Inventory Reserve Defined: How to Use in Accounting (2024)

Even for healthy, growing companies, it’s inevitable that not all of their inventorywill get sold 100% of the time. Some percentage of inventory will go bad or become obsolete.A business’s inventory reserve is its estimate of that percentage; it plays animportant role in correctly valuing the company’s inventory and, therefore, inpresenting a full picture of the business’s financial worth, health and flexibility.

What Is an Inventory Reserve in Accounting?

To create an accurate picture of the business’s inventory position,businesses estimate how much inventory won’t be sold and will eventually be writtenoff — the inventory reserve. Companies own raw materials, partially completed productsand finished goods. These items are all included in a company’s gross inventory.Business managers know that not all of their raw materials will be used and not all of theirfinished goods will be sold. That reserve is deducted from the value of gross inventories toarrive at the company’s net inventory position. Net inventory is typically whatappears on a company’s balance sheet.

In accounting terms, the inventory reserve is a “contra” asset balance sheetaccount that reduces gross inventory value to arrive at a company’s net inventory.Inventory accounts have a natural debit balance, meaning they are increased with debits.Contra asset accounts, like an inventory reserve, have natural credit balances and serve toreduce the value of their associated assets. But if you’ve never seen an inventoryreserve account appear on a financial statement balance sheet, don’t fret; companiestypically publish only the rolled up or netted high-level accounts. In this case, that wouldbe net inventory.

When an inventory reserve is created on the balance sheet, an expense of the same amount isincluded in cost of goods sold (COGS)on the income statement. By doingthis, the company is recognizing a cost today that won’t occur until some point in thefuture.

Inventory Write-Off vs Inventory Reserve: Timing is the main differencebetween an inventory write-off and an inventory reserve. An inventory reserve is the amountof inventory a business anticipates will not be sold in the future. An inventorywrite-off recognizes inventory that has lost value today.

There’s also a second difference. The inventory reserve is based on management’sestimate of what percentage of total inventory will not be sold in the future. It is lookingat inventory as a whole and not forecasting that any specific item in inventory will not besellable. In a write-off, management has identified specific inventory items that cannot besold or are overvalued and must be written off. Reserves are fluid and should be constantlyreevaluated; write-offs are specific and permanent.

Key Takeaways

  • An inventory reserve is a balance sheet item reflecting the value of inventory thatmanagement believes will never be sold.
  • Business managers use data from previous years, and their judgment, to decide the sizeof the reserve.
  • When an inventory reserve is created, an expense is also created and included in cost ofgoods sold on the income statement.
  • Software can easily and precisely track what inventory doesn’t get sold each year,which helps managers more accurately determine the inventory reserve in future years.

Inventory Reserve Explained

Despite a company’s best efforts, not everything in inventory may ultimately get sold.Sometimes inventories don’t sell because they’ve become obsolete. This oftenhappens with technology software and equipment. When a new, faster computer hits the market,no one wants to buy the older, slower computer. It may have to be sold at a discount —or it’s obsolete and may not ever sell.

Sometimes external changes make inventory outdated. The new connector and plug used onsmartphone accessories might sell like hotcakes, but if manufacturers switch to a fasterport, the accessories remaining in inventory may never get sold. Some inventory isperishable. Food and beauty products, for example, go bad after a certain date and legallycan’t be sold. And there’s often a certain percentage of inventory that getsdamaged, broken or stolen during the regular course of business.

For all these reasons, business managers must create an inventory reserve that reflects thevalue of inventory that might never be sold in the future.

How Does an Inventory Reserve Work?

To calculate an inventory reserve, managers track the percentage of inventories that werenever sold or spoiled in past fiscal periods. The percentage can be adjusted based on amanager’s evaluation of the current market environment or customer demand andpreferences.

The percentage is then applied to the company’s current gross inventory to calculate aninventory reserve, which is then deducted from gross inventory to arrive at thecompany’s net inventory. It is typically the company’s net inventory thatappears on the balance sheet.

Why Do Inventory Reserves Matter?

Reserves exists as an inventory managementpractice because they can influence a company’s bottom line, its ability toobtain debt or the terms of such debt. If a business consistently sees too much inventorygoing unused, it could signify a breakdown further up the supply chain between demand andsupply.

At the same time an inventory reserve is created on the balance sheet, an expense is createdand included in COGS on the income statement. COGS is subtracted from revenue, so —assuming revenue is constant — when COGS increases, net income decreases. Conversely,when COGS decreases, net income increases. Therefore, the inventory reserve has a directimpact on a company’s bottom line and supply chainresilience.

