Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (2024)

Did you know that the financial industry makes up $8.81 trillion of the market cap of the stock market, which is 13% of the market, third-largest by market cap compared to tech and consumer discretionary. Most investors ignore or pass the financial industry by, largely because they don’t understand the industry or valuing those companies.

Using DCF’s or discounted cash flow models is the tried and true method for most industries, but financials, including banks, insurance, and investment banks, are a different breed. Because of the nature of their capital structure, it is difficult to measure both debt and reinvestment, which makes estimating cash flows a problem.

Along with the challenging capital structure, there is the regulatory situation and oversight over the financial sector, rightfully so after the financial crisis of 2007-2009, that all needs consideration when valuing these companies.

In today’s post, we will learn:

  • Why Is Valuing Banks Difficult?
  • Usual Methods to Value Banks
  • Breaking Down a Free Cash Flow to Equity Model for Bank Valuation
  • Real-Life Example of DCF Valuation of a Bank
  • Investor Takeaway

Okay, let’s break down using a DCF for bank valuation.

Why is Valuing Financial Companies Difficult?

Financials such as banks, insurance companies, and investment firms are no different from “normal” companies attempting to be as profitable as possible. They also have to worry about competition and feel the need to grow continually.

If any of these companies are publicly traded, they face the same scrutiny that the other companies face for their total return to shareholders.

When discussing capital for non-financials, most discussions center around debt and equity, building blocks for stimulating growth. A non-financial raises money from both equity investors and bondholders and uses those funds to grow its assets for long-term growth.

When we value these non-financials, such as Walmart, we value the company’s assets instead of only the equity.

Debt, an ugly word if a company carries more than they can afford, has a different connotation in the financial services world.

Instead of a source of capital, as with most non-financials, these companies consider it raw material. Debt to a bank is as inventory is to Walmart, something the financial can take and mold it into a product they can sell to yield a profit.

Therefore, we can define capital in financials as equity capital, further reinforced by the regulatory oversight focusing on the equity capital ratios of banks and insurance companies.

Let’s consider the debt situation of a bank or insurance company for a moment. According to the balance sheet of Bank of America, deposits from customers into their checking or savings accounts are debt. But should they be? And what of the interest-bearing accounts, especially considering that most banks’ primary income is on interest after paying interest on customer’s deposit accounts.

Instead of debt, most financials consider these deposits or premiums as raw material to generate more income. For example, a bank will take your $100 deposit in your savings account and lend that out to another customer to make interest on that loan. So the bank will generate income from the difference between the interest they collect from the loan and the interest they pay on the savings account.

The next issue is the regulatory nature of financials. Most financials are heavily regulated, and they take three main forms:

  • Banks and insurance companies must carry capital ratios that ensure they don’t expand beyond their means
  • Banks and insurance companies face restrictions on where they can invest their capital.
  • Restrictions on mergers and acquisitions

And because of these restrictions, we need to rethink how financials reinvest. For example, with non-financials, most reinvestments focus on net capital expenditures and working capital. But these types of reinvestment are not available for financials.

Instead of working capital in the usual sense, banks focus on intangible investments such as brand or human capital, included in the operating expenses.

Investors need to focus on the regulatory capital as the main source of reinvestment. If you are not familiar with the regulatory capital of banks, I recommend you read the following post before continuing with the article:

  • Tier 1 Capital – The Easy Way to See the Strength of a Bank’s Balance Sheet

Okay, now that we understand different things about valuing banks, let’s look at a few usual methods.

Usual Methods to Value Banks

To value the equity of a company, the normal method is:

Free Cash Flow to Equity =

Net Income

+ non-cash charges
  • Net capital Expenditures
  • Change in non-cash working capital
  • (debt repaid – New debt issued)

But because of the nature of financials that we discussed earlier, that type of cash flow calculation is far too difficult. Instead, we have three options:

  • Use dividends as cash flows to equity and assume over time that companies will pay out their cash flows to equity as dividends.
  • Focus on excess returns instead of earnings, dividends, and growth rates and value those returns.
  • Adjust our free cash flow to the equity calculations to allow for the regulatory allowed type of reinvestment via the regulatory capital from Tier 1 ratios.

