Income reports: how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging - Helping you in the online world (2024)

How 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging if you want to know more you are going to have to read on! Are you ready to see Income reports: how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST-month blogging?

This post is a round of post on new Bloggers how much they made in their initial income reports and how they did it!

Now don’t get down not everyone makes money after the first month and they may not go on to make money consistently after their first month this is just a snapshot of what can be achieved!

Income reports: how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging - Helping you in the online world (1)

What about me?

So far I haven’t been as lucky with earning income or traffic in comparison with these guys.

I have reorganized my blog and made it more focused so hopefully, it will be easier to navigate for you guys.

I have also decided that I need education for my blogging so I have invested heavily in blogging courses on all aspects of blogging if you want to know more about the courses I have taken and fancy investing in them yourself then check out both my posts on FREE and PAID course see the links below to check them out.

Dare to Conquer: should you invest in your blogging future with the course?

5 Great Beginners Blogging Courses- Review of Paid Courses

Income reports: how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging - Helping you in the online world (2)

(If this post contains affiliate links please see our full disclosure policy although I have to say I tried really hard to make it interesting and even I struggled to write it so if you really must read it you can find it here)

How to start a blog if you think you want to after reading this post!

So after you have read this post and then feel inspired to start a blog check out my post on how to start a blog it gives you insight into what you need to do before you even buy hosting and also has a quick video on using Siteground.

The post will answer questions you have on using Siteground and why you should choose them over other providers.

Start a Profitable blog : The right way with Siteground

These are bloggers that have NOT had a blog before-As far as I can tell from their websites.

Firstly I want to thank those Bloggers who touched base with me and answered that all important question

” What is the one thing you wish you did differently in your first monthas a blogger?”

Ok so here is the scope

how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging….


June Income Report: My First Month Blogging

Sammy is a UK based blogger who started her blog in June 2017 and you can read her income reports here.

Firstly her page views were nearly 700 with a bounce rate of 65% approximately in the first month.

Sammy had 10 posts up and running at the time of her income report.

With her top post being a list of Ultimate freebies for bloggers.

She adds lots of additional information, for instance, she had direct traffic and social media traffic as her main source.

It was interesting to see that she was using Facebook promos as her main traffic driver for social media.

One thing that she did was tosend out her information from the Ultimate freebies post to her list as well as the bloggers who she mentioned in the blog post-

TOP TIPhere sending out information to big bloggers can help increase your site’s profile if they share your content.

She also ended up getting an interview with the Flourishing freelancer.

Reach out to big bloggers AS YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN!

Add that to the list another thing to do!

Set up your email list asap she already had 62 subscribers by her first month!

Sammy also made Affiliate Income with Siteground this is who I use as a hosting company too! – Her income report is great because she actually tells you how she has done it.

How she made her Affiliate income:

  • from Facebook groups, she answered a question and posting a link to her post on how to set up a blog
  • another one was she assumes directly through the post.

How to start a professional blog for profit: Domain, Hosting and WordPress Guide

Top Take Aways from this income report :

  • Reach out to bigger bloggers in your niche and send them one of your great posts which include links to their site.
  • Set up an email subscriber list asap
  • Consider joining facebook groups, helping out folks with any posts that may be useful ( with or without affiliate links )

What Sammy learned from her first month in blogging:

“So in terms of your question; the one thing I wish I had done differently in my first month of blogging would probably be to have invested in a comprehensive blogging course. Had I done that when I first started blogging I think I would have reached the point I’m at now about six months ago!!!

My advice would be to look for a course or membership that includes how to set up your blog, creating content that people actually want to read, email marketing, blog monetization, a good Pinterest strategy and SEO. Realistically you will probably have to buy a few other courses in some more advanced techniques but this will really help you hit the ground running and I so wish I had done this!

In terms of courses/memberships I’m part of the Billionaire Blog Club and I would definitely recommend that, but there are lots of others, just make sure they cover the points above. “


Stephanie Donahue Blogger at Aroma Mama

First Income report

Stephanie started her blog in April 2017.

At the end of her first month, she hadPage views up to1117.

And she already had an opt-in going so managed to get 23 subscribers how cool is that!!

Stephanie already had an Instagram account going before she started her blog and it had the most followers she also used Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

Her Income was $36 for April by sharing a link in one of the facebook groups she was a member of.

Top tip – Facebook groups are a nice way to get your message out and helping out folks in return.

Top Take Aways:

  • Join Facebook groups help folks out and if you can add an affiliate link or link to one of your posts then go for it.

