Investment banking lifestyle questions including hours worked, culture of bulge bracket vs boutique banks and travel (2024)

Investment banking lifestyle questions including hours worked, culture of bulge bracket vs boutique banks and travel

If the banking lifestyle is so tough, what’s the upside?

First and foremost, the money. There are very few careers that pay as well as investment banking, especially taking into account the level of risk (trading or hedge fund compensation, while potentially equal to or vastlyexceeding that of banking is significantly more volatile). Second, the exit opportunities.Many people treat investment banking as a stepping stone to other finance careers, including private equity and hedge funds. Third, for what you learn.Being a junior investment bankerteaches you two things. It teaches you about finance and it teaches you how to work and survive in a difficult and detail obsessed environment. Both skills are likely to prove valuable regardless of future career choice. Fourth, for ego.Many people get a kick out of telling others that they are in banking and for seeing their deals on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

Is the number of hours the worst thing about investment banking?

Most junior bankers will tell you that the worst thing about the banking lifestyle is not the number of hours required per se, but the unpredictability to those hours. Said differently, that you have NO control over your life, as you are expected to be reachable at all time, day and night.This lack of control makes it extremely difficult toschedule time to see friends and family. Analysts and Associatesfind themselvesroutinely having to cancel dinner plans, weekend plans and even vacations at the last minute. Many bankers, after a few months on the job cease scheduling events altogether, for fear of having to cancel.

How does the lifestyle in New York differ from investment banking jobs elsewhere?

Always a touchy subject,but generally, thelife of an investment banker is tougher in New York than anywhere else. The other big internationalbanking centers, London and Hong Kong, come in next. The West Coast of the U.S. is indeed morelaid back, as per its stereotype. Bankers in secondary cities (often satellite offices) also tend to have better lifestyles. Having said all that, banking is still banking, and just because you may have a view of the beach from your cube, don’t expect to work 9 to 5.

Will the lifestyle be better/worse in some groups than others?

Just like with bulge bracket banks vs. boutiques, it’s tough to generalize here too. Often the lifestyle of a particular group depends most on the dealflow in that sector or product and on the personality and culture portrayed by the group head(s) or senior bankers in that group. Obviously if there are a lot of deals in say, Industrials but few in Healthcare, then the bankers inIndustrials will likely be busier.However, if thehead of Healthcare is really aggressive about marketing, then the healthcare bankers may beworking 24/7 on pitches.

Alas, some groups do havereputations for having better or worse lifestyles. Bankers in product groups (M&A, Leveraged Finance) on average probably work more hours than bankers in industry groups, except during markets when there are few deals being executed. Groups such as Debt Capital Markets (DCM) andEquity Capital Markets (ECM) are sometimes referred to as “banking-lite” and offer better lifestyles (and lower compensation) than other groups within investment banking.

How does the lifestyle differ at bulge bracket banks vs. boutiques?

It’s always tough to generalize about boutique banks because there is such a broad range of them. There are boutiques that have cultures similar to those of bulge bracket banks and there are plenty of boutiques where the lifestyle is significantly better (and some that are worse). Having said all that, there aresomegeneralizations that can be made that will hold true much of the time.Analysts and Associates at boutiques often have the opportunity totake more responsibility than their bulge bracket equivalents, as deal teams are often smaller. Junior bankers at boutiques also tend to have more interaction with senior bankers andclients andmay be invited toattend more pitches and meetings.There also tends to be less “face time” at boutiques than at bulge bracket banks, meaning fewer hours spent in the office.

As a banker, how much will I have to travel?

Senior bankers tend to travel a lot, perhaps being out of the office on average 60% of the time. Most of the travel for senior bankers is spent marketing and pitching. Sometimes Analysts and Associates will be invited to go topitches and sometimes not. The majority of a junior banker’s time will be spent in the office. However, junior bankers may have a significant opportunity to travel when they are working on live deals. For example, when working on a sell-side M&A transaction, often the Analysts and Associates will spend a significant amount of time at the client site, especially at the beginning of the engagement. As theprocess progresses,the junior bankers might continue to travel to the client’s headquarters to oversee (babysit) management presentations or to travel to oversee (babysit) due diligence site visitsby the prospective buyers.Working on anInitial Public Offering (IPO)will likelyrequiresignificant travelduring the roadshow process.

