How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (2024)

Table of Contents
Do You Want To Earn Money With Your Travel Blog / Website -While Traveling – (Even Sooner Than You Think)? Why You Should Read This Post: “My Case Study” 1 | CHANGING MY HOSTING PROVIDER: 2| CHANGING MY OLD THEME TO “PRO.” THE RESULTS! How can I start a website or blog from scratch? What are the best ways to monetize a blog/website? How long does it take to make money with my blog/website? MY TOP 3 STRATEGIES TO MONETIZE A TRAVEL BLOG 1| AFFILIATE MARKETING 1| The articles rank very high on search engines. 2| The articles give added value to my readers. 3| My affiliates have high conversion rates and/or good commissions. 4| The topic is in a profitable niche, and it’s targeted to a specific segment of my audience. What Approach Should You Take with Your Affiliate Programs First: Focus on SEO Second: EXPERIMENT Third: VALUE A word of advice CONTENT QUALITY: WHAT NOT TO DO WITH AFFILIATES(learn from my mistakes) Don’t put random generic links everywhere: Don’t keeplinks that are not performing: Don’t follow the crowd: Don’t get discouraged too soon: 2| Cooperations With Brands + Sponsored Posts How To Find Legitimate Opportunities for Sponsored Posts? 1| Direct: How Much Money Can You Make with Sponsored Posts? 1|Your blogging schedule: 2|How your audience reacts to sponsored posts: 3| How much can you charge for a sponsored post: 3| Free Lance Assignements: 3+1 Final Tips To Find Freelance Jobs Through Your Blog 1| Business cards: 2| Be proactive: 3| Attend blogger/travel industry events: 4| Think outside the box: Have you found other original ways to monetize your blog? Do youwant to add your own experience or ask about something I didn’t cover? Leave a comment! Thanks for reading! 🙂


Contents - Open To Read

How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (1)

Do You Want To Earn Money With Your Travel Blog / Website -While Traveling – (Even Sooner Than You Think)?

Disclaimer: The post was updated on Jan 2023 and first published in 2014.

If you are reading this article, it is probably because you have a travel blog or a websiteand want to know how to monetize it, right? Then read on because you’re in the right place!

Or perhaps you are already making money withyour blog, but it’s not enough to pay the bills, and you are wondering how to improve and take your blog income to the next level.

If this is the case, you are in the right place, and for once, I want to start with the good news.Even if your blog doesn’thavea massive number of visitors, you can still take it to the next level and make some serious money in a legit way.

Or maybe you alreadyhave the traffic but don’t know how to convert it into a side income? This article can help you too!

First thing first: before you trust me enough to read what I have to say, I think it’s fair to tell youwhy I am entitled to writeabout how to monetize a travel blog. I’m no Neil Patel, after all 🙂

Why You Should Read This Post: “My Case Study”

I’ll be honest here. I’m a very lucky girl.

Only three months after monetizing my blog, I earn as much as an average of 9 to 5 jobs. And I’m here tohelp you achieve similar results. When I started my website, I had no idea how to make money with a blog. It was unprofessional, and I startedworking onit ten months ago.

Because of this slow start (and the fact that English is not my native language), I still have a lot of work to do, butdespite this, I’m already in good shape, money-wise. Soif I managed to succeed, you can too!

Below is a screenshot of my stats since I started blogging. It clearly shows you how taking your blog seriously and working hard willgive you tangibletraffic (and money) results.

I have to add that these great results came from super hard work and a little investment in 2 major things that truly changed my website from amatorial to professional:


(God bless Siteground, no, really!)

How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (2)

After some major issues with my previous provider (an Italian company called Webhosting), I researched for months to see which was the most reliable.

I decided to go with Siteground and I’m still with them because since I made the switch, I saw a spike in traffic and an overall more reliable website performance. I’m just annoyed that I didn’t choose them from the beginning.

The new hosting also helped tremendously rank higher on Google, which means more traffic and conversions! I will write a separate post about why I love Siteground and their 24/7 live Customer Service (not sure the love is mutual poor people. I tend to keep them busy with every tiny detail, but they are always very patient!). I also started noticing that many of my colleagues were also using it. Not a coincidence 🙂


It took me one year to find it and when I did: Love at first sight!

How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (3)

Another small investment, but well worth the money! My theme is X Theme (now switched to Pro, same family, only better!). After I made the switch, I had so many people asking me about it, so if you want to see the features, you can look at it here. I can tell you that it took me almost ONE YEAR to choose it. Yep, that long.

I wanted to be 100% sure that once I got this one, that would be it. And, in fact is! This theme is so versatile that I could still use it and have a completely different layout. I have a fresh example to show you how two websites can look very different using the X theme.

I recently created a secondary website about Sardinia from scratch and a third one about Beauty &lifestyle.

Click on the link and check for yourself: do they look similar to you? And the Theme is the same. I LOVE THIS!I won’t go into many details here, but having a professional theme makes a HUGE difference, and I saw it right away!