Companies can also use their inventory as collateral for loans. Banks may rely oncompanies’ valuation of their inventory when deciding how much money to lend and whatinterest rate to charge.

Function of Inventory Reserve

A company’s inventory reserve helps it present an accurate inventory position. Sinceinventory is an asset that can be sold to generate revenue or be used as collateral fordebt, awareness of a company’s inventory and its inventory reserve helps investorsunderstand a company’s worth and its future revenue opportunity.

Accounting for Inventory Reserves

Business managers must tally the current value of the company’s inventory in everyfiscal period to provide the most accurate and up-to-date picture of theorganization’s assets as business conditions change. Determining that value requiresaccounting for inventory reserves, which involvesmultiple steps. First, the total, or gross, inventories are valued at the lesser of theirmarket value or their cost under GenerallyAccepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Next, managers calculate the inventory reserve by looking at historical financial reports tolearn how much inventory wasn’t sold, as a percentage of revenue, in past years. Thatpercentage is then applied to the company’s gross inventory to estimate how much oftoday’s inventory may not be sold in the future.

Management has some flexibility to use judgment when calculating the inventory reserve. Afterreviewing actual data, they may determine that the current selling environment is better— or worse — than it was in the past and change the inventory reserveaccordingly. For example, new competitors may have arrived in the market that make it morelikely the company won’t sell all of its inventory, in which case the reserve mightneed to increase. Conversely, there could be an industrywide problem sourcing materials thathikes demand for the products a company has in inventory and increases the likelihood thatall of its inventory will sell out. In this case, the reserve might need to be lowered.

Then, gross inventory is netted against the inventory reserve to arrive at net inventory. Netinventory is the figure that appears on a company’s balance sheet.

In a related accounting step, when an inventory reserve is created on the balance sheet anexpense is also created and added to cost of goods sold on the income statement. By doingthis, a company’s income statements reflect today an expense that will be recognizedin the future.

Later, when managers acknowledge that a specific piece or pieces of inventory will not sell,an inventory write-off iscreated to take the pertinent items of inventory off the company’s books. On thebalance sheet, the amount of the write-off is deducted from gross inventory (using a credit)and the inventory reserve is reduced by the same amount (using a debit). The net inventoryamount remains unchanged because it already reflects loss that had been previouslyanticipated.

Once it’s recognized that inventory won’t be sold, management must write down theinventory immediately. Recognition of the loss cannot be spread over the course of a year,for example. However, companies can opt to retain inventory that has been written off inhopes that it will sell at some point in the future, or can be repurposed or sold for partsand materials. However, management will have to weigh the potential benefit of futurerevenue from that written-off inventory against the cost of warehousing the inventory andthe risk the inventory’s value will decline even further.

There may also be times when a product’s value drops below its cost but the businessstill believes it can be sold at a discount. In that scenario a write-down occurs. Anaccountant would recognize the lower value of the item and adjust the gross inventory andthe inventory reserve accounts accordingly.

Inventory Reserves & GAAP

GAAP standards and principles aremeant to make it easier for investors and analysts to compare different companies;accountants in public companies are obliged to follow GAAP in assembling financialstatements. A number of GAAP standards apply to inventory reserves. For example, the methodused to determine the size of an inventory reserve must be consistent from one year to thenext, and accountants must disclose any changes to that reserve method.

The GAAP principle of prudence — i.e., accountants are expected to use facts wheneverpossible and minimize speculation — also applies to inventory reserves. So, whenaccountants set inventory reserves, they mainly use historical write-off data to determinewhat percentage should be used when calculating the current year’s inventory reserve.

In addition, inventory write-offs should be recognized as soon as they occur. This fulfillsGAAP’s principle of periodicity, whereby companies are expected to report events inthe correct time period.

Inventory Valuation

Inventory is valued at either its cost or its market value, whichever is lower. To preventcompanies from inflating or underestimating their inventories’ value, a ceiling andfloor exist.

The ceiling states that the market value of the inventory must not be more than its netrealizable value, which is an estimate of the inventory’s future selling price minusits cost of sale, transportation or disposal. The floor states that the market value of theinventory must not be less than the net realizable value ofthe inventory minus the estimated profit realized from the inventory’s sale.

Inventory Reserve Example

Let’s look at an illustration of how inventory reserves work. Jane’s Pet Emporiumhas $100,000 of total, or gross, inventory. After looking at 10 years of financial reports,Jane determines that 1% of gross inventory never gets sold because pet food expires and asmall amount gets stolen or damaged. Jane’s accountant creates a $1,000 inventoryreserve as a contra asset account on the company’s balance sheet.

