How To Use Leverage: Cryptocurrency Margin Trading Explained (2024)

Margin trading, otherwise known as leveraged trading, is the act of borrowing funds from an exchange or broker to increase one’s position. Leveraged trades are a common practice among beginners and experienced traders alike, as they look to increase their wealth faster than what can be achieved with standard trading and investing.

A common instance of margin trading is using a 10x leverage. Effectively, this means increasing your original order by a magnitude of ten. With a $1,000 investment, margin trading allows us to open a position as if we had $10,000. Therefore, any profit that we make is increased tenfold once the position is closed.

However, this advantage does not come without risks. Leveraged positions liquidate an account, specifically its original order, if the trade ventures into the opposite direction. A long position on Bitcoin with 10x leverage opened at $35,000, will be liquidated once the price of $32,000 is reached. Likewise, a similar short position will face liquidation at approximately $38,600.

Considering that cryptocurrencies are a highly volatile market, even the slightest use of leverage should not be taken lightly. That is why our goal with this lesson is to figure out the intricacies of margin trading.

What is Crypto Margin Trading?

Whether you are margin trading with Bitcoin, Ethereum, or another supported cryptocurrency, the framework is the same. Margin trading refers to depositing an amount of collateral (either crypto or fiat currency), using that collateral to receive a loan, then trading with the larger loaned amount.

Trading larger positions provides you with the opportunity to earn more money. Price movements net larger profits when trading with a greater position size than they do when your size is smaller.

The major aspect of margin trading is that exposure goes both ways. Although margin trading enables you to win bigger, it also makes it easier and faster to lose.

How Crypto Margin Trading Works

Trading cryptocurrencies on margin all begins with depositing a percentage of the total position size as collateral. This amount is often deposited in the traded asset (in-kind) but may also be paid in stablecoins or fiat, depending on the trading platform.

The deposited amount is known as your margin. This margin forms the basis of your leveraged position, which is the amount of financial power that you are trading with using your margin.

The amount of margin needed for a given leveraged position depends entirely on the amount of leverage (expressed as a ratio) you’re trading with. For instance, if you decide to open a 10:1 (alternatively 10x) leveraged Bitcoin long with a $10,000 position size, you will need to have $1,000 deposited in your account as margin.

Determining the initial capital needed for a given position size is simply done based on the ratio that is used. Another popular way to express the ratio in leveraged trading is 2x (2:1), 5x (5:1), 10x(10:1), and so on.

There are two directions you take a position on during a leveraged crypto trade: up or down. If you believe the price direction is heading up, you open a leveraged long. For betting on downward price volatility, a leveraged short is what you will need.

Understanding Margin Calls

We can anticipate an asset’s price action, but we rarely ever predict it correctly. This is where the risk of margin trading steps in.

If price direction moves against your position quickly, you need to rapidly deposit more collateral in your margin account or risk a margin call.

A margin call means that the exchange liquidates the collateral in your account to cover your trading losses. When the price moves against your trade, the exchange moves quickly to cover itself by ensuring it pays back the full amount of the margin loan lest your losses exceed that value.

Trading platforms will alert you when your account is getting dangerously close to being liquidated. At this point, you can either add more collateral, thus giving your trade a lease on life, or you can do nothing.

If you do nothing, your position will be liquidated. As a result, adding more collateral might be the better option. By giving your account additional funding, you might save your account from complete annihilation or even save time long enough to see the trade play out in the end.

To avoid having your leveraged crypto trade get liquidated, the key is to trade with responsible size (do not trade more than you can afford to lose) and always trade with a stop loss in place.

By trading without stop-loss orders, you are effectively okay with having your position liquidated. A stop-loss ensures that you only lose 5% or 10%, but a liquidation assures a 100% loss.

Know what your limits are and when to cut off losing positions. There is no trader with a 100% win rate, so keep that in mind while managing your positions.

