How to Safely Heat Your Home | Brady Insurance Group LLC (2024)

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How to Safely Heat Your Home | Brady Insurance Group LLC (1)

It’s an unfortunate fact that space heaters, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves cause morestructure fires than central heat and hot-water heaters combined. Between 2009 and 2013, the National Fire Protection Association reported that these heat sources caused 72 percent of home heating fires. And fires caused by space heaters led to 84 percent of deaths caused by home heating fires.

This information isn’t meant to scare you into closing off the fireplace and stashing the space heater. By all means, keep enjoying them—just keep safety in mind so you can protect yourself, your family and your home against smoke and fire damage.


Few things are as nice as curling up in front of a fireplace that uses real logsin the heart of winter. And if you’ve just spent lots of time in the cold air, the pleasure of basking in a fire’s glowing warmth is somehow quadrupled.

The last thing you want is to interrupt your cozy time with a trip to the emergency room or a call to the fire department. With these tips, you can keep the home fires burning while keeping your home and family safe.

  • Before you light the fire, make sure the chimney has some flow. Not taking this step could cause your cozy session to go up in smoke. Asyou prepare to light the kindling, do this simple test: Open the damper and reach inside the firebox (the place where you light the fire). In the firebox, light and blow out a match. Then, watch where the smoke goes. It should float up and away into the chimney. If it doesn’t, you will want to reach out to a chimney inspector to see if there are any issues.
  • Keep the glass door cracked open when the fireplace is in use. Open it just enough to draw air up into the chimney. It should be able to block any sparks from flying out, which can start a fire.
  • Consider cracking open a window in your home. It will improve airflow.
  • Invest in a fireproof mat and place it in front of the fire. Sparks can still escape when you have to reach in and poke around the fire.
  • Establish a 3-foot safety zone around the fireplace. Remind children that running, throwing and horseplay are off-limits.
  • Properly dispose of ashes. Even after the embers die away, the ashes can still hold plenty of heat. If you vacuum the ashes or shovel them into the trash too early, they could still be hot enough to ignite a fire. Either allow the ashes to rest for at least three days before you clean up or dispose of them in a closed metal box outside of your house.
  • Make sure the chimney is well maintained.These guidelines can help you keep your chimney in good working order and reduce the risk of fire.

Wood-burning stoves

A wood-burning stove adds old-fashioned charm to any home, especially if you have a cast-iron version. They’re also great for target-heating a cool space—and some models are also suited for cooking and roasting.

Before you install one, it’s worth taking the time to understand how to install, ventilate and use a wood-burning stove. Here are some tips to safely enjoy your stove.

  • Check your stove placement. It should be on a sturdy, fire-resistant base and protective floor covering should extend 18 inches from all sides of the stove.
  • Leave enough space between the stove and the floors, walls and ceiling. The National Fire Protection Association advises that the clearance between the stove and combustible surfaces be at least 36 inches. If you can’t get enough space in between the wall and stove, add a protective coveringsuchas sheet metal.
  • Choose the right wood. Use only dry and hard wood that’s been seasoned for at least six months. Burning green wood can pose a fire hazard since it leaves an oily substance on your chimney flue called creosote. When creosote accumulates, it can start a chimney fire.
  • Never burn trash in your wood stove.
  • Use paper and sticks as kindling. When the smoke starts drawing up into the chimney, start adding the wood. Never use combustible fluids, such as gasoline, to get the fire going.
  • Crack open a window. This will help the air flow up into the chimney and help prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide in your home. Also, install a fire detector and a carbon monoxide detector in the same room as your stove, and always have a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Have the chimney cleaned and inspected regularly by a certified expert. Learn what to look for when hiring a chimney sweep.

Space heaters

Because they are portable and affordable, space heaters arehard to beat when you need extra heat for your home.

Unfortunately, space heaters cause more house fires than any other home heating source. And these fires lead to more deaths. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, space heaters are linked to more than 25,000 residential fires a year and more than 300 deaths. Also, 6,000 people a year seek emergency care to treat burns after coming in contact with a space heater’s hot surfaces.

