How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (2024)

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How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (1)

With current stock market conditions a lot of people are searching “How to protect wealth in a depression”. You’ve worked hard for your wealth, make sure you protect it during a depression by knowing the best assets to own and best places to keep it.

According To “Get out of debt, get out of debt, get out of debt!Pay off all of your credit cards and don’t get new ones. Pay down all of your loans and mortgage. Build up your cash savings.Protectyour job.”

Best Assets To Own During A Depression

In today’s market with unpredictable stock market conditions savvy investors are looking to more stable assets to avoid losing wealth. While our economy might have been on an upswing, recent events have greatly impacted the market. History has taught how important depression proof assets are. The Great Depression was one of the greatest teachers the world has ever seen when it comes to how to protect wealth in a depression.

Gold And Cash

Gold and cash are two of the most important assets to have on hand during a market crash or depression. Gold historically remains constant or only goes up in value during a depression. If the market is diving and you want to save your investment portfolio, investing in and safely storing gold or cash in a secure private vault is in your best interests.

As a guideline it is best for your emergency fund to be at least 3 months of your living expenses. While banks may seem like a safe way to store wealth they are not insured nor legally liable if something goes missing from safety deposit boxes. In addition the FDIC will not always be able to insure your money in banks. It is better to invest in hard assets such as gold, silver, coins, or other hard assets.

Real Estate

Real estate is also a good way to protect wealth during a depression. Debt free real estate ownership is another investment opportunity which typically holds value and appreciates. Location is of course a major consideration. An area of interest for savvy investors is near colleges, these areas typically weather depressions better. With that said the survivability of this wealth protection method does rely on the health of the local economy.

Domestic Bonds, Treasury Bills, & Notes

Mutual funds and stocks are considered to be a big gamble during depressions. While Treasury bonds, bills, and notes are more secure investments. These items are issued by the U.S. government. They give the purchaser a fixed rate interest once they mature.

Depending on your needs you may choose short term bills that mature in as little as days. If you are looking for longer term investment notes mature in as little as 2 years.

Foreign Bonds

In the past many experts would have recommended foreign bonds as your depression resistant investment opportunity. As recent events have shown this isn’t always a safe gamble. Worldwide pandemics and other market instabilities have overcome this as being a wise investment as all countries’ economies are being affected.

What is The Safest Place To Keep Wealth?

You want to protect your hard earned money, but where is the safety place to keep wealth during a depression? You have options such as the bank, bank safe deposit boxes, or the most secure method: private vaults. Read about your options below.

In The Bank

Pulling your wealth out of the stock market and depositing into your bank accounts is a risk. While the FDIC does currently back your accounts up to $250k, there may come a time where that insurance isn’t available. That means banks could fail, along with your money.

In Bank Safe Deposit Boxes

For hard assets such as gold bullion, silver, coins, diamonds, or other valuable commodities bank safe deposit boxes may seem like your savior. Unfortunately banks nor the FDIC are legally obligated to insure or protect the items in the safe deposit boxes. In fact a bank employee was reprimanded by the Federal Reserve Board for stealing approximately $30,000 dollars from a Frost Bank in San Antonio, TX.

In The Stock Market

The stock market during a depression is volatile. Keeping a large portion of your wealth in such an unpredictable investment method is risky. While some stocks will likely rebound buying large amount of them may not pay out in the end.

In A Private Vault

Private Vaults are the most secure way to protect wealth. Moving your liquid assets into hard assets such as gold, sliver, diamonds, or coins helps invest in depression proof investments. Once you’ve invested keeping these items at your home isn’t wise and is downright dangerous. For this purpose Safe Haven Private Vaults was created. We offer your 24/7, military-grade security gold storage option.

Need to Protect Your Wealth?

How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (6)

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How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (7)

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10 thoughts on “How To Protect Wealth In A Depression”

  1. How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (9)

    I am retired, and have approximately $200,000 in American Express personal savings.
    I feel there is an upcoming depression worldwide coming.
    Is a personal vault or other vault, safe for gold, silver and diamonds?


    1. How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (10)

      A personal vault at your home is safer than nothing. With that said, our private vaults offer you 24/7 surveillance, biometric access control, and much more. We protect your wealth all day, all night, so you can rest easy.