Pros and Cons of Margin Trading Cryptocurrencies

If you are still on the fence about whether margin trading with cryptocurrencies is for you, use these pros and cons to help you decide.


  • Greater exposure to price volatility means more profits when you get the market right.
  • Traders with plenty of technical analysis ability can put their skills to the test.
  • Knowing how to manage risks with stop losses makes margin trading less dangerous.


  • Greater exposure to price volatility means more losses when you get the market wrong.
  • Unlike spot trading, margin trading is not set it and forget it.
  • Only recommended for people with lots of time to babysit their open trades.
  • Beginners with little trading experience are easily liquidated.

Ultimately, crypto margin trading is best left to experienced traders who have deep technical analysis knowledge, enough funds on hand to bounce back from losses, and have plenty of time to commit to crypto trading.

Those who trade casually or do not have the time to invest in learning TA should preferably paper trade first or stick with basic investing strategies like HODLing.

How To Use Leverage: Cryptocurrency Margin Trading Explained (2024)


How do you use leverage in crypto trading? ›

Ways to Manage Your Risk When Using Leverage
  1. Determine Your Risk Per Trade. Before you decide on the amount of leverage you intend to use, you must first determine the percentage of your capital you intend to risk per trade. ...
  2. Use Stop Loss and Take Profit Targets. ...
  3. Keep a Separate Account. ...
  4. Try Leveraging a Simulated Account.
Dec 31, 2022

How do you calculate leverage margin in crypto? ›

A trader wants to buy a position of 1 BTC worth $9,000, with x200 leverage (i.e. 1:200 leverage) To open this position, the Required margin = $9,000/200 = $45 (0.005 BTC) As seen from this example, to open a position of 1 BTC/USD at the price of $9,000 at x200 leverage, a trader would need to have at least $45 (=0.005 ...

What is crypto leverage in margin trading? ›

What is leverage trading in crypto? Crypto leverage trading is a type of trading that allows traders to increase their exposure to the market without having to put up the full amount of capital required. By borrowing funds from a broker, traders can trade larger positions and earn greater profits.

How to do crypto margin trading? ›

Margin trading crypto allows a trader to use a small deposit to control a large amount of cryptocurrency. This is done by borrowing from your broker, allowing you to purchase the bigger position. The advantage of being able to control a larger position means that there can be larger gains.

What is 20x leverage on $100? ›

For example, opening a trade with $100 and 20x leverage will equate to a $2000 investment. Is leverage good in the stock market? Leverage trading can be good because it lets investors with less cash increase their buying power, which can increase their returns from successful investments.

What is leverage trading in crypto for dummies? ›

In crypto trading, leverage refers to using borrowed capital to make trades. Leverage trading can amplify your buying or selling power, allowing you to trade larger amounts. So even if your initial capital is small, you can use it as collateral to make leverage trades.

What is 10x leverage in crypto? ›

There are many ways traders can customize their crypto leverage trade to suit their risk tolerance. The amount of leverage you can take out is often expressed as a ratio. For example, someone who adds 1:10 leverage to their crypto trade will multiply their position by 10x.

What is the best leverage for trading crypto? ›

Which is the best platform for leverage trading in crypto? Covo Finance is the best choice for professional traders looking for advanced trading features and high-security measures. At the same time, Binance is the best choice for those who value low fees and a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

What is the best leverage for $100? ›

The best leverage for $100 forex account is 1:100.

Many professional traders also recommend this leverage ratio. If your leverage is 1:100, it means for every $1, your broker gives you $100. So if your trading balance is $100, you can trade $10,000 ($100*100).

Does 10x leverage mean 10x profit? ›

For instance, a broker offering 10x leverage enables traders to open a $10,000 position with just $1,000 in upfront capital. So if you invest $1,000 directly into BTC, expecting a 10% rise in value, you will profit by $100 if the market goes your way.

How long can you hold a leverage trade crypto? ›

Leveraged tokens are a basket of perpetual futures, which are essentially contract positions without an expiration date. This means that traders can purchase a leveraged token and hold their positions for as long as they wish.