Gross inventory is netted against the inventory reserve, resulting in net inventory of$99,000. Net inventory is the figure that appears on Jane’s Pet Emporium’sbalance sheet. At the same time, a $1,000 expense is created and included in thecompany’s COGS.

Six months later, Jane takes stock of inventory and finds that $100 of pet toys have beenbroken and can’t be sold. Her accountants recognize that loss by reducing the amountof gross inventory to $99,900. They also reduce the inventory reserve to $900. By doing so,the loss is recognized but Pet Emporium’s net inventory remains unchanged at $99,000.

Net inventory is unchanged because Jane’s already anticipated the loss with itsinventory reserve. Likewise, the company’s expenses don’t increase at the timeof the write-off because the expense was recognized when the inventory reserve account wasestablished.

Fraudulent Uses of Inventory Reserves

Companies can commit fraud by incorrectly reporting the value of their inventory reserve.

A company might improperly increase the inventory reserve when business is booming eventhough the outlook on its ability to sell the inventory hasn’t changed. Boosting theinventory reserve will result in an expense on the income statement that artificiallyreduces income and taxes. The inventory reserve rolls over from one period to the next. So,in a year or two, when times are tougher, the company might fraudulently decrease itsinventory reserve and enter a “negative” expense in COGS, which boosts netincome. In this case, the company is improperly using its inventory reserve as a piggy bank,inflating it when times are good and withdrawing from it when times are bad to fraudulentlymanipulate earnings.

Another fraudulent use can occur when management wants to sell the company. It could reduceits inventory reserve because doing so would boost the value of net inventory and totalassets. A company with more assets should theoretically fetch a higher purchase price.

Auditors are expected to ask a company to provide an explanation anytime the assumptions usedto create an inventory reserve change. Companies must disclose the change, explain why thechange occurred, show the adjustment due to the change and restate prior financialstatements using the new accounting method. Not disclosing a change is fraudulent.

Manage Inventory Reserves With Accounting Software

Inventory software helps companies track their inventory position, reduce obsolete inventoryand keep inventory reserves and write-offs to a minimum. It also tracks how much inventoryis written off each year, giving managers the data needed to accurately estimate theirinventory reserve going forward. An accurate history of inventory write-offs prevents acompany from under-reserving for inventory and being caught with unexpected expenses in thefuture. It also prevents companies from over-reserving for their inventories, which wouldresult in an unnecessary expense today. Accounting software alsoensures that assumptions used in a company’s books are applied consistently from yearto year.

In addition to all this, NetSuiteInventory Management provides business managers with a real-time view of inventoryacross all locations and sales channels. It gives managers visibility into what inventoryhasn’t sold in the past, so they can more accurately forecast inventory reserves inthe future.

Properly valuing a company’s inventory is essential to understanding its net worth andfuture revenue opportunities. Creating an accurate inventory reserve presents businessmanagers and investors with a conservative look at a company’s net inventory position,because it recognizes future losses and expenses today.

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Inventory Reserve FAQs

How do you calculate inventory reserve?

To calculate an inventory reserve, review historical data to learn what percentage ofinventory is left unsold. Deduct a percentage from gross inventory to determine netinventory, which appears on the company’s balance sheet. Use discretion to change thepercentage of the reserve to reflect changing business conditions.

How does an inventory reserve account work?

An inventory reserve account is a “contra” asset balance sheet account thatreduces gross inventory value to arrive at a company’s net inventory. Contra assetaccounts, like an inventory reserve, have natural credit balances and serve to reduce thevalue of their associated assets.

Can you reverse an inventory reserve?

If more inventory is sold than was expected, then yes, the inventory reserve can be reversed.At the same time, COGS must also be reduced by an equal amount, since the inventory reserveis reflected as a COGS expense on the income statement.

What is inventory obsolescence reserve?

An obsolescence reserve is created when a company determines that specific items, or acategory of items, in its inventory are worth less than their book value. When that occurs,a company creates an inventory obsolescence reserve on its balance sheet and enters thedifference between the items’ book value and their current market value. At the sametime, an expense on the income statement would be recorded for the same amount.

Let’s consider the example of Jane’s Pet Emporium. It has 10 fancy dog beds ininventory that cost $50 each. The competition is offering a comparable dog bed for $30. Janedecides to recognize that her dog beds won’t sell for $50. She creates a $200obsolescence reserve by first calculating the difference between the cost of her dog bed andthe new expected market value of the dog bed ($50 - $30 = $20). She then applies thedifference in value to each of the 10 beds in inventory (10 x $20 = $200). At the same time,she creates an obsolete inventory expense for $200.