    1. How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (12)

      We have a few clients who highly recommend working with Advantage Gold. They are located in Los Angeles, but they will ship gold to our facility if you plan to store here with us.


  2. How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (13)

    If I buy gold and send to you for protection, what are your guarantees? And how can it be converted into to useable money in the future?


    1. How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (14)

      Great question.
      We would provide secure storage for your gold, and keep it safe until you had a different need for it.
      Currently, gold can be sold at many different places to convert it back into usable money. If you were storing with us and wanted to convert it into money we could also contact several of our clients who have previously expressed an interest in purchasing more gold.
      You can call us at 801-688-8810 to get more in depth answers to your questions.
      Thank you!


  3. How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (17)

    At the time of depression, is not the best investment strategy to buy many stocks in the stock market? Since they have very low values during depression and often bounce back, I feel that this is a method with the greatest returns in the long run (20-30 years).


    1. How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (18)

      Hi Annie,
      Good question.
      Investing in stocks when the market can definitely be a solid investment strategy. However, the “best” investment strategy for an individual depends entirely on that individual’s investment goals, opportunities, risk tolerance, etc.
      Gold can be used to get high returns, but is often used to diversify one’s portfolio, act as a hedge against inflation, etc.


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How To Protect Wealth In A Depression - Safe Haven Private Vaults (2024)


What is the best asset to have during a depression? ›

While no investment is guaranteed to be recession-proof, some tend to perform better than others during downturns. These include health care and consumer staples stocks (or funds tracking those sectors), large-cap stocks and income investments.

Where is the safest place to put your money in a depression? ›

Savings accounts are safe places to store your money if you believe you'll need to access it quickly. That's important in a recession: You may need support from your savings to help pay bills.

Where should I put my money before depression? ›

Go for Safety: Government Bonds

With inflation at generational highs and interest rates near all-time lows, consider putting some of your money into Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities. They offer attractive returns and liquidity after 12 months.

Where is the safest place to keep cash at home? ›

Where to safely keep cash at home. Just like any other piece of paper, cash can get lost, wet or burned. Consider buying a fireproof and waterproof safe for your home. It's also useful for storing other valuables in your home such as jewelry and important personal documents.

Where is the safest place to put your money? ›

U.S. Treasury securities, such as Treasury bills, notes and bonds, are considered to be among the safest investments because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government,” Boothe said.

Can banks take your money in a depression? ›

If you have money in a checking, saving or other depository account, it is protected from financial downturns by the FDIC.

What is the best asset to own in a crisis? ›

Typically at the onset of a crisis, investors usually decide to move their investments to sectors, industries, and asset classes that are considered to be “safe”. These include technology, utilities, consumer staples, and gold.

What are the 2 most valuable assets in a time of crisis? ›

Human life and wealth are the two most significant things worth preserving since crises are unavoidable.

Where did people hide money in the Great Depression? ›

During the Great Depression (and for centuries prior), hiding money under mattresses, in sock drawers, or in other hiding places around the house was perfectly normal. After all, before FDIC security was in place, if a bank went under, your cash went with it!

What happens to your money in the bank during the Great Depression? ›

The Depression

In all, 9,000 banks failed--taking with them $7 billion in depositors' assets. And in the 1930s there was no such thing as deposit insurance--this was a New Deal reform. When a bank failed the depositors were simply left without a penny.

What to do with money sitting in the bank? ›

What to do with extra cash
  1. Pay off debt. If you have a significant amount of debt, consider putting your extra money toward paying that down or off. ...
  2. Boost your emergency fund. ...
  3. Increase your investment contributions. ...
  4. Invest in yourself. ...
  5. Consider the timing. ...
  6. Go ahead and treat yourself.

Is it best to have cash during a depression? ›

There are rules for making the most of a depression. Most important – cash is king. It's important to remember that during a recession or depression, cash is king.

