How To Use A HELOC On Investment Property - RentLife Property Management (2024)

How To Use A HELOC On Investment Property - RentLife Property Management (1)BY PAUL ESAJIAN ( | @PAUL_ESAJIAN (

Key Takeaways

  • A HELOC uses the equity in a home or investment and provides homeowners or investors with extra cash.
  • One challenge that comes with using a HELOC for an investment property is finding a qualified lender.
  • One lesser-known benefit of using a HELOC is to consolidate debt.

While there are some challenges that may come with securing a home equity line of credit (HELOC), the benefits are often worth the investment of time and resources. Using a HELOC on an investment property will allow investors to tap into assets that have managed to build up equity. Likewise, they’ll be able to use otherwise stagnant equity as an alternative funding source for any number of things: upgrade your home, boost your credit, consolidate debt, or even buy a new home. At the very least, understanding how to use a HELOC on an investment property is crucial for anyone who wants to gain a competitive edge.

What Is A Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC)?

A home equity line of credit is a homeowner loan for some maximum draw, as opposed to a fixed dollar amount, that is backed by the lendee’s equity in his or her home (similar to a second mortgage). Different from a regular mortgage, which is typically paid out in full at closing, a HELOC is a lender’s promise to advance the lendee up to the set amount at the time of their choosing.

Most HELOCs have set “draw” periods where the borrower must use the credit and another period where he or she must repay the loan. Borrowers are typically given five to 10 years where they are required to only pay interest while repayment periods are typically 10 to 20 years.

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How To Use A HELOC On Investment Property - RentLife Property Management (2)

How To You Use A HELOC On Rental Property

In order to use a HELOC on rental property, investors must first have an asset with enough equity to tap into—only then will a HELOC become an invaluable source of alternative financing. Using a HELOC on a rental property investment is an ideal wealth-building strategy for savvy investors.

For one, investors can borrow money against the equity in one rental property to fund the purchase of another. Additionally, investors can use a HELOC to fund home improvements for their rental properties, just as a homeowner would for their primary residence. Investors can also use HELOCs to pay off other high-interest debt if necessary. Because rental property mortgages generally carry a higher interest rate, smart investors can get a HELOC on their primary residences to pay off the mortgages on their investment properties.

While it is quite possible to use a HELOC on rental properties, there are challenges investors must overcome. For starters, banks are less inclined to lend on investment properties, as owners are more likely to default on homes that aren’t a primary residence. The incentive to stay current on a primary home is less apparent in investors with rental properties. It may also be difficult for investors to even qualify for a HELOC. Lenders look at debt-to-income ratio, credit score, other open accounts, and lendee’s available cash cushion. While many investors are positively cash flowing, it doesn’t necessarily mean they have excess liquid capital or a great debt-to-income ratio.

It may be easier and more likely to qualify for a line of credit on a primary residence, investors (and homeowners) can experience great benefits if they do choose to pursue the HELOC route.

Can You Use A HELOC For A Down Payment On An Investment Property?

A HELOC can be used to buy an investment property. In fact, if you are going to use a HELOC on anything, you might as well put it into a sound investment. Unleveraged equity is, after all, dead money that could end up costing you in the long run. Thanks largely, in part, to inflation, stagnant equity that isn’t making any interest or return on investment (ROI) is essentially throwing money away. That said, using equity to buy an investment property with a sound gameplay is almost always preferred to using equity for anything else. Since a HELOC will use the home as collateral, it’s important to make sure the loan is worthwhile.

Home Equity Loan Vs HELOC

Home equity loans offer borrowers a lump sum of capital that the bank will expect to be repaid over a predetermined period of time. A HELOC is a revolving line of credit that can be tapped into whenever the borrower likes.

At a glance, home equity loans (HELs) and HELOCs appear to have a lot in common. The similarities in their names alone are enough to confuse anyone who is unfamiliar with their uses. It is worth noting, however, that their similarities are only “skin deep.” There are several differences between HELs and HELOCs investors need to know about before they acquire one over the other.

For starters, the interest rates on each are different. Traditional home equity loans tend to have a fixed-interest rate. HELOCs, on the other hand, usually have variable rates, which can drastically impact the amount owed over a long period of time. In addition to how interest rates are accounted for, the manner in which each is paid is also different. While there are certainly exceptions, home equity loans tend to follow a more structured payment plan. Simply put, HELs are usually paid back with a monthly fixed amount; accounting for both principle and interest payments with each installment. Subsequently, HELOC payments will be determined by the amount the homeowner borrowers against their home and are subject to shifts in interest rates.