Is it true that as an investment banker, I get free dinner every night?

Yes, at most banks if you work past 8:00 or 9:00 at night (though you don’t necessarily have to wait until that time to eat), you canhave dinner delivered to you on thebank’stab(generally up to about $35). Since Analysts generally have no lives, and expect to be working far past 8:00, they will often congregate together in a conference room to eat and relax for a little while. Associates, more often eat at their desks as they may still have the hopes of getting home before their loved ones or friends are asleep. VP’s and above are usually gone by then but it’s always funny when a late working and hungry Managing Director has to ask anAnalyst to order them food because they don’t know how to use Seamless Web (the standard food ordering website subscribed to by most banks in New York).

Of course, the consequence of having $35 each night to order dinner is that many Analysts gain a lot of weight. After all, if the company’s paying, let’s max out and add that Tiramisu to my order. More enterprising Analysts, stealthily use some of their daily $35 to pay for groceries for their apartments.

If the hours are so long, why don’t banks hire more people?

This is a question that every banker at one point or another (typically while they are staring at Excel sometime around 3:00 am) has asked themselves. There is no better answer than to say it’s just the culture of investment banking. Bankers are expected to work a lot of hours and likewise, get paid a lot of money for working those hours.

Are the hours really as bad as I’ve heard they are?

For the most part, yes! At bulge bracket banks and top boutiques, Analysts can routinely expect to work 90-100 hours per week or even more. A typical work day during the week might be 10:00 am until 2:00 am. Analysts will also typically work both days on the weekend. During a particularly busy time (working on a big pitch or at the beginning stages of deal), it is not uncommon for Analysts to work all night (“pull an all-nighter”) or even multiple all-nighters in a row. Hopefully (for the Analyst’s sake and for others), they have the time to at least go home to shower and change clothes.

Associatesgenerally have a slightly better schedule (emphasis on “slightly”). Associates might average 80-90 hours per week with a typical weekday schedule being 9:00 am until perhaps 11:00 pm and working either Saturday or Sunday. Associates on occasion will also find themselves pulling all-nighters. At the Vice President level, the hours start to improve significantly. VP’s, if they have to work weekends or late nights, can often do so from home. Managing Directors have a much more normal work schedule, when they are not traveling. MD’s tend to come in early (between 7:00 amand 9:00 am) and leave relatively early (6:00pm– 7:00 pm). However, MD’s are often on the road, traveling perhaps 3 out of every 5 days on average.

It should be noted also, that the hours at boutique banks can vary significantly. As mentioned above,some boutiques tend to have similar work requirements to bulge bracket banks. However, the lifestyleatmany otherboutiques can be substantially better.

Investment banking lifestyle questions including hours worked, culture of bulge bracket vs boutique banks and travel (2024)


Investment banking lifestyle questions including hours worked, culture of bulge bracket vs boutique banks and travel? ›

Some regional boutiques are closer to MM, EB, or BB firms in terms of hours and lifestyle, so this example is not representative of the entire category. However, it is fair to say that the average hours are lower at true regional boutique banks, often in the ranges of 60-70 or 50-60 hours per week.

Do boutique investment banks have better hours? ›

Some regional boutiques are closer to MM, EB, or BB firms in terms of hours and lifestyle, so this example is not representative of the entire category. However, it is fair to say that the average hours are lower at true regional boutique banks, often in the ranges of 60-70 or 50-60 hours per week.

What is the difference between bulge bracket and elite boutique investment banks? ›

There are two main categories of investment banks: elite boutiques and bulge brackets. Elite boutiques are smaller organizations that focus solely on investment banking, while bulge brackets are large firms that provide many different corporate finance solutions.