What should I own if a dollar crashes? ›

Here are the Top Recommended Assets to Own When the Dollar Collapses
  • Gold And Silver Coins.
  • Gold IRAs.
  • Real Estate Investments.
  • Foreign Bonds.
  • Collectables Such as NFTs.
  • Food Storages.
  • Own Foreign Currency.
Dec 14, 2022

Where should I put money in a crisis? ›

4 investments to consider if a recession happens
  1. Stock funds. A stock fund, either an ETF or a mutual fund, is a great way to invest during a recession. ...
  2. Dividend stocks. ...
  3. Real estate. ...
  4. High-yield savings account. ...
  5. Bonds. ...
  6. Highly indebted companies. ...
  7. High-risk assets such as options.
Dec 6, 2022

What is the maximum amount of cash you can keep at home? ›

For cash purchases above Rs 2 lakh, a copy of PAN and Aadhaar card will be required. Any person can come on the radar of the investigating agency regarding the purchase and sale of cash assets of more than Rs 30 lakh.

Should you keep a stash of cash at home? ›

It's a good idea to keep a small sum of cash at home in case of an emergency. However, the bulk of your savings is better off in a savings account because of the deposit protections and interest-earning opportunities that financial institutions offer.

How much cash can you keep at home legally in US? ›

It is legal for you to store large amounts of cash at home so long that the source of the money has been declared on your tax returns. There is no limit to the amount of cash, silver and gold a person can keep in their home, the important thing is properly securing it.

Where is the safest place to stash cash? ›

Key Takeaways. Savings accounts are a safe place to keep your money because all deposits made by consumers are guaranteed by the FDIC for bank accounts or the NCUA for credit union accounts. Certificates of deposit (CDs) issued by banks and credit unions also carry deposit insurance.

Can you keep cash in a safety deposit box? ›

The bank that houses the safe deposit box will be happy to hold your cash in an account and maybe even give you a smidgen of interest on it.

Where do you put cash during inflation? ›

What are the best investments to make during inflation?
  • Real estate. Real estate is almost always an excellent investment and should be at the top of your list. ...
  • Savings bonds. ...
  • Stocks. ...
  • Silver and gold. ...
  • Commodities. ...
  • Cryptocurrency.
Jan 24, 2023

Should you pull your money out of the bank before a recession? ›

You should not withdraw money from your bank during an economic downturn if you wouldn't have done so during normal times. You should only make withdrawals from your bank during a recession if you need to spend it or reinvest it.

Will the government take money out of your bank account? ›

So, in short, yes, the IRS can legally take money from your bank account. Now, when does the IRS take money from your bank account? As we stated, before the IRS seizes a bank account, they will make several attempts to collect debts owed by the taxpayer.

Is it true that banks can seize your money? ›

(Kitco News) - A bank can legally confiscate its clients' money in the event it needs to stay afloat, and most retail investors are not aware of this, said Lynette Zang, Chief Marketing Analyst at ITM Trading, who stressed that such legislation is already codified in the Dodd-Frank Act.

What assets bring in the most money? ›

Here are some of the most common income generating assets to be aware of:
  • Real Estate Assets.
  • Stocks.
  • Savings Accounts.
  • Certificates Of Deposits.
  • Private Equity Investing.
  • Peer-to-Peer Lending.
  • Building A Business.
  • Farmland.

What is the most valuable asset to have? ›

Your home is probably your most valuable asset; other key assets include investments, automobiles, collectibles, and jewelry. Accurately determining the value of your assets versus estimating is essential, including getting a home appraisal for your place of residence.

What is the most valuable asset in life? ›

There's a reason why most successful people agree that time is their most valuable asset: Once it's gone, it's gone forever. Unlike money, you can't earn more time.

What is the most stable asset in the world? ›

U.S. Treasury bonds are widely considered the safest investments on earth. Because the United States government has never defaulted on its debt, investors see U.S. Treasuries as highly secure investment vehicles.

What assets do millionaires buy? ›

Millionaires have many different investment philosophies. These can include investing in real estate, stock, commodities and hedge funds, among other types of financial investments.

What are the most liquid financial assets? ›

Cash on hand is the most liquid type of asset, followed by funds you can withdraw from your bank accounts. No conversion is necessary — if your business needs a cash infusion, you can access your funds right away.

What happens to my money if there is a depression? ›

Deposits Are Protected by the FDIC. This is overwhelmingly the main form of protection that consumers have in case their banks fail due to an economic downturn or other issue. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a semi-private organization that was created in the wake of the Great Depression.