Is HELOC On Rental Property Tax Deductible?

In the event the loan is secured by the respective rental property, the mortgage interest becomes a rental expense, which can then be used to reduce your taxable income.

How To Qualify For An Investment Property HELOC

In order to qualify for a HELOC, borrowers must meet three specific requirements:

  • Credit Score
  • Debt-To-Income (DTI) Ratio
  • Equity

Know Your Credit Score

Not unlike just about every source of capital, lenders will pay special considerations to one’s credit score. After all, banks will use credit score to determine whether or not a borrower is a risk. Therefore, the better the credit score, the more likely someone is to qualify for a HELOC. It should be noted, however, that there isn’t a universal standard for an acceptable credit score; different lenders have different criteria. What one lender may consider a ‘good score,’ another may consider poor, or even risky perhaps. Traditionally, borrowers will want to boast a credit score of at least 740 if they want to tip the scales in their favor, but again, everyone is different.

Know Your Debt-To-Income Ratio

Along with a good credit score, borrowers will want to prove that taking out another loan won’t upset the balance they currently have between income and debt. In doing so, banks will calculate your debt-to-income ratio to see if you can afford to borrow more, in addition to what you already owe. Unlike credit scores, however, lenders have set a precise debt-to-income ratio minimum: somewhere between 40% and 50%.

Understand Equity

The single most important factor someone needs to qualify for a HELOC is equity. To be clear, a house has equity if the balance on the remaining mortgage is less than the house is worth. Therefore, any borrower with equity in their home has already met the first criteria for qualification.

Top 5 Benefits Of Using A HELOC For Investment Property

When it comes to financial stability, both homeowners and investors should be prepared with a plan. Using the equity in a home or investment property to pay for home upgrades or to cover unexpected expenses (in the form of a HELOC) can be a great option for those who are financially healthy. Keep reading to discover more ways to use your home as a valuable tool.

  • Finance Home Improvements: One of the most common ways both homeowners and investors use HELOCs is to finance home improvement projects. In fact, the interest you pay on a home equity loan is usually only tax deductible of use use the money for home-related projects (i.e. not for the purchase of a new car or vacation ticket). If you are a homeowner in a position to pay down a loan quickly, using a HELOC is a great option. However, if you believe it might take you longer the five years to pay down the loan, a refinance or cash-out refinance might be your best bet if you can secure a lower, fixed-rate interest.
  • Consolidate Debt: One of the best ways to consolidate credit card debt (, other debt, or cover the finances that accompany a family emergency is by using your home’s equity. If unexpected expenses arise and you don’t have an emergency fund in place, using a HELOC is an effective way to access capital fast. The interest may not be a tax deductible (if you are using a HELOC to pay for, let’s say, medical expenses) but HELOCs still typically come with lower interest rates than other debt consolidation vehicles. Paying this interest will also likely be cheaper than incurring capital gains that come with selling other investments, especially if you know you only need the funds for a short period of time.
  • Move With Ease: If you are a homeowner who is planning to move but you still need a little extra capital to fund your new down payment (or other moving expenses), using the equity of your current home as a financial tool can be a smart move. Note however, that you typically won’t qualify for a HELOC if your home is already on the market; so be sure to plan ahead.
  • Dip Into Savings: Fun fact: most Americans carry the bulk of their savings in retirement accounts and plans like 401(k)s. However, withdraws from these accounts before the age of 59 ½ are subject to income taxes and possible penalties. This means, if you’re a homeowner or investor who needs to withdraw money for short-term expenses early, you’re not getting the biggest bang for your buck. So if you need additional capital before you retire, tapping into your HELOC can be helpful.
  • Boost Credit: When a lender approves your HELOC application and you begin to make payments on the loan, the account will appear on your credit report. And guess what is the number one factor that affects your credit score…that’s right — your payment history with creditors. Once you begin to make consistent payments, it is likely your score will improve. Additionally, your credit rating will improve if you use less than 30 percent of your line of credit spending limit.