Why do you have a bulge bracket over a boutique? ›

Bulge brackets have brand equity, whereas boutiques need to invest more in promoting their services. If persuasion is not your strong suit, you should think of looking for a job in a large and well-known company.

What is the difference between middle market and boutique investment banks? ›

Unlike boutique banks, middle-market firms usually provide the same full range of investment banking services as bulge bracket banks, including equity capital market and debt capital market services, a full complement of financing and asset management services, M&A, and restructuring deals.

Do investment bankers really work 80 hours? ›

The well-known bulge bracket banks like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Bank of America tend to work analyst-level investment bankers at the industry standard scale of 60-80 hours per week. Example Bulge Bracket Banks: Goldman Sachs.

What is the hardest investment bank to get into? ›

Which is the hardest investment bank to get into? Goldman Sachs is notoriously difficult to get into. One statistics recently rolled out was that it received 100,000 applications for just 2,300 global internship positions. This means that it received 24 applications for every job it posted.

Is Blackstone a boutique? ›

Bank services: Blackstone is one of the most premier boutique firms in the world.

Is Rothschild a boutique investment bank? ›

Rothschild is a leading elite boutique investment bank operating globally. The parent company, has a long history in European finance and operates several other divisions including wealth management and merchant banking.

Is Citi a bulge bracket bank? ›

As a catchall term for this class of large global investment bank, "bulge bracket" commonly refers to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and UBS.

Do boutique investment banks pay more? ›

Better pay with 100% cash bonus: Elite boutique banks often pay 10% to 15% higher than bulge brackets at the analyst and associate level. In terms of bonus, they pay 100% in cash without an intention of paying the bonus in stock like bulge brackets.

What are the advantages of a boutique investment bank? ›

Unlike major banks, which provide a wide range of services to large institutional investors and corporations, boutique investment banks typically provide more specialized services to a smaller group of clients. As a result, they can offer a higher level of personal attention and more customized solutions.

What is the difference between middle market and elite boutique? ›

In short, the elite boutiques tend to work on larger deals than middle market firms and regional boutiques, with transaction values often above $1 billion USD. They often compete with and advise alongside the bulge brackets on deals in that size range.

Is Lazard an elite boutique? ›

Lazard is an elite boutique investment bank that consistently ranks in the top 10 for mergers and acquisitions deals (ranked 6th in 2022 for investment banking mergers and acquisitions fee revenue and 1st for boutique investment banks) amongst major players like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan.

What defines a boutique investment bank? ›

A boutique firm is a small financial firm offering specialized and personalized investment management, banking, or niche financial services. Boutique banking firms usually handle deals of less than $500 million.

What are the big 4 investment banks? ›

In the U.S., the top investment banking companies include the Big Four Banks — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo.

What are realistic hours for investment banking? ›

How Many Hours Do Investment Bankers Actually Work? Investment banking is not a normal 9-to-5 job — investment bankers can work anywhere from 60 to over 100 hours per week, depending on the company and the deals at hand.

Why do investment bankers work so many hours? ›

Investment banking hours are much longer than those in other jobs because of four main reasons: Huge Clients Pay Your Bank Huge Fees: When a company is paying your bank $50 million, $10 million, or even $1 million to advise on a deal, you have to do whatever it wants at any time of the day.

Do investment bankers actually work 100 hour weeks? ›

The only people who work 100-hour weeks are in the investment banking division - and typically in M&A specifically. There are other jobs, like sales and trading, where you earn more and work less.

Which investment bank has best work culture? ›

What Skills Investment Banks Look for in MBA Graduates?
  • Centerview is Highly Respected by Peer Bankers in terms of Prestige. ...
  • Evercore: A Meritocracy with a Flat & Entrepreneurial Culture. ...
  • Goldman Sachs: A Competitive Culture Driven by Feedback. ...
  • Goldman Sachs: The Most Prestigious Firm to Work for in 2022.
May 30, 2023

What is the most elite investment bank? ›

Bankers continue to regard Goldman Sachs as the world's most prestigious bank, followed (as always) by Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan.

