Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (2024)



According to Arte Oro founder Danilo Giannoni, collectors should consider stones like Paraiba tourmalines and tanzanites alongside the Big Four (diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires).

Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (1)

The vast gemstone market can be a maze, but some of the best known rocks also represent the most investment-worthy. Rubies, emeralds and diamonds are all beloved of collectors, based on their solid returns. But newer entrants like tourmaline and tanzanite have been performing even better as investments. Like all investments, gemstones carry risk, and profits are not assured. But for anybody interested in building a collection, these are the ones most likely to grow in value, according to Singapore-based Italian jeweller Danilo Giannoni, co-founder of Arte Oro.

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Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (2)

Coloured rubies are among the safest gemstone investments. They are seen by collectors to hold their value and market demand better than diamonds, especially as they become rarer. Fine unheated rubies in larger sizes from Myanmar draw prices over US$1 million S$1.35 million) per carat at auction. At the same time, similar examples from other sources, such as Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania, are also quickly increasing in price. Vivid red examples are the most valuable, known to dealers as “pigeon’s blood”. Rubies often have inclusions, so colour is a more important factor in the value of a stone than clarity.


Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (3)

Though the market for emeralds has seen some disruption in the last couple of decades, the stone has traditionally been considered an investment. In ancient Egypt, they were used by merchants to hedge their wealth against disasters. Green emerald is a favourite among collectors, in particular large-sized stones from Colombia and Brazil. However, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find high-quality emeralds, making them as safe an investment as you can find in the gemstone market. Dealers will recommend considering buying only emeralds that have not been treated to improve their clarity, which attracted values of US$300,000 per carat in a 2017 auction.


Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (4)

Investment-grade coloured diamonds account for just a fraction of a percent of all mined diamonds, giving them a distinct and immediate advantage over regular colourless stones. The more celebrities who embrace the stones for high-profile engagement rings, the more appealing they are to collectors. Red diamonds are far and away the most valuable of all the coloured varieties, reflected by their value of up to US$3 million per carat. Still, yellow diamonds represent a good investment, especially vivid yellow Zimmi diamonds which fetch up to US$100,000 per carat, while green, purple, pink and blue examples are more pricey but worth the extra outlay.

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Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (5)

While blue sapphire is the second most popular coloured stone for investors, after ruby, other colours are fast growing in popularity. Sapphires are found in all colours of the rainbow, from green and orange to purple and even salmon pink, in the case of Padparadscha sapphires. Globally, a medium- to dark tone called Royal Blue with lots of saturation is best for investors, though this can depend on the location of your market. Generally speaking, greater colour saturation and a deeper tone will push up the price, although a darker stone will invariably be cheaper than a lighter coloured one. A good investment-grade blue sapphire will cost up to US$50,000 per carat.


Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (6)

Mined in only one location covering just six square kilometres in Tanzania, tanzanite can only go up in value. The owner of this land, in the foothills of Kilimanjaro, is attempting to control the market, similar to the way De Beers sets the value of diamonds. If it succeeds, which is likely, this will lead to a significant rise in prices, which currently start from US$1,000 up to US$5,000 per carat. With more interest coming from the vast Asian market, led by China, supplies are under pressure, and could be depleted quickly. This would also lead to sharp and immediate growth in the value of tanzanite.


Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (7)

Rarer still than tanzanite, the Paraiba tourmaline is only found in three mines in remote northeastern Brazil. With prices of up to US$100,000 per carat, it can lay claim to being one of the world’s most expensive gemstones. Yet the tourmaline still comes with a broad stretch of prices, depending on its colour and tone, which are both more important than clarity. Blue-green examples are worth twice as much as pure blue stones, as are other shades of green. Investors tip mid-range tones for best returns.


Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (8)

Another exceedingly rare and investment-worthy stone is alexandrite, a colour-changing crystal that has been outperforming the stock markets in recent years. Otherwise a chrysoberyl, itself a precious stone, what marks alexandrite out is how its chemical composition reacts to different light sources, turning from blue-green in daylight to a red-purple at nighttime. Over the last half-decade, collectors have been seeing double-digit annual returns on this mineral investment. And with time running out on reserves of an already exotically priced stone, their investment is bound to leap further upwards in value as remaining stocks are depleted. Prices vary according to individual stone, with gems of exceptional quality reaching up to US$100,000 per carat.


Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (9)

Hardly anyone seemed interested in investing in spinels just five years ago, but after some excellent price growth, and benefitting from an elevated profile fuelled by the popularity of candy-coloured designer jewellery collections, they are now considered worthy investment gems. Though pure spinel is colourless, impurities are responsible for its rainbow of colours. Of these, the most valuable are red, hot pink and flame orange, though collectors tip neon pink-red spinels from Tanzania as having the best investment potential, at a cost of up to US$50,000 per carat.

READ> Why coloured gemstones are so popular right now

Source: CNA/ds

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Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value (2024)


Interested in building a gem collection? These 8 stones are likely to grow in value? ›

Regardless of trends, there are some minerals for which a continuous price increase over several years can be assumed. These include, of course, the best-known colored gems – ruby, sapphire and emerald –, which are also known to laymen, but also stones such as alexandrite and tanzanite.

What gemstone will increase in value? ›

Regardless of trends, there are some minerals for which a continuous price increase over several years can be assumed. These include, of course, the best-known colored gems – ruby, sapphire and emerald –, which are also known to laymen, but also stones such as alexandrite and tanzanite.

Is collecting gemstones a good investment? ›

Gemstones are an excellent way to diversify the portfolio and reduce risk relative to other investments because, as a long-term investment, they do not fluctuate as much as gold, stocks, or bonds. The performance grows over time, the longer the investment horizon the higher the return.

What factors determine the value of a gem? ›

Mostly a gem has to be desirable to be valuable, and several factors play into a gem's desirability: beauty, rarity, durability, color, size, clarity, and cut.

Are gem stones valuable? ›

Because of their scarcity, their value is constantly rising, therefore selling them might be profitable. Gems have been used since times immemorial to beautify and enhance, which takes into account a considerable amount of time, effort and information. The more precious the stone, the more value it will hold.

Which 4 gemstones are considered precious? ›

The four most sought-after precious gemstones are diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies. gemstone can help you decide what you want to say with your custom piece of jewelry.

Which gemstone save money? ›

List of Crystals for Good Luck & Money
  • Amethyst. Amethyst has grabbed the numero uno spot in our coveted list of gemstones for luck and money. ...
  • Labradorite. ...
  • Sapphires. ...
  • Smoky Quartz. ...
  • Peridot. ...
  • Tiger's Eye. ...
  • Garnet. ...
  • Tourmaline.
Feb 24, 2023

What is the best gemstone to sell? ›

While there are many other gemstones you can sell including onyx, topaz, tanzanite and bloodstone, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and alexandrite remain as some of the most popular and the likeliest to fetch you great value on the seller's market.

Do cheap gemstones work? ›

You may get a low quality gem or a duplicate / fake gem for more money and may buy a High quality gem for much less than what its actually worth.. Cheap and expensive is not the factor which influences the effect of a Gem. It's the quality of the GEM which determines how well it will work for the wearer.

Is it better to invest in gems or gold? ›

Diamonds have the ability to hold their worth throughout time, but only in the long run. Diamonds can sometimes have higher resale prices than gold, even if gold has more power in terms of inflation and general worth. So, if you're seeking a secure investment, gold is the way to go.

What are the 3 C's of gemstones? ›

The three C's of diamonds are important: the clarity, the cut, and the carat.

How do you price stones? ›

In general, there are six factors that influence a gemstone cost:
  1. The type of gemstone.
  2. The condition or aesthetics of the gemstone.
  3. The gemstone's certification.
  4. The current demand for a stone.
  5. The country where the stone was sourced.
  6. The impact of industry trends.

What are the 4 C's of gemstones? ›

The "Four Cs" of gem grading stand for color, clarity, cut, and carat (weight). Gemologists grade gemstones based on these properties.

Are gems more valuable than crystals? ›

Gemstones are made of pure minerals and are classified according to their chemical composition and molecular structure. They are rarer and more expensive than crystals. Gems are primarily mined and polished for jewelry and ornaments. Some popular gemstones are ruby, garnet, sapphire, and topaz.

What gem is worth more than gold? ›

Platinum. There are four precious metals used in jewelry: platinum, gold, silver, and palladium. Of the four, platinum is often the most expensive and definitely the most exclusive. It's 30 times rarer than gold and used in a purer form.

What is the king of all gemstones? ›

The birthstone of July, and the “King of Gemstones”, Ruby certainly is a popular gem choice among a vast collection. As we look at a glorious red ruby, one word pops in mind – Love. Yet, the Ruby is representative of many things along with love.

What are the four rarest stones? ›

Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires are known as the "Big Four" gemstones. These are the most valuable kind of precious stones.