Dividend Discount Model

In the basic model, the value of the company is the expected dividends for the company. To get a better sense of how this model works, check out the below video:

  • Dividend Discount Model Guide

Excess Return Model

In the excess return model, we write the financial value as the sum of capital invested now compared to the present value of excess returns the company expects to make in the future.

To learn more about this model, check out the link below:

  • How To: Excess Return Model for Valuing Financial Stocks

Relative Valuation

We use relative metrics such as price to earnings (P/E) and price to book (P/B) to measure value in this type of valuation. Relative valuation is the most common form of valuation by analysts because it is quick and easy, but this method has some pros and cons. To learn more, check out the article below:

  • Relative Valuation – Pros and Cons of the MOST Common Form of Valuation

To get a sense of these types of valuations in action, check out the article below, which includes all three valuation methods:

  • Charles Schwab – A Case Study in Valuation Methods

Breaking Down the Steps to Use a DCF for Bank Valuation

To value financial companies using the free cash flow to equity formula, a variation of the DCF, we will value the equity after debt payments and reinvestment needs are met.

As mentioned above, the reinvestment will come in regulatory capital instead of working capital or net capital expenditures.

The new formula for our free cash to equity formula will be:

Free Cash Flow to Equity =

Net Income

  • Reinvestment in regulatory capital

To define the estimations of regulatory capital, we have two parameters to consider:

  1. Tier 1 Capital ratio – this ratio is heavily influenced by the regulatory requirements for each bank but will also reflect each financial decision on how to treat their capital. For example, a bank with a 5% Tier 1 capital ratio can make $100 in loans on each $5 in equity capital. When they report a net income of $15 million but only pay out $5 million, it increases its equity capital by $10 million. That, in turn, allows the bank to loan out $200 in the next period and hopefully grow its equity in the future.
  2. Profitability from operations – The net income of the financial tells us how profitable the company, compared to its operations. Like a bank, net income grows with growing loan volumes, so a 0.5% profitability translates to an additional net income of $1 million from additional loans.

Steps to estimate reinvestment of regulatory capital

  • Estimate growth rates in risk-adjusted assets over time
  • Estimate expected tier 1 capital ratio year by year
  • Calculate Tier 1 by multiplying Tier 1 ratios by risk-adjusted assets each year.

Okay, let’s start to work through each step for our reinvestments.

To value Bank of America, we will start with estimating risk-weighted assets, Tier 1 capital ratio, and net income over the next ten years.

The risk-weighted assets are the total assets owned by the bank adjusted to the risk of the bank’s exposure to potential losses. We can find these numbers in the bank’s financials; our friend CTRL-F is the easiest way to find them.

Here is a screenshot from the latest 10-k, dated 2-24-21.

Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (1)

Next, we need the Tier 1 Capital for Bank of America, which is in the same chart, and I will do a similar screenshot:

Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (2)

And then, the last number we need is the shareholders’ equity which we can gather from the balance sheet, which for Bank of American’s 10-k was $272,924 million.

Now we have all the numbers; we need to start estimating the growth of Tier 1 capital and the change in regulatory capital, which is our reinvestment rate for our DCF.

Before we start with the calculations, we need to estimate the growth in our Tier 1 capital, and to do that, the easiest way is to look at historical growth. To that end, I took the risk-weighted assets from 2015 and used a CAGR calculator to compare the growth from 2015 to 2020 of $1.480 billion, which gives us a growth rate of 1.26%, so for giggles, let’s boost that to 2%.

To adjust the growth of the Tier 1 equity ratio, we looked at the FRED data, which gives us a banking industry average of 15.7%, which compared to Bank of America’s current level of 13.5%, we will assume it will move towards that average over the DCF.

Now that we have some growth rates for both the risk-weighted average and Tier 1 equity ratio, we can calculate the change in Tier 1 capital.

Here is a snapshot for one year.

Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (3)

We can see from above that the risk-weighted assets grew by 2%, giving us our change in Tier 1 capital, which we then subtract from the previous year’s Tier 1 capital, the bank’s reinvestment. We then add that reinvestment to the previous year’s book equity to get our new book equity. Finally, we multiply the new book equity by the Return on Equity, giving us our net income.