How do you survive financial depression? ›

To boost your chances of surviving an economic downturn, here are my top 18 recession money rules:
  1. Build a 12- to 24-month emergency fund. ...
  2. Minimize high-interest debt. ...
  3. Prepare to borrow money. ...
  4. Keep your credit accounts active. ...
  5. If you have low-interest mortgage debt, stay put. ...
  6. Buy in bulk if you can afford to.
Jul 6, 2022

How do people get rich in a recession? ›

The easiest way to get rich during a recession is to invest as much money into the stock market as you can. When there's a recession, stock market performance declines. Consumers spend less and companies earn less, causing investors to worry.

What is the best way to protect your wealth? ›

Preserving personal wealth requires legal planning, adequate insurance and creditor protections. To safeguard a business, consider buy-sell agreements, key person insurance and proper entity classification. Growing personal wealth involves the use of qualified retirement plans, estate planning and philanthropy.

What to do with cash before a recession? ›

6 money moves to make when you're worried about a recession
  1. Make your dollars go further. ...
  2. Take another look at your spending. ...
  3. Get rid of high-interest credit card debt. ...
  4. Extra cash? ...
  5. Stay the course with your investments and think long term. ...
  6. Consider rolling over to a Roth IRA.

Is my money safe if the banks crash? ›

First, the good news: "No depositor has ever lost a penny of insured deposits since the FDIC was created in 1933," according to the FDIC. The FDIC guarantees $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank. For sums above that amount, customers would typically need to file a claim for the remaining amount.

How long will financial depression last? ›

Recessions last for months, while a depression can last for years. A recession is often the result of consumers losing confidence in the economy due to some major event, such as the coronavirus pandemic.

Who got rich during the Great Depression? ›

Not everyone, however, lost money during the worst economic downturn in American history. Business titans such as William Boeing and Walter Chrysler actually grew their fortunes during the Great Depression.

How to become a millionaire during a recession? ›

  1. The easiest way to get rich during a recession is to invest as much money into the stock market as you can. ...
  2. Most important is that if you're spending less, you'll have more money available to put into the stock market. ...
  3. By reducing your expenses, you also give yourself more breathing room if your income decreases.
Jan 14, 2023

What do people buy the most during a recession? ›

Consumer Staples
  • Food. Everyone needs to eat and offering some food items can be a great way to expand your product offerings during an economic downturn. ...
  • Personal Care Items. ...
  • Cosmetics and Related Services. ...
  • Pet Care Products and Services. ...
  • Clothing. ...
  • Baby Items.

Is it better to have cash or property in a recession? ›

In addition, during recessions, people with access to cash are in a better position to take advantage of investment opportunities that can significantly improve their finances long-term.

What sells in a recession? ›

What makes a product recession-proof?
  • Consumer staples. There are some items that you need no matter what the stock market is doing. ...
  • Camping gear. Lavish vacations to distant lands are not as attractive during recessions. ...
  • Automotive parts. ...
  • Coffee and tea. ...
  • Tupperware. ...
  • Candy. ...
  • Cosmetics. ...
  • Pet care products.
Aug 8, 2022

How do I keep my assets private? ›

Seven Ways to Protect Your Assets from Litigation and Creditors
  1. Purchase Insurance. Insurance is crucial as a first line of protection against speculative claims that could endanger your assets. ...
  2. Transfer Assets. ...
  3. Re-Title Assets. ...
  4. Make Retirement Plan Contributions. ...
  5. Create an LLC or FLP. ...
  6. Set Up a DAPT. ...
  7. Create an Offshore Trust.
Aug 18, 2022

What is the secret to wealth? ›

Having a plan is by far the most important secret of all. A goal without a plan is just a wish, so for you to achieve your financial goals, you need to plan out your investments. When you plan and map out your goals, it's easier to measure your results against your goals and hold yourself accountable.

What is the best form of asset protection? ›

Best Asset Protection Strategies for Individuals
  • Asset protection trusts.
  • Annuities.
  • Cash value life insurance policies.
  • Liability coverage (auto insurance, etc.)
  • Limited Liability Companies.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.