid internships from early in university (ideally, Year 1 or the summer after Year 1) because recruiting starts so early. It starts a bit later in Europe and Asia, so the dates might be slightly delayed there.
  • Networking – You’ll have to be more proactive in contacting alumni, setting up informational interviews, and conducting weekend trips.
  • Targeted Firms – You will have a higher chance of breaking in if you target middle-market banks, “In-Between-a-Banks,” and boutiques.

Let’s say that Student A is at an Ivy League university but decides on investment banking late in the process (in the middle of Year 2).

Student A has a 3.5 GPA in a challenging degree program, and she has one previous finance-related internship at a tech company.

If she is motivated enough, Student A could put a good effort into networking and interview prep and walk away with an IB summer internship offer for the next year.

On the other hand, if Student B has similar stats but is at a non-target university, such as something outside the top 100 in the U.S., she would have a much harder time winning an internship offer.

To be more competitive, Student B would have to:

  1. Start Much Earlier – This means internships starting in Year 1 or the summer after and networking from around the same time (the start of Year 2).
  2. Earn a Higher GPA – Bankers might be skeptical of a 3.5 GPA from a lesser-known school, even in a challenging major such as math or engineering.
  3. Get Better Work Experience – Ideally, this means 1-2 internships directly in finance, such as at a boutique bank or venture capital firm. You don’t want to rely on “loosely related experience” if you’re at a non-target.

You might look at this list and say, “OK, but how could anyone know their plans so early in university? Should I transfer to a better school if I get a late start?”

Unfortunately, transferring to a better university has become less feasible because recruiting starts so early.

If you’re already in Year 2 at a non-target, it’s probably not worth it.

But if you figure out your plans early, and you can transfer right after Year 1, it’s worthwhile because you can immediately tap into a better alumni network at the start of Year 2.

Do Investment Banking Target Schools Matter in Real Life?

The best answer I can give is “yes, but less than bankers think they do.”

There is a difference between the average student at Harvard or Oxford and the average student at Unknown Community College X.

The student at the elite university is more likely to burn the midnight oil, pay attention to small details, and understand the required accounting/finance/technical skills.

That said, there’s a much smaller difference, if any, between the average student at an elite university and one at a good state school or “semi-target.”

Like organic chemistry for medical school admissions, target schools function as a filtering mechanism for banks.

It lets them reduce 50,000 applicants to 500 interviews rather than 5,000 interviews.

Will banks continue to recruit so heavily from target schools in the future?

Students at the top schools have become more interested in fields like consulting and tech over time, so banks might change their focus a bit.

Also, newer elements of the recruiting process, such as HireVues, online tests, etc., allegedly level the playing field since everyone must complete them, regardless of their university.

But let’s be real: At places like Wharton, a plurality of the students, if not an outright majority, still wants to work in finance.

As long as that’s true, banks have no reason to spend time and money recruiting at lower-tier schools.

For this system to change, something dramatic would have to happen, such as:

  • Banks go from hiring ~2,000 IB Analysts per year in the U.S. to ~4,000, so they need to go beyond the top schools to find enough candidates.
  • Interest in finance at the top schools wanes, and a new industry rises to take its place (Biotech? Space exploration? I don’t know). So, banks need to expand their set of target schools.
  • The university system is displaced by another credentialing mechanism, online training/certificates, or trade schools.

These changes are possible, but I don’t think they’ll happen anytime soon.

And the current system is engrained with the “lock-in” effect from all the bankers who attended target schools.

Target School Takeaways

You most likely found this article and skipped to the lists of investment banking target schools to check if yours appeared there.

I get it; it’s fun to look up rankings and debate the S tier vs. A tier vs. B tier vs. C tier.

But the main takeaway is that you need to consider your school in relation to your region and career goals.

For example, if you attend a university like Texas A&M or Rice, and you want to stay in Texas and work in IB in Houston, you’re completely fine.

And if you’re more interested in other careers, such as corporate finance, the Big 4 firms, or even business valuation, you don’t “need” an elite university.

Attending a target school makes the biggest difference if you want to work in investment banking or private equity at one of the largest firms (bulge bracket banks or PE mega-funds) in a major financial center.

Outside of that, a better university still helps, but more so for your first job and less for future jobs.

If you’re at a non-target school, transferring to a target or semi-target could work, but only if you do so early (after Year 1).

If it’s too late to do that, and you’re also late for the normal recruiting cycle, a more realistic path is to win roles in related industries, such as commercial/corporate banking, valuation, corporate finance, etc., and use those to move into IB via lateral hiring.

It’s a more roundabout path, but it might also let you hit your target.