Alternatives To HELOCs

While there are numerous benefits that come with using a HELOC on your home or investment property, there are alternatives to HELOCs that are still desirable. The following are a few examples:

  • Home Equity Loan: The only slight difference between a HELOC and a home equity loan is the way borrowers are able to access their lines of credit. HELOCS have an open-ended line of credit similar to a credit card while a home equity loan is typically set.
  • Cash Out Refinance: If you are unable to use a HELOC, which is essentially a second mortgage, consider refinancing your first mortgage. When you take out a new loan that is bigger than your existing one, there is typically cash left over for you to use however you wish (hence the name, “cash-out” refinance). If you can get a lower interest rate, this strategy is a great alternative to HELOCs.
  • Personal Loan: When most people think about personal loans, they typically think about borrowing a few thousand dollars, but there are some personal loans that let individuals borrow up to $35,000. Personal loans come with lower set-up costs than HELOCs and refinances, so if you need a little extra cash for just a short period of time, you’re in luck. Keep in mind however, that these loans typically come with higher interest rates as the loan is not backed by an asset.


Using a HELOC on investment property can be a great way to tap into alternative sources of financing. After all, the more ways investors know how to fund a deal, the better off they will be. At the very least, having access to working capital is a great way to increase your bottomline if the money is invested wisely.

Have you had experience using a home equity line of credit for your investment property or primary residence? Share your stories in the comments below.

How To Use A HELOC On Investment Property - RentLife Property Management (2024)


How do I use my HELOC to buy an investment property? ›

Using a home equity loan or HELOC to purchase an investment property
  1. You apply for a home equity loan or HELOC with a reputable lender.
  2. You receive the funds or line of credit after closing.
  3. You use those funds to cover the down payment on the investment property of your choice.
Dec 10, 2022

Can you pull a HELOC on an investment property? ›

HELOCs aren't as common on investment properties, however, so not many lenders offer this product. But for those that do, credit requirements can be higher compared to one for your primary residence, with investment properties requiring at least a good or excellent credit score.

Can you use a HELOC loan on a rental property? ›

Real estate investors may use a HELOC for a variety of uses, including updating or rehabbing an existing rental property, or using the funds for a down payment on another rental. A credit line from a HELOC can be drawn on and repaid, then repeatedly used again, until the draw period comes to an end.

Is it smart to use a HELOC to invest? ›

A HELOC can be a worthwhile investment when you use it to improve the value of your home. However, when you use it to pay for things that are otherwise not affordable with your current income and savings, it can become another type of bad debt.

What is the best way to use a HELOC? ›

Some of the best ways to use a HELOC include making home improvements, paying for college, consolidating high-interest debt, paying for higher education tuition, starting a business, and much more. At Credit Union of Southern California (CU SoCal), we make getting a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) easier.

Can I spend my HELOC on anything? ›

Like a home equity loan, a HELOC can be used for anything you want. However, it's best-suited for long-term, ongoing expenses like home renovations, medical bills or even college tuition.

Can I borrow against my investment property? ›

If you're buying an investment property worth $400,000, the bank will lend against your future property just as they would against your existing home. The banks will lend 80% (or $320,000) in this scenario, but the property costs $400,000.

Can I borrow against my rental property? ›

The short answer: Yes, it's possible to get a home equity loan on an investment or rental home. It's also possible to use a home equity loan to help purchase this type of property. However, in the eyes of a home equity lender, investment properties are riskier compared to primary residences.

Can you use HELOC as proof of funds? ›

Finally, if you already have a home, you might be able to open a home equity line of credit (HELOC) and use the available equity as proof of funds.

What are the downsides of HELOC? ›

One disadvantage of HELOCs often stems from a borrower's lack of discipline. Because HELOCs allow you to make interest-only payments during the draw period, it is easy to access cash impulsively without considering the potential financial ramifications.

What happens if I open a HELOC and don't use it? ›

Even if you open a home equity line of credit and never use it, you won't have to pay anything back. Keep in mind that whether you use your line of credit or not, you may be charged an annual fee, which is the cost you pay for having the line of credit available for when you need it.

How do you build wealth with a HELOC? ›

Here are the best ways to use your home equity to your advantage.
  1. Paying off credit card bills. ...
  2. Consolidating other debts. ...
  3. Home improvements. ...
  4. Home additions. ...
  5. Down payment for an investment property. ...
  6. Starting a business. ...
  7. Emergencies.
Jun 10, 2022

Can you transfer money from HELOC to bank account? ›

There are no transfer fees, and your interest may be tax deductible. To get started, simply log in to Online Banking. You can transfer funds directly from your HELOC to other Bank of America accounts, or to your creditors through Online Bill Pay.

