Industries That Have Thrived During Recessions (2024)

The U.S. economy is falling rapidly into a recession. Since we will only know what industries weathered this recession best when it's over, we looked back to the last recession for some guidance. In the first quarter of 2020, the economy was rocked by a short-lived but gruesome recession sometimes referred to as the Great Lockdown. During that period, only 32 stocks in the S&P 500, representing 6% of the total index, posted positive returns.

There are many reasons why these particular stocks increased, and the impact of every economic recession is different. However, looking at which stocks did well can still show broad patterns as to what kinds of stocks may do better in economic downturns.

Here are the 10 stocks that faired best in the S&P 500 in the first quarter of 2020 by total return to give you some context. After that, we'll break things down by industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Rampant inflation is pushing the U.S. economy into a recession.
  • Historically during recessions, some industries still do reasonably well, or even thrive due to changing patterns of consumption and behavior.
  • Often these are industries where demand is inelastic to changes in prices and incomes and the volume of consumer demand is relatively stable.
  • While the guide can be useful, it’s important to remember that no recession or company in the same industry is exactly the same, and the past cannot predict the future.

Top 10 Stocks in the S&P 500 by Total Return During Q1 2020

Top 10 Stocks in the S&P 500 by Total Return During Q1 2020
Company Name (Ticker)Q1 2020 Total ReturnIndustry
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. (REGN)30.04%Health Care
Citrix Systems Inc. (CTXS)28.02%Information Technology
NortonLifeLock Inc. (NLOK)25.38%Information Technology
Digital Realty Trust Inc. (DLR)17.02%Real Estate
Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD)16.19%Health Care
Netflix Inc. (NFLX)16.05%Communication Services
The Clorox Co. (CLX)13.60%Consumer Staples
SBA Communications Corp (SBAC)12.22%Real Estate
MSCI Inc. (MSCI)12.16%Financials
NVIDIA Corp. (NVDA)12.10%Information Technology

Source: YCharts

Health Care

The stock that came out on top during the first quarter of 2020 was Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, a biopharmaceutical company that develops and markets drug treatments for patients with various illnesses and diseases. Like Gilead Sciences which also made the list, Regeneron's shares were lifted because of the hype surrounding a treatment it was developing to combat the COVID-19 virus.

That said, healthcare is a sector generally renowned for faring better during downturns. The reasoning behind this is clear: you need healthcare to live, and therefore are much less likely to skimp on it even when your income declines. The technical term for this isprice inelasticity.

Not all healthcare companies are created equal, and recessions are likely to hurt those companies with more debt and less cash flow. These enterprises have less ability to absorb losses and service their debt at the same time. Therefore, it may be prudent to stick to healthcare stocks that have lowdebt-to-equityratios and avoid biotech startups that are still in their early phases.

Information Technology

Information technology was the most represented industry on the above list, with three companies from this sector generating double-digit returns when the economy was in meltdown.

These three outperformers were popular with investors not necessarily because of their defensive characteristics but rather because they stood to benefit from the global lockdown inflicted by the COVID-19 virus. Citrix was buoyed by the rising use of video conferencing, NortonLifeLock by an increasing need for cybersecurity and information backup solutions, and NVIDIA by surging demand for video gaming and home computer solutions.

Nevertheless, as with healthcare, information technology can be considered more resilient than others during a downturn. Historically, this sector was always considered to be cyclical. However, lately, that opinion is beginning to change, due to a growing need for these types of products.

Defensive Industries

Historically, the industries considered to be the most defensive and better placed to fare reasonably during recessions are utilities, health care, and consumer staples.

Real Estate

Few people would associate a recession with a booming real estate industry yet two companies from this sector outperformed in the first few months of 2020.

Data center REITs like Digital Realty and telecommunication tower REITs such as SBA Communications tapped into business trends of early 2020, including homeworking and the accelerated rollout of 5G technology. They proved to be the exceptions as other real estate investment trusts (REITs) got clobbered during that period.