Follow these tips and guidelines to safely use space heaters in your home:

  • Consider an upgrade if you have an older heater. Today’s models are designed to shut off when the unit tips over, while others are designed to keep surface temperatures no hotter than 90 degrees. If your heater has loose, cracked or damaged cords, plugs or connections, you should stop using it.
  • Put it in a safe place. It should operate on a flat, even and solid surface away from foot traffic and out of doorways. Keep threefeet of clearance around the unit and keep it away from any walls and furniture.
  • Turn off the heater when you leave the room.

Portable fireplaces

Indoor portable fireplaces cast that warm flickering glow we all love and crave in the winter, without the fuss, expense and maintenance that come with running a fireplace or wood stove.

Another advantage is these portable fireplaces run on ethanol, a renewable fuel that doesn’t release carbon monoxide in the air. But they do produce an open flame. As nice as this looks, it’s something to be aware of. Here are tips when it comes to using one.

  • As with other portable heat sources, placement is key. Place portable fireplaces on a flat, even and fire-resistant surface that is far away from table edges.
  • Never allow children to operate these units.
  • Only add fuel to the unit when it’s turned off. Give it 15 minutes to cool down and wipe up any spills before lighting. Never “top it off” while it’s running—the heat could cause the fuel to ignite right in the container.
  • Never move a portable fireplace when it’s still hot. Since they are small and easy to pick up, don’t be tempted to move a portable fireplacewhile it’s still hot, and especially when it’s operating. An accidental burn or a stumble could lead to home damage and injury.
  • Keep kids and pets at a safe distance. Unfortunately, portable fireplaces can easily tip over.
  • Never leave your portable fireplace burning unattended. Before you head out or go to bed, extinguish the flames.

No matter which heating source you use, keep a smoke detector, a carbon monoxide detector and a fire extinguisher in the same room it’s in. Set a reminder to test the batteries regularly.

Whether you’re using these options tostay warm or just to create some cozy ambiance in your home, it’s worth keeping these guidelines top of mind to help keep your family and housesafe all winter long.

Something else that can give you peace of mind: Having the right homeowners insurance. Learn about homeowners insurance from ERIE or find a local ERIE agent in your neighborhood to get a free quote.

It’s an unfortunate fact that space heaters, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves cause morestructure fires than central heat and hot-water heaters combined. Between 2009 and 2013, the National Fire Protection Association reported that these heat sources caused 72 percent of home heating fires. And fires caused by space heaters led to 84 percent of deaths caused by home heating fires.

This information isn’t meant to scare you into closing off the fireplace and stashing the space heater. By all means, keep enjoying them—just keep safety in mind so you can protect yourself, your family and your home against smoke and fire damage.


Few things are as nice as curling up in front of a fireplace that uses real logsin the heart of winter. And if you’ve just spent lots of time in the cold air, the pleasure of basking in a fire’s glowing warmth is somehow quadrupled.

The last thing you want is to interrupt your cozy time with a trip to the emergency room or a call to the fire department. With these tips, you can keep the home fires burning while keeping your home and family safe.

  • Before you light the fire, make sure the chimney has some flow. Not taking this step could cause your cozy session to go up in smoke. Asyou prepare to light the kindling, do this simple test: Open the damper and reach inside the firebox (the place where you light the fire). In the firebox, light and blow out a match. Then, watch where the smoke goes. It should float up and away into the chimney. If it doesn’t, you will want to reach out to a chimney inspector to see if there are any issues.
  • Keep the glass door cracked open when the fireplace is in use. Open it just enough to draw air up into the chimney. It should be able to block any sparks from flying out, which can start a fire.
  • Consider cracking open a window in your home. It will improve airflow.
  • Invest in a fireproof mat and place it in front of the fire. Sparks can still escape when you have to reach in and poke around the fire.
  • Establish a 3-foot safety zone around the fireplace. Remind children that running, throwing and horseplay are off-limits.
  • Properly dispose of ashes. Even after the embers die away, the ashes can still hold plenty of heat. If you vacuum the ashes or shovel them into the trash too early, they could still be hot enough to ignite a fire. Either allow the ashes to rest for at least three days before you clean up or dispose of them in a closed metal box outside of your house.
  • Make sure the chimney is well maintained.These guidelines can help you keep your chimney in good working order and reduce the risk of fire.