To calculate the free cash flow to equity, we subtract our change in regulatory capital from the net income, giving us the free cash flow to the equity.

Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (4)

Now that we have our free cash flow to the equity, we can next work out the discount rate to discount those free cash flows to equity back to the present.

Because we value the equity, we will use the CAPM model to calculate our cost of equity. The components of the model are:

Plugging them into the CAPM formula of:

Cost of Equity = Risk-free rate + Beta * Equity risk premium

Cost of equity = 1.27% + 1.39 * 4.31% = 7.26%

All discounted cash flow models will take the present value of cash flows, add them up, and calculate a terminal value, using the cost of equity and the terminal rate, which is the final value of growth of the risk-weighted assets.

As with any DCF model, we need to make sure the terminal value is less than the GDP of the bank’s economy.

And the model gives us the value of Bank of America based on our inputs.

Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (5)

As of the writing of this article, the current market price of the Bank of America is $40.79, date 8-17-2021.

Real-Life Examples of DCF’s for Bank Valuation

Okay, let’s try out the model on a few financials to understand how this works. I will look up the financials, give you the model’s inputs, and show you the final results after the calculations.

JP Morgan (JPM)

Risk-weighted assets

$1,506,609 million

Growth rate of RWA


Tier 1 Capital

$205,078 million

Net Income

$29,131 million

Book Value of Equity

$249,291 million

Shares Outstanding

3049.4 million



Current Market price


After plugging in all of the above variables, we get a value of:

Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (6)

For our last example, let’s try a non-bank Morgan Stanley (MS), currently trading for $101.26.

Risk-weighted assets

$453,106 million

Tier 1 Capital

$88,079 million

Growth Rate of RWA


Net Income

$10,500 million

Book Value of Equity

$101,781 million

Shares outstanding

1,603 million



And after plugging in the variables to the model, we get a value of:

Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (7)

I will include the model I created to write this post because it will help you play with the numbers to find the intrinsic value of any financial you wish to value.

Investor Takeaway

The price we pay matters a lot, and finding the intrinsic value of any company using the fundamentals is a great place to start any analysis. But, calculating a value is the starting place because we need to understand what drives those value variables. Once we understand those variables and the growth drivers, our valuations will make sense or seem not quite right.

Analyzing banks, insurance companies, or investment banks is not different than any other non-financial. The biggest hurdle is understanding the different languages of accounting for those companies and the drivers of growth. Once you understand those ideas and concepts, it is a matter of digging into the rabbit hole and finding the answers.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from analyzing or investing in the finance sector. There are a ton of great companies that will help you grow your wealth. Remember that the market composition is almost 20% financials, and that seems like a big opportunity to pass.

I hope this article gives you a little more comfort in valuing banks and other resources to do more due diligence on the financial sector.

And with that, we will wrap up our discussion for today.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read today’s post, and I hope you find something of value in your investing journey. If I can be of any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Until next time, take care and be safe out there,


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Improved DCF For Bank Valuation Model With Real-Life Examples (2024)


Is DCF used in real life? ›

Discounted cash flow (DCF), a valuation method used to estimate the value of an investment based on its future cash flows, is often used in evaluating real estate investments. Initial cost, annual cost, estimated income, and holding period of a property are some of the variables used in a DCF analysis.

What is a simple example of DCF? ›

For example, assuming a 5% annual interest rate, $1 in a savings account will be worth $1.05 in a year. Similarly, if a $1 payment is delayed for a year, its present value is 95 cents because you cannot transfer it to your savings account to earn interest.

Can we use DCF model to value a bank? ›

The basic conditions of DCF models include a requirement that the discount rate used to be in session with the risk profile of cash flow (for example: FCFF ↔ WACC or FCFE ↔ re). 9 For the valuation of banks is appropriate to use a model based on FCFE.

Can you explain how analysts use the DCF analysis to value a company? ›

Discounted cash flow DCF analysis determines the present value of a company or asset based on the value of money it can make in the future. The assumption is that the company or asset is expected to generate cash flows in this time frame. In other words, the value of money today will be worth more in the future.