What is the queen of all gemstones? ›

Opal: The Queen of Gemstones.

What gem does not lose value? ›

Sapphires. Blue sapphires are the standard but pink and yellow colored sapphires are rising in popularity. A sapphire without any visible inclusions or chips can hold its price indefinitely.

Which stones is best of investment? ›

In terms of investability, the main gemstones which are recommended for a first investment are ruby, sapphire, and emerald.

What gem is worth more than diamonds? ›

Painite. The most valuable gem that is not a diamond is one that many have never heard of. Painite is an interesting brick-coloured gemstone. It is the most valuable non-diamond gem priced at £41,000-£49,000 ($50,000-$60,000 US) per carat.

What are the most faked gemstones? ›

What Are the Common Synthetic Gemstones?
  • Sapphire or Ruby (The mineral Corundum)
  • Emerald.
  • Spinel.
  • Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, and Ametrine.
  • Opal.
  • Chrysoberyl and Alexandrite.
Apr 19, 2016

Can a jeweler tell if a gemstone is real? ›

At the end of the day, only a jeweler will be able to identify a real gemstone with 100% certainty. These professionals are highly trained to understand the small nuances that distinguish a real stone from a fake one and will therefore be able to guarantee your stone's authenticity.

How can you tell if gemstones are fake? ›

How to Identify a Fake Gemstone?
  1. It will have Flaws. A real gemstone is a natural element, and it will have flaws. ...
  2. It wouldn't be Cheap. ...
  3. The Sparkle and Shine will differ from Synthetic Stones. ...
  4. The Weight of the Gemstone will differ. ...
  5. Always ask for the Gemstone Lab Report.

How do I sell my gemstones? ›

How do I sell gemstones online?
  1. Sell them privately.
  2. Sell them through dealers and auction houses.
  3. Sell them on sites like Etsy and Ebay.
May 11, 2023

What are the risks of investing in gemstones? ›

Types of Risks in Gemstone Investing

Liquidity risk: the risk that you can't resell your gemstone when you want or as fast as you want. Time horizon risk: the need to sell sooner than you would like because of an unforeseen event.

Should you buy gems online? ›

Never purchase a gemstone from a website that does not allow you to return it if you are less than satisfied. Legitimate jewelry dealers that deal in individual precious gemstone sales do so because they are confident that the gemstone you receive will be of the highest quality.

What is the difference between a gemstone and a jewel? ›

A gem, often known as a gemstone, is an unpolished precious or semiprecious stone, even though some use the terms interchangeably. On the other hand, a jewel is a polished gemstone that is frequently worn as jewellery or as a valuable wearable object; as a result, gemstones and jewels are nearly identical.

Is turquoise precious or semiprecious? ›

While fine turquoise is becoming rarer and more valuable because less of it is being discovered than at any time in history, turquoise continues to be called a “semi-precious” stone.

What is the difference between gemstones and gems? ›

Investment grade gemstones are of finer quality than gems that are usually used for jewelry. However, it is of course also possible to have a piece of jewellery made from investmentgrade gemstones. These jewelry pieces with high-quality gems are called “high jewellery”.

How do you appraise raw gems? ›

A professional appraisal must include a detailed gemological description of the gem and its setting, which often requires removing the gem from its mounting. It should also include a complete description of the gem's carat weight, size, color, clarity, cut, whether the gem is natural, and whether it has been enhanced.

How much does it cost to get a gemstone certified? ›

Depending on the carat weight of the stone, the process could cost from $80-$300. But if you're considering a ruby or sapphire or emerald that costs $5,000, it would be well worth it to show the quality of the gemstone is consistent with how it's been priced. Know what grading system the certifying agency uses.

What stone is most expensive? ›

Blue Diamond – $3.93 million per carat

The most expensive and rarest gemstone in the world is a natural blue diamond. That explains the price of $3.93 million per carat. Blue diamonds were discovered in India and later displayed in a London collection in 1839.

What is AAAA in gemstones? ›

(Best) Natural Emerald AAAA gemstones are the top 10% of gemstones in terms of quality. They are rich green, moderately to slightly included and exhibits high brilliance. They are comparable to that used by the top 5th Avenue or Rodeo Drive Jewelers.

What is the most common gemstone? ›

The most common crystallized mineral is quartz. Even today, with the popularity of outside activities, few people have ever seen a crystal in nature. Those who have are mostly prospectors, miners and rock hounds who go to known collecting sites.