What is an example of margin trading in crypto? ›

Margin Trading Cryptocurrency Example

Here's an example: imagine that a trader opens a long position on Bitcoin for $100 and the price rises by 10%. The trader would make $10 in profit (excluding any fees). If that same trader were to make the same trade using 5x leverage, their profit would be $50 (10 x 5 = 50).

What is 100x leverage in crypto? ›

While some Bitcoin exchanges offer 200x leverage, enabling traders to create positions worth 200x their original deposit, other Bitcoin exchanges only provide 20x, 50x, or 100x leverage. A trade with 100:1x is called a 100x leverage trade. Look more:Best High Leverage Crypto Trading Exchange Platform.

Is margin trading crypto a good idea? ›

Margin for short-term trading

Cryptocurrencies remain very volatile assets. Margin trading amplifies the risks associated with trading them even more. Therefore, try to make short-term (compared to spot trading or investment) margin trading positions and keep a constant look at them.

What happens if you lose a leverage trade Crypto? ›

However, if you lose money when trading on leverage, the exchange will immediately end your position and "liquidate" your transaction. This happens when the underlying asset's price hits a predetermined level, which is referred to as the "liquidation price."

What is 5X vs 10X leverage? ›

5X leverage: $100 x 5 = $500. Thus, we can buy $500 worth of stock with only $100. 10X leverage: $100 x 10 = $1,000. Thus, we can buy $1,000 worth of stock with only $100.

When you make a deposit of $1,000 and the leverage is 1 100? ›

Using the initial margin example above, the leverage ratio for the trade would equal 100:1 ($100,000 / $1,000). In other words, for a $1,000 deposit, an investor can trade $100,000 in a particular currency pair.

What leverage is good for $10000? ›

Therefore, with a $10,000 account and a 3% maximum risk per trade, you should leverage only up to 30 mini lots even though you may have the ability to trade more.

How does 3X leverage crypto work? ›

3X Long Ethereum Token (ETH3L) is an example of a leveraged token. The "3X" indicates the leverage, which means that your assets are multiplied by three if ETH3L increases in value. However, it's a double-edged sword because you can also lose value quickly as well. For every 1% drop in ETH, ETH3L also decreases by 3%.

Is 1 leverage good for beginners? ›

The best leverage in forex markets depends on the investor. For conservative investors, or new ones, a low leverage ratio of 5:1/10:1 may be good. For seasoned investors, who are more risk-friendly, leverages may be as high as 50:1 or even 100:1 plus.

Is leverage good for beginners? ›

Leverage can be dangerous for a beginner because it allows you to make trades you don't fully understand, and small losses can become overwhelming before you know it. To avoid this scenario, it is important to know what is the best leverage in forex and get used to trading with as little risk as possible.

What does 5x mean in crypto? ›

This refers to the use of borrowed funds to pay for a trade. For example, if a trader wishes to buy $1,000 worth of Ethereum (ETH) at a leverage factor of 5x (i.e., multiple of 5), they only have to pay $200 themselves, and the remainder ($800) is borrowed from the exchange or trading platform.

What is the best leverage for a $10 account crypto? ›

The best leverage for $10 is 1:100 for traders outside of the EU. If you are not a resident of the EU then the leverage restrictions are very relaxed. They can go as high as 1:3000 leverage in some financial jurisdictions. The best leverage a $10 account can open in forex will depend on the broker you choose.

How does 2x leverage work crypto? ›

With 2x leverage, half of the position size, or 2,500 USD worth, will be withheld from your collateral balance upon purchase of the BTC. Without any leverage, you would need a 5,000 USD balance to make this purchase, and this balance would be exchanged directly for the equivalent amount purchased in BTC.

What leverage is best for scalping crypto? ›

For example, a scalper using 1-minute or 5-minute charts may choose to use 10x or even 25x leverage, while a swing trader may go for a more conservative 2x or 4x leverage. This inverse relationship is common because it usually yields the best risk-to-reward ratio for both scalpers and swing traders.