How a few small changes made a massive difference!

How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (4)

I was featured in one of the most influential newspapers in my region, and I immediately started receiving many messages from people asking me how I did it. The most recurring questions were:

How can I start a website or blog from scratch?

What are the best ways to monetize a blog/website?

How long does it take to make money with my blog/website?

Did I wake up one morning andsee the money rolling in? I wish It were that easy, but you already know thatcreating a good website and making money is a hell of a job.It takes time, patience, and hard work.

But it’s not all bad news. It’s all about finding out what works for your blog andfollowing the three goldenrules for any entrepreneur:

Do what you genuinely love. Do it with passion. Never give up.

In this post, Iwill focus on thetop 3 strategies I used to monetize my travel blog to give you some tips andspeed up your earning process.

Besides the conventional, direct ways tomake money fastonline, you can also have an income by using your website as a portfolio of your work to get some freelance assignments. There are various ways to be a freelancer with your travel blog (see the dedicated chapter below!)



How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (5)

Affiliate programs are a good option for many travel bloggers. The opinions on this model vary from ultimate hate to absolute love.

In my case, it was love at first sight. BesidesCJ(in the picture), I have other affiliate programs that give me even better results: and Affiliate Windows. I’m also experimenting with Amazon on my article about what to pack for your trip. I’m getting decent results with two specific pages on Travel & Photo gear and Travel beauty Products pages.

But before you run to your blog and start putting random links to affiliates everywhere, I want to share my experience with you and show you how to make it work.

What is affiliate marketing?If you are not familiar with affiliates, here is an explanation:

“A way for a company to sell its productsby signing up individuals or companies known as”affiliates”who market the company’s products for a commission”

In a nutshell, Isearch for products/services that my readers might find useful (but most importantly, that I have tested myself and found reliable) and put laser-targeted deep links into my articles.

This approach has worked wonders for me for fourreasons:

1| The articles rank very high on search engines.

They are among the top 3 results on Google for a few profitable keywords. The competition for my keywords is medium-low, and I also rank high with “long-tail keywords.”

2| The articles give added value to my readers.

They have a “personal touch,” show my expertise and give the readers precise answers to their needs. This leads to interaction(more comments) and conversions.

3| My affiliates have high conversion rates and/or good commissions.

4| The topic is in a profitable niche, and it’s targeted to a specific segment of my audience.

That said, the results with affiliatesdon’t come overnight and do not apply to all the posts.

What Approach Should You Take with Your Affiliate Programs

First: Focus on SEO

You have to make it to Google’s first page byimplementing internal and external SEO strategies, whichtake up to 3-4 months. It usually takes less for blogs with higher PR and Domain Authority to rank higher on Google (if you do your homework properly).

Very Important: people don’t realize the importance of a good hosting provider.

As soon as I switched to my new one (Siteground) in 2014, my site started ranking higher for more keywords.

Why? I will write a separate chapter about this as there is so much to talk about, but for now,let’s say that the user experience has improved drastically, and Google noticed that. Super good for SEO (I wish I had discovered this sooner!)


Try at least 5-6 affiliate programs to see which ones work better with your audience. A trial and error phase can take up to 1-2 months.

Third: VALUE

Continue to give added value by replying to the comments in detail. Time-consuming but worth the investment. Your readers will see this as proof of authority and trust, which leads to high conversion rates. I made more than $250 in commission by replying to a comment several times. How? I linked to my affiliates in the comments as well. Not bad, huh?

A word of advice

Don’t obsess too much over Page Rank and Domain Authority. When my most profitable article made it to the first page, my blog was not even one year old and had DA 0.


Write good quality content, and it will pay off in your Google rankings. Having quality backlinks is still important, but in my case, they were not the main reason why I am making money today.

WHAT NOT TO DO WITH AFFILIATES(learn from my mistakes)

Don’t put random generic links everywhere:

Maybe with the hope that someone will click on them. It doesn’t work well and is counterproductive as the reader is not stupid and will find it annoying. Always place relevant, useful deep links. Banners don’t convert as well as links.

Don’t keeplinks that are not performing:

Remove the links when an affiliate is not performing after a month or two. They are just eating up space and distracting from your best-performing programs.

Don’t follow the crowd:

Don’t put an affiliate simply because other bloggers are making money. Your blog and audience might be different and not perform the same way.

Don’t get discouraged too soon:

You are already using affiliates, butyou’re not seeing much monetary return. Have a deeper look at your best articles, and keep trying new affiliates. It took me a whileto make it work, but when I finally found the right ones, they becamea steady source of income.

2| Cooperations With Brands + Sponsored Posts

How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (6)

Cooperating with important brands can take many shapes and forms, one of them being via Sponsored posts, one of the most popular ways to earn good money with your travel blog. However, this monetizing model is somehow controversial.