Generally speaking, real estate is considered a very cyclical industry. However, there can always be exceptions and certain types of REITs are described as more defensive as people always need housing regardless of the state of the economy. A lot depends on the specific sector, the income produced, and the financial strength of each individual security.

Communication Services

The communication services sector is a broad one. It includes telecommunication companies, social media and internet search companies, streamers, and video game makers. Some of its biggest names are Facebook’s Meta, Google's parent Alphabet, Verizon, and Netflix.

The fact that Netflix thrived in early 2020 is no secret. When people were forced to stay at home, a lot of them binge-watched movies and tv shows, lifting subscription numbers and the California-based streamer’s share price. It could be argued that streaming services are discretionary and the kind of thing that people stop paying for when times are hard. However, that definitely wasn’t the case at the beginning of 2020, at least for Netflix.

Again, each company and recession is different, meaning there are no guarantees who will outperform. Normally, you'd assume that telecom companies will be less sensitive to market movements and that internet tech companies reliant on advertising dollars could struggle as marketing budgets are cut.

Consumer Staples

Clorox had a really good start to 2020 because its four-in-one disinfectant and sanitizer wipes were widely used to protect against the spread of the coronavirus. However, it wasn’t the only consumer staple to post decent returns when most of the stock market was struggling. Other high flyers included Kroger, Hormel Foods, General Mills, Costco, and Colgate.

Consumer staples tend to do well during recessions because they supply everyday necessities. When the economy hits rock bottom and people find themselves out of work, they still need to eat, wash, brush their teeth, and so on.

Not Every Recession Is the Same

No recession is exactly the same. Each one can be caused by different factors and vary in nature. This means while one industry might thrive during one it could struggle immensely during another.

The 2020 recession was particularly unique. The spread of a killer virus and an enforced lockdown aren’t things that happen very often. In fact, as is made clear throughout this article, many of the companies that performed best in the first quarter of 2020 did so because they stood to benefit in some way from the virus and lockdown and not necessarily because they are better equipped to withstand a recession.

The challenges facing the economy in 2022 are different. In many ways, we are in uncharted territory again. The current situation was created from a combination of COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, the energy shock, and years of rock-bottom interest rates. These events, it’s fair to say, aren’t normal. The problem now is high inflation and rising borrowing costs and this particular economic environment could well see other companies and industries fare better.

Stocks that thrived during one recession might struggle during another and not all companies in the same industry share the exact same characteristics, with some being more cyclical than others.

Generally, the industries known to fare better during recessions are those that supply the population with essentials we cannot live without that. They include utilities, health care, consumer staples, and, in some pundits’ opinions, maybe even technology.

However, as is the case with recessions, not all companies in the same industry are alike. End markets, cyclicality, and balance sheet strength can differ considerably. Other things to keep in mind include public policy choices to tackle recessions, which can have an enormous impact on which businesses and industries do better or worse.

Why Do Some Industries Cope Better in Recessions Than Others?

Companies that make basic necessities like consumer staples and food will always have demand, even during an economic downturn - as people need to prepare meals, wash, clean, and so on. Discount stores often do relatively better during recessions because their staple products are cheaper. Similarly, healthcare is always in demand.

How Long Do Recessions Tend to Last?

According to economic data, recessions typically last between 8 to 18 months.

What Signals an Official Recession?

Government agencies usually consider the economy to be in a recession if it has experienced negative GDP growth in two consecutive quarters in conjunction with changes in domestic production, real income, and employment.

The Bottom Line

The above list isn't exhaustive, as investing during an economic downturn is an enormous topic. Other areas that are traditional defensive investments are utilities (people always need water and heat), and personal storage (a place to put things when downsizing). That said, this should give you a good place to start looking for how to invest during a recession. Good things to keep in mind are what goods and services people and businesses can easily live without and which ones are essential. In addition, keep in mind what businesses people may patronize more if their income decreases.

As mentioned, it's important to remember that each recession is different, and so are the stocks that do well during them. For example, a lot of biotech companies rose during 2020 due to the widespread COVID-19 crisis. Financial firms, meanwhile, were devastated by the 2008 recession because the market mayhem stemmed from a financial crisis.