Why don't we use DCF to value banks? ›

The DCF method may be quite popular, but it has a major flaw: it does not show any flexibility of cash flows. In the real world, capital investment projects can be changed at any time, and hence, the DCF technique is worthless as it cannot adapt to the changing circ*mstances.

What is the best method to value a bank? ›

The market multiple approach is the simplest way to value a bank. A common multiple used by bank analysts is the Price-Earnings ratio (P/E).

What is DCF for dummies? ›

Discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation is a type of financial model that determines whether an investment is worthwhile based on future cash flows. A DCF model is based on the idea that a company's value is determined by how well the company can generate cash flows for its investors in the future.

What are some uses of DCF? ›

Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a method of valuation used to determine the value of an investment based on its return in the future–called future cash flows. DCF helps to calculate how much an investment is worth today based on the return in the future.

What is DCF in a nutshell? ›

DCF stands for 'Discounted Cash Flow. ' In a DCF analysis, you value a Business based on its estimated future Cash Flows, which are discounted to reflect the Time Value of Money.

Is DCF a good valuation technique? ›

Most finance courses espouse the gospel of discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis as the preferred valuation methodology for all cash flow-generating assets. In theory (and in college final examinations), this technique works great. In practice, however, DCF can be difficult to apply in evaluating equities.

Why do investment bankers use DCF? ›

The DCF model is used by investment bankers to present a framework to their clients that guides their decision-making process, rather than to precisely determine if a company is overvalued or undervalued.

Why is DCF the best valuation method? ›

One of the most significant advantages of the DCF valuation model is that it returns the closest thing private practices can get to an intrinsic stock market value. By valuing the business based on the discounted value of future cash flow, valuation experts can arrive at a fair market value.

What is the biggest drawback of the DCF? ›

Doesn't Consider Valuations of Competitors: An advantage of discounted cash flow — that it doesn't need to consider the value of competitors — can also be a disadvantage. Ultimately, DCF can produce valuations that are far from the actual value of competitor companies or similar investments.

What are the most common DCF valuation models? ›

The most common variations of the DCF model are the dividend discount model (DDM) and the free cash flow (FCF) model, which, in turn, has two forms: free cash flow to equity (FCFE) and free cash flow to firm (FCFF) models.

What impacts a DCF the most? ›

Sensitivity to Assumptions

The reliance on assumptions is the main drawback of the DCF approach, in which minor adjustments to key assumptions could have material impacts on the DCF valuation.

Why is DCF not accurate? ›

DCF Valuation is extremely sensitive to assumptions related to perpetual growth rate and discount rate. Any minor tweaking here and there, and the DCF Valuation will fluctuate wildly and the fair value so generated won't be accurate. It works best only when there is a high degree of confidence about future cash flows.

What is the use in banks of value at risk method in market risk management? ›

Commonly used by financial firms and commercial banks in investment analysis, VaR can determine the extent and probabilities of potential losses in portfolios. Risk managers use VaR to measure and control the level of risk exposure.

What are the three valuation methods of investment banking? ›

There are three basic techniques to value a company: discounted cash flows (DCF), the multiples approach, and comparable transactions.

What are the 4 valuation methods most used in investment banking? ›

4 Most Common Business Valuation Methods
  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis.
  • Multiples Method.
  • Market Valuation.
  • Comparable Transactions Method.

Who determines value for the bank? ›

The lender will appoint an objective property valuer who will assess the physical property and a few comparable sales to calculate a value they regard as a reasonable selling price. The bank value is typically conservative - meaning that it's often on the lower end of the value spectrum.

What are the 3 steps of DCF? ›

Steps in the DCF Analysis

Calculate the TV. Calculate the enterprise value (EV) by discounting the projected UFCFs and TV to net present value. Calculate the equity value by subtracting net debt from EV. Review the results.

What is the most important part of DCF? ›

The discount rate is one of the most important elements of the DCF formula. Businesses identify an appropriate value for the discount rate if they're unable to rely on a weighted average cost of capital.

What is the DCF model and why is it so widely used? ›

The model is based on the principle that the value of a business is equal to the present value of its future cash flows. In other words, the DCF model discounts a company's expected cash flows in order to arrive at a present value that reflects the time value of money.

