Investment Banking KPI & Metric Guide (PDF) (2024)

Broker Dealer KPI Encyclopedia

This document defines over 500 Broker Dealer industry KPIs, including metric definitions for Client Services, Reporting & Analysis, Compliance & Risk Management and more. These KPIs are further categorized into seven major groups: cost, productivity, revenue, organizational, quality, service and volume. Purchase this document today to identify and begin measuring the right Broker Dealer metrics.

How many metric, or KPI definitions, are included in this download? For which areas?

This reference-style document includes over 500 investment banking KPI, or metric, definitions. The following common broker dealer lines of business and functions are covered in this KPI Encyclopedia:

  • Broker Dealer (Enterprise-wide)
  • Client Services
  • Compliance & Risk Management
  • Reporting & Analysis
  • Trade Operations & Support
  • Investment & Market Research
  • Investment Banking
  • Investment Management
  • Sales & Trading

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Investment Banking KPI & Metric Guide (PDF) (2024)


What is KPI in investment banking? ›

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the most important business metrics for a particular industry. When understanding market expectations for banking, whether at a company or industry level, here are some of the KPIs to consider: View Current Data. Earning Asset Yield (EAY)

What are three key performance indicator areas for a bank? ›

10 Key Financial Metrics & KPIs for Banks & Credit Unions
  • Net Interest Margin. ...
  • Return on Assets. ...
  • Return on Equity. ...
  • Loan-to-Assets Ratio. ...
  • Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital. ...
  • Efficiency Ratio. ...
  • Loans to Deposits Ratio. ...
  • Yield on Loans.

What is key performance indicator PDF? ›

Key performance indicators are financial and non financial indicators that organizations use in. order to estimate and fortify how successful they are, aiming previously established long lasting. goals. Appropriate selection of indicators that will be used for measuring is of a greatest importance.

What are KPI in banking operations? ›

Key Performance Indicators in banking operations can be defined as quantitative values used to determine how efficiently and effectively specific banking operational goals and objectives are achieved by the bank over a certain period of time. Think of them as the speedometer inside your dashboard for your bank.

What are KPIs and ROI metrics? ›

KPIs tell you what happens after each chapter, whereas ROI tells you what happened after the conclusion of the entire story. KPIs are a forward-looking predictor of end performance, whereas ROI is used as a backward-looking informer of future budget allocation decisions.

What are the 4 key performance indicators KPIs in a balanced scorecard is? ›

The basic structure of a KPI scorecard includes four perspectives: financial, customer, internal process, and learning & growth. Each perspective is represented by a set of measurable goals or objectives.

What is the difference between KPI and Okr? ›

KPIs are used to measure performance but they don't tell you what needs to change or improve to drive the growth of those numbers. OKR is a quarterly goal-setting method that helps businesses improve performance and drive change. OKRs are used to decide what needs to be changed, fixed, or improved.

What are the top 3 KPIs support and top 3 KPIs for customer success? ›

The 7 best customer success KPIs
  • Churn. ...
  • MRR. ...
  • Customer LTV. ...
  • Net promoter score (NPS) ...
  • Expansion revenue. ...
  • Customer satisfaction score. ...
  • Customer support tickets.

What is a KPI report example? ›

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) gauge the success of a business, organization, or individual in reaching specific objectives. The KPIs can differ based on industry, company, and personal objectives. Popular KPI examples include customer satisfaction, employee retention, revenue growth, and cost reduction.

What is a KPI example? ›

An example of a key performance indicator is, “targeted new customers per month”. Metrics measure the success of everyday business activities that support your KPIs. While they impact your outcomes, they're not the most critical measures. Some examples include “monthly store visits” or “white paper downloads”.

What is the ideal number of KPIs? ›

Try not to have too many KPIs: the optimum number for most areas of a business is between four and 10. Just make sure that you have enough to measure how your team or organization is performing against your key objectives.

What is the common KPI for finance department? ›

KPI Examples for Finance
  • Revenue.
  • Profit margin.
  • Cash flow.
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Current ratio (liquidity)
  • Debt-to-equity ratio.
  • Working capital efficiency.
  • Budget-to-actual performance.

What is the efficiency metric of a bank? ›

The bank efficiency ratio is a key performance metric used to assess a bank's profitability. It is calculated by dividing a bank's operating expenses by its total income and is therefore also referred to as a bank's “Cost to Income Ratio”.

What is KPI and KRI in banking? ›

Operational KPIs

Key risk indicator (KRI) KRIs measure how risky certain activities are in relation to business objectives. They provide early warning signals when risks (both strategic and operational) move in a direction that may prevent the achievement of KPIs.