One final reminder is that stocks and industries that do well during a recession may not always do well when the economy recovers. So you will need to change your investment strategy when the good times return. Keep that in mind when building your portfolio.

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Industries That Have Thrived During Recessions (2024)


Industries That Have Thrived During Recessions? ›

What are some examples of businesses that thrive in recession? Due to the elasticity of demand, recession-proof industries are usually in essential services, like health care, senior services, grocery stores, and maintenance, such as plumbing and electrical.

What industries thrived during the recession? ›

What are some examples of businesses that thrive in recession? Due to the elasticity of demand, recession-proof industries are usually in essential services, like health care, senior services, grocery stores, and maintenance, such as plumbing and electrical.

What industries did the best during the 2008 recession? ›

According to McKinsey report published in 2009, recession-resistant industries include consumer staples, healthcare, telecommunication services, and utilities, among more. In 2008, the total returns to shareholders fell for all sectors by over 20%, but consumer staples was an exception to this.

What industries seem to suffer the least during a recession? ›

  • 5 Recession Resistant Industries.
  • Consumer Staples.
  • Grocery Stores/Discount Retail.
  • Alcoholic Beverages.
  • Cosmetics.
  • Death and Funeral Services.
  • The Bottom Line.

What great companies are built during recessions? ›

Here are five such successful companies that launched during the Great Recession:
  • NerdWallet. Helping people trim down their expenses is typically a winning proposition no matter the economic climate. ...
  • Uber. ...
  • Groupon. ...
  • Venmo. ...
  • WhatsApp.
Dec 29, 2022

What do people buy most during a recession? ›

Pre-packaged food items, like chips and cookies, offer shelf-stable options to help ensure your stock doesn't go bad as you're building consumer awareness of your expanded offerings. Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, toilet paper, and other grooming and personal care items are always in demand.

What industry gets hit first in a recession? ›

The jobs that are the “first to go” when a recession hits are the ones that depend on consumer spending and people having copious disposable income, says Kory Kantenga, a senior economist at LinkedIn. Retail, restaurants, hotels and real estate are some of the businesses often hurt during a recession.

Who profited from 2008 recession? ›

John Paulson

The most lucrative bet against the housing bubble was made by Paulson. His hedge fund firm, Paulson & Co., made $20 billion on the trade between 2007 and 2009 driven by its bets against subprime mortgages through credit default swaps, according to The Wall Street Journal.

What companies did well during the 2008 financial crisis? ›

Companies That Thrived During the Recession
  • TeamLogic IT.
  • Netflix.
  • Citigroup.
  • Lego.
  • Groupon.
  • Mailchimp.
  • Warby Parker.
Jul 7, 2020

What stocks do well in recession 2008? ›

7 Stocks That Outperform in a Recession
StockS&P 500 outperformance in 2008S&P 500 outperformance in 2020
Abbott Laboratories (ABT)33.6%9.8%
Home Depot Inc. (HD)23.9%5.3%
Synopsys Inc. (SNPS)9.9%70%
Accenture PLC (ACN)29.5%7.8%
3 more rows
6 days ago

What job sectors are recession proof? ›

10 recession-proof fields
  • Health care. Medical professionals tend to be essential, and within health care, there are roles for just about every education and experience level. ...
  • Public safety. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Law. ...
  • Finance. ...
  • Mental health. ...
  • Utilities. ...
  • Trade.
Apr 14, 2023

What falls most in a recession? ›

A recession is a significant, widespread and extended decline in economic activity. Riskier assets like stocks and high-yield bonds tend to lose value in a recession, while gold and U.S. Treasuries appreciate.

What companies failed to recover from a recession? ›

Enron, WorldCom, and Lehman Brothers are some well-known examples of bankrupt companies that never came back.

What will get cheaper in a recession? ›

Because a decline in disposable income affects prices, the prices of essentials, such as food and utilities, often stay the same. In contrast, things considered to be wants instead of needs, such as travel and entertainment, may be more likely to get cheaper.

