Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (2024)


Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems

by Cynthia Renée Marcusson

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (1)

As many of you know, I’ve spent over 30 years in the jewelry industry as a colored gemstone dealer and designer.

Working as a dealer who supplied high-end jewelers and collectors for decades led me to understand the nuances of the international gemstone market, including pricing.

Clients have questions on how prices are established in colored gemstones. Below, I give you the simplest, clearest and most accurate answer I can. If you prefer to video over print, watchhere

Supply and Demand in Colored Gemstones 101

Colored gems, with their electrifying and pulsing colors, are no summer romance; they are a study in nuance. And, true rarity.

With diamonds, certainly, until the last decade, centralized mining cartels determined the supply available over a certain time period while stimulating demand through marketing campaigns, such as“a diamond is forever,”or“the right-hand ring.”

Their market is highly orchestrated and actual output is controlled, much like OPEC handledoil.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (2)

The colored gem market rocks the casbah.Like an undammed river, it is beautifully erratic and flows reflecting how much of a particular gem is available at any moment and how many people want it.

Without an organization controlling output, colored gemprices are an actual reflection of supply and demand.

All over the world, gem finds can quickly spring up, then play out.

Each of the 20 to 40 varieties of colored gems you’llfind in jewelry has its own market dynamic, sometimes even subdivided based on country of origin, as the price differences between Colombian and Brazilian emeralds.

The thing that makes colored gems so intriguing is one of the things that save them from being commoditized:Color.

These gems don’t just have “a” color.They have secondary and tertiary hues, masked with tones of grey or brown, all with intensities ranging from docile baby blanket pink to blatant baboon-butt fuchsia.

This color trilogy can be further complicated if the gem sports an optical phenomena such as a star or cat’s-eye.

Colored gems’ nuances have so fardefied the easy categorization that is necessary to construct the color/size/quality/price grid necessary for trading commodities.

A large fine ruby may cost more than a diamond, but the world market for diamond is light years larger. Colored gems are too complicated a business to attract a large organizing cartel.

Rhodolite is one of the reddish varieties of garnet that is popular in jewelry. If somebody wanted to corner the rhodolite market, they’d have to negotiate agreements with miners working areas in East Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, China, and Brazil, for starts.

It’s not just one mine in each of these countries; more often, there are clusters of many small operations mining the gems in each geographic area.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (4)

Attempting to master this geographic and cultural diversity, with all the different mores, motives, and creative cheating, for a gem that mostly sells for $10-200/carat isn’t just futile, but probably feudal.

It would be impossible, like a never-ending game of Whack a Mole– hammer a solution to one problem, and others pop up, ad infinitum.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (5)

Colored gem supplies go up and down, depending on politics, the economy or geology.

A government can shut down or take over a mine – during economic downturns, there isn’t as much demand, so mines close – or, geology takes over, and a gem find is played out – there is no more.

Likewise, the supply can be affected by high demand – a gem is so popular the supply becomes limited, which raises the price – too many people chasing too few gems…..

What does it take for a colored gem to be in demand?

Mostlya gem has to be desirable to bevaluable, and several factors play into a gem’s desirability: beauty,rarity, durability, color, size, clarity, and cut.

Let me touch on some of those aspects:

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (6)


If a gem is not beautiful, few people will desire it.

Yes, you will find some unattractive gems with higher prices, but they are mostly rare gems sought by gem collectors, not something for the jewelry market.

Yet, I have seen the “emperor’s new clothes” effect where the less educated consumers are drawn to a moderate gembecause of great marketing or ego-actuated bids in an auction.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (7)


We may be drawn by a gem’s beauty, but it is rarity that gives a gem its exclusivity. “Rock crystal” quartz is beautifulbut it’s not rare, so its price is not so high. Tsavorite garnet (above) is a rare gem found only in the Kenya/Tanzania borderland.


The degree of cutting finesse makes the difference between a dull stone and a brilliant gem. Of course, a brilliant gem is more desirable.