When should you use a HELOC? ›

9 of the Best Reasons to Use a HELOC
  1. Home improvements. ...
  2. Pay down debt. ...
  3. Pay tuition or other education costs. ...
  4. Down payment on an investment property or a second home. ...
  5. Pay medical bills or long-term care expenses. ...
  6. Added cushion for an emergency. ...
  7. New business venture. ...
  8. Paying off student loans.

Can I use a HELOC instead of a mortgage? ›

Like a mortgage, a HELOC is secured by the equity in your home. Unlike a mortgage, a HELOC offers flexibility because you can access your line of credit and pay back what you use just like a credit card. You can use a HELOC for just about anything, including paying off all or part of your remaining mortgage balance.

How do I get money out of my HELOC? ›

Typically, you can withdraw money from a HELOC using the following methods:
  1. Credit card.
  2. Check.
  3. Cash withdrawal from bank branch.
  4. Online account transfer.
  5. Account transfer request by phone.
Aug 31, 2022

How do I pull equity out of my rental property? ›

You may be able to pull equity out of your investment property using a cash-out refinance. For many landlords, this is a good strategy right now as refinance rates are near all-time lows. You may also be able to take equity out of an investment property using a home equity loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC).

How much equity can I borrow for an investment property? ›

Buy an investment property with a home equity loan

This type of loan allows homeowners to borrow up to 80% of the appraised market value of their primary home, minus the balance due on the mortgage. Home equity loans are also based on the homeowner's credit score and payment history.

How do I get around the high down payment on an investment property? ›

In This Article:
  1. 9 Ways to Lower Your Down Payment on Investment Properties. Move in for a Year. House Hack a Multifamily. Borrow the Down Payment. Owner Financing. Improve Your Credit. Use the BRRRR Method. Cross-Collateralization. Partner with Friends & Family. ...
  2. Down Payments for Investment Property Loans.
  3. Final Thoughts.

Can I deduct HELOC interest on rental property? ›

Most rental properties will be considered “passive activity income” by the IRS unless you materially participate a certain amount of time in managing the properties. If you use your HELOC to put money down toward a rental property purchase, the interest can be deducted from your passive income earnings.

How much equity is needed for a HELOC? ›

For a home equity loan or HELOC, lenders typically require you to have at least 15 percent to 20 percent equity in your home. For example, if your home has a market value of $200,000, lenders usually require that you have between $30,000 and $40,000 worth of equity in it.

Is a HELOC a good idea in 2022? ›

Should You Get a HELOC in 2022? In general, HELOCs can be a good option for certain types of projects. You may be able to borrow a lot of money with a relatively low interest rate for a home renovation or repair that will take months to complete, or have the credit line available in case of an emergency.

Do you have to show receipts for HELOC? ›

When deducting interest paid on a home equity loan or HELOC, be sure to keep all receipts and invoices for labor and materials. You'll need them in case you ever get audited.

Can a bank deny a HELOC? ›

While you might assume that your equity gives you easy access to this potentially high-risk loan type, you can be denied a HELOC. How? Your bank will make an assessment much like they would for any form of credit or loan. If you don't meet their requirements, they can deny your HELOC.

Is using equity to buy an investment property a good idea? ›

If you don't have any funds outside your home equity, then it's risky to use every cent of your usable equity to invest in property. You always need a buffer – back up funds in case things don't go to plan. Even if it means you can't invest for a while, it's important to keep yourself protected.

Can you use a HELOC as a down payment on a second home? ›

Yes, if you have enough equity in your current home, you can use the money from a home equity loan to make a down payment on another home—or even buy another home outright without a mortgage.

Is it wise to use equity to buy investment property? ›

Only invest if you can afford the repayments. Having usable equity does not mean you will always get an investment loan. Lenders take into account other factors such as your age, job status and income. We recommend that you do not use up the entire available equity at one go.

Can I use my HELOC for a down payment? ›

A HELOC is a revolving line of credit that works like a credit card. When you use a HELOC for a down payment, you can: Use as much (or as little) of the credit line as you need during the draw period, which usually lasts 10 years. Pay the balance to zero and charge it again during the draw period.

How much equity should you have in investment property? ›

How much deposit do you need for an investment property? From 1 May 2021, the minimum deposit for an investment property is 40% with an exemption for new-build properties. Over the past 10 years, the amount required to purchase investment property has been as much as 40% of the purchase price and as low as 20%.

How much equity can I take out of my investment property? ›

Investment property cash-out loans have a maximum loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of 25% to 30%. That means you must leave 25-30% of your home equity untouched — so you'll likely need more than 30% equity to cash out.

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