Wood-burning stoves

A wood-burning stove adds old-fashioned charm to any home, especially if you have a cast-iron version. They’re also great for target-heating a cool space—and some models are also suited for cooking and roasting.

Before you install one, it’s worth taking the time to understand how to install, ventilate and use a wood-burning stove. Here are some tips to safely enjoy your stove.

  • Check your stove placement. It should be on a sturdy, fire-resistant base and protective floor covering should extend 18 inches from all sides of the stove.
  • Leave enough space between the stove and the floors, walls and ceiling. The National Fire Protection Association advises that the clearance between the stove and combustible surfaces be at least 36 inches. If you can’t get enough space in between the wall and stove, add a protective coveringsuchas sheet metal.
  • Choose the right wood. Use only dry and hard wood that’s been seasoned for at least six months. Burning green wood can pose a fire hazard since it leaves an oily substance on your chimney flue called creosote. When creosote accumulates, it can start a chimney fire.
  • Never burn trash in your wood stove.
  • Use paper and sticks as kindling. When the smoke starts drawing up into the chimney, start adding the wood. Never use combustible fluids, such as gasoline, to get the fire going.
  • Crack open a window. This will help the air flow up into the chimney and help prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide in your home. Also, install a fire detector and a carbon monoxide detector in the same room as your stove, and always have a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Have the chimney cleaned and inspected regularly by a certified expert. Learn what to look for when hiring a chimney sweep.

Space heaters

Because they are portable and affordable, space heaters arehard to beat when you need extra heat for your home.

Unfortunately, space heaters cause more house fires than any other home heating source. And these fires lead to more deaths. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, space heaters are linked to more than 25,000 residential fires a year and more than 300 deaths. Also, 6,000 people a year seek emergency care to treat burns after coming in contact with a space heater’s hot surfaces.

Follow these tips and guidelines to safely use space heaters in your home:

  • Consider an upgrade if you have an older heater. Today’s models are designed to shut off when the unit tips over, while others are designed to keep surface temperatures no hotter than 90 degrees. If your heater has loose, cracked or damaged cords, plugs or connections, you should stop using it.
  • Put it in a safe place. It should operate on a flat, even and solid surface away from foot traffic and out of doorways. Keep threefeet of clearance around the unit and keep it away from any walls and furniture.
  • Turn off the heater when you leave the room.

Portable fireplaces

Indoor portable fireplaces cast that warm flickering glow we all love and crave in the winter, without the fuss, expense and maintenance that come with running a fireplace or wood stove.

Another advantage is these portable fireplaces run on ethanol, a renewable fuel that doesn’t release carbon monoxide in the air. But they do produce an open flame. As nice as this looks, it’s something to be aware of. Here are tips when it comes to using one.

  • As with other portable heat sources, placement is key. Place portable fireplaces on a flat, even and fire-resistant surface that is far away from table edges.
  • Never allow children to operate these units.
  • Only add fuel to the unit when it’s turned off. Give it 15 minutes to cool down and wipe up any spills before lighting. Never “top it off” while it’s running—the heat could cause the fuel to ignite right in the container.
  • Never move a portable fireplace when it’s still hot. Since they are small and easy to pick up, don’t be tempted to move a portable fireplacewhile it’s still hot, and especially when it’s operating. An accidental burn or a stumble could lead to home damage and injury.
  • Keep kids and pets at a safe distance. Unfortunately, portable fireplaces can easily tip over.
  • Never leave your portable fireplace burning unattended. Before you head out or go to bed, extinguish the flames.

No matter which heating source you use, keep a smoke detector, a carbon monoxide detector and a fire extinguisher in the same room it’s in. Set a reminder to test the batteries regularly.