What Stephanie learned during her first-month blogging:

“I wanted to start with the best blogging tools so I wouldn’t have to change tools and learn new ones later. The only thing I tried to save money with was my email service provider, and I regret that now. I regret starting with MailChimp because it was free. I couldn’t understand how to use it without spending hours to send one email. I thought the opt-in boxes I had were so ugly that I bought a year subscription for OptinMonster to have nice opt-in boxes.”

After a few weeks of struggling with MailChimp, I switched my email service provider to ConvertKit. I wish I would have used ConvertKit and their opt-in boxes from the start. That would have saved me from buying OptinMonster. It’s been a year and I cancelled OptinMonster. Now, I’m in the process of switching over to the ConvertKit boxes.”

If you want to find out more about Billionaire Blog club and sign up for Paul’s 12 days of blogging FREE challenge to get an idea of how he writes and teaches then find out more about BBC here.


And to make things different it was how to lose money your first month -$128.38.

I wanted to include this because it’s not necessary that you will make money your first month and not to get discouraged!

Page views were 173 for the first month – wow that’s great!

Social media using includes – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram

Carl had 11 blog posts published for this month.

Top take away

  • Not everyone will make money straight off the bat so don’t get discouraged


Income report for myveteranwomanlife

Blogging about blogging, Jesus, Dobermans, Money saving and more.

LeeAnn managed to make $179 in her first month.

Looking at her Income report see started her site in July 2017.

Her income came from– $179.37 from Ads- using Google Adsense and Affiliate income.

Delving into her income reports – in July LeeAnn had 2255 page views. She is using Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter as social network- and also using auto schedulers for her social media.

Most of her conversions for Affiliate sales comes from Pinterest.

Top take away:

  • Use more than just Pinterest for social media.
  • If you want to start off with Ad networks then Google Adsense seems to be the way to go


Find her first income report here

Bria is based in South Korea.

She had an Eye watering 2194 page views wow in here first month!

With only 4 blog posts!!!!

  • If your content is great and RELEVANT to solving peoples problems you will get traffic.

Two posts were about how to become an English teacher in Korea. And these were the driving force for her blog.

Top tip – great content can get great views if you know what people want the answers to!!

She also got to guest interview with FTFinancials about working in Korea.

Income was generated through her post on starting a blog using Siteground.

If you are interested in finding more out about Siteground then check out their website here.

Bria’s traffic generation is from Pinterest using Tailwindas pin schedulers.

Along with joining group boards.

Interestingly she also uses Instagram and Facebook with a few ads thrown in.

Question is should you start with one Social media platform or a few?

Top Take Awaysfrom this income report:

If your content is great and RELEVANT to solving peoples problems you will get traffic.


First-month income report link here.

This blog is about a month newer than this blog and Erin managed to make $140 dollars her first month.

Her page views were approx. 1.7k.

She used Facebook groups and Pinterest to generate traffic.

How did she make her income – using GoogleAdsense and as an affiliate for bluehost.

Top take away from this post:

  • Apply for affiliate programs to generate incomes


Lori started from ground zero and managed to make money which should give you a boost.

It doesn’t matter where you start you can still earn money!

First income report can be found here.

Lori’s pageviews were 823 with 13 blog posts with Pinterest followers 25.

Her income was total of $9.03 half from Ads using Google Adsense and rest from Affiliate for Survey Junkie in her first month.

Lori used Pinterest to generate traffic and looking at her stats on her income report she did really well!

Top Take Aways from this post:

  • You can still make money off your blog even starting from zero


Blog from Jen and Madi – mother and daughter.

You can find their first income report HERE

They managed to make $38 for the month with 10,000 pageviews for the full first month of October 2017.

Social media included Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

It’s interesting that Jen works +30 hours on her blog with help from Madi her daughter and helps give a reference to how long people work on their blogs vs their results she also had 34 blog posts on the blog before she started.

Top tip from Jen- is making sure your pins are engaging and convert to page views!

As well as joining Tailwind Tribes – note Board booster does have tribes as well.

Joining Pinterest group boards.

Income was from you guessed it Google Adsense $37.21 – Jen mentions that if you have 1000 pageviews then this will be a good channel to start off with if you want Ad Revenue and Shareasale $0.97.


What is the one thing you wish you did differently in your first month as a blogger?

For their hints and tips from their first-month blogging.


To the newbie bloggers listed above if my conclusions were inaccurate.

I have tried to be as impartial as possible and any mistakes made are mine alone.

Sincerest apologises!