How much money do you get for a 1 500 leverage? ›

If brokers offer 1:500 leverage, this means that for every $1 of their capital, traders receive $500 to trade with.

How much can I trade with 1 500 leverage? ›

If the leverage of your account is 500:1, this means you can trade up to 500 times the equivalent amount of base currency you have in your account.

How much leverage is too high? ›

A financial leverage ratio of less than 1 is usually considered good by industry standards. A leverage ratio higher than 1 can cause a company to be considered a risky investment by lenders and potential investors, while a financial leverage ratio higher than 2 is cause for concern.

What are the risks of leverage trading? ›

What are the risks of leverage? When you trade with leverage, you gain full exposure to the full trade value with a small initial outlay. Therefore, your profits and your losses are amplified. This means you can lose more than your initial outlay amount and may need to add additional funds to keep your trades open.

How much leverage is reasonable? ›

As a new trader, you should consider limiting your leverage to a maximum of 10:1. Or to be really safe, 1:1. Trading with too high a leverage ratio is one of the most common errors made by new forex traders. Until you become more experienced, we strongly recommend that you trade with a lower ratio.

Can you go negative in crypto leverage? ›

It is possible for an investor's crypto account to fall into negative territory, especially if they open a short position or trade using a margin account — two strategies that involve leverage, i.e. debt.

Why leverage is bad for the crypto market? ›

Leverage trading is commonly used in markets with high volatility, like cryptocurrencies, because it allows traders to potentially amplify their profits from price movements. However, it also carries greater risks, as the higher leveraged position amplifies losses as well.

Can you lose more with leverage? ›

Using leverage is another technique that professional investors may use to provide greater potential for profit. It can also result in greater losses, although typically not more than you put in. In essence, leveraging allows you to use borrowed money to invest a greater amount and therefore amplify your results.

Do you pay interest on leverage crypto? ›

Neither interest nor loan repayments: Unlike margin trading, the profits you earn in leverage trading are all yours. The increased market exposure increases the potential for significantly higher profits. Since leverage trading enables you to trade crypto derivatives, it allows you to trade under any market condition.

What is a simple example of margin? ›

For example, if a company sells T-shirts, its gross profit would be how much it made from selling the shirts minus how much the company paid for the shirts. The margin is the gross profit divided by the total revenue, which creates a ratio. You can then multiply by 100 to make a percentage.

What is margin trading explained with example? ›

Suppose an investor wants to buy shares worth Rs. 1,00,000 but he doesn't have the entire amount. However, he can pay a portion of the total amount for buying the shares. This amount is the margin.

Should beginners do margin trading? ›

Is Margin Trading Good for Beginners? Buying stocks on margin is not for beginner investors. It's important to understand the risks and that the margin loan doesn't exceed the investor's ability to repay the loan.

What are the pros cons of margin trading? ›

Pros & Cons
Offers more flexibility in terms of loan repayment.In case of losses, other securities might be subject to forced liquidation. The credit increases the investor's purchasing power.
The credit increases the investor's purchasing power.The cost of investment is high
2 more rows

Can you make money from margin trading? ›

Buying stock on margin is only profitable if your stocks go up enough to pay back the loan with interest. But you could lose your principal and then some if your stocks go down too much. However, used wisely and prudently, a margin loan can be a valuable tool in the right circ*mstances.

Can you owe money if you use leverage? ›

Yes, if you use leverage by borrowing money from your broker with a margin account, then you can end up owing more than the stock is worth.

Can leveraged tokens go to zero? ›

There is a possibility that the value of Binance Leveraged Tokens can become zero (0) and cannot be recovered due to inherent market risks, high fees, slippage, rebalance algorithm frontrunning and any other perceived unknown risks associated with Binance Leveraged Tokens.