Whether you’re using these options tostay warm or just to create some cozy ambiance in your home, it’s worth keeping these guidelines top of mind to help keep your family and housesafe all winter long.

Something else that can give you peace of mind: Having the right homeowners insurance. Learn about homeowners insurance from ERIE or find a local ERIE agent in your neighborhood to get a free quote.

It’s an unfortunate fact that space heaters, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves cause morestructure fires than central heat and hot-water heaters combined. Between 2014 and 2018, theNational Fire Protection Associationreported that these heat sources caused 14 percent of all home fires. And fires caused by space heaters led to 81 percent of deaths caused by home heating fires and resulted in $1.1 billion in direct property damage.

This information isn’t meant to scare you into closing off the fireplace and stashing the space heater. By all means, keep enjoying them—just keep safety in mind so you can protect yourself, your family and your home against smoke and fire damage.


Few things are as nice as curling up in front of a fireplace that uses real logsin the heart of winter. And if you’ve just spent lots of time in the cold air, the pleasure of basking in a fire’s glowing warmth is somehow quadrupled.

The last thing you want is to interrupt your cozy time with a trip to the emergency room or a call to the fire department. With these tips, you can keep the home fires burning while keeping your home and family safe.

  • Before you light the fire, make sure the chimney has some flow.Not taking this step could cause your cozy session to go up in smoke. Asyou prepare to light the kindling, do this simple test: Open the damper and reach inside the firebox (the place where you light the fire). In the firebox, light and blow out a match. Then, watch where the smoke goes. It should float up and away into the chimney. If it doesn’t, you will want to reach out to a chimney inspector to see if there are any issues.
  • Keep the glass door cracked open when the fireplace is in use.Open it just enough to draw air up into the chimney. It should be able to block any sparks from flying out, which can start a fire.
  • Consider cracking open a window in your home.It will improve airflow.
  • Invest in a fireproof mat and place it in front of the fire.Sparks can still escape when you have to reach in and poke around the fire.
  • Establish a 3-foot safety zone around the fireplace.Remind children that running, throwing and horseplay are off-limits.
  • Properly dispose of ashes.Even after the embers die away, the ashes can still hold plenty of heat. If you vacuum the ashes or shovel them into the trash too early, they could still be hot enough to ignite a fire. Either allow the ashes to rest for at least three days before you clean up or dispose of them in a closed metal box outside of your house.
  • Make sure the chimney is well maintained.These guidelinescan help you keep your chimney in good working order and reduce the risk of fire.

Wood-Burning Stoves

A wood-burning stove adds old-fashioned charm to any home, especially if you have a cast-iron version. They’re also great for target-heating a cool space—and some models are also suited for cooking and roasting.

Before you install one, it’s worth taking the time to understand how to install, ventilate and use a wood-burning stove. Here are some tips to safely enjoy your stove.

  • Check your stove placement.It should be on a sturdy, fire-resistant base and protective floor covering should extend 18 inches from all sides of the stove.
  • Leave enough space between the stove and the floors, walls and ceiling.TheNational Fire Protection Associationadvises that the clearance between the stove and combustible surfaces be at least 36 inches. If you can’t get enough space in between the wall and stove, add a protective coveringsuchas sheet metal.
  • Choose theright wood.Use only dry and hard wood that’s been seasoned for at least six months. Burning green wood can pose a fire hazard since it leaves an oily substance on your chimney flue called creosote. When creosote accumulates, it can start a chimney fire.
  • Never burn trash in your wood stove.
  • Use paper and sticks as kindling.When the smoke starts drawing up into the chimney, start adding the wood. Never use combustible fluids, such as gasoline, to get the fire going.
  • Crack open a window.This will help the air flow up into the chimney and help prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide in your home. Also, install a fire detector and a carbon monoxide detector in the same room as your stove, and always have a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Have the chimneycleaned and inspectedregularly by a certified expert.

Space Heaters

Because they are portable and affordable, space heaters arehard to beat when you need extra heat for your home.