Investment Banking Target Schools: Full List & Guide (2024)


How do I break into IB from a non target school? ›

How to get into an investment bank from a non-target school
  1. It's all about preparation. ...
  2. It's all about networking. ...
  3. It's all about pandering to prejudices. ...
  4. It's all about depth of knowledge. ...
  5. It's about lowering your expectations. ...
  6. It's about knowing your motivation. ...
  7. It's about getting in the zone. ...
  8. It's about compromise.
Mar 10, 2016

What are the core schools for investment banking? ›

Investment Banking Target Schools in the US
  • University of Pennsylvania. ...
  • Harvard University. ...
  • New York University. ...
  • University of Michigan. ...
  • University of Texas at Austin. ...
  • Duke University. ...
  • University of Notre Dame. ...
  • Cornell University.
Sep 1, 2022

Is Rice an IB target school? ›

Undergrad Semi-Targets: WashU (Olin), CMU (Tepper), UNC (Kenan-Flagler), USC (Marshall), UT Austin (McCombs), Vanderbilt, UCLA, Emory (Goizueta), Rice, IU (Kelley), Boston College (Carroll), and some liberal arts colleges like Middlebury and Claremont-McKenna.

Is MIT a target school for investment banking? ›

Target Schools For Investment Banking

The target schools are generally considered to consist of Ivy League schools, top liberal arts colleges (LACs), MIT, University of Michigan, Stanford, Georgetown, University of California - Berkeley, and the University of Chicago.

Can you become an investment banker from a non target school? ›

As a non-target, you often have to make your own luck and play a longer, more arduous game in order to break into investment banking. You will likely need to network three or four times as much as your target school peers and your conversion rate on reaching out is going to be much lower.

Is Mizuho a bulge bracket? ›

The short answer is that there's no universally-agreed-upon cutoff, but most people would say that these firms (Wells, HSBC, RBC, CITIC, Mizuho, etc.) are NOT bulge brackets because they're not diversified in the same way.

What school does Goldman Sachs hire from? ›

According to Wall Street Oasis (WSO) 2021 University Statistics (Bulge Bracket Banks), the top five schools Goldman Sachs (GS) hires from are Harvard University, New York University (NYU), Cornell University, Columbia University, and University of Pennsylvania (UPenn).

What is the most popular degree for investment banking? ›

Most investment banks prefer degrees in finance, accounting, business administration, and other business disciplines. Undergraduate degree subjects are less influential in the hiring process if a candidate has a master's degree in business administration, finance, or another highly relevant subject.

What is the average GPA to get into investment banking? ›

On a resume, what resonates with Investment Banking recruiters in terms of academics and achievement is your GPA, the clearest indicator of how committed you were over four years to your studies. Generally, anything above a 3.5/4.0 is considered good, while a 3.7+ is looked at very favorably as an excellent GPA.

Do Ivy League schools like IB? ›

Students who take IB classes in high school have higher acceptance rates into Ivy League schools, but this doesn't necessarily mean a higher acceptance rate than AP students; it just means that IB students have a higher acceptance rate than the general application pool.

Is Stanford an IB target? ›

Stanford University is also definitely a target school, as many top investment banking firms hire its alumni. However, many Stanford graduates don't end up working for New York offices, though, due to the distance between California and New York.

Do colleges care if you are IB? ›

Universities appreciate the IB's rigour and they know it takes hard work and dedication to perform well, particularly in Higher Level (HL) subjects. This is demonstrated by the fact that most US universities award course credits for IB Diploma subjects.

Is a 3.7 GPA good enough for investment banking? ›

Banks prefer good experience to good GPAs (subject to a minimum in the 3.3-3.5 range).

What universities do most investment bankers come from? ›

Three of the top schools that investment banks consistently interview and hire from include the University of Pennsylvania, New York University, and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Beyond the top schools, the Ivy League schools, such as Harvard, are also key spots that investment banks look to hire from.

Which University produces the most investment bankers? ›

NYU was the top investment banking feeder school every year between 2012 and 2020, according to WSO annual reports. Harvard University overtook it in the last two years, but NYU finished in a close second. In the 2022 report, NYU is particularly strong at Goldman Sachs (31 graduates) and Citigroup (13).

Why not to become an investment banker? ›

Even with education, experience, and enthusiasm, investment banking might not be for you. Lack of work-life balance is one reason to avoid becoming an investment banker. Investment bankers must also be able to manage high-pressure situations.

Does GPA matter for Wall Street? ›

Bulge bracket banks and almost all other investment banks will look at your GPA when applying for a job and you should include it in your resume. Typically banks screen resumes based on GPA and will often remove anyone below 3.5.

Do you need a CFA to be an investment banker? ›

If you're just starting out in investment banking, you're probably going for a job as an analyst. This position demands great expertise in number-crunching and financial modeling, skills that are best imparted by the CFA program rather than an MBA.

What is a Tier 1 investment bank? ›

3. Investment banking. Tier 1 investment banks are the largest globally across multiple product categories. They include JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America.

