If the US stopped buying Chinese goods would China's economy collapse? | Homework.Study.com (2024)

Social sciences


If the US stopped buying Chinese goods would China's economy collapse?


A country is more open economically when it is more engaged in international trade with other nations. One commonly used measure of openness is the ratio of total trade (the sum of imports and exports) to gross domestic product. Open economies usually fare better than command economies because the natural forces of demand and supply govern them.

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It is unlikely that China's economy will collapse if the US stops buying Chinese goods.

While the two countries have a great deal of influence over...

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If the US stopped buying Chinese goods would China's economy collapse? | Homework.Study.com (1)

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U.S. Trade Policy & Law


Chapter 30/ Lesson 7


U.S. trade policy oversees the laws pertaining to the international exchange of goods and services. Learn more about U.S. trade policy, explore the agencies supporting these efforts, including the ITA and the ITC, and examine some U.S. trade laws that help protect American industries.

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If the US stopped buying Chinese goods would China's economy collapse? | Homework.Study.com (2024)
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