How not to get liquidated in leverage trading? ›

How to Reduce Your Chances of Getting Liquidated
  • Watch the Margin Ratio. To avoid liquidation, you need to pay close attention to your Futures Margin Ratio. ...
  • Use the stop-loss function to limit and control possible losses. ...
  • Avoid accumulating more contracts in a losing position.
Jul 25, 2021

What is the best way to use leverage? ›

A trader should only use leverage when the advantage is clearly on their side. Once the amount of risk in terms of the number of pips is known, it is possible to determine the potential loss of capital. As a general rule, this loss should never be more than 3% of trading capital.

What is the best leverage for beginners in crypto? ›

However, as a beginner, you should not get swayed by these figures. Low-leverage brokers help you avoid excessive risk. For bitcoin leverage trading, do not use more than 1:5 leverage. You can go as high as 1:10 for other less volatile instruments.

How does 3X leverage work crypto? ›

3X Long Ethereum Token (ETH3L) is an example of a leveraged token. The "3X" indicates the leverage, which means that your assets are multiplied by three if ETH3L increases in value. However, it's a double-edged sword because you can also lose value quickly as well. For every 1% drop in ETH, ETH3L also decreases by 3%.

What leverage should I use for $100? ›

Many professional traders say that the best leverage for $100 is 1:100. This means that your broker will offer $100 for every $100, meaning you can trade up to $100,000. However, this does not mean that with a 1:100 leverage ratio, you will not be exposed to risk.

How do you lose money on leverage trading crypto? ›

Although any cryptocurrency can go to zero, leverage traders can lose all their funds if a token moves just a few percentage points. Someone holding bitcoins still has purchasing power if it falls by 20%, but this move may force a long BTC leverage trader to get liquidated.

Is leverage trading crypto worth it? ›

Yes, leverage trading cryptocurrencies can be a profitable trading strategy, but it's important for traders to carefully consider their risk tolerance and strategy before engaging in leverage trading, and to always use caution when making trades with borrowed funds.

How much leverage should I use as a beginner? ›

As a new trader, you should consider limiting your leverage to a maximum of 10:1. Or to be really safe, 1:1. Trading with too high a leverage ratio is one of the most common errors made by new forex traders. Until you become more experienced, we strongly recommend that you trade with a lower ratio.

What leverage should beginner traders use? ›

Forex traders should choose the level of leverage that makes them most comfortable. If you are conservative and don't like taking many risks, or if you're still learning how to trade currencies, a lower level of leverage like 5:1 or 10:1 might be more appropriate.

How leverage works for dummies? ›

Leverage is the use of debt (borrowed capital) in order to undertake an investment or project. The result is to multiply the potential returns from a project. At the same time, leverage will also multiply the potential downside risk in case the investment does not pan out.

What is 5X or 10X leverage? ›

5X leverage: $100 x 5 = $500. Thus, we can buy $500 worth of stock with only $100. 10X leverage: $100 x 10 = $1,000. Thus, we can buy $1,000 worth of stock with only $100.

What does 2x leverage mean in crypto? ›

With 2x leverage, half of the position size, or 2,500 USD worth, will be withheld from your collateral balance upon purchase of the BTC. Without any leverage, you would need a 5,000 USD balance to make this purchase, and this balance would be exchanged directly for the equivalent amount purchased in BTC.

How long should you hold leveraged tokens? ›

Leveraged tokens are a basket of perpetual futures, which are essentially contract positions without an expiration date. This means that traders can purchase a leveraged token and hold their positions for as long as they wish.

Is 3x leverage risky? ›

However, 3x exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are especially risky because they utilize more leverage in an attempt to achieve higher returns. Leveraged ETFs may be useful for short-term trading purposes, but they have significant risks in the long run.

How do you use 100x leverage crypto? ›

When you trade with leverage, you are borrowing money from the market. Hypothesis the price of BTC is $10,000. You want the price to go up, and this time, you put in $50 with 100x leverage. Now you are in the market with $50 x 100 = $5000 worth of contracts.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.