How many Tier 1 banks are there? ›

There are four major banks in the United States: JPMorgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup, and JPMorgan is the largest of them. The bank tops the rankings in terms of market capitalization, total assets, investment banking revenue, and net income.

What are the big 4 investment banks? ›

In the U.S., the top investment banking companies include the Big Four Banks — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo.

Does Goldman Sachs only hires Ivy? ›

Among investment banks, Goldman Sachs picked undergraduates most heavily from nearby New York University. Goldman Sachs prefers Ivy League schools, with Cornell, Harvard, and Columbia ranking third through fifth among employees with bachelor's degrees.

Where does Blackstone recruit from? ›

Blackstone considers candidates from schools across the globe. Candidates eligible for full-time opportunities are completing their final year of college or graduate school. Candidates eligible for summer opportunities are completing their third year of university or their junior year in college.

What division at Goldman Sachs pays the most? ›

Salaries By Department At Goldman Sachs
RankDepartmentAverage Goldman Sachs Salary
1Corporate Management$148,910
2Research & Development$115,996
3 more rows

What type of MBA should I get for investment banking? ›

Most business school MBA programs can prepare you for a career as an investment banker. Investment bankers help companies raise money through facilitating acquisitions and mergers, arranging sales, selling stocks and bonds, and advising companies on going public.

Which part of investment banking pays the most? ›

Our Top 7 Picks for the Best-Paying Jobs in Investment Banking
  • Equity trader.
  • Financial consultant.
  • Investment executive.
  • Loan officer.
  • Asset manager.
  • Investment bank broker.
  • Property and casualty insurance underwriter.
Dec 30, 2022

What is the best double major for investment banking? ›

Corporate finance, economics, and business administration are some of the best majors for investment banking.

Is investment banking a lot of math? ›

No matter what major you pursue, investment banking will require strong math and analytical skills with a firm understanding of economics and how it affects corporate finance. Also, internships during your bachelor's program can help you build working experience and enhance networking in the financial field.

How much do investment bankers make right out of college? ›

Investment banker salaries typically range between $95,000 and $276,000 a year. The average hourly rate for investment bankers is $78.23 per hour.

What GPA is needed for JP Morgan? ›

Q: What are your GPA requirements? A: We value diverse degree backgrounds and experiences and while a GPA 3.2 (or equivalent) in your undergraduate degree is preferred it is not required. Our training programs are designed to allow everyone, regardless of major studied to succeed.

What is harder IB or AP? ›

IB is more rigorous than AP because it requires higher grades than other classes do (i.e., A). This means that students who take IB won't necessarily be able to take as many classes at their local community college or state university—they'll need to apply for admission through another route first!

Does MIT prefer AP or IB? ›

While AP and IB classes allow you to take the end-of-course exams for college credit, MIT generally does not accept the credit from these tests. The school wants all of its incoming freshmen to start at MIT on equal footing. However, MIT does grant credit for specific AP tests on which you score a five.

What is the lowest IB score for Ivy League? ›

A score in the 40s will increase your academic competitiveness (note that many non-academic elements are in play), but a 38 or higher is still regarded as a strong IB score. You don't want to drop below the 36-point threshold if you're going for the Ivies.

Is NYU a target school for IB? ›

Located in New York City, NYU students are well positioned to network with top Investment Banking firms.

What is the minimum IB for Stanford? ›

Stanford University in United States of America requires students to maintain a minimum IB of 39 in order to stand a good chance to get admission into Stanford University.

Is Cornell a target school for investment banking? ›

Goldman Sachs and other large companies have been known to heavily recruit potential employees from the Ivy Leagues, and Cornell is considered a target school for investment banking.

Does Harvard prefer AP or IB? ›

Does Harvard prefer IB or AP courses? Harvard does not explicitly state a preference for IB or AP courses. To receive credit for IB classes, accepted students must earn an IB diploma. Incoming students must earn a score of 5 on at least four AP exams to earn college credit at Harvard.

Does IB raise your GPA? ›

The key difference is that grades earned in more challenging courses—including honors, IB, and AP—receive a higher numerical value, which can potentially raise a student's overall GPA.

Does Harvard like IB students? ›

Dean of Admissions “Success in an IB program correlates well with success at Harvard.

What GPA do you need for Blackstone? ›

Requirements: You must be attending Hight School or an accredited university as a full-time student, or have graduated from an accredited university within the past six months. You must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.

What GPA is too low for investment banking? ›

Grades below those levels don't necessarily mean that banks will reject you right away, but they do make it harder to win interviews through the normal process. But there are limits to that statement; for example, if you have below a 3.0 GPA in the U.S., then banks may reject you just based on that.

Can I raise my GPA from a 3.7 to a 3.9 in one year? ›

If your school does not do weighted GPAs, then achieving a 3.85-3.9 GPA by the end of junior year would not be possible for you. The highest possible unweighted GPA you could get is 3.81 (3.806...) by the end of junior year.