Unfortunately, space heaters cause more house fires than any other home heating source. And these fires lead to more deaths. According to theConsumer Product Safety Commission, space heaters are linked to more than 25,000 residential fires a year and more than 300 deaths. Also, 6,000 people a year seek emergency care to treat burns after coming in contact with a space heater’s hot surfaces.

Follow these tips and guidelines to safely use space heaters in your home:

  • Consider an upgrade if you have an older heater.Today’s models are designed to shut off when the unit tips over, while others are designed to keep surface temperatures no hotter than 90 degrees. If your heater has loose, cracked or damaged cords, plugs or connections, you should stop using it.
  • Put it in a safe place.It should operate on a flat, even and solid surface away from foot traffic and out of doorways. Keep threefeet of clearance around the unit and keep it away from any walls and furniture.
  • Turn off the heater when you leave the room.

Portable Fireplaces

Indoor portable fireplaces cast that warm flickering glow we all love and crave in the winter, without the fuss, expense and maintenance that come with running a fireplace or wood stove.

Another advantage is these portable fireplaces run on ethanol, a renewable fuel that doesn’t release carbon monoxide in the air. But they do produce an open flame. As nice as this looks, it’s something to be aware of. Here are tips when it comes to using one.

  • As with other portable heat sources, placement is key.Place portable fireplaces on a flat, even and fire-resistant surface that is far away from table edges.
  • Never allow children to operate these units.
  • Only add fuel to the unit when it’s turned off.Give it 15 minutes to cool down and wipe up any spills before lighting. Never “top it off” while it’s running—the heat could cause the fuel to ignite right in the container.
  • Never move a portable fireplace when it’s still hot.Since they are small and easy to pick up, don’t be tempted to move a portable fireplacewhile it’s still hot, and especially when it’s operating. An accidental burn or a stumble could lead to home damage and injury.
  • Keep kids and pets at a safe distance.Unfortunately, portable fireplaces can easily tip over.
  • Never leave your portable fireplace burning unattended.Before you head out or go to bed, extinguish the flames.

No matter which heating source you use, keep a smoke detector, a carbon monoxide detector and afire extinguisherin the same room it’s in. Set a reminder to test the batteries regularly.

Whether you’re using these options tostay warm or just to create some cozy ambiance in your home, it’s worth keeping these guidelines top of mind to help keep your family and housesafe all winter long.

Something else that can give you peace of mind: Having the right homeowners insurance.Learn about homeowners insurance from ERIEorfind a local ERIE agent in your neighborhoodto get a free quote.

ERIE® insurance products and services are provided by one or more of the following insurers: Erie Insurance Exchange, Erie Insurance Company, Erie Insurance Property & Casualty Company, Flagship City Insurance Company and Erie Family Life Insurance Company (home offices: Erie, Pennsylvania) or Erie Insurance Company of New York (home office: Rochester, New York). The companies within the Erie Insurance Group are not licensed to operate in all states. Refer to thecompany licensure and states of operation information.

The insurance products and rates, if applicable, described in this blog are in effect as of July 2022 and may be changed at any time.

Insurance products are subject to terms, conditions and exclusions not described in this blog. The policy contains the specific details of the coverages, terms, conditions and exclusions.

The insurance products and services described in this blog are not offered in all states. ERIE life insurance and annuity products are not available in New York. ERIE Medicare supplement products are not available in the District of Columbia or New York. ERIE long term care products are not available in the District of Columbia and New York.

Eligibility will be determined at the time of application based upon applicable underwriting guidelines and rules in effect at that time.

Your ERIE agent can offer you practical guidance and answer questions you may have before you buy.

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How to Safely Heat Your Home | Brady Insurance Group LLC (2024)


What is the safest space heater to use overnight? ›

What is the safest heater to leave on overnight? While it's not recommended to leave any space heater on if you're not monitoring it, oil-filled, radiant space heaters are considered safer than ceramic convection (hot air) types, according to Roberson. Both of these options are safer than open-coil heaters.