  • Not everyone will earn money their first month
  • The more time you can spend creating content and working on your blog will increase your pageviews although it’s not all about page views!
  • You REALLY do need an opt-in even starting out- you can check mine out below.
  • NOT EVERYBODY’S blog is the same!!!
  • Don’t GIVE up!
  • Consider more than one social media channel- at least join Facebook groups – interact in them and also use Pinterest
  • Reach out to bigger bloggers in your niche and send them one of your great posts which include links to their site.
  • Apply to affiliate programs and start promoting straight away- its never too early
  • If you are considering Ads on your website then Google Adsense is the one to go with
  • If your content is great and RELEVANT to solving peoples problems you will get traffic from your social media channels
  • You can still make money from your blog even if you are starting EVERYTHING including social media channels from zero.

Income reports: how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging - Helping you in the online world (3)

Income reports: how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging - Helping you in the online world (4)

Income reports: how 8 bloggers made money in their FIRST month blogging - Helping you in the online world (2024)


What is the monthly income of a new Blogger? ›

Average starting Salary for Blogger in India is around ₹0.4 Lakh per year (₹3.3k per month). 1 year of minimum experience is required to be a Blogger. What is the highest salary for a Blogger in India? Highest salary that a Blogger can earn is ₹6.0 Lakhs per year (₹50.0k per month).

How much money does 1,000 views make on Blogger? ›

Ever wondered how much Google AdSense pays per 1000 views? It's a question every blogger asks, and the answer is more complex than you might think. Earnings can vary from $0.5 to $2.5 per 1000 views, but several factors influence this, including your blog's niche, audience location, and ad technicalities.

How much can a beginner Blogger make a month? ›

How much money can you make when blogging as a beginner? Finance blog Millennial Money reports that after just two years of building traffic and subscribers to this type of a website, bloggers can make upwards of $100,000 annually. Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month.

Can you make $1000 a month blogging? ›

Many successful bloggers have unlocked the secrets of turning their blogs into a lucrative source of income, making $1000 per month or more. If you're eager to join the ranks of these successful bloggers, you've come to the right place.

Does blogger pay you? ›

The first is via an ad network, like Google AdSense. Ad networks pay per 1,000 impressions (CPM) - on average, bloggers earn $1.25 per CPM. Most networks require that you meet a certain page-view minimum before you can join the network.

Is Google Blogger good for making money? ›

If your blog has an active community that's eager to know more about your subject, a paid membership or subscription model is another way to use your valuable content to generate revenue over the long run. In this business model, readers pay a fixed amount on a regular basis, typically monthly or annually.

Can a blogger become billionaire? ›

The answer is yes, but with a caveat. While it's true that some individuals have made their fortunes through blogging, it doesn't hold true as a universal rule. Success in the blogging world requires more than just creating a blog and posting content.

How much does Google pay bloggers? ›

Here is an overview of the average earnings benchmarks, giving you an idea of how much you can potentially earn through Google AdSense: On average, websites earn around $0.20 to $2.00 per click. The average click-through rate (CTR) is about 1-2%. The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) ranges from $0.25 to $4.00.

Do beginner bloggers make money? ›

Earnings from ad networks admittedly might not be super high in your first year. But once you work your way up to 50,000 monthly blog views and have substantial website traffic, you could easily start earning thousands per year.

Which blog niche makes the most money? ›

If you want to pick the perfect topic for a new blog to make money, these seven great niches are the right place to start.
  • Digital marketing.
  • Tech and AI.
  • Blogging and making money online.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Personal finance and investing.
  • Recipes and food.
  • Personal development and self-care.
Apr 5, 2024

How long does it take for a beginner blogger to make money? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

How often should I blog to make money? ›

How often should you blog to make money from it? It all depends on your audience, the field you're in, and your revenue strategy. You should probably plan to publish about three blog posts per week, minimum, to make money as a blogger.

How many blog posts per week to make money? ›

For most bloggers, publishing at least one blog post per week is a good starting point. However, if you have the resources and the time, you may want to consider publishing two to three posts per week. This will help to keep your readers engaged and ensure that your website remains visible in search engine rankings.

How much do beginner bloggers make? ›

If you're blogging in a popular and profitable niche, you could be looking at: $30,000 – $50,000 in your first year of blogging. That's around the average income in the USA.

How much do first time bloggers make? ›

It's not unrealistic to make between $0.01 – $0.10 per page view in many blogging niches across display and affiliate ads. So if you get 1,000 page views a month, you can make between $10-$100 per month. But if you can get to 100,000 page views a month you can make between $1,000 – $10,000 off of your blog per month.

What is the starting income of Blogger? ›

10,000 - Rs. 30,000. This varies widely depending on the niche, traffic and monetization strategies. - To start earning decently through advertising/affiliate income (without paid sponsorships), a blog needs consistent traffic of at least 5,000-10,000 sessions per month.

How long does it take for a beginner Blogger to make money? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.