Some gems are acceptable with some internal inclusions, such as emerald and red/pink tourmaline. Others, such as aquamarine,come readily without inclusions, so if anaquamarine is included, it should be substantially lower per carat than an equivalent eye-clean aquamarine.

Other gems fall in the middle, and were mainly concerned with the placement of the inclusions, and whether they would be a structural defect that would affect durability and wearability.

A perfectly placed “horsetail” inclusion, above, in a rare green Demantoid Garnet is actually very desirable as it shows the gem is from the fabled provenance of Russia.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (8)

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (9)


Though color preferences are personal there are, nevertheless, prices that correspond to particular colors.

What may appear to the layperson to be subtle color differences can be translated into significant monetary differences.


A 3-carat ruby is much rarer than an equivalent quality 1-carat ruby and would be many magnitudes the per carat price.

Conversely, sometimes a gem is too large to be usable in the jewelry market, such as a 100-carat aquamarine of average color – that would fetch a lower price per carat than an equivalent quality gem of 10-carats as there are fewer uses for a 100-carat gem in jewelry.


The gem may be beautiful, rare, intensely colored, the right size and well cut, but if it isn’t durable, it won’t endure to be passed down the ages as a jewel.


Withcolor gems,provenance refers to thecountry or mine the gem is from and thiscan affect desirability, such as sapphires from the fabled Kashmir area of India (see the ring tothe right) or rubies from Burma or the electric neon tourmaline that is really from Paraiba, Brazil (not Mozambique).

The interplay of all the aboveattributes determines the demandfor a gem or its desirability. And,this interplayofcharacteristics
is different for every gem.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (10)

How can we apply the above?

Public awareness is a factor.A gem must be abundant enough supplyto create a demand.

Do you know the beautiful gem, red spinel?

It’s a gorgeous gem – a favorite of most gem dealersbecause of its great beauty and rarity. Prior to 2007, gem dealers could afford to keep a few from their inventory for themselves or their family. It’s price at that time, did not reflect it’s rarity and beauty.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (11)

In 2007, fantastic spinel was found in Mahenge, Tanzania, and that large find changed the spinel market.A lot of electric red spinel suddenly hit the market……..with the supply so large, that it began to become known by the consuming public and demand increased.With a larger supply (sothe public came to know about it), the demand increased and prices for find red spinel increased tremendously.

Though red spinel is beautiful and rare, it wasn’t well known- its supply was short (it was only found in Burma), and its demand was low because it wasn’t well known to the public, so it was a hard sell for the jeweler.

Spinel has been around a long time and itwasoften confused in antiquity as a ruby because of its red color.Spinel also seen misnamed in a lot of crown jewels as ruby – the “Black Prince’s Ruby” in the crown jewels of GreatBritainis really a ruby.

Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (12)

Before the Mahenge find, I had a top top top 5 carat Burmese Red Spinel that I sold to a collector in 2001 for $2000/carat – the top price then.I saw the same gem in Tucson eight years later at $10,000/carat. Currently, red spinel prices go up from there.

Your Next Step?Contact Cynthiatostart yourjewelry project,whether a new creation or totransformyour unworn jewels into a new favorite.

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Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems (2024)


Gem Cents: What Determines the Value of Colored Gems? ›

What does it take for a colored gem to be in demand? Mostly a gem has to be desirable to be valuable, and several factors play into a gem's desirability: beauty, rarity, durability, color, size, clarity, and cut.

How do you value colored gemstones? ›

Color, clarity, cut and carat weight (size) are judged within a different context in colored gems than in diamonds. In addition to the 4Cs, factors including country of origin and whether or not the gem is enhanced are all essential to identifying and understanding its value.

How is the value of gemstones determined? ›

The valuation of a gemstone is derived from the "Four Cs": carat, color, clarity, and cut. Understanding all four of these is vital background to the buyer. If you are buying an expensive stone with a price in four figures or more, buy it loose so you can see it weighed and be able to fully examine it. What is this?

What is the color grading system for gemstones? ›

The GIA color grading system uses 31 different hues to describe the primary key color of a gemstone. These 31 hues are used to compare the color against the color of the gemstone.