Inventory Reserve Defined: How to Use in Accounting (2024)


Inventory Reserve Defined: How to Use in Accounting? ›

Inventory reserve accounts for the predicted amount of inventory that will not be able to be sold that year. Inventory is counted as an asset, and inventory reserve is counted as a contra asset, in that it reduces the net amount of inventory assets at the company.

How do you use inventory reserves? ›

To calculate an inventory reserve, managers track the percentage of inventories that were never sold or spoiled in past fiscal periods. The percentage can be adjusted based on a manager's evaluation of the current market environment or customer demand and preferences.

Does GAAP require inventory reserve? ›

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require that all inventory reserves be stated and valued using either the cost or the market value method, whichever is lower. However, accountants who apply GAAP to inventory reserves often use a significant amount of personal judgment.

What is the difference between inventory provision and reserve? ›

1) Reserve is used to cover short-term cash needs whereas provision is used to cover probable losses.

What is inventory reservation? ›

Reservation is the process of holding inventory for a customer who shows the intent to buy it later. This ensures availability of the desired items for the customer during order capture. An order can be reserved against an existing inventory reservation or an attempt can be made to make new reservations for the order.

Where do you put reserves on a balance sheet? ›

Balance sheet reserves appear as liabilities on a company's balance sheet, one of the three main financial statements.

How do you use reserve and surplus on a balance sheet? ›

Reserves are typically disclosed in the equity section of the balance sheet, while surplus is included in the retained earnings portion. Both are crucial indicators of a company's financial health.

What does GAAP say about inventory? ›

The Inventory Management-GAAP Connection

Put simply, it's the amount of money that an item can be sold for in a given market. For example, GAAP states that all inventory reserves be stated(opens in new tab) and valued using either the cost or the market value method, whichever is lower.

Are reserves assets or liabilities? ›

Reserves, as I understand, are supposed to be seen as liabilities. The assets an insurer or reinsurer holds *backs* the reserves. However, the terminology used with reserves often seems to address the concept of assets. For example, take deposited reserves (or deposit back).

What is the need for reserves in accounting? ›

Reserve accounting is the accumulated profits of the company that is earned over the years and authorised by the board of directors. The reserves can be used to purchase fixed assets, settle legal obligations, pay statutory bonuses, and long-term debts.

Is inventory reserve tax deductible? ›

This is a common strategy used by businesses to minimize the impact of unexpected events such as product spoilage, obsolescence or fluctuations in demand. The IRS allows businesses to create these reserves, which can be deducted from taxable income.

What is the inventory reserve level? ›

Inventory reserves are the amounts of inventory that a business sets aside for unforeseen events. These events could be changes in customer demand, supply chain disruptions, or other factors that may impact inventory levels.

What are reserves in financial statements? ›

Reserves are part of profits or gain that has been allotted for a specific purpose. Reserves are usually set up to buy fixed assets, pay bonuses, pay an expected legal settlement, pay for repairs & maintenance and pay off debt.

What is the LIFO inventory reserve? ›

What Is LIFO Reserve? LIFO reserve is an accounting term that measures the difference between the first in, first out (FIFO) and last in, first out (LIFO) cost of inventory for bookkeeping purposes.

When should an inventory provision be recognised? ›

The key principle established by the Standard is that a provision should be recognised only when there is a liability i.e. a present obligation resulting from past events.

What is the reserve for obsolete inventory on a balance sheet? ›

On the balance sheet, you report your inventory obsolescence reserve as a deduction from your inventory account, and show the net inventory value as a current asset. For example, if your inventory is $100,000 and your inventory obsolescence reserve is $10,000, you report $90,000 as your net inventory value.

When can Reserves be used? ›

Businesses can use their reserves to pay debts, purchase assets, fund bonuses and make other payments. There are different types of reserves that have various purposes and come from distinct income streams, but two of the main types of reserves are capital reserves and revenue reserves.

What can you do with LIFO reserve? ›

LIFO Reserve is an account used to adjust the company's inventory to show what it would be under the FIFO method. It is calculated as the difference between the cost of inventory calculated using the LIFO method and the cost of inventory using the FIFO method.

What is the purpose of the inventory provision? ›

An inventory provision is an allowance set aside in anticipation of inventory losses, while an inventory write-off is the formal recognition of a portion of a company's inventory that no longer has value.

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