  • For Visibility:The advertisers pay an influential blogger to have more visibility and, consequentially, to increase their earnings and reinforce their brand image.
  • For SEO:The advertisers who pay you to place a link or an article written by themfor SEO purposes. They usually target websites with high PR and Domain Authority and request a “Do follow” link.

Even when I had Domain Authority 0, I received a few business proposals, and I turned them down because buying and selling links goes against Google’s policy. Like it or not, that’s the way it is, and I don’t want to risk months of hard work for a few bucks now.

Update: Now Google allows Sponsored posts usually with a No Follow link but it’s at your discretion if you truly trust the brand you can leave it Do Follow. I don’t get the panic of leaving a link Do Follow if you do believe the company is valid and you want to vouch for it.

Anyway, I digress 🙂 More importantly, Google is now asking you to add the “Rel=sponsored” to the link to signal that your content is sponsored.

How To Find Legitimate Opportunities for Sponsored Posts?

1| Direct:

Sometimes sponsors will find you and contact you directly. Some want exposure on social media, while others want to publish content on your website. The downside is that you need to wait for the sponsors to find you or pitch them and hope to get a positive response.

They are great places to connect influencers (bloggers) with sponsors quickly and easily. Unfortunately, many of these websites still accept advertisers looking for “Do follow” links, with the risk of getting penalized by Google.

Sometimes they offer me good money to advertise or mention products that have nothing to do with me or with travel and even if the idea of earning 200, sometimes 400$ is tempting don’t fall for it.

One time I was offered more than 5000$ for a product, and I had to decline… no kidding! I said no, as I couldn’t see myself promoting something I didn’t find exciting or at least useful for my readers.

The product itself wasn’t bad at all. But a good partnership with an advertiser is when you believe in the service/product and try it yourself, even without being paid.

So my advice here is: By all means, sign up to these marketplaces but on your profile make sure to clarify what your website is about so that they will send you only relevant sponsors. A win-win situation for everyone!

How Much Money Can You Make with Sponsored Posts?

Sponsored posts have a huge potential in terms of profit, and your earnings depend on a few factors:

1|Your blogging schedule:

You can easily squeeze in a sponsored post if you write at least twice weekly. It is not ideal to only write sponsored posts, so the more you write, the better you can make them work for your website.

2|How your audience reacts to sponsored posts:

Make sure to publish only content with added value for your readers: sponsored or not. It shouldn’t make any difference tothem. After all, I’m suggesting a product or service that I would use myself with the affiliates. Sponsored posts takea different approach, but the concept is the same.

3| How much can you charge for a sponsored post:

It mainly depends on your influence. The more your audience is engaged, the more you can charge (from $50 to $500 or more).

I love this monetizing model as it helps me diversify my income. Relying on affiliate marketing is a risk, and it’s best to always implement different ways of making money to be safe.

3| Free Lance Assignements:

Besides the conventional, direct ways to make money online, you can also have an income by using your website as a portfolio of your work to get some freelance assignments. There are various ways to be a freelancer with your travel blog.

Below is the list of what I did to earn some more money during my trips:

  • Free-lance photographerfor hotels and hostels (I got paid and received free accommodation)
  • Writing assignments in Italian and English for online magazines
  • English-Italian translator for online and printed publications
  • Paid consulting for people who needed to plan a trip to Sardinia.

These are all good ways to use your blog to earn money indirectly. If you know a second language or have specializedskills, you should put them in your media kit and try to find people interested. It’s easier than you think.

3+1 Final Tips To Find Freelance Jobs Through Your Blog

1| Business cards:

Always bring a few business cards with you, even if you are going to a beach party. You never know who you are going to meet. I got a few assignments during random social events. Handing out your business card is a sign of professionalism that gives you more chances to be considered.

2| Be proactive:

I scored my first paid photoshoot when I saw a flyer attached to a hostel door saying, “Searching for Professional Photographer.” I am not a professional, but I asked to talk to the manager, handed over my business card, and showed her my blog. She liked it and decided to hire me, as I was less expensive than a professional. It was a win-win situation.

3| Attend blogger/travel industry events:

Very important. So important that I wrote an article/guideafter attending the WTM (World Travel Market) in London last year. You can find many useful tips in it, so check it out!

4| Think outside the box:

This is the most important advice I can give you. You are probably thinking, “Ok, but how exactly”?I know a blogger who partneredwith a local travel agency, and she nowpromotes the destination in exchange for a % of the sales.

Some bloggers organize tailored trips, cooperate on consulting websites or create their products/services. The possibilities arelimited only by your imagination.

Get creative, be patient and work hard.

Trust me, the results will arrive sooner than you think!

Have you found other original ways to monetize your blog? Do youwant to add your own experience or ask about something I didn’t cover? Leave a comment!

Thanks for reading! 🙂


How To Make Money With A Travel Blog: Easy Strategies That Work! (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.