What determines the color of gems? ›


Three factors are important in establishing the color of a gemstone: the type of illumination, the stone itself, and the human eye. Depending on whether the light source is incandescent, fluores- cent, or the sun, the appearance of a gem may vary considerably.

Are colored stones worth anything? ›

Gems that show a single pure hue are usually more valuable than gems that face-up with multiple hues. For example, evenly blue sapphires have more value than those with secondary green hues. For a colored stone (non-diamond), color is the most important factor in determining quality.

What is the rarest gemstone color? ›

The rarest gemstone color is red. These include red diamonds, red emeralds and the coveted Burmese ruby. Gemstones of a rich crimson color are incredibly difficult to discover in nature, and rank among the rarest gemstones in the world.

What are the 4 C's of Coloured gemstones? ›

The "4 C's" of gemstones: carat, colour, clarity, and cut, are used to determine the value of a gemstone. For the buyer, knowing all four of these is essential background information. If you're buying a valuable stone for four figures or more, buy it loose so you can see it weighed and study it thoroughly.

Which gemstone holds its value? ›

Diamonds are the ultimate example of a gemstone with timeless appeal and the ability to hold its value. Aside from their obvious beauty, a few other factors contribute to the enduring value of diamonds. These include: The scarcity of high-quality diamonds with high levels of clarity.

How to get gemstones valued? ›

The Valuation Process:
  1. All gemstones are tested to verifiy their authenticity. ...
  2. The item is cleaned, measured, and weighed.
  3. Photographed.
  4. On Jewellery items, all metals are tested for authenticity.
  5. The gemstones are graded for colour.
  6. The gemstones are graded for clarity, cutting and setting.

What is the color code for gem? ›

In the GIA system, the basic hues are red (R), orange (O), yellow (Y), green (G), blue (B), violet (V), and purple (P).

What is the best gem grade? ›

The highest quality gemstones we offer are categorized as AAA, and these are considered flawless in every aspect. These stones will have the highest clarity, color, luster, cutting, and finishing possible.

What does C grade mean in gemstones? ›

Colored Gemstone Grading C

Color is not vivid or even. Color is significantly lighter or darker. Inclusions visible to the naked eye. Cut has medium to low luster. Cracks and chips are apparent.

What determines the color of quartz? ›

For instance, depending on the trace amounts of impurities it contains, quartz may look colorless (no impurities), light pink (titanium, iron, or manganese), milky white (tiny bubbles of gas or liquid), purple (iron), yellow (iron), or brown (extra silicon).

What is a rare gem that changes color? ›

Alexandrites are remarkable and rare gemstones. They display an extraordinary colour change according to the ambient lighting, from emerald green in daylight to ruby red in incandescent light from tungsten lamps or candles.

What makes a gemstone precious? ›

Gems. Precious stones are distinguished by their quality, their rarity and the beauty of their colours. There are only four precious stones: diamond, sapphire, ruby and emerald. All other stones are therefore called semi-precious stones.

How do I find out what my gemstone is worth? ›

Much like diamonds, there is a specific way in which these stones are valued. Determining the value of a gemstone comes down to factors such as color, cut, clarity, carat, as well as the rarity, hardness and pureness of the stones.

Are colored gemstones a good investment? ›

The rarity and quality of a gemstone are decisive for its current and also future value. It is no secret that the 'Big 3' - the colored gemstone rubies, sapphires, emeralds as well as colored diamonds are ideal for investment as loose stone or processed in a piece of jewelry.

What is the GIA grading system for colored stones? ›

Tone Values: 0 = Colorless, 1 = Extremely Light, 2 = Very Light, 3 = Light, 4 = Medium Light, 5 = Medium, 6 = Medium Dark, 7 = Dark, 8 = Very Dark, 9 = Extremely Dark, 10 = Black.

How can you tell if colored stones are real? ›

A primary method in gemstone identification is visual examination. Observe the gemstone's color, clarity, and inclusions. Use a loupe or microscope to inspect the gemstone for any flaws or unique characteristics that can help differentiate between genuine and fake gemstones.

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