What are the two stages of DCF? ›

This is called the 2-stage DCF model. The first stage is to forecast the unlevered free cash flows explicitly (and ideally from a 3-statement model). The second stage is the total of all cash flows after stage 1. This typically entails making some assumptions about the company reaching mature growth.

What are the four elements of the DCF model? ›

Ingredients Required for a DCF Valuation Model

Historical income statements; Historical balance sheets; A good understanding of the business's operating characteristics; and. Management plans for the immediate future.

Does Warren Buffett use DCF? ›

Therefore, value investors can use Warren Buffett's DCF valuation approach, which is theoretically one of the most accurate ways to estimate a firm's intrinsic value, to approximately estimate whether a stock is attractively valued or not at its current price.

Which valuation method is most accurate? ›

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCF)

In this respect, DCF is the most theoretically correct of all of the valuation methods because it is the most precise.

What are the three main valuation techniques? ›

When valuing a company as a going concern, there are three main valuation techniques used by industry practitioners: (1) DCF analysis, (2) comparable company analysis, and (3) precedent transactions.

Do private equity firms use DCF? ›

In my recent paper, I scrutinize the most common method used by private equity to value private companies – discounted cash flow (“DCF”). The standard formula for DCF has been widely cited, but for those without a finance background, deciphering the formula can be entirely intractable.

What are the key drivers of DCF valuation? ›

The choice of key drivers for sensitivity analysis in DCF may vary depending on the context and purpose of your valuation. However, some common key drivers are revenue growth, operating margin, discount rate, and terminal value.

What factors is a DCF sensitive to? ›

A discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis is highly sensitive to key variables such as the long-term growth rate (in the growing perpetuity version of the terminal value) and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) .

Do you want a high or low DCF? ›

If the DCF is greater than the present cost, the investment is profitable. The higher the DCF, the greater return the investment generates. If the DCF is lower than the present cost, investors should rather hold the cash.

Is DCF used? ›

Discounted cash flow (DCF) is an analysis method used to value investment by discounting the estimated future cash flows. DCF analysis can be applied to value a stock, company, project, and many other assets or activities, and thus is widely used in both the investment industry and corporate finance management.

Where do we use DCF? ›

Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a method of valuation used to determine the value of an investment based on its return in the future–called future cash flows. DCF helps to calculate how much an investment is worth today based on the return in the future.

Who uses DCF models? ›

Real Estate: Investors use DCF models to value commercial real estate development projects. This practice has two main shortcomings. First, the discount rate assumption relies on the market for competing investments at the time of the analysis, which may not persist into the future.

Why is DCF the best method? ›

The main advantages of a discounted cash flow analysis are its use of precise numbers and the fact that it is more objective than other methods in valuing an investment. Learn about alternate methods used to value an investment below.

Is DCF the best method? ›

Most finance courses espouse the gospel of discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis as the preferred valuation methodology for all cash flow-generating assets. In theory (and in college final examinations), this technique works great. In practice, however, DCF can be difficult to apply in evaluating equities.

Why is DCF so important? ›

Discounted cash flow helps investors evaluate how much money goes into the investment, the timing of when that money is spent, how much money the investment generates, and when the investor can access the funds from the investment.

What is the DCF of Coca Cola stock? ›

This DCF valuation model was created by Alpha Spread and was last updated on Mar 31, 2023. Estimated DCF Value of one co*kE stock is 408.12 USD. Compared to the current market price of 535.08 USD, the stock is Overvalued by 24%.

Do investment bankers use DCF? ›

The DCF model is used by investment bankers to present a framework to their clients that guides their decision-making process, rather than to precisely determine if a company is overvalued or undervalued.

Do asset managers use DCF? ›

The common methods used to value asset management firms are the discounted cash flow, the multiples, and the Dividend Discount Model, with some adaptions.

Is DCF used for forecasting? ›

DCF analysis seeks to determine an investment's value today based on a forecast of how much money it will generate in the future.

What is DCF explained simply? ›

Put simply, discounted cash flow analysis rests on the principle that an investment now is worth an amount equal to the sum of all the future cash flows it will produce, with each of those cash flows being discounted to their present value.

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