Does what college you go to matter for investment banking? ›

What College Should I Go to in Order to Get into Investment Banking? To become an investment banker, it is absolutely essential that you earn a college degree. Usually, it doesn't matter which college you go to as long as there are plenty of opportunities for you to complete internships and make plenty of connections.

What is the best city to work as an investment banker? ›

New York, New York, USA

New York City is typically considered the finance capital of the world. Many of the largest investment banks, including Goldman Sachs,14 Morgan Stanley,15 and Merrill Lynch,16 are headquartered in New York City. So too are several large banks, including Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase.

What are target universities? ›

A target college is one in which your academic credentials make you competitive for admission. Your GPA, standardized test scores, and class rank fall within the average range for that particular school. You have a very reasonable chance of gaining admission to a target school, but there are no guarantees.

Which bachelor degree is best for investment banking? ›

A college degree in finance or economics is typically the starting point for entry-level jobs at an investment bank. Accounting and business are also common educational backgrounds.

What is the most prestigious division in investment bank? ›

Corporate Finance. Corporate Finance includes many of the most “prestigious” roles in investment banking, including capital raising, advising on mergers and acquisitions, and helping companies to restructure.

Is corporate banking easier to get into than investment banking? ›

Corporate finance jobs aren't easy to get, but they're more plentiful and less competitive than investment banking jobs. Corporate finance still offers an excellent career in business analytics and corporate culture to those who value their weekends, holidays, and evenings.

Can you get into investment banking without Ivy League? ›

Yes, there are plenty of people going into investment banking outside of Ivy League school. However, if you have trouble getting into investment banking right out of college, you can always get an interesting job and make the best of the opportunities you have.

How do I get started in investment banking? ›

What Are the Steps to Become an Investment Banker?
  1. Step 1: Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Finance. ...
  2. Step 2: Get an Entry-Level Investment Banking Job. ...
  3. Step 3: Earn Your Master's of Finance. ...
  4. Step 4: Get a Job as a Investment Banker. ...
  5. Step 5: Consider Continuing Education or Specialization.

When should I start networking for investment banking? ›

If you're at a target school, where networking is easier, you should start networking no later than six months before the hiring season to have the best chance of landing a full-time investment banking position at a top-tier firm after graduation.

What is the hardest investment bank to get into? ›

Goldman Sachs is generally regarded as the leading investment bank in most business areas, and is the toughest Bulge Bracket investment bank to break into. Goldman has a very strong reputation within the industry and among corporations. They advise on the majority of high profile M&A deals and other major transactions.

Which investment banks have the hardest interviews? ›

PJT Partners, launched within the last five years by famed rainmaker Paul Taubman, leads the list, with 99% of candidates considering the interviews to be difficult.

Is it harder to be a lawyer or investment banker? ›

Key Takeaways. Of the two careers, investment banking requires greater quantitative acumen and skills in math. The educational requirements for becoming a lawyer are much more rigid than those for becoming an investment banker.

Is 25 too old for investment banking? ›

If you have more than 2 – 3 years of full-time work experience after university, it will be very difficult to get in at the Analyst level (estimated age cut-off of 25, but it may be more like 27 – 28 depending on when you started the degree).

What GPA do investment bankers need? ›

Yes, GPA matters! Bulge bracket banks and almost all other investment banks will look at your GPA when applying for a job and you should include it in your resume. Typically banks screen resumes based on GPA and will often remove anyone below 3.5.

Is 3.5 GPA too low for investment banking? ›

Banks prefer good experience to good GPAs (subject to a minimum in the 3.3-3.5 range).

What is the best degree for investment banking? ›

Most investment banks prefer degrees in finance, accounting, business administration, and other business disciplines. Undergraduate degree subjects are less influential in the hiring process if a candidate has a master's degree in business administration, finance, or another highly relevant subject.

How many hours a week investment banking? ›

An average investment banker works for around 80 hours a week, but some weeks this may increase to around 100 hours a week depending upon certain situations. The working hours differ based on the position of the investment banker. An investment banker analyst works the longest, around 80 hours a week.

What age do most people start investment banking? ›

"Most people who get entry-level jobs in banking are aged 20 to 25 years-old," says one former trader. "Once you get beyond 28 years-old, it becomes a lot more difficult to get a front office job (in trading, sales or M&A) in a bank," he adds.

What is the best group in investment banking? ›

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Goldman Sachs is widely known as the most prestigious investment bank on Wall Street. The bank's interns receive phenomenal training, hands-on experience, and the opportunity to rotate across many groups and desks.

How many applicants do investment banks get? ›

Since investment banking is a highly paid, prestigious, and competitive field, banks do not have to do much to “attract” candidates – in a single year, over 100,000 candidates might compete for a few thousand spots worldwide.

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