What is the hardest gemstones? ›

The diamond is the hardest gemstones, while talc is a very soft mineral. The scale by which the hardness of minerals is measured is the Mohs Hardness Scale.

What makes a gem rare? ›

Another definition of 'rare' is that of an item being 'unusually good or remarkable'. In a world where new deposits of gem materials appear to be discovered every month, this is potentially the most relevant application of the term 'rarity' in the business as a whole.

Which is more expensive citrine or amethyst? ›

Citrine is generally more affordable than amethyst, its quartz cousin. Like all quartz gems, citrine is relatively plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, including very large sizes.

Is tourmaline or sapphire more expensive? ›

Tourmalines are less expensive than some popular precious stones, and they can be great replacements for emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and even colored diamonds.

What is the rarest gem on earth? ›

Painite : Not just the rarest gemstone, but also the rarest mineral on earth, Painite holds the Guinness World Record for it. After its discovery in the year 1951, there existed only 2 specimens of Painite for the next many decades. By the year 2004, there were less than 2 dozens known gemstones.

What is the rarest black stone? ›

Black moissanite is extremely rare in its natural form: tiny deposits have been found in Israel. The vast majority of moissanite sold today is man-made. Black moissanite is a form of silicon carbide and resembles black diamonds in its crystal formation.

How valuable is amethyst? ›

How much is an amethyst worth? The price of amethyst can range anywhere between $20 to $50 per carat, depending on various factors. It's important to note that the color is the most important feature that greatly influences the price of this gem.

Will tanzanite go up in value? ›

With steady demand for the gem in the US, India, and China, the price for new and used tanzanite in the coming decades is sure to rise. Current tanzanite value can reach up to $700 for a 2 carat stone of the finest quality. But with mining rates expecting to dry up supplies, prices could change in the coming years.

Do sapphires increase in value? ›

As with any gemstone, per carat prices increase with overall carat weight. Expect steep increases in the price per carat at the one, three, five, and ten-carat levels. Fine blue, pink, orange, or padparadscha sapphires that exceed fifteen carats are especially valuable and can fetch very high prices at auction.

What is the best gemstone for real estate business? ›

The precious stone of Grossular Garnet is believed to bring good fortune and luck to people dealing with lotteries, share market, real estate, exports, imports and speculative businesses.

How much is a carat of tanzanite worth today? ›

For richly colored AAA Tanzanite, 1ct is approximately worth $200-$350 per carat. 2ct sizes reach $400-$550 per carat. 3 carats and up will reach $500-$675 per carat. The changes taking place in Tanzania makes tanzanite a very good investment stone.

Which is rarer tanzanite or sapphire? ›

Even though a tanzanite is much rarer than a sapphire, the latter is more expensive because of its beauty and eternal association with royalty. The sapphire is also exceptionally durable which further works in its favor and makes it a popular choice for wedding jewelry and engagement rings.

Which is more valuable tanzanite or amethyst? ›

Value. Due to its rarity, Tanzanite has continued to be more expensive and valued than Amethyst.

What is the rarest sapphire color? ›

What is the rarest sapphire color? The two rarest sapphire colors are Padparadscha and cornflower blue. The most prized sapphires are Kashmir sapphires of a bright, velvety blue from the mountains in India. The last Kashmir sapphire was mined in 1927.

What color sapphire is most valuable? ›

Blue Sapphires

Color has the greatest influence on a sapphire's value, and preferred sapphires have strong to vivid color saturation. The most valued blue sapphires are velvety blue to violetish blue, in medium to medium-dark tones. Sapphires with these qualities command the highest prices per carat.

Are black sapphires valuable? ›

These inclusions reflect light in an effect known as asterism. You can distinguish a synthetic variant from a natural one by analyzing the reflected star from both of them. The one with a near-perfect star is synthetic. Because of its rarity and beauty, black star sapphire is costly and coveted by collectors.

Which stone is luckiest for wealth? ›

Citrine, also known as 'The luck merchant's stone' which activates crown chakra is used for financial gains and manifesting money. It is advisable to keep this gemstone in cash drawers or wallets of businessmen.

What crystal is best for fortune? ›

What crystals bring luck and money? The best crystals for money and overall luck include green jade, green aventurine, malachite, citrine, clear quartz, and tiger's eye.

What crystal brings luck in business? ›

Citrine is known as the merchant's stone of wealth. It is ideal for those looking for success in business and personal power in careers. Citrine brings good luck in addition to prosperous new deals into your business.

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