How to get rich when recession hits? ›

5 Things to Invest in When a Recession Hits
  1. Seek Out Core Sector Stocks. During a recession, you might be inclined to give up on stocks, but experts say it's best not to flee equities completely. ...
  2. Focus on Reliable Dividend Stocks. ...
  3. Consider Buying Real Estate. ...
  4. Purchase Precious Metal Investments. ...
  5. “Invest” in Yourself.
Apr 19, 2023

Who will be affected by recession 2023? ›

It says 2023 is likely to witness a massive global recession, which will also adversely impact the Indian economy. This implies that foreign institutional investors will pull out, equity prices will drop, and the retail investor may have to incur steep losses.

How many millionaires came out of 2008 recession? ›

The tally of millionaires slipped to 6.7 million in 2008 as the financial crisis struck.

Who makes money in recession? ›

Economists often see a massive increase in demand for their services as the general public, businesses, and policy makers grapple with the recession. Consultants, government policy advisors, and even media personalities may also find opportunities to market their expertise during uncertain economic times.

What companies did not survive 2008? ›

Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Merrill Lynch, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, HBOS, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bradford & Bingley, Fortis, Hypo and Alliance & Leicester all came within a whisker of doing so and had to be rescued.

What sectors do well with inflation? ›

Consumer staples stocks mostly do well because price increases are passed on to consumers. Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) are risky choices but tend to perform well under inflationary pressure.

What were the best investments in 2008? ›

The best performing assets were hedge funds, US treasuries and gold. The worst performing assets were stocks, junk bonds and listed property investments.

Which industry is usually blamed for the 2008 financial crisis? ›

The supply of houses outran demand, borrowers defaulted on their mortgages, and the derivatives and all other investments tied to them lost value. The financial crisis was caused by unscrupulous investment banking and insurance practices that passed all the risks to investors.

What industries did well in 2008? ›

These are some of the companies that survived and grew during the 2008 recession:
  • Dollar Tree (discount stores)
  • Walmart (discount stores)
  • Hasbro (leisure and kids products)
  • Amgen (health)
  • Edwards Lifesciences (health)
  • H&R Block (personal services)
Jul 15, 2022

What markets did well in 2008? ›

Best of 2008:
  • Best of 2008:
  • 1) Rohm and Haas Co. ...
  • 2) UST (UST) (consumer staples), up 26.20%. ...
  • 3) Family Dollar Stores (FDO) (consumer discretionary), up 23.14%. ...
  • 4) Amgen (AMGN) (health care), up 24.87%. ...
  • 5) Barr Pharmaceuticals (BRL) (health care), up 23.45%. ...
  • 6) Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), (consumer staples), up 15.63%.
Dec 19, 2008

What is the safest stocks during recession? ›

The best recession stocks include consumer staples, utilities and healthcare companies, all of which produce goods and services that consumers can't do without, no matter how bad the economy gets.

What sectors should be avoided during a recession? ›

Retail, restaurants, and hotels aren't the only businesses often hurt during a recession. Automotive, oil and gas, sports, real estate, and many others see heavy declines during times like these.

Should you save cash during a recession? ›

Having savings goals is never a bad idea, even during a recession. So if you've got a Christmas sinking fund in full force—keep it. If you're smack-dab in the middle of saving your emergency fund—stick with it.

What is the most stable industry to work in? ›

Jobs in Federal government were found to be the most secure, with a layoff rate of just 0.22%. This is the equivalent of 7,000 employees, out of the 3.1 million in total for this sector, being laid off every month.

What doesn't go down in a recession? ›

Conversely, when there is an economic contraction (i.e. recession), supply initially outpaces demand. This would suggest that there would be downward pressure on prices, but prices for most goods and services don't go down and neither do wages. Why do prices and wages appear to be "sticky" in a downward direction?

What assets don't lose value in a recession? ›

Examples of recession-proof assets include cash and cash-equivalent investments, such as 3-month U.S. Treasury bills, while examples of recession-proof industries are consumer staples, utilities, and healthcare, among others.