What is the most prestigious investment banking group? ›

2023 Most Prestigious Banking Firms
  • #1. SCORE 8.886. 2022 Rank 1. Goldman Sachs & Co. ...
  • #2. SCORE 8.286. 2022 Rank 2. Morgan Stanley. ...
  • #3. SCORE 8.148. 2022 Rank 3. J.P. Morgan. ...
  • #4. SCORE 8.118. 2022 Rank 4. Evercore. ...
  • #5. SCORE 8.113. 2022 Rank 5. ...
  • #6. SCORE 7.247. 2022 Rank 6. ...
  • #7. SCORE 7.077. 2022 Rank 7. ...
  • #8. SCORE 6.994. 2022 Rank 8.

Why is HSBC not a bulge bracket? ›

The short answer is that there's no universally-agreed-upon cutoff, but most people would say that these firms (Wells, HSBC, RBC, CITIC, Mizuho, etc.) are NOT bulge brackets because they're not diversified in the same way.

Is Guggenheim a boutique bank? ›

Guggenheim Securities is an elite boutique investment bank and has a strong presence in the U.S. Guggenheim Partners, the parent company, offers several additional services like investment research and sales and trading.

What are Tier 1 investment banks? ›

The tier one global investment banks: JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citi, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America Merrill Lynch JPMorgan's table makes it clear that the tier one global banks are all the Americans.

What banks do millionaires put their money in? ›

Best Private Banks For Millionaires
  • Bank of America: Private Banking.
  • Citi: Private Banking.
  • HSBC: Private Banking.
  • JP Morgan: Private Bank.
  • Morgan Stanley.
  • UBS.
  • Wells Fargo: Private Bank.
Apr 26, 2023

What tier is BNY Mellon? ›

Tier 2 Reporting | BNY Mellon.

Is Nomura a Tier 1 bank? ›

Bulge-bracket firms in tier one include Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, Citi, Barclays, Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank and Nomura.

Which investment banks are Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3? ›

The very top investment banks from this list are Tier 1 – J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley. Tier 2 – Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Credit Suisse, UBS. Tier 3 – HSBC, BNP Paribas, Société Générale.

Is Wells Fargo a bulge bracket bank? ›

Is Wells Fargo a bulge bracket? No. Despite being a very reputed and established firm in the market, Wells Fargo is an in-between-a-bank, in other words, a middle-market firm. It falls between a bulge bracket and a boutique bank.

How hard is it to get into a bulge bracket investment bank? ›

Provided that you have strong finance-related work experience, and do a crazy amount of networking through LinkedIn or professional connection, you can stand a good chance of breaking into Bulge Brackets. In addition, you should consider Middle Market banks and Boutique banks since your chances there are higher.

Do boutiques pay more than bulge bracket? ›

Salary. A boutique may not offer a starting salary as attractive as a bulge bracket, but these banks offer more room for negotiation on remuneration going forward, as the employee isn't one of the many at the same level working for the organization.

What is most profitable to bankers? ›

Like all businesses, banks profit by earning more money than what they pay in expenses. The major portion of a bank's profit comes from the fees that it charges for its services and the interest that it earns on its assets. Its major expense is the interest paid on its liabilities.

Why are investment bankers paid so well? ›

For a hefty fee, they bring industry, financial, and transactional expertise. They are basically gatekeepers — a company that wants to issue stock, issue debt, buy other companies, or sell itself has to engage with an investment bank (though some tech firms are working on ways around this).

How do boutique investment banks make money? ›

Investment banks earn commissions and fees on underwriting new issues of securities via bond offerings or stock IPOs. Investment banks often serve as asset managers for their clients as well.

Why is a boutique firm better? ›

Boutique firms tend to be smaller, occupying single offices and, instead of maximising their caseloads with strict billable targets, they offer more tailored and fluid services, focused on client care and case completions.