What are the 12 types of KPI? ›

Some types of KPIs include:
  • Quantitative indicators. ...
  • Qualitative indicators. ...
  • Leading indicators. ...
  • Lagging indicators. ...
  • Input indicators. ...
  • Output indicators. ...
  • Process indicators. ...
  • Practical indicators.
Aug 18, 2022

What is a KPI checklist? ›

Key Performance Indicators are performance measurements that help you know if your business is reaching its goals and operating optimally. Use a KPI checklist to help you measure, detect and respond to dips in sales and margins and other strategic facets of your business.

What is an example of a smart KPI? ›

This popular acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This is a useful touchstone whenever you're considering whether a metric should be a key performance indicator. SMART KPI examples are KPIs such as “revenue per region per month” or “new customers per quarter”.

What is the KPI of an investment portfolio? ›

What Does It Mean? The Performance Measures KPI for investment portfolios is a way to track how the value of your investments is responding to changes in the market, and how the value of your investments changes over time.

What is a good benchmark for ROI? ›

The rule of thumb for marketing ROI is typically a 5:1 ratio, with exceptional ROI being considered at around a 10:1 ratio. Anything below a 2:1 ratio is considered not profitable, as the costs to produce and distribute goods/services often mean organizations will break even with their spend and returns.

What are benchmarks for KPIs? ›

Benchmark KPIs are the key performance indicators that determine your business's success. While KPIs indicate a broader term, benchmark KPIs are specific and give your company goals and metrics to compare your overall progress and performance.

What are the 4 elements of scorecard? ›

The four perspectives of a traditional balanced scorecard are Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth.

Is a balanced scorecard a KPI? ›

Balanced scorecard and KPIs are different in several ways. First, balanced scorecard is a holistic framework that covers multiple aspects of performance, while KPIs are individual metrics that focus on specific areas.

What is KPI vs metric vs OKR? ›

KPIs are metrics, while OKRs are a systemic goal-setting method. When used properly, the two complement each other. For example, your company might need your website to have an uptime of 99%. This metric represents a critical measurement to maintain.

What are the three parts of OKR? ›

OKR Methodology Overview

OKRs consist of an objective, a clearly defined goal, and key results, which measure progress toward achieving the defined goal.

What are the 2 components of OKR? ›

OKRs have two important parts: The objective you want to achieve and the key results, which are the way you measure achieving the objective.

What are the top 5 KPIs that you would use to accurately judge supplier performance? ›

Here are seven suggested supplier KPIs you should be measuring.
  • Defect rates. Quality control is an important part of any buyer-supplier relationship. ...
  • Lead times. ...
  • Contract compliance. ...
  • Return on investment. ...
  • Innovation. ...
  • Risk and transparency. ...
  • Customer service.

What 3 metrics best measure customer success? ›

The 8 most important customer success metrics
  1. Customer lifetime value. ...
  2. Repeat purchase rate. ...
  3. Customer retention rate. ...
  4. Customer retention cost. ...
  5. Churn rate. ...
  6. Net Promoter Score. ...
  7. Customer Satisfaction Score. ...
  8. Customer Effort Score.
Jun 2, 2022

How do I create a KPI chart in Excel? ›

Create a KPI
  1. In Data View, click the table containing the measure that will serve as the Base measure. ...
  2. Ensure that the Calculation Area appears. ...
  3. In the Calculation Area, right-click the calculated field that will serve as the base measure (value), and then click Create KPI.

What are the 4 performance measures? ›

There are four types of performance measures:
  • Workload or output measures. These measures indicate the amount of work performed or number of services received. ...
  • Efficiency measures. ...
  • Effectiveness or outcome measures. ...
  • Productivity measures.
Apr 13, 2021

What is an example of a bad KPI? ›

For example, say your business had a KPI along the lines of “make the workplace neater” or something else similarly vague. In this instance, employees might clean up their desks and make their workspaces nicer, but still fall short of the goal because there's no measurable standard.

What is the KPI 80 20 rule? ›

The 80/20 rule states that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts, customers or another unit of measurement.

What is the difference between KPI and objective? ›

KPI are quantifiable performance measurements used to define success factors and measure progress toward the achievement of business goals. Whereas, Objective is a concise statement describing the specific things an organization must do well in order to execute its strategy.

What are the three metrics used to measure financial performance? ›

Investors should also compare these three metrics—gross profit, operating profit, and net profit—to those of a company's competitors.

What is financial KPI for CFO? ›

In the CFO role, a key performance indicator (KPI) or metric quantifies financial performance. Companies can use these metrics to gauge their financial performance compared to their close competitors.

What are performance metrics in finance? ›

Financial performance metrics include quick ratio, current ratio, working capital, gross profit margin, net profit margin, equity multiplier, debt-to-equity ratio, return on equity, return on asset, total asset turnover, inventory turnover, and operating cash flow.