How likely is a space heater to start a fire? ›

Absolutely. The US Department of Energy records about 25,000 house fires every year that are linked to a space heater fire. Many result in trips to the emergency room, with more than 300 fatalities each year.

What are the safety guidelines for electric heaters? ›

Heaters must be kept at least three feet away from anything that can burn, including papers, clothing and rugs. Locate space heaters out of high traffic areas and doorways where they may pose a tripping hazard. Plug space heaters directly into a wall outlet.

Is there a space heater that is safe to leave on overnight? ›

Electric heaters of any type are unsafe to leave running overnight because they carry a significant amount of risk. If a space heater falls over or becomes too hot from running for too long of a period of time, that can lead to a fast-moving fire that occurs while you are asleep and cannot act fast enough.

Is it safe to leave a space heater plugged in all night? ›

One of the most common questions about space heaters is whether it's safe to leave them running overnight, and unfortunately, the answer is no, according to Harkness, the ESFI, and the National Fire Protection Association. Someone should always be nearby — and awake — when a space heater is running.

What causes most space heater fires? ›

Portable heaters can cause fires if they are placed too close to combustible materials, such as drapes, furniture or bedding, so make sure to place them at least three feet away from these materials.

What causes space heaters to catch fire? ›

Glenn Corbett, an associate professor of fire safety and public management at John Jay College, said that space heaters typically cause fires when they malfunction. This can be caused by overheating because they were left on too long, and older models may not have newer safety features such as an automatic shut-off.

How do most space heaters catch fire? ›

Other ways are overheating, or being placed too close to flammable items like curtains. Portable space heaters can get very hot and ignite nearby objects, by either tipping over or being in close proximity to these objects.

What is the 3 foot rule for space heaters? ›

Turn off portable heaters whenever leaving the room or going to bed. Keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from heating equipment. The three-foot safety zone includes furniture, drapes, and electronics – anything that can burn.

How do I stop my space heater from catching fire? ›

Space heater safety: Tips to prevent fires
  1. Inspect immediately. Always inspect a heater before you use it. ...
  2. Not too close. Most home heating deaths happened because a space heater was too close to furniture, clothing, mattresses, or bedding. ...
  3. Outlets only. ...
  4. Kids and pets. ...
  5. No liquids nearby. ...
  6. Turn it off.
Jan 26, 2024

What are the rules for space heaters? ›

Space Heater Use
  • Plug the space heater into the wall, NOT into an extension cord.
  • Run the heater away from combustible materials, including desks and chairs.
  • Keep the heater on a solid, flat surface, away from foot traffic.
  • Keep heaters away from exits, so as to not impede egress.

What heaters are safe for houses? ›

Sealed combustion heaters are much safer to operate than other types of space heaters, and operate more efficiently because they do not draw in the heated air from the room and exhaust it to the outdoors. They are also less likely to backdraft and adversely affect indoor air quality.

How do you know if your heater is safe? ›

Certification: Make sure the heater you buy carries a safety certification label from an independent testing organization, such as the UL mark, the ETL label from Intertek, or certification from CSA International. Shutoff features: A smart sensor that automatically shuts off a heater when it overheats is a must.

Do you need ventilation when using an electric heater? ›

Electric heaters offer several benefits over other heating systems — they don't require venting like gas heaters and can be more cost-effective. One factor to consider when heating a garage is safety.

Are infrared heaters safer than space heaters? ›

Because they do not move large quantities of air around, they don't dry out the air excessively or move dust around compared to forced-air heating systems. They are also considerably safer than other types of space heaters since the heating coils do not become ultra hot.

Is infrared heater better than ceramic? ›

Infrared heaters, being nearly 100% efficient and having no moving parts, direct all of the consumed power to generate heat. Ceramic heaters, in contrast, need power for both the heating element and the fan, and only provide heat indirectly, increasing energy consumption and potentially raising electricity bills.

Is it safe to run a space heater for hours? ›

They also account for 84 percent of deaths in heating-related fires. These are scary statistics, so it's important to use your space heater safely. They are only meant for short-term use, and you should never leave them on when you are sleeping.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.