What businesses are hardest hit by recession? ›

A recession is “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months.” Industries affected most include retail, restaurants, travel/tourism, leisure/hospitality, service purveyors, real estate, & manufacturing/warehouse.

What businesses are recession resistant? ›

Top 10 Recession-Proof Industries & Business Ideas for 2023
  • Healthcare.
  • Grocery, Food, and Beverages.
  • Courier, Freight, and Logistics.
  • Real Estate and Property Management.
  • Contractor, Repair, and Automotive.
  • Academic and Education.
  • Accounting and Finance.
  • Information Technology and Software.
Mar 27, 2023

How do you thrive in a recession? ›

The 4 Tips to Survive & Thrive During a Recession
  1. Take a Defensive Stance.
  2. Make Everything You Do Count.
  3. Cut Unnecessary Costs.
  4. Take Advantage Of Opportunities.
  5. Know Your Teams Strengths and Weaknesses.
Dec 5, 2022

What jobs were most affected by the 2008 recession? ›

Retail, restaurants, and hotels aren't the only businesses often hurt during a recession. Automotive, oil and gas, sports, real estate, and many others see heavy declines during times like these.

What jobs were affected by the 2008 recession? ›

In 2008 as a whole, nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs were lost, and 630,000 construction jobs disappeared as home-building slowed. Jobs also dried up in the financial sector, in publishing houses and trucking companies, department stores and hotels.

What industry was hardest hit by the Great Recession of 2008 2011? ›

Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing

One of the hardest-hit sectors during the recession was construction. The halt in new projects and slowing of existing ones produced a domino effect that hurt other industries that are dependent upon it.

Who benefited from the Great Recession? ›

Generally, richer households have disproportionately benefited from the boom in the stock market during the recovery, with the Dow Jones industrial average more than doubling in value since it bottomed out early in 2009. About half of households hold stock, directly or through vehicles like pension accounts.

What industries will be affected by recession 2023? ›

5 Industries Most Affected by Recession and How They Can Thrive During an Economic Downturn
  • Retail. According to economists, the retail industry is among the industries most affected by recession in 2023. ...
  • Restaurant. ...
  • Travel & Tourism. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Manufacturing.
Nov 28, 2022

What jobs are most affected by recessions? ›

Let's take a closer look at the jobs most affected by a recession.
  1. Tourism jobs. Tourism and hospitality roles are vulnerable during a recession because consumers change spending habits as the economy shrinks. ...
  2. 2. Entertainment. ...
  3. Human resources. ...
  4. Real estate. ...
  5. Construction.
Nov 16, 2022

How many jobs were lost in 2008 recession? ›

By year the results were: 2008: Lost 3.55 million (President Bush's last year in office) 2009: Lost 5.05 million (President Obama's first year in office) Total: Lost 8.6 million.

Who was most affected by 2008 financial crisis? ›

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace reports in its International Economics Bulletin that Ukraine, as well as Argentina and Jamaica, are the countries most deeply affected by the crisis. Other severely affected countries are Ireland, Russia, Mexico, Hungary, the Baltic states.

Who is benefiting from inflation? ›

Collectors. Historically, collectibles like fine art, wine, or baseball cards can benefit from inflationary periods as the dollar loses purchasing power. During high inflation, investors often turn to hard assets that are more likely to retain their value through market volatility.

What industry is hurt most by inflation? ›

To determine the industries most affected by inflation, researchers calculated the one-year change in prices from March 2021 to March 2022 and ranked industries accordingly.
  • Gasoline stations. ...
  • Primary metal manufacturing. ...
  • Petroleum and coal products manufacturing. ...
  • Oil and gas extraction.

Where is a good place to put money during inflation? ›

Another inflation-protected asset is precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum. Historically, these assets have shown a high degree of resiliency during prolonged periods of inflation. Investing in precious metals can also help diversify your portfolio if it's comprised mostly of stocks and bonds.

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