What performance metric is a good measurement of financial strength and why? ›

A good metric for evaluating profitability is net margin, the ratio of net profits to total revenues. 3 It is crucial to consider the net margin ratio because a simple dollar figure of profit is inadequate to assess the company's financial health.

What is the best efficiency ratio for a bank? ›

The Efficiency Ratio for Banks Is:

An efficiency ratio of 50% or under is considered optimal. If the efficiency ratio increases, it means a bank's expenses are increasing or its revenues are decreasing.

What is the Tier 1 capital ratio? ›

The Tier 1 capital ratio compares a bank's equity capital with its total risk-weighted assets (RWAs). These are a compilation of assets the bank holds that are weighted by credit risk. Under the Basel III accord, the value of a bank's Tier 1 capital must be greater than 6% of its risk-weighted assets.

What is the biggest KPI for a bank? ›

One of the most important KPIs for banks, net interest margin (NIM) reveals a bank's net profit on interest-earning assets, such as loans or investment securities. Since the interest earned on these assets serves as a primary source of revenue for a bank, this metric can indicate a bank's overall profitability.

What is an example of a KPI? ›

This popular acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This is a useful touchstone whenever you're considering whether a metric should be a key performance indicator. SMART KPI examples are KPIs such as “revenue per region per month” or “new customers per quarter”.

What is KPI for investment portfolio? ›

What Does It Mean? The Performance Measures KPI for investment portfolios is a way to track how the value of your investments is responding to changes in the market, and how the value of your investments changes over time.

What are the KPI for investors? ›

KPIs, or key performance indicators, use measurable data to track a company's progress toward a targeted set of goals. From an investor perspective, KPIs are typically related to a company's financial performance, but they can also be used to measure marketing, management or employee efficiency.

What are KPIs in risk analysis? ›

What are KPIs for risk management? KPIs, or key performance indicators, for risk management are metrics for assessing risks for a business. KPIs evaluate the critical parts of a business that it needs for it to be successful in meeting its objectives.

What are the 4 components of a KPI? ›

Now that you understand the maximum of KPIs you should have, it's time to think about the 4 main components you'll need to consider when setting any KPI: its Measure, Data Source, Target, and Frequency. The KPI Measure clarifies what you want to measure and how you can measure it.

What does a good KPI look like? ›

KPIs must be set with goals that employees feel they can reach. The more realistic the goal of a KPI is, the more likely employees are to reach it. Instead of setting large, seemingly unattainable goals, start small. For example, set monthly goals that employees will be challenged, but not overwhelmed by.

What are the six financial performance metrics every investor should know? ›

There are six basic ratios that are often used to pick stocks for investment portfolios. Ratios include the working capital ratio, the quick ratio, earnings per share (EPS), price-earnings (P/E), debt-to-equity, and return on equity (ROE).

What are investment metrics? ›

Investment metrics—also referred to as key Financial Metrics or stock metrics—are ratios, calculations and other information that help investors analyze a company's fundamentals. These fundamentals highlight a company's value, earnings, viability and potential for growth.

What is PMO metrics? ›

This PMO performance metric includes the ratio of successful projects to all the projects in a portfolio and can be extended to the ratio of successful projects that are strategically important for the company to the total number of strategically important projects in the portfolio.

What is the formula for KPI in finance? ›

To calculate the KPI use the equation: Total Sales ÷ Accounts Receivable. This simple currency metric is the total amount owed to the company at the current point in time. Another simple KPI, this time to look at the amount of money owed by the company.

How do you measure investment success? ›

Return on Investment (ROI) is a popular profitability metric used to evaluate how well an investment has performed. ROI is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing an investment's net profit (or loss) by its initial cost or outlay.

What are the KPI to measure financial performance? ›

What Is a Financial KPI? Financial KPIs are high-level measures of profits, revenue, expenses or other financial outcomes that specifically focus on relationships derived from accounting data — and they're almost always tied to a specific financial value or ratio.

What is the difference between key risk indicator and KPI? ›

While the KRI is used to indicate potential risks, KPI measure performance. While many organizations use these interchangeably, it is necessary to distinguish between the two. KPIs are typically designed to offer a high-level overview of organizational performance.

What are common KPI categories? ›

We've broken down our list of KPIs into the four categories of the Balanced Scorecard: Financial, Customer, Process and People. Make sure you select a few from each category so that your strategy is well balanced across the organization.

What are the seven key KPIs for effective risk management? ›

7 Key KPIs For Effective Risk Management
  • Identified risks. The identified risks are those you are aware of and which you know will occur during the project. ...
  • Actual risks. ...
  • Unidentified & unanticipated risks. ...
  • Frequency of risks. ...
  • Severity of risks. ...
  • Costs incurred due to risks. ...
  • Speed & effectiveness of solutions.
Nov 26, 2019

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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