What is a boutique culture? ›

In a boutique, there is usually a more informal culture. This is because the hierarchies tend to be more fluid and relaxed. Roles matter, but the staff is involved in meetings and are treated as equals. By staying connected, ideas flow smoothly without any organizational barriers.

What is a bulge bracket bank? ›

Bulge bracket banks are the world's largest multi-national investment banks, serving mostly large corporations, institutional investors and governments.

Do elite boutiques have balance sheets? ›

The difference between bulge bracket investment banks (BBs) and elite boutique investment banks (EBs) is that the former is more institutionalized (and thus, has a balance sheet).

Is Houlihan Lokey middle market? ›

Houlihan Lokey is an American multinational middle-market investment bank based in Los Angeles, California. The firm is best known for its world-class financial restructuring practice and industrials advisory group.

Is Lazard better than Rothschild? ›

Lazard scored higher in 5 areas: Overall Rating, Culture & Values, Diversity & Inclusion, Senior Management and Positive Business Outlook. Rothschild & Co scored higher in 2 areas: Career Opportunities and CEO Approval.

How hard is it to get into Lazard? ›

Just 1% of applicants make it into Lazard's summer internship program. The boutique bank's head of campus recruiting shares 5 tips for aspiring financiers looking to ace the interview.

Is Evercore a boutique bank? ›

Evercore is one of the premier elite boutique investment banks (also known as independent advisors), having advised on over US$4.7T since its founding in New York City in 1995.

Do boutique banks have a balance sheet? ›

The primary difference between bulge brackets and elite boutiques is that elite boutiques do NOT have balance sheets. Elite boutiques tend to be focused more on M&A, restructuring, and providing strategic advice. Elite boutiques do not have the capabilities to underwrite large financings.

What are the three types of investment banking? ›

The firms engaged in the investment banking industry are commonly classified into three categories: bulge bracket banks, middle-market banks, and boutique banks.

What are the three major investment banks activities? ›

Roles of investment banks include the underwriting of new stock issues, handling mergers and acquisitions, and acting as a financial advisor.

Is Big 4 Consulting hard to get into? ›

Very hard indeed. A recent article in The Time exploring the Big Four (and KPMG, especially) revealed that PwC had an acceptance rate in 2022 of approximately 2.5%, based on the 304,000 applications it received to its 7,500 roles (including 2,000 entry level ones).

What is the difference between boutique investment banks? ›

1 Boutique banks are smaller and tend to focus on one or two prime areas in investment banking—say mergers and acquisitions and asset management. Compared to bulge bracket banks, boutiques are more flexible in terms of hierarchy, structure, and operations.

Do investment bankers always work long hours? ›

Yes, investment banking hours, especially in your first year or two, are always bad (think: 70-80 hours in the office per week). But junior bankers also tend to exaggerate their hours, often by not subtracting downtime or breaks during the day.

What is an elite boutique investment bank? ›

Elite boutiques are investment banks that specifically focus on investment banking and primarily do M&A and restructuring functions. Elite boutiques represent how the old school investment banks had once operated – they focus purely on doing investment banking deals, advising clients on strategic decisions.

Is UBS a bulge bracket? ›

As a catchall term for this class of large global investment bank, "bulge bracket" commonly refers to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and UBS.

What is the best bulge bracket bank? ›

List of Top 10 Bulge Bracket Investment Banks
Name of the BankYear of FoundationHeadquarter
Goldman Sachs & Co1869New York
Morgan Stanley1935New York
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co1799New York
Bank of America Merrill Lynch1991Charlotte N.C
6 more rows

What are four major differences between commercial and investment banks? ›

What Are Four Major Differences Between Commercial and Investment Banks? Four significant differences are clientele served, products and services offered, the amount of money in transactions, and the regulations that must be followed.

Do investment bankers really work 100 hours a week? ›

It is no surprise that the average day in an investment banker's life is long and stressful. Those who manage to survive the adjustment period often go on to have long and financially rewarding careers. Investment banking analysts may work up to 